The Circle (2020) s04e01 Episode Script

A Spicy Start

[theme music playing]
The Circle is back,
and, honey, you already know there's
more twists and turns than ever before.
This is the ultimate game of social media
where players can choose
to play themselves
or catfish as someone completely new.
And with a giant cash prize at stake,
strategy's the name of the game.
So will they be friendly?
Will they be flirty?
Or will they be fooling everyone
about their identity to win that money?
And The Circle this season
has a spicy surprise for the players.
Buckle up, honey,
because the VIP guests are moving in.
This is The Circle.
["The Power of Love"
by Huey Lewis and the News playing]
[Michelle] We're back, baby,
and it's like we never even left.
I'm feeling all that Circle love already.
I just got this one question for y'all.
Can you feel it? ♪
Mmm, mmm ♪
Sure, it's about online popularity,
and anyone could be anyone,
but only one will walk away
with that 100K prize.
But there's one thing we need
before we start, players.
And I think I hear
the first wheelie suitcase
making its way
down that hallway right now.
More than a feeling ♪
[screaming] Ooh!
This is so cute!
Yes! Okay, a little pink.
Oh my God! [shouting] I am here!
Bitch, yes!
Frank in the city, in The Circle.
Let me see, is my lips juicy?
Because I'm ready, baby. Let's do it.
What's going on, everybody? It is Frank.
I am 28. I'm a school social worker,
and I'm from Maryland.
I like to call myself the big boy
with a big personality.
I'm fun as hell. People love me.
Did I say people love me?
So I'm a body positive person.
Even though there's a negative connotation
about people of a larger size,
I'm confident in my body
'cause why shouldn't I be?
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S ♪
So, I'm going into The Circle as, ah,
myself! Of course. Because look at me.
Work it out ♪
So I'm gonna bring
a little bit of Southern charm,
and I'm gonna bring my therapist skills in
to build connections with people.
That's gonna be my strategy.
So I can be a little bit shady.
Just a little bit,
but I'm gonna ease the shade in there
because I don't want a target on my back.
I can throw a whole shade tree
if necessary,
and I don't wanna have to do that.
Let's be frank.
The money is already mine, baby.
It's in my account already.
I already checked.
Baby, I'm fabulous ♪
["Fabulous" by CUT playing]
Oh my God!
It's time to set up your profile.
[laughing and screaming]
Okay. This is the moment
that I've been waiting for.
I feel like I'm accepting a Tony.
Circle, open up my Face album
because baby,
the face card is never gonna decline.
Circle, open up the top middle.
[screen dings]
Aw, I am so cute!
Circle, make this picture
my profile picture.
[screen dings]
[Michelle] Ooh, Frank's picture game
is on point, honey.
And our next player's already working hard
to climb to the top.
How do I get up here? I'm gonna hoist. Ow!
Yes. Food. Perfect.
Sorry. So sorry.
Okay. That's going
Have to move that eventually,
because I don't wanna have to Free Solo
every time I'm going to grab my spices.
You know what I mean?
I just ate a whole bag of chips
before I came in here, so Okay.
Are you ready
Are you ready for it? ♪
Hi, I'm Yu Ling, and I am 25 years old.
I'm a brand marketing consultant,
and I'm from San Francisco,
also known as the Yay Area.
This is what we've been waiting for ♪
So, I'm first and a half gen
Chinese American.
And because
both of my parents are immigrants,
they were working to make sure
there was food on the table.
So I would say that I was raised
culturally by like MTV, VH1.
Oh yeah, can you feel ♪
I live and breathe social media.
I love to make connections
with other people digitally.
Three, two, one ♪
I'll be going into The Circle
as fun-size, firecracker, Yu Ling
'cause, honestly,
I wouldn't wanna play anybody else.
I am a Gen Z-Millennial cusp.
Millennials are kind of burnt out
and jaded,
but Gen Z is super excited, positive.
So I'll be relatable but also hilarious.
I don't think
I've ever been more ready for anything.
I'm gonna fuck this bitch up.
Ready, set, go ♪
Not so violently though.
Just like a gentle,
sweet kind of fuck them up.
Ah! Circle, open the album Extremely Sexy.
Okay, this entire album
is obviously sarcastic but also not.
I think that it is sexy
when you're confident.
Circle, open the middle photo with
the corn stool that I'm trying to eat.
-[screen dings]
-We're gonna do that.
That has to be the second photo.
I think it's just hilarious.
Yes. This is gonna show my personality.
People will know that I'm funny,
and I know how to have fun,
and I don't take myself too seriously.
Perfect. I'm I'm good with this.
I feel like people are gonna see me,
and not think that I'm a catfish,
and also want to be my friend. Please.
[Michelle] Okay, she's bringing
that firecracker energy.
Speaking of which
[upbeat saxophone playing]
Well, light me on fire
and call me the Fourth of July.
I'm in The Circle.
Let's go. This is awesome.
Unbelievable. What's going on in here?
Awesome. A pink comforter?
I could get used to this.
This isn't so bad.
Just watch me now ♪
I'm John. I'm 24 years old.
I am a social media content creator
from New Jersey.
I am as Italian as it possibly gets.
I got a tattoo of Saint Anthony
on my chest,
grew up in the same hometown
as The Sopranos was filmed in.
I've literally grown up
in a bowl of sauce.
Just watch me now ♪
People come in here
and try to portray people
by the outside looking in.
That's not how it works.
