Little Angel (2022) s04e01 Episode Script

Let's Learn Songs

Little Angel.
[Mom] Mmm, fresh pretzels.
Let's try some, guys.
[kids] Yeah! Mmm!
Food, food, so much food
So many flavors ♪
Food, food
For me and you ♪
-Let's try something new ♪
Try this pretzel ♪
-Have a taste, taste, taste ♪
-Num, num, num!
Crunch, crunch, ah! ♪
I taste a salty taste ♪
-Oh! [laughing]
Oh, guys! Look at this lemonade machine.
Food, food, so much food
So many flavors ♪
Food, food
For me and you ♪
Let's try something new ♪
Try this soda
Have a taste, taste, taste ♪
-Slurp, slurp, zing! ♪
I taste a sour taste ♪
Um Oh?
[all laughing]
-Oh, honey.
-Mommy, what's that?
Hello. Come try our delicious seafood.
Food, food, so much food
So many flavors ♪
Food, food
For me and you ♪
Let's try something new ♪
Try this shrimp
Have a taste, taste, taste ♪
Chew, chew, ugh! ♪
-I taste a fishy taste ♪
-Hey! Hola, amigos.
-Mmm, tacos. Let's try some.
Sí, amigos. Enjoy.
Food, food, so much food
So many flavors ♪
Food, food
For me and you ♪
-Let's try something new ♪
-Mmm! Yum, yum!
Try this taco ♪
-Have a taste, taste, taste ♪
Crunch, crunch, a-cha-cha! ♪
-I taste a spicy taste ♪
Dad, take this.
Oh, honey, drink this.
[kids] Mom, Dad, look!
-[all] Ice cream!
Food, food, so much food
So many flavors ♪
Food, food
For me and you ♪
-Let's try something new ♪
Try this ice cream
Have a taste, taste, taste ♪
Yum, yum, yes! ♪
I taste my favorite taste ♪
[both laughing]
-Yeah! Aha!
-Mmm, delicious.
-Yeah, this is good.
-Food, food, so much food ♪
-So many flavors ♪
Food, food
For me and you ♪
Let's try something new ♪
Oh, no! Wait! My ice cream!
[both laughing]
-Ah! [groans]
Open your eyes, dear Baby John ♪
So you can see what's going on ♪
Now shut your eyes
One and two ♪
Now open them ♪
Good morning, Baby John. Open your eyes.
Are you having fun, Baby John? [giggles]
Open, shut. Open, shut.
-Close your eyes, then open them up.
Let's open the window, Baby John ♪
So we can see what's going on ♪
-Shut the window quickly now ♪
-Wow! [squeals]
-The rain is coming down ♪
-[thunder rumbling]
Open, shut. Open, shut.
-Close the window, then open it up.
-[Jill] Are you thirsty, Baby John?
-Let's go find your sippy cup.
We'll go to the fridge and open it up
Open it up, open it up ♪
Look, there is your sippy cup ♪
Now let's shut the door ♪
-Open, shut. Open, shut.
-Baby John found his sippy cup.
-Here, let me help.
Let's open up the top
And fill, fill, fill ♪
Let's shut the top so we won't spill ♪
Let's open up the top
And fill, fill, fill ♪
Then shut so the drink won't spill ♪
Open, shut. Open, shut.
Open and shut the sippy cup.
Okay, Baby John.
It seems that you know
all about open and shut,
-but now it's time for a nap.
-Open, shut.
Open, shut.
Open, shut. [squeals]
Okay, Baby John.
Let's take a tour around the house.
Look at Bingo's snout.
He breathes, and it goes open and shut.
-You see?
-Look up close at Bingo's snout ♪
Bingo's snout, Bingo's snout ♪
Can you see it open and shut ♪
When he breathes in and out? ♪
Open, shut. Open, shut.
Bingo is our favorite pup.
Let's see what we have here.
-Let's look at the fish.
The mouth on the fish
Goes open and shut ♪
Open and shut
Open and shut ♪
The mouth on the fish
Goes open and shut ♪
All around the tank ♪
-Open, shut.
[both] Open, shut.
Little fish in the tank goes,
"Blub, blub, blub."
-That's it, little guy.
Shut your eyes now, hmm?
Okay, Baby John.
