The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e18 Episode Script

Which One Is Jaime?

We want Jaime Sommers
in good condition.
I don't make commitments
I can't keep.
But you have never gone after
anyone like her.
Someone is snooping
around asking about
a female OSI agent who has
unusual physical capabilities.
They are trying to hold you
with a pair of handcuffs?
I can't even reach it.
Pull it. The chain'II break.
Yeah, it'll break. But not
before your arm comes off.
One hundred thousand.
Good. That's the down payment.
The rest is due on delivery.
And you'd better deliver,
And you, my friend
You had better have
the rest of the money.
Now you don't have to worry about
our keeping our end of the arrangement.
Nor you, mine.
There's one reason
I've survived in this
This profession, Fowler.
I don't make commitments
I can't keep.
But you have never gone after
anyone like her.
Now I've told you,
her strength is
Yes, you have told me.
Several times.
I don't know how anyone
could be that strong,
especially a woman.
That, Burns, is what Fowler's
people want to find out.
All we know is that
she has fantastic strength
in her legs
and in her right arm.
Now remember, no rough stuff.
We want Jaime Sommers
in good condition.
I assure you, your merchandise
will be undamaged.
Little sleepy, perhaps,
but undamaged.
See? Fits right in the palm
of the hand. Okay?
Well, that's
That's your department.
Now what about the pickup?
You want her on your boat
as soon as possible,
and I want her off my hands
as soon as possible.
Call me at noon,
and I mean 12:00, sharp.
And I'll tell you then when
to be here with the helicopter.
Here? You're holding her here,
in the amusement park?
Can you think of any place
more private
than an amusement park,
closed for the winter?
Mr. Stratton doesn't
make mistakes.
I'll expect your call.
Now, where does Jaime Sommers
do her shopping?
Shopping? Don't you wanna know
where she lives?
We've already checked that out.
She lives in a little house over
a garage, with one entrance,
and she has a very large
German shepherd.
You see, we don't want her
to have home court advantage.
So, where does she shop?
Well, there's a shopping center
just a few miles
from where she lives.
Max, what is it?
You want me to go around for
the rest of my life half barefoot?
All right.
I will meet you halfway.
This is one game you are
not gonna win! Now, come on.
And neither am I. Oh, boy.
We got some company.
Here, this is yours.
MARK: Anybody home?
Who is it?
Mark! Hi. How you doing?
How are you, Jaime?
Okay. What a surprise!
Yeah. More on the way.
Callahan! Hi!
Hi! How're you doing?
Come in! I can't believe you
actually Let me take your coat.
What is going on?
Well, you see, I would think when
Oscar Goldman comes to the West Coast
that he would bring along
his secretary. Wouldn't you?
That means you've gotta work?
No, no, no.
He said I would hardly have anything
to do at all. Just like a vacation.
Fantastic! 'Cause we can go
to the beach.
Malibu is so beautiful
right now.
Okay. I get the feeling
this is more or less
than just a social visit.
Less. Oscar wants
to see you tonight.
Tonight! Why not tomorrow?
Wants to brief you tonight
so he can put you
on a plane for the Orient
tomorrow morning.
The Orient tomorrow morning.
Why? I mean, I just pick up and go
just like that? (LOUD BIONIC THUMP)
I'm sorry.
Hi. What about Max? I can't
just leave him here alone.
I've gotta have somebody here
to take care of him.
Well, as Oscar said, it'll be
like a vacation for Callahan.
Yeah. That would be nice.
I sort of hoped that
that so-called vacation
could've been spent together,
you know?
What about clothes for you?
I mean, come on,
she's not exactly my size,
you know.
Her suitcase is in the car.
I'll get it now.
He's thought of everything.
Oh, yeah.
All right. I guess
I'd better pack one, too.
Come on. I can let you
know about
how to take care of the
kid here while we're doing it.
Come on.
Max. Good boy, Max.
Okay. Now just keep his water
bowl full, and I think that ought to do it.
One more thing. Please
don't spoil him, Callahan.
You gotta let him know
who's boss right off the bat.
All right.
About ready, Jaime?
Yeah. I just gotta find some
car keys here for Callahan.
Can't leave her without
wheels. There you go.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
And you, my friend
Listen, I want you to be
very good for Callahan. Okay?
She's very special to me,
just like you are.
Jaime, it's getting late.
Listen, I'll call you as soon
as I get to the airport. Okay?
Yeah. I'll make sure
everything's okay.
Have a good trip.
Hey, listen Listen,
don't Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Okay, Max,
it's just you and me, kid.
I hope you like
the arrangements, Max.
JAIME: Tell me what's going on. I
want to know why there's all this secrecy
about my mission to the Orient.
MARK: Not much I can tell you. I
just know that it's urgent and secret.
Oscar was kind of vague
about my role in this.
I'm sure he'll fill you in
once we get to LA.
Okay, Max. I want to get a
few things straight around here.
Listen, you're a dog.
You're a lovable dog, Max.
Yes, you are. A lovable doggie.
But nevertheless, you're a dog.
And I, on the other hand,
am a human.
And being a human, well it It kind of
gives you certain rights and privileges,
one of which is the fact that I'm
gonna run things around here, Max.
Okay? I I mean, do
Do you understand?
That's good. Good, Max.
Now listen, you just remember that I'm
the one that's gonna be in charge here.
I guess that maybe being in
charge isn't the answer either, Max?
Oscar, Jaime doesn't like
being cooped up here.
She doesn't like being here
under a phony name,
and the fact of the matter is,
she doesn't like being here at all.
She doesn't have to like it,
If there's any danger around
here, she's gonna stay here.
Could we at least tell her
what the situation is
instead of conning her with this
bit about a mission to the Orient?
That fact is, we don't know
what the situation is.
All we know is that someone
is snooping around asking about
a female OSI agent who has
unusual physical capabilities.
Well, can we tell her that much?
If we tell her that, you
know Jaime, what she'll say.
She'll call it
an unfounded rumor
and then we'll have a more
difficult time protecting her.
That's her.
That must be her.
A blue 1978 Hatchback.
TVU 566.
No, Max.
Honey, you can't come.
I'll just be a minute.
Gotta get coffee.
Listen, Max
Remember who's in charge here.
Good thinking, kid.
See you in a minute.
Excuse me.
Yeah. It's all right.
I'm sorry.
Yeah. It's okay.
Are you okay?
What's wrong, lady?
Say something! Are you okay?
Say something. Please!
Say something!
I'm a doctor.
This woman needs to be
hospitalized immediately.
Would you help me get her
to my car.
Yes, Doctor.
Thank you.
You go on. I'll follow.
All right.
Hope she'll be okay.
So do I.
Are you sure no one saw you
give super-lady her shot?
The hand is quicker
than the eye.
OSCAR: I don't care
how many men it takes!
I want this thing settled, and I want
it settled fast! Do you understand?
Well, I think we finally
got a lead on that someone
who's been asking questions
about Jaime.
Well, good! Maybe things will get back
to normal now for Jaime and for Callahan.
Have you called Callahan?
Twice. There's no answer. She
must be out walking Max or something.
Maybe you'd better drive
over there. See what's what.
All right.
All right, boys.
I'll see you outside.
When does Fowler pick her up?
We'll talk about that later.
Well, I'm glad to see
you're awake, Miss Sommers.
Yes, we know who you are.
Just hold on a second, guys,
because I'm not
You're not what?
I'm not gonna give you
any trouble.
That's very wise.
I'm beginning to think that this super-strength
stuff is all in Fowler's imagination.
Well, we just
deliver the merchandise.
Our customer will have to
check that out for himself.
You just relax, Miss Sommers.
You won't be here long.
Oh, boy.
Her dog is here
and headed in her direction.
Get the tranquilizer gun
and head him off.
Hello? Anybody home?
Where are you two? Hello!
Max! Max! You've killed him!
Take it easy, lady.
All right, guys.
Set that marker out
for that helicopter.
We've got an arrival time
in a minute.
You You guys. You guys
are really something, aren't you?
You picking on animals
and women.
Take it easy, lady.
He was just knocked out,
like you were.
You creep.
Max. Max. Max, get up.
Max, come on, boy.
Because when they find out
that I'm not Jaime,
they're gonna do us in and
they're gonna go after her.
Max, please.
Please get up.
It looks like
she started to make coffee
and then realized she was out.
Must have gone to get some.
There's a shopping center you
pass just before you get to her house.
See if she's there.
All right. I'll check it out
on the way back. Right.
Hey, do you know anything
about who owns this car, mister?
Yeah. It belongs to a friend
of mine. I'm trying to find her.
Craziest thing happened
this morning.
I was out here
collecting shopping carts,
like I'm doing now,
and I saw this dog,
a great big German shepherd
in this car
pushing against the hatchback
and then it popped open,
the dog sniffed around
a little bit,
and then he took off in that
direction at about 60 miles an hour.
Do me a favor.
Tell the manager
we'll pick the car up later
this afternoon. All right?
Say, is that dog for real?
Let's just say,
it's a rather unusual animal.
please get up, boy.
Please, boy. Please, get up.
Good boy.
That's a good boy, Max.
You can do it. Yes.
That's okay, Max.
No, Max. No, Max.
Please, get up.
Julie, is Oscar here?
I'm sorry, he's not in.
What about Mark?
He's out, too.
Is that what they
told you to say?
No, Jaime, honest.
Mark left, and then about 10
minutes later, Oscar went out, too.
I don't understand
what's going on here.
They pick me up in the middle of the
night and bring me here for a briefing.
Now, I'm supposed to leave
first thing in the morning
on a plane for the Orient
or something like that.
The morning has come and gone.
There is no briefing, there is no
plane, and there is now no Oscar.
I don't know what to say, Jaime.
Well, I don't either.
I don't mean to be laying
all of this on you, Julie, but I
I just I can't I don't
know how to deal with
With a secret mission that they're
keeping secret even from me.
RAY: That dog won't cause us
any trouble.
I locked him in the tool cage.
This is turning out to be
pretty easy money.
One of the rewards
for not making mistakes.
Fowler's right on time.
Here. Put this away.
Of course
the merchandise is here.
It's in perfect condition
and ready for pickup.
Take off the minute you hang up.
It should take you
no more than 20 minutes.
Yes, we'll have the
markers out for the helicopter.
Of course she's secured
for pickup.
I took your word even though
it's hard to believe
such a small woman can be
as strong as you say.
I know she's 5'8".
When I said small,
I was referring to her weight.
A hundred and ten pounds?
That's about what I guessed.
Hold on. One of my men
just came in.
We've got the wrong woman!
Why didn't he give us
that description before?
Why didn't you ask for one?
I don't know. I don't know.
But what are we gonna do?
Stall him. Stall him.
Stall him.
I was just informed that there's
alight plane circling in the area.
We can't take the chance that he
might see your helicopter landing here,
so delay your arrival
until about 3:00.
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Good.
I don't know
what could've happened!
I mean I just don't know
Shut up! Come on.
What are we gonna do now?
I don't know. First, we find out
who that imposter in the tool shed is.
Come on, Max. That's a
good boy. Come on, Max.
Max, please get up.
Max Max, get up. Good boy.
Okay, Max. Open the door.
Open the door, Max. I
I don't know how, boy, but
just open it. Please open it.
No, Max. Max
Max No, Max. Max, stand up.
Come on, Max. Please.
Max, get up!
All right. Listen, Max.
Max, you remember,
that I am the one
that's in charge here. Okay?
Stand up, Max. Stand!
That's right, Max.
That's a good boy. Come.
That's it, Max. That's it.
Come on, Max. You can do it.
Come on, boy. That's it.
That's it, Max. That's a boy.
That's a good dog.
Good dog, Max. I love you.
I love you. Max, I love you.
I love you.
Chew the chain, Max. Chew the
chain. The chain in the back, boy.
Go behind me, Max.
Chew the chains.
Chew the chains, boy.
That's a good boy. That's it.
That's a good dog, Max.
That's a good boy, Max.
Max, you're so smart.
This is it, Max.
We've gotta get through
these bars. It's this.
Leads us to freedom, Max.
Go ahead, boy. Go ahead.
If you get us out of this, Max,
I'm gonna spoil you rotten.
Now, go ahead, kid.
Go ahead, boy. Go ahead, Max.
That's it, Max.
That's it, boy. Grab it.
That's it, Max. Now pull it.
That's it. That's it, Max.
Now the other one, Max.
That's a boy. Pull it, Max.
What I don't understand is why
she let us think she's Sommers.
It tells us one thing.
She knows Sommers. Open it.
That's it, Max. Max.
Max, what are you
Max, what are you doing?
What are you doing, Max? Max,
what are you doing? (MAX GROWLING)
Max, no! Max, if they see you,
they'll kill you.
Come on, Max. Go ahead, boy.
Run, Max! Run!
What happened?
They tried to get away.
The dog made it. She didn't.
But how?
With this!
You guys just stay away from me!
Grab her.
Not very convincing,
Miss Sommers!
Your driver's license
says Callahan.
Handcuff her and put her
in the other security room.
No Just a minute. You gotta listen
to me. I'm Jaime Sommers! Really!
Callahan is just a name
that I use. It's a cover name.
It's a name I use. It's just Get off
of me Get your hands off of me.
Hey, what's going on?
The dog got away. I want him
back. So use the tranquilizer guns.
Okay, Mr. Stratton.
Dog He tore through that
steel mesh and bit those chains.
That required an extraordinary
amount of strength
The kind Sommers is
supposed to have.
I have a feeling
that dog is very valuable.
Well, Callahan isn't.
I'll dispose of her.
No. Not yet.
She and Sommers are friends.
And the way she's been acting,
I'd say they're close friends.
So we use her as bait
to catch Jaime Sommers.
Oscar, Callahan is gone.
And she's in trouble!
What happened?
I don't know.
I found the car
at the shopping center
and a box boy told me that
he saw Max bust out
of the back of the car
and go after her.
Why would they take Callahan?
She doesn't know anything about
Wait a minute. Jaime's car.
Jaime's house. Of course.
They think she's Jaime!
Well, what do we do now?
What do we do now?
We gotta find Callahan!
We hit him with one of these
and that dog'II sleep for aweek.
Let's go.
He headed that way.
If you guys
don't let me out of here,
you're gonna be in big trouble.
No, Miss Callahan.
You're in big trouble.
We're gonna give you a chance
to get out of it.
If you think I'm gonna
help you, you're nuts.
Your wallet was
a wealth of information.
You're gonna call
Jaime Sommers at OSI
and tell her to meet you here at
Funland at the Midway at 2:00.
And tell her to come alone.
Over my dead body.
If she doesn't come, you die.
Forget it.
As you wish.
You see, there's no way
that I would ever help you.
You already have, Miss Callahan.
Jaime. Hi. Will you
tell me what's going on?
I want to know why
there's all this secrecy
about my mission to the Orient.
Well, I Look, I've got some
very important papers here
that I've gotta give to Julie,
and it's urgent.
Right. It's urgent and it's
secret just like the mission.
And, well, it can also wait like
the mission. Now what's going on?
What are you so upset about?
This kind of hurry-up-and-wait thing
goes on all the time
Come on. This is different.
This is more than that.
I mean, I feel like I've got some
kind of a contagious disease.
Everyone is ignoring me and
And I haven't even seen Oscar
since I've been here.
All right. Look,
I'll take you to see Oscar.
But give me a minute
with him first. All right?
Julie, would you send these
up to the fourth floor.
Oscar's expecting me.
MARK: Oscar,
this is important.
What have you got?
Jaime's becoming a real problem.
She's suspicious and she's
demanding to know what's going on.
Yeah? Well, I've got a much
bigger problem right now.
A few minutes ago someone
called and asked for Jaime.
You mean
somebody knows she's here?
Someone's guessing
that she's here.
The caller played a tape of
a conversation with Callahan.
I had my secretary, Julie,
impersonate Jaime,
I taped it.
OSCAR: Let me rewind it
and you can hear for yourself.
Jaime, I hope you realize
I don't understand everything
that goes on around here.
I only work here.
I know. I know, Julie.
Look, I'm sorry.
I realize that I have been giving
you a lot of the fallout from my temper,
and I do apologize.
I'm very sorry.
Well, I guess I'd better
take care of these papers.
CALLAHAN: If you guys don't
let me out of here,
you're gonna be in big trouble.
STRATTON: No, Miss Callahan. You're in
We're gonna give you a chance
to get out of it.
CALLAHAN: If you think I'm
gonna help you, you're nuts.
STRATTON: Your wallet was
a wealth of information.
You're gonna call
Jaime Sommers at OS!
And tell her to meet you here
at Funland at the Midway at 2:00.
And tell her to come alone.
CALLAHAN: Over my dead body.
STRATTON: If she doesn't come,
you die,
Jaime, I'll tell Mr. Goldman
you tried to see him.
Don't bother! That's okay.
I I already did.
MARK: We've got to stake
the place out with our best men.
I“ do that, Callahan's dead.
If you don't do it,
she's gonna be dead anyway.
We've gotta nail these guys or they're
gonna get to Jaime sooner or later.
We don't have any choice.
I can't do that to Callahan.
You have got to do it.
Get going.
Julie, call Special Operations and
have them send some men up here.
All right. Jaime must
know about the phone call?
No. Why?
Well, she seemed upset
when she ran out of here.
Must have heard the tapes!
Jaime has heard the tapes
and she's on her way to the park.
Julie, get me a map of the
Los Angeles area, please.
Just missed him.
He's heading toward the loop.
Let's head him off.
How'd he do that?
I don't know.
Let me have a look at that.
All right.
It's a half an hour by car.
If we go by helicopter, it'll
attract too much attention.
Mark, go downstairs,
get two cars ready
and some men and wait for me.
I'll be down in a couple of minutes.
Julie, get Captain Arnold on the phone
at the Los Angeles Police Department.
WOMAN: LAPD. Special Section.
Oscar Goldman calling
for Captain Arnold, please.
One moment.
They're getting him.
ARNOLD: Hello,
This is Captain Arnold.
All right. He's on the line.
Captain Arnold, this is
Oscar Goldman speaking.
I need your help.
One of my agents is on
a dangerous mission
to the Funland Amusement Park.
What I'd like to know is,
is the park closed?
And if it is, how many men
can I expect to find there?
ARNOLD: Yeah, [know the park. It's
been closed for the past six months,
I'll have to get back to you
on who you can expect to find.
All right.
I'm on my way there now,
and you can reach me
by mobile phone. One thing.
Have all the entrances and exits, streets
going to and from the park, barricaded.
I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Thank you.
Julie, those kidnappers
may call again.
If they do, have security
have a tracer ready for them.
And listen, try to stall them.
But, if you can't,
don't tell them anything.
Excuse me, miss. You're not
allowed in the park. It's closed.
But I was supposed to
meet someone here.
Would you know anything
about that?
No. No, Iwouldn't. I
I think I saw
I think I saw some people in the
parking lot. It's right out that way.
All right. I'll take a look.
Jaime! Are you okay?
You feel all right?
Yeah, I guess I'm okay.
What's going on here?
Some goons grabbed me,
thinking it was you.
Slight case of
mistaken identity?
Yeah. Slight. I mean,
it's really flattering,
except I've a funny feeling
these guys are gonna play rough.
Yeah. Okay. I think we'd
better get out of here.
How many of them are there?
There's one outside the door.
Maybe three more.
Well, well.
Sit down, Miss Sommers.
If she moves, kill Callahan.
There is no doubt we've
got the right one this time.
Handcuff Sommers' right hand
to Callahan's left
through the arms of the chairs.
She'll tear those
handcuffs apart!
I'm sure she can
but I think she won't.
All right.
I'll see you outside.
Seem to know a lot about me.
I wouldn't say a lot,
Miss Sommers.
But it's enough.
I'd say.
They have seen
how strong you are,
and they are trying to hold
you with a pair of handcuffs!
Can you believe
how dumb they are?
It's not so dumb. They're pretty
darn smart as a matter of fact.
Look, I can't even reach it.
What are you talking about?
Just pull it! The chain'II break!
Yeah, it'll break. But not
before your arm comes off.
This is This is fantastic.
It's great.
A simple pair of handcuffs
and your bionics are useless.
I've got my legs.
Yeah. Yeah!
You can kick the door down!
Yeah, I can kick the door down and
then I can just run out there bionically
and drag you and these
two chairs along with me.
Well That's bad. Yeah.
Max! Max can help.
Max is here?
When we hear
from Captain Arnold,
we'll know how many men
to bring in.
Yes? Yes, Captain, he is.
Yes, Captain.
What'd you find out?
ARNOLD: Park has been leased
by a Jake Stratton.
He's been using
the storage facilities,
and should have no more than
two or three men there with him,
That's what I need to know.
All right. I'm going in
with one car,
and I'm going to need
one of yours.
We have the park surrounded.
You can pick up one of my cars
on your way in,
I'll let them know that you're
coming, Good luck, Mr. Goldman.
Thank you, Captain.
We'll be there
in about 10 minutes.
I don't see him anywhere.
He's gotta be here!
No, he's He's probably
too far away by now.
No, no, no, no. He's not
too far away for this
Are you gonna do it?
Okay. Wait a second.
What was that?
I don't know.
Where did it come from?
We better check it out.
Right. Come on.
Max! Come on, boy!
Come on, Max!
Come on in here. Come on.
Come on, boy.
CALLAHAN: That's a good boy,
Max. Come on, Max.
Max, come Come.
Come on, Max.
That's a good boy, Max.
JAIME: Max, come on.
Yeah, that's it. Come on.
Come on, Max.
JAIME: Max, come on.
Come on, Max. Come on in here.
JAIME: Come on, Max.
CALLAHAN: That's a good boy.
That's it. Come on.
Good doggie.
Come Max, come on.
You can do it.
Come on, Max.
Good boy, Max. Okay.
Good, Max.
Talk about man's best friend.
Yeah, well, he's doing
pretty good for us girls, too.
Come here, Max.
Back up. Come on.
Well, where's the dog?
We haven't got him yet.
That must be it.
That dog did something
to make that noise.
Well, get moving!
And get him this time!
Good boy, Max.
Good dog, Max. You sure
are a good boy. Yes, you are.
Come on. All I have to do
is kick this door down.
What about that guard?
Yeah. I better get the guard.
There's a fire in here!
Help us, please!
There's a fire!
Come on, Callahan!
Max, come on! Come on!
Lee. Come in, Lee!
Those two women and that dog
just busted out!
Mr. Stratton.
Thought I told you
to get that dog.
Keith just radioed.
He says they're gone!
They smashed the door down
and took off!
Well, look, get after them!
You go that way!
I'll see if I can get a
shot at them from above!
Go ahead.
Check over there.
Wait a minute.
Somebody's coming!
Max, take Callahan
and get her out of here.
I'm gonna lead them off. No, I
don't want to leave you, Jaime.
Listen. Come on. If you don't
split, they'll get us all. Now go!
Are you all right?
Get the men.
Callahan, do you know
where Jaime is?
I don't know.
Max. Max.
Where is she? Where's Jaime?
Stay with me, Callahan.
All right, hold it right there!
Go get them, Max!
thank God you're all right.
Yeah. It's kind of nice
to see you all, too.
Nice work.
We've got the place covered.
I'm sorry about
that phony mission.
But it was the only way
I could help you.
(GUN comma)
He's all right.
He went into the pond.
Thank you.
You think we got 'em all now?
I think we've got them all, including
Roger Fowler, the ringleader.
You did good, babe.
Little help
from my friends here.
I'm sure glad this little
caper went to the dogs.
Sorry, guys. Sorry.
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