The Unit s04e01 Episode Script


Previously on The Unit.
Did you sign the divorce petition yet? - I thought we could actually save our marriage.
- That's fine, but I don't care.
Who's that? Our Colonel Tom? I love him, and he loves me.
We can have a great life together, Tom.
We can be happy, baby.
Stay away from me.
I'd say you need a pool boy.
You have until I finish my cigar.
If we have no deal at that point, I am a ghost.
You want the list? I'll have the cash if the list is real.
But tell me, why would you sell out your clients? They owe me money.
Do you have the list with you? The deal was, the list would be sent via e-mail.
- We gonna do business or not? - There we go.
- We still don't trust you, monsieur.
- What? Do you want to remove the rest of my clothes? There are other ways to find out if you are wearing a wire.
Turn around.
Oh, mon Dieu! Oh, mon Dieu! Selena! Well, that's that.
- Well done, soldier.
- Sergeant.
- Jonas Blane.
- Bridget Sullivan.
What happened to your French accent? Well, I learned it.
- And the French too? - Yeah.
If the French can learn French, I can learn French.
- How did you work your way in there? - It took me 18 months.
- He want to hold hands? - Yeah.
He wanted to hold hands.
But more importantly, he wanted to lure me here from the translation agency in Paris.
- Outstanding.
- What can't you do? I can't do the Funky Chicken.
That is, I can do it, but only adequately.
- Bet you throw like a girl.
- Well, I am a girl.
Now, if you throw like a girl, that'd be cause for comment.
He does throw like a girl.
Well, that'd be cause for comment.
- Anybody got a water? - Yeah.
Job well done, lads, lady.
I think we all deserve a ride home for some R& R.
You pack a.
45 instead of a.
9? That's right.
- When I can.
- Why? Which would you rather be shot with? Oh, I'm gonna miss you when you're gone, kid.
Boss, can we keep the new puppy? Nah.
Gotta send her back to her command.
I'm Bob Brown.
Mack Gerhardt.
- Charles Grey.
- Bridget Sullivan.
Pleasure, gents.
Now, you guys keep talking trash to impress a pretty girl.
But this soldier- this soldier's gonna take a nap.
That's why it's important to look at your pay stubs.
Check the overtime pay.
It's your money, and the government is just one vast bureaucracy.
Which is to say a committee.
And how does a committee work? The meeting ain't over till everyone's unhappy.
If Charles A.
Lindbergh had had a committee, he never would've flown the Atlantic.
Isn't Kim good at this? - When are you planning on telling Mack? - As soon as he gets back.
He's been gone five months.
He comes home, you gonna slap him with divorce papers? - My lawyer says there could be complications, custody issues.
- Mm-hmm.
And not to give him advance notice.
I'm Kim Brown, and this is Your Military Life.
I'm very proud to announce that as of today we are now syndicated in eight markets.
He's not gonna fight you on custody.
Mack's a warrior.
When confronted, he attacks.
Before we go to break, I want to welcome Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
I don't want to do it this way, but my lawyer says this is the way it has to be.
This is the greatest country on the earth.
Thank you for guarding it.
I'm Kim Brown breaking it down.
Back in 90 seconds.
- Whoo! Congratulations! - Whoo! Thank you.
I was so nervous this morning.
" Kim Brown breaking it down!" I just wish Bob was home to hear it.
- They're coming home soon.
I've been seeing the signs.
- Mrs.
I think she has a fever.
She didn't take any formula.
All right.
Kim, can I just get you to come? - Could you bundle her up? - Yeah.
- You want me to pick up Serena and Teddy from school later? - Yeah.
We interrupt this program with tragic news coming out of Rome.
The attack this morning on the motorcade of Vice President Charles Horton- What's confirmed? Vice President Horton sustained a gunshot wound to the chest.
He was pronounced dead at the American hospital in Rome.
- Who was protection on that detail? - Charlie Company.
We also have an unconfirmed report of a man shot by F.
in a hotel room in Baltimore.
There's evidence he may have been intending to assassinate the president.
- Is the president secure? - Affirm.
It's a plot against the president.
