Flames (2018) s04e02 Episode Script

Ye Kahan Aagaye Hum

So, students, you remember what are
covalent bonds, don't you?
You learned it three terms ago.
Sometimes, the family bond
is like a covalent bond.
Just like the atoms in a molecule
are bonded by a strong force,
similarly, love and support
in the family
bonds all the members
of the family together.
At times, these bonds guide us
to move ahead in life.
Whereas, sometimes, these very bonds
also scare us from moving on.
Because when the bond is very strong,
the atom
finds it very difficult to move out.
Gulshan, this poster is about students,
and not me.
So, enlarge the photos
of the students more.
And compress my photo. These students
are the real stars.
-We're just the staff. Right?
-True, sir.
So, any more concerns?
Yes, sir. I have a small concern.
Some students haven't scored well
in the mock test.
And the board exams are nearing.
So, let's organise an extra class
for students who need it.
-You're right, sir.
-Absolutely right.
-Thank you.
But, sir, if we're saying that
our students need extra classes,
it means our regular classes
are not enough, right?
Instead of that, what if create
a crash course of extra classes?
-Yes? It'll benefit our students more.
-You're right, sir.
-And our faculty will also get a bonus.
-That's a great idea.
-What do you say?
-He's absolutely right.
-No, sir.
-Sir, I didn't mean it like that.
You're very well aware that all the
Sunshine kids came here trusting me.
And the fees here at Guidance
is three times more than Sunshine.
So, I mean, a crash course
will be an expensive deal for them.
Kaushal sir, please don't mind.
But even the facilities at Guidance
are three times more than Sunshine.
Education is not a social service.
-It's a service industry.
-Good point, sir.
Gulshan, make a poster for
the crash course as well.
-Okay, sir.
-As soon as possible.
Leave the finances to me. Don't worry,
Kaushal sir. But I must say,
what a great idea. It's a great idea
for Guidance.
Thank you, sir.
So, let's discuss. How many tests do we
need for students? Two tests per batch.
Bro, if this bike doesn't start, you'll
have to push it to my dad's garage.
Dude, your dad's garage is 5 Km
away from here.
Bro, you've roamed 500 Km on this bike.
And you can't even push it for 5 Kms?
How ungrateful of you.
Okay, fine. I'll push it. Calm down.
Oh, man.
I've stopped watching the last
30 minutes of movies.
They give such wrong hopes
by showing forced happy endings.
Anusha, hasn't your brother finally
agreed to career counselling?
He will agree to this too.
When life gives you lemons,
make lemonade.
Ishita, to make lemonade you need
lemon, sugar, ice and mint leaves.
And life isn't giving me all that.
How do I make lemonade then?
Keep going. I'm pulling it.
-I guess we'll have to drag it.
-Keep going.
Anusha, I'll just be back.
-Bro, I'll just be back. Hold on.
-Where are you off to?
Looks like I'm stuck with Pandu today.
-Haven't they patched up yet?
You think we should intervene?
-Forget it. They always keep toggling.
-Like us?
-Come on, Ishita. That's not funny.
-Are you free today?
No. Got some work. And I also need to
submit Kaushal sir's retest by tonight.
-But if it's important, then
-No. It's okay.
-To hell with you.
-Are you coming or shall I go?
-I'm coming.
-Hey, Mr. Romeo.
-Move it, bro. Help me drag this.
-Yes, I'm coming.
Okay, bye.
You're a limit, Pandu. I'll help you
drag only till the corner.
Keep the handle straight.
-I need to text my dad.
-Why are you so irritated?
'How long will you keep studying?
Take a break.'
Sure, you can come.
No, I'm not at home. Come to the market
near D-block. I'll meet you there.
Okay, bye.
Sir, this is way beyond my budget.
Our father said
-we could strike a deal for 5 lakhs.
-Hello, mister.
You won't find a godown cheaper
than this in the whole of Delhi.
Understood? And why am I even
talking to you?
Go bring your father here.
Never mind, sir. It's my mistake.
Let's go.
Yes, it was certainly your mistake.
Get lost.
Such cheapskates, I tell you.
Chotu, hang a board outside tomorrow.
Saying, people with ugly faces and
empty wallets,
kindly and respectfully do not
come here to buy our godown.
-Dad Bro, bless me.
-God bless you, son.
Those losers were here to buy our
25-lakh godown for 5 lakhs. Cheapos.
Dad, my brain has been totally fried
since morning.
Don't scorch it more with your whining.
Come, let's hog on some snacks.
Here, take this.
-Get used to it.
-A new Lamborghini?
New Lamborghini, my foot.
It's the godown keys.
If the godown doesn't sell, I'll make
you sit there after your 12th grade.
Yes. And I'll start an export-import
business there.
Why did God have to punish me
with this godown?
Neither could I open a liquor shop
nor a wholesale business.
Excuse me, dad. Neither Pandu
nor his bike will stay here.
