The Madame Blanc Mysteries (2021) s04e01 Episode Script
Beach Club
I thought you'd be happy about it.
I just don't understand
why it has to be so early.
It's 8am, darling.
Well, it's the only slot
they had left.
Of course, because it's still
the middle of the night.
But I know how much you love it.
I just wanted to surprise you.
I know, and thank you.
But early mornings
have never been conducive
to my happiness, have they?
I know that, darling, but
you look like a movie star
when you jet ski.
So do you!
I wonder what's going on over there?
Well, let's call Xena over.
Good idea.
WOMAN: ..we need to check the CCTV.
What's going on?
The CEO of a company called SL2K
had a posh dinner here last night,
and this morning, it was discovered
that he had disappeared.
- Oh, really?
- Yes.
His room still contains his wallet,
his ID, his phone, everything.
And? It's still the crack of dawn,
maybe he went for a walk
or a dip in the pool.
I've heard of people
who get up that early.
I don't know any of them.
Apparently, he missed
a very important Zoom
with Switzerland this morning
at 7am, and he's never late.
Oh, right.
Love Switzerland!
We should bob over soon.
Oh, yes.
Oh, there you are.
Could I have a beach towel, please?
Of course, Madame.
There you are.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Darling, off we go.
Great way to get rid of a hangover,
I wouldn't know. I've never had one!
Follow me! Ha-ha!
Oh, my God!
Do you remember the first time ♪
That my eyes set on you? ♪
Your smile came from nowhere ♪
For some time never
Or some time soon ♪
The road is a long one ♪
I was only passing through ♪
I was only ♪
Passing through. ♪
Police! Help!
Call an ambulance!
Call an ambulance!
Help, please! Somebody, please!
Help! Call an ambulance!
I called an ambulance,
they're on the way.
I'm a doctor, I can help.
Oh! Oh, thank goodness.
Darling, he's a doctor!
Leave it to him.
Don't look. Don't look, don't look!
There. Not bad, old chap.
Thank you.
How much?!
Oh, I see.
Good grief.
It's a bit steep for a house red.
He has a slight pulse.
We must go now.
Oh, of course.
You go in first, order breakfast
and tell them
you're meeting me there.
No, no, you go in first.
Why do you always do that?
Do what?
"You do it first" thing.
That's what they do in the romcoms.
Oh, do they indeed?
Oh, yeah, I'm a bit of an expert
on romcoms, as it happens.
I'm currently working on my own one.
Oh, is that right?
Yeah, it's about this couple
who keep their relationship secret
for romantic reasons.
Sounds great.
Oh, it is, yeah.
He's, like, handsome,
he's charming, he's modest.
Great kisser
Right, I'll go in first.
Morning, Uncle Patrick.
Morning, Dom.
Ooh, loving the handiwork.
Thank you.
I'll have a coffee and a couple
of croissants, please.
Won't be a tick.
Just sorting this lot out.
All right.
I'm meeting Jean in here.
Morning, Patrick.
I'm meeting Dom in here.
Hi, Jean!
Wow, I've not seen you in ages.
Morning, Dominic.
Hey, he's done a cracking job
on this breakfast menu.
And it's all served on plates.
What else would it be served on?
Have you never had a meal served
on something other than a plate
in an effort to appear trendy?
Er I've had chicken in a basket.
Precisely. And that is exactly
where the rot started.
I once had fish and chips
served out of an old boot.
Shut up!
I swear!
And they'd put newspaper inside
to make it look more authentic.
Where was I meant to put me
mushy peas?
I think I'll have
a little tickle of this.
The poor chap had a plastic bag
over his head
and a rope holding it into place.
And over the bag, on the eyes,
coins had been pushed
into the sockets.
It was horrific.
Yes, I'm sure it was.
The doctor you met on the beach,
Dr Martin,
brought those items back
a little while ago.
He told me the ambulance had taken
him to the new private hospital
where he works, which is much nearer
than Saint Victoire General.
But, unfortunately,
his team could not save his life.
An autopsy will be performed
as soon as possible.
Oh, how ghastly!
Er Do we know who the victim is?
There was no ID.
But Dr Martin identified him
as the man from SL2K,
as he had been chatting with him
on the beach only yesterday.
Can I ask you two to stay close
to the area,
if I need to talk to you again?
Of course.
Oh. Er, Caron
Erm, we've got a couples' massage
booked at 3pm.
Is it all right to still go ahead
with that?
That will be fine.
Thank you.
We'll be in our room until then.
Jean, I wondered if you could come
to the beach club.
There is something I need you
to look at.
We should have a fry-up.
Sometimes a croissant just doesn't
hit the spot, does it?
Stop moaning. I'll buy you lunch
after we've seen Caron.
It doesn't matter how fancy
the croissant is,
I always feel like I licked
the bottom of a bird cage.
Oh, you know what that tastes like,
do you?
No. But, like, claggy.
What does "claggy" mean?
You know, like thick and sticky.
Claggy mouth.
When you get some food trapped
on the roof of your mouth
Come here.
Caron, we came as soon as we could.
Ah, Jean, good to see you.
So, where are these coins
you want me to look at?
Hey, Andre.
These are what I was talking about.
So, erm, how did this fella die,
The doctor says strangulation.
He had a slight pulse on the beach,
but his weak heart let him down
when he got to the hospital.
Here he is.
Antoine Lefevre,
the CEO of SL2K Holdings.
The missing guest.
His business partner,
a certain Nicholas Arlez,
just called from the hospital
to confirm it is him.
He's on his way back now.
What a way to go, eh?
I also need to talk to SL2K's
IT consultant, Marilyn Feo.
They were the only people to
stay over from the party last night.
Do you need anything else?
Er, no. Thank you.
These coins are very rare.
So the bronze one is Napoleon III,
five centimes, 1857.
