The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e22 Episode Script

On the Run

She's acting edgy these days.
This is Lindsay Wagner.
Here are some scenes from the
next episode of The Bionic Woman.
What is that?
What are you?
I can't stand looking
at you anymore.
Ms. Sommers is a prize.
You're gonna lock her up, eh?
You're talking about a zoo.
The N88 is too big.
You can't get away.
Oh, yes, I can.
If she resists, we'll
just put her to sleep.
Hey, Doc.
Where's Callahan?
Well, hi. She's visiting
her mom for aweek,
so I'm sort of pinch-hitting
for Rudy and Oscar.
Well frankly, I think you're
too good for either of them.
Jaime inside?
Um, no, she went on an
assignment this morning.
Assignment? We're
supposed to have lunch.
Well, it was
a last minute thing.
Maybe she, uh,
forgot to call you.
OSCAR: Sarah, send in
the file on the Mal/are case.
Yes, sir.
Uh, please. Let me.
Thank you.
Oscar, you got a minute?
Yeah, Chris. What do you got?
How come you sent Jaime
out to babysit some kid?
Well, it's not
a simple assignment.
When a top-notch
scientist defects,
there's always a chance
that his enemies might try
to get back at him
through his family.
Come on, Oscar. Stoddard
doesn't need a bionic babysitter.
Anyone in the OSI
could've handled it.
Well, you know how Jaime is.
She loves kids.
She's always happiest
when she's around them.
That's why I gave her
the assignment.
You know, she's, uh
She's acting edgy these days.
[can't put my finger on it.
I don't think she can either.
(LAUGHS) Jaime, did
you see that? I sure did.
Quite a performance, wasn't it?
Think that calls for a peanut?
Well, I don't know.
Polar bears don't eat peanuts.
I believe they feed on salmon.
Oh, excuse me.
Well, I'll tell you what
Mr. Bear, would you settle
for a round of applause?
Do you think they look sad?
I don't know. Maybe they
just don't like living in a cage.
Of course they like it, Jaime.
The people in charge give
them everything they need.
Yeah, everything except freedom.
Howdy, folks.
Perfect day, isn't it?
Sure is. I'll bet it's a perfect
day for a balloon, too, huh?
Yeah. (CHUCKLES) Well,
since you mentioned it,
you suppose the little
girl would like one?
Might be a hot prospect.
What do you think?
I'd like one.
Yeah, okay. (CHUCKLES)
How much?
Just fifty cents.
All right.
Here, honey. You
want to pick your color?
Uh, let's see.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Oh, no!
GIRL: My balloon.
MAN: Oh, dear.
JAIME: Oh, well
Well listen, what's
gonna happen here now?
Can we settle this out of court?
Oh, no. It's entirely
my fault, ma'am.
In fact, I owe you
another balloon.
All we have to do is inflate it.
But it's very technical, and I
sure could use an assistant.
Oh, Jaime,
can I? Please?
Okay. Go ahead. Just don't
you float away, too, huh?
All right.
MAN: Come on.
GIRL: Jaime!
Jaime, please help me.
Jaime, help me!
Jaime! Put me down!
Put me down! Get away
from me! Please help me!
Jaime! Let me go!
MAN: What the
GIRL: Jaime!
GIRL: Jaime! Oh,
can you help me?
GIRL: Jaime!
What did we do wrong?
Honey, are you
all right? Okay.
(CRYING) It's all
right. It's all right.
I was just so scared! I know.
And if you hadn't been here
But how did you handle all
those big men by yourself?
Oh, "how" isn't important. What's
important is that you're all right.
Thanks to you.
I will tell my father what
awonderful friend you You
It's okay, Reiko
What is that?
What are you?
Reiko, it's all right.
There you go.
Good as new.
I spoke to the police doctor.
He said he gave Reiko a sedative
and she's gonna be just fine.
Gave her a sedative?
Well, sure. It must've been a
terrifying experience for her,
with those two men and all.
JAIME: I've got to see
her and talk to her.
Jaime! Jaime, hi!
Hi! My goodness! I actually
think you're glad to see me.
Oh, you mean the zoo.
Please forgive me for that.
I was just so surprised
to see Well, you know.
Yeah. But I'm quite over it now.
Well, I'm glad. Because I wanted
to talk to you before you left.
Wait a minute-I
These are
for you. Here.
Oh, they're just like the
ones we saw. Mmm-hmm.
