Evil (2019) s04e01 Episode Script

How to Split an Atom

DAVID: Sister
I have doubts.
I know.
DAVID: I'm not sure my visions
are really from God.
You know you're gonna spend
the rest of your life here.
KRISTEN: Andy, are you there?
Uh, I got to go.
What? Are you okay?
Yeah, I love you.
- Bye.
- Oh-oh-oh, oh
- Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Your egg is still out there.
It was sold this past spring.
An anonymous transaction, no names.
The records only show
a business address.
SHERYL: Oh, my God.
Wh What are you doing here?

CROWD [MUFFLED]: Surprise!

LELAND: What's going on in here?
A party? I guess I should
be handing out cigars.
All I really want to say is
we're going to be parents.
Hey, Kristen, um
let's go back to my office and
we'll talk.
I'm sure you have a lot of questions.
Oh. Wait, wait. Baby, please.
Please. Please!
Sheryl. Let me talk to her.
Come on, Kristen.
Come back to the party.
We can sit down, and I'll
tell you what's going on.
Your eggs and my sperm.
Destined for each other
from the beginning.
In 38 days, a child will be born
who will need his mother's milk.
His genetic mother.
Like Mary of Bethlehem,
they will sing hymns in your honor.
The mother of the living Antichrist.
Kristen, I'm serious.
Do you know why I'm laughing, Leland?
Because I can't think
of any greater torture
I could devise for you than to give you
a baby.
A crying, shitting baby.
I giggle at the thought of you
waking up at 3:00 a.m.
[LAUGHS]: because the Antichrist
needs changing.
Or dealing with Diaper Genies
and bottles at 4:00 a.m.?
And that's just the beginning.
I mean, have you thought
about the terrible twos?
In your apartment? [LAUGHS]
Did you ever wonder why
The Omen skipped the infancy?
Because that's the real horror.
Oh, Leland.
Good job.
You just fucked yourself
more than you know.


Kristen, do you do you have a minute?
Look, I don't know what Leland told you,
but I only took the job
because I needed money
when I couldn't rent
your garage anymore.
It's true, Kristen.
I'm not the enemy.
Mom, it doesn't matter.
Whatever you're saying, doesn't matter.
I just wanted to apologize.
I should've known
No, you should've listened to me.
This house is off-limits to you.
And my daughters are off-limits to you.
No, no, no, Kristen, please.
Don't answer out of emotion.
Do I seem emotional to you?
This is goodbye, Mom.
Kristen, wait, wait, wait.
Please, wait!
I'm on your side. I'm not with Leland.
- I swear to God!
There's a dreamer in my dreams ♪
Swinging from the beams ♪
With light ♪
Shining off the snow ♪
Well, there's a singer in my heart ♪
Burning up my charts ♪
- Oh, hey.
- Hey.
Wondered where you were,
decided to make dinner.
Oh, hey, okay, what are we ?
Kris Kris.
Hey, hey, hey, oh, my God!
- I got to cook.
- Well, this is cooking.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
The kids will be here from school.
KRISTEN: Then we're gonna educate them.
Any day ♪
But how this life will change him ♪
That we don't know. ♪

- Oh.
- Oh.
What was that?
I want to go back to normal.
What is, uh, what's normal?
- Family.
- Mm-hmm.
No ghost moans coming
- from the walls or
- Mm.
nuns tramping around looking for demons.
I want you to go bowling
- with your buddies.
- Oh, yeah.
- Fuck!
- Fuck, fuck!
ANGEL: Woe to Babylon, 38 days.