That's worth about
3,000 euros.
For a coin? Wow.
Yeah, but the, er
Well, the gold one is even rarer.
That's Napoleon I, 1813.
Now, that's worth about 5,000 euros.
So, you said you found these
on his eyes?
Over this plastic bag, but, yes.
Have you ever heard the story
of Charon the Ferryman?
What, like my name?
Yes. Well, it's pronounced the same,
but there's a H after the C.
Now, Charon was the ferryman
of the underworld,
and it was his duty to ferry
the souls of the departed
across the River Styx.
Now, the families of the dead
used to put coins
on the eyes of their loved ones
because if Charon wasn't paid,
their souls would roam the earth
in torment for all eternity.
Well, I know it sounds
sounds silly, but
well, whoever murdered
this man, erm
Antoine Lefevre.
..Antoine Lefevre,
well, made sure that his entry
to the underworld
was, well, very smooth indeed.
These coins are worth
about 8,000 euros.
Can we find out
where they were purchased?
Well, yeah. I'll call Charlie
and she can start digging.
Thank you.
I'll leave you to it.
Uncle Patrick needs a hand
at the pub. Jane's called in sick.
Oh, perfect timing.
Right, I want you to do
a little taste test for me.
Ooh, I always wanted to do
one of these.
Ah, well, now's your chance.
What I want you to do
is taste both of these,
and then tell me which one
you think tastes the best. OK.
Can only have a little sip, mind?
Cos I'm driving.
Of course.
Mm-hm. Mm. Mm.
Well, that one is OK, but nowhere
near as fantastic as that one.
You are absolutely right.
Cheers, glorious Gloria.
Oh, what's he so chipper about?
He's had two sips of wine.
Sorry I'm late.
Where did you need a lift to again?
Oh, thanks for coming, love.
It's just that I've got
a lot of stuff
to get from the cash and carry.
And I'm not sure if Madeleine
will make it all the way
up the hill on the way back.
No offence, Dom.
Oh, no, none taken.
And you're absolutely right,
she would not.
Do you want me to hold the fort
for you?
Oh, you're a good man.
Won't be long.
Liquid lunch, is it?
Yeah. No! I just want
to check something out.
Perks of the job, innit?
Do you mind if we nip somewhere
after the cash and carry?
Not at all.
Oh, very smart!
I've called her Electric Lady Van.
Like the Hendrix album
Electric Ladyland?
Very good.
I thank you.
Favourite track on that album?
All Along The Watchtower.
Just wait till you hear it
on these speakers!
Monsieur Nicholas Arlez,
I am sorry you had to
go through the ordeal
of identifying your friend
this morning.
Yes. Not something I would like
to go through again.
But Dr Martin and his team
were very kind.
Can I ask, what were you doing here
at the beach club?
We have been members here
for a long time,
and we had a staff dinner to
celebrate 20 years in the business.
Who attended?
Office staff and consultants.
Most of our business
is franchised out,
and we employ consultants
to help us when we need them,
like Marilyn here.
Me and Antoine run SL2K,
and we are
..WERE business partners.
And, er, what was your role?
I've been doing SL2K's marketing
for years.
And you two were the only colleagues
to stay over?
Erm these coins
were found on Antoine's person.
They're actually quite valuable.
Do they ring any bells?
Well, Antoine was
a fervent coin collector, so, er
Who do you think would want
to murder Antoine?
He was wonderful,
a kind person and a loyal friend.
The only person I can think of
was his daughter's ex-boyfriend.
But I thought that was over
years ago.
What happened?
It was desperately sad.
Cherise, his daughter, and
her boyfriend were only teenagers
and were driving home one night.
He went through a red light
for some reason and
..and a car ran into
the side of them,
the side Cherise was on.
She was dead on contact.
And he got two years
for dangerous driving.
When he was released,
Antoine hounded him
out of Saint Victoire,
was stopping him working,
shaming him
at any given opportunity.
He had to move to Toulouse
and start again.
So, erm, I cannot imagine that Hugo
was Antoine's biggest fan.
Hugo? Did you say the name "Hugo"?
Yes. Hugo Leve.
Antoine swore he saw him hanging
around the beach club last night.
I just thought he'd had
too much to drink, but now
Please keep your phones charged
and be contactable at all times.
We will have more questions.
Thank you for your help.
You have my address if you need me.
Now this one.
What do you think?
This one tastes miles better.
they're identical.
Let's investigate.
Come on. Let's have a look inside.
Why are we hiding?
I want to take a good look at
what's going on behind the scenes.
Got ya.
Well, come on!
Bonjour, madame.
Bien sur!
What are they saying?
I'll tell you in the van.
Hugo was indeed seen
at the hotel last night,
hanging around reception
around 11pm.
The last known address for him
is in Toulouse.
Toulouse, you say?
Well, that's the Toulouse cross.
Hang on.
Well, this bag is from
a deli chain there.
And, yeah,
there are only three branches.
And they're all in Toulouse.
I think we need to go
and talk to this man. Yeah.
Jean, one minute,
I have left my phone.
I'll wait for you outside.
It's quite a scam.
I thought there was something
going on.
So, basically
these ladies are ripping Judith off
by putting expensive labels
on cheap wine.
Not as sweet as they look, either.
One of them called Judith
"the English idiot".
Ooh, good grief.
They're tricking Judith and Jeremy
out of a lot of money.
We have to tell 'em.
No time like the present.
Patrick, hello, darling.
How the devil are you?
Oh, Patrick!
Two sweet little old ladies
with their cottage industry
running a scam,
that's hilarious.
No, I'm sure it's just some
innocent misunderstanding. So
Got to go, darling,
the hot stones are arriving.
Oh, yes!
Hugo Leve?
Of course.
Thank you.
Antoine Lefevre was found dead
this morning in Saint Victoire.