Reiko, I want to explain
something to you.
It feels so real, doesn't it?
They feel
real. Yeah.
I suppose that does,
too, yes. Um
Reiko, look, I know that
you were surprised.
But you were probably
a little frightened, too.
Of course, now that I
know, I can tell it's not flesh.
Are you like this all over?
Allover, uh
Yes, uh, with these things.
What do you call them?
I'm not like this all over.
It's called bionics, but it's
only my arm and my legs.
That much?
That's wonderful!
No wonder you're so much
stronger than a normal person.
Reiko, please listen to me. I don't
want to talk about this anymore, okay?
I want to talk about what makes a person
a person, what makes him part of life.
And it's not his hand or his
legs. It's what goes on inside.
It's got to be what's inside. Otherwise,
what would we be? What would that make me?
Father! Father, she's here!
The one I told you about.
The one who saved me. This
is Jaime Sommers, Father.
Jaime Sommers.
The robot lady!
She is pretty.
Excuse me.
RENO: The robot lady.
The robot lady.
JAIME: Dear Oscar, I think [know what's
been bothering me these past few weeks,
[It's, uh, it's the OS].
It's that one hundredth
of one percent of the world,
that deals with espionage and
security and secrets and paranoia.
This minute piece of life
has become my whole existence.
Almost everything I do
every day, relates to it.
And I've got to get back
to some reality.
I never asked for this arm.
This army called the OSI.
I didn't even really enlist.
(STAMMERS) I was drafted.
Oscar, you've been so kind
to me, and you've been fair.
And in spite of the system,
you've even been loving.
But I'm tired of
answering the bugle.
I'm I'm tired of
being called a winner,
just because Rudy's genius
made it impossible for me to lose.
And I'm tired of looking in the mirror and
seeing an OS! agent instead of a woman,
I'm just tired. I'm tired.
Heel like I have been on
the front lines for three years,
Now, I know it's going to take a bit of
adjustment to get back into civilian life.
And, realistically speaking,
I could be taking a chance
by not being under Rudy's
constant surveillance.
But no one knows if
that's actually necessary,
Hi, Jaime.
How are you
JAIME: And the way
I'm feeling now,
it's more important
to me to find out
if I can live a normal life.
I'm willing to take the chance.
It goes without saying that I'm
gonna miss you all very much,
but, uh, my mind is made up.
And as of today,
What is it?
It's, uh
Thanks a lot, Max.
Good morning, lady of leisure.
How're things with
the soft-life crowd?
Oh, things are wonderful. I
haven't felt this good in years.
Are you gonna keep your job
at the, uh, Air Base School?
I don't think at the Air Base.
I mean, I love those kids,
but I really would like to get away from
the Government completely for awhile.
I'm really, really
pleased, Jaime.
Your morale sounds so high.
Well, I feel good.
I'm happy.
I feel so free, I don't exactly
know what to do with myself.
'Cause I've got all these
options open to me now
and I don't know where to start.
(PHONE RINGS) Whoops! Hey,
duty calls. Can you hold? Great.
Oscar Goldman's office.
Senator Renshaw calling.
Uh, just a moment,
please. I'll ring.
Sorry about that. Well, listen,
I was just calling to say ”Hi. ”
Wanna have lunch tomorrow?
Fine. We could set a time
in the morning, huh?
You've got it.
Bye-bye. Okay. Bye.
MAN: Oscar, [want to thank
you for coming over right away.
You know this nation is facing
nothing less than a tragedy.
A tragedy at the hands
of Jane y Sommers.
A woman who is awalking
library of our secrets.
Not just the ones in her
head, the ones in her bionics.
Jane y Sommers is a prize that
an enemy could simply snatch up
and then examine
at their leisure.
So, how can you possibly justify
putting her out on the street?
Well, gentlemen,
Ms. Sommers isn't just
atypical agent.
I mean, we have no contracts
or anything that ties us to her,
other than the gratitude she
feels that we saved her life.
That, and an unspoken
bond of trust.
Now her service might be
at an end, but not that trust.
Not after all we've
been through together.
After three years of service, after
risking her life over and over again.
Now, I know this woman.
She would not go
back on her word.
She would not
betray her country.
Interesting words, Oscar.
They remind me of
Sommer's last assignment.
Here it is. Right here.
Mallare, the
defecting scientist.
I'm sure that his country
felt the same way about him.