Pandu is going to college.
To have fun, chill out and mess around
in college.
Shall I give you one more advice?
Oh, my God. Bless me.
Spit it out.
Before opening two garages,
you should have had two kids.
At least one of them would have
been useful.
Wow. That's brilliant.
Very nice, my son. Very nice.
Shall I tell you something? Look, son,
I don't know about the snacks,
but today,
-you're surely going to be dead meat.
-Dad. Dad, no. Please.
-Move it.
-God save me.
Journalism isn't mentioned here.
Must be a printing mistake, right?
Please wait for 2 minutes. Madam will
be here. Thank you.
My mouth.
I had warned you. You could have
had the sweet one.
You think I can't eat spicy stuff?
Look at your face.
-What are we doing after this?
-We're celebrating today.
What are we celebrating?
My mom's death anniversary.
I'm so sorry, Ishita.
Are you alright?
Don't worry.
Think of it as
celebrating her life.
Here you go.
Want to compete?
We eat Canapes with chilly toppings.
No way he can digest spicy food.
You should have seen his face.
It turned red like a red-faced monkey.
I hope only his face turned red
and nothing else.
-Stop pulling my leg, brother.
-Stop blushing.
Alright, you guys enjoy.
I'm getting late for my interview.
-For which company?
-It's a startup from Bengaluru.
Why Bengaluru? Look for a job in Delhi.
Mom is right. Family members are not
always well-wishers.
Come on. Wish me luck quickly.
-All the best.
-Thank you.
You know something.
Memories have a big downside.
We force ourselves to recall
good memories, but
bad memories come forth effortlessly.
That's why on a day like this, dad and
I try to recall good memories with mom.
Like boating.
Both dad and I are shit scared
of boating even today.
But mom. She used to take us forcibly.
Once I freaked out so badly that
they had to stop the boat immediately.
Your mom was quite different.
Yes, she was.
I like early mornings
and she was a night owl.
-She loved the rain and I
-You also love rain, don't you?
She would have liked you a lot.
Sometimes I feel, you know,
she was right.
She lived her life the way she wanted.
I never saw her regret anything.
But I feel regretful.
That because of my fears, we couldn't
do a lot of things together.
We can go to Sanjay lake.
They have boating there.
But the memories are of this place.
I am right here and brother
has gone for an interview.
So, who else is it?
Remember the work I mentioned?
It's this.
Last week, I registered for
an open mic poetry event.
Wrote this for the same.
But you know, I am very nervous.
I've never done this before.
So, don't know how it'll go.
All I know is that
if I don't do it, I'll regret a lot.
The real charm of poetry is when
someone recites it.
Ishita, I'm scared.
Let's go.
Forget it. We'll go some other time.
Quite a crowd here.
When the pen struck, torrents raged.
Strong winds blew, and a storm waged.
What lies behind this profound thought?
A drop of ink that unleashed
a revolution caged.
They held on to the thrones.
They held on to the thrones, stood
firm on the streets and crossroads.
-They held on to the thrones
I have to submit the mock test tonight.
Let's leave. We've been here since
an hour.
That one hour was one hour ago.
Don't be nervous. It's your turn next.
Just relax.
With a heart full of rebellion,
and a life full of toil.
Come on. Let us stride away.
Come on. Let us scream away.
Whether you raise a pen or a voice,
usher in a revolution the way you like.
Usher in a revolution the way you like.
Wow. What an absolutely
breathtaking performance that was.
Now, let's call upon our next
performer on the stage.
Mr. Rajat Bakshi.
Go, Rajat.
-Welcome, sister. How are you?
-One plate of momos for me.
You're just in time. Serving you
right away.
What's wrong? You look disturbed.
-It's nothing. Yes.
-All okay?
Some mayo?
-It's good. It's creamy.
-I don't want it.
Go on, take the whole bottle.
It's my treat today.
Such crappy momos.
Are you stalking me?
I'm not insane.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to be alone. So, I came here.
What about you?
I'm already alone.
Pass me the mayo.
I'm not in the mood for small talk.
Nor am I.
Anusha, end this cold war now.
It's been so long.
Please talk to me.
Are you really interested? Or are you
going to mock me again?
I swear on God. I swear on my mom.
I really want to know.
And my heartfelt apologies.
I truly want to listen this time.
I went to a career counsellor today
with my brother.
And instead of convincing my brother,
she convinced me
that I shouldn't do Journalism.
Anusha, every day around 50 students
come to me
who say that they want to follow
their passion.
And I just have one statement and
one question for them.
-What is that?
-A statement that
passion is something that
gives you happiness.
And a question that
if you've never even done it
in your life,
then how do you know that
it's your passion?
But for that, I'll have to first become
a journalist, right?
Exactly. I don't want to
discourage you, Anusha.
But many times, it so happens
that students realise later in life
that it's not what they wanted to do.
That is why I would advise you
to think it through.
What she said makes sense.