The most popular person
in every Italian family is the mom,
and that's why I'm going into The Circle
as the matriarch, my mom Carol.
Step back
Here comes the queen ♪
My mom is an incredibly smart,
strong, independent woman,
and I know everything about her.
I know her favorite tea,
that her favorite artist is Rod Stewart.
I know how her and my dad got together.
-[camera person] Who's her favorite child?
-Come on, not fair. It's obviously me.
Carol might be five foot nothing,
but she has the fight
of an absolute beast.
Get ready, Circle,
because Momma Carol
is ready to win the game.
Just watch me
Just watch me now ♪
All right, Circle,
I want my About Me to say,
"Italian mom of two, with a love
of dancing, baking and dogs."
We're gonna add some emojis for fun.
So we're gonna do the dancing girl,
the cupcake, and the dog-face emoji.
"Can find me in the kitchen
with a glass of red,
listening to Rod Stewart's Greatest Hits."
Let's end it
with a nice little heartfelt note,
so people know
they can always talk to her.
Let's go with,
"Can't wait to get to know you all!"
"Exclamation point and a heart emoji."
Circle, lock in my profile.
[screen beeps]
Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm Carol.
[Michelle] And I am here
for a 24 year-old dude from New Jersey
playing his own mom.
And if you think we can't top that,
then our next player is about
to present us with quite the entrance.
Uh. Journal.
And then, this is very important
because this is the vulva pillow.
And it actually matches so well.
[gasps] She looks beautiful,
and it's a kind reminder
that we all have beautiful vaginas.
Hi, Circle. I'm Alyssa.
I am 27 years old from New York,
and I'm an assistant to a sex coach.
Yeah, watch me do my thing ♪
I love helping people have amazing sex,
and I can very comfortably say
the word vagina. Vagina, vagina, vagina.
[pop music playing]
If you have had a romantic anything
with any of my friends,
I know about every single detail
because we're all so curious
about how everyone's sex life is doing.
Yeah, watch me do my thing ♪
My game plan is to go in as me!
If I can get people to tell me
about their sex lives,
I can absolutely get people
to tell me about their strategies.
Rule number one of The Circle,
don't play too hard, too fast.
Yeah, watch me do my thing ♪
Actually, that's kind of a rule
in the sex industry too.
Circle, update my bio to,
"Italian New Yorker,
who loves to cuddle up with my dogs,
a scary movie,
and my dad's homemade wine."
"I'm a whopping five feet tall
and an assistant to a sex coach."
I think that's gonna be, like,
a fun talking point for people,
but I also wanna lead people into it.
I don't wanna come out and be like
Circle, set this as my profile.
[screen beeps]
I'm so excited.
[Michelle] Our first four are in,
and they're hitting everything
on their Circle to-do lists,
unpacking, making tea,
and using magnets
to spell out motivational slogans.
[John] There it is. W, W, C, D.
"What would Carol do?"
[Frank] I'mma have a little snack.
[Michelle] And just as
they made themselves at home,
let's start a Circle Chat because we can.
-[screen beeps]
-Oh. "Circle Chat is now open!"
I wanna see everybody.
All right, let's do it, Mom. Err.
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
[gasps] Wow, who are these people?
[Alyssa] Yu Ling is cool.
Oh my God! I'm the only boy so far,
well, from what I see.
If this is the crew
that we're going up against,
I'm feeling pretty confident.
Alyssa? She looks so pretty.
Alyssa, all right.
I love that Carol kind of gives me
the same vibes as my mom.
That little, like, drink pose
is very much her.
Okay, Circle, let's write
What should I say?
I definitely wanna come across
as, like, fun and just me.
Okay, message,
"Hello, you beautiful humans!"
"Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
All caps, "We made it, honeys."
"Unreal that I'm here with you all
right now."
"How's everyone feeling?"
"Can't wait to get to know you.
Sparkle emoji." And send.
[gasps] Oh my God!
Ooh! Oh my God! First message.
Yu Ling really bringing that energy.
I think she's exactly who she says she is.
Circle, please take me
to Yu Ling's profile.
[Alyssa screaming]
She's so cool!
Okay, Yu Ling!
I love these pictures.
"Simple pleasures include
constantly disappointing
my immigrant mother." Hilarious.
There isn't a ton of personal information
about her.
It's possible she's a catfish.
Just something to kind of [smacks tongue]
keep in the back of my mind.
Circle, take me back to the Circle Chat.
Okay. Message, "Hey, guys,
I am so excited to finally be here
and get to know all of you. Heart."
"I have absolutely been screaming
all around my apartment."
"I definitely feel
more at home already. Hug emoji."
[Yu Ling] "Are you all settling
into your apartments okay?"
That is so sweet.
Circle, please take me
to Alyssa's profile.
Okay, Alyssa.
"Italian New Yorker." I knew it. Like
This girl, she's gonna be
ultimate alliance right here. This is big.
"I'm a whopping five foot tall
and an assistant to a sex coach."
Hey, you know, we could all use
a few pointers, Alyssa. Um.
John, put your feelings aside.
Think with your head. Um.
Circle, take me back to Circle Chat.
[screen dings]
Circle, message,
"Hi, everyone! Exclamation point."
"It's so lovely to see you,
and I can't wait
to get to know you all. Period."
"Alyssa! Four exclamation points."
"Another Italian?
Question mark, exclamation point."
"I feel right at home
and would love to share a glass of red
with you, sweetheart. Wineglass emoji."
