The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e19 Episode Script

Out of Body

Iwelcome you into my
heart. You're a good friend.
It's true, then,
Rosebud's stolen?
What is Rosebud?
The most devastating
bomb ever devised.
It's absurd to think Tommy
had anything to do with this.
Tommy's dead.
Tommy has been trying to reach
her on some subconscious level,
to communicate with her.
Hello, Mr. Cowboy.
How are you doing?
My goodness.
Don't ever do that again.
Just don't ever do that again.
Okay? I've got a lot
of work to do.
Serves you right.
Standing up a lady
such as myself
on a Friday night.
That's really disgusting.
Uh-oh. Um
Yes, uh-oh.
What time is it, Jaime?
It's very late. I forgot.
I didn't mean to.
You were going to take
me out to have some dinner
and then see some
hot comedians, unquote.
Hey, look, I'm really
sorry. I didn't mean it.
Dr. Jennings has
kept you locked up
in this place for two weeks now
and tonight
you promised me dinner
and some laughs.
Come on.
We can still catch
the last set if we hurry.
Even though we're not going
to be able to have any dinner.
We can't stay long. Dr. Jennings
said he's going to call later.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The high voltage in that door
will kill that Indian kid.
Would you rather it be you?
Hey, someone's coming.
It can't be, it's too early.
It must be the night watchman.
Quickly, out of sight.
I'll pull the main switch.
Now, pull him out of sight.
Quickly, quickly, quickly.
There's no time to lose.
I'd like to know how we're
going to get past the voltage field.
The doctor has that figured out.
Quickly, quickly.
Thank you for coming.
I'm sorry to wake you
at such a late hour.
But unfortunately,
you're the only one
who has the second key
necessary for entry.
Hey, it's no problem.
Did you park in the
rear as I suggested?
Nobody saw me.
I came in the south gate.
You're a good lad.
Uh, how come I
always get the red door?
(LAUGHS) How come
I get the blue door?
I'll turn off the power.
Power's off.
Go ahead.
Come on, quickly. There's no
danger now. Come on, come on.
Now, that's a good Indian.
Denton, don't ever make
a remark like that again.
I only made the crack.
You're the one who killed him.
Dr. Jennings tried
to kill me.
Need help.
Kill me.
Can't hear me.
She doesn't know I'm here.
Jaime, I'm here.
What is it, Max?
I must reach her.
Go to our picture, Jaime.
Look at the picture.
Jaime, I think I'm dead.
It was Jennings.
He lied to me, Jaime.
Itrusted him and he lied to me.
He's just another lying,
cheating white man.
(SIGHS) It's no use.
She can't hear me.
I have to live
to get Dr, Jennings.
Getting weak.
Must live.
The amulet, Jaime.
The amulet.
The amulet.
Your spirit, my spirit.
Linked forever.
Oscar, I'm sorry,
I just can't believe it.
There's no way.
Believe me, it's
true. It happened.
Come on.
Where's Dr. Jennings?
He can tell you that Tommy
would have nothing to do with this.
He should be here any minute.
did Tommy ever mention
Rosebud to you?
What's a Rosebud?
Doctor. I got here
as soon as I could.
It's true, then,
Rosebud's stolen?
What is Rosebud?
The most devastating
bomb ever devised.
It was built and
developed by Dr. Jennings.
Yes. Their tests proved
that it was dangerous
and unpredictable.
And so, Washington
ordered it dismantled.
Dr. Jennings,
Oscar seems to feel
that Tommy had something
to do with this robbery.
My assistant?
No, no, no, no.
I know Tommy as well
as I know Jaime here.
Thank you.
Oscar, now you see, it's
absurd to think Tommy had
anything to do with this.
Oscar, come on, I would like to
know where you're holding him.
I want to talk to him.
We're not holding him.
Tommy's dead.
It doesn't matter how.
It happened during the robbery.
Sir, Dr. Wells just
called from the hospital.
Littlehorse is alive.
Oscar, what
What are you doing?
(STAMMERS) Why would you
tell me that he was
I don't know. Let's go to
the hospital and find out.
