The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e20 Episode Script

Long Live the King

Your mission will be to keep the
King from getting assassinated.
JAIME: That's poisonous gas!
It has to be me.
Who'd wanna kill you?
That social secretary, Ms. Sommers,
has not left the King's side all evening.
So much the worse for her.
I'm taking you off the
case. It's too dangerous!
So, that's the assignment.
Now you know why I had to fly you
into New York on such short notice.
King Kusari from Dalpor.
That's quite an honor.
I've known him for a long
time. He's an old friend of mine.
This is the most glamorous
assignment you've ever given me
and I want to thank you.
And dangerous.
You're going alone on this one.
Your mission will be to keep the
King from getting assassinated.
Who would want to kill him?
He's one of the fairest
and most democratic kings
this world has seen
in a long time.
Jaime, there are some
undemocratic people in his country
that have other ideas.
Does the King know
that I'm from the OSI?
No. And we'd rather
he wouldn't.
He's been offered protection,
but he's turned it down.
But he has accepted an offer
from the State Department
for a social secretary.
Mmm. Miss Social
Secretary. Hmm.
You'll be working
with Mr. Sam Sloan,
who's chief of protocol
in the city of New York.
Does this Mr. Sloan
know that I'm from the OSI?
Well, won't he guess?
I“ know Sam, he'll be
busy admiring your legs.
Well, is he hung up on bionics?
No, no. I'm the one that's
hung up on bionics, remember?
Okay, babe, that's it.
Oh, one more thing.
Keep the royal gatherings
small so we can keep
a close watch on everyone
that has access to the King.
All right.
That's it.
Sally, what's
Oh, I bet you I know what
Sure is.
See, I thought it would
be better ii just put him
on the plane with me
and then we'd get up here
and you could help me
find a place to
I'll arrange a place for Max to be
comfortably housed at the New York lab, Jaime.
Thank you.
Or maybe we could just
find him a job here, huh?
I can't wait for this weekend.
This weekend?
We're going sailing, remember?
Beth, I'm sorry, I can't
Sam, you promised. I changed all
my plans to be with you this weekend.
Now, darling,
I just found out this
that I have to take care
of a king this weekend.
Well, can't you get somebody
else to take care of him?
Oh, very well.
Beth, this is the CIA.
I About the security
plans for protecting the King.
I have to talk to them alone,
darling. You understand.
But I promise, I am
absolutely free next weekend.
I hate you.
No, you don't.
It's a date.
Hello, Marilyn.
Excuse me. Hi.
I'm Jaime Sommers.
Mr. Sloan
is expecting me.
Oh, yes, Ms. Sommers.
Mr. Sloan, Ms. Sommers is here.
Please go right in, Ms.
Sommers. Through those doors.
Okay, thank you.
Yes, I wanna be there, too.
Yes, it was good
talking to you, too.
God, you are not at all what
I expected, Ms. Sommers.
I'm very happy to meet you.
Well, thank you. Very
pleased to meet you, Mr. Sloan.
What were you expecting?
(CHUCKLING) Oh, I guess
a Washington worry-wart.
humorless, plain-Jane
who dreams of paper shredders
instead of bright red sport cars.
However, you're the freshest
breath of loveliness
that's come into my life
in many years,
Ms. Sommers.
Thank you, Mr. Sloan.
Well, please sit down.
And my name is Sam.
All right.
Is something the matter?
Oh, forgive me.
I know we have very
important business to discuss,
but I can't help it,
Ms. Sommers.
It's Jaime.
You see
Five years ago,
Beth and I were engaged
to be married.
A few days before the wedding, she
was killed in an automobile accident.
I'm sorry.
Until now, until you
walked through that door, I
I've never met anyone who
immediately reminded me of her.
Her warmth,
her naturalness,
and her beauty.
I don't quite know what to say.
Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have mentioned it.
No. It's okay. You know, I
just got a little embarrassed.
But flattered.
Thank you.
Jaime, let's have
dinner tonight.