Loyal, trustworthy, reliable.
But you got him to switch
sides, didn't you, Oscar?
That's not the same thing,
and you know it, Bill.
Gentlemen, please.
Oscar, we are not here to
impugn the girl's integrity.
But at the same time, she just
simply cannot be left out on her own.
Now, suppose she were
kidnapped by an enemy.
All right, do you think that
their exploration of her bionics
would be very pleasant for her?
To say nothing of the effect that that
would have on our national security?
And that's not the only thing.
This is not just our decision alone.
I sit on the Joint
Intelligence Committee,
and I have to answer to
some very picky colleagues.
Frankly, I'm at a loss
for a solution.
Unless we go with the one that
Mr. Parr suggested to me this morning.
Relax, Oscar.
You win this one.
If Sommers feels she
can no longer be active,
we'd be happy to put her in a
place where she can get the reward
and the rest that
she's entitled to.
You see, Mr. Parr tells me
that his National Security Bureau
has several communities
throughout the country,
where Ms. Sommers can
continue to live a normal life
and yet still have the protection
of a very grateful government.
So you're gonna lock her up, eh?
Is that your idea
of a grateful government?
(LAUGHS) No. Oscar.
You talk like that, you'd think
it's behind bars or something.
It's not that bad,
it's practically a resort!
Of course!
She can just roam around,
do whatever she wants,
until she gets too
close to the edge.
And then you just
jerk the leash, huh?
You're talking about a zoo.
Well, we won't keep you from
your work any longer, Mr. Goldman.
In fact, since you
are so very busy,
I think that I will put the Jane y
Sommers matter into Mr. Parr's hands.
And after Janey's
settled in her new home,
why, you can fly out
and visit her if you'd like.
Okay, you've won
the first round.
But I'm gonna do everything
in my power to stop this.
Oscar, I wouldn't do
anything foolish if
I may not be able to stop you.
I may not be able to keep you
from making us as inhuman
and as calculating
as the people
we're fighting against,
but I can do one thing.
When you're finished
building that cage
and you're getting ready
to put her name on it,
get it right, will you?
It's not Jane y.
It's Jaime.
Jaime Sommers.
Say it.
Say it!
Jaime Sommers.
Good. Very good.
Don't you ever forget it.
Guess who's here.
who's coming? Come in. Come in.
What a surprise.
What are you doing here?
Come on. Sit down.
You want some coffee?
Well A sandwich, some
fruit? I just went to the store.
I can only stay a moment. Just
wanted to stop in and say hello.
Well, okay. I I just wanted to
talk to you about some things.
I don't think I've ever really
said them strongly enough and
I would like you to know
how much I appreciate
the fact that you've always been
there for me when I needed you.
And that the hardest part
about leaving the OSI,
is that I'm not going to
have you to lean on anymore.
So I was just wondering if
you took outpatients, Doc?
Jaime, you're not out.
What do you mean, I'm not out?
Oscar, I thought
you would understand.
I understand.
Well, what then? I spilled
my guts to you in a letter,
and after you know how I feel, you come
into my house and you tell me I'm not out?
I mean, are you
trying to tell me
that I can't even
quit if I want to?
I don't understand you.
I thought that I was more
than just a pawn to you,
or one of your little tools.
I just Jaime,
you're hurting my arm.
I feel very strange.
I don't know, um
I always felt like
I could trust you.
You can trust me.
It's other people.
People that won't let you go.
What other people?
I don't understand. They can't
make me work. That's ridiculous.
Of course they can't.
But they consider a part
of you government property.
That's why they're
willing to let you retire.
They've got the place
all picked out.
Oh, it's very
pleasant, it's sunny.
Plenty of beautiful
recreational facilities.
Don't worry about any
personal needs you might have.
The people in charge will
give you whatever it is you want.
Yeah, they'll give me
everything but freedom, huh?
Uh, Oscar, can't
you do something?
Jaime, I'm doing all I can.
But it's out of my hands,
but not out of my mind.
Well, I better get out of here.
Before I end up telling you
that the N88 are
on their way over here.
That you've got
20 minutes to pack
and to get out of here.
And that I might
tell you to run.
Use all the skills
that I taught you
to prevent us from paying
you back in this way.
What about Max?
I'll take care of Max.
Now listen, you
haven't got much time.
Hurry. Come on.
You know
Callahan once accused me
of being married to the OSI.
