7th Heaven s04e01 Episode Script
The Tattle Tale Heart
Don't worry, it's all gonna be fine.
Well, it's a shame Julie couldn't make it by tonight.
We're mighty anxious to meet this new boyfriend of hers, see how she is at making choices when she's sober.
Hey, Grandpa.
I believe Grandpa is still going by "Colonel.
" - Simon, my goodness.
- Ha, ha, ha.
- Oh.
- Oh, where are your manners? Your cap's still on, there are ladies present.
So, what do you think? Well, I think if that's what you want, that's just fine, fine.
- That's an interesting choice, Ruth? - You know, it's new.
I'm still working with it.
Your grandfather and I have been to a lot of places and we've seen that individual freedoms are being lost right and left, so when it comes to George, we say yes - whenever we can.
- Hey, kids.
You remember your uncle, my adopted brother George? I'm starving.
Probably because you didn't eat anything at dinner.
I couldn't.
I was too nervous - about Aunt Julie coming over.
- Why would that make you nervous? Because the Colonel and Grandma Ruth don't know that she's married.
I thought they didn't know that she was having a baby.
They don't know that either.
You're not going to tell them that, and neither is Lucy, and neither am I.
And who is going to tell them? Dad.
Really, it's gonna be fine, it's all gonna be fine.
Why didn't you have breakfast at the hotel? Oh, Ruth and George are sleeping in.
And frankly after six months on the road, I've had enough of hotel food.
- Now what got you up so early? - Oh, I just can't sleep.
I got a lot on my mind.
- Anything you want to talk about? - No.
There's just a lot going on right now.
Two companies in Glenoak have had gigantic layoffs this summer, I've got parishioners out of work.
Yeah, well, if you don't want to talk about it Some are sick and have lost their medical insurance, and others are depressed, and the money the church set aside for emergencies seems to have just been used up overnight.
Anything going on around here that you don't want to talk about? Well, we We have had two more children.
Anything else? We've been gone for six months, a lot can happen in six months.
Believe me, having two more children is a lot.
- A big, big lot.
- Is everything okay with Julie? I told you, everything's fine with Julie, Julie's fine.
Why'd she make up that lame excuse about not coming for dinner? It wasn't a lame excuse.
Her boyfriend is a doctor, he had an emergency.
Oh, so since she's become involved with this doctor, she can't drive across town to see her parents and her little brother who've been out of the country for six months? She'll come over.
What's the big deal? Last night, today, tonight, tomorrow, whenever, - whatever.
- Whatever, indeed.
Take this up to Annie.
Maybe we can put closets all the way, along each wall.
Oh, maybe not.
Um, maybe if we build platform beds with storage space underneath, - we can make it work.
- No, you can't make it work.
- You can never make it work.
On the other hand, if Matt does move out, you can take his space, I'll take the other space, and we can each have our own rooms for the first time in our lives.
Up! Look, I hate to put a wrinkle in your master plan, but I don't have another place to live.
I'm afraid we're going to have to point out what Mom and Dad can't.
You're 21.
Well, almost 21.
It's time to go.
You don't have to be so callous about it.
Yes, yes, we do.
Just get out.
I thought I smelled something.
Blueberry pancakes.
My favourite.
So how have you been? - Hmm.
Do I smell bacon? The, uh The Colonel has commandeered the mess hall and has a mess of meat.
- Oh, did you eat? - I'm not hungry.
Are you okay? Well, I'm a little angry at No, I'm a lot angry at Julie for not coming over here last night.
I can't take the pressure.
If that's the way you feel, imagine how Julie feels.
Oh, yeah, well, Julie has had the summer off.
She doesn't have seven kids to feed and clothe and house and send to college, not to mention 27 people in counselling, speaking of which, I'd better get down to the church.
Are we going to look for a new car today? Oh, God.
I forgot.
- I promise we'll look tomorrow.
- You've been saying that all summer.
Driving the Meals on Wheels van is getting a little old.
You are getting tired of driving it, aren't you? I'm getting tired of driving it.
Since Mary wrecked the car, it does seem like she should be driving the van instead of my car, doesn't it? Yes, it seems that way.
So we'll car-shop tomorrow.
Today we have to keep a very close vigil on the Colonel and Ruth, make sure none of the kids tells them about Julie.
Remember, no one is to be left with them.
And no trips to the mall.
I know my parents.
They'll bribe them.
Well, I'd better get downstairs and get these guys some breakfast.
By the way, any decision yet on who's moving where and when? - No.
- Do you want some help deciding? Oh, no.
No matter how we do it, it's going to end up costing some money.
And Matt's tuition is due.
- And we have to buy a car.
- Yeah.
- Tomorrow.
- Yes.
There's Happy.
Good girl.
Now, you and George have a good time last night? I know George has been looking forward to getting back stateside, seeing all his family, uh, especially Julie.
George didn't say anything about What did George say we talked about? Um, we talked about everything.
I have a girlfriend you know? Ah.
Yeah, it was great seeing George again.
Is he going to stay the whole visit or does he have to leave early to go back to school? Well, this independent study thing worked out really well, so we want to continue it.
That's why I'm hoping maybe Julie will dump this new boyfriend of hers, and come back to New York to tutor George.
- Uh, is something wrong? - No.
Have you seen Ruthie? Yeah, she's in the living room watching cartoons.
It's not like you to allow that, Colonel.
I don't recall ever objecting to cartoons.
Excuse me.
You, who never thought Popeye was fit to wear the uniform? You who thought Gotham City was a communist utopia and Betty Boop was a loose woman? Yes, but I never said she wasn't funny.
Yes, you did.
- Pancakes? - No, I'm not hungry.
- And I have to get to work.
- On a Saturday? Son, you've got to stop and smell the roses.
Well, not until the roses are paid for.
Ha, ha, that was a good one, Dad.
Uh, I'm going to go check on Ruthie.
Ha! I love these old cartoons.
Yeah, they're funny.
By the way, how are the pancakes? And more important, did you talk to Grandpa at all while he was making them? Mom? What are you doing up so early? I'm going to look at an apartment.
Job first, then apartment.
Well, I figure if I find an apartment I like, I could actually get inspired to find a job.
Well, even if you found a job, you might not want to move out.
You might want to spend that money on making the garage - into a little apartment.
- No.
Thanks, but no.
Uh, I can't.
I can't live in the garage.
Hello? Oh.
What hospital is he in? Oh.
What time's the surgery? Ah, okay, well, I'll try to get there by tomorrow afternoon, although I No, I might have to make it Monday because I'm trying to reserve Sunday afternoons for Annie and the kids.
Andy Lawrence is having surgery again on Monday.
I'm sure everything will go fine.
