One Piece s03e58 Episode Script

The War Draws to a Close! Ringing War and Wide, the Proud Fantasia

While wanting to prevent Luffy and Nami to reach the Arch, Eneru releases its powerful Mamaragan.
Ca will not go, Eneru! THIS GROUND SE WILL NEVER SUBJECT!! Luffy approaches the Arch… Return the Gold Bell!! Now disappear with this ashamed island! RAIGOU Gomu Gomu No Hanabi Ougon Botan RELEASE THE SKY! MAKE IT SOUND, STRAW HAT! RELIGHT THE FLAME OF SHANDORA! And after having reached the arch Maxim, Luffy… complete finally its combat with Eneru.
With more! I will sound you at the same time! Gomu Gomu No… Ougon Files LET them HEAR It! The war ends! The dream resounds proudly with far Can you hear it? Papi Head of diamond! Large monkeys! GOLD ISCED… IS THE TOP! C cretin succeeded! As it is beautiful.
What a pretty sound! What does that? What is it? I always knew that this day would come.
It is thus the bell that Norland heard.
Suu… This is… the sound of the song of Vearth? Does God… exist? It is an exceptional miracle.
After 400 years of silence, I had lost any hope that it resounds again.
Large Karugara Warrior… Can you hear it? The Flame of Shandora resounds! That it occurs on our island? Which is this sound? This would be… the legendary sound? Can you it hear, Montblanc Norland? We made you wait.
I hope that your descendant… can hear it.
You also, you like to hear this bell to sound? Is owner,…? Yes, it is that.
There is only one bell in the world that one can hear of also far! Does Ca feel the adventure, hein? It is in the sky! My heart is beating wildly! These monsters which appear with the impérionimbus… There is a theory on them.
When human is held in sky at a very high distance… and that a light illuminates it, a silhouette is projected far behind him on the fog.
And it thus resembles with a giant monster! These monsters are thus in fact people who live in the sky?! How it is made that one was not with current how of people lived in the sky?! Ouais.
It is a theory tedious and forgotten… But it would be said that it is true! We hear the sound large Gold Bell.
The Gold City exists in the sky! Norland, my ancestor… was not a liar! And it is what is in the train of me to prove this kid, since the sky! He, kid.
Thank you.
[Note:On the Tee-shirt we can read the kanji “Saru” which means “monkey”.]
Owner? That there does it have? You feel badly? I am content that they are well! I was so anxious! Look at! Over there! It is the arch of God! And God! He runs! Eneru God and his arch… run.
The sound of the Bell… is the pride and the glory of lost city.
The Flame of Shandora.
The song of the island has announced the end of the war.
Sounding after 400 years… the bell of their promise.
The voyage from this floating island and deadened was long… But it always preserved its distances memories.
Once, of the men entrusted a message with this bell.
A sound reaching them the most distant seas… carrying its proud words.
And now? It sounded.
You believe that Papi and them did monkeys hear it? Ouais, I am sure.
We are there! CYB3RFR34K-ISO SKYPIEA-FANSUB You, the strapping man there! Hang this cord here! Aisa, were you worries? Here your treasure! I do not want any! Laki! Others… They are well.
Do not speak.
Y' has somebody by there.
I am alive? Not, you need a treatment.
I can wait.
It needs some more than me.
Look at if you can help it.
He almost died.
It is true! Its bones are broken! They is not good! Isn't He, it a warrior? Him nothing is owed.
Ouais, I do not include/understand not very well me either, but it fought with such a eagerness.
Hein? It is what that? Sympathy? I do not know.
Excuse me… Is what it goes of to leave, Tanuki-chan? I am a reindeer! Look at, I have drink! Do not worry you.
I go to ensure me that it remains in life.
Thank you! Pierre, will put back you with blue sailors.
Pierre, quickly.
Bring back them families of the soldiers here.
Thus finally, the Bell of Gold and the gilded arch of Eneru… Ouais, they are fallen both.
It is judicious being the City of Gold, but with final it a name is right.
Our voyage without a round continuous.
I prefer to carry some Dials rather than gold.
Once returned on the Sea Blue, one will be able to find some more.
But you believe that Nami-san is well? And where is Conis-chan? You think that we can make confidence with the inhabitants of the Blue Sea for Wiper? All will be well.
Aisa with the air to like them.
We should be dispatched! If the enemy awakes, all will have been done in vain! Enlist all those which can move! It is necessary to give up them Priests with the Drifting Cloud.
Ok! You of ace finished with him? Yes, it needs rest now.
HEEEEE!!!! Luffy?! Nami-swan! Conis-chwan! Luffy! You all! Which joy of you to re-examine healthy and safe.
I was so anxious, but I could not… Conis-chan, you worried for me… Not, cretin.
Is He, they provisions? Where did you find them? In the forest.
The reserve of the Priests was discovered! Y' in has still full! But how you made to go down from up there? Gomu Gomu No Fuusen! Besides, Conis, where is your father? He well, in fact, it protected me… And Eneru… You want to say… Conis-chan… Conis-san… Conis… ONE SPEAKS ABOUT YOU! Afflicted I am in life! Father! You were on the White Sea? Yes, when I began again conscience, I was in bottom.
Now, people who went in Cloud End to go down from the cloud… use of Milky Dials for to turn over on the Sea of Opal.
But, they cannot turn over any more on Angel Island which does not exist any more.
They come by here, towards Upper Yard.
Thank you very much, God! This title does not belong to me any more.
I am sorry to have left you in this horrible place during six years.
Please forgive me.
We lost our hearth, Angel Island.
And Shandia lost them village hidden in the clouds.
Is the war really finished? Holy guard of God disappeared, but… Chief, tear a 400 year old can it heal also easily? Pfiou, I am gavé! It is already the night.
Loans to be turned over to the boat? Nami! About what you speak?! What? Once on the boat, I will be able to make a good gross nap in my hot bed! Usopp, you ace heard it what it has just said? Ouais, I do not believe my ears of them! If it does not include/understand, it one is missed as a pirate and anybody! To include/understand what?! It is what that?! I return… in the place legitimates of God! In the sky, nothing will block my field of view.
You all were harmful.
You will not have it! It only belongs only to me! Air ground, without limits! Now, ahead, Maxim! Direction my Divine kingdom who illuminates the night… Infinite ground, Fairy Vearth! Where am I? You are in the ruins of Shandora.
Gan Fall! You should not move! You are one living of the sky! You must rest.
Chief! We were captured by the inhabitants of the sky?! There can be no distinction between the victims of a war.
But the Gold Belfry! Our to have is always to protect it.
What it is?! This is the beat of a drum of war?! There is fire with the ruins! Abrupt step, Wiper.
Reflected before acting.
It does not matter which heroic pretexts justified a war in the past, we live here now, and the sky is our fatherland.
And this fatherland does not reject anybody.
But, right in front of my eyes… Yes, you should see that by yourself.
For people gathered here… the war is the thing more unthinkable which is! It is the festival!
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