What's the evidence? The shooter had the call sign, a copy of the Secret Service duty roster, and today's codes.
- They try to take him alive? - They tried.
They shot him reaching for the detonator.
This is an emergency.
I need to speak to the head of F.
It's more than a breach in security.
This is a half-click away from a meltdown.
There's been an explosion in the vice president-elect's home.
It's believed he's dead.
What about the president-elect? What's his call sign? He hasn't been assigned one yet.
Uh, strike that.
- Spinnaker.
- Spinnaker.
Where the hell is he? National Military Command Center reports that the president-elect's motorcade has just been attacked en route to a secure bunker in NORAD.
- Go to red.
- Yes, sir.
Is he secure? Secret Service has lost all communication with their men on the ground.
I need the last position of that motorcade.
The president-elect's motorcade.
I need time and coordinates as fast as possible.
We're in a hell of a lot of trouble.
- Have you got those coordinates? - Roger! Very good! Flight's being diverted.
Arm up with whatever we've got.
Sir, my team is myself and three- three shooters.
We'll be on the ground within 10 minutes.
- Sergeant Major.
- Yeah? - You're looking at another shooter.
- You wanna fight? - I joined the army to fight! - You wanna get some? Is that it? I want to do my duty.
Well, let's give you an opportunity.
All right, gather around.
Let me tell you what we've got! #Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## - You all they sent, soldier? - No, sir.
We're securing the scene.
Everyone else is in the woods looking for the president-elect.
- When did you last have him? - We got four search parties out now.
- You got comms up? - Yes, we do.
- We got a repeater up at the fire tower.
- Thank you very much.
We got it.
President-elect had to have a LoJack.
Check these dead agents.
Find the receiver.
- Sergeant! - We got a spike strip here.
We're light on ammo.
Comms need recharging.
Strip what you can off the guardsmen.
Turn 'em upside down and shake 'em.
I make about eight shooters.
- An I.
took out two cars and missed the president-elect.
- Got nothing! Secret Service would'vejumped to screen the president-elect, take him off to the north.
Top! I found the trail! They're on the run! Dirt Diver, let's move! Redcap.
Snake Doc.
National Guard says they have a fire tower with a repeater.
Set up overwatch.
Got it.
Sergeant, I need your assistance.
All right, boys! What you just saw never happened! Those people that you just saw were never here! Here it is.
- There's blood here.
- Yup.
I see, what, three prints? - Looks like two agents flanking the president-elect.
- More here this way.
Two split off and went that way.
- Look at the twigs.
Like something was dragged.
- Top, over here.
We got a Secret Service agent.
He's still alive.
Where's Spinnaker? - We tried to haul him off.
- I know you did.
Where's the president-elect? - Flynn's got him.
- Flynn? Who's Flynn? Come on, stick with me, son.
Identify yourself.
Which direction did they go? Identify yo- Snow cone.
Today's S.
code is snow cone.
They knew the code too.
They? Who's they? I'm not telling you a damn thing.
Hang in there, son.
Is that the LoJack? That is correct.
The receiver for Spinnaker's signal.
Blood trail continues over here! All right.
Get his ammo.
They were headed to the airport at Colorado Springs.
- They got the alert and they diverted.
- To? To nearest secure bunker- NORAD.
They were hit here.
Snake Doc, which way you moving? Latitude 38.
Longitude 105.
Moving uphill.
There's a cliff on the other side.
They can't go that way.
They're gonna have to go around.
Did you get that? There's a cliff to your northwest.
- Gonna have to go around.
- Roger that.
We've got nearly a battalion out there.
There's no way the bad guys are getting out.
They don't want to get out.
- If they did, they'd be out by now.
- They're here.
- That means Spinnaker is still alive? - If they ain't got to him yet.
United States Special Forces! Identify yourself! What is the password of the day? Snow cone! Baker.
Clear! - How many you got with you? - Just a squad.
- Where you coming from? West? - Yes, sir.
We came in from the west, hit a cliff, backtracked here.
- They come in from over there? - Steep gorge.
Can't get down there without ropes.
Redcap, Redcap, get me Dogpatch 0- 6.
Steep gorge.
How do you know? Grew up around here.