I'll ask everybody to say a little prayer for Andy in church tomorrow.
No, I understand.
I'll try to get there tomorrow after church.
Yeah, I'm sorry, I have to go.
No, I promise I'll try.
Okay? I will.
Andy, like a lot of people, is more afraid of the anaesthesia than the actual surgery.
He'll be fine.
- How was your week? - We've come to a decision.
- We're selling the house.
- Maybe it'll take some pressure off.
We can pay off some bills, and get an apartment where our monthly bills will be a lot smaller.
It's just hard.
I mean, we inherited that house from Cathy's mom and dad, and we just always assumed we'd have it.
I'll let the machine pick up.
Uh Let me just turn the volume down.
Hi, it's your sister.
It's your brother.
Oh, you are there.
I think we're all clear for tonight.
Oh, are we? Because if you're not I'm gonna tell Dad without you.
- Okay.
- Julie.
I'm just kidding.
What got you in such a bad mood? Just be there.
And the sooner, the better, okay? Fine, we'll be there by 6.
Hey, Matt.
Oh, did I startle you? Heh.
- John.
- What's up? - What are you doing here? - I'm just I'm looking at an apartment.
Oh, so we're looking at the same place.
- Let the best man win.
- Well, I'm just looking.
I don't have any money, I want to see what's out there.
The second I find a job, I'm out.
- I can't take living at home any longer.
- I have the opposite problem.
My family can't take me living at home any longer.
Went off to college last year, my parents made my room into a bedroom for Keesha, so while I was out of the house, she and Lynn had their own bedrooms, and they plan on keeping it that way.
At least they waited until you were out.
I found Mary and Lucy drooling over my attic space this morning when I woke up.
Looks like we've both worn out our welcome.
So, what's the problem? You've got a job, move.
No, the problem is I need to find something on the bus route.
- I don't have a car.
- It's gonna be rough taking the bus.
I wouldn't call taking public transportation rough.
It's what a lot of people do, you know, unless they're people who have mommies who fix up cars for them.
Hey, you know, maybe Mommy can take the garage and make it into a little apartment for you, and you can just live at home forever and ever.
Yeah, Mommy just tried that pitch this morning.
Man, you've got to get a job.
You have to find a car.
If we can get Matt out, we would have the option of sharing his space and making the other space into a walk-in closet or even our own bathroom.
Having a bathroom is a fantasy, the reality is we have to have closets.
What are you two doing? We're just dreaming about the day when Matt gets out of here, and We're thinking about our own bathroom.
It could work, but it takes money to put in a bathroom.
Well, maybe the church could pay for it.
Or maybe the church would choose to spend its toilet funds on food, clothing and shelter for people who have bigger problems than the two of you.
Ah! See, I was right.
The bigger problem is closets, - we have to have closets.
- Then we'll go to plan B.
You have totally missed my point, and you can't go with plan B unless Matt moves to the garage, and he doesn't want to move to the garage.
Even if we could swing the cost of this renovation.
Put the twins in Simon's room and Simon in my room, then I can take Mary and Lucy's room.
Yeah, well, it would give her more privacy.
And with Sam and David in Ruthie's old room, I could just put my bed in there with them for a place to sleep.
And then get a couch for my bedroom and turn that into a den, so I can entertain company without having to bother anyone.
- No.
- No to the couch or no to the switch? No to both, at least for right now.
- He has to go.
But not too far.
I vote for the garage.
All in favour? He doesn't want to move to the garage.
Well, he's sure not gonna get a job.
Annie darling.
- Up here, Ruth.
George and I just stopped by the church to see Eric.
- He practically shooed us away.
- Did he have someone in his office? Yes, it looked as if it was a very serious someone.
I was thinking it might be great fun if we took Julie and the kids and went on a little shopping spree.
Oh, we can't.
I can't.
- Did somebody say shopping? - No, no, no shopping.
It shouldn't cost grandparents a shopping trip to the mall - just to be with their grandchildren.
- But it would give me a chance to be with them, to talk to them.
Yeah, talk and shop, talk and shop.
You can't.
- You're moving, I just decided.
- Now? - We're moving into our rooms now? - Yes, why not? I mean, we've been waiting all summer to get the babies out of our room, so now's as good a time as any.
Go tell everyone you're moving.
Simon, we're moving! Annie, you're hiding something.
No, not me.
I'm not hiding anything at all.
Nope, nothing at all, I'm just an open book.
I have the idea of the century.
Instead of waiting for Matt to get a job, we'll get Matt a job.
And what makes you think we can do that? Where there's a will, there's a way.
There must be someone, somewhere, who'd be willing to let Matt do something for money.
- What about our grandparents? - Retired.
- Dad? - Doesn't need any help at the church.
- Julie? - Can't get him a job at her school.
Hank? Could get him a job at the hospital.
Boy George, I think you've got it.
Yeah, but Matt can't be a doctor, a nurse, a technician, a candy striper.
What can he do? Doesn't matter.
Hank will find him something.
Nepotism is the backbone of the American work force.
Yeah, but he might not want to help us out.
- Don't worry.
- But I am worried.
Worried about what? Uh, I'm worried about starting school again.
Are you all right? - You look a little funny.
- Hmm? I'm fine.
Oh, there you are.
We gotta do a little time at the hardware store.
You and Simon want to come along? I can't, we're moving rooms.
When did that happen? No.
Never mind.
I'm just glad it happened.
Michaels wants to know if you can meet him down at the station.
A police officer got stabbed in a drug bust.
He wants you to tell the wife before it gets in the news.
I almost forgot to tell you, Julie and Hank will be here for dinner around 6.
Hey, that's good news.
Good news, yeah.
- What time is it? - Time to bag this.
All right, let's just give it ten more minutes.
Are you here to see the apartment? - Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm not a ma'am, and it's unlocked.
- This place is great! - This place is great! If I had the money, I'd take it.
Maybe we can work something out.
Yeah, maybe I could drive you around everywhere, and in return you could pay the rent and the utilities and the groceries.
- You've gotta get a job.
- You've gotta get a car.
- But we're taking it? - Of course.
You know, sort of.
- Hello? Michaels and I made the visit, but then I got beeped by Lou down at the church and I couldn't reach him.
Did he call you? Yes, he had his son with him and they wanted to say hello.
- It wasn't an emergency.
- Oh, that's good to hear.
Okay, I want to get home and pitch in with this move.
What can I do for you? Do you need anything? Well, if you want, you could pick up a little extra hamburger meat.
I thought I'd put some burgers on the grill, - but I'm about two pounds short.
- Yeah.
If you're trying to soften up the Colonel for the big blow by preparing his favourite meal, I'm not sure it'll work.