I don't feel like I thought I would.
I thought I'd feel happier
when hearing that sentence.
Relieved even.
But I don't.
I don't feel anything.
I see.
Yes, we know about the crash.
I was 17 when Cherise died.
What happened?
We, er We were stargazing
that night
as we used to call it back then.
We smoked some weed
to get as high as the sky.
..on our way back home,
I jumped a red light.
We had just swapped seats.
Cherise wanted to roll up again.
It could so easily have been me,
but it wasn't.
Monsieur Lefevre
never forgave you either.
That is quite understatement.
He made my life hell.
He hounded me out of Saint Victoire.
That is why I came to Toulouse.
So you must really hate him.
I created his hell,
so he created mine.
A perfect motive for murder.
Murder? He was murdered?
Of course I hate him
for what he did to me.
But the guilt I have for Cherise
far outweighs the hate
I have for Antoine.
I mean, murder him? No! I mean
So why were you seen on CCTV
at the reception
of Miroir De L'Ocean beach club
at 11pm last night?
Oh. Bonjour again.
I was picking my girlfriend up
from work.
It doesn't mean he's in the clear.
He's still our number one suspect
because we know he was there
at the time.
Ah, it's Charlie.
She's found out that the coins were
not bought but have gone missing
from Echange De Metaux.
What does "gone missing" mean?
Well, I don't know.
But I should have known
they were from there.
They're the biggest internet
coin dealers in the business.
Owned by a mate of mine.
Great. Let's go.
So, you saw them re-labelling
a different wine? Yeah.
Local ladies?
Blimey. What are you gonna do
about it?
Well, I tried to talk to Judith,
but she wasn't having any of it.
So, what do we do? Well
..I suppose we have to
go to the police.
Well, you're a braver man than I am,
Uncle Patrick.
The locals will not take kindly
to the new English bloke
picking on
a couple of sweet old ladies.
I've got an idea.
Have you?
We'd have to go back
when the shop's shut.
You up for it?
Course I am.
Hang on.
I know your face.
And I know your face.
And I want nothing more to do
with this from this point onwards.
Can I go?
I promised Jean I'd pick her up.
Yeah, course you can.
Ah, Jean! Bonjour!
Oh, Marie, it's good to see you.
You're looking well, Jean.
And you look smashing as well.
You're a good liar, Jean White.
I was up late watching repeats
of Gordon Ramsay
swearing in his kitchens!
It's the only thing that
gets me off to sleep these days.
This is my good friend Andre Caron.
Ah. Bonjour, Andre.
You don't mind, do you?
Oh, that's better.
Although I've had to switch
to decaf.
Do you know, once upon a time,
I could inhale ten espressos
and 40 Gitanes a day.
Now, decaf and patches!
ALL the patches!
It happens to us all, Marie.
Now, do you mind if we
get straight down to business?
Of course not.
You said in your text to Charlie
that the coins just went missing.
That's right.
Well, what did you mean?
I hadn't even noticed they had gone
missing till I spoke to Charlie.
Mind you, I put the kettle
in the fridge last week.
My brain fog's terrible.
After I spoke to Charlie,
I went to check and they had gone.
Do you know how
they could have left the shop?
I have no idea.
Every second Monday, I get out
all the coins to clean them.
So, you cleaned them yesterday?
Yes, that's right, and they were
definitely there then.
Did anyone else
visit the shop yesterday?
The only people who came in all day
were my mum, who brought my lunch,
and our online marketing consultant.
Marketing consultant?
What's their name?
Marilyn Feo.
Oh, she's an absolute godsend.
I'm terrible online.
Don't know how I'd manage
without her.
YOU are a legend.
Thank you so much.
We'll be in touch.
Thank you.
Er Well, glad I could help.
I trust you can get in there.
Only one way to find out.
Oh, the old girls don't seem to have
installed any alarms or CCTV.
We're in luck.
What about the gate?
They've padlocked it.
Some skills never leave you.
Never seen one of those before.
I have.
I spent a summer labelling
pickled onions when I was training.
Looks like the same machine.
So, what's the plan?
Wait and see.
Oh, hello, you two.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Dom,
we've got a lead.
Do you mind hanging round here
for a bit?
No, no, no, of course.
You're worth waiting for.
Er, see you later.
Come on.
He's coming.
Madame Feo,
during our earlier interview,
you referred to Monsieur Lefevre
as "wonderful, a kind person,
and a loyal friend".
That's right.
You also said, regarding Hugo,
"Antoine swore he saw him hanging
round the beach club last night."
"I just thought he had
had too much to drink."
So, you and Monsieur Lefevre
had been drinking together
after the party?
I can't believe he's gone.
My darling Antoine.
Oh. I take it that you and Antoine
were more than just good friends?
He was the love of my life.
But you are married, no?
Yes. Erm
My husband is my business partner.
We have a freelance
IT marketing company,
and we work as consultants
for different businesses.
One being SL2K, amongst others.
Yes, amongst others.
You are the online consultant
for Echange De Metaux, n'est pas?
How long have you worked as
consultants for SL2K?
Nearly five years.
And your affair with Antoine?
Almost as long.
Erm, going back
to Echange De Metaux
Look, OK!
It was me, yes. I took the coins.
I took the coins
on Antoine's request.
I'd done it before.
He always paid, eventually.
He said he had to wait till
the company's cashflow was better.
Hang on.
I thought his company was booming.
No. They were really struggling.
But sort of didn't
do anything about it.
What do you mean?
Personal drivers,
beach club memberships,
corporate dinners,
no expense spared.
Keeping up appearances?
I was nervous taking the coins.
But it was what Antoine wanted,
and I wanted to make him happy.
tell us exactly what happened.
After the dinner, I, er
..surprised Antoine with the coins.
SOFTLY: Got you a present.
What do you think?