But I don't want to give up
on journalism. You know it, right?
At this point, I'm totally confused
whether I should do it or not.
-Pass me the mayo.
-Sure, here you go.
By the way, what if I don't become
a journalist?
Will you become a cameraman?
I wanted to be a cameraman
for you, my lady love.
But without you, what will I do?
Then what have you thought?
What will you do?
I don't know. But with no options,
I might end up at my dad's godown.
Then get thinking fast.
Just a minute.
Best career options for backbenchers.
Don't think about it right now.
We'll figure it out together.
Together? You mean togetherness?
You're not angry anymore?
-Don't act cheesy now.
-You're not angry anymore. Yes.
These momos are so tasty. I'm loving it.
Love you, Mr. Momos.
-What do you plan to write next?
-After tonight, the examination paper.
Why? I did clap for you.
Ishita, you were the only one clapping
amongst all the people.
Could be. Hey, I have an idea.
Write your next poem on our love story.
Everyone loves tragedy.
Take for instance, Sophocles,
Murakami, and Kafka.
-Of course.
-You don't know them, right?
How did you feel on the stage?
I was shit scared.
I mean, I did feel good, but
had my poem been better, I would
have felt happier.
It's okay. Even the poet Pash didn't
become Pash overnight.
Of course.
You don't know who Pash is, do you?
He was a poet just like you.
Only a tad bit better.
-Better than me?
-A tad bit, just a tad bit.
-Whose team are you on, Ishita?
-Team Rajat.
Look, Ishita, it's raining.
If you don't like it, let it be.
But my mom liked the rain.
The real fun of rain
is in getting drenched.
What? Chaat?
-Yes, chaat.
-No, no. I'm not eating chaat.
-It's been months since I ate chaat.
-Don't lie to me.
-I can hear the chaat guy talking.
-As you can see
-No. It's not him.
-It's just some guy. You know
-It looks as though
the videos kids make these days? Reels.
-A guy is making that. Excuse me.
-Now, he's making
-Can you lower your voice, please?
-Sorry, sorry.
-And now, as you can see
I got held up because of some work
or I would have come by now.
I'm just waiting for the rain to stop.
-There's water inside the kitchen.
You left the window open. -Hold on.
Listen, I'm getting a call from
a student.
-You always get calls when I call you.
-I'll call you back.
Nice and crunchy Tikki has been
served on the plate.
-Hello, sir. It's me, Raghav.
Sir, I was getting stuck in Molarity
and Molality numericals.
-What? Morality?
-Sir, Molarity numericals.
Oh, Molality.
Okay, alright. But, son, I'm stuck in
the rain right now. Do one thing.
Come to my house after some time.
I'll help you out.
Sir, it's already 8:30. I won't be able
to come so late.
Sir, could you please explain it
over the call?
Son, how can I explain over the call?
There's no board or notebook around.
Sir, there's a test tomorrow.
Sir, please see if there's any other
way out?
-I can't think of any other way, son.
-Please, sir. Figure out something.
So, guys, the chaat is ready.
Now, even you can learn how to make
Bhole's special chaat sitting at home.
Guys, you can watch this video
and learn how to
Here you go, dear.
Piping hot soup in freezing winter.
Thank you.
You obviously won't get soup
made by your father in Mumbai.
Yes, dear. The college is in Mumbai.
You'll have to go there, right?
I'm not that old yet. I know how
to operate a computer.
Dad, I wasn't sure myself.
-That's why I didn't tell you.
-But, my dear, I am sure.
Once you go, I will also come there.
I'll take a transfer.
I'll tell Mr. Gupta
that from now on, I'll do all my
meetings in Mumbai and not in Meerut.
And you'll also get piping hot soup
made by me.
But listen, does your prince know?
Thank you for inviting me.
That's alright. Now, you can thank me
for this too.
I've made it myself. Come, join us.
-Let's start the movie quickly.
-Here you go.
What are we watching?
Son, her mom's favourite actor
is Shah Rukh Khan.
So, we're going to watch his movie.
Come on, play the movie
or she'll start yelling.
There you go. She's already thundering.
-Ready? Can we start?
-Press the record button. Okay, great.
-I'm going to start.
Alright, then. So, Raghav, let's start.
Molarity is equal to
moles of solute.
Students, the best thing about
covalent bonds is that
they always rely on each other.
To maintain their stability.
But under the pretext of stability,
when one atom overpowers the other,
it is called an ionic bond.
In this process, one atom cannot
share its electrons
-with another atom equally.
-'Take a close look. You'll handle'
-To accept the electrons of other atoms,
-'the shop and the customers now.'
it needs to lose its own electrons.
The lives of all these kids
are like Chemistry.
Covalent bonds are forming in some,
and ionic bonds in others.
-Both bonds assure stability.
-'Where are you?'
-But what's really better for the atoms,
-'It's 10 pm. Come home quickly.'
only the equations ahead can tell.
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