- Father Acosta?
- Yeah, be right there.
Good, you're all here.
I've been asked to stay on
until they can, uh,
bring in someone from the Vatican.
We're thrilled to have you, Father.
I'll begin with a confession.
I don't believe in all this.
All what?
Demons and exorcisms.
But I won't let my disbelief
get in the way
of my duties.
That's the least I can do for Matt.
I'm supposed to show you
something, uh
Now let's see, where-where is that?
Oh, here it is.
Now have you heard
of the Garrow Research Facility?
In Long Island?
- The particle accelerator?
- Yes.
Very good.
It's a machine to split the atom.
It actually splits the
proton of the atom.
Well, you know more than I do,
so, here, you talk.
Uh, well, it's a 14-mile loop
that accelerates electrons and protons
close to the speed
of light to split them.
Well, they're having problems.
No. Local parishes
in Ryland are protesting.
They say the particle accelerator
will open the gates of hell.
Well, don't look at me.
That's just what it says.
The scientists are
asking us to investigate
and give them a clean bill of health.
[SCOFFS] Sorry, they
the scientists, they want us
to prove they're not opening
the gates of hell?
And I'm, uh, supposed to show you
something at this address.
Here, you, you type it in.
- What's that?
- IGNATIUS: Something
that was filmed down
in the particle accelerator.
Help us, Satan.
Help us open this portal.
We deliver this sacrifice to you.
Bring her forward.
What the hell?
IGNATIUS: The Vatican is
asking you to investigate
and, uh, write up a report.
Well, it's a prank, right?
Well, I don't know.
That's your job.
If you choose to accept it.
[LAUGHS] That's
a Mission: Impossible joke.
You don't get to choose.
Thank you for joining us.
The Heavy Ion Collider
is an ISO 8 cleanroom,
so we'll need you to wear
these lint-free covers
while down in the loop.
There's no real fear of radiation
until the accelerator is powered up,
but you'll find these
radiation monitoring badges
clipped to your pockets.
Just keep an eye on them
in case they turn red.
This is the elevator you are on now.
It's a half mile down
to the accelerator.
When operational,
the accelerator will shoot
protons into the 14.2-mile loop
in opposite directions,
progressively using
electromagnetic fields
to accelerate the particles
near the speed of light.
They eventually make
the loop 13,000 times
per second before collision.
So is this about the proton spin crisis?
PARQUET: Are you a physicist?
No, no, just armchair.
Dr. Ethan Parquet,
Head Research Director.
Oh. Ben Shakir.
- Head Ghosthunter.
Oh, this is, uh, Kristen
Bouchard, skeptic.
- Hi
- Hi, pleased to meet you.
And, uh, Father Acosta, believer.
They're here to investigate
the video from last year.
I guess you're gonna tell us
it was a prank?
Yes, we only sacrifice virgins
on Wednesdays.
REINHARDT: Dr. Parquet is joking.
That video, the woman
being sacrificed, it was
a bad attempt at humor.
We've reassigned
all of the participants involved,
and we've apologized
in several press releases.
Oh, just two minutes now.

DAVID: So why'd they make
that video, Doctor?
We're in a friendly competition
with CERN,
the particle accelerator in Switzerland.
They did a similar video making fun
of the Satanic panic
about their opening.
So what can we do to convince you
we are not Satan worshippers?
Well, it would help to talk
to the woman in the video.
The one being stabbed.
The one pretending to be stabbed
Right. It would help
to show she's alive.
Well, she's no longer with us.
What do you mean?
She resigned.
- Why?
- No reason.
She didn't like the attention.
Okay. Can you get us
her contact information?
- Certainly.
- And the sacrifice video,
could you show us where it was shot?
This way.

This is where they shot it.
Why here?
My guess is superstition.
Bend 13.
I'm a physicist, but I understand
the tug of narrative,
the power of thinking that
fate is found in omens and magic.
Our physicists are only human.
Is it all right if I take some pictures?
REINHARDT: Yes. We have nothing to hide.
So what's your take on the spin crisis?
Geez, classic view.
Two of the quarks have
parallel spins to the proton's.
Right? It's the measurements
that are key.
It just makes sense
DAVID: What happened here?
Uh, what do you mean?
Looks like you patched something up.
Oh, we had some sinkage
during construction.
It required some bracing.
The ground can be
a bit unsettled this deep.
And this?
Uh, graffiti.
Just like the one on the elevator.
PARQUET: We're not sure who's
doing it, but we think it's
someone on the night crew.
One of the reasons
for the delayed opening
are these Gates of Hell rumors.
We've seen signs of sabotage
the last few days.
REINAHRDT: So the sooner you can help us
squash those rumors, the better.
What was that?
Just settling of the earth.
It happens now and then.
REINHARDT: It's nothing.
It's just the power dip.
It'll come back on in a second.
Ah, here we go.
Do you need to see
anything else, Father?
No, we're good.