You're going to have fun today
with your friends and Miss Hannah.
Hi, Baby John. How are you today?
There's a little toy car
It is mine ♪
You want it too ♪
-What should we do? ♪
Teacher says when we play
We must share ♪
Let's be nice and let's be fair ♪
Boys and girls,
we've got some new crayons.
You can take a piece of paper
and draw anything you want.
[all] Yay!
[all laughing]
I was busy playing
Running around ♪
I went too fast and I fell down ♪
Teacher always helps me
She's my friend ♪
She makes my boo-boo better again ♪
Hey, everyone.
Let's go play in the garden.
-Look! Flowers!
-Wow! [squeals]
Come along, friends.
I want to show you something amazing.
Can we see the animals?
They look cool ♪
I like the animals we meet at school ♪
Teacher makes it fun
To learn new things ♪
We play games and dance and sing ♪
Let's play with clay.
Look, we've got so many colors.
[all laughing]
We must all be careful when we play ♪
The best kind of fun
Is when we are safe ♪
Teacher will protect us
And teach us rules ♪
So when we play
We're safe at school ♪
Okay, boys and girls. It's clean-up time.
-[both giggling]
-[Miss Hannah] Come along, friends.
It's time for a story.
When we come to day care
We love to play ♪
There's something new
To learn every day ♪
We get fun surprises
There's lots to do ♪
Thanks, Miss Hannah
We love you ♪
-And that's the end.
-[all laughing]
[chuckles] Oh, there you are.
What are you hiding there?
Oh, how nice!
-Thank you. I love you all.
-[all laughing]
[doorbell rings]
-Wanna see my new pet?
-My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him, seen him yet?
He's the coolest pet ♪
He changes color so he can hide ♪
[both] Oh!
He turns green and blue and red ♪
-Oh, yes, I love my pet ♪
-[both] Hmm. Oh!
[Baby John] Huh? Where did he go?
My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him
Seen him yet? ♪
-He's the coolest pet ♪
-[both] Oh?
-Hmm. Oh, I know.
A cookie for you.
My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him
Seen him yet? ♪
He's the coolest pet ♪
When he gets hungry
He scurries about ♪
He eats bugs and insects ♪
Oh, yes, I love my pet ♪
-My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
-The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him
Seen him yet? ♪
He's the coolest pet ♪
Let's play ball. Fetch!
[blows raspberry]
-He likes climbing. Look!
-Oh! [giggles]
My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
-The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him
Seen him yet? ♪
He's the coolest pet ♪
He climbs things really fast ♪
-[chuckles] Yeah!
He climbs high ♪
Really high ♪
Oh, yes, I love my pet ♪
[both laughing] Oh!
My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him
Seen him yet? ♪
-He's the coolest pet ♪
-[both] Yeah!
Aw, he's sleepy.
My new pet is the coolest pet ♪
The coolest pet that you ever met ♪
Have you seen him
Seen him yet? ♪
He's the coolest pet ♪
When he gets sleepy ♪
He hides in his special place ♪
Oh, yes, I love my pet ♪
[both] Aw!
-My pet is
-So cool!
[both laugh]
-[bell ringing]
-Welcome to the fire station.
-[kids] Wow!
[siren wailing]
-Say hello to Harvey the Fire Hydrant.
Hello, Harvey!
Hey, kids! Do you know what to do
in a fire emergency?
[both] Hmm?
That's okay. I'll show you.
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
When there's a fire
I know what to do ♪
-I know what to do, do-do, do-do ♪
-[alarm beeping]
-The fire alarm means time to go ♪
Fire alarm means time to go ♪
When you hear it
Now you know ♪
-Fire alarm means time to go ♪
-Hmm. Oh.
So when you hear that fire alarm,
what does it mean?
Time to go!
-[all laughing]
-[Harvey] You got it.
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
When there's a fire
I know what to do ♪
-I know what to do, do-do, do-do ♪
-[siren wailing]
When there's a fire
We go outside ♪
When there's a fire
We go outside ♪
We go out
Don't stay and hide ♪
-When there's a fire, we go outside ♪
Remember this. Do not stay and hide.
-Instead, we
-[kids] Oh!
[all] Go outside!
[Harvey] Yeah!