Rudy, I know
that he's in a coma,
but he wasn't alone
in this robbery.
I“ could talk to him.
How remote the chance might be?
I wouldn't count on
any help from Tommy.
His chance of pulling
through is very slight.
Rudy, may I go in?
Sure, Jaime.
Thank you.
There's no hope then?
There's always hope,
but whether there's
a basis for it
Hey, Cowboy.
I'm here.
I'm here.
You know, last night at exactly
the same time that this
happened, Iwoke up.
I had like a dream.
I don't know, but it was
more real than that.
It was kind of like
You don't have
to explain to me, Jaime.
I recall very clearly the day
you brought him to work for me.
He was a mechanical genius.
If I'd left him playing with his
cars, he wouldn't be in this bed.
No, don't say that.
(SIGHS) This is very difficult
for me. I wonder if I might
Of course. If we need
you, we'll call you.
Can't you be serious just
for five minutes straight, huh?
You can?
Yeah. All right.
Well, let me see.
I'm going to teach you
something. All right.
All right, repeat after me.
Waya-dona-pana Suwannee River
Listen, listen, listen
What do you What do
you think about the OSI?
You like it?
Ilike it.
I hope it works.
It'll work.
You and Dr. Jennings,
first white eyes to help Indian.
No speak with forked tongue.
I've got something for you.
Tommy, it's beautiful.
It's just like yours.
My mother and father wore them
all the time they were together.
Before you take it,
let me tell you what it means.
My spirit,
your spirit
linked forever.
Still want it?
Yes, I still want it.
What is that?
You're a good friend.
Iwelcome you
into my heart. See?
Friend is enough for me.
Me too.
You ready to leave?
Oh, I'd like to stay for a
little while, Oscar. If I may?
Look, I know what
you're thinking.
But, uh
I know Tommy better than anyone
and he couldn't do this thing.
And if he did, he certainly
must've had a good reason.
I hope so.
I have a little job
for you boys.
It appears that
Tommy is going to die.
I'd like you to go there
and make sure, tonight.
Wait a minute.
If you're taking book
he ain't going to make it,
then why bother?
Because I've seen
Dr. Rudy Wells
pull off some of his miracles.
And where Tommy
Littlehorse is concerned,
we can't risk any more.
We'll go there tonight
after visiting hours.
JAIME: How's he doing?
NURSE: He's still critical
but the life-support
system will carry him
through the crisis period.
Is there a coffee shop
around here somewhere?
On the second floor.
Thank you.
I know you're going
to make it, Cowboy.
I'll be back.
Iwelcome you into my heart.
My spirit,
your spirit
linked forever.
What's going on here?
Don't move.
how did you do that?
Uh, rubber shoes.
Listen, would you
please call Dr. Wells?
And see if you can get a hold
of Oscar Goldman at the OSI.
Of course.
Thank you.
I knew you were in danger
but I don't know how I knew.
I just kind of felt you
drawing me back.
You have to get well
so you can tell us
what happened at the lab
and why you were there,
you know. Um
I know you're innocent.
Please get well.
What? She overpowered you?
That little slip of a girl?
That slip of a girl
is strong as an ox.
You should have seen how she
Well, I want no excuses.
That boy's alive
and a danger to
Two, two, yes.
Two dozen test tubes
will be fine.
Just make sure they're heat
resistant. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Dr. Jennings.
I put a 24 hour guard
around Tommy's room.
So that that won't happen again.
It's a lucky thing
Jaime was there.
According to Jaime, luck
had nothing to do with it.
Where is she? I thought
she'd be here now.
I sent her home
to get some rest.
Jaime seems to think
that Tommy has been
trying to reach her
on some subconscious level,
to communicate with her.
You said you had
something to show us, Doctor.
Oh, yes.
Feel that draft?
Ah, your blood is thin.
I know you can't see me, Jaime,
but I've got to reach you.
She doesn't understand.
Why can't! reach her?
Jennings here.
Dr. Jennings, this is Jaime
Sommers. Is Oscar there?
Dr, Jennings?
Oh, Jaime, hello.