And if that is the case,
you are the closest thing
to family I'll ever have.
I want you to know I'm gonna
miss you very, very much.
But I want you to go be free,
find whatever it is
you're looking for.
Because I
I love you.
(CRYING) Oscar,
I love you too. I do.
All I'm looking for is whatever
is left of Jaime Sommers.
You know, you just gave
me back a big piece of her.
Now maybe I can
find the rest, huh?
Get out of
here. Hurry.
Okay, okay,
stop this. Stop it.
I've gotta pull myself together.
(SNIFFING) I don't know.
What am I gonna take.
I don't need to take this.
Because see, I run on batteries.
I don't need that
machine for exercise.
I'm something they whipped
up one weekend in a laboratory.
I don't believe it.
They won't let me go because they
consider me U.S. Government property.
I'm not a woman.
I'm just a machine.
I'm a serial
number. 97402.
What was I doing, anyway?
I don't need to take you
with me to wake me up,
because I hardly ever
sleep anymore, right?
And Rudy says I don't
need that much sleep,
because there isn't that
much of me left to get tired.
I could just lay in
bed half the night,
thinking about how little
of me there is in this bed.
Look what I've done.
You're the problem,
you know that?
You're the real problem,
because you're the machine
I have to take with
me wherever I go.
You're always there
and always working.
And if I, you know, if I turn
on this cute little ear of mine,
I can hear circuits breaking in,
I can hear gears spinning,
It's like some time machine.
It's like some awful machine.
You know, you must be so
(CRYING AGAIN) Now, you're
just like some awful machine
And I can't stand looking
at you anymore.
Why is this happening to me?
I don't know.
PARR: Remember, she's
exceptionally strong.
Protect yourself
but don't harm her.
I want this done
as smoothly as possible.
Yes, sir. If she resists,
we'll just put her to sleep.
Cover the back of the house.
PARR: Ms. Sommers?
It's open, sir.
PARR: Go ahead in.
Ms. Sommers, we'd just like
to talk to you for a moment.
Check the back.
AGENT: Nothing
here, sir. Come on.
Priority 1, this is Deputy
Director Parr. Top secret.
scrambled, sir,
This is Parr.
Jaime Sommers,
former OS! operative,
is hereby officially
designated a fugitive.
Effective immediately. All regional
NSB directors are to give highest priority
to her location
and apprehension.
You're to use every resource
and facility at your disposal.
Toward this goal, headquarters will
immediately initiate the following actions.
One, the creation of a
reasonable cover story
to ensure the cooperation
of domestic police agencies.
Two, immediate and
continuous surveillance
of all friends and coworkers
of Jaime Sommers,
concentrating on her
acquaintances within the OSI.
Three, requisition of all 081 records
and files regarding Jaime Sommers,
in both her professional
and her private life.
I remind all regional
directors and field agents
that we have been given
full authority in this case
by the Joint
Intelligence Committee.
What's wrong with it?
This morning the N88 cut off
all our computer tie lines.
You mean they won't let their
computers talk to our computers?
That's about it.
I don't believe this!
We know more about what's
going on in Moscow and Peking
than we do at the N88.
RUDY: It's a rotten
political trick.
For years now, Parr's
been trying to discredit you
and get the N88 to take over all the
government undercover operations,
and he's using Jaime
as an issue to do it.
Parr believes it's for the
good of the country, Rudy.
That's the trouble. He thinks
he's doing the right thing.
Coffee, Rudy?
Thanks, Sarah.
(SIGHS) I wonder if Jaime
knows how serious they are.
If she doesn't want to be
found, she won't be found.
Are you kidding?
They never give up!
She knows the resources
of the NSB.
If she doesn't want to be
found, she isn't going to be found.
We better find her first and
let her know what's going on.
We know her better
than anybody else.
We should be able to
figure out where she'd be.
What is so funny?
Oh, nothing.
I was just thinking
that absolutely no one, no one at
the OSI, has any idea where we are.
And even if they did,
we don't have a shortwave,
we don't have a pocket beeper,
we don't have anything.
It's fantastic.
Mmm-hmm. I mean, you
know, if a herd of dinosaurs
went rampaging through
the White House, I mean,
Oscar would just simply
have to handle it himself.
What's the matter?
Jaime, who told you
about those dinosaurs?
It was supposed
to be top secret.
Oh, you.
Listen, I'll tell you what's
top secret. Yeah? What?