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
-When there's a fire ♪
I know what to do ♪
I know what to do, do-do, do-do ♪
[inhales, sighs]
When there's smoke
We drop and crawl ♪
When there's smoke
We drop and crawl ♪
-Lie down on the floor and crawl ♪
-When there's smoke, we drop and crawl ♪
You dropped and crawled. Well done, guys.
-[all laughing]
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
When there's a fire
I know what to do ♪
I know what to do, do-do, do-do ♪
We don't stop
Leave everything ♪
We don't stop
Leave everything ♪
Let's be safe
Come on, let's sing ♪
-We don't stop, leave everything ♪
-Now you're an expert like me.
-[kids] Yeah!
Fire safety
This is what we do ♪
-Fire safety, this is what we do ♪
When there's a fire
I know what to do ♪
-I know what to do, do-do, do-do ♪
[all giggling]
This is karate, karate ♪
Stand for karate, karate ♪
Ha! [giggling]
Punch for karate, karate ♪
Huh! Huh!
Oh, yeah, karate is so much fun ♪
[inhales, exhales]
Punch, punch, punch ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Punch, punch, punch ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Don't worry
Practice will make you good ♪
Ha! Hai-yah! Ha!
-Very good, kids.
Remember, karate keeps you healthy,
safe and strong.
This is karate, karate ♪
-It keeps you strong and so healthy ♪
This is karate, karate ♪
-That's right ♪
Now follow along with me ♪
Ha! Ha!
Now can you punch for karate? ♪
[kids laughing]
It keeps you strong and so healthy ♪
That's right
Now follow along with me ♪
[inhales, exhales]
Downward block ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Downward block ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Don't worry
Practice and you will see ♪
Wow, great job!
Remember, this room is called a dojo,
and we're standing on a
[kids] Mat!
-[laughs] That's right.
-[kids laughing]
This is karate, karate ♪
-It keeps you strong and so healthy ♪
-This is karate, karate ♪
Now you can do it the same as me ♪
Now can you kick for karate? ♪
Yeah, can you kick for karate? ♪
Oh, you will get it so soon
You'll see ♪
Now let's kick ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Now let's kick ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Don't worry
Practice and you will see ♪
-Very good, class.
-[kids] Yay!
You'll all be black belts in no time.
-This is karate, karate ♪
[laughs] Yeah!
It keeps you strong and so healthy ♪
-This is karate, karate ♪
Now you can do it the same as me ♪
Show them karate, karate ♪
You've learnt karate, karate ♪
Now you can follow along with me ♪
Elbow strike ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Elbow strike ♪
[kids] Ha-hai-yah!
Now you can do it the same as me ♪
-Very good, kids.
Great job, honey.
-[both] Yeah!
-[all laughing]
This goes here, and then
I'm finished.
[both laugh]
Good job doing your chores, honey.
-These coins are for you.
Coins are big and coins are small ♪
One, two, three, four coins in all ♪
Big, big, small, small ♪
One, two, three, four coins in all ♪
What do we do with these? ♪
Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy bank
Piggy bank ♪
Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy, piggy bank ♪
[both] Yeah! [laughing]
-One lemonade.
One coin.
-Coins are different colors too ♪
One, two, three, four coins for you ♪
They are so, so shiny too ♪
One, two, three, four coins for you ♪
-Oh! Hmm.
-What do we do with these? ♪
-Hmm. Aha!
Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy bank
Piggy bank ♪
Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy, piggy bank ♪
[kids giggling]
[Grandpa] Kids, we have something for you.
[Grandma] Here you go. Some coins for you.
[kids] We can save coins easily ♪
Save, save, saving
You and me ♪
Saving coins is easy, see? ♪
Saving coins
You and me ♪
[laughing] Hmm.
That's what we do with these ♪
[all laughing]
[kids] Put it in the piggy bank ♪
-Piggy bank, piggy bank ♪
-Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy, piggy bank ♪
-Look, Baby John. [laughs]
Coins, coins on the floor♪
-One, two, three and four ♪
Save and you'll have so much more ♪
Coins, coins on the floor ♪
I know what to do with these ♪
Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy bank
Piggy bank ♪
Put it in the piggy bank ♪
Piggy, piggy bank ♪
-Well done, sweetie.
-Yay! Yay!