I hope you're fine here.
My wife, she hates this kind of talk.
She thinks work is making me nuts.
Why does she think that?
Well, with going down
the elevator every day.
- Mm-hmm.
- The night shift.
But the pay is good, so what can I do?
You said they thought you were lying.
About what?
Where you were.
That's not where the Gates of Hell are.
And you think there is a Gates of Hell?
I mean, it's just the name
that the night shift calls it.
BEN: Calls what?
It's at the far end of the loop.
Nobody wants to work there.
Weird things happen there.
I think your wife wants you.
No. She thinks it's a mistake
I'm talking to you.
When they were doing construction
on widening the loop
- on the proton collider?
- Mm-hmm.
They broke through something.
A sinkhole.
Really deep.
It just collapsed on them.
And the crew said they couldn't
see the bottom of it.
So they decided to cement it over
and work around it.
But there's something there.
Something under the concrete.
A creature.
It dragged that woman into it.
What woman?
Uh, the one from the video.
Did you see it?
Did you see ?
Did you see her getting dragged into it?
- All right, let's just go.
- Wait, wait, no.
No, we already saw the sacrifice video.
No. I took this last week.
What the fuck was that?
Down there.
- Yo, look, look.
- What?
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck is that?
I don't fucking know, man!
- Shit!
Hey, yo, run, run
What was it?
No idea.
We just got out of there.
Okay, Ben, tell me.
Tell you what?
I know that video was fake.
So tell me how.
Oh, okay.
So here is a video
of me with a ghost.
Hello, ghost.
I don't, I don't see anything.
Ooh, ooh! [GASPS]
Did you see that? I see something.
Oh, my God! Here Ooh!
It's a ghost! It's a terrifying
scary ghost!
I guess I was wrong about science
This is that app you were talking about.
- Yeah.
- The one that puts
- angels in videos?
- Yep.
Okay, so from now on, Ben,
I need you to show me stuff
like that right afterwards.
So you know what not to believe in?
And also I'd like to understand
quantum mechanics.
- Yeah, good luck with that.
It's good news, David.
There's no monster coming out of hell.
I want to take a look tomorrow.
Look where?
He's faking it.
it should be easy to check out then.