In fact, I have a feeling nobody's gonna be eating anything.
Ah, by the way, did you get some lunch? - No, I'm not hungry.
- Eat something.
You seemed a little tired when you were at the house.
- I'm a little worried about you.
- I just got beeped.
- Have to go.
- Okay, bye.
Now where were we? Hey, Mrs.
You know, I was just on my way to the market.
Sure, yeah, I'll be Sure, I'll be happy to pick up your blood pressure medicine and drop it off for you.
No problem.
Hello? - What was I supposed to get? - Hamburger.
They'll be here by 6, and it'll be fine.
Right, right, it'll all be fine.
Where's Mom and Dad? I have something to tell them.
- You've got a job.
- No, I don't, I have an apartment.
- Yeah, apartment and a job! - Yeah, apartment and a job! What? What job? Whoo! What's all the screaming about? John Hamilton and I found an apartment.
We're moving in together.
So you're just taking off, just like that? I mean, no warning, nothing? You're just abandoning me? I'm not abandoning anyone.
I'm just moving across town.
Well, congratulations.
- This isn't how I wanted to tell him.
- Sorry.
- What's all this? - I made a potato salad, a macaroni salad, a green salad, a fruit salad, and a Jell-O salad.
Red, white and blue, just the way the Colonel likes everything.
So I hear you're gonna be serving up Glenoak Hospital's fine cuisine.
The girls said you need a job.
So I asked around, and it turns out the hospital cafeteria has an opening.
Lucky for you, the cafeteria ladies love me.
Because when I was single, I ate most of my meals there.
So if you want it, the job is yours.
Minimum wage and all the food you can keep down.
Plus, they know you're a full-time student, so they're willing to work out a schedule with you.
- When do I start? - They're expecting you at 5.
- Is that 5 this evening? - No, that's 5 tomorrow morning.
Okay, 5 in the morning, I'll be there.
- Ask for Dot.
- All right.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We will love you - forever and ever for this! - Forever and ever for this! Well, the night is off to a good start.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Hi, Spud.
How you doing? How you doing? Hey.
I'm gonna miss you.
Yes, you.
You too.
You too.
I got a job and an apartment with John Hamilton.
John and I are gonna share a studio apartment.
Do you really want to share a smaller space - with another guy? - Are you kidding? If it gets me out of here, yeah.
That came out wrong.
It's just We all know I'm a little overdue on moving out.
- How'd you find a job? - Hank found it for me.
I'm gonna work in the cafeteria at the hospital.
Well, should you wait and see if the job works out? It'll have to work out, I have an apartment to pay for.
It's not like I'm leaving today.
It'll probably be tomorrow.
All right, well, let me just get everyone situated here and I'll come over and give you two a hand.
Oh, um - Yeah.
- Okay.
Seems like yesterday.
Call Shana.
- Did she call? - No, she didn't call.
But I wouldn't want her to find out last minute that you're moving out.
I know how that feels.
Shana's gonna be happy I'm moving out.
Oh, so she doesn't like us either? Look, I'm sorry about the way you found out, but you knew this was gonna happen.
But couldn't you wait another year or so, when I'm not smack in the middle of puberty? I mean, this is a tough time for a guy and I need a brother right now.
But we're still brothers.
You know, we'll always be brothers.
I'll just be your brother who lives across town.
It's practically like moving into the garage, only the garage is nicer.
Hey, maybe you and Nigel can come over and hang out with me and John next Saturday and watch football.
Just the guys, no adults.
- Really? - Really.
Do you and John have a TV? No.
But if you come over you'll be the first one to see the place.
Even before Shana? You know I love you.
Yeah, I know, that's why I'm gonna miss you.
Once we get in there, I want you to know that there aren't going to be any more of these conversations.
No more tea parties.
No more fashion shows.
No more easy access to Simon's cigar box filled with magic rings and money.
We're moving into a big-girl's room, and it's going to be a big-girl's world.
Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that we're about to have access to our very own phone.
Let's have a big round of applause for that.
Yeah! What's all the cheering for? We're just all very excited about moving.
- Oh, why is that? - The room comes with a phone.
Uh, no, the room comes with a phone jack to plug the phone into when you're old enough.
- When will I be old enough? - Um Well, when you can keep your room clean and do your own laundry, and prove that you're responsible enough to have a phone in your room.
- That's not fair.
- Well, it's parenting.
I can't stand parenting.
Yeah, I know, but it's the rule for everybody else.
- Even for Matt? - Yep, but then Matt's I'll be right back.
Matt? I'm on the phone with Shana.
- Hank and Julie are downstairs.
They're getting everything ready for the big barbecue.
- And you were doing what? - We're moving stuff.
While you're keeping an eye on the twins.
By the way, I heard that Matt got an apartment because Matt got a job.
- How did he get a job? - Hank.
Yeah, Hank got it for him.
And who asked Hank to get Matt a job? - She did.
- She did.
We did it for him, and for you and Dad.
Seven kids are a lot of kids.
Matt's practically a grown man and he can take care of himself.
And after all, you and Dad raised him, and you are the perfect parents.
And even if we goofed up and he can't take care of himself, then he should because Dad's under a lot of pressure to take care of all of us and the church and the community, and, well, with one less With one less there'd be more for you two.
More for all of us.
Have you ever considered that if you did more to help and got by with less, that would help too? - No.
- No.
How could we get by with less? Think about it while you keep an eye on the twins.
You have to tell Ruthie that you're moving.
Could you do it? I didn't do that great with Simon, and Shana for some reason is mad at me because I didn't discuss it with her first.
Well, yes, I'm not surprised.
And no, I can't talk to Ruthie for you.
Are we eating yet? No, not yet, but Hank and Julie are here.
- Has the Colonel seen her yet? - No, not yet.
You told him, didn't you? - I couldn't help it.
- Did you tell him everything? Define everything.
Yeah, everything.
You really shouldn't have done that.
When you do something you shouldn't there are consequences.
Don't yell at her.
I told George.
I'm sure he told them by now.
- Simon.
- They were gonna find out anyway.
But we agreed Dad would tell them.
Well, you might as well yell at all of us, because we practically told Grandma Ruth.
Yeah, make it your last big lecture before you move out, - because we're all guilty.
Yep, one for the road.
You're moving out? It's time for me to move on.
Got an apartment with John Hamilton, but I'll be around.
It's just time I grew up, got my own place.
No kidding.
For the past year I've been telling my friends you're my dad.
I think it's the first time all of us have been in the same room together without Mom and Dad.
And it may be the last.
So, what are you leaving behind? Oh, I don't want my hands getting dirty and stained, not in my line of work.
Okay, but when the Colonel comes Not a problem, I'll snap them right off and barbecue like a man.