This place is top secret.
Is that right?
I won't let anybody
know about it,
except you and me.
'Cause it's for us.
That's all.
Chris, do you think she
would try to leave the country?
No. I think I know
where she is.
What if you're followed?
I mean, they're gonna be
watching all her friends very closely.
You drive a jeep?
Has it got wheels?
WOMAN“. Unit 3 to Unit 1.
We're now following Chris
Williams north on Highway 26,
Very good. Spotter
1, are you in position?
PILOT: That's affirmative, sir, We have
visual contact with the Williams vehicle,
All right now, if
everybody's very careful,
I'm betting he'll lead us
straight to Jaime Sommers.
Williams is still
heading north on 26.
He's locked.
There are no intersections
or turnoffs for 4.8 miles.
Very good. But I think
he might've noticed you.
You drop back and
I'll take the point.
CHRIS: Hi. You got everything?
SARAH: Yeah, I think so. Good luck.
Thanks. You, too.
Slow down! How did we
get this close behind him?
What the
Looks like a woman. Catch her.
Jaime! Jaime,
it's me, Chris! Stop!
You okay?
You okay?
I think I might be now.
JAIME: Why did
you come here?
Well, there's no big mystery
about it. I was worried,
and I wanted to be with you.
You want to hide out with me?
No, I mean I want
to be with you,
no matter what.
You realize that you might
spend the rest of your life running?
Well, if that's what
you really want to do.
But I don't think
you should run anymore.
I think you should
give yourself up.
You do, do you?
Well, I have this selfish little
dream about being free, you see.
Well, how free do you think
you're gonna be running?
They wanna put me
in a cage, Chris,
or put me in a zoo,
and I cannot live like that.
I don't have to.
Jaime, they'd track us down.
The N88 is too big, there's too
many of them. You can't get away.
Oh, yes, I can.
Because I'm the best
there is, remember?
I'm the robot lady.
I spent three years
learning all their tricks.
And I can get away from anyone.
Jaime, you're kidding yourself.
You're playing
in their ballpark.
They're the teacher,
you're the student.
Eventually they're
gonna get you.
Well, eventually's fine with me.
What is all this nonsense?
You're feeling sorry for yourself.
I'm not feeling sorry
for myself. I'm fed up.
Three years ago they
brought me back to life.
I felt very grateful, okay?
I said I would work for them.
I decided to become an agent
and go on a mission occasionally.
Then occasionally
became all the time.
Chris, I haven't had
any life of my own at all.
All I have had is missions.
I don't like
what I've been doing,
and I don't like
what I've become.
Well, it's good enough
for me to fall in love with.
Oh, really? Well, what
are you in love with?
If you're a leg man,
honey, you're out of luck.
Hey, now wait a minute.
I found out you were bionic
on what? The fourth date?
If you weren't exactly
what I wanted,
there wouldn't have been
a fifth, believe me.
Look, I don't care how much blood
you've got pulsing around in you,
or whether or not you can
beat me at arm wrestling.
Because bionic or not, Jaime Sommers
was more woman than I'd ever met before,
and that's why
I fell in love with her.
And that's why I want her to come back
with me so we can work this thing out.
And that's also why I'm willing
to live in that zoo with you,
if that's the only way
we can be together.
I wish I could believe you.
Well, try. It's easy.
It's easy for you to say.
Jaime, look.
I wanna spend my whole
life throwing snowballs at you.
Kissing this face,
holding your hand,
stroking your hair.
Why did you take that hand?
Well that's a silly
question, isn't it? No, it's not.
Because I wanted to touch you.
Because you know which hand is
real and alive and which one isn't.
That's why.
Oh, Jaime.
Look, I understand your
repulsion. Believe me.
I have had to touch it 24 hours
a day for the past three years!
I mean, you did what
anybody else would do.
Now wait a minute.
I'm not just anybody.
I happen to be the man
that's in love with you.
Chris, the problem is not
how we feel about each other.
It's how I feel about myself.
And I guess I'm gonna have
to work that one out alone.
Where you going?
Please, don't follow me.
Hi. You want a lift?
If you're going east, hop in.
MAN: You look tired.
Hey, why don't you
grab some sleep,
and I'll wake you
when we get to Tucson.
JAIME: Oh, that'd
be great. Thank you.
MAN: Of course I'm sure
it's the Sommers girl,
She looks exactly like
the picture in the paper.