Shot an eight-point stag down there two, three years back.
All right.
You're gonna be my guide.
We're taking your man.
Let's go.
- Yes? - Ms.
Blane, we need you to come inside.
- What are you doing to my home? - Do you have eyes on the subject? Roger that.
I'm with her now.
Blane, we need you inside.
I need to speak to Colonel Ryan.
The colonel is unavailable.
We need you inside the house now, ma'am.
Please take this bag, fill it with whatever personal articles you need.
- It's for a week's stay.
You have 10 minutes.
- Personal articles? Nothing with any identification.
My baby's sick.
I'm taking her to the hospital.
Those are the bags for your children.
Make sure their names are not written in their clothing.
If they are, cut them out.
- I said my baby's sick.
- As soon as you're packed, a doctor will be called.
Where are we going? - I can't tell you.
- When are we coming back? Pack as if you aren't.
You okay? What's happening? - Emily's sick.
She needs a doctor.
- You okay? - What about our kids? - They're getting out of school soon.
- Somebody's gotta pick 'em up.
- What's happening? I have no idea.
Please put your purses in this bag.
I also need your cell phones, P.
's, wallets any photos of your family, and the keys to your homes and cars.
- And if we refuse? - And I need you to turn your pockets inside-out.
There's supposed to be a pediatrician on the way here.
- This baby needs a doctor.
- Ma'am, I'm not authorized.
I don't give a damn what you're authorized to do.
We have complied with everything you've asked.
Please get my baby the doctor I was promised.
I'm gonna dial 911.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Snake Doc? Go fast, Redcap.
My comm's dying.
Snake Doc, is there anyone not on the team near you? Negative.
I heard over the comm, your Sergeant Ross said he shot an eight-point stag.
No one from Colorado has ever called a buck a stag.
- Well, maybe he's not from Colorado.
- He didn't come from nowhere.
Because I checked, and there is no Sergeant Ross in this unit of the National Guard.
You got a bogey.
He's the opposition.
Roger that.
Snake Doc? Snake Doc, you're coming in broken.
Don't that make the cheese more binding.
Keep him in front of you.
Sergeant Ross, go check me out that trailer.
Roger that.
Door open like that, they're inviting us in.
Bad guys like I.
Leave a little surprise for the pursuers.
You don't like this guy, Top? Well, let's test his sincerity.
There's nothing there! Take a more profound look, soldier.
Think I'm wrong, Sergeant? Please take a look for yourself, see where I made an error.
Go inside the trailer, Sergeant.
Relax, relax.
- You're a hostile? - Him and his whole damn platoon.
That's how they're getting out.
There's gotta be 500 soldiers out here by now.
- Bad guys are gonna blend in and walk right out.
- Look at me, soldier.
- Why would you sell out your country? - I'm not American.
Damn this country.
Betty Blue, hogtie this man or shoot him.
Fielder's choice.
Dirt Diver, overwatch.
Cool Breeze, you're with me.
Let's check out our little surprise.
Yeah, there we have it.
Two men down.
Secret Service agent and a hunter.
- Where there's one wire- - There's bound to be at least two more.
We know where they want us to look.
Where's the danger? - In there.
- Uh-huh.
And I don't think one would wear those hunting.
They're monogrammed.
- President-elect Benjamin Castillo.
Castillo must've found some boots and changed out.
Took the hunter's shoes.
I'm hungry.
Dogs were here not too long ago.
Food's still moist.
Water's in the bowl.
Bad guys took the dogs.
- Why would they take the dogs? - Maybe they were lonely.
Who you working for? Really? Are you sure? Because I'm really pressed for time.
You'd better hope that the bears get you before I get back.
Get me Dogpatch 0- 6.
- LoJack signal and tracks diverge.
- We gotta cover both, Top.
I'll take the LoJack.
Off you go.
Snake Doctor, coming in broken and stupid.
Pull every soldier out of these woods.
I want you to relieve all units, all personnel.
They could be changing uniforms, changing insignia.
- Want to say why? - Not on this line.
That's a big operation clearing every last soldier out of the area.
Well, then give them this motivation.
Any man I see in these woods wearing a uniform, I kill.
Want to get the bodies out? We don't have time.
I wish there was time, but there's not.
Let's give the bad guys some misdirection.
Twenty, 30 minutes? Is he trying to tell us something? He don't have to try.
I track a man, I can tell you what he had for dinner.
Nothing he can keep from me.
He was moving fast until here.
He's stopping.
What's he looking at? - He's doubling back.
- Boot tracks say he's continuing down this way.
- Looks like the pursuit's right after him too.
- No, no, no.
He's doubling back.
He's establishing his trail, taking off his boots and sneaking back the way he came.
- Down there.
- And what if he ain't? He is.
Let's steal a march on him.
- Her temperature is 103.
It's rising.
- What's wrong? It could be a virus.
I'm not sure.
Is she eating? No.
Excuse me.
Are you a pediatrician? Uh, ma'am, I'm not a doctor.
I'm a medic.
Blane, Gerhardt, Brown, my name is Cartwright.
We don't have a lot of time.
- Who are you? - There's several things we need to address quickly.
I'm not doing a damn thing you need until my child gets a doctor.
She is sick, and the army is withholding medical care from her.
- A medic was provided.
- I don't need a medic.
I know first aid.
I need a doctor for my daughter.
Not a G.
I want a pediatrician.
- Ma'am- - Get my daughter a pediatrician now or I will bring holy hell down on you.
I swear to God, I'll see you dead.
Snake Doc.
Clear! - Clear! - Go for Blane.
I found the beacon.
The president-elect clipped it on one of the dogs.
I repeat: The president-elect clipped the LoJack on one of the dogs.
- Smart fellow.
- Smart fellow, yeah.
The trail picks up along here.
He doesn't trust his protection.
Can you get back to us? I'll try.
Did about 20 klicks.
Snake Doc? Redcap, can you hear me? Snake Doc.
Snake Doc, you're coming in weak.
We are four miles north of our last position.
About a half-mile west of the mouth of the valley.
Roger that.
We have your location.
Redcap? They're monitoring our communication.
I'm taking fire! Redcap! - You got the trail? - Got it.
Let's move.
I need you not to move! Stay right where you are! Stay right there! You are so lucky you have your life! Don't you move a muscle! Don't you move.
You stay right there.
Don't look at me! Don't look at me! This is Redcap.
Dirt Diver.
Redcap, I've got a- Her fever is going up.
She needs an antibiotic drip.
All right.
Let's get her to the hospital.
Hey, guys.
They pick you up from school? - Come on.
Let's go over here and put your stuff on the table.
- Mommy, look what I made! - Just give me a minute, angel.
- Why don't you show me, sweetie.
- I'll go with you.
- I'm leaving with him.
- That's not possible.
Let me or shoot me.
Let's go.
Get me a hard line to Fort Bragg.
Brown, Ms.
Blane, Ms.
Gerhardt, I need to talk to you.
I'm leaving with my child for the hospital.
You asked for a doctor, we got you one.
Now give him the baby.
I need you to come with me.
I'm listening.
- You're being relocated.
- Where? - I don't know where.
- Why? I need you both to send your children away to live with relatives, including your baby.
I'm not sending my baby away.
Michael Casey with Secret Service.
His wife, Sandy, their two kids.
Six hours ago his wife and children were found dead in their home.
Agent Casey was on the vice president's protection squad in Rome.
He shot himself 30 minutes after the assassination.
They got to him through his family.
Casey looked at his cell phone was shown a video of a gun to his wife and kids' heads.
They induced him to abandon his position protecting the vice president, which he did.
- And then they killed his family? - Four hours ago.
The police tracked the man that murdered Casey's family to a motel.
He was killed in the shoot-out.
These tapes were found in a suitcase in that motel room.
Oh, my God.
We're under siege.
Please turn to your right.
Face the camera, please.
Turn to the other side.
- Can you smile, please? - Sure.
Yeah, all these rocks are displaced.
There he goes.
Looks like he's heading downstream.
No danger.
Just hold still.
Sir? I'm Sergeant MajorJonas Blane, U.
Army, Special Forces.
If we wanted you dead, you'd be dead.
Sir, members of your security detail have betrayed you.
We are here to get you out.
Why should I believe you? All enemies, sir, foreign and domestic.
That's all I can say.
Turn around.
Let me see your face.
Are you a loyal American? Sir, that is one thing in my nature that is not a fault.
Betty Blue, get him out.
This way, Mr.
Castillo, sir.
Watch your step.
Sir, please.
Get over here and put this on.
- You need to call for help.
- Sir, we have no communication.
- We're gonna have to walk you out.
- Where's the military? Gotta get him outta here! Top, clear.
- Why did they stop shooting? - They're getting into position.
- They have the high ground.
They're surrounding us.
- They're gonna move fast.
Well, then somebody say something memorable because this is where we make our stand.
- You got a camo stick? - What do you got? One of the opposition.
Where's the boss? I lost contact.
The radio is dead.
Last lat-long.
Guy's off the chart.
- Now what? - I'll track 'em.
- Where you sending the prints? - Huh? - The fingerprints-where are you sending them? - D.
Good for you.
I do it for a living.
I'll see you there.
So you have to listen to Grandma, okay? - Why can't you come with? - I'll come just as soon as I can, baby.
But I don't want to go in the car.
Well, you got to.
Now, the baby's formula is in the bag.
She hasn't been eating much lately, so they should feed her whenever she's hungry.
She'll get hungry.
Mommy! Now, you look at me.
Do I look worried? What we got here, this is a kind of adventure, okay? - Okay.
- All right.
Come here.
Take her.
Bye, Mommy.
I love you.
I don't even have any pictures of the baby.
That's what we need.
See if you can rip that out.
Bolted down.
It ain't moving.
- Yup.
- Top, up.
Let's get in place, sir.
If I had a weapon, I could help.
Please, sir, let's get in place.
See, we got two stone walls, okay? There's only one way in and out.
We're gonna make ourselves a slaughter chute.
Right here.
Let's get in the tub.
Is he gonna stay under cover? When the shooting starts, he'll stay under cover.
All the way down.
There you go.
Cover what's important.
Stay here.
Top, I got 22 rounds.
These guys are gonna be wearing Kevlar.
Well, you better shoot 'em in the head.
Find anything we can use.
- Yeah, look what I found.
- Why? Is it important? Yeah.
It'll go through Kevlar.
- You got your bow license? - We're gonna find out, aren't we? - All right.
- Off you go.
One round, one minute to load? - Ain't worth it.
- No.
- Where there's a muzzle loader, there's gotta be black powder.
- Find it.
Keep your head under the Kevlar, sir.
You'll be fine.
- Get 'em.
- Stay alive.
I voted for you.
All right.
Here we go.
So as I see it, what we got to do is hurt 'em and then wait for the cavalry.
We got time on our side.
They want to come in, we're gonna let 'em come in.
Right through that door, single file.
Then we're gonna aim for the head and the groin.
You're talking too much, Top.
You getting old? I'm glad I am old, and here's why.
Aim at the head and the groin.
Go! Top, go! Damn it! I'm out! - I'm gonna light it! - Light it! Throw it! Throw it! - Behind you.
- Come ahead.
It's cool, Top.
What took you so long? We good? Yes, I believe we are.
Show identification, please.
- I'll run away.
- It isn't a request.
Dad's gone most of the time.
Now you're sending me away to live with Grandma? Lissy, come back over here.
Daddy! Bob.
Isn't that a sight? Are you okay? I'm here, ain't I? - They made me send the kids to my mom's.
Emily was sick and- - I talked to your mom.
Emily started to take a little formula.
I missed you so much.
They're moving us out.
Cards are dead.
New deal.
- They tell you where? - Yeah.
We're going to the mattresses.
- I'll see you in the morning.
- Not if I see you first.
- How you gonna do that? - That's the rule.
See, but don't be seen.
That's the rule.
Right, Dad? You know that's the rule.
Are you getting too big to kiss? - Night, Dad.
- Good night.
Jen cut her hand.
You're not wearing your wedding ring.
I left it on the dresser.
The M.
's took everything.
Emily's got my eyes.
They're not changing.
They're light.
But she looks like your sister.
What? It's weird having a child in this world you've never seen.
I took lots of pictures but everything was taken away.
Hey! What are you doing? Looking for a picture of my new baby.
What did you lose? My wife's wedding ring.
Five months of life missing.
Well, it wasn't missing.
It was just taking place without our participation.
I didn't even recognize Lissy.
Well, you know what they say.
They say a lot of things.
They do say a lot of things, but I only know one of them.
Did you find what you were looking for? Mack? What are you doing? Mack? - What are you doing? - My throwaway gun.
- Your what? - I need my throwaway gun.
- Where do you think you're going? - To a trial and execution.
- You comin'? If you don't wanna come, you can read about it.
- Hey.
Take it to the team.
You take this to the team.
It's okay.
Come on in.
Close the door.
You got two minutes.
I'm divorcing Mack.
The papers are in.
I'm done with the army.
You're not taking my kids, and you're not gonna tell me what to do.
- Come tomorrow morning, I am gonna walk off this base.
- You saw the tapes.
If I'm not your soldier's wife, who's going to want to kill me? All right.
You're free to leave.
- Thank you.
- But your children are gonna remain with their father.
You said it was dangerous if the kids come with us.
How dangerous could it be? These people killed their own children! You think they won't kill yours? Do you think they won't kill yours? An officer sleeps with a shooter's wife and he's executed.
That's the Unit code.
Did that code change, Top? - Did it change? - There will be a trial.
- And if he's found guilty- - There's a damn photograph! And if he is found guilty, we will honor that code.
But for the moment, justice will have to wait.
It is secondary to the mission at hand.
This country is under attack.
Yes or no? You tell me, soldier.
Yes or no? - There will be a trial? - All things end in judgment.
Because the assassination attempts against the president and the president-elect were interdicted out of public view the official line is this.
The vice president was killed by a lone, deranged gunman.
The vice president-elect was the victim of an accidental explosion and fire.
It was simply an accident.
The line of succession is now secure.
That's some bedtime story.
But in fact- This was a large-scale, well-financed attack designed to destabilize our government.
What's the summation, sir? There were several breaches inside Special Operations, Secret Service, and perhaps- perhaps even within the Unit itself.
'Cause you men were on a mission on the other side of the world you're one of the few teams above suspicion.
As the investigation proceeds, other teams will be vetted and cleared for service.
Sir! - All right.
- I also was out of the country.
Yes, you were.
Well done.
We'll notify your command.
And I've received every merit badge.
You want to join the team? Sir, I did join the team.
I'd like you to certify it.
We ain't got women in the Unit.
Yes, sir, that's absolutely true as your opponents very well know.
I take your point.
So be it.
I can use you.
Thank you, sir.
Your team departs 0800- wheels up for Sarajevo.
You'll be prepped and briefed en route.
You'll be doing more with less.
You answer only to me.
We're gonna be making this up as we go along.
We've got one objective.
That's to take the fight to the enemy.
All right? You're the line in the sand.
It's like leaving a burning house with everything of value.
They took my wallet, my purse.
I don't have any pictures of my children.
Hey, where have you been? - Come on, girls.
- Lissy and Jen are coming? I don't understand.
Why not my kids? Let's go, girls.
Get a seat.
Ladies, can I have your attention, please? - All right.
- Who are you? My name is Bridget Sullivan.
I work for Colonel Ryan.
- Are you a member of the Unit? - There are no women in the Unit.
Now, we are gonna have a long ride in which to get to know one another.
- What base are we going to? - We're not going to a base.
When will I see my children again? I promise you, as soon as I know the answer you will know it.
Now, I'd like you to take a look at these.
These are your new identities.
New names, credit cards, passport.
Now, we'll start simply.
Memorize your new Social Security number.
Then we'll start in on your cover.
- Why are we doing all of this? - To keep you safe, Ms.
To keep you and your families safe.
Now, once upon a time, I spent quite a bit of time undercover.
You may think that the problem lies in trying to remember your cover and the truth.
Actually, it's much more simple.
There's only one truth.
Only the cover is true.
The lives you had before are over.
All right, let's go.

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