[screaming and laughing]
Another Italian.
I love that she called me sweetheart.
I think I've just been adopted.
That's my mom now.
Circle, message
[gasps] Oh my God!
"Yu Ling, I love your makeup."
"It's nothing I could ever pull off,
but it's so you."
Okay. I feel definitely gassed up.
Oh my God!
We're giving off a good vibe here.
She's a woman.
She's a powerful, awesome woman,
and she would definitely
gas another girl up
if she ever had the chance.
I like where everything's at
for me right now, for sure.
I want them to know
that I am excited to be here.
So, message
[gasps] Frank is typing.
"Oh my God. I am loving
everybody's energy so far. Fire emoji."
"I think this is going to be
a great group,
and I am excited to know
that I'm not the only one
who's screaming very loudly. #SoreThroat."
Circle, take me
to Frank's profile, please.
He looks so fun.
I mean, he's on a boat.
The vibes are impeccable.
You are the vibes.
We have no choice but to Stan Frank.
Circle, take me back to Circle Chat.
[screen dings]
Circle, message,
"Frank, I love your energy.
It reminds me of my kids."
"You're so positive,
and it makes me so happy to be here."
See? She likes me.
Momma Carol, Baby Frank, it's
We good, I'm telling you.
That is so sweet, though.
Everyone is just absolutely incredible.
Message, "Carol, I'm absolutely loving
everything about you."
"#MommaCarol. White heart."
We already have a #MommaCarol!
I love that!
So, I love that.
I love that that's where we're at today.
[Michelle] While Momma Carol
and the kids chat,
our next arrival is here,
and after a few attempts,
she's overjoyed to have made it
all the way around the apartment
without touching the floor.
I'm in The Circle. I'm in The Circle.
I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it.
I did it. I did it.
The champ is here.
What's good, y'all?
My name is Crissa. I'm 31 years old.
I became the 13th woman
to play for the Harlem Globetrotters,
and now do basketball-influenced
social media content.
[rap music playing]
Playing with the Globetrotters was
a platform that I never knew I'd have.
But I know where the players are cutting,
who's behind me, who's in front of me.
I'd like to think
that I'm gonna play this game like that,
having that full-court vision.
So, I am a lesbian that plays with balls.
Hold on ♪
Get your mind out the gud.
I'm entering The Circle as your mom.
I'm just kidding. Myself,
because I don't know
how to play anybody besides myself.
Super genuine, sweet.
Everybody's sister from another mister.
I'm a lesbian. I'm a female athlete.
I'm a mom. I'm a wife.
So I'm able to relate
to so many different people.
I'm sharing everything about my life.
If they wanna know, just ask.
I ain't got nothing to hide.
Okay. All right.
Relax, Crissa.
This is only $100,000 on the line.
Circle, take me to She Got Balls album.
Circle, can you pull up
the one with my dog,
spinning the ball on my dog's nail?
I'm smiling big. This is very loving.
I think this might be it.
[Michelle] Our next player's in,
and he appears to be doing an impression
of every single dad in every single kid's
first apartment in the world.
That's plywood. [laughing]
Oh, this bathroom's nice. Hold on.
Got a slider door.
Looks good.
Oh God! Sorry, guys.
That was expensive stuff.
Don't you ever tell me ♪
My name is Josh Brubaker.
I'm 25 years old. You can call me Bru.
I'm a radio host,
living in West Hollywood, California.
Like that wink?
That's the best thing I can do.
If I could describe myself,
I'm like a golden retriever.
I'm trustworthy. I'm loyal. I'm kind.
I'm pretty popular online.
I have 3.5 million followers.
If I can be popular on social media,
I think I can be popular in The Circle.
I'm going into The Circle as myself
because one, I've got my Midwest values,
I know who I am, and I get paid to talk.
So this is perfect.
Get yourself some ♪
The game plan
I'm trying to be everyone's best friend.
So I'm not gonna build too many alliances,
put all my eggs in one basket.
I'll be planting the seed with everyone,
being The Circle bestie if you will.
I think a lot of people will come to me
with their problems.
I'm just a, you know,
non-threatening face,
so tell me all your deepest,
darkest secrets.
It's how I'm gonna win The Circle.
Ooh ♪
I'm coming into The Circle,
and I'm gonna prove
that nice guys can finish first.
Yeah ♪
Circle, please update my About Me to,
"Hey, y'all."
I wanna be like
Uh, something about getting ready to
We'll see.
Something about,
"Can't wait to, like, build a connection
with you," or something. Um.
How about, like I wanna, like
Something about, um
Oh, how about this too?
Well, I won't say
I never met a mom that didn't love me
because that's That's kind of weird.
Uh, let's do
"I can't wait to be frie"
Ah, sounds kinda desperate,
you know what I mean?
"I can't wait to be
Be my friend please!"
Um, what about
Um. The pressure's on.
All right, we're getting into a flow now.
I can feel it.
[Michelle] While DJ Bru gets
used to riffing without a script,
our next player's here,
and she's really about to test
that Circle soundproofing.
Oh my God!
This is crazy!
Oh my God. This is so cute and girly.
Oh my God! My boob's out.
Wait, I think that was, like, full nipple.
Hi. My name is Parker.
I'm 21, I'm a student,
and I'm from Miami, Florida.
I am a popping bottles kind of girl.
My only two personality traits really
are being in a sorority
and going out and partying.