I'd like for us to get to
know each other better.
Okay. All right. Fine.
Very good.
Now I guess we had
better get back to business.
How dumb can I get?
I left my purse
in Mr. Sloan's office.
No, no.
I'll get it.
list of the social events
we want King Kusari to attend.
I forgot my purse.
(STAMMERING) And as you can
see, the electronic surveillance is all
You must be Beth.
You look fantastic.
Why, thank you.
For a corpse.
Yes, His Highness will see him.
The State Department
has sent a James Sommers
to serve as your social
secretary. He's on his way up.
That is considerate of them.
Before Your Highness
goes on to Washington,
arrangements have been
made for a new wardrobe.
Mr. Byron, your
New York tailor,
has already been notified.
Good, good, good, good.
Ah! You remember, I also
want to do some shopping
for gifts while
I am in New York.
Yes, I remember, Your
Highness. I have prepared a list.
Consult the social
secretary about that.
He'll have more current
information on the New York shops.
And I suppose there
will be the usual
obligatory social functions.
Yes, I'm afraid so,
Your Highness.
Your Highness,
the social secretary.
How do you do?
James Somme's'?
Is not James a man's
name in your country?
Yes, it is. My name is Jaime
Sommers, Your Highness.
Jaime. Ah!
You must not think my
reaction was disappointment.
It was only surprise.
Okay, thank you.
These are the shops the King
wishes to visit in New York.
The list, I'm afraid,
is a few years old.
Perhaps you can
bring it up to date.
Thank you.
No, this list seems to be fine.
What I would like to do is contact
the stores and have them send
a representative with
their wares to you.
So it'll save you a lot of
time and trouble, all right?
That's an excellent idea.
The mayor of the city
is on the telephone.
Would you like to talk to him?
Of course!
Hello, is this the mayor?
There doesn't seem to
be anyone on the line.
Uh Would you like to see if you
have a preference here of stores?
That is an excellent idea of yours to
have the merchants bring their wares to me.
I don't think that James
Sommers would have done as well.
Thank you.
You're quite welcome.
I thought I made it clear
you were never to come here.
Well, I got a little
news for you.
Starting next week, your
payments are doubled.
Doubled? Why?
Well, we got a little trouble
with what you call a cash flow,
and we need more
of it coming in faster.
From you.
We made an agreement, Wally.
A guy who gambles and
loses more money than he's got,
he can't afford to argue.
You know what I mean?
Well, I can't handle double
my payments right now, Wally.
You know what I mean?
You getting smart?
No, I'm just telling
you the truth.
You'll find a way.
I doubt it.
If you need some
encouragement, uh
We can take care of that, too.
SHAROKAH: The viewing
glass is closed.
Under cover of
the focusing cloth,
I snap it open.
I place my gun
inside the camera.
No good.
Sharokah, I do not
want another failure.
The device that was placed
inside the telephone did not explode.
Now, everything that comes into
the King's suite will be inspected.
That gun will be found.
I can take Sharokah's
gun into the suite.
Members of the entourage
will not be searched.
That's better.
Give Kia your gun.
Once you have set up the camera,
Kia will express
an interest in it.
You will invite him
to take a look inside.
Once under the cloth, Kia can
place the gun into the camera for you.
Much better.
And when they think that
I am focusing on the King,
I aim through the lens
and the King is dead.
And in a few minutes, the news
will have reached our country
and my troops will
take the palace.
One other thing, Sharokah.
There may be a woman present
from the American State Department.
If she gets in your way, please
do not hesitate to kill her, too.
Has this equipment
been inspected?
Yes, Colonel. It is camera
equipment and nothing else.
His Highness is with
his tailor now.
He'll be up shortly.
Very good.
All right, hide the gun in the
camera now while no one is looking.
it right here.
(comm; GUN)
Is everything ready? I would not
like to keep His Highness waiting.
Don't worry, Colonel Mostafa.
Everything will be done
to your satisfaction.
I will get His Highness now.