- Ooh, Eric.
- Hmm? - Yeah? - Oh.
The Colonel and Ruth and George are here.
I know, I know.
Are you okay? You look a little pale.
Back off.
It's just a little indigestion.
I'm fine.
Don't worry, they're gonna love me.
I'm very loveable.
Mom, Dad, this is Hank, Dr.
Hastings, Julie's Julie's husband.
The father of your grandchild.
Well, will you look at that, Ruth.
Julie, you've never looked more beautiful.
- Congratulations.
Ha, ha, ha.
Welcome to the family, son.
Oh, Julie, I'm so happy for you.
I can't think of anything better than this, you know.
A marriage, a baby.
I mean, this is This is the right stuff.
I have a feeling they were warned.
My parents have been abducted by aliens.
Hey, we gotta go find George and give him the good news.
This is just terrific.
What a way to top off a trip around the world.
Sir, maybe there is one thing we should talk about.
Julie and I do want you to know Oh, no one's doing the math on this miracle, son.
You okay, pal? What's the matter? - Here.
Julie, call my office and tell them to have Dr.
Peterson meet us at emergency.
I'm gonna grab my bag from the car.
I'll be right back.
Eric? I think I'm having a heart attack.
Everything is gonna be fine.
I just saw myself sitting there by the bed like I've done so many times, only this time I was talking to myself, and I said everything is gonna be fine.
It is, isn't it? Yes, everything is going to be fine.
The tests show that you did have a mild heart attack, inferior myocardial infarction, some blockage in the right coronary artery.
Which means, that when you get out of the hospital, you're going to be doing some cardiac rehab, change your diet a little to keep the cholesterol levels low, and start relaxing a little more.
You can visit for a few minutes, but I want you to get some rest.
Was it us? - It, uh Wait a minute, it couldn't be your mother.
Was it me? It wasn't anyone, really.
I mean No, no one's to blame.
Well, I hear you were dreading telling me about Julie.
I don't understand that, son.
When did I get to be the bad guy? What's so funny? I don't know, when did you get to be the bad guy? Okay, you're not the bad guy, it's just that I didn't anticipate - your being happy about Julie.
- Why would I be anything but thrilled? My daughter's marrying a doctor and having a baby.
Oh, Eric, we're sorry if we ever gave you the impression that these little things would upset us.
Little? - Were you two abducted by aliens? - With what we've seen, with all that's going on in the world, it is a small thing, but it's a small and wonderful thing that your sister is finally settling down and starting a family.
You know, your problem is you're a type-A just like me.
- You think I'm just like you? - Yes, of course you are.
We're both driven, we both set high goals for ourselves, we thrive on hard work, and as the kids would say, we're control freaks.
No, huh, a little control is not necessarily a bad thing.
The world would be nowhere if it weren't for men like us who try to control things.
Without us there wouldn't be any change.
And those other types, whatever they are, would never have time to relax if it weren't for us.
So all you have to do is just ease up a bit, son.
That's all.
Colonel Camden? Yes, we're going, we're going.
That guy is one of us type-A's, you know.
We'll see you in a few months, we're taking off tomorrow.
- You don't have to leave.
- Yes, they do.
Annie, we'll get the car and meet you out front.
Everything's gonna be fine.
I never realised you were feeling so stressed.
Well, I did, but I didn't know my heart wasn't up to it.
I never should have bugged you about the car and moving the kids This is not your fault.
So please don't blame yourself, and please don't let the kids blame themselves.
- No.
- Okay.
I love you.
And I love you.
Always and forever.
- Is Eric okay? - Eric will be fine.
What's wrong, George? I'm sorry if I've been too much trouble, because I don't want anything to happen to you two.
I love you as much as I love the father and mother who gave me life.
You both gave me a new life.
Well, I love you too.
Oh, I love you both.
But you're old.
Maybe you shouldn't be trying to raise a teenager.
Maybe it's not good for you.
Maybe your hearts will go bad too.
That's balderdash, son.
Adopting you has made us young again.
You keep us vitally interested in everything that's going on in the world.
You give us renewed strength, you keep us on our toes.
- Really? - Absolutely, son.
Then how come you're letting me wear my hair like this? I look stupid.
Well, everyone should have the freedom to look stupid, son.
That's what America's all about.
Annie's on her way out.
From what I hear, Eric should be here a day or two.
- He's gonna be fine.
- You saved his life, you know.
I can't take credit for that.
Would you take credit for saving mine? Only if you take credit for saving mine.
I'm sure your dad will be fine.
Yeah, I just wish I got a job and moved out sooner to take some pressure off of him.
What was I thinking? I'm a man, I should be more responsible.
It's not your fault.
It would've happened whether or not you lived at home or didn't live at home.
And you are responsible.
Look at this grill.
You shouldn't blame yourself.
- I can't help it.
- Yes, you can help it.
Blame and worry are not gonna do you or your dad any good.
No, but taking responsibility for myself in the future might help.
You're right.
There's no time like the present to do it.
So your sisters got you a job.
And your mommy gave you a car.
Sold me her car.
What were we thinking? Dad had enough pressure on him with everything going on at the church without us bugging him all summer about needing new clothes for school, and a new room.
This time last night our biggest problem was how to get Matt out of the attic.
Yep, 24 hours ago storage space was all we had to worry about.
Tell me again he's okay.
He's okay, really.
Mom said he'd be home in a day or two, and worrying isn't gonna do anything.
- Taking responsibility is.
- Taking responsibility is.
Let's get these guys cleaned up and put them to bed.
Why did Daddy's heart attack him? Sometimes hearts just do that, I guess.
But Dad's was just a little attack.
It was scary, but he's okay.
I want to see him.
We all want to see him, but we can't because he has to rest.
Did I do something that made Daddy's heart go bad? No.
- But like what? - I don't know.
Maybe I shouldn't have bugged him about buying me those new tennis shoes.
I don't think that would do it.
Parents get used to being bugged about that kind of stuff.
Me and Mary and Lucy and Matt have been asking for new tennis shoes every year for years and years.
Then maybe you guys caused it.
No, no one caused it.
That's right, no one caused it.
It just happened.
So the thing is, is that we can't do anything about what happened before Dad's heart attack.
The only thing we can do is make sure that him and everybody else in the family is healthy, starting now.
- Are we all sleeping in here? - Yes, we are.
- What's going on? How's Dad? How is he? Dad is fine.
I'll prove it.
Let's call him.
- Hi, Annie.
- How did you know? Twenty-two years of marriage.
The kids want to tell you something.
Love you, Dad.
I love you too.
He loves you too.
- Say good night.
Good night, Dad.
- Good night.
Good night.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Tomorrow, tomorrow.