In pictures, I just like to portray myself
as a hot-ass bitch.
So my go-to is just a straight face,
poppin' the titties out.
We gotta give them what they want.
The Circle is all about trust.
If I saw a 21-year-old sorority girl,
I definitely wouldn't put trust in them,
especially with my pictures.
And that's why I'm going in The Circle
as a 56-year-old guy named Paul.
Oh, wait, there's one more thing.
He's my dad.
I feel like going in
as a married man with two children,
it definitely comes off
as a very trusting vibe,
like, someone you will put
your trust and loyalty into.
The 21-year-old sorority girl
who loves to party is going in the trash,
but don't let that fool you.
I still plan on being
the most manipulative, cutthroat player.
All the players are gonna fall for Paul,
and ultimately into my trap,
and win me that money.
Right here, baby. I'm the winner.
Well, I'm keeping everything to my profile
super accurate to my dad,
so I don't have any slipups.
So, for relationship status,
please lock in married.
I feel like being married
will give me a trusting vibe.
All right, now here comes occupation,
where I definitely am changing it up
In real life,
he does something with real estate.
I literally can't comprehend it.
I have no idea.
So I'm not even gonna try to know.
So, Circle, lock in occupation
as marriage therapist.
My main goal is to gain the trust
of others in The Circle,
and I believe having the therapist edge
will make everyone feel more comfortable
with me, wanna come to me for advice.
So that's why I believe
this occupation is perfect
and will definitely help me
in the long run.
No slipups here. We're doing this.
[Michelle] And while you're doing that,
the first four are still chatting,
and Carol the catfish is onto canines.
Circle, message,
"Are we all dog parents here?
Question mark."
"Because I miss
my schnoodle Maddie so much!"
"Two exclamation points."
Circle, send that message.
Message, "Carol, how wild!"
"I also have a schnoodle at home
named Muffin."
"She lives with my nephew and sister
back in San Francisco."
And send.
[screen beeps]
Oh my God! What's happening?
Oh! We are in the chat.
We're in the Circle Chat.
This is happening.
This is This is This is
"Paul has joined the chat!"
I am officially here.
I'm ready. I'm ready.
Circle, please take me to Paul's profile.
Paul seems like a real estate broker.
The About Me is just so bland.
Like, there's nothing
Like, "I enjoy my free time
and hanging out on the beach."
Is this like a '90s dating video?
I'm confused.
I don't trust this guy
as far as I could throw him,
um, mostly because I'm playing
a similar character on the opposite end.
Uh, Circle, take me back
to Circle Chat please.
Circle, message,
"Wow, we have new people!
Exclamation point."
"Welcome. Starry-eyes emoji."
"#CircleFamilyJustGotBigger." Okay.
That was it, Carol?
Carol, that was it? Come on.
Circle, take me to Carol's profile.
She definitely is a lady
that is my dad's age.
Who is Rod Stewart,
and why are you listening to him?
When talking to her,
I'm gonna have to be very careful
with my word choices,
especially if she were to ask a question
about the olden days.
I really have to break out that Paul Bible
and make sure I get every detail correct,
'cause this girl could pick me apart.
"You can find me in the kitchen
with a glass of red,
listening to Rod Stewart's Greatest Hits."
I don't know who Rod Stewart is.
Ya lost me, sis.
All right, Circle, message,
"Hey, guys, so nice to meet you."
"How wild is it
that we are officially in The Circle?"
"Question mark, question mark."
"Does anyone else wanna
get on Frank's boat and go have a party?"
See? I told you.
People wanna get on my boat, baby
Uh-huh ♪
Frank's the captain now.
He looks familiar for some reason. Okay.
Circle, can we open Bru's profile?
Turtlenecks are a personal weakness
of mine,
and suddenly I am sweating.
Okay. Bru, 25?
I'm 25. Stop it.
Wait. Like, Bru?
Like, Bru, like the radio guy from TikTok,
Bru. I know exactly who that guy is.
He does a bunch
of stupid shit on the radio
that people tell him to do.
He's hilarious. I love this guy.
I can't react, being John,
to knowing who Bru is,
because there's no way
Carol would ever know Bru as Bru.
But knowing who he is
could be valuable to me
trying to pick him out whether or not
somebody is, like, pretending to be him,
or is actually him.
Message, "OMG" in all caps.
"Fresh faces!"
And then multiple exclamation marks.
"I'm getting major big sibling vibe.
Love your energy."
[Bru] "Bru, love that turtleneck."
Well, you know
"Only a few people can pull it off."
"Gonna have to let me
borrow that one day." All right.
Message, "I know it's really overwhelming
to get to know everyone,
so I was wondering Dot, dot, dot."
"What would each
of your memoirs be titled?"
Wining and Whining." Yes!
I don't know what that means.
What is memoirs?
Is that, like,
an album title or something?
Circle, message,
"Alyssa, that's a fantastic question."
"I'm gonna go with"
" How cute!
Message, "Alyssa,
the name of my memoir, baby,
Titties and Tequila."
"#ImAGoodTime. Crying face emoji."
And send.
That'll fuck 'em up.
Message, "Mine would definitely be"
"All That and Dim Sum."
That is so cute! And Dim Sum.
Yu Ling, I freaking love you.
Should I just be like,
"Guys, no judgment. What's memoirs?"
"Okay, y'all, don't judge me,
but what's a freaking memoir?"
"#FulltimeJock. #BarelyGraduated."
That is so cute.