Hi! Is that one of those cameras
that when you look through it
the people that you're taking
the picture of look upside down?
Well, uh Yes.
It's a view camera.
Is it?
May I look through it?
I'm sorry, miss, but we
We can't have the King waiting!
Oh, come on, he's nowhere
around, now, please.
What's going on here?
He was going to kill
His Majesty, Colonel.
Kia, take this man and turn
him over to the New York police.
I think the police would
like to have that weapon.
Good work, Ms. Sommers.
Thank you, Colonel.
His Majesty must not find out about this
incident until he is safely back in Dalpor.
It might be too upsetting to him
and spoil the rest of his American visit.
Fine, I understand, yes.
Where's the photographer now?
JAIME: Who knows? Kia was
supposed to turn him over to the police.
Then he came back with some
story about the photographer
knocking the gun out of his
hand and escaping, I don't know.
Any possibility that
that's true?
No, I'm sure Kia's
part of the plot,
Does he have any suspicion
of who you are, Jaime?
I don't think so.
Well, you better
be careful, babe.
I'm gonna.
Good luck.
SAM: And I want the official
reception the city of New York
is going to give for the King
to be absolutely outstanding.
JAIME: Keep it
small, huh?
Look, don't worry.
I'll make it as intimate as
a candlelit dinner for two.
And while I'm on that subject
Oh, come on, Jaime.
How many ways do I
have to say I'm sorry?
I give up.
How many?
Forgive me, huh?
Okay, I forgive you.
It's over, all right?
Now, can we get back
to the party, please?
No, no, no, no. You haven't
forgiven me. I can see it in your eyes.
Look, it was a neat trick, okay?
It was a clever idea, and
It was dumb.
It was a reflex. I've done it so
many times, it's become automatic.
If that girl had not
come back for her purse,
I would have believed you.
We would have gone to dinner.
And after dinner I
would've told you the truth,
I swear.
I swear.
You're a fascinating
man, Sam, uh
You're charming and handsome.
And you've got
everything going for you.
I do?
Yes, you do.
But you've got the subtlety of a
lumberjack and you play games.
I don't have to.
I'm not so sure about that.
I could do anything, Jaime,
with the right motivation.
I'm not asking you to change.
I understand that.
I just think it's too bad that you
don't recognize your own worth.
Maybe it's because I had
such a rotten childhood.
Come on, you're doing
it again, all right?
Yes, I am.
(CHUCKLING) Actually,
I had aterrific childhood.
You're impossible.
Serves me right.
I finally meet a woman I can
be serious with and I blow it.
Well, you're still young.
I'm not gonna give up on you.
Hey, it's not all
my fault, you know.
I can't help it if women
see me as just a sex object.
Oh, please, will you
give me a break?
Come on, now, look it, why
don't you and I get together here
and plan a small, but sensational
party for the King, okay?
All right, we'll have
it here and I will plan
a sensational guest list.
Then I will trim it
down to a proper size.
No, Mr. Byron, I don't think
so. I prefer the first fabric.
I agree, Your Highness.
It suits you better.
Thank you.
Have you picked the fabric for
your ties yet, Your Highness?
Oh, show him,
Mr. Byron.
Oh, yes, they are very
handsome, Your Highness.
Yes, Jaime, I had
the list checked.
Any bad apples here?
Well, as far as I know,
everybody's clear.
Okay, well, that's great. Listen,
thank you for rushing this through.
I really didn't want Sam to know that I
was having his list checked out, you know.
Yes, Sam Sloan.
Yes, I know who you mean.
How are you and Sam
getting along?
Well, fine, as a matter of
fact, we're having a good time.
Well, you know I mean, he's
very He's very nice to work with.
Uh Oscar?
I'm here, Jaime.
Yeah, is there anything
else, Mr. Goldman?
No, that's about all.
Take care of yourself,
will you? And
Say hello to Sam, will you?
All right, I will.
Thank you.
Oh, Jaime, where've
you been? I was worried.
I got caught in your
famous New York traffic.
