The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e01 Episode Script

The Big Shine

Watching vine again?
And these two
are about to fight.
Or kiss.
It's hard to tell
with vine sometimes.
Because they're vegetation
that doesn't move.
You know, Thunk, there are more
interesting things in the world.
Oh yeah? Like what?
wasn't prepared for
a follow-up question. Hm
I've got it. Have you ever seen
the majestic eelgle migration?
Yep! I saw it on window.
I see. What about the nesting
of the tigersnails?
Once on window,
and the other time on window.
The awe-inspiring blooming
of the dragonberry blossoms?
And don't believe the hype.
Hm How about
the Big Shine?
Ooh, what's that?
It's a naturally occurring
phosphorescent light display
above the tranquil waters
of Glowshine Lake.
It's said to be the most
beautiful sight one's eyes
might ever see, and I
believe it's happening tonight.
Ooh! It sounds amazing!
I can't wait
to watch it on window.
No. You have to travel
to Glowshine Lake
to see this spectacle.
Huh. Will you take me?
Uh, me?
Take you?
Uh what about Grug?
Yeah, he's not
really into watching things.
So, will you take me?
I suppose
that's not outside
the realm of possibility
some time in
the indeterminate future
So, like now?
Great! Thanks, Dad!
Huh? Dad?
But I'm Dad Whoa!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
we're stuck together
In one big family tree
I can't take Thunk
to Glowshine Lake!
It's too dangerous!
More importantly,
I don't want to.
What do I do,
Philliam P. Phillington?
What do I do? Aah!
Why did Thunk call you Dad?!
A simple mistake.
Or a desperate cry for the
attention of a father figure,
prompted by neglect,
indifference, and general sloth.
What's this thing?
That's Philliam.
Dawn and I made it together,
so I'll just take that.
Wait! Are you saying
I don't spend enough
time with Thunk?
You understood that?
I'm surprised, too.
Now, take it back!
Fine, I take it back.
Don't take it back!
You're right. Lately,
Thunk and I live
in two different worlds.
Him in the living room,
and me outsidethe living room.
What do I do, Phil?
What do I do?!
First, put me down gently.
Second, give me
the stick statue.
Third, have you tried
listening to Thunk?
Sure! But, all he talks about
is stuff I don't like.
Grug, part of the joy
of being a father
is seeing the world
through your child's eyes.
If you wantto connect
with Thunk,
take an interest
in hisinterests.
As I took an interest
in Dawn's stick-craft.
That's good advice, Phil.
Of course, it is.
And, if you give me Philliam--
uh, ahem, the stick statue--
I'll tell you what Thunk
is mostinterested in.
What is it?! Tell me!
The Big Shine.
A glorious exhibition
of glowing lights he wants
to watch this evening
at sundown.
Watching a bunch of lights?
Ugh. Sounds lame.
To you, but not to Thunk.
In fact,
he asked me to take him.
I know, but why would
you take him? I'm Dad.
Of course, which is why
I'd be willing to step aside,
so you and he can
reforge your bond,
provided you give me back
that stick statue.
Yeah Yeah, thanks, Phil!
I-I'm gonna go
tell Thunk right now!
You took Philliam!
I was thinking maybe wecould
spend the day together!
You know, just-just you and me
doin' father-son stuff.
Hey, Thunk!
Dad! Dad, come quick!
You're on window!
Thunk, it's me!
I'm right here!
Anyway, as I was saying,
I was wondering if you
wanted to hang out today.
Want to hang out? With me?
Of course! I-I have
a whole day planned out
with a big surprise at the end!
Are you sure
you don't mean Eep?
It's an easy mistake.
The way I remember it,
she's the one with
the long hair, right?
No, Thunk.
This adventure's
all you and me.
Dad! Ha, ha,
you gotta see this!
You just fell out window!
So, where are we going?
Well, if I tell you,
it won't be a surprise.
Th-th-that's a good point.
Just gonna take
a look at the map.
So, where are we going?
Do you want it to be
a surprise or not?
Definitely surprise!
But, can I have a hint?
Um it-it's at a lake,
and, uh, I guess it's kinda big,
and, uh, it's shiny
You're taking me
to Glowshine Lake
to see the Big Shine?!
