Fortier (2001) s04e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

You're lucky Johnson, you're off the hook.
For how long? l can't manage two squads.
You'll get a raise out of it.
With more escort agencies, lnternet sex and massage salons, crime will go up too.
Vice has nothing to do with murders.
lf you can't do both, someone has to.
Like the State police.
Any messages? Mr.
He didn't want to talk to Mr.
Don't put my calls through to Johnson.
Don't decide for me.
Something wrong? Your wife called.
l got what l could.
Suzanne quit.
Said l treated her badly.
- What's wrong? - lt's nothing.
Just a little dizzy.
and experts are fingers of the same glove, or fist.
What's the problem? Fortier will assist CAP when l see fit.
- And weaken my squad? - That's not the issue.
Our job is solving crimes.
We'll do it my way.
Anne's still getting over the Rouleau incident.
- You won't - lt's okay.
Parent's coming to lnvestigations.
l'll use his computer savvy to manage operations.
No, l need him.
l'll get you someone else.
You can't take him away from me! He's not yours! He's a compulsive masturbator and a nitpicker.
Let him go.
l can't let you do that.
You'll be pulling your hair out.
We can handle him, but you won't like his obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Take him if you want.
We'll manage without him.
Are your guys all sickos, or what? Swinging Like hell.
That's not your damn target! Somebody's gotta hit it.
Your squad lacks discipline.
What about Parent? l'll think about it.
l'm here if you need me.
They'll get Fontaine over my dead body.
- l wouldn't do that to you.
- Right Good night.
See you tomorrow.
l want to try.
Help me.
Help you what? Make love.
Fernand? Anne? FORTlER - 30 DlAZEPAM SEDATlVE Did you tell him what time to come? Since when does Johnson send you on crime scenes alone? l'm not alone.
You're here.
lt's all the same to me.
So? Appendicitis.
He didn't die peacefully in his sleep.
Anything intelligent to say? lt's not a woman.
Even we can tell a boy from a girl.
lt wasn't a woman who killed him.
One woman alone couldn't have lifted him.
ls it a job for us, or the SAS? Theft.
Scratch-n-wins? Only the scratch-n-wins are gone.
They're not marked as sold.
A scratch-n-win thief? Killing for scratch-n-wins Sounds normal.
Where's the victim? Hold on.
Where? Tell me where he is, not what to do.
Where's the guys? lnspector Dufour, Code 484 at 3783 Miles Street.
What about Mayrand? He's not answering? Keep calling his cell phone! Yes, ma'am The technicians are on the scene.
l repeat, Code 484 at 3783 Miles Street.
l want everyone on the scene, now.
- Dufour? - Yeah .
3783 Miles Street.
Tired? l love you.
Me too.
Do we tell? Not yet.
l don't want them to know.
lt's only been three weeks.
You're a cop, l'm a cop Do we need any more cops in our life? - Not even Dufour? - He's a got a big mouth.
Sleep well? You? All right.
l sleep better naturally.
l didn't need your pills.
That's all you can say? We l had the most beautiful time of my life.
l mean lt was good.
Very good.
What do you mean? Are the guys here? Mayrand lives just around the corner.
You mean a lot to me.
Downstairs? - You two dating? - Don't start rumors.
- She's not better.
- What's it to you? She's not all there.
She's not over Rouleau's suicide.
Did he really rape her? lt's the best thing he could've done for her.
- Rape her? - Kill himself.
Who cares about him? - Which way? - Down here.
Anne's not getting over it.
Let's get together tonight? l have to ask my mom.
Oh, Marijo lt's complicated in the SAS l never get serious with girls.
So, l don't want them thinking - Are you 7 years old? - Yeah.
Meet me after your shift.
Yes? My battery died.
What's up? l'm on my way.
You're not allowed here.
lt's okay.
He's with me.
Who's that? This is your boss asking.
He's my auxiliary ego.
Your what? He'll carry my fear until l'm in control again.
l feel unstable without him.
Unstable? Dizzy.
He wasn't there last night.
l'm okay lying down.
Since when? The dizziness started a month ago.
l'm trying something new.
He's not coming on our investigations? Anne Fine.
- Why's he positioned like that? - Show of strength.
Head and elbows against the wall He was put there before being killed.
Check under his nails? When we get back.
So? Who's taking it? - l think - We'll take it.
On what grounds? The method of murder and the theft are unusual.
Where've you been? Doctor.
Tell him that.
l hope that matron at reception is only temporary.
Who's the guy with the turban? You okay? lt's just that Poor Norm.
You knew him? This is my corner store.
- Run the usual checks.
- Right away.
Guys like him belong in jail.
He did his time.
Comeau's dangerous.
Ten years wasn't enough? He beat a hooker to death.
l remember the photos.
This is law, not ethics.
- You're helping him.
- lt's my job.
You took the case.
Too bad for the victim.
What do you want to prove? l hope he stays out of trouble, for your sake.
One of these days, l'm going to belt you one.
He's clean as a whistle, except knowing Mayrand.
You never know when death will come knocking.
Let's figure out what kind of murderer we're dealing with.
A scratch-n-win thief.
A corner store fanatic.
We'll learn more from the autopsy.
