Cow and Chicken (1997) s03e21 Episode Script

Be Careful What You Wish For

Mama had a chicken. ♪
Mama had a cow. ♪
Dad was proud, he didn't care how. ♪
Cow! ♪
Chicken! ♪
Cow and Chicken! ♪
Oh, Big Brother!
I had the most exciting day at school!
One of my friends just got her hair cut,
and now all the girls want their
hair cut exactly the same way!
And I took Crabs the Warthog Doll
to school and almost lost him!
Cause he rolled out of my backpack
and onto the floor,
then he rolled down the hallway
and kept rolling on and on and on!
Can you imagine that?
Oh, Chicken, it was very hard chasing
little Crabs through all those people!
I was so very afraid
he might get stepped on!
What does that mean to me?
So, what do you think,
should I get my hair cut differently?
Well, Suzie said it would be absolutely
the bestest of the best,
the mostest of the most,
it would be the most bestest
of the best mostest in the whole wide
Shut up already!
Thanks to you, Cow, I just missed
"Godzilla Versus Rear Admiral Floyd"!
It's your yappin', your constant yappin'!
Why can't ya's keep quiet?
Well, I thought, I thought
Shut up with the talking, will ya?
I'd like to mute you.
I wish you would just shut up forever!
Do not say one more word!
Not one syllable.
Okay. Fine.
I am not going to say another word to you.
You mean I'll have peace and quiet
for the rest of my life?
This I gotta see!
No, no, wait! I mean, this I gotta hear!
Sleep well, my heavyset sister?
Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't quite catch that.
Did you say somethin'?
Oh, I guess not.
Cat must have got your tongue.
Okay, kids, who wants the prize
in the Sugar Frosted Pork Organs box?
Well, if Cow do not want it,
then I suppose
I could be forced to take the prize.
Hey! A Manure The Bear Decoder Ring!
Little picture of Manure the Bear on it!
Don't worry, Cow.
If any secret messages arrive,
I will de-code them for you's.
For the price to be negotiated later.
Hey, Chicken,
you want to shoot some ball?
Sorry, ladies, I'm off for an evening
of uninterrupted TV watchin'.
What's 'uninterrupted' mean?
You want me to
watch out for the
Ladies and men,
this Chicken, this poor Chicken,
claims he was crossing
with the green light,
While in a plainly marked crosswalk,
While wearing reflective feathers,
carrying a full-size stop sign
and a flashing orange strobe light helmet,
in good operating condition.
Did you, Cow,
witness this alleged incident?
Then, in your own words,
tell the Court what happened.
We're waiting, Miss Cow?
Oh, I love this game!
Carry on, Miss Cow.
Answer the question.
A bow? Tie? Squirrel?
Fish? Carp? Gill?
Rhymes with gill? Rhymes with gill.
Gill? Gill? First word is gill?
Puppet! Finger? Drink? Stink? Fink?
Tree? Tea! Tea! Gill Tea!
Guilty! Guilty! I got it! I got it!
I knew, I knew, I knew it!
Bailiffs, take him away!
Cow! Say something!
Fifty years later
Come on, Cow. It's been fifty years.
Speak to me.
All right, already! I'm sorry. Okay?
Oh, Big Brother,
I am so happy that you finally apologized!
All these years
I have wanted to tell you so much!
It's "Not Guilty" I was trying to tell you.
Chicken was "Not Guilty".
Of course!
How could I have been so dense?
Don't answer that.
Chicken, long time no see.
Where have you been
these last fifty years, son?
Out on a date?
Now, where were we?
Oh, yes! Forty-nine years ago,
I told Suzie about what Hams
told me that she said
You know, there's a moral to this story.
Be careful what you wish for.
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