This is so weird. Phil and I
were just talking about this!
Yeah, Phil told me.
Th-that's where I got the idea.
This is so cool! But I thought
you wouldn't be into it.
Walking outside?
Checking out a lake?
Spending quality time
with my boy?
Sounds like a good day to me!
Well, if the Big Shine
is tonight, we better hurry
if we wanna get good seats.
we're the only people
in the world.
There's plenty of good seats!
Besides, I've got some other
surprises for you along the way.
Great! I love surprises.
So, what are they?
So, what-what's the latest?
W-with what?
Wait, youwanna
talk about window?
If you're interested in it,
I'm interested in it, too!
Are you sure? You've never
been interested in window.
what makes you say that?
Dad! You're not gonna believe
what I just saw on window!
There was a cloud!
And then, there wasn't
Can't talk. Eating.
Dad! You'll never guess
what happened on window!
I was watching a rock,
and it didn't move!
Can't talk. Thinking.
Dad! I was watching window,
and then it got windy,
and it was all like
Can't talk! Napping!
Uh, not sure why I thought
you wouldn't care about window.
Right now,
I'm really into watching vine.
Have you seen it?
Yeah, Thunk.
I've seen lots of vines.
On window?
Uh, then no.
In that case, we better
start at the beginning.
Once upon a vine
and even though long vine
and short vine
are the same kind of vine,
they just can't
see vine-to-vine.
No matter how hard they try!
Get it?
Not even a little.
No problem!
We'll just start
from the beginning.
It was the best of vines,
it was the worst of vines
And that brings us to
the eternal feud
between dark green vine
and light green vine.
Wait! I-I thought dark green
and light green were brothers.
Rookie mistake. That's
light green and lighter green.
But the good news is
we can start from the beginning!
No! I-I mean, I-I'd love to,
but, uh, we've reached
the first surprise!
It's one of my favorite spots,
and I'm hoping it'll be
one of yours, too.
Fire algae!
So, what do we do?
Build a window with sticks,
so we can watch it?
We're not just gonna watch it.
We're gonna live it!
Live it?
Yeah, I-I don't like
the sound of that.
J-just grab a rock
and throw it in.
I promise, it'll be worth it.
You ain't seen nothin' yet!
Be right back!
You know, Dad, I didn't think
I'd like throwing rocks
in this slimy pond,
but now that we're here
doing it together,
I gotta say, it's pretty fun.
Boulder blast!
Bet you never saw that
on window, right, Thunk?
: It's all good.
How you doing, Thunk?
Everything hurts, even my hair,
but other than that, I-I'm good.
Well, the important thing
is you're having fun.
Are you having fun?
The only way
this could be more fun
is if I was watching
myself on window.
Good. And since
we're out here having fun,
I wanna give you something.
You're giving me your spear?
This is so cool!
It sure is.
Go ahead. Try it out.
Spear. Spear, spear, spear.
I still remember the day
my dad gave me his spear.
We were hunting.
We came over a ridge,
and saw the biggest
alligoater I'd ever seen.
Dad handed me his spear
and just nodded.
I'll never forget that moment.
Just like I hope you'll never
forget this moment.
Ooh! Did you get something?
I sure did! Mossmallows!
One for me,
one for you.
Good hunt!
You know how much
I love mossmallows.
We should probably get going.
I don't wanna miss
the Big Shine.
But first, another surprise.
Let's head out!
What are you doing?
I only like the crunchy parts.
But you can't leave food
lying around like that.
Biting into
crunchy parts or skins
or shells to
a food's squishy center
releases scents
that attract animals.
Saw it on window.
Ah, I know animals.
We don't have to worry
about them.
Okay, Thunk. We're here.
You can open your eyes.
: How?
Your hands are covering them.
: No, buddy,
th-those are your hands.
: Oh yeah.
They're liftberries.
'Cause those mossmallows,
while delicious,
weren't very filling.
Carlos is still hungry.
Wait, who's Carlos?
That's what I call
whatever this thing is.
Your stomach?
Yeah, stomach.
I'ma stick with Carlos.
Easier to remember.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Thunk.