'I thought he'd be thrilled.
'But he just turned cold.'
'Said he needed
to think about our relationship
'and WE might not be
what he wanted any more.
'I was so upset and shocked,
I just fled the room.'
And that was the last time
you saw him?
I do not believe you.
It's the truth.
I suggest that Antoine
made you steal the coins.
No! And when he said
he didn't want you any more,
you were so angry,
you strangled him in his sleep.
That's ridiculous!
I was angry, yes!
But more than that
..I was utterly heartbroken.
Which is a perfect motive.
You have to help me.
Marilyn Feo, I'm arresting you
for the murder of Antoine Lefevre.
You have the right to remain silent.
If you waive this right,
anything you say
can and will be used against you
in a court of law.
That massage was simply divine.
What was it? Swedish?
Hot stone. Left me all melty.
Just what I needed after the trauma
of this morning. Yeah.
I must have had a hundred massages
and I don't remember a single one!
How do you mean?
I always fall asleep.
Doesn't matter what's happening,
as soon as I lie face down
on that massage couch,
I conk straight out!
Oh, God!
Do something!
I don't know what to do,
I've only seen it in the films.
Help! Look! Oh, God!
Doctor! Doctor!
Please help, my husband is choking!
How dare you?!
Oh, God!
Oh! Oh! How can I ever repay you?
Dominic! Thank you! Thank you!
Well done, you.
I saw it on Mrs Doubtfire, you know?
Fat lot of use that doctor was!
What doctor?
The bloke in the car.
That's not a doctor.
That's Nicholas' driver.
Jean He might have had
a little shave,
but that was categorically
the doctor
that tried to save that poor man's
life on the beach this morning.
I never forget smouldering eyes
like that.
Shame he doesn't want
to save all lives.
Dom, we have to go now.
I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
Right. Ooh. Can you let me go
please now, Jeremy?
Please let me go.
Thank you.
That was a nasty shock, wasn't it?
Where are we going?
Nicholas Arlez's house.
OK. Why?
Something just doesn't add up.
So, what are we looking at?
Judy said the bloke she saw
was that doctor,
the doctor on the beach,
that Dr Martin fella.
But I saw the same bloke
driving Nicholas Arlez around.
And then when Judith asked for help,
he just drove off.
No. No, not with you.
Well, how can the doctor
and the driver be the same person?
I mean, we can't even say
that Judith was on the champagne,
cos it was eight o'clock
in the morning.
Er Right?
Think about it, Dom.
What if it's an almighty set-up?
See! I was right.
That man stood near the door,
that's the same man that's supposed
to have been murdered.
Oh, my
I've got to message Caron.
It's all been a set-up.
A fake doctor, a fake
ambulance crew, a fake hospital.
It's all been a massive set-up.
I think you'd better come with us.
Some would say it's a little late
to be drinking caffeine.
Not something I agree with.
Some of the finest minds
have sworn by the consumption
of a good coffee
at any time of the day.
I find it helps keep a clear head.
And the conscience?
Ha! Very good.
I would like a coffee,
if that's OK?
Er, yes. Yeah, me too.
Ah, waiting to see
if it was poisoned?
I don't blame you.
I wouldn't trust us either.
..what brought you here,
Madame White?
Your doctor was recognised.
Ah, yes,
that was very STUPID of him!
Your business partner
is a good actor.
Very much the, er,
friend in mourning.
Thank you.
So, what was the plan?
It was extremely clever.
I'd love to know how you did it.
I suppose it won't do any harm
as you two won't be going anywhere.
All Antoine had to do
was to row himself out
..then adorn the bag with the coins,
and then wait to be discovered.
Dr Martin was parked on the beach
and the rest ran like clockwork.
So the coins were just
to frame Marilyn?
But I thought you were in love
with Marilyn.
Good grief, no!
No. She was becoming
increasingly annoying,
so we thought we would kill
two birds with one stone.
So the plastic bag
and the ex-boyfriend story,
that was just to to frame Hugo?
Hugo kill my little girl.
She never got to live her life.
So, as long as I'm alive,
Hugo will keep paying for that.
Mm, and that plastic bag,
quite entertaining how it sent you
and your police friend
on such a wild goose chase!
And to be honest,
we couldn't decide who to frame,
so we framed them both.
But why?
We were drowning in debt.
Going under.
If we paid our bills, we would have
been left with nothing.
And then we found a clause
in our insurance contract
that if one of us dies,
all debts would be paid.
And the partner will be able
to carry on.
The plan was to "kill" Antoine.
And then I had a doctor friend
to line up the death certificate.
Then I would trade for a year,
sell up,
and then meet him in Barbados.
You had it all worked out.
We thought we did
until you got here.
Things have changed somewhat.
I'm afraid you have to go now.
But, please,
finish your coffee first.
I'm sorry.
Are you both OK?
How did you know?
Something didn't add up
in the doctor's report.
He would not answer his phone,
so I went to the private hospital
to ask him myself.
The building turned out
to be a supermarche.
There was no private hospital
and never has been in that area.
I knew then something was wrong.
Oh, Andre!
I have never been so happy
to see your little face.
What was all that nonsense about
wine you were saying yesterday?
What, about you getting scammed?
Don't be ridiculous.
I really like the Rotteau sisters.
I hope you sorted it out.
Yes. In fact, we've got a delivery
coming any minute.
Ooh, that'll be them now.
Come and join us.
Bonjour, madame.
Bonjour, messieurs-dames.
Examinez les boxes, s'il vous plait?
Mais, oui.
Could you read the label out loud
for me, Gloria?
Of course, Patrick.
"Ce vin ne vaut meme pas le prix
de la bouteille"
"de verre qui le contient."
Which means, dear friend,
"This wine is not worth
the glass it's bottled in."
And don't come back!
Don't worry,
they won't bother you again.