Circle, message,
"All of your memoirs sound great."
"Crissa, I was thinking the same thing.
Haven't heard that one before."
Hmm. You just kind of ran
with what Crissa said?
Because what's your reason
and why you don't know what memoirs mean?
Paul. Paul.
Paul, come on. You're not fifty
What? Nine, fifty-three
and a marriage counselor,
and you never heard of a memoir?
Crissa's a full jock. I get it.
We didn't pay attention in school.
But Paul
Listen, Paul,
you can't out-bullshit a bullshitter.
Whoever's behind you
is not doing a good job, like
We I'm 24. I know what a memoir is.
"A memoir is a story of your life."
Guys, I did not know that.
And, "Circle Chat is now closed."
First one in the books. Whoo!
Oh, these pants are too tight.
Was gonna do the splits.
I'll save that for a different day.
I mean,
I've never heard that term as myself,
so I didn't wanna answer something
and potentially, you know,
expose myself so early,
so I'm happy I kind of avoided it.
[Michelle] Circle lesson of the day.
There's one
and only one secret
to being a successful catfish,
I'm a guy. In here, I'm a guy.
[both gasping]
"Been There Done That!"
What is this?
-Miss Circle don't waste no time.
What is Been There Done That?
Circle, open Been There Done That.
Oh, I'm so excited.
[Michelle] So am I. 'Cause we're about
to really get to know you guys.
The players will be shown
various statements.
"I was popular in school."
That's a hard question. That's subjective.
[Michelle] They then send a thumbs up
if they've been there and done that
-Circle, let's do thumbs up.
-Thumbs up.
or a thumbs down if they haven't.
Thumbs down.
[Michelle] Once all players
have decided on a thumb,
The Circle will reveal the results
to everyone to discuss amongst themselves.
So more people were unpopular in school.
I don't know why I immediately thought
Alyssa was gonna be the popular girl.
Paul, he's a therapist.
Heads down in the books type of vibes.
[Michelle] Yeah,
mainly memoirs, right, Paul?
I'm in good company there to the right.
I'm excited to hear more about,
like, their experiences than anything.
"I have walked down the red carpet
at an event."
I wish.
So I've been on a few red carpets
for mostly fashion shows.
They make an event for everything.
Everybody got a red carpet.
-Circle, thumbs down.
-Thumbs down.
Circle, please set my answer as thumbs up.
Yeah, this was great.
Why is it just me and the bros?
Are you secret celebrities?
I'm really shocked about Yu Ling,
her being into fashion
and, like, kind of into makeup.
I was surprised there.
Frank seems so friendly, and like,
and charismatic, like
I feel like if he walked past
a red carpet, someone on the carpet
would say, "Wanna come?"
All right, here we go.
"I have popped another person's pimple."
Heck yeah,
I popped another person's pimple.
It's what I do!
Somebody's popped mine.
I didn't give permission.
Literally, the thought of doing it
and all the pus coming out.
It would be weird to everybody else
if Carol thumbs down, I think, here.
My dad doesn't do that.
I definitely don't do that.
I'm, like, disgusted by pimples.
-Circle, please put a thumbs up.
-Thumbs up.
Select thumbs down.
Oh my God. Let's see.
Carol? You're a pimple-popper?
Frank, you're a pimple-popper? No.
But if there's anyone that I'm,
like, a little bit surprised about,
it's Paul.
Sometimes I think having children around
kind of like disintegrates
some of your personal boundary for germs
because they are just a walking germ.
Next question.
"I have sent a nude."
I don't know if he sent a nude,
and I'm gonna be honest,
I don't wanna know,
but just to spice it up a little bit,
I'm gonna put a thumbs up.
Who hasn't in this day and age? Come on.
My mom's gonna be so mad at me.
I was in a five-year
long-term relationship.
So you make do. You make You make do,
and that's as far as I'm gonna go.
My mom's watching this. Ugh. I'm blushing.
[upbeat music playing]
Hmm, I would not even
wanna know if she has.
Like, Carol, let's see it. Let's see it.
Old people can have fun too, girl.
Send those nudes.
Ah, this is a hard one.
Definitely not Paul.
My dad just learned
how to send GIFs not long ago,
and we're all very proud of him.
Um, Circle, let's do thumbs up,
and you're welcome
to whoever I sent a nude to. [smacks lips]
Yeah, I fucking knew it.
But I love how I'm in with everyone.
You know, it shows, like,
I have some spice.
I'm still young.
I still send nudes. My sex life's great.
Okay, Paul.
Now we're getting a little personality.
Little surprised about Paul,
but he's also a marriage counselor though,
so maybe there's something to that.
Maybe he's got a theory,
like strong marriages are formed
around sending nudes or something.
I don't know, man.
Like, it just shocks me though,
like, the age gap isn't so different.
I would be I would be shocked
if Paul was actually Paul at this point.
[gasps] Okay. "I have faked being sick
to skip work."
Uh, [blows raspberry]
absolutely I have. What the hell?
You are not human if you haven't.
Come on now.
I feel like
this could really go either way.
It probably is gonna be half and half,
I feel like.
Everybody, everybody and their mother
Everybody and their mother
has made an excuse.
So, Circle, thumbs up to that.
I hope my job isn't watching this.
I'm gonna have to tell them
to skip this episode.
I think this will be a clean sweep.
I think we're all gonna say yes.
If not, they haven't had a job.
Let's see what we got.