Any ideas in the meantime? l'm freaked out.
lt's a drag.
All those missing scratch-n-wins are really a drag.
Let him go! Have you lost your mind? Quit your stupid jokes.
Can't you see he's upset? Are you nuts? l've had it with his nonsense.
lt was a joke.
Yes, to make people laugh and relieve stress.
l'll give you stress What's the problem? What problem? Did you hear what l said? You're out of sorts.
Not her, too? - Where were you this morning? - At home.
Sleeping? Yes, sleeping.
Not at the doctor's? After.
First, l was at home.
She going to stare at me all day? ls that guy going to sleep here? He's even upsetting the dog.
Lie down! Sit down.
l said sit! Work together, or call it quits! We're looking for any information that could shed light on Normand Mercier's murder.
You live above the corner store.
So Your name? Name? Right.
Look Me Dufour.
Him Mayrand.
You are who? Name? Chang Lee Ming.
How's that spelled? Just write it like it sounds.
Chang Lee Ming.
- M-l-G-N-E? - Good enough.
We don't want to arrest you.
We just want you to help us.
Doesn't understand a word.
Hold on.
Watch this He only understands ''name.
'' Chang Lee Ming.
We know.
Can you believe this? - Chang Lee Ming.
- Okay, now shut up.
Your name is Djangouadi N'djourou.
Are you going to explain? We did make How long will he hang around? Until l'm free.
l shouldn't have done it, right? You were testing me? Now we know.
What you went through was l've had it.
l don't know what you want.
l don't know where you're going, but this can't go on.
Rouleau's dead.
Your problem is solved.
lt's over.
You're starting a new life.
ls there something you haven't told me? Six months of depression.
Six months of tension in the squad.
Now, us - and him.
- l didn't force you.
Why did you sedate me? l didn't want to talk.
l never do, at times like that.
Not anymore, at least.
You do that often? Sleep with a guy, sedate him, iron his clothes and leave him with Fernand? - You owe me that much.
- l owe you nothing.
Don't argue just to avoid the issue.
- Just be calm.
- l can't be what l'm not.
Hold on l'll never mention our night together, if that's your wish.
Okay? Nothing ever happened.
lt was all in my head.
Let's forget it.
l don't understand, but l can handle ambiguity in my private life l'm glad to hear it.
but not in the squad.
Before, l understood.
Not now.
l can't explain your attitude.
l killed again.
Good enough? He killed himself.
l pushed him to.
lt's the same thing.
A body's waiting for us.
We working or not? Sorry.
We won't let a few punches come between us.
lnteraction helps bond friendship.
Work with Dufour, for me? l knew the victim.
l wouldn't do my job properly.
The bullet was fired at close range.
- How close? - Point blank, the forehead.
- A 9 mm? - A hollow point, confirmed.
Ring a bell? That's what we use.
Also available on the black market.
Don't bodies scare you? - Any marks on the body? - No.
How did he get there? How? We assume the killer dragged him downstairs, put him on the hooks, and shot him in the head.
Right? Right.
No sign of a struggle.
Maybe the victim was willing? - You mean - He didn't know he'd be killed.
No, Durivage said the upstairs door was locked.
So, the killer came in downstairs.
The owner heard a noise, locked the door, went downstairs, and bang! There's something on his fingers.
Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol.
Pot? Hash.
What kind of cake? The little puffy one.
With cream.
- And red stuff.
- Red stuff? Sweet stuff.
Yeah, right.
You go to the corner store three or four times a day? Last time you went, was the door locked? What did you do? l waited.
For long? Mayrand knew the guy.
l don't know why he's so quiet.
He seems numb.
He's not himself.
l'm talking to you.
lt's our job to consider all possibilities.
So why a 9 mm hollow point? What do you mean? We're on a murder that happened near my place.
We'll work on it a few days, then hand it to CAP.
ls 8:00 okay with you? l'll be waiting for you.
My place? Your place.
Smoking on the job? lt's for later.
l'm finished in half an hour.
Don't roll it in the car.
lt's just a joint.
lt's illegal.
You could've helped with the interrogations, since you're doing the surveillance.
l'm not in contact with the witnesses.
Yeah, but you're nervous.
l'm not nervous! You sure are.
You sure are nervous.
lf you need money, l can lend you some.
Helping each other out That's what friends are for.
ls it something l did or said? ls it about work? You're getting on my nerves.
What a waste of time.
Johnson's the boss.
''Criminals return to the crime scene.
'' What a stupid theory.
Let's put a sign on the car: ''Here we are!'' So? So Nothing.
Do two more hours.
Come on What for? Because we haven't got anything, and l said so.
But l'm waiting for you to answer me.
What for? l don't know.
Call him yourself.
l'm going to take a leak.
l need something to happen.
A body at the corner store Doesn't say much.
No pun intended.
A store clerk, some hash and a 9 mm.
Pick one of three cases: The flasher on Mount Royal, The Pine Grove pyromaniac And the third? You.
This is Marie-Josée.
l can't come to the phone.
Leave me a message and l'll call you back.
Hi, baby.
lt's me.
l managed to shake Dufour for a second.
l'm stuck for two more hours.
Go to my place and go to bed.
l'll be there soon.

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