[both laugh]
[both laughing]
Oh! Aha!
Me too!
I love you, Brother ♪
You're so kind ♪
How do you do it? ♪
[both] Oh! Hmm.
Can I be like you? ♪
-I need you, Brother ♪
Can we try together? ♪
It's fun, fun, fun
Yahoo! ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
My brother's cool ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
Brother, I love you ♪
I love you, Brother ♪
You're so fast ♪
How do you do it? ♪
Hmm. Aha!
Can I be like you? ♪
-I need you, Brother ♪
Can we try together? ♪
It's fun, fun, fun
Yahoo! ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
My brother's cool ♪
-My brother is my hero ♪
-Brother, I love you ♪
-Look, Baby John.
I love you, Brother ♪
You're so smart ♪
How do you do it? ♪
Can I be like you? ♪
I need you, Brother ♪
-Can we try together? ♪
It's fun, fun, fun
Yahoo! ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
-My brother's cool ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
-Brother, I love you ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
My brother's cool ♪
My brother is my hero ♪
-Brother, I love you ♪
I can do this.
Tears, tears, go away ♪
-Come again another day ♪
-[both gasp]
-Baby wants to play ♪
-[gasps] Oh, no!
Tears, tears, go away ♪
-Baby, it's okay ♪
We'll make boo-boo go away ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
We'll make boo-boo go away ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
Come again another day ♪
Baby, time to play ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
Let's see if we can find some animals.
Yeah, maybe a bear.
-Pretty butterflies.
Go away, mosquito.
Ouch! Itchy!
-Tears, tears, go away ♪
Come again another day ♪
Baby wants to play ♪
Tears, tears, go away ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
We'll make itchy go away ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
We'll make itchy go away ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
-Come again another day ♪
Baby, time to play ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
-Are you kids tired yet?
-No way.
-This is fun.
Let's jump.
Yeah. [giggles]
Tears, tears, go away ♪
-Come again another day ♪
-[both exclaim]
Baby wants to play ♪
-Tears, tears, go away ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
We will stroke your head today ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
We will stroke your head today ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
Come again another day ♪
-Baby, time to play ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
We're almost there, guys.
[Jack, Jill] Yeah!
Phew! No more.
Oh, honey.
Tears, tears, go away ♪
Come again another day ♪
Baby wants to play ♪
Tears, tears, go away ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
-We will make you smile today ♪
Baby, it's okay ♪
We will make you smile today ♪
Tears, tears, gone away ♪
Come again another day ♪
-Baby, time to play ♪
-Tears, tears, gone away ♪
[kids giggling] Shooting star!
Oh! Oh!
-Oh, wow!
-Look what I have.
-It's a yo-yo.
-Me, me, me!
Try, try, try again ♪
We don't give up
No, no ♪
You can do it, try again ♪
Don't give up
No, no ♪
-No, no, I can't do it ♪
-[both gasp]
Not fun to do ♪
-I can't learn to do it, too ♪
-Can't play with you ♪
Try, try, try again ♪
We don't give up
No, no ♪
-You can do it, try again ♪
-Oh! [laughs]
Don't give up
No, no ♪
Yes, yes
I can do it ♪
It's fun to do ♪
-I know how to do it, too ♪
-[both] Yeah!
I'll play with you ♪
[both] Yay! Wow!
Ooh, balloons!
Yeah! Watch me!
Me, me!
Try, try, try again ♪
We don't give up
No, no ♪
-You can do it, try again ♪
-Oh! Hmm. Oh!
Don't give up
No, no ♪
No, no
I can't do it ♪
Not fun to do ♪
I can't learn to do it, too ♪
Can't play with you ♪
Try, try, try again ♪
We don't give up
No, no ♪
You can do it, try again ♪
Don't give up
No, no ♪
-Yes, yes, I can do it ♪
-[both laughing] Yeah!
It's fun to do ♪
I know how to do it, too ♪
-I'll play with you ♪
-[both] Yeah!
Okay, ready? Open eyes.
Oh! [giggles]
Try, try, try again ♪
We don't give up
No, no ♪
You can do it, try again ♪
Don't give up
No, no ♪
Oh! Whoa!