Thank you.
And thank you very much for tomorrow.
Well, it's a shame Julie couldn't make it by tonight.
We're mighty anxious to meet this new boyfriend of hers, see how she is at making choices when she's sober.
Hey, Grandpa.
I believe Grandpa is still going by "Colonel.
" - Simon, my goodness.
- Ha, ha, ha.
- Oh.
- Oh, where are your manners? Your cap's still on, there are ladies present.
So, what do you think? Well, I think if that's what you want, that's just fine, fine.
- That's an interesting choice, Ruth? - You know, it's new.
I'm still working with it.
Your grandfather and I have been to a lot of places and we've seen that individual freedoms are being lost right and left, so when it comes to George, we say yes - whenever we can.
- Hey, kids.
You remember your uncle, my adopted brother George? I'm starving.
Probably because you didn't eat anything at dinner.
I couldn't.
I was too nervous - about Aunt Julie coming over.
- Why would that make you nervous? Because the Colonel and Grandma Ruth don't know that she's married.
I thought they didn't know that she was having a baby.
They don't know that either.
You're not going to tell them that, and neither is Lucy, and neither am I.
And who is going to tell them? Dad.
Really, it's gonna be fine, it's all gonna be fine.
Why didn't you have breakfast at the hotel? Oh, Ruth and George are sleeping in.
And frankly after six months on the road, I've had enough of hotel food.
- Now what got you up so early? - Oh, I just can't sleep.
I got a lot on my mind.
- Anything you want to talk about? - No.
There's just a lot going on right now.
Two companies in Glenoak have had gigantic layoffs this summer, I've got parishioners out of work.
Yeah, well, if you don't want to talk about it Some are sick and have lost their medical insurance, and others are depressed, and the money the church set aside for emergencies seems to have just been used up overnight.
Anything going on around here that you don't want to talk about? Well, we We have had two more children.
Anything else? We've been gone for six months, a lot can happen in six months.
Believe me, having two more children is a lot.
- A big, big lot.
- Is everything okay with Julie? I told you, everything's fine with Julie, Julie's fine.
Why'd she make up that lame excuse about not coming for dinner? It wasn't a lame excuse.
Her boyfriend is a doctor, he had an emergency.
Oh, so since she's become involved with this doctor, she can't drive across town to see her parents and her little brother who've been out of the country for six months? She'll come over.
What's the big deal? Last night, today, tonight, tomorrow, whenever, - whatever.
- Whatever, indeed.
Take this up to Annie.
Maybe we can put closets all the way, along each wall.
Oh, maybe not.
Um, maybe if we build platform beds with storage space underneath, - we can make it work.
- No, you can't make it work.
- You can never make it work.
On the other hand, if Matt does move out, you can take his space, I'll take the other space, and we can each have our own rooms for the first time in our lives.
Up! Look, I hate to put a wrinkle in your master plan, but I don't have another place to live.
I'm afraid we're going to have to point out what Mom and Dad can't.
You're 21.
Well, almost 21.
It's time to go.
You don't have to be so callous about it.
Yes, yes, we do.
Just get out.
I thought I smelled something.
Blueberry pancakes.
My favourite.
So how have you been? - Hmm.
Do I smell bacon? The, uh The Colonel has commandeered the mess hall and has a mess of meat.
- Oh, did you eat? - I'm not hungry.
Are you okay? Well, I'm a little angry at No, I'm a lot angry at Julie for not coming over here last night.
I can't take the pressure.
If that's the way you feel, imagine how Julie feels.
Oh, yeah, well, Julie has had the summer off.
She doesn't have seven kids to feed and clothe and house and send to college, not to mention 27 people in counselling, speaking of which, I'd better get down to the church.
Are we going to look for a new car today? Oh, God.
I forgot.
- I promise we'll look tomorrow.
- You've been saying that all summer.
Driving the Meals on Wheels van is getting a little old.
You are getting tired of driving it, aren't you? I'm getting tired of driving it.
Since Mary wrecked the car, it does seem like she should be driving the van instead of my car, doesn't it? Yes, it seems that way.
So we'll car-shop tomorrow.
Today we have to keep a very close vigil on the Colonel and Ruth, make sure none of the kids tells them about Julie.
Remember, no one is to be left with them.
And no trips to the mall.
I know my parents.
They'll bribe them.
Well, I'd better get downstairs and get these guys some breakfast.
By the way, any decision yet on who's moving where and when? - No.
- Do you want some help deciding? Oh, no.
No matter how we do it, it's going to end up costing some money.
And Matt's tuition is due.
- And we have to buy a car.
- Yeah.
- Tomorrow.
- Yes.
There's Happy.
Good girl.
Now, you and George have a good time last night? I know George has been looking forward to getting back stateside, seeing all his family, uh, especially Julie.
George didn't say anything about What did George say we talked about? Um, we talked about everything.
I have a girlfriend you know? Ah.
Yeah, it was great seeing George again.
Is he going to stay the whole visit or does he have to leave early to go back to school? Well, this independent study thing worked out really well, so we want to continue it.
That's why I'm hoping maybe Julie will dump this new boyfriend of hers, and come back to New York to tutor George.
- Uh, is something wrong? - No.
Have you seen Ruthie? Yeah, she's in the living room watching cartoons.
It's not like you to allow that, Colonel.
I don't recall ever objecting to cartoons.
Excuse me.
You, who never thought Popeye was fit to wear the uniform? You who thought Gotham City was a communist utopia and Betty Boop was a loose woman? Yes, but I never said she wasn't funny.
Yes, you did.
- Pancakes? - No, I'm not hungry.
- And I have to get to work.
- On a Saturday? Son, you've got to stop and smell the roses.
Well, not until the roses are paid for.
Ha, ha, that was a good one, Dad.
Uh, I'm going to go check on Ruthie.
Ha! I love these old cartoons.
Yeah, they're funny.
By the way, how are the pancakes? And more important, did you talk to Grandpa at all while he was making them? Mom? What are you doing up so early? I'm going to look at an apartment.
Job first, then apartment.
Well, I figure if I find an apartment I like, I could actually get inspired to find a job.
Well, even if you found a job, you might not want to move out.
You might want to spend that money on making the garage - into a little apartment.
- No.
Thanks, but no.
Uh, I can't.
I can't live in the garage.
Hello? Oh.
What hospital is he in? Oh.
What time's the surgery? Ah, okay, well, I'll try to get there by tomorrow afternoon, although I No, I might have to make it Monday because I'm trying to reserve Sunday afternoons for Annie and the kids.
Andy Lawrence is having surgery again on Monday.
I'm sure everything will go fine.
I'll ask everybody to say a little prayer for Andy in church tomorrow.