Liftberries aren't for eating.
Oop! False alarm,
Carlos, but sit tight.
They're for floating!
Wait, floating?
Like, up in the air floating?
One time, on vine,
it was really windy.
Long vine had a good grip,
but short vine blew away
and landed in quicksand.
Hey, we all know how that ends.
Ah, you got nothing
to worry about.
And if you're anything like me,
you're gonna love it!
Whoa, hey!
You're right! Why was I worried?
Flying isn't all that bad!
That's not flying.
Thisis flying!
See? I knew you'd love it!
Look! You can see
your house from here!
And-and my house, too!
'Cause it's the same house!
I can't see anything!
That's 'cause
your eyes are closed,
and you should open them
right now because there's
one more exciting
liftberry surprise!
Eelgles love liftberries!
That's the exciting part!
And we've landed.
Ah, how great was that?
We made it? We made it!
Boy, I-I really thought
that eelgle was gonna--
You know, I've seen eelgles
shock things on window,
but it's a different experience
when you're the shockee.
Different bad?
Yes, but also different good.
I bet you'll feel the same way
about watching the Big Shine.
Well, watching's not really
my thing, but maybe.
That's the spirit!
We'd better get moving.
We don't wanna miss it.
Oh, we got plenty of time
'cause we're taking a shortcut,
thanks to my nextsurprise.
Shortcut's my middle name!
Uh, n-no it's not.
Right. Is it--Is it Kenneth?
Here it is!
Windslider Hill!
We're gonna ride
this baby all the way
to Glowshine Lake!
Ride? That means sitting!
Well, now we're talking.
All we need
is a little tree wax.
Or, as I like to call it,
Why do you like
to call it that?
Ah! Woo-hoo!
Do you get it now?!
Whoa! We're really moving!
I might've used
too much go-goop!
Maybe a bit!
Look out! We're coming in hot!
We're gonna hit it!
No, we're not!
Make it stop,
make it stop, make it stop!
Punch monkeys! Woo-hoo!
Finally, something
soft to land on.
Not soft
Wasn't that awesome?!
That depends.
Am I alive or dead?
Then, yes! It's awesome!
Nice job
finding these strawpearies.
Actually, Carlos found them.
He's got
a gut instinct for food.
One for me, one for the wild.
Dad, you gotta stop doing that.
Stop doing what?
Sharing snacks
with our animal friends?
We're all part of
the circle of life, Thunk.
Now, according to Phil's map,
we are almost at Glowshine Lake.
Yes! I'm so excited!
No. Excited isn't
even the word for it.
What is the word for it?
Nah. Excited works.
And I'm excited
I get to see it with you.
Aw, really?
You treated me to
a bunch of Dad dares,
now I get to share
a Thunk thrill with you.
And Phil made it possible. Huh.
I guess he's not completely,
entirely, all bad.
Yeah, Phil's cool,
but, man, can he talk.
He does notknow
how to turn it off.
Right? I've been saying
the same thing since I met him!
You know,
you and I aren't so different.
We both love strawpearies,
we both get annoyed by Phil.
I mean, we gotta hang out more!
Yeah! Maybe we can
watch vine some time!
Sure! Though I'm still
not sure what vine is about.
What isn't it about?
Love, loss, growth,
betrayal, dirt.
But, at its root,
vine is about different vines
finding common ground.
It's got something for everyone.
Well, I like the sound of that.
Remind me again,
which one is the good guy?
Long vine or short vine?
You'll have to decide
that for yourself, Dad.
Ugh! Of course!
Glowshine Lake
is on top of a cliff.
Thanks, Phil.
does that mean we're not
gonna see the Big Shine?
We just have to get
up there somehow!
W-why don't we
just take the elevator?
I don't think there's
an elevator, buddy.
But, there is a Grug-evator!
Hop on my back, and, uh,
don't forget
to push the up button.
Up, please!
Going up!
Here we go!
It's really happening!
We're gonna see the Big Shine!
I'm so excited!
I'm sick to my Carlos Ah!
Ah, bearacudas!
What are they doing here?
Maybe they smelled
your trail of food just
like I said they would.
And they're still hungry!
What are we gonna do?
Good try, son.