No, no
I can't do it ♪
Not fun to do ♪
I can't learn to do it, too ♪
Can't play with you ♪
-Try, try, try again ♪
We don't give up
No, no ♪
You can do it, try again ♪
-Don't give up, no, no ♪
Yes, yes
I can do it ♪
It's fun to do ♪
-I know how to do it, too ♪
I'll play with you ♪
[laughs] Yes!
All set.
Ready to take my first client.
Come, come along
This is my salon ♪
Haircuts and dress-up ♪
So much fun, fun, fun ♪
Come sit here ♪
-Don't fear ♪
'Cause here we go, here we go
This is so much fun ♪
Here we go, here we go
Now we're almost done ♪
Here we go, here we go
This is so much fun ♪
Here we go, here we go ♪
And now we're done!
All set.
[Jack] Cool!
-Hmm Ooh!
Come, come along
This is my salon ♪
Animals, I paint them all ♪
So much fun, fun, fun ♪
Come sit here ♪
Don't fear ♪
'Cause here we go, here we go ♪
-This is so much fun ♪
Here we go, here we go
Now we're almost done ♪
Here we go, here we go
This is so much fun ♪
-Here we go, here we go ♪
-And now we're done!
-I'm a tiger!
That's one happy customer.
-Daddy, you're next.
-Me? Hmm.
Come, come along
This is my salon ♪
Face masks to relax ♪
So much fun, fun, fun ♪
Come sit here ♪
-Don't fear ♪
'Cause here we go, here we go ♪
This is so much fun ♪
[both giggle]
Here we go, here we go
Now we're almost done ♪
Here we go, here we go ♪
-This is so much fun ♪
-Here we go, here we go ♪
-And now we're done!
-Just let them dry, Daddy.
-[chuckles] Oh! All right, honey.
It's your turn, Mommy.
[chuckles] Sure, honey.
Come, come along ♪
-This is my salon ♪
-It's time for girl time ♪
So much fun, fun, fun ♪
Come sit here ♪
Don't fear ♪
'Cause here we go, here we go ♪
-This is so much fun ♪
Here we go, here we go ♪
-Now we're almost done ♪
Here we go, here we go
This is so much fun ♪
-Here we go, here we go ♪
-Ooh! [laughs]
And now we're done!
Wow, we look great!
-Great job, sweetie.
[all laugh]
-[all gasp]
Do you guys know the story
of Little Red Riding Hood?
-Let's all tell the story together.
[Mom, Dad] Little Red Riding Hood
Off she heads ♪
To see Grandma sick in bed ♪
Stick to the path
When you're in the woods ♪
Just be safe, Red Riding Hood ♪
[all] Little Red
Little Red Riding Hood ♪
Don't talk to strangers in the woods ♪
Just be careful as you go ♪
Don't talk to strangers on the road ♪
"As she made her way through the woods,
she met the Big Bad Wolf."
[giggling] Oh!
Well, hello, how do you do? ♪
Where are you from and going to? ♪
[Jack] I can't stop, I'm on my way ♪
I'm off to see my friend today ♪
[kids] Little Red
Little Red Riding Hood ♪
Don't talk to strangers in the woods ♪
Just be careful as you go ♪
Don't talk to strangers on the road ♪
"The Big Bad Wolf was very nosy indeed.
But Little Red Riding Hood was smart,
and she knew
she shouldn't talk to strangers."
Tell me where is your friends' home? ♪
How much further must you roam? ♪
It's through the woods and far away ♪
We have to go
We'll say good day ♪
Hmm. Aha!
[kids] Little Red
Little Red Riding Hood ♪
Don't talk to strangers in the woods ♪
Just be careful as you go ♪
Don't talk to strangers on the road ♪
"The Big Bad Wolf wanted to join her
on her journey,
but Red Riding Hood
knew better than that."
Can I come on your journey? ♪
I'll be nice and friendly ♪
[Baby John] Sorry, Wolf
But you can't come ♪
This is a walk just for one ♪
Aw! Ah!
[kids] Little Red
Little Red Riding Hood ♪
Don't talk to strangers in the woods ♪
Just be careful as you go ♪
Don't talk to strangers on the road ♪
"Little Red Riding Hood was really smart.
She didn't talk to strangers
and she made it safely to Grandma's."