Well, good morning, my little lambs.
Are we swearing a vow of silence?
He's not wrong.
I had a question. I was
wondering what to cook tonight.
I was thinking maybe candy salad?
- Mm!
All right, this is
actually perfect because
I've made some decisions for us.
As a family.
Your grandmother is no longer allowed
in our house or near us.
Any worries? Great.
we're no longer
going to Mass on Sundays.
I've changed my mind. I don't think
it's healthy for this family.
We're gonna have family fun day instead.
What is family fun day?
That's an excellent question.
It's, uh, weeding in the yard,
and cleaning the house.
So if any of you disagree, speak now
or forever hold your peace.
Wow, I didn't know that was all it took.
Just telling them they talk too much.
This is looking nice.
Right, so you'll make
the girls dinner tonight?
- What? Are you going out?
- Yeah, I got work.
With David?
- Yes, and Ben.
- Mm-hmm.
Why, what's going on?
Nothing. I just, it, um
it seemed like you wanted
nothing more to do
with ghosts and demons,
and here you are rushing off
to a job dealing with ghosts and demons.
Yes. I'm debunking ghosts and demons.
Uh-huh. I stand corrected.
We need the money.
Well, no, we won't
when Tragoren's payment comes through.
Well, that's great. When
it does, give me a ring.
In the meantime,
I'm gonna head to work.
LELAND: Andy Bouchard?
- Yeah, who's this?
- Are you listening?
Yes, who is this?
Feliz Navidad ♪
Feliz Navidad ♪
Feliz Navidad,
Prospero Ano y Felicidad. ♪
LELAND: Do you know where you're going?
Hang up your phone.
One of their workers
showed us a video
- Sorry.
- he believes represents
demonic activity.
Yeah, but some of us still
think that it's a prank.
Just like the sacrifice video.
So what are you suggesting?
DAVID: Heading back down again
to check out this worker's suspicions.
IGNATIUS: So this is
Father Agostino La Russo
from the Vatican's Pontificia
- something, something.
- Accademia delle Scienze.
He's the one who's asked for the update.
Satisfied, Father?
Who is the one who understands
- physics?
- BEN: Me.
What do you need?
For you to try to follow me.
The particle accelerator
creates collision energy
of 14 trillion electron volts, correct?
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Such a collision collapses matter
to such a point no light
or energy can escape?
Okay, I-I know where you're going.
Tell me where I am going.
Yes, such a collision
could cause a micro-black hole,
but not one that could endanger
- the Earth.
- Why?
Because it would quickly evaporate
due to Hawking radiation
And if a chain of black holes developed?
- That won't happen.
- It hasn't happened.
It can happen.
Yeah, theoretically anything can happen,
but CERN has been running
for six years now in Switzerland and
But the GRF accelerator
will work at higher speeds
and employ beams of gold ions.
It is an improbability.
The Pontificate is not concerned
with the Gates of Hell, that is
a folk superstition for which
we have little tolerance.
Our concern is that the collision
of gold ions measured
at 14 trillion electron volts
could result in a chain
reaction of quantum
black holes which would
swallow the Earth.
So why are we there?
Are we looking for demons
or are we looking for black holes?
- Okay, so tell me.
- Tell you what?
I'm not as comfortable
with this stuff as you are.
The black holes.
A chain reaction of black holes?
Yeah. Is it possible?
Well, CERN's been running for six years.
No "but".
what are you looking for today?
We were asked to inspect Bend 33.
We heard rumors there were some issues.
[SCOFFS] Okay.
I think we know what this is regarding.
We continue to be sabotaged
by rumors.
Dr. Parquet?
Do you have any worries
about a chain reaction
of quantum black holes?
You've been reading
the conspiracy theories?
No. No. I just want to be thorough.
[SIGHS] Okay.
Ben, what can I do to calm your fears?
Show me your safeguards.
All right, I'll take Ben and
I'll take them into the
HYDRA conjunction.
You take David.
Show him Bend 33.
And let's try to settle this today.
Why is your wife
fucking a priest?
Why is your wife fucking a priest?
- Leland.
- Why is ?
- What?
- [WHISPERS]: Come here.
This is not what we agreed on.
You need Sheryl back in the house.
You need Sheryl back in the house
No, Kristen already thinks
that you and Andy are too close.
Look, I want you in there,
too, but first we need
to pull apart Kristen's defenses.
Trust me on this.
No, you're wrong.
Why is your wife fucking a priest?
Why is your wife fucking a priest?
You need Sheryl back in the house.
You need Sheryl back
in the house, you need Sheryl
- back in the house. You need
- Why is your wife fucking
- Oh, boy.
Not enough charge.
Let me see.
Let me go back, get another.
You stay here.
Call if there's anything.
This is the HYDRA conjunction.
That's where the beams converge.
Oh, and your safeguards?
Come on.
The beams are accelerated
around the loop
at 13,000 revolutions per second.
And how are they held in place?
It's what guides the beams
towards each other.
BEN: Uh, if there's any concern
about an uncontrollable black hole?
- It's not going to happen.
- I know, I know, just humor me.
If there's concern about anything
- Yeah.
- there's a kill switch.
But such a change in matter
would not be subtle.
The plasma would grow in size.
Here, let me show you.
Come on, it's safe.
I'm not going.
KRISTEN: Where are you?
Where are you, Kristen?
Are you all right up there?
Yeah. Hey, take some pictures.
PARQUET: Here you can actually
see the electromagnets.
Color coded, each one of them.
Up for red, down for green.
We have 3D imaging
that follows the direction
of the quarks when they spread.
What's that?
I'm not quite sure.
Get out!
What is it?
What the ?
Get down!
- Oh, my God!
- Ben? Ben?
- Oh, my God! Ben! Are you okay?
- Ben, are you all right?
Ben! Jesus!
Move, guys! Watch your backs!
Out of the way, out of the way!
BEN: I'm fine, seriously.
- Sir, are you having any nausea?
- No.
- Headaches or dizziness?
- No.
All right, need you to look at me
- How'd that happen?
- They're trying to find out.
We need to review
the timeline before we can
This was a test firing, that's all.
The equivalent of a dental X-ray.
Great. Check the crowns
while you're at it.
Hey, Ben? Stop being funny. Take
this seriously, please, okay?
Any blurry vision, sir?
- No.
- Follow my finger.
- Do you see a trail?
- No.
- Okay, take a deep breath.
- We need to know what happened.
- Not in a week, not in an hour.
- Okay
- Now.
- Okay, sir
There was a power surge.
We don't know why.
We have breakers to stop
any unintended firings.
- But?
- Well, we think that there's
more sophisticated attempts to sabotage.
Oh, come on, you don't
even need any demons.
You create so many of your own.
- DAVID: How dangerous is it?
- PARQUET: The radiation is minor
and Ben is showing no ill
effects, though he should see
his general practitioner
and get a CAT scan.
Yeah, I'm fine. There's no black hole
growing inside my head.
Hey, Ben, shut up. Stop treating this
as comedy, please.
- All right, I'll take you home.
- No, I-I can do it myself.
Yeah, like hell you can.
Hey, did you make it out to Bend 33?
I did.
Yeah? Did you find hell?
Not this time.
Was it a vision?
I don't know.
I've never had a vision
like this before.
A vision of hell?
You believe in hell, right?
Don't you?
I think I have to, don't I?
I just don't understand
a God who would
send someone there.
He doesn't send anyone.
They send themselves.
I don't believe that, Sister.
I have friends.
They don't believe in God.
But they are good.
How do they deserve hell?
You should pray for them.
I had a vision of an angel telling me
"Woe to Babylon,
38 days".
So what happens in 38 days?
That's the question.
You can come out now.
Was that David?
Father Acosta.
How did you get here, Lynn?
An Uber.
Then let's call another one.
I cannot counsel you
without your parents' permission.
She doesn't want me to be a nun.
And maybe
maybe I don't, either,
I don't know, but I
want to know more.
- Help me.
Okay, get back in there.
Then we'll call a car.
Sister, I need help.
I did a bad thing.