No, I understand.
I'll try to get there tomorrow after church.
Yeah, I'm sorry, I have to go.
No, I promise I'll try.
Okay? I will.
Andy, like a lot of people, is more afraid of the anaesthesia than the actual surgery.
He'll be fine.
- How was your week? - We've come to a decision.
- We're selling the house.
- Maybe it'll take some pressure off.
We can pay off some bills, and get an apartment where our monthly bills will be a lot smaller.
It's just hard.
I mean, we inherited that house from Cathy's mom and dad, and we just always assumed we'd have it.
I'll let the machine pick up.
Uh Let me just turn the volume down.
Hi, it's your sister.
It's your brother.
Oh, you are there.
I think we're all clear for tonight.
Oh, are we? Because if you're not I'm gonna tell Dad without you.
- Okay.
- Julie.
I'm just kidding.
What got you in such a bad mood? Just be there.
And the sooner, the better, okay? Fine, we'll be there by 6.
Hey, Matt.
Oh, did I startle you? Heh.
- John.
- What's up? - What are you doing here? - I'm just I'm looking at an apartment.
Oh, so we're looking at the same place.
- Let the best man win.
- Well, I'm just looking.
I don't have any money, I want to see what's out there.
The second I find a job, I'm out.
- I can't take living at home any longer.
- I have the opposite problem.
My family can't take me living at home any longer.
Went off to college last year, my parents made my room into a bedroom for Keesha, so while I was out of the house, she and Lynn had their own bedrooms, and they plan on keeping it that way.
At least they waited until you were out.
I found Mary and Lucy drooling over my attic space this morning when I woke up.
Looks like we've both worn out our welcome.
So, what's the problem? You've got a job, move.
No, the problem is I need to find something on the bus route.
- I don't have a car.
- It's gonna be rough taking the bus.
I wouldn't call taking public transportation rough.
It's what a lot of people do, you know, unless they're people who have mommies who fix up cars for them.
Hey, you know, maybe Mommy can take the garage and make it into a little apartment for you, and you can just live at home forever and ever.
Yeah, Mommy just tried that pitch this morning.
Man, you've got to get a job.
You have to find a car.
If we can get Matt out, we would have the option of sharing his space and making the other space into a walk-in closet or even our own bathroom.
Having a bathroom is a fantasy, the reality is we have to have closets.
What are you two doing? We're just dreaming about the day when Matt gets out of here, and We're thinking about our own bathroom.
It could work, but it takes money to put in a bathroom.
Well, maybe the church could pay for it.
Or maybe the church would choose to spend its toilet funds on food, clothing and shelter for people who have bigger problems than the two of you.
Ah! See, I was right.
The bigger problem is closets, - we have to have closets.
- Then we'll go to plan B.
You have totally missed my point, and you can't go with plan B unless Matt moves to the garage, and he doesn't want to move to the garage.
Even if we could swing the cost of this renovation.
Put the twins in Simon's room and Simon in my room, then I can take Mary and Lucy's room.
Yeah, well, it would give her more privacy.
And with Sam and David in Ruthie's old room, I could just put my bed in there with them for a place to sleep.
And then get a couch for my bedroom and turn that into a den, so I can entertain company without having to bother anyone.
- No.
- No to the couch or no to the switch? No to both, at least for right now.
- He has to go.
But not too far.
I vote for the garage.
All in favour? He doesn't want to move to the garage.
Well, he's sure not gonna get a job.
Annie darling.
- Up here, Ruth.
George and I just stopped by the church to see Eric.
- He practically shooed us away.
- Did he have someone in his office? Yes, it looked as if it was a very serious someone.
I was thinking it might be great fun if we took Julie and the kids and went on a little shopping spree.
Oh, we can't.
I can't.
- Did somebody say shopping? - No, no, no shopping.
It shouldn't cost grandparents a shopping trip to the mall - just to be with their grandchildren.
- But it would give me a chance to be with them, to talk to them.
Yeah, talk and shop, talk and shop.
You can't.
- You're moving, I just decided.
- Now? - We're moving into our rooms now? - Yes, why not? I mean, we've been waiting all summer to get the babies out of our room, so now's as good a time as any.
Go tell everyone you're moving.
Simon, we're moving! Annie, you're hiding something.
No, not me.
I'm not hiding anything at all.
Nope, nothing at all, I'm just an open book.
I have the idea of the century.
Instead of waiting for Matt to get a job, we'll get Matt a job.
And what makes you think we can do that? Where there's a will, there's a way.
There must be someone, somewhere, who'd be willing to let Matt do something for money.
- What about our grandparents? - Retired.
- Dad? - Doesn't need any help at the church.
- Julie? - Can't get him a job at her school.
Hank? Could get him a job at the hospital.
Boy George, I think you've got it.
Yeah, but Matt can't be a doctor, a nurse, a technician, a candy striper.
What can he do? Doesn't matter.
Hank will find him something.
Nepotism is the backbone of the American work force.
Yeah, but he might not want to help us out.
- Don't worry.
- But I am worried.
Worried about what? Uh, I'm worried about starting school again.
Are you all right? - You look a little funny.
- Hmm? I'm fine.
Oh, there you are.
We gotta do a little time at the hardware store.
You and Simon want to come along? I can't, we're moving rooms.
When did that happen? No.
Never mind.
I'm just glad it happened.
Michaels wants to know if you can meet him down at the station.
A police officer got stabbed in a drug bust.
He wants you to tell the wife before it gets in the news.
I almost forgot to tell you, Julie and Hank will be here for dinner around 6.
Hey, that's good news.
Good news, yeah.
- What time is it? - Time to bag this.
All right, let's just give it ten more minutes.
Are you here to see the apartment? - Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm not a ma'am, and it's unlocked.
- This place is great! - This place is great! If I had the money, I'd take it.
Maybe we can work something out.
Yeah, maybe I could drive you around everywhere, and in return you could pay the rent and the utilities and the groceries.
- You've gotta get a job.
- You've gotta get a car.
- But we're taking it? - Of course.
You know, sort of.
- Hello? Michaels and I made the visit, but then I got beeped by Lou down at the church and I couldn't reach him.
Did he call you? Yes, he had his son with him and they wanted to say hello.
- It wasn't an emergency.
- Oh, that's good to hear.
Okay, I want to get home and pitch in with this move.
What can I do for you? Do you need anything? Well, if you want, you could pick up a little extra hamburger meat.
I thought I'd put some burgers on the grill, - but I'm about two pounds short.
- Yeah.
If you're trying to soften up the Colonel for the big blow by preparing his favourite meal, I'm not sure it'll work.
In fact, I have a feeling nobody's gonna be eating anything.