[Mom] Little Red Riding Hood
She was told ♪
Don't talk to strangers on the road ♪
Off she went through the woods ♪
Such a smart Red Riding Hood ♪
[kids] Little Red
Little Red Riding Hood ♪
Don't talk to strangers in the woods ♪
Just be careful as you go ♪
-Don't talk to strangers on the road ♪
-[all gasp]
Don't talk to strangers on the road.
[kids giggling]
-[Baby John] Hmm. [scoffs]
-[kids giggling]
There are ten at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
There are nine at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
There are eight at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
[both laugh]
There are seven at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
[both laugh]
There are six at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
There are five at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
Huh! Whee!
-[camera shutter clicks]
There are four at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
[both laugh]
There are three at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
[exclaims] Oh!
-[camera shutter clicks]
-[both laugh]
There are two at the slide
And they all want to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
[both laugh]
There is one at the slide
And he really wants to ride ♪
Go down it
Go down it ♪
So one went down
And landed on the ground ♪
-[camera shutter clicks]
Ooh! [laughs]
[all giggling]
[all laugh]
Whoa! This is amazing.
We are way up high.
Hold on tight.
[all] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
The wheels on the bus
Go round and round ♪
Round and round
Round and round ♪
The wheels on the bus
Go round and round ♪
-All through the town ♪
-Who wants some ice cream?
-[kids] I do!
The family on the bus
Gets an ice cream cone ♪
Ice cream cone
Ice cream cone ♪
The family on the bus
Gets an ice cream cone ♪
And rides around the town ♪
-Is this where movies are made?
-[Dad] Yes, Jill.
-[Jack] Look! Is that baby shark?
-[laughs] Oh!
Baby shark likes to drink his milk ♪
Drink his milk
Drink his milk ♪
Baby shark likes to drink his milk ♪
And swim around the water ♪
-Watch out!
-[all groan]
-[family gasps]
The signals on the bus
Go blink, blink, blink ♪
Blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink ♪
The signals on the bus
Go blink, blink, blink ♪
All through the town ♪
The horn on the bus
Goes beep, beep, beep ♪
Beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep ♪
The horn on the bus
Goes beep, beep, beep ♪
All through the town ♪
-[Jack] Beep, beep!
-[Jill] Coming through!
[all laughing]
See the balloons go zoom, zoom, zoom ♪
Zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom ♪
See the balloons go zoom, zoom, zoom ♪
All through the town ♪
-The people on the bus go up, up, up ♪
-[kids] Whoa!
Up, up, up
Up, up, up ♪
-[kids] Whee!
-The people on the bus go up, up, up ♪
-Up into the sky ♪
It's okay. Shh.
The people everywhere
They wave goodbye ♪
Wave goodbye
Wave goodbye ♪
The people everywhere
They wave goodbye ♪
-All through the town ♪
-See you later.
[gasps, squeals]
Baby shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Baby shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Baby shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Baby shark ♪
Sister shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Sister shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Sister shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Sister shark ♪
Brother shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Brother shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Brother shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Brother shark ♪
Dancing sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Dancing sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Dancing sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Dancing sharks ♪
[all giggling]
So much fun
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
So much fun
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
So much fun
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
So much fun ♪
Mommy shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Mommy shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Mommy shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Mommy shark ♪
[kids laughing]
Hmm? Whoa!
[sighs, laughs]
Daddy shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Daddy shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Daddy shark
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Daddy shark ♪
[both chuckle]
[kids laughing]
We're all sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
We're all sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
We're all sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
We're all sharks ♪
-[all laughing]
-[camera shutter clicks]
Bye-bye, sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Bye-bye, sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Bye-bye, sharks
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ♪
Bye-bye, sharks ♪
-Bye-bye, sharks.
-Bye, sharks.
Bye, sharks.