Well, the staff is
gone for the day,
and the invitations for the King's
reception have to be addressed
and delivered by
messenger tonight.
So, I guess we're
stuck with the job.
Okay. Are you sure this isn't one
of your little ploys to get me alone?
I told you I wasn't giving up.
That's true, you did.
All right. Look,
we'll just split up
the guest list and the
invitations and get to work.
Ithinkthat's a marvelous idea
because after we finish with those
invitations, it's gonna be too late
to go out to dinner. So, we're
gonna have to go up to my place
and I'll whip you up
one of my famous
bachelor omelets.
I'll bet you're aterrible cook.
You're right.
Furthermore, I hate eggs.
Well, how does that feel?
How does what feel?
Telling the truth to a lady.
Now, why do I always get the
feeling I'm playing catch-up with you?
Hang in there.
I am.
I will.
Here's your half of
the list. I've got mine.
Right, Hey
I really like you. A lot.
Don't tell me you
gave up already?
No, I didn't give up.
I finished up.
That's impossible.
Check them.
You've either got a flock of
elves working out there with you,
or you're a witch.
Have a nice evening. I'll see
you at the caterer's tomorrow.
Jaime, what about dinner?
Real soon.
Iwondered whether
her interference
was as innocent as she
tried to make it seem,
so I had John check into her
background. Tell them what you found.
Well, there's a lot of
secrecy surrounding her,
but I found out
that Jaime Sommers
is a very important
agent of the OSI.
We will not be able to carry
out our plans with her around.
I agree. She must
be eliminated.
An OSI agent? Hey,
that's dangerous.
be well paid.
I heard her say that she will be at
the caterer tomorrow morning at 11:00.
Under the circumstances
You will be paid the same
fee for getting rid of her
as you are getting for the
assassination of the King.
SAM: The food customs of
Dalpor have to be considered
and the King's personal preferences
and prejudices in the food department.
How do you stay
on top of all this?
I don't know, sheer talent.
No, seriously,
it's just all part of the
job along with knowing
who sits next to whom and the order
in which people enter and leave a room.
You have quite a job and you do
it very well. I'm impressed, Sam.
Oh, come on. It's a
job like any other job.
No, no.
There's a certain amount
of satisfaction in doing it well,
or at least trying to.
Well, it's nice that you
feel that way about your job.
A lot of people don't, you know.
Mmm. You must be quite
a social secretary
for the State Department
to assign you to a King.
Well, I ain't too bad, you know.
No, you're not too bad.
Why isn't this elevator moving?
It's not working.
Be out of order for
about a half an hour.
What floor do you
want? The third.
Well, if you want to walk, the stairs
are over there. First door on the right.
Otherwise, you're gonna
have to wait about 30 minutes.
Uh, stairs.
The stairs.
We'll take the stairs.
Thanks a lot.
SAM: The King is very
fond of fresh fruit,
so the caterer will tell us what's in
season and we can make our selection, hmm?
Where are the stairs?
I guess this door over here.
It's locked.
This one's locked too.
That's poisonous
gas. Come on.
again, Sam, please.
Come on.
You all right?
Yeah, how about you?
Okay, I'm fine.
Let's get out of here.
All right.
Well, Jaime, I feel terrible
about what happened.
It wasn't exactly your fault.
You didn't drop the gas pellet.
Oh, of course not.
But I think I know
why it was dropped.
What do you mean?
They weren't out to get us.
They're out to get me.
Because you happened to be
with me, you were almost killed, too.
Why would someone
want to kill you?
I, uh I used to have
a gambling problem.
I got rid of the gambling, but
obviously I still have the problem.
I owe a lot of money.
And you think the people
you owe the money to did that?
What other explanation
could there be? It has to be me.
Who'd wanna kill you?
Listen very carefully, Wally.
I don't know what you and your
baboon friends are trying to pull but
Hey, Sam, you making
some kind of a joke?
That caper this morning
with the gas, and the
elevator not working,
that was no joke, Wally.