Is Kristen all right?
What can I do for you?
You can, uh,
stop fucking my wife.
Andy, I don't know where you're
You're a priest, man! [SNIFFLES]
You're a fucking priest.
Andy, we have not
- I can hear it in her voice.
- Andy, I swear to you
Stop saying my name like
I'm a fucking eight-year-old!
Andy, we have not slept
with each other
I can see it on your face. I can hear it
in your words. You are guilty.
You cannot deny it.
I can deny it. And I
DEMON KRISTEN: Well, that's fortuitous.
You should go to her.
Tell her what happened.
- Shut up.
- No, it's a good idea.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's Ben?
He's good.
Yeah, I mean, tired.
He's gonna go see
his physician tomorrow.
- Weird, right? Scary.
- Oh, my God.
So what's going on? What did you need?
How are we doing?
What do you mean?
As friends?
Oh, um
I think, right, aren't we?
We're not distracting each other, right?
No. I think we moved past that.
And, uh
your husband, um
how are you two?
Andy came to the rectory.
- He what?
- And he accused me of
sleeping with you.
What the fuck?!
He said he was reading our signals.
- Oh, my God!
- Wait, Kristen.
No, David
we are fine.
Okay, we've been, we've been good.
Do I have feelings for you?
But my h-husband, he
needs to shut the fuck up.
He's been out of town.
- He has absolutely no right.
- Wait, wait. Maybe we should
Oh, Mom.
Well, hi.
It's past midnight. Where were you?
- Doing homework.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- With who?
It's not what you think, Mom.
Oh, I'm thrilled.
What was I thinking?
It just got late on me.
Did the homework happen
to be with your boyfriend
We need to talk about birth control.
- We already did.
- I know.
But if this is getting serious,
I want us to talk again.
Now go to bed. You're grounded tomorrow.
What was the homework?
All right.
Well, go to bed and
we are gonna have
a little chitchat tomorrow.