DISPATCHER: Motorcycle units
4-1 and 2-7,
proceed to intersection
of highway 100
COP: Sommers reported heading
east towards Barnsdale,
REPORTER: .., the search
continues for Jaime Sommers,
who is sought in connection with a
bank robbery in West Los Angeles.
CHILDREN: Humpty Dumpty
sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
And all the king's horses
and all the king's men
couldn't put Humpty
together again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
And all the king's horses and
all the king's men (TEARING)
Couldn't put Humpty
together again.
PILOT: Spotter 1 to Car 1,
I'm in position, sir,
PARR: Right. We're going in
on foot, Keep your eyes open.
PILOT: Yes, sir,
Spotter 1 out.
We've got 10 acres of
park to cover, so spread out.
Concentrate on the foliage.
The helicopter will spot her
if she's out in the open.
Yes, sir.
BOY: Hi.
Want to play?
No, thanks.
I'm a little tired.
MAN: Tommy? Tommy,
where are you?
It's all right. We'll
play a different game.
You Tommy? That's
your dad, isn't it?
Why don't you play with him?
He can't play ball.
He's blind.
Before the accident,
he could do everything.
Now, all he wants to do is listen to
records and take walks in the park.
Like with you, today?
So you just leave him alone and come
ask a stranger to play ball with you?
I told him I was gonna
ask someone to
You don't understand.
He's not just blind.
Now he's different.
Maybe what's different is the way
that you're treating him, Tommy.
Look, he can't
play ball. So what?
I mean, you know that.
You both understand that.
But I bet there's a lot of other
things that haven't changed
that you could be
doing together, huh?
He's your father, Tommy.
I know that.
Well, then you should also know that
what makes him him, is not his eyes,
or his legs or his arms
or anything else.
What makes anybody an
individual, a person is Is
It's what goes on
in here and here.
And nothing, Tommy
Nothing that happens on this
earth can ever change that.
Nothing can ever change that.
I guess, uh
I guess I believe it. (LAUGHS) Oh.
I believe it. (LAUGHS)
Are you magic?
Oh, yes. Yes, I am magic,
you beautiful child. I am.
I'm so magic I just
changed my own mind.
I know you don't know
what I'm talking about.
Listen to me. I'm very
sorry that I ruined your ball.
But I bet your Dad'II get you
another one, or anything else you want,
if you just be with him.
Tommy, I want you to go
and love him for what he is,
and for what he was
and what he will be.
And don't even think
about what he isn't.
Because it's so unimportant.
Okay, go on.
There's no point in trying
anything, Ms. Sommers.
You're surrounded. We
know you're a bionic woman.
No, sir. I'm just a woman,
and I'm coming back to work.
I have found away to be
at peace with my bionics
by accepting the fact
that I have no choice.
The alternatives are
totally unacceptable.
Now I have no objection
to taking assignments
but with some very
strict conditions.
You can write your own ticket.
Now, you hear me out
before you say that,
because it's not gonna
be smooth sailing anymore.
It's not gonna be blow the
whistle and Jaime jumps.
Then, please go on.
I need some time to
have a life of my own, also.
That may mean marriage,
children, I don't know.
But it does mean some work
that I feel good about.
My teaching, helping kids.
Uh, something positive.
Because, you see,
I experience the OSI
as negative activity. It's uh
It's fending off disaster,
it's survival time,
and I must have some things in
my life that give me perspective.
So that my work for you
will mean something.
Now, if that seems
unreasonable, I'm sorry,
but that's how I feel about it.
No, that's not
unreasonable, Ms. Sommers.
You were afraid you'd become
less woman than machine.
Well, unfortunately, there
are a lot of men like me
who became machines
and didn't even know it.
We were too busy making
rules and regulations
and so worried
about our own fears,
that we forgot what
life was all about
which is really just living.
I'm very glad that you're
gonna be coming back here
to help remind us
that we're human.
Thank you very much, Senator.
Thank you.
Oscar, could I see
you for a moment?
Max, hi.
Jaime, I heard you were back.
Yeah, I'm back.
Listen, Jaime, I I really
wanted to talk to you.
me get this out, will you.
I want to apologize for
what I said in the cabin.
I don't have the right to tell
anybody how to live their life.
I'm not just anybody, okay?
I'm the one who loves you, too.
And I just know we can
work this thing out.
If you still
want me? (CHUCKLES)
Come here.
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