Sub extracted from file & improved
I thought you'd be happy about it.
I just don't understand
why it has to be so early.
It's 8am, darling.
Well, it's the only slot
they had left.
Of course, because it's still
the middle of the night.
But I know how much you love it.
I just wanted to surprise you.
I know, and thank you.
But early mornings
have never been conducive
to my happiness, have they?
I know that, darling, but
you look like a movie star
when you jet ski.
So do you!
I wonder what's going on over there?
Well, let's call Xena over.
Good idea.
WOMAN: ..we need to check the CCTV.
What's going on?
The CEO of a company called SL2K
had a posh dinner here last night,
and this morning, it was discovered
that he had disappeared.
- Oh, really?
- Yes.
His room still contains his wallet,
his ID, his phone, everything.
And? It's still the crack of dawn,
maybe he went for a walk
or a dip in the pool.
I've heard of people
who get up that early.
I don't know any of them.
Apparently, he missed
a very important Zoom
with Switzerland this morning
at 7am, and he's never late.
Oh, right.
Love Switzerland!
We should bob over soon.
Oh, yes.
Oh, there you are.
Could I have a beach towel, please?
Of course, Madame.
There you are.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Darling, off we go.
Great way to get rid of a hangover,
I wouldn't know. I've never had one!
Follow me! Ha-ha!
Oh, my God!
Do you remember the first time ♪
That my eyes set on you? ♪
Your smile came from nowhere ♪
For some time never
Or some time soon ♪
The road is a long one ♪
I was only passing through ♪
I was only ♪
Passing through. ♪
Police! Help!
Call an ambulance!
Call an ambulance!
Help, please! Somebody, please!
Help! Call an ambulance!
I called an ambulance,
they're on the way.
I'm a doctor, I can help.
Oh! Oh, thank goodness.
Darling, he's a doctor!
Leave it to him.
Don't look. Don't look, don't look!
There. Not bad, old chap.
Thank you.
How much?!
Oh, I see.
Good grief.
It's a bit steep for a house red.
He has a slight pulse.
We must go now.
Oh, of course.
You go in first, order breakfast
and tell them
you're meeting me there.
No, no, you go in first.
Why do you always do that?
Do what?
"You do it first" thing.
That's what they do in the romcoms.
Oh, do they indeed?
Oh, yeah, I'm a bit of an expert
on romcoms, as it happens.
I'm currently working on my own one.
Oh, is that right?
Yeah, it's about this couple
who keep their relationship secret
for romantic reasons.
Sounds great.
Oh, it is, yeah.
He's, like, handsome,
he's charming, he's modest.
Great kisser
Right, I'll go in first.
Morning, Uncle Patrick.
Morning, Dom.
Ooh, loving the handiwork.
Thank you.
I'll have a coffee and a couple
of croissants, please.
Won't be a tick.
Just sorting this lot out.
All right.
I'm meeting Jean in here.
Morning, Patrick.
I'm meeting Dom in here.
Hi, Jean!
Wow, I've not seen you in ages.
Morning, Dominic.
Hey, he's done a cracking job
on this breakfast menu.
And it's all served on plates.
What else would it be served on?
Have you never had a meal served
on something other than a plate
in an effort to appear trendy?
Er I've had chicken in a basket.
Precisely. And that is exactly
where the rot started.
I once had fish and chips
served out of an old boot.
Shut up!
I swear!
And they'd put newspaper inside
to make it look more authentic.
Where was I meant to put me
mushy peas?
I think I'll have
a little tickle of this.
The poor chap had a plastic bag
over his head
and a rope holding it into place.
And over the bag, on the eyes,
coins had been pushed
into the sockets.
It was horrific.
Yes, I'm sure it was.
The doctor you met on the beach,
Dr Martin,
brought those items back
a little while ago.
He told me the ambulance had taken
him to the new private hospital
where he works, which is much nearer
than Saint Victoire General.
But, unfortunately,
his team could not save his life.
An autopsy will be performed
as soon as possible.
Oh, how ghastly!
Er Do we know who the victim is?
There was no ID.
But Dr Martin identified him
as the man from SL2K,
as he had been chatting with him
on the beach only yesterday.
Can I ask you two to stay close
to the area,
if I need to talk to you again?
Of course.
Oh. Er, Caron
Erm, we've got a couples' massage
booked at 3pm.
Is it all right to still go ahead
with that?
That will be fine.
Thank you.
We'll be in our room until then.
Jean, I wondered if you could come
to the beach club.
There is something I need you
to look at.
We should have a fry-up.
Sometimes a croissant just doesn't
hit the spot, does it?
Stop moaning. I'll buy you lunch
after we've seen Caron.
It doesn't matter how fancy
the croissant is,
I always feel like I licked
the bottom of a bird cage.
Oh, you know what that tastes like,
do you?
No. But, like, claggy.
What does "claggy" mean?
You know, like thick and sticky.
Claggy mouth.
When you get some food trapped
on the roof of your mouth
Come here.
Caron, we came as soon as we could.
Ah, Jean, good to see you.
So, where are these coins
you want me to look at?
Hey, Andre.
These are what I was talking about.
So, erm, how did this fella die,
The doctor says strangulation.
He had a slight pulse on the beach,
but his weak heart let him down
when he got to the hospital.
Here he is.
Antoine Lefevre,
the CEO of SL2K Holdings.
The missing guest.
His business partner,
a certain Nicholas Arlez,
just called from the hospital
to confirm it is him.
He's on his way back now.
What a way to go, eh?
I also need to talk to SL2K's
IT consultant, Marilyn Feo.
They were the only people to
stay over from the party last night.
Do you need anything else?
Er, no. Thank you.
These coins are very rare.
So the bronze one is Napoleon III,
five centimes, 1857.
That's worth about
3,000 euros.