Gas? Elevators?
You losing your
marbles, or what?
You didn't try to
have me knocked off?
You think I'm crazy?
If you get knocked off, how
are we going to get our money?
Hey, Sam, if this is some kind of an
angle to get out of paying what you
No, no, Wally. I
I'll make the payments.
Yeah, well, you better, Sammy.
OSCAR: I'm getting another
agent to take over for you
and that's all there is to it.
Well, what is that
supposed to mean?
Don't you understand?
Your cover is blown. I'm
taking you off the case.
Oscar, Sam doesn't
know who I am.
He thinks this whole episode
is because of his silly gambling.
This has nothing to do with Sam.
Well, then what?
I have hard evidence here that
the local group of conspirators
are tied in with a
military group in Dalpor
and plan to take over the
country when the King is dead.
It's too dangerous.
I can't quit now.
Tonight is the reception of the
King and I've got to be with him.
That's all there is to it.
You're stubborn.
And for once, you're right.
MOSTAFA: You've been
paid a great deal of money
and so far you have
produced absolutely no results.
I don't know how they
got through that door.
I checked it out
myself beforehand.
(LOUDLY) Results!
That's all I'm interested in.
That social secretary, Ms. Sommers,
has not left the King's side all evening.
So much the worse for her.
Meeting people I'll never see
again or ever come to know
This is the boring part
of the royal profession.
Don't you ever feel like
you just would like to run off
in a corner and hide sometimes?
I'd give half my
kingdom for one minute.
That's a figure of speech.
Your Majesty, good evening.
How do you do?
What ajoy it would be,
never to have to force a smile.
You're not forcing one now.
Thank you.
Excuse me, are you George?
No, ma'am.
George is
George is sick. He
asked me to fill in for him.
How nice.
Your Highness, may you
only smile when you're happy,
and may you smile often.
I like that.
Oh! Oh, how clumsy
of me. I'm sorry.
I don't think you are clumsy.
I think you didn't
trust that waiter.
I'll get you some more
champagne, okay?
No, no. Thank you.
Is there some place
where we could talk?
Come with me.
LYNETTE: Mr. Sloan?
Yes? Mr. Sloan, the
mayor wants to see you.
Yes, of course.
I think you had better
tell me who you are.
I'm Jaime Sommers.
I don't mean your name.
I mean, who are you?
I am an OSI agent
assigned to protect you.
From what?
There is a conspiracy to assassinate
you while you're here in New York.
You know that for certain?
And your government
sends a woman to protect me?
I am a highly trained OSI agent,
and I have very
special capabilities.
If you are an example
of the liberated woman,
I regret the traditions
in my country
that makes such
progress impossible.
Well, I'm sure that Your Highness
can find a way to make progress.
And still keep the best of
your country's traditions.
I hope so, Ms. Sommers.
Hello, this is Jaime Sommers.
Ms. Sommers.
His Highness is away from
the hotel on urgent business,
but he would like you
to meet him for lunch.
Well, I've already
got a date for lunch,
but that's okay, I'll break it.
His Highness would appreciate it.
It's a matter of great importance to him.
Where would he like
me to meet him?
There is a charming inn,
a favorite of His Highness
from previous visits here.
He chose it specifically,
so he and you
could talk in privacy there.
Okay, how do I find it?
Don't trouble
yourself, Ms. Sommers.
His Highness has already
sent a limousine for you.
Goodbye. Thank you.
Please tell Mr. Sloan that I'm
having lunch with His Majesty.
Of course,
Ms. Sommers.
Good morning,
Ms. Sommers.
Good morning.
That's impossible. I
just spoke with the King
and he plans on spending
the entire afternoon
at the hotel. He has
appointments set up
with his tailor and a jeweler.
Well, that's the message she
gave me about ten seconds ago.
She said she was sorry she had to
break her lunch date with you, but
That's strange.
The King thought it was
very important. Very strange.
Jaime, the King isn't
having lunch with you today.