Who's there?

What the ? [PANTING]
Who is there?
Why don't I see you?
You don't believe in me.
I believe
in what I can see.
Then close your eyes.

Hey, baby, you're home.
Yes, I am.
Can you, uh, can you get the kids off?
No, I cannot.
What's wrong?
What's wrong is you don't dare
sabotage my job.
Don't ever go to my work
and accuse my boss
of sleeping with me.
He went to you.
Of course he did. What
did you think he would do?
Yeah, he wanted you to know
that I went to him.
No, the problem is
you went to him at all.
No, no, no, the problem
is that he told you
because he wanted this fight.
He wanted us to argue.
No, you're turning things
around. No, we're arguing
because I'm bringing in the money
and you just tried to fuck
my job with my boss.
Okay, let me ask you this.
Are you sleeping with him?
No, I'm not. What do you
think I am? He's a priest.
Have you ever kissed him?
This is your obsession,
not mine, let it go.
Kris, if it's true, I can forgive you.
You need to get your
shit together, husband.
You've been away forever,
and now you come back
accusing me, the single
income of this house!
You better shape up, or
go back to your mountains.
So how are you feeling?
Oh. Good.
You guys are gonna keep
staring at me, aren't you?
- Pretty much.
- Sounds right to me.
Yeah, okay, look, I went
to a neurologist this morning.
I had a CAT scan.
My brain is still there.
I'm all good, okay?
Last night someone tried
to blackmail the facility.
This is Mr. Tolford,
head of our security.
A gentleman on our custodial
staff, someone we understand
- you met with.
- PARQUET: He acknowledges
creating the video, trying
to besmirch our work here.
He said he would stop his disparagement
if GRF agreed to pay him $230,000.
We of course denied his request.
So why are we here?
No one in the religious
community trusts us.
But they will trust you, if
you share what you observe.
And Mr. Mateo Marcus has agreed
to come clean about his blackmail.
DAVID: Where is he?
B-32. Heading to 33, there.
What is he doing?

Let's go.
- Zoom out.
- We can't, the camera's locked.

What is happening?
Do we have eyes on Mateo?
Check B-34.

Watch out. We're still
working on patching that.
Did you see him?
No, but I think I heard something.
- You did?
- Is anyone down there?
TOLFORD: Mike, get on with Ryland PD.
We've had an accident,
and send out construction.
If he jumped,
that sinkhole goes down for miles.
TOLFORD: Mateo, can you hear me?!
that is odd.
I-I don't think I understand this.
Yeah, we don't, either.
This man was either a
whistleblower or a blackmailer,
and he either
committed suicide or he was
dragged down into
Um a hole.
A sinkhole.
That's all I feel comfortable saying.
Schrodinger's Cat.
Excuse me?
The cat
is both alive and dead?
He was dragged
and he jumped?
What about the particle accelerator?
[SIGHS] If you want to
stop it from going forward,
sure, there are some safety concerns.
There are a lot of bugs
they need to work out.
Are there fail-safes for a black hole?
- Yes.
- Are they adequate?
- No.
- LA RUSSO: Why?
Because the unknown, because everything.
Okay, because we don't know enough.
And if we want to know more,
then we have to take risks.
- Yes, but they do really
- This, wait, this accelerator
is a minor risk.
But they do need to address
their safety issues.
Now, when is it supposed to open?
38 days.
38 days?
38 days from now?
What was that about?
Your reaction to "38 days".
Oh, uh
a dream I had, um
based I guess on Revelation.
Well, this should be good.
Do you have mosquitos?
KRISTEN: What was the dream?
Um, an angel told me the world would end
in 38 days
starting with the reign
of the Antichrist.
That's an interesting reaction.
No, it's just, um
I'm having a son
in 38 days.
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