[all laughing]
Let's go swimming, let's go swimming ♪
At the beach, at the beach ♪
Like we're on vacation
Like we're on vacation ♪
Come with me
Come with me ♪
[both giggling]
Let's go swimming, let's go swimming ♪
-Baby John, Baby John ♪
You don't need to be scared
You don't need to be scared ♪
-Swimming is fun, swimming is fun ♪
[both giggling]
[all laughing]
Baby John, Baby John ♪
Come on in, come on in ♪
Everyone will help you
Everyone will help you ♪
Learn to swim, learn to swim ♪
[both laughing]
[squealing, giggling]
Kick your feet, kick your feet ♪
Just like this, just like this ♪
Now you're learning swimming
Now you're learning swimming ♪
Like a fish, like a fish ♪
We're all swimming, we're all swimming ♪
Look and see, look and see ♪
It's fun to play together
It's fun to play together ♪
A family, a family ♪
[family] We're going to the beach ♪
We love to be by the sea ♪
We're going to the beach ♪
-Would you like to go? ♪
-We're going to the beach ♪
It's our favorite place to be ♪
-We're going to the beach ♪
-[all gasp, laugh]
We all love the beach ♪
-[all] Safety at the beach!
[Mom] Sunscreen, sunscreen
Don't forget your sunscreen ♪
Sunscreen, sunscreen
We don't want you to burn ♪
What must we use?
-Shall we put some on?
-Yes, please.
-[Jack] We're playing on the beach ♪
We love to play by the sea ♪
-We're playing on the beach ♪
Would you like to play? ♪
We're playing on the beach ♪
It's our favorite place to be ♪
We're playing on the beach ♪
Fun for you and me ♪
[both] Safety at the beach!
[Jill] Careful, careful ♪
-Don't get sand in your eyes ♪
-Careful when you build a sandcastle ♪
-Careful of?
-Sand! Sand!
-Going where?
-In your eyes!
[both laughing]
[Jack] We're running on the beach ♪
We love to run by the sea ♪
We're running on the beach ♪
Would you like to run? ♪
We're running on the beach ♪
It's our favorite place to be ♪
We're running on the beach
Feeling oh, so free ♪
Safety at the beach!
[Dad] Shade time, shade time
We all need some shade time ♪
Shade time, shade time
When it gets too hot ♪
-Where must we stay?
-In the shade.
-It's nice and cool.
-Yay, yay, yay!
[all laughing]
[family] We're swimming at the beach ♪
We love to swim in the sea ♪
We're swimming at the beach ♪
Would you like to swim? ♪
We're swimming at the beach ♪
It's our favorite place to be ♪
We're swimming at the beach ♪
Swimming in the sea ♪
[all] Safety at the beach!
[Mom] Careful, careful
When the waves are coming ♪
Play nicely
We don't want you to fall ♪
-What must we do?
-Be aware.
-When we see a what? Ah!
-Big wave!
[family] We all love the beach ♪
-[Mom] Oh!
-I love the beach.
-[all laughing]
-Oh, yeah!
[Bingo barking]
Kids, Bingo needs a walk.
[all] Yeah!
-[kids] No, Bingo, stop!
Bingo, let's be good
Bingo, let's be good ♪
We can show you what to do ♪
Bingo, let's be good
Bingo, let's be good ♪
-We can show you 'cause we love you ♪
Let's all play nice ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Let's all play nice ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Good dogs get a treat ♪
Little Bingo needs a bath.
Bingo, let's be good
Bingo, let's be good ♪
We can show you what to do ♪
-Bingo, let's be good ♪
-Hmm. Aha!
Bingo, let's be good ♪
We can show you 'cause we love you ♪
Wash, wash, scrub, scrub ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Wash, wash, scrub, scrub ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Good dogs get a treat ♪
[kids] Oh?
-No, Bingo!
-[Jill] Don't don't eat that!
Bingo, let's be good
Bingo, let's be good ♪
We can show you what to do ♪
Bingo, let's be good
Bingo, let's be good ♪
We can show you 'cause we love you ♪
-Eat your dog food ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Eat your dog food ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Good dogs get a treat ♪
No barking.
-Bingo, let's be good ♪
-Bingo, let's be good ♪
-We can show you what to do ♪
-Bingo, let's be good ♪
-[both] Hmm.
-Bingo, let's be good ♪
-We can show you 'cause we love you ♪
Let's be quiet ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Let's be quiet ♪
Good dog, Bingo, good dog ♪
Good dogs get a treat ♪
Bingo, you're so good
Bingo, you're so good ♪
We can show you what to do ♪
Bingo, you're so good
Bingo, you're so good ♪
We can show you 'cause we love you ♪
[all laughing]
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