As a matter of fact, he just
left. Is something wrong?
No, uh, not exactly.
You've had another
vision, haven't you?
How did you know?
Well, uh, Oscar told me
something about it.
Oh, I can imagine
his tone of voice.
(CHUCKLES) You know
him well, don't you?
Well, I'm a scientist and we're
less skeptical than bureaucrats.
What was this vision like?
Well, up to now it's been
They've been more like
memories of Tommy and me.
Except this one was different.
a flash of Rosebud.
No, Jaime.
JAIME: It was in
a very large room,
And the place looked
like I don't know
An abandoned power plant
or something like that.
It just lasted
for a few seconds.
Well, that's not
my field, of course.
I have done some research in
parapsychology and psychic phenomenon.
I have a theory that if you are
in communication with Tommy,
if we can monitor
your brain wave chart,
perhaps we can get
him out of his coma.
I mean
Dr. Jennings,
I would do anything.
But it's only a theory.
You know, I'm under great
pressures to finish my work here.
Why don't we have
dinner tonight?
It'll relax us both.
Okay. Ah, fine.
We'll do that.
No, Jaime.
Would you pick me up
here at the lab?
Say about, ch, 8266?
Okay. Thank you.
Good-b ye.
That's crazy, Jennings.
That Indian kid's in a coma.
Now how could you
believe that he's
communicating with Sommers?
There are more things
in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamed
of in your philosophy.
Oh, let's say that I believe in
that pot of gold at
the end of the rainbow.
And you do too.
But since there are
too many guards
at the hospital these days,
we'll solve our problem
at Miss Sommers' end.
Do you have everything you need?
Very well then.
Let us go.
Dr, Jennings is dangerous.
Why can't she understand?
Please listen.
Don't go.
Quickly, we don't
have much time.
Don't worry, Doc. We've
done this elevator gag before.
Please listen.
Don't go.
Dr, Jennings is a killer.
He's dangerous.
Oh, Max, don't be jealous.
I'm only going out to dinner.
Gosh, what happened here?
Dr. Jennings?
Dr. Jennings?
OSCAR: Dr. Jennings has been
kidnapped right from under our noses.
From the look of the place,
he put up a heck of a struggle.
Two minutes to noon. We'll
soon find out what this is all about.
Rudy, I've got to talk to Tommy.
You may never have
the chance, Oscar.
He's had periodic bursts
of unusual brain activity.
He's exerting himself in a
way I can't even comprehend,
and after each occurrence,
he's weaker.
Then we'll never really know.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
Mr. Goldman, listen
good and listen fast.
I'm sure you're taping this,
so if you miss anything, you
can get it on the instant replay.
You got that?
OSCAR“. Who is this?
If I told you it
wouldn't ring any bells.
So let's just say I'm a stranger
with a business proposition.
Hang on, talk to
a friend of yours.
Hello, Oscar?
Dr, Jennings?
Where are you?
Are you all right?
Watch it, Doc. Say
just what I told you to.
Oscar, I'm doing as well as I
can under the circumstances.
They have Rosebud
here, I've seen it.
They want me to
set it off for them.
I told them I won't
co-operate. Oh
Oscar, they said that if I
don't co-operate with them,
they'll They'll
Give me that.
Okay, Goldman,
you've had plenty of time.
Now, we've got the Rosebud
and we got the guy who
knows how to push the buttons.
However, we'll give
you a package deal.
Five million dollars
for both of them.
Five million dollars, eh?
You got it.
And Dr. Rudy Wells
will be the go-between.
Now, 4:00 this
afternoon on Route 22,
one mile north
of the State cutoff.
Wait a minute.
4:00, that doesn't
give us enough time.
And five million bucks.
Rudy, you're the man.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
I'll get in touch with Jaime.
She'll be right there with you.
You'd better get going.
You haven't got much time.
I know you're there, Tommy.
Jennings. Jaime,
it's Dr. Jennings.
Concentrate, Jaime.
Hear me, Jaime.
He stole Rosebud.
Dr. Jennings?
It was Jennings.
Dr. Jennings is
in danger. Okay.