Ah, by the way, did you get some lunch? - No, I'm not hungry.
- Eat something.
You seemed a little tired when you were at the house.
- I'm a little worried about you.
- I just got beeped.
- Have to go.
- Okay, bye.
Now where were we? Hey, Mrs.
You know, I was just on my way to the market.
Sure, yeah, I'll be Sure, I'll be happy to pick up your blood pressure medicine and drop it off for you.
No problem.
Hello? - What was I supposed to get? - Hamburger.
They'll be here by 6, and it'll be fine.
Right, right, it'll all be fine.
Where's Mom and Dad? I have something to tell them.
- You've got a job.
- No, I don't, I have an apartment.
- Yeah, apartment and a job! - Yeah, apartment and a job! What? What job? Whoo! What's all the screaming about? John Hamilton and I found an apartment.
We're moving in together.
So you're just taking off, just like that? I mean, no warning, nothing? You're just abandoning me? I'm not abandoning anyone.
I'm just moving across town.
Well, congratulations.
- This isn't how I wanted to tell him.
- Sorry.
- What's all this? - I made a potato salad, a macaroni salad, a green salad, a fruit salad, and a Jell-O salad.
Red, white and blue, just the way the Colonel likes everything.
So I hear you're gonna be serving up Glenoak Hospital's fine cuisine.
The girls said you need a job.
So I asked around, and it turns out the hospital cafeteria has an opening.
Lucky for you, the cafeteria ladies love me.
Because when I was single, I ate most of my meals there.
So if you want it, the job is yours.
Minimum wage and all the food you can keep down.
Plus, they know you're a full-time student, so they're willing to work out a schedule with you.
- When do I start? - They're expecting you at 5.
- Is that 5 this evening? - No, that's 5 tomorrow morning.
Okay, 5 in the morning, I'll be there.
- Ask for Dot.
- All right.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We will love you - forever and ever for this! - Forever and ever for this! Well, the night is off to a good start.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Hi, Spud.
How you doing? How you doing? Hey.
I'm gonna miss you.
Yes, you.
You too.
You too.
I got a job and an apartment with John Hamilton.
John and I are gonna share a studio apartment.
Do you really want to share a smaller space - with another guy? - Are you kidding? If it gets me out of here, yeah.
That came out wrong.
It's just We all know I'm a little overdue on moving out.
- How'd you find a job? - Hank found it for me.
I'm gonna work in the cafeteria at the hospital.
Well, should you wait and see if the job works out? It'll have to work out, I have an apartment to pay for.
It's not like I'm leaving today.
It'll probably be tomorrow.
All right, well, let me just get everyone situated here and I'll come over and give you two a hand.
Oh, um - Yeah.
- Okay.
Seems like yesterday.
Call Shana.
- Did she call? - No, she didn't call.
But I wouldn't want her to find out last minute that you're moving out.
I know how that feels.
Shana's gonna be happy I'm moving out.
Oh, so she doesn't like us either? Look, I'm sorry about the way you found out, but you knew this was gonna happen.
But couldn't you wait another year or so, when I'm not smack in the middle of puberty? I mean, this is a tough time for a guy and I need a brother right now.
But we're still brothers.
You know, we'll always be brothers.
I'll just be your brother who lives across town.
It's practically like moving into the garage, only the garage is nicer.
Hey, maybe you and Nigel can come over and hang out with me and John next Saturday and watch football.
Just the guys, no adults.
- Really? - Really.
Do you and John have a TV? No.
But if you come over you'll be the first one to see the place.
Even before Shana? You know I love you.
Yeah, I know, that's why I'm gonna miss you.
Once we get in there, I want you to know that there aren't going to be any more of these conversations.
No more tea parties.
No more fashion shows.
No more easy access to Simon's cigar box filled with magic rings and money.
We're moving into a big-girl's room, and it's going to be a big-girl's world.
Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that we're about to have access to our very own phone.
Let's have a big round of applause for that.
Yeah! What's all the cheering for? We're just all very excited about moving.
- Oh, why is that? - The room comes with a phone.
Uh, no, the room comes with a phone jack to plug the phone into when you're old enough.
- When will I be old enough? - Um Well, when you can keep your room clean and do your own laundry, and prove that you're responsible enough to have a phone in your room.
- That's not fair.
- Well, it's parenting.
I can't stand parenting.
Yeah, I know, but it's the rule for everybody else.
- Even for Matt? - Yep, but then Matt's I'll be right back.
Matt? I'm on the phone with Shana.
- Hank and Julie are downstairs.
They're getting everything ready for the big barbecue.
- And you were doing what? - We're moving stuff.
While you're keeping an eye on the twins.
By the way, I heard that Matt got an apartment because Matt got a job.
- How did he get a job? - Hank.
Yeah, Hank got it for him.
And who asked Hank to get Matt a job? - She did.
- She did.
We did it for him, and for you and Dad.
Seven kids are a lot of kids.
Matt's practically a grown man and he can take care of himself.
And after all, you and Dad raised him, and you are the perfect parents.
And even if we goofed up and he can't take care of himself, then he should because Dad's under a lot of pressure to take care of all of us and the church and the community, and, well, with one less With one less there'd be more for you two.
More for all of us.
Have you ever considered that if you did more to help and got by with less, that would help too? - No.
- No.
How could we get by with less? Think about it while you keep an eye on the twins.
You have to tell Ruthie that you're moving.
Could you do it? I didn't do that great with Simon, and Shana for some reason is mad at me because I didn't discuss it with her first.
Well, yes, I'm not surprised.
And no, I can't talk to Ruthie for you.
Are we eating yet? No, not yet, but Hank and Julie are here.
- Has the Colonel seen her yet? - No, not yet.
You told him, didn't you? - I couldn't help it.
- Did you tell him everything? Define everything.
Yeah, everything.
You really shouldn't have done that.
When you do something you shouldn't there are consequences.
Don't yell at her.
I told George.
I'm sure he told them by now.
- Simon.
- They were gonna find out anyway.
But we agreed Dad would tell them.
Well, you might as well yell at all of us, because we practically told Grandma Ruth.
Yeah, make it your last big lecture before you move out, - because we're all guilty.
Yep, one for the road.
You're moving out? It's time for me to move on.
Got an apartment with John Hamilton, but I'll be around.
It's just time I grew up, got my own place.
No kidding.
For the past year I've been telling my friends you're my dad.
I think it's the first time all of us have been in the same room together without Mom and Dad.
And it may be the last.
So, what are you leaving behind? Oh, I don't want my hands getting dirty and stained, not in my line of work.
Okay, but when the Colonel comes Not a problem, I'll snap them right off and barbecue like a man.
- Ooh, Eric.