For a coin? Wow.
Yeah, but the, er
Well, the gold one is even rarer.
That's Napoleon I, 1813.
Now, that's worth about 5,000 euros.
So, you said you found these
on his eyes?
Over this plastic bag, but, yes.
Have you ever heard the story
of Charon the Ferryman?
What, like my name?
Yes. Well, it's pronounced the same,
but there's a H after the C.
Now, Charon was the ferryman
of the underworld,
and it was his duty to ferry
the souls of the departed
across the River Styx.
Now, the families of the dead
used to put coins
on the eyes of their loved ones
because if Charon wasn't paid,
their souls would roam the earth
in torment for all eternity.
Well, I know it sounds
sounds silly, but
well, whoever murdered
this man, erm
Antoine Lefevre.
..Antoine Lefevre,
well, made sure that his entry
to the underworld
was, well, very smooth indeed.
These coins are worth
about 8,000 euros.
Can we find out
where they were purchased?
Well, yeah. I'll call Charlie
and she can start digging.
Thank you.
I'll leave you to it.
Uncle Patrick needs a hand
at the pub. Jane's called in sick.
Oh, perfect timing.
Right, I want you to do
a little taste test for me.
Ooh, I always wanted to do
one of these.
Ah, well, now's your chance.
What I want you to do
is taste both of these,
and then tell me which one
you think tastes the best. OK.
Can only have a little sip, mind?
Cos I'm driving.
Of course.
Mm-hm. Mm. Mm.
Well, that one is OK, but nowhere
near as fantastic as that one.
You are absolutely right.
Cheers, glorious Gloria.
Oh, what's he so chipper about?
He's had two sips of wine.
Sorry I'm late.
Where did you need a lift to again?
Oh, thanks for coming, love.
It's just that I've got
a lot of stuff
to get from the cash and carry.
And I'm not sure if Madeleine
will make it all the way
up the hill on the way back.
No offence, Dom.
Oh, no, none taken.
And you're absolutely right,
she would not.
Do you want me to hold the fort
for you?
Oh, you're a good man.
Won't be long.
Liquid lunch, is it?
Yeah. No! I just want
to check something out.
Perks of the job, innit?
Do you mind if we nip somewhere
after the cash and carry?
Not at all.
Oh, very smart!
I've called her Electric Lady Van.
Like the Hendrix album
Electric Ladyland?
Very good.
I thank you.
Favourite track on that album?
All Along The Watchtower.
Just wait till you hear it
on these speakers!
Monsieur Nicholas Arlez,
I am sorry you had to
go through the ordeal
of identifying your friend
this morning.
Yes. Not something I would like
to go through again.
But Dr Martin and his team
were very kind.
Can I ask, what were you doing here
at the beach club?
We have been members here
for a long time,
and we had a staff dinner to
celebrate 20 years in the business.
Who attended?
Office staff and consultants.
Most of our business
is franchised out,
and we employ consultants
to help us when we need them,
like Marilyn here.
Me and Antoine run SL2K,
and we are
..WERE business partners.
And, er, what was your role?
I've been doing SL2K's marketing
for years.
And you two were the only colleagues
to stay over?
Erm these coins
were found on Antoine's person.
They're actually quite valuable.
Do they ring any bells?
Well, Antoine was
a fervent coin collector, so, er
Who do you think would want
to murder Antoine?
He was wonderful,
a kind person and a loyal friend.
The only person I can think of
was his daughter's ex-boyfriend.
But I thought that was over
years ago.
What happened?
It was desperately sad.
Cherise, his daughter, and
her boyfriend were only teenagers
and were driving home one night.
He went through a red light
for some reason and
..and a car ran into
the side of them,
the side Cherise was on.
She was dead on contact.
And he got two years
for dangerous driving.
When he was released,
Antoine hounded him
out of Saint Victoire,
was stopping him working,
shaming him
at any given opportunity.
He had to move to Toulouse
and start again.
So, erm, I cannot imagine that Hugo
was Antoine's biggest fan.
Hugo? Did you say the name "Hugo"?
Yes. Hugo Leve.
Antoine swore he saw him hanging
around the beach club last night.
I just thought he'd had
too much to drink, but now
Please keep your phones charged
and be contactable at all times.
We will have more questions.
Thank you for your help.
You have my address if you need me.
Now this one.
What do you think?
This one tastes miles better.
they're identical.
Let's investigate.
Come on. Let's have a look inside.
Why are we hiding?
I want to take a good look at
what's going on behind the scenes.
Got ya.
Well, come on!
Bonjour, madame.
Bien sur!
What are they saying?
I'll tell you in the van.
Hugo was indeed seen
at the hotel last night,
hanging around reception
around 11pm.
The last known address for him
is in Toulouse.
Toulouse, you say?
Well, that's the Toulouse cross.
Hang on.
Well, this bag is from
a deli chain there.
And, yeah,
there are only three branches.
And they're all in Toulouse.
I think we need to go
and talk to this man. Yeah.
Jean, one minute,
I have left my phone.
I'll wait for you outside.
It's quite a scam.
I thought there was something
going on.
So, basically
these ladies are ripping Judith off
by putting expensive labels
on cheap wine.
Not as sweet as they look, either.
One of them called Judith
"the English idiot".
Ooh, good grief.
They're tricking Judith and Jeremy
out of a lot of money.
We have to tell 'em.
No time like the present.
Patrick, hello, darling.
How the devil are you?
Oh, Patrick!
Two sweet little old ladies
with their cottage industry
running a scam,
that's hilarious.
No, I'm sure it's just some
innocent misunderstanding. So
Got to go, darling,
the hot stones are arriving.
Oh, yes!
Hugo Leve?
Of course.
Thank you.
Antoine Lefevre was found dead
this morning in Saint Victoire.
I don't feel like I thought I would.