There's something
suspicious about this whole
And I think my suspicions
have just been confirmed.
All right, come on.
Get over there.
Up against the car.
Hey, look, if you
don't have a license
to practice medicine, you can
get yourself in a lot of trouble.
You know, this
is against the law.
Don't give it to me
on the left hand, okay?
What difference does it make?
Well, the difference is
that I just had a flu shot
and a tetanus shot and a
penicillin shot all in that arm.
Come on, give me a
break, okay? Thank you. Oh!
Oh, my Oh.
Okay, come on.
Sam, Sam.
Sam, Sam. Wake up. Come on.
Come on. Here you go. Careful.
Yeah, okay. Yeah.
Take it easy.
Yeah Yeah.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Can you stand up?
All right?
Look, we've got to get
back to the hotel right away.
The hotel. Why?
We've got to hurry, okay?
'Cause it's gonna be too late.
Wake up. Come on.
What are you talking about?
Please, come on.
You'll be all right.
Are you okay now?
Can you drive?
Yeah, I'm fine. A little in the
dark, but otherwise I'm fine.
It's okay. You drive,
I'll explain it as we go.
I've never seen a bomb this
small with so much power.
Is that a timing device?
Yes. It's a quartz timer.
There's no ticking.
Just a slight hum.
JAIME: They're going to try and
assassinate the King this afternoon.
Jaime, are you sure
you're all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Trust me.
This phony luncheon thing was set
up to try and get me out of the way.
Why was it so important
to get you out of the way?
Because I am not
a social secretary.
Sam, I'm an OSI agent.
You're awhat?
My assignment was
to protect the King
and this secretary bit
was just a cover up.
An OSI agent. Well, who's
going to take care of the kids
while you're out
chasing villains?
What kids?
Our kids.
After we're married.
Look, baby, I like
you. I worry about you.
Couldn't you get into a
safer job, like wing walking?
Sam Sloan, I do believe
you've just blown your cover.
Underneath all those
stupid jokes and games,
there's a very tender
and sensitive man.
And I think I like him.
It's about time.
The King was supposed to
see his tailor and the jeweler.
Think either one of them
is in on this plot?
I don't know. They
both checked out okay.
When we get back to the
hotel, I'll notify hotel security
and Oscar Goldman,
all right? Yeah.
We'll have the sleeves
shortened, your Majesty.
Fine, fine.
I do hope Mr. Byron's
illness is a mild one.
Oh, Mr. Byron's flu is not
serious but it's very contagious.
So Mr. Byron sent his
assistant in his place.
Excellently made,
but I think I'd like to try
the yachting jacket on first.
I have your yachting jacket
right here, Your Majesty.
Jaime, be careful.
That looks really
splendid, your Highness.
Well, seems like we
arrived in the nick of time.
Hello, Sam.
Hello, Oscar.
Somebody deal with
this for me, will you?
I'm glad to see that
everybody's alive and well.
I wish to apologize
for this unpleasantness.
I assure you, you'll
have no more trouble
during your stay
in this country.
I'm very grateful for
the protection of the OSI.
Especially for the, uh
Extraordinary services
of my, uh
Social secretary.
Your Majesty, I would
appreciate you not mention
what you've seen here
outside of this room.
You have my word on it.
No one would believe me
if I did mention it.
Sam, I've got to call the pilot
and let him know I'm ready.
Jaime, it's not fair.
We're just getting
to know each other
and now you're gonna
disappear from my life.
I feel the same way.
Then stay.
I can't.
I've got a job.
There are more important
things in life, you know.
(LAUGHING) What about our kids?
We can't let them wait
for their mother forever.
Come here.
Why don't you just drop
your job and everything
and come to California with me?
I never thought of it
like that before.
Well, I guess it's just
as fair for you to ask me
to give up everything
and go with you
as it is for me to ask you to
give up everything and stay here.
I'd say.
Unusual, but fair.
What am I going
to do without you?
Oh, you'll manage.
You're an incredible lady, lady.
You're not so bad yourself.
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