- Hmm? - Yeah? - Oh.
The Colonel and Ruth and George are here.
I know, I know.
Are you okay? You look a little pale.
Back off.
It's just a little indigestion.
I'm fine.
Don't worry, they're gonna love me.
I'm very loveable.
Mom, Dad, this is Hank, Dr.
Hastings, Julie's Julie's husband.
The father of your grandchild.
Well, will you look at that, Ruth.
Julie, you've never looked more beautiful.
- Congratulations.
Ha, ha, ha.
Welcome to the family, son.
Oh, Julie, I'm so happy for you.
I can't think of anything better than this, you know.
A marriage, a baby.
I mean, this is This is the right stuff.
I have a feeling they were warned.
My parents have been abducted by aliens.
Hey, we gotta go find George and give him the good news.
This is just terrific.
What a way to top off a trip around the world.
Sir, maybe there is one thing we should talk about.
Julie and I do want you to know Oh, no one's doing the math on this miracle, son.
You okay, pal? What's the matter? - Here.
Julie, call my office and tell them to have Dr.
Peterson meet us at emergency.
I'm gonna grab my bag from the car.
I'll be right back.
Eric? I think I'm having a heart attack.
Everything is gonna be fine.
I just saw myself sitting there by the bed like I've done so many times, only this time I was talking to myself, and I said everything is gonna be fine.
It is, isn't it? Yes, everything is going to be fine.
The tests show that you did have a mild heart attack, inferior myocardial infarction, some blockage in the right coronary artery.
Which means, that when you get out of the hospital, you're going to be doing some cardiac rehab, change your diet a little to keep the cholesterol levels low, and start relaxing a little more.
You can visit for a few minutes, but I want you to get some rest.
Was it us? - It, uh Wait a minute, it couldn't be your mother.
Was it me? It wasn't anyone, really.
I mean No, no one's to blame.
Well, I hear you were dreading telling me about Julie.
I don't understand that, son.
When did I get to be the bad guy? What's so funny? I don't know, when did you get to be the bad guy? Okay, you're not the bad guy, it's just that I didn't anticipate - your being happy about Julie.
- Why would I be anything but thrilled? My daughter's marrying a doctor and having a baby.
Oh, Eric, we're sorry if we ever gave you the impression that these little things would upset us.
Little? - Were you two abducted by aliens? - With what we've seen, with all that's going on in the world, it is a small thing, but it's a small and wonderful thing that your sister is finally settling down and starting a family.
You know, your problem is you're a type-A just like me.
- You think I'm just like you? - Yes, of course you are.
We're both driven, we both set high goals for ourselves, we thrive on hard work, and as the kids would say, we're control freaks.
No, huh, a little control is not necessarily a bad thing.
The world would be nowhere if it weren't for men like us who try to control things.
Without us there wouldn't be any change.
And those other types, whatever they are, would never have time to relax if it weren't for us.
So all you have to do is just ease up a bit, son.
That's all.
Colonel Camden? Yes, we're going, we're going.
That guy is one of us type-A's, you know.
We'll see you in a few months, we're taking off tomorrow.
- You don't have to leave.
- Yes, they do.
Annie, we'll get the car and meet you out front.
Everything's gonna be fine.
I never realised you were feeling so stressed.
Well, I did, but I didn't know my heart wasn't up to it.
I never should have bugged you about the car and moving the kids This is not your fault.
So please don't blame yourself, and please don't let the kids blame themselves.
- No.
- Okay.
I love you.
And I love you.
Always and forever.
- Is Eric okay? - Eric will be fine.
What's wrong, George? I'm sorry if I've been too much trouble, because I don't want anything to happen to you two.
I love you as much as I love the father and mother who gave me life.
You both gave me a new life.
Well, I love you too.
Oh, I love you both.
But you're old.
Maybe you shouldn't be trying to raise a teenager.
Maybe it's not good for you.
Maybe your hearts will go bad too.
That's balderdash, son.
Adopting you has made us young again.
You keep us vitally interested in everything that's going on in the world.
You give us renewed strength, you keep us on our toes.
- Really? - Absolutely, son.
Then how come you're letting me wear my hair like this? I look stupid.
Well, everyone should have the freedom to look stupid, son.
That's what America's all about.
Annie's on her way out.
From what I hear, Eric should be here a day or two.
- He's gonna be fine.
- You saved his life, you know.
I can't take credit for that.
Would you take credit for saving mine? Only if you take credit for saving mine.
I'm sure your dad will be fine.
Yeah, I just wish I got a job and moved out sooner to take some pressure off of him.
What was I thinking? I'm a man, I should be more responsible.
It's not your fault.
It would've happened whether or not you lived at home or didn't live at home.
And you are responsible.
Look at this grill.
You shouldn't blame yourself.
- I can't help it.
- Yes, you can help it.
Blame and worry are not gonna do you or your dad any good.
No, but taking responsibility for myself in the future might help.
You're right.
There's no time like the present to do it.
So your sisters got you a job.
And your mommy gave you a car.
Sold me her car.
What were we thinking? Dad had enough pressure on him with everything going on at the church without us bugging him all summer about needing new clothes for school, and a new room.
This time last night our biggest problem was how to get Matt out of the attic.
Yep, 24 hours ago storage space was all we had to worry about.
Tell me again he's okay.
He's okay, really.
Mom said he'd be home in a day or two, and worrying isn't gonna do anything.
- Taking responsibility is.
- Taking responsibility is.
Let's get these guys cleaned up and put them to bed.
Why did Daddy's heart attack him? Sometimes hearts just do that, I guess.
But Dad's was just a little attack.
It was scary, but he's okay.
I want to see him.
We all want to see him, but we can't because he has to rest.
Did I do something that made Daddy's heart go bad? No.
- But like what? - I don't know.
Maybe I shouldn't have bugged him about buying me those new tennis shoes.
I don't think that would do it.
Parents get used to being bugged about that kind of stuff.
Me and Mary and Lucy and Matt have been asking for new tennis shoes every year for years and years.
Then maybe you guys caused it.
No, no one caused it.
That's right, no one caused it.
It just happened.
So the thing is, is that we can't do anything about what happened before Dad's heart attack.
The only thing we can do is make sure that him and everybody else in the family is healthy, starting now.
- Are we all sleeping in here? - Yes, we are.
- What's going on? How's Dad? How is he? Dad is fine.
I'll prove it.
Let's call him.
- Hi, Annie.
- How did you know? Twenty-two years of marriage.
The kids want to tell you something.
Love you, Dad.
I love you too.
He loves you too.
- Say good night.
Good night, Dad.
- Good night.
Good night.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Tomorrow, tomorrow.
Thank you.
And thank you very much for tomorrow.