I thought I'd feel happier
when hearing that sentence.
Relieved even.
But I don't.
I don't feel anything.
I see.
Yes, we know about the crash.
I was 17 when Cherise died.
What happened?
We, er We were stargazing
that night
as we used to call it back then.
We smoked some weed
to get as high as the sky.
..on our way back home,
I jumped a red light.
We had just swapped seats.
Cherise wanted to roll up again.
It could so easily have been me,
but it wasn't.
Monsieur Lefevre
never forgave you either.
That is quite understatement.
He made my life hell.
He hounded me out of Saint Victoire.
That is why I came to Toulouse.
So you must really hate him.
I created his hell,
so he created mine.
A perfect motive for murder.
Murder? He was murdered?
Of course I hate him
for what he did to me.
But the guilt I have for Cherise
far outweighs the hate
I have for Antoine.
I mean, murder him? No! I mean
So why were you seen on CCTV
at the reception
of Miroir De L'Ocean beach club
at 11pm last night?
Oh. Bonjour again.
I was picking my girlfriend up
from work.
It doesn't mean he's in the clear.
He's still our number one suspect
because we know he was there
at the time.
Ah, it's Charlie.
She's found out that the coins were
not bought but have gone missing
from Echange De Metaux.
What does "gone missing" mean?
Well, I don't know.
But I should have known
they were from there.
They're the biggest internet
coin dealers in the business.
Owned by a mate of mine.
Great. Let's go.
So, you saw them re-labelling
a different wine? Yeah.
Local ladies?
Blimey. What are you gonna do
about it?
Well, I tried to talk to Judith,
but she wasn't having any of it.
So, what do we do? Well
..I suppose we have to
go to the police.
Well, you're a braver man than I am,
Uncle Patrick.
The locals will not take kindly
to the new English bloke
picking on
a couple of sweet old ladies.
I've got an idea.
Have you?
We'd have to go back
when the shop's shut.
You up for it?
Course I am.
Hang on.
I know your face.
And I know your face.
And I want nothing more to do
with this from this point onwards.
Can I go?
I promised Jean I'd pick her up.
Yeah, course you can.
Ah, Jean! Bonjour!
Oh, Marie, it's good to see you.
You're looking well, Jean.
And you look smashing as well.
You're a good liar, Jean White.
I was up late watching repeats
of Gordon Ramsay
swearing in his kitchens!
It's the only thing that
gets me off to sleep these days.
This is my good friend Andre Caron.
Ah. Bonjour, Andre.
You don't mind, do you?
Oh, that's better.
Although I've had to switch
to decaf.
Do you know, once upon a time,
I could inhale ten espressos
and 40 Gitanes a day.
Now, decaf and patches!
ALL the patches!
It happens to us all, Marie.
Now, do you mind if we
get straight down to business?
Of course not.
You said in your text to Charlie
that the coins just went missing.
That's right.
Well, what did you mean?
I hadn't even noticed they had gone
missing till I spoke to Charlie.
Mind you, I put the kettle
in the fridge last week.
My brain fog's terrible.
After I spoke to Charlie,
I went to check and they had gone.
Do you know how
they could have left the shop?
I have no idea.
Every second Monday, I get out
all the coins to clean them.
So, you cleaned them yesterday?
Yes, that's right, and they were
definitely there then.
Did anyone else
visit the shop yesterday?
The only people who came in all day
were my mum, who brought my lunch,
and our online marketing consultant.
Marketing consultant?
What's their name?
Marilyn Feo.
Oh, she's an absolute godsend.
I'm terrible online.
Don't know how I'd manage
without her.
YOU are a legend.
Thank you so much.
We'll be in touch.
Thank you.
Er Well, glad I could help.
I trust you can get in there.
Only one way to find out.
Oh, the old girls don't seem to have
installed any alarms or CCTV.
We're in luck.
What about the gate?
They've padlocked it.
Some skills never leave you.
Never seen one of those before.
I have.
I spent a summer labelling
pickled onions when I was training.
Looks like the same machine.
So, what's the plan?
Wait and see.
Oh, hello, you two.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Dom,
we've got a lead.
Do you mind hanging round here
for a bit?
No, no, no, of course.
You're worth waiting for.
Er, see you later.
Come on.
He's coming.
Madame Feo,
during our earlier interview,
you referred to Monsieur Lefevre
as "wonderful, a kind person,
and a loyal friend".
That's right.
You also said, regarding Hugo,
"Antoine swore he saw him hanging
round the beach club last night."
"I just thought he had
had too much to drink."
So, you and Monsieur Lefevre
had been drinking together
after the party?
I can't believe he's gone.
My darling Antoine.
Oh. I take it that you and Antoine
were more than just good friends?
He was the love of my life.
But you are married, no?
Yes. Erm
My husband is my business partner.
We have a freelance
IT marketing company,
and we work as consultants
for different businesses.
One being SL2K, amongst others.
Yes, amongst others.
You are the online consultant
for Echange De Metaux, n'est pas?
How long have you worked as
consultants for SL2K?
Nearly five years.
And your affair with Antoine?
Almost as long.
Erm, going back
to Echange De Metaux
Look, OK!
It was me, yes. I took the coins.
I took the coins
on Antoine's request.
I'd done it before.
He always paid, eventually.
He said he had to wait till
the company's cashflow was better.
Hang on.
I thought his company was booming.
No. They were really struggling.
But sort of didn't
do anything about it.
What do you mean?
Personal drivers,
beach club memberships,
corporate dinners,
no expense spared.
Keeping up appearances?
I was nervous taking the coins.
But it was what Antoine wanted,
and I wanted to make him happy.
tell us exactly what happened.
After the dinner, I, er
..surprised Antoine with the coins.
SOFTLY: Got you a present.
What do you think?
'I thought he'd be thrilled.