Come on, clean sweep.
Paul, you dog.
Oh, what?
No! I'm the only one
that voted thumbs down!
You lying sack of shit.
This guy just continues to baffle me.
Paul is giving me
a lot of, like, mixed signals right now.
Mr. Sends-a-nude-as-a-56-year-old
has never faked a cough
to get out of work?
I wanna look very professional.
And if you're, like,
a marriage therapist, I feel like
you should be showing up to work,
you should not be skipping it.
I don't know how I feel about that.
I did not think it was gonna go that way.
So far, it's just a little bit, um,
Whoo! First game in the books.
"Congratulations, players."
"The Circle hopes you've learned
a bit more about each other."
I have, I think, Circle. Thank you.
We made it through
our first Circle game night.
Go, Circle. Go, Circle. Go, Circle.
[Michelle] And if you thought
that was intimate, wait till you hear
Alyssa talking to a vulva cushion.
Do you know that you have
as many nerve endings as a penis does?
Did you know that about yourself?
Inch for inch, sweet girl?
[Michelle] Oh, I love a pussy power
moment for us. Keep touching it.
[deep voice] This is my best guy walk.
We gotta get the voice.
Guys, do this, right?
They'll grab up here.
[Michelle] Oh. Okay. Wow.
Trust me when I say
I really don't wanna interrupt this, but
[alarm blares]
-[Crissa] Wait. Wait, I'm not ready.
This is the first alert. Okay.
What you got, Circle?
No! I knew it. "Players"
"you must now rate each other."
[shouting] What? What?
We're already fucking rating each other?
All right, let me, uh,
let me just get my notes out here.
I don't even know who you are yet!
"Rate your fellow players from first"
"to sixth."
I'm gonna have to go with my gut.
I think I would have to do it tactically
because we don't have
alliances established yet.
Circle, open my ratings page.
When you see it in front of you,
it's different than watching the show.
Suddenly, you realize, like,
you're holding people's game in your hand.
Ooh, I need some ChapStick. Oh my God.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, put Frank as my first place.
Ah! You look good right there, Frank.
You're looking good.
Digging the vibes. Life of the party.
Good vibes only. I'm about that life.
Circle. I'd like to place Carol
in my first position.
Carol is the person
that I connected the most with.
She's kind of became the Circle mom,
so I definitely want to keep Carol around.
Circle, I'd like to place Alyssa
in my first position.
Based on the getting to know each other,
being part of the original four,
she fits the bill of somebody
Carol would get along with.
I have a good feeling
if I put Alyssa first,
and she has power, I'll be okay.
Circle, I would like to put Crissa
in my first position.
I feel like we have the most in common
in this short amount of time.
We're both really big family people.
She's a full-time dog mom,
and I'm a huge dog person.
I feel like when we get the chance
to really talk,
we're gonna click really well.
Circle, please put Frank in first place.
He just feels super genuine,
and funny, bubbly, just like someone
that I would want to hang out with.
Definitely deserves first place.
Circle, I'd like to place Bru
in my second position.
Bru had some great conversations
in the chat.
Um, he seemed really bubbly.
He jumped right in. I loved his energy.
I have a lot in common with Carol.
We're both married.
We're both older.
I think if it really comes down to it,
we can form a bond and a friendship,
because we have so much in common.
Circle, lock in Carol
as my second position.
Circle, please put Paul
as my third place rating.
Circle, I would like to place Yu Ling
at fourth place.
Fifth, I'm gonna have to rate Yu Ling.
I think I was the most shocked
that Yu Ling hadn't walked a red carpet.
Not to say that she was lying
or being strategic,
but I was just more so shocked.
Circle, please put Bru in fifth place.
I'm not quite getting a good enough read
on his energy at the moment.
Circle, I'd like to place Paul
in last place, please.
This is the one
I get the most questions about.
Didn't know what a memoir was.
50-ish, he's sending nudes,
which is totally fine.
He never took a sick day off of work.
It's a weird vibe. That's all I can say.
Circle, I would like to place Crissa
in my last position.
She seems so amazing,
and it has nothing to do with that.
Actually, it has everything
to do with that,
because I feel threatened by her.
I don't have much of a choice.
I have to be tactical.
Circle, please put Carol
in my sixth place.
Your chat game was trash,
and you don't send nudes. Carol!
Circle, I'd like to place Paul
in my last position.
I just think
there's something more to Paul
that we're not seeing,
and that somebody's pretending to be him.
There's something fugazi
going on here for sure.
Circle, place Alyssa in my sixth position.
I can't really relate to her
on a lot of subjects,
considering I am an older man.
I'm sorry, Alyssa, but it has to be done.
-Circle, submit my ratings.
-Circle, submit my ratings.
Oh! [laughing nervously]
Oh my God! It's gone through.
"Ratings complete."
Ha, ha!
All right.
[Michelle] With the ratings done, Paul,
played by his actual daughter, Parker,
wants to start a chat with the boys.
Honestly, I think Frank and Bru
are gonna be very high in the ranking.
So I feel like getting in with them
will do me great in the future.
[Michelle] And Carol,
played by her actual son, John,
wants to check in with the girls.
So I think it's super important
that I get the girls together
because I want Carol to come across
as, like, you know, mom of the group.
Like she's somebody you always
wanna talk to, who's always there for you.
[screen dings]
[gasps] What?
"Carol has invited you
to Momma Bear and the Girls Chat."
Oh, that's so sweet.
"Momma Bear." Pulling the card.
Pulling the momma card.
[screen dings]
[chokes, coughs]
We got a chat.
Circle, please open
the Three Musketeers Chat.
This is awkward. I ranked Paul last.
Personality-wise not really matching
what his profile says so
I'm all ears. I hope he
I hope he proves me wrong here.
Message, "Hi, Frank and Bru."
"I wanted to start this chat
to get to know you both
a little bit better
since we're the three guys in The Circle."
"Frank, I saw you gave a thumbs up
to walking on the red carpet."
"I would love to hear more details.
A little cool guy emoji."
And send.
I like this. I like that he messaged,
and he wants to know
about the red carpet that I walked.
Means he was paying attention
during the thumbs-up game.
This is exactly how my dad texts,
so I feel like I really am channeling him
and finally getting the me out of there.
Message, "What's going on, fellas?"
So glad to be talking with both of you."
"I had the great opportunity
to host a fashion show,
and I was asked
to also host a red carpet." Okay.
"I love any opportunity
to be amongst beautiful men and women
of all shapes and sizes."
[Parker] "I love empowering them.
"Heart." I love him.
He's literally a piece of me.
Message, "Today has been very wild."
"I'm slowly getting the hang
of everything."
"It was very challenging at first." Send.
Is he actually having trouble
with The Circle,
or is it more so he's trying to sound
like a 50-something year-old?
Message, "Frank,
my youngest daughter loves fashion."
"I've taken her to Fashion Week
in New York twice." Send.
That's amazing. I've never even been
to Fashion Week myself.
I love that Paul is kind of opening up
a little bit now,
like a little flower.
Go, Paul. I know that's right.
I think it's good to mention the family,
because I haven't done that yet,
so I thought
this was the perfect opportunity,
especially because it is something
my younger sister absolutely loves,
which is fashion.
And my dad loves fashion too.
I think he's more stylish than I am,
which is a little depressing.
Message, "Bru, I think it's so interesting
you work in radio."
"What was the most memorable interview
you've had so far?" Send.
Love that he's asking about radio. That's
That's honestly the secret to my heart.
You ask about that, you
you're making your way in.
Message, "I think
my most memorable interview
has to be with Carrie Underwood."
Okay. Wow.
I think she's a country singer,
but I know that name.
Wow. Okay, Carrie Underwood.
That's a big name.
Message, "That's a big interview
for a young man like you."
"Your parents must be so proud.
"For a young man like you"?
I don't know about that.
"That's a big interview
for a young man like you." I just, uh
A lot of the verbiage is very, like,
seems like it's trying.
In the first chat, they definitely
did not see my personality,
and I feel like
now it's definitely coming out,
and it's gelling so well with theirs.
I love it.
[Michelle] As long as you're happy
with it, that's all that matters, Paul.
Now let's check back in
to our good old-fashioned girls chat.
Oh, hey, John,
posing as his 63-year-old mom.
[John] Message, "Just wanted to let you
know that Mom always has your back.
The girls have to be there for each other.
I can't wait
to get to know you wonderful people more."
"#CircleMom #MommaBearCarol."
Message, "Carol,
you just radiate warm energy,
and so appreciate you
for checking in on us."
I nailed it.
At home, right now, my mom is like,
"My son radiating warm energy.
Exactly what I wanted."
I feel so bad
after me rating her last. Like
"I'm sorry Momma Bear.
Please don't ground me."
This has worked out
exactly how I wanted it
to work out so far.
Circle, message,
"Seriously, my thoughts exactly."
"Carol, you're like an angel
sent from heaven."
We love to hear that.
Message, "I'm interested
in what everyone does for a living."
"Alyssa, would love to hear more
about your executive assisting
to a sex therapist."
I was waiting for someone to ask.
That's gotta be an interesting career
for sure.
Message, "My job is really amazing."
"I'm able to watch women heal from trauma,
learn about their own sexuality,
and I am now really passionate
about bringing sex education
to the masses."
"I've never said vagina so much
in my professional life."
I think we might, uh
Carol, we might take a backseat here
and let the conversation flow
for a second.
Circle, message, "I pretty much
just play with balls all day."
"Basketball emoji, laughing emoji."
"But my balls aren't as interesting
as the balls Alyssa might refer to
in her sex therapist assistance."
Oh my God. That's funny.
Message, "Thankfully,
we mostly work with women,
so you're still the ball expert."
What is happening? Why is this happening?
Welcome to The Circle, Carol.
Message, "Alyssa, I would feel
so comfortable oversharing about"
"oversharing about my vagina to you."
"Laughing-face emoji."
"Hopefully, we can have a chat
about that in the future."
I'm just realizing now
that I'm gonna have to reply as my mom.
Dear God.
Message, "Alyssa, my husband and I
have been married for 30 years."
"Bring some tips on how we can spice it up
when we get together."
"Fire emoji."
Oh! Ah!
Carol, I got you, honey. I got you.
Message, "My messages are always open."
And send message.
I can't believe I had to ask
for sex advice for my parents
that I don't wanna know
if they actually need.
But this was really good for my game,
and if it takes another vagina talk,
damn it,
I'll be there for the vagina talk.
[Michelle] Talking about his mom's vagina
might be good for John's game,
but it's even better
for our entertainment.
Speaking of which
[alarm blares]
Girl, what is going on now?
If this is what I think it is,
I'm stressing out about this.
Oh my God!
Hiding between my legs. All right.
Ugh. "The rating results are in."
Oh, I'm not ready for this.
This really sets the tone
for everything that's about to happen.
This is so important.
"The top two rated players
will become influencers."
I really hope, if it's not me,
it is people
that I made a connection with.
Oh! "Tomorrow, they will decide
who to block from The Circle."
I gotta sleep with this on my mind?
And suddenly I'm sweating.
Oh my God. I don't
I literally don't think I'm ready.
"Seventh!" Oh my God. This is real.
Ay, yai, yai.
Hot jambalaya in the morning.
Just please, don't be last.
Don't be last, girly, please.
Oh gosh. Oh gosh, here it comes.
Oh my God. I can't look.
I can't look. I can't look.
[tense music playing]
I knew it. I knew it.
Paul, I knew it was you!
If it's somebody pretending to be Paul,
like, too bad, like,
you should've given Paul a call.
You gotta get to know him a lot better.
That's just so sucky to see on the screen.
I'm definitely gonna
have to put in the work,
because I'm not ready to go home.
I do not wanna be blocked tomorrow.
Thank goodness that I'm not last.
[Frank] "Sixth."
[squealing] Oh, please don't be me, Jesus!
Oh. Okay, sixth. Sixth.
Please, higher than sixth.
Oh my God.
Why do I have a feeling this is me?
I don't want it to be me.
Oh no! Sixth?
At least we're not dead last,
but we're down there with Paul.
You're joking me. She was so dope!
I can't believe Yu Ling is that low.
I wonder,
maybe it is I just came off too intense.
[dramatic music playing]
All right, fifth. Don't wanna be fifth.
Like, anything above five,
I'm considering this a win.
It could be me.
I'm really rooting for my boys here.
They have to make it
to the influencer position
if I want a chance of staying.
Oh, I felt it.
I could feel it in my bones.
Okay. We are fifth place.
No! Not my boy!
Oh, I don't know. I gotta
sit down for this. What could it be?
[sighs] I don't know. Fifth place, dang.
Three down. Four to go. Whoo!
Who is fourth?
I don't think
that I will go home in fourth,
so I will be okay with that.
I'll be very okay right here.
Please don't be me.
Oh my God. You're gonna be me.
It's gonna be me.
Okay. I'm fourth.
I'm fourth. I'm fourth. I'm fourth.
Okay. I'll take it. I'll take it.
What in the flying fudge is going on here?
I am one of the top three!
Clearly people are loving Carol,
so I just gotta keep that energy going.
[shouting] What's going on?
Top three. First day.
What's good?
Okay, third place, it may be Crissa.
She came in at the end
but seems like she's made a good impact
on people. So it could be her.
It could be me. It could be Momma Carol.
I need Frank to be an influencer.
I really think
he would give me a fighting chance.
[music intensifying]
Okay! Okay! Okay!
All right! All right! That's me!
-[Frank] Crissa? I'm in the top two!
-[John] Holy shit! Let's go.
I'm an influencer, dude!
Carol is an influencer!
-[Frank] Mama, I'm an influencer!
-[John] Let's go!
Okay, I feel good
about Carol being up there.
I get the power with my boy, Frank.
Let's see what's going on.
Who's two, Frank, and who's one?
They must be feeling fucking great
about themselves right now.
I wish I was in your position.
I am very nervous.
I don't know how this is gonna fall.
That's me!
We'll take two. I'm not upset.
Frank, cheers, my boy.
Frank obviously made
the biggest impression first.
[Frank] Me and Momma Carol.
That's insane.
That blue check mark looks real good
next to Mom's face right there.
Wow, our first ratings.
Something's gonna happen tomorrow,
so I'm just gonna bring on my my A-game,
not lose faith,
not let it blow my confidence.
Prayers. Prayers.
[Michelle] As Yu Ling prays
to The Circle gods,
the others are winding down
after a first day of biblical proportions.
But the almighty alert is not quite done
with one player just yet.
[alarm blares]
Circle, we had a long night, girl.
What is it now?
"Frank, tomorrow you and Carol
will block someone from The Circle."
Okay, that's not new tea, baby.
What What's the new tea?
"But first, you have a decision to make."
Well, what is the decision? I thought
we was making the decision tomorrow.
"As the top rated influencer,
you must now choose a new player
to join The Circle." Hold the fuck on.
We pushing people out,
and we bringing people in?
You You need to make up your mind.
"You will be shown two profiles."
I can't I can't pick both of them?
"They player you choose
will join The Circle tomorrow."
Okay, no emotion. This is a game, bitch.
You can do this.
You just have to make a decision.
You don't know either of these people.
They don't know you, okay?
Well, all right.
So we got Jared here.
He's 28. He's a children's author.
I work with kids, so that's automatically,
um, a piece to my heart.
Trey will be amazing to look at.
I feel like he probably has
some amazing shirtless photos.
I think it will be good
to have a little eye candy in The Circle.
So, we gonna see. I don't know.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, I have made my decision.
I think we're probably missing somebody
that's a little spicy.
[Michelle] Wow, Frank, so interesting
that you used that word
because that actually describes
what's gonna happen next.
The player he's chosen to enter
is gonna be played
by a pair of spicy VIPs
I can hardly believe are walking down
that hallway right now.
Take a seat, take a breath,
and get ready to scream.
[intense music playing]
[music stops]
Aah, hai, si, ja
Hold tight ♪
[theme song playing]
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