Okay, uh
Where, Tommy?
All right, help me.
Tommy Littlehorse!
Tommy Littlehorse!
Tommy Littlehorse.
Have you forgotten us, Tommy?
No. But another white
man has cheated an Indian.
I must stop him.
But I'm helpless. I
cannot be heard or seen.
Words of hate, my Son,
cannot be heard
from the second world.
Look around you.
What do you see, Tommy?
Our land.
Our strength.
Joined to it in life,
what else can it be
for us in death?
Am I to die then?
The choice is yours, Tommy.
You have been deceived
by one you trusted.
What do you hold
in your heart for him?
I want justice.
You seek revenge not justice.
Seek justice.
Seek it within yourself
and then feel your power.
Farewell, Tommy.
It's all here, Doctor.
Hmm, five million bucks.
As you know, a homing
device is hidden here,
in the handle.
And the transmitter is
buried throughout the side
with a limited range
of five miles.
Okay, we better
get going. It's 3:10.
Okay, okay.
Tommy, I knew you
were trying to reach me.
I knew it.
(GASPS) Okay.
Okay, okay. I think I know
what you're trying to do.
But that's not enough,
Tommy. I need more.
No, no. Don't go. Not yet.
The Municipal Power Plant?
Okay. Okay.
WOMAN: 081,
may I help you?
Yes, this is Jaime Sommers.
I'd like to speak with
Oscar Goldman, please.
It's urgent.
One moment, please.
You don't think he's going
to believe me, do you?
Neither do I.
Jacoby, is this thing working?
Loud and clear,
Dr. Wells.
It's 4:00.
Something's coming.
Dr. Wells, get rid
of that cop.
Yeah, I hear you.
Officer, you're going to have
to leave the area immediately.
I'm with the OSI.
You don't have to explain
that to me, Dr. Wells.
I'll just relieve you
of that, thank you.
JACOBY: Let's go.
All units, all units.
Maintain covert distance
and follow that motorcycle.
Everything worked smoothly.
Jaime, help me.
Thank heaven you're here.
How many more of them are there?
One more. Me.
Fast thinking, Doc.
Fast thinking, Doctor?
I'm sorry you got
involved in this, Jaime.
Handcuff her to Rosebud.
What now, Doc?
You two go ahead.
I'll take care of her.
Don't try to pull loose.
The struts are sensitive.
The least pressure and
Rosebud blows.
We all trusted you.
Washington destroyed my trust.
You know yourself, they
refused to test my Rosebud.
All right, I admit, it's
only 20% efficient now,
but with a little work, with
a little work, I could have
I believe that every man
deserves the fruits of his labor.
Rosebud is mine.
I have the right to patent it,
I have the right
to achieve recognition.
And no man, no
government has the right
to confiscate it
without my consent.
It's simple as that.
It's they, not I
who violated the trust.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing? Wait
a minute. Wait a minute.
Come on, you got
the money you wanted.
Why are you doing this?
There's no other way.
All right, I'm sure you don't
want to push this thing, huh?
Give it here.
This way, white eyes.
Look, I know you can hear me,
or at least part of you can
because you've been
with me for days now.
You can't give up, Cowboy.
first reason is, you promised me
another trip to the reservation
and I'm not going to let
you get away with it, see?
I mean, I know you
scared me half to death
going down those rapids
in that stupid tire but
I want to sit
and watch the sun set
behind the mountains
and swim in the lake
underneath the full moon again.
I mean, anybody who ever says
that Indians were stone-faced,
obviously never met you.
Do you have any idea
how cute you were,
when you were playing
softball with those kids
and you started
laughing. I just
I want to listen
to the night sounds
and I want you to tell me
stories about your mother
and your father
and your ancestors
and how the Indians
You know,
you talked awfully proud
then about how the Indians
You know, how they never
went down without a fight.
And look at you. Look
what you're doing, Tommy,
you're giving up and there's
absolutely no reason to give up.
You've won already.
You reached me
from wherever you are.
My God, I wish I knew
how to reach you.
You said, your spirit
and my spirit
were linked together forever.
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