'But he just turned cold.'
'Said he needed
to think about our relationship
'and WE might not be
what he wanted any more.
'I was so upset and shocked,
I just fled the room.'
And that was the last time
you saw him?
I do not believe you.
It's the truth.
I suggest that Antoine
made you steal the coins.
No! And when he said
he didn't want you any more,
you were so angry,
you strangled him in his sleep.
That's ridiculous!
I was angry, yes!
But more than that
..I was utterly heartbroken.
Which is a perfect motive.
You have to help me.
Marilyn Feo, I'm arresting you
for the murder of Antoine Lefevre.
You have the right to remain silent.
If you waive this right,
anything you say
can and will be used against you
in a court of law.
That massage was simply divine.
What was it? Swedish?
Hot stone. Left me all melty.
Just what I needed after the trauma
of this morning. Yeah.
I must have had a hundred massages
and I don't remember a single one!
How do you mean?
I always fall asleep.
Doesn't matter what's happening,
as soon as I lie face down
on that massage couch,
I conk straight out!
Oh, God!
Do something!
I don't know what to do,
I've only seen it in the films.
Help! Look! Oh, God!
Doctor! Doctor!
Please help, my husband is choking!
How dare you?!
Oh, God!
Oh! Oh! How can I ever repay you?
Dominic! Thank you! Thank you!
Well done, you.
I saw it on Mrs Doubtfire, you know?
Fat lot of use that doctor was!
What doctor?
The bloke in the car.
That's not a doctor.
That's Nicholas' driver.
Jean He might have had
a little shave,
but that was categorically
the doctor
that tried to save that poor man's
life on the beach this morning.
I never forget smouldering eyes
like that.
Shame he doesn't want
to save all lives.
Dom, we have to go now.
I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
Right. Ooh. Can you let me go
please now, Jeremy?
Please let me go.
Thank you.
That was a nasty shock, wasn't it?
Where are we going?
Nicholas Arlez's house.
OK. Why?
Something just doesn't add up.
So, what are we looking at?
Judy said the bloke she saw
was that doctor,
the doctor on the beach,
that Dr Martin fella.
But I saw the same bloke
driving Nicholas Arlez around.
And then when Judith asked for help,
he just drove off.
No. No, not with you.
Well, how can the doctor
and the driver be the same person?
I mean, we can't even say
that Judith was on the champagne,
cos it was eight o'clock
in the morning.
Er Right?
Think about it, Dom.
What if it's an almighty set-up?
See! I was right.
That man stood near the door,
that's the same man that's supposed
to have been murdered.
Oh, my
I've got to message Caron.
It's all been a set-up.
A fake doctor, a fake
ambulance crew, a fake hospital.
It's all been a massive set-up.
I think you'd better come with us.
Some would say it's a little late
to be drinking caffeine.
Not something I agree with.
Some of the finest minds
have sworn by the consumption
of a good coffee
at any time of the day.
I find it helps keep a clear head.
And the conscience?
Ha! Very good.
I would like a coffee,
if that's OK?
Er, yes. Yeah, me too.
Ah, waiting to see
if it was poisoned?
I don't blame you.
I wouldn't trust us either.
..what brought you here,
Madame White?
Your doctor was recognised.
Ah, yes,
that was very STUPID of him!
Your business partner
is a good actor.
Very much the, er,
friend in mourning.
Thank you.
So, what was the plan?
It was extremely clever.
I'd love to know how you did it.
I suppose it won't do any harm
as you two won't be going anywhere.
All Antoine had to do
was to row himself out
..then adorn the bag with the coins,
and then wait to be discovered.
Dr Martin was parked on the beach
and the rest ran like clockwork.
So the coins were just
to frame Marilyn?
But I thought you were in love
with Marilyn.
Good grief, no!
No. She was becoming
increasingly annoying,
so we thought we would kill
two birds with one stone.
So the plastic bag
and the ex-boyfriend story,
that was just to to frame Hugo?
Hugo kill my little girl.
She never got to live her life.
So, as long as I'm alive,
Hugo will keep paying for that.
Mm, and that plastic bag,
quite entertaining how it sent you
and your police friend
on such a wild goose chase!
And to be honest,
we couldn't decide who to frame,
so we framed them both.
But why?
We were drowning in debt.
Going under.
If we paid our bills, we would have
been left with nothing.
And then we found a clause
in our insurance contract
that if one of us dies,
all debts would be paid.
And the partner will be able
to carry on.
The plan was to "kill" Antoine.
And then I had a doctor friend
to line up the death certificate.
Then I would trade for a year,
sell up,
and then meet him in Barbados.
You had it all worked out.
We thought we did
until you got here.
Things have changed somewhat.
I'm afraid you have to go now.
But, please,
finish your coffee first.
I'm sorry.
Are you both OK?
How did you know?
Something didn't add up
in the doctor's report.
He would not answer his phone,
so I went to the private hospital
to ask him myself.
The building turned out
to be a supermarche.
There was no private hospital
and never has been in that area.
I knew then something was wrong.
Oh, Andre!
I have never been so happy
to see your little face.
What was all that nonsense about
wine you were saying yesterday?
What, about you getting scammed?
Don't be ridiculous.
I really like the Rotteau sisters.
I hope you sorted it out.
Yes. In fact, we've got a delivery
coming any minute.
Ooh, that'll be them now.
Come and join us.
Bonjour, madame.
Bonjour, messieurs-dames.
Examinez les boxes, s'il vous plait?
Mais, oui.
Could you read the label out loud
for me, Gloria?
Of course, Patrick.
"Ce vin ne vaut meme pas le prix
de la bouteille"
"de verre qui le contient."
Which means, dear friend,
"This wine is not worth
the glass it's bottled in."
And don't come back!
Don't worry,
they won't bother you again.
Sub extracted from file & improved