But now, we gotta go.
Why are they so fast?!
Hold on! Dad!
I've got an idea!
Thunkmergency snack stash.
I thought you said
don't feed the bearacudas!
I did! But now, I'm buying
us some time.
What are you doing now?!
I'm pushing the faster button!
Okay, I think we lost them.
And here's some more good news.
We're at Geyser Gully!
I love this place.
It'll make you forget
all about the Big Shine.
So, we're not going
to see the Big Shine?
We're gonna do
anotherthing you love?
And you'lllove it, too!
Well, it's not the Big Shine,
but it looks like
a pretty good show.
Oh no, it's not a show, is it?
Nope. Now, the trick
to geyser galloping
is to cover your face,
head, arms, legs,
and the rest of your body.
And we start in three, two
What?! We're doing this now?!
How do you know
where the geysers are?!
You don't!
That's the best part! Whoa!
How is that the best pa-Ah!
See? Blows you away, right?!
Yep, I was speechless
my first time, too!
Just as good as watching
a bunch of lights!
Not really! Ah!
What do you mean?!
Well, we did everything
youwanted to do,
but we didn't do
what I wanted to do!
We talked about branch!
It's vine, Dad, not branch!
But you don't know that
because you don't listen to me!
Because you don't
like the things I like!
Because you don't like me!
What? Thunk, you're my son.
Of course, I like you.
But, we're so different.
What do you like about me?
W-we're not that different.
You know who you are.
You don't hide it.
And you don't apologize for it.
You're full of truth
and joy and love,
and you enjoy every meal
like it's your last.
Sound like anybody you know?
I guess you're right.
So, h-how come we never
spend time together?
What are you talking about?
We just spent all day together!
And now, the day is over.
No, it's not.
'Cause we're gonna
go see the Big Shine!
Yes! Now!
So, how are we
getting past those bearacudas?
Not sure yet.
I need to take a closer look.
Uh, thanks, but I'll use my own.
There's three of them
and only two of us,
which means
we can't go through them.
But maybe, we can
Go overthem.
Dad, do you think this is safe?
Uh, safe-ish.
But the sun's going down,
and we got
a Big Shine to see.
Hit it.
I didn't really
think through the landing.
Why are you humming?
Not sure.
Just feels like there should
be some music during this.
Nice touch.
I pictured
Lake Glowshine more,
uh, shiny.
Yeah, yeah, and glowy and
and not disgusting.
I'm sorry, buddy.
You wanted the Big Shine,
but you got the big bust.
It's not the big bust.
It's the big best
because I'm with you.
I'm sorry, son!
I love you so much, and
I didn't mean to let you down,
and I'll never do it again,
and from now on,
it's you and me, father and son,
together forever!
Uh, Dad?
Not now, Thunk,
w-we're having a moment.
Then maybe
you should tell them that.
What do we do?
Well, I'm gonna
fight for our lives.
And you're gonna watch
from a nice, safe rock!
No, I'm not. Because another
thing I watch on window
is bearacuda.
I know what scares them off.
Really? What is it?
I can't remember. Let me think.
Think fast!
Bearacudas like strawpearies.
Well, that doesn't help.
Did you remember?
Uh, uh, still working on it!
Bearacudas like
playing Stack Sticks.
No, that doesn't help either.
Uh, how about now, Thunk?
Still thinking!
What are they afraid of?
Oh! That's it!
Dad! I know what to do!
What? What is it?
Where are you going?!
What do I do?!
Make yourself big!
What? I am big!
No! Bigger!
Raise those tree hands
and wave them around!
Because bearacudas are scared
of bigger animals!
If you say so!
Now what?
Now, scream!
Like Phil accidentally
destroyed the outhouse!
Now, close your eyes and dance
like the world isn't watching!
Dad, uh, they're gone.
That's amazing!
Who knew bearacudas
were afraid of dancing?
Like I said, they're
afraid of bigger animals.
The dancing was for me.
You got me.
Let's head home.
Maybe we can make it
in time to catch vine.
Are you serious?
I wanna see if long vine
and short vine
finally work it out.
They do, Dad. They do.
W-what are you doing?
I'm pushing
the "thank you" button.
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