Wentworth (2013) s04e01 Episode Script

First Blood

This is 97.
2 Heat FM and we have Franky Doyle - in the house.
- Whoo! Ex reality TV star, former prisoner, now the lowdown is you were the big dog! I'm afraid it's "Top Dog".
Top dog, big dog, you were the baddest bitch in there.
I'm definitely getting that vibe now.
Well there were badder bitches than me, and not all of them were on my side of the bars.
The wheels on the bus go round and round round and round, round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round - all the way to - prison Oh, Boom! Thanks for that, Boom.
Now you tipped a wok full of hot oil on that reality chef, ***.
I hear they call him Scarface now.
I'm not here to talk about that.
I thought we were here to talk about surviving on the inside.
If I ever go down, - what tips would you give me? - Well, it's all about power.
Whose got it and who wants it.
If you got it, what do you do to keep it? What parts of yourself will you shut down to stay on top? And if you want it, what are you gonna do to get it? We are all strong women and we certainly don't need Bea Smith to tell us what to do and when to do it, do we? If you had to, would you be willing to kill someone? Here we are girls.
Home sweet fuckin' home.
Whooo They're here, Governor.
Synced and transcribed by Traspen What a pity that this pristine environment is about to be spoiled, by prisoners.
I believe a thing is enhanced, Mr Channing, when it gets to serve its true purpose.
Well we'll know in a couple of days whether that's true.
Well ideally I need two weeks to settle the returning prisoners back in.
The board refuses to rebuild us a clean slate, Vera.
In two days this place will be crawling with press and VIPs.
Half the risk of fiasco.
We need a good news story.
Don't fuck it up.
Take your time.
Hey! Check out Vinegar Tits.
She got her governor pants on.
- Hey I'm back bitches! - Jenkins Governor - Mr J, how's it going? - Jenkins Where's the red carpet? Hey, Doreen.
- Hey you.
- Hi, Mr Jackson.
Hey it's a bit bigger out here.
But they could have changed the color.
*** and a jacuzzi and What the fuck do they think we're Barbie dolls? I mean, where are the ass cracks? Oh God.
Don't worry about the ass cracks.
Look at all the new programs: we got book club, yoga, art therapy, fitness and nutrition.
- What about a choir? - Nah, that's a shit idea, Liz.
My vote: for conjugal visits like they have at Walford.
Now that is a bloody brilliant idea, Dor, that's a brilliant idea, hay, yeah! Hey, Bea? Bea, we want conjugals, eh.
Well who am I gonna conjugate? Hey.
Welcome back, Bea.
Good to see you, Bea.
Hasn't been the same without ya Bea.
- Has it Boris? - No.
Relax, Max.
You might need this.
Hey Miss Miles.
Did you miss us? - Thought of nothing else.
- What's chinky chunks doing here? Governor wants to mix up some of the incumbents with the returns.
- Oy you lot, clear out.
- Hey guys.
Bea's gonna get us conjugal's, ay! Miss Miles, can we use the phones? Go use it now, Anderson.
Let's find a jacuzzi.
Bea Fuck.
Oh Oy, you're out? Oh obviously! Ohhh oh, that's great news babe.
How are you, you alright? Yeah, yeah, no I'm just - I'm so happy! - What, what, what, what? All of Nash's charges were dropped.
Oh, Dor, that's unreal! Did you hear that, darling? Daddy's out of ***.
Yeah, yeah, no, I haven't checked ***, I just wanna know Josh is safe with you.
- OK, we'll see you Thursday then, eh? - Yeah.
I love you too.
I'll put him on.
Say hello to Daddy.
G'day Dad.
G'day yeah it's Josh here.
I'm so excited mate about getting out in a couple of days to see you.
Ay, I'm gonna pack my bag and put my toys in there, and steal some of Boomer's chocolates.
Right, I'm gonna sign up for fitness goals and nutrition.
- Nah, I'll bet you it's full.
- Why? Yeah, cause everyone would have heard about the conjugals and wanted to get ***.
Now I'll have to do yoga or creating your CV.
I'm Allie Novack.
Uh Kaz wants to see ya.
Bea doesn't see anyone, luv.
If Kaz wants to meet, she comes to Bea, OK? OK, so when and where? The laundry at the changeover.
Don't eat all the Cheezels, Boomer.
Ahh Too late! - Ladies.
- Hi, Mr Jackson.
- Mr Jackson.
- Bea.
Still here then? Glutton for punishment.
Congrats on the promotion.
Thank you.
Hey, is Mr Fletcher still here? Uh he uh got out while he could.
Bought a farm in Tazzy, now he's herding sheep.
Oh, not much different from his job here then.
- Smith for you.
- Thank you Mr Jackson.
- Governor.
- Take a seat.
It's prisoner's art therapy.
Have they recovered? So how are you settling in? I trust you're comfortable? Yeah.
Better than the Ritz.
I am going to be a tough, but fair governor, and progressive one.
I have worked bloody hard for the last few months.
I've set up great programs, and initiatives for the women and I will see them through.
But I need you to come with me.
You need me? We both have similar ambitions for the women.
The new Wentworth.
In two days the new parts of the building will be officially opened and there'll be some attention from the media.
What? So this is just to impress the press? And that's just fluff.
Hmmm? But those programs are not a public relations exercise, they are about genuine rehabilitation.
Hmmm Clearly working for Kim Chang.
It's exactly my point.
Drugs have always found their way in.
But you are the only leader who has never trafficked them.
In fact, you kept the flow right down.
The women need you.
What if I can't be stuffed? Well Well that would be a shame because there are a lot of young girls at risk from drugs in this prison.
Now, I know you don't want to see them end up like Kim.
Thank you.
- But the women want conjugal visits.
- Oh, oh really? - Conjugal visits? - Yeah.
Well, if it's good enough for the blokes at Walford Well you've just finished telling me how progressive you are.
In the spirit of cooperation, I will canvas that with the board if I have an assurance from you that we can work together and there will be no trouble in front of the press.
If there's any trouble, won't come from me.
What took you? Oh, the Governor's on for a chat.
It's time for the changeover.
- Yeah? - Come on What? Kaz So it's started already? - It's not like any of us actually - Not now, Liz! Welcome home, Bea.
It's not for you, mate! Now I was pissed off with you.
I thought you had betrayed everything we stood for.
But I've come to understand how dehumanizing this place can be and you're as much a victim of it as any of us.
I've told you before Kaz, I'm no victim.
Neither am I.
Fuck being a victim.
I wanna be your friend, Bea.
Even though you shot me to the cops.
Huh? Welcome home! She's back! Whoo Courtesy of the Red To no more breast feeding, luv.
Hey, hey, hey! Haaayyy Shhhh You'll wake Josh! Yes? What time? Thank you.
So You got Fangle? Mmmm.
You can do this, Vera.
All of it.
About the public speaking.
I've always made a hash of that.
Key cards? Got your affirmation band? I have never put much stock in affirmations.
Trust it! Okay? If it works, next bottle's on me.
Done! Mmmm.
On that note I better get home.
Someone's got to feed the cat.
Here puss, puss, puss, puss, puss puss, puss, puss? Franky! What are you doing here? We can't.
Make me.
Your leg itch? I had a drink with Vera.
How are the girls, they're back? Did you see Booms? - Yeah, they're all good.
- Yeah? I heard you on the radio today.
And all that talk of chick on chick turned you on, didn't it? It's time to feed puss.
Bloody drunks.
They're annoying, aren't they? Eh? What's up? I don't know.
I just feel Well, I mean that time at Walford was like a bloody holiday.
You probably feel strange being back here.
- Hey? - Ah No, it's not that, I I just feel like something bad's coming.
Come and have a cuppa with me.
- Come on.
- No.
You go.
And shut the door after you.
Hello, Vera.
You're wearing my undies.
So? They're not just any undies.
They're my lucky undies.
I've been looking everywhere for them.
I've got a job interview.
I'm sorry baby, you're a bit behind in the washing.
Aw where's the steam press? Which means I get to wear your stuff.
I don't like to share my stuff.
Now I don't know what's more concerning, your post-prison hangups or the fact that you're superstitious about undies.
Oh darling.
I think we're going to have to deal with this.
Are we? Get 'em off then.
Come and get 'em then.
Take 'em off.
Go on, take 'em off.
It's my parole officer.
Hello? Yeah.
Now? No, I totally forgot.
Umm, I'm just down at the shop.
I can be there in 20.
Ohhh Parole officer's said *** an appointment.
- Oh, shit, Franky.
- I totally forgot.
If the probo gets wind that you were really living here - and we are absolutely - Yeah, we're both fucked.
I know.
And I want my undies back, you thieving minx.
Last night Joan Ferguson was transferred here on remand from Sinclair.
You're joking? I realize it is not an ideal situation for a whole host of reasons.
Nevertheless, she's here until her trial in the new protective isolation unit.
She is to have no interaction with other prisoners and minimal contact with staff.
It goes without saying I want this kept under wraps, so if anyone has anything to say about this matter, now is the time to raise it.
Nurse Radcliffe, the contraceptive program, you are to stress its voluntary nature to the women.
- Yeah I can do that.
- Good.
That's it.
Um Let's not forget tomorrow, the VIP event.
Make sure you're all prepared for it.
I want us to present Wentworth's very best face.
Thank you.
It's your fault you know? Ferguson being here.
How's that? You should have let her burn.
What's goin on? The contraceptive education program starts today.
It's voluntary.
What is this Nurse Radcliffe, you want to put us on the pill? The program is to educate women about unwanted pregnancies on release.
- What do I need the pill for? - You? I feel like I'm at a party I shouldn't have been invited to.
You can't force us on the pill.
- It's voluntary.
- They can't force us.
It's vo-lun-ta-ry.
- What are you trying to pull here? - I'm just the messenger.
If you stop carrying on, - I'll explain the program to you.
- What's to explain? This is chemical control.
This is what this is.
Will you all calm down please.
What's the problem ladies? We control our own bodies.
Not you.
The program is voluntary, Proctor.
- That's what I've been telling her.
- PMS relief, what bullshit! Well you can choose not to participate.
And that's what we're doing.
All of us.
Come on girls, let's go.
Hold on! That's not really your choice to make, is it Kaz? I'm sure women here can make up their own minds.
Yeah? Why are you so keen to get us on the pill Mr Jackson? Is there a prisoner here you'd like to fuck and not get pregnant? Watch it, Proctor.
Prisoner Ferguson.
Is there anything you need? Pencil I want to write a letter.
You can't be trusted with pencils.
I didn't want you here.
I petitioned corrections to have you remanded into state.
Your lawyer fought the petition.
Why? I wanted to see what it looks like.
The prison? The little gold crown on your shoulder.
Makes you look taller.
What does feel like, Vera, to finally have everything you've ever wanted? It's Governor.
You'll be housed in this unit until your trial.
After sentencing you'll be moved to another facility.
I'll see to that.
You know I'm innocent.
I was set up.
I saved a child's life.
I'm a hero.
Good luck convincing a jury.
I will be exonerated.
And when I am, I will be demanding a full reinstatement.
I'll be coming for that shiny little crown.
I think Mr Channing might have something to say about that.
How is Derek? He must be like a pig in mud having a governor he can control.
You've always been so easily managed.
It's time for the prisoner's medication, Governor.
I did visit you, months ago in the psychiatric hospital.
You wouldn't remember.
Because of the state you were in.
Whatcha got? Kaz, she's a bloody head case.
I don't like her.
Ahhh, she's not a head case.
She just stands up for what she believes in that's all.
- I still don't like her.
- Fair enough.
***, ladies.
Chippies! Nope, there's no way I'm taking the pill.
Ay, this body is a fertile space, yeah? Personally, I can't wait for the big game.
Hmmm Chunky milk.
Menopause, eh? We have a situation in the commissary yard, over.
We have a prisoner incoming ***.
Commissary compound.
This is a Code Red, Code Red.
All prisoners return immediately.
- Shh, shhh.
- Dor.
*** Thank God he's gonna be out of here soon.
Oh luv, he wouldn't be aware of what's going on.
No, it's this place, Liz.
They can fix it up and paint it up all they bloody well want but underneath it's still evil.
Well darling, it's gonna be fine.
It's gonna be OK *** 'cause you're gonna see Daddy tomorrow.
- Yeah, yeah.
- It's gonna be so hard to say goodbye to him.
I know.
*** it's awful.
But you have made the right decision, yeah? 'Cause you're gonna get out of here soon and you are gonna be a little family.
Hey Bea, what's that thing they say about things you need to be happy? There's only three of them.
Right? You need someone to love.
Something to do, and something to look forward to when you grow old, luv.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah You gotta do something about these drugs, Bea.
It's all right, hey, hey, hey hey! *** Hold her still.
Jesus! Can someone hold her still? - Do it! Do it! - ***.
Hold on.
- ***.
- Finally.
How is she? Uh, she's sedated.
It's not as bad as it looks.
Um We need to order a ramp.
You want to bounce angry prisoners the day before the press circus arrives? OK, this is the third meth freakout in a month.
Let's just get through tomorrow and then we'll deal with this.
When she's cleaned up and given the all clear, put Chang in protective isolation for now.
What? You mean hide her? That's exactly what I mean.
Mr Jackson.
Can I have a word please? Hey, uh, what're you gonna do with Kim 'cause I got Dory and the baby freaking out.
Anderson and her baby's the least of my worries, OK.
Yeah, but I have to worry about her, so what are you gonna do with that? - I'm dealing with it.
- Yeah? Well how are you dealing with it? Back to your unit, Smith.
- No, I want to know what you're doing.
- I don't give a fuck.
Right! G'day, Tina.
Huh! You still thinks she's a hero? I think that little show that her and her male *** just put on had any other purpose than to instill terror in us.
Bea Smith.
The great protector and savior.
Champion of the oppressed.
Top Dog.
The abused is now the abuser.
- Let me know when she's awake.
- Will do.
I'm surprised you haven't come to see me.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Hmm? Your psych assessment was done at Sinclair.
I can consult with you if you're having trouble adjusting though.
Are you having trouble adjusting, Joan? How's Franky? I'm afraid I wouldn't know.
I can smell her on you.
Tell her I said hello.
Prisoner Ferguson.
Isn't she on a regime of anti-psychotics? - Mm-hmm.
- Is this the dose that she's on? Yep, that's right.
Why? Well she's a lot more lucid than I'd expect.
What the hell is Anderson doing here? ***.
I want to see her.
Get her out of here NOW! I'm pregnant.
- What? - Yeah, I am! 'Cause me boobs are really, really sore, right? Me boobs are never sore.
- Yeah? - Ever.
Well, except when Dez used to, you know, motorboat 'em all night.
No, apart from that they're never sore and now they're sore.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
You gotta admit, she's pretty impressive.
- Are you serious? - What? You thought she was shed out too.
Bubba, that was before she used us and she shocked us.
She's the only reason that we're in this place.
And she's obviously fucking Jacks.
You think? Her, Jackson, Vera.
All in it together.
We just need to take them down a peg or two.
So how's your appetite? *** - Yeah, you only had three hot dogs.
- Yeah.
So who's the father? I don't know.
*** Ohhh my God! I'd love to be a fly on the wall at your kid's 21st birthday.
Not to say he's not a murderer, luv.
*** would be okay though, wouldn't it? Guys guys.
You'll never bloody believe who's down in protection.
Why is Ferguson here? We have the only women's maximum security prison in the state.
She has to be easily accessible to the court.
Well if you want to work together - then you should have told me that.
- She is in protection.
So she is my problem, not yours.
Did you bring it? Something I want you to do.
This is from Ferguson.
She told me to post it.
She taking her anti-psychotics? No.
It blunts her thoughts.
Keep me informed.
Something smells good.
Hello? Hello? - Who was that? - Don't know.
- Any problems with the parole officer? - No.
Mmmm Ohhh Beautiful.
What about the job interview? How was that? Uhhh It sucked big hairy balls like all the rest of them.
I'm not gonna get it.
Why? I think it's got something to do with that previous experience box, Gidge.
Three to five yearw stretch for serious assault, - gets me every time.
- Try the Legal Relief network.
They'll probably view your past experience as a plus.
You are a glass full kinda gal.
I need it tonight, believe me.
Again? Why? Ferguson has been remanded at Wentworth - until her trial.
- No fuckin way? Mm-hmm.
And she asked after you.
No fuckin way! She knows.
Somehow I don't know.
But she knows.
Bullshit! She's psycho not psychic.
She's just fishin'.
I need to get out of these clothes.
Ay? Sorry I had the worst nightmare about the Freak.
She tried to kick me and then her tongue turned into a snake.
Oh, don't worry, Dor.
You got nothing to worry about.
She's not going to be released to the general.
She'd be fucked.
- And so would the Governor's career.
- Yeah, true that.
- Hey, Dor? - What? - Piss off! - Ha ha.
- Ay.
I'll see ya back there.
- Yeah.
What the fuck are you looking at? You have a problem with me? No.
Just a bit disappointed.
I always thought you'd do your own dirty work.
You want me to bash you, huh? Is that what you want? This getting you wet? What the fuck? Good to see you.
Where's Vera? The Governor should be greeting these people.
Uh she's uh been held up.
She's on her way sir.
Take her for a walk.
What's wrong? Nothin'.
Aww Here we go, here's the VIPs.
The very important people.
So uh, this is the uh, the uh, outdoor gym.
Um, we just put in new equipment.
And the uh, some of this equipment here has been donated from the, um, our local gyms here.
So um come on through.
This is CO 3.
We have a code blue in the yard.
Jesus Christ.
Ttampons Vera.
Tampons! It's like a fuckin horror movie.
- It was just tomato sauce.
- Oh, right great, oh, so it wasn't menstrual blood.
You can't even control those pigs.
Fuck, Vera.
Well that was a bloody disaster wasn't it? Look.
You can make today about tampons if you want.
Or You can let me tell you everything that is positive, good, and progressive about the new Wentworth.
Then you can go away and report whatever you want.
No strings attached.
OK, let's do this properly.
You're not going to let her get away with ***.
Kaz was just making a point, luv.
It's not what she did Liz.
It's that she didn't consult Bea before doing it.
That's camomile tea for you to calm down.
You know what? I'll calm her down.
Oh that's great.
That's what we need, a little bit more violence.
The place is pretty hot.
We've got more programs and Bea is still the Top Dog, Max.
That has to be *** happy.
Yeah! Well at least we got something to do.
Now all I need is uh, is someone to love and something to look forward to.
Then everything will be peachy, won't it Liz? You know that was for Doreen? Yeah Sorry, it's OK.
I made my bed.
Now I just gotta lie in it for the next 40 FUCKIN YEARS! Bea? I'm not pregnant.
I said I'm not pregnant.
I I just, I got my period.
- I'm, I'm sorry Boomer.
- Yeah.
Well if it's meant to happen honey, it'll happen.
I know.
Yeah, cause, cause we're not at Walford anymore, and and my supply of spoof has run dry, so - That's not the worst of it.
- Why? 'Cause there's no bloody tampons.
Is that blood on your collar there? *** being Governor is a dangerous job.
I've just had a good day.
Where did you get that? Mr Shane Butler.
That's Gianna's son, isn't it? The prisoner at Blackmoor that you became infatuated with? Who was lynched by the other prisoners when they discovered your relationship.
I did some checking up He's 17 now, raised by foster parents.
"I am not the monster they make me out to be.
" "If you want to know the truth about your mother, come and see me.
" "I have answers for you.
" You shouldn't have done that Vera.
It's fucking Governor.
I look forward to it.
Yeah, thanks.
Whoo! What? You are looking at the newest, baddest, paralegal bitch for Legal Relief.
Ahhh Franky that is fantastic.
Aha I wanted a bit more than that.
I'm just gonna finish this report.
Nuh uh.
It's no time to work, Gidge.
It's time to party.
Come on come on You old lezzo get up Synced and transcribed by Traspen
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