Friday Night Lights s04e02 Episode Script

After the Fall

SAMMY: Folks, let me tell you, the sky is dry, the fields are brown.
This town has been divided.
We need to acknowledge the huge part you played in this redistricting.
We just brought this kid in this morning.
Next stop is juvie for him, and that's a bad path.
If I need you to be here tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.
M? I'll be here.
So, what's it like being the guy who used to be Tim Riggins? TIM: I'm still Tim Riggins.
Yeah, but you know what I mean, though.
You're all the center of the universe in Texas one year and the next, boom, you fall off a cliff.
ANNOUNCER: This is as bad as anything I have ever seen on a football field.
The game is over.
Dillon has forfeited.
(CROWD BOOING) Hey, wake up.
Get up.
You can't be here.
This is private property.
Aren't you, uh Aren't you Tim Riggins? Yes, sir.
Hey, now, you're going to have to get yourself together and get out of here.
You can't be here.
Morning, Dad.
Morning, Gracie Belle.
We made coffee.
Did you bring the paper in yet? I'll go get it.
I'll go get it.
I'll get it.
No, no, no.
I'll get the paper.
I'll get my own paper.
Thank you for the coffee.
You're welcome.
(GRUNTING) Morning.
Hey, hon.
Babe, just go on.
Come on, now.
Let me just do this.
(PANTHERS CHEERING) That's a hell of a combo.
Boy, I can smell State.
ALL: State! State! State! (DOOR SLAMMING) They damn well know they're supposed to be here, don't they? I know.
Hey, I've looked everywhere.
I went to the training room, I went to the bus stop, nobody's here, