Walker, Texas Ranger s03e18 Episode Script

Trust No One

Come on, let's go.
- Hi, guys.
| - Took your sweet time getting here.
Had the feds looking at me | soon as I crossed the border.
Took the scenic route.
But I lost them.
Manna from heaven.
| Come on, boys, load them up.
Let's take them down.
We got trouble.
Move them out! Come on! Okay, okay! Okay.
It's a trumped-up, phony, | little case you got here, Walker.
Not as phony as the money, Buford.
That plane was supposed to be loaded | with diesel-engine part\s.
Someone switched loads.
| I've been set up! - So why did you run? | - I thought you were a bunch of hijackers, | gonna kill us all.
- You believe that, Trivette? | - Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I know lots of guys who get their diesel part\s from | airplanes out in the middle of nowhere.
You know, this is the nicest job of wrapping and packaging | counterfeit money I've ever seen.
Really, this is the best job | we've ever busted.
Take it in, count it, | turn it over to customs.
All right.
Buford, I'm gonna call | your brother Lyle and tell him that the diesel part\s | didn't come in.
Well, you think you're just pretty | damn funny, don't you? The only thing funny is you spending | the next years in Huntsville.
Let's go.
They switched diesel part\s? That story wouldn't raise suds | in the preacher's bubble bath.
Consider the source.
My little brother sure don't have | any respect for his limitations.
Can you count | on the two new men? Well, they were lookouts, that's all.
They don't even know my name, | I don't believe.
Well, your brother sure does, and you know how he likes | to shoot off his mouth.
Best he's out of jail before | he says something you'll regret.
Bail them all out, | and do whatever it takes to get Buford out of this mess.
- You still counting this money? | - We've counted it three times.
There's a problem.
What's the problem? There's only million here.
That's what I counted.
The problem is, our man in Mexico | said there was million in the plane.
Well, could he be wrong? No, he helped Steve Macy | load the plane.
If he said there was million | when it took off, that's how much there was.
- Well then, Steve Macy's freelancing.
| - He's also our informant.
I was counting on his testimony | to nail Lyle Pike.
Without Steve Macy, | I don't have a solid case.
Well, I don't understand, Alex.
| You got all this.
Evidence is missing, | which is gonna be confirmed by the customs agent from Mexico.
Defense will have a field day.
All they have to do is knock over | that first domino, tainted evidence, and the rest will fall over | all by themselves.
No, we got Pike | and those guys red-handed.
They're not gonna walk because | our tally's off.
That's a technicality.
Do you know how many cases we lost | because of technicalities, Trivette? Why would Steve Macy | run like that? We had a deal.
He was guaranteed | immunity from prosecution.
Well, $ million | in counterfeit money.
Laundered, | that's about a million bucks.
Now see, that's incentive | enough for anybody.
Walker, is there something | that we're overlooking? I mean, could anyone else | have skimmed off this shipment? No, no one.
No, it had to be Macy.
He and Ranger Trivette | are the only ones that ever had access to the money.
Just let me do the talking.
Hello? Oh, you must be Stacy.
- That's right.
Who are you? | - All right.
Where's Steve? He's not here right now.
Oh, shucks.
That's a shame.
| I was hoping to see him, because airplanes | have always fascinated me.
I don't understand them.
How in the world a hunk of metal | can fly thousands of feet in the air.
Did you know that your boyfriend was | supposed to smuggle in $ million in counterfeit money for us? And now word has it | that he's come up million short\, so you can understand | how surprised we are.
Well, I'm sure that Steve | didn't take your money.
Well, but, l I need to have him tell me that face to face.
| Where's he got off to? I don't know.
But this This | This is Steve's plane, isn't it? You are his woman? He left the two most import\ant | things in his life without saying where he went? Go on.
| How come I don't believe you? Do you have any idea how easy it is | for a person to get their neck broke? It's a whole lot easier | than making a hunk of metal fly.
It's a miracle how easy it is.
Miracles never cease, Lyle.
Now, let her go.
Well, what? | There's nothing wrong here.
Just having a little friendly chat | with the lady.
Isn't that right? Didn't look too friendly to me.
Buford, I swear, | how many times have I told you man has a badge on, | you don't lay a glove on him? My brother is a whole bucket short\ | of a full tank.
Now, I hope this is not gonna cause | any little old charges to be brought.
When I make charges, Lyle, they'll be for a lifetime.
Get your sorry carcass moving.
Well, am I ever glad you showed up.
What were they doing here? He said something about Steve | taking his money.
That's why I'm here.
| Where is Steve? How much trouble's he in? He's in a lot of trouble, Stacy, | unless he turns himself in.
Now, where is he? I don't know.
Steve? Steve? You're not supposed to call here.
I'm at a phone booth, I'm not | at the shop.
So don't get mad, okay? Lyle was here.
He means business.
| And Walker too.
Says he wants to talk to you.
Says you're in a lot of trouble | and should turn yourself in.
- Like that's news? | - Please.
Honey, I can't take this, all right? | I'm scared.
Everything's gonna be okay, Stacy.
| You'll see.
We're almost there.
We just got this tape | of last night's broadcast.
The latest scandal | to rock local law enforcement is the hush-hush disappearance | of $ million in counterfeit money.
Now, where did | all those forged funds go? Inside sources say that this man | may have the answer.
- Oh, I hate that picture.
| - Texas Ranger James Trivette.
Now, before their big raid, | the Rangers expected about $ million in bogus bills.
But after it was confiscated, Ranger Trivette transported | the phony greenbacks to Ranger headquarters by himself.
And surprise, our sources say | they counted only million.
What happened? - Has this former street kid, | - Yes.
Turned star athlete, turned Texas Ranger, | now turned bad? Or is he merely | a victim of circumstance? Or is it simply the fault | of bad math on our poor, beleaguered | law enforcement officers? We'll bring you more on this story | when we ask the question, where did the buck stop, | and with whom? How does that guy | get away with stuff like that? Insinuating a Texas Ranger | would steal money? Well, as soon as we find Steve Macy | and the counterfeit money, this'll all blow over, | so just grin and bear it.
Yeah, it's the price of fame.
Could I borrow some change | for the coffee machine? I left my million dollars | in my other pants pocket.
Very funny.
You know, a TV report\ like this | is extremely inflammatory.
I'm worried about how the judge | is gonna react in court\ tomorrow.
Alex Cahill.
Yes, sir.
If that's what you want, | I'll get right on it.
- Who was that? | - My boss.
Internal Affairs has requested all the | depart\ment files on the Pike brothers and James Trivette.
Your Honor, | may I approach the bench? Perhaps counsel would like to hear | the charges before interrupting - Sorry, but this is extremely import\ant.
| - Miss Cahill has a point.
Your Honor, it has been report\ed in | the media that there are some serious and profound irregularities | regarding the state's evidence.
And before we proceed any furt\her, you might wanna find out | if these are true.
Your Honor, | counsel should know better than to believe everything | that he sees on TV.
Miss Cahill, this court\ would also | like to discuss those report\s.
According to the report\, the arresting | officers were expecting $ million in counterfeit money, not .
Your Honor, | an unsubstantiated rumor promoted by this gossip monger, | Ron Packwood, hardly warrants | sidetracking these proceedings.
Then depose Customs Agent | John Halbert\ and we'll find out for cert\ain.
Packwood is notorious for playing | fast and loose with the facts.
That the evidence was tampered with | could render it inadmissible.
- Oh, first-year law-school theatrics.
| - Oh, is that right? Stop squabbling.
Your Honor, if any part\ | of Packwood's report\ is accurate, then my clients have a right to know it, | and so does this court\.
The allegation that a Texas Ranger | may have taken some of the evidence | for personal gain is extremely relevant to this case.
Your Honor, let's not forget | who the accused are here.
Oh, what do you care about justice? | You just wanna convict my clients - and notch up another victory.
| - Enough, both of you.
A television report\ | is not to be ignored, Miss Cahill.
Round up the arresting officers.
In chambers, right now.
Well, at least Judge Gorman | only postponed the preliminary trial.
She could've dismissed | the charges outright.
- Thank God for small favors, huh? | - Well, she really didn't have a choice.
Either she clears it up now, or Rose | will make a bigger stink on appeals.
Look, I don't like it.
I mean, what have we heard | from our informant, Steve Macy? There's an all-points out on him, | but nothing yet.
Well, if you hear from Macy, and | if he turns himself in and the money, we'll offer him immunity in exchange | for his testimony against the Pikes.
Ranger Trivette, are you pleased | with Judge Gorman's delay of pretrial? Yeah, I thought the judge did | what she thought was right.
Yeah, how does this affect | your credibility as a Texas Ranger? I don't follow you.
How can you function | as a Texas Ranger with this cloud of suspicion | hanging over you? - What? | - That's enough questions for now.
I'm sure Ranger Trivette will be happy | to answer some more later.
How do you feel about the charges | your part\ner may have stolen? - There were no charges.
| - Right.
Oh, really? Then why did you purchase | a one-way ticket to Mexico City? What are you talking about, pal? A very reliable source told me | the tickets were delivered to your desk in Ranger headquart\ers about an hour | ago.
You care to comment on that? Come on.
- I didn't do nothing, Lyle.
| - Are you playing games? - No, Lyle.
| - With me? - You leave me alone.
| - I don't get that five mil, I'm short\ a lot of hard cash, which means I can't pay the boys | in Mexico their end.
And that means they're gonna cut | my heart\ out with a dull shovel.
- I want that money! | - I ain't got it.
Who does? Must be that Steve Macy | or that Ranger.
Macy? You hired Macy? | You helping him to rip me off? You're like the devil hisself.
You get my money back, or I'll make the devil look like | a Sunday-school teacher.
Come on in.
| Make yourself at home.
I've been going over | this Jim Trivette file.
- Trivette, Carl.
| - Trivette.
He looks first-rate.
He is first-rate.
- Mind if I record this? | - No, go ahead.
Carl Blanford interview | with Ranger Cordell Walker, March rd, : in the afternoon.
Just go ahead and tell me what | you think of Sergeant James Trivette.
I'm proud to be his part\ner.
We've been together now | for almost two years, and Trivette has distinguished | himself many times.
So it's your estimation that he can be | trusted with valuable evidence, even million | in counterfeit currency? Absolutely.
Look, Carl, he's clean.
| You know it, I know it, okay? Look, I know you're | very loyal to him.
And I start\ed believing | that straight-arrow stuff - you say about him till | - Till what? Oh, well, we got some | very damaging information today.
What kind of information? Well, we questioned that | Ron Packwood over at Channel .
He laid some very volatile | documents in our laps.
Like what? Well, like Trivette buys | a one-way ticket to Mexico City.
Like he wires $ | to a realtor there as earnest money on a condo | in Puert\o Vallart\a.
I can't believe you guys | are believing this Packwood guy.
Like there's a bank account in | the Cayman Islands in Trivette's name at a very well-known | laundering institution.
Anyone could've done that.
Yeah, like there's grand | in that account until it's transferred | to Zurich yesterday.
Let me see that.
He's being set up, Carl.
| You can see that as well as I can.
It doesn't matter what I can see.
| It's what the review board thinks, and you and I both know | that a lot of good men have been terminated for a lot less.
All right, look.
I've got an APB out | on this Steve Macy.
I know he's got | the counterfeit money.
Trivette and I'll go track him down, | all right? Sergeant Trivette's been taken off | active duty until furt\her notice.
- He's gonna be given desk work.
| - You can't do that, Carl.
Look, that is depart\ment policy.
| It is not up to me.
- I'm very sorry, amigo.
| - Yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
Thanks for coming by.
Here you go, darling.
Mabel, I didn't order all this.
You gotta keep | your strength up, Jimmy.
I'm fine.
You don't have to pretend with me.
What's wrong is wrong.
I want you to know | that these shoulders are for crying on.
That's nice, but I'm great.
| Really I am.
I'm just sick about | what they've done to you.
Jimmy, let me tell you something.
You can learn something | from that old gal.
She gets her feelings up, | she handles them, she gets them out.
- She doesn't keep it bottled inside her.
| - I'm not holding anything inside, C.
Jimmy, you can't do it | like you did football.
You can't play in pain.
You gotta reach down, | get those feelings, get them up there, find out what they are | and handle them.
There's no pain, C.
| I didn't do anything.
Remember, it's America.
| I'm innocent until proven guilty.
Walker's over at I.
| He's clearing everything up.
He's gonna come through the door | smiling.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Hi, C.
Hi, Trivette.
How'd it go? Let's go for a walk.
- Ranger Walker, I heard from Steve.
| - Where is he? He didn't tell me where he was, | but he told me to come see you.
He didn't steal that money | from the Pikes.
Then who did? How should I know? Look, I believe him, that's all.
Steve is a really good guy.
He just panicked | when all that shooting start\ed.
He says he'll testify against the Pikes | if you'll still grant him immunity.
I want him in, Stacy.
| I want him in now.
He's gonna call me | for an answer later.
Well, tell him | he doesn't have a choice.
Hey, you shouldn't have come here.
I had to come see you.
This is really getting to me.
| I don't know if I can do this anymore.
It's done, Stacy.
We pulled it off.
In a few days it'll all be over.
Okay? Okay.
Hey, now, go home.
I'll call you soon.
Now, remember, Bama, | we gotta bring him back alive.
The last thing in this life I needed | was Steve Macy dead.
Tell me you didn't shoot him.
It was either him or me, Lyle.
He took Bama out.
On account of you, | I'm on the hook and nowhere to go.
I gotta make | a whole new deal on credit just to pay off | what I lost on the last one.
Well, this time, I'm gonna be there to | make damn sure you don't screw it up.
Hey, it wasn't me who brought | those Rangers down on us.
I don't know how they found out | about us.
For years, I've objected | to police internal affairs depart\ments.
I don't know.
Maybe it has something | to do with cops policing other cops.
It doesn't turn me on.
What I favor instead is a civilian | investigation board, especially in cases like the one involving | Texas Ranger James Trivette.
Now, it wasn't the Internal Affairs | Depart\ment that broke the news of Ranger Trivette's planned | extended stay south of the border.
No, you heard it from a civilian, me, right here | on Texas Undercover.
Now, perhaps if more civilians | were allowed to investigate cops, there'd be fewer bad apples in our | police forces all over our great state.
Think about it, Texas.
| I'm Ron Packwood.
I'll see you tomorrow | right here on .
Okay, stop tape.
The tape's good.
| That's a wrap, guys.
Good show.
Packwood, | can I talk to you for a minute? I was wondering | when you'd show up.
I just wanna ask you | a couple of questions.
Well, it'll have to wait.
I'm busy.
Where'd you get that information | about me taking off to Mexico? Freedom of the press.
| Ever hear about it? I don't have to reveal | my sources to anyone.
Your sources are wrong.
You ever heard of libel? My information was checked and rechecked by your own | Internal Affairs Depart\ment.
It's right on target.
| Go ahead and sue me.
Listen, somebody is trying | to set me up.
I don't know anything about tickets | or condominiums or bank accounts.
I don't know anything | about any of that stuff.
Pardon me.
I have deadlines.
What is with you? What, you like wrecking | people's lives? Is that it? No, I like telling the truth, especially about bad cops.
Now, you take your hands off me, or we can add police brutality | to your bag of tricks.
You haven't heard the last of me.
Is that a threat? It's whatever you want it to be, pal.
- Did you get that on tape? | - We got it.
What are you doing | in Steve's plane? I'm not really sure.
I've just got the feeling | I'm missing something.
Thought I'd look around.
Can't you just let him rest in peace? Not till I clear my part\ner, Stacy.
Yeah, well, | at least your part\ner is still alive.
You know, | all Steve wanted was immunity.
If he hadn't turned informant, we would have something | really good right now.
I'm sorry, Stacy.
But if Steve had followed the plan, he'd still be here today, | and you know that.
I'm sorry.
Walker, come in.
Walker? Walker, you out there? What is it, Trivette? Hey, you feel like taking a spin? On my way.
I'm just east | of the Highway junction.
I got Buford and Beeman on my tail.
I bet he's heading | for that money right now.
Aren't you supposed to be working | behind a desk? I got my laptop in the trunk.
Look, you want a piece of these guys? | I'm tired of these yahoos on my butt.
Then let's do something about it.
What the? I'm right behind them, Trivette.
Have you ever played bumper cars? You feel better, Trivette? As a matter of fact, I do.
Can I talk to you for a minute? I was wondering | when you were gonna show up.
I just wanna ask you | a couple of questions.
- It'll have to wait.
I'm busy.
| - Well, look.
What? You like wrecking people's lives? | Is that it? No, I like telling the truth, | especially about dirty cops.
Now, you take your hands off me or we can add police brutality | to your little bag of tricks.
You haven't heard the last of me.
- Is that a threat? | - It's whatever you want it to be, pal.
It didn't happen like that.
That's not how I said it.
| He edited the tape.
Packwood's gonna air this | on his show tonight.
He already sent a copy over to I.
This is not gonna help you | with public opinion, Jimmy.
Now it's public opinion.
First it's rumors, | then it's innuendoes.
Is that what my career's | hanging on now? Well, you made a big mistake | by going in and confronting this guy.
That's so easy for you to say.
Why don't you try | being me on this one? I'm the one in the toilet now, okay? Well, you're not alone.
I didn't see you on the television.
Look, you don't go nose to nose | with Packwood on his own turf.
How much of my career's | gonna be left if I stand around | taking it on the chin? Not much, according to you.
I'm Man, look, | I'm being framed, all right? He's doing a damn good job.
Everything I worked for | is going down the drain.
Let him cool off.
This isn't good, Walker.
I know.
- I need that information right away.
| - You got it.
Maisy, do you know | where Trivette is? I have no idea.
Okay, thanks.
What's up, John? My agent in Mexico | passed some news you might like.
How'd you know I was here? Gut feeling.
Looks a lot bigger from down here.
I remember | my first football game ever.
Changed my life.
Still miss the roar of the crowd | on game day? Make a touchdown here, the place becomes | a big, fat cat roaring.
It's great.
Then the cheering stops.
Done this hundreds of times.
I'm gonna shake this corner back, go | down yards, curl into the sideline.
On two: I saw it into my hands! Gave him the sideline: That instant, | I knew my career was over.
My career as a Dallas Cowboy | was over.
Now, I want you to tell me, | is my career as a Texas Ranger over? Not on your life.
See, I knew | you could throw the brick.
You're taking a risk having me here, | you know.
Let me worry about it.
All right, let's rock and roll, | gentlemen.
Do you feel lucky | with that monkey wrench, Lyle? Here, let me give you | a fighting chance.
Come on.
That's what I thought.
Son of a gun.
My brother's a chicken.
Hey, Lyle, I always thought | you had some guts, but you're nothing, | but a big, yellow chicken.
That's what you are, | you're a chicken.
The big old chicken.
| Nothing but a big old hen.
It's not.
Would you calm down | and let me handle this? You are not helping matters.
Frick and Frack in there | are at each other's throats.
One can't wait to hang the other.
- Well, I'm not surprised.
| - You know, that's not helping me.
I'm still in hot water.
Well, I may have a way | to cool you off.
Come on.
You showed your true color: I mean it! I'll take you | out behind the Stop it! Stop it! What are the hours? Three eighteen, .
Just as I figured.
| The hours don't match the logbook.
Hello, Walker.
Hello, Stacy.
Going somewhere? Thought it best if I took some time off | and saw some new scenery.
You know, | you might've got away with it.
If I hadn't found those photos | in this logbook, I wouldn't have known | you could fly this thing.
Why don't the two of you | get away from the plane? Your license says you're rated | for night and instrument flying.
You and Steve planted | that evidence against me.
It was a pretty good job, though.
The tickets, the condo, | bank accounts.
It wasn't that hard to do.
Airport\ security guard | saw you take off at a.
In Steve's plane | the night he was killed.
He said you came back | around dawn.
Well, I guess | I didn't think of everything, did I? No, I guess you didn't.
We checked Steve's logbook against the engine hours | on the Hobbs meter.
Four and a half hours | unaccounted for.
Just enough time | to pick up the counterfeit money.
How'd it feel leading those men | to Steve's door? Poor guy didn't know | you wanted everything for yourself.
Come on, Stacy, give it up.
Just get away from the plane now.
No, no! Trivette, can you get out over there? No, I can't get out.
In the plane.
Come on, man.
Get us out of here.
Here goes.
You're not gonna chase her in this, | are you? You got a better idea? Yeah, running would be good.
Oh, I don't like this.
| I didn't know you could fly.
- I can't.
| - You can't fly? Well, I've had a couple lessons.
Walker, the tanker.
- Walker, the tanker! | - I'll clear it.
- No, you won't! | - Yes, I will! Well, I'll be.
We're flying.
There she is.
Aren't you supposed | to pick the nose up or something? Take the nose up, Walker! - I don't believe this.
| - Will you calm down? - You're making me nervous.
| - I'm making you nervous? Slow it down.
Do something.
Where's the brake? If I ever get out of here Oh, no, this is crazy.
| You're not gonna go under the bridge.
It's wide enough.
No! Told you.
You hit your truck.
You hit your truck.
I didn't mean to.
Okay, okay, come on.
Are you sure | this stock is going to go up? No, no, that one goes down.
| This is the one What? What? That's me.
What is this? It's that spare million | you were looking for.
Yeah, play money.
| Every one with my face on it.
- Could've got a better picture.
| - Is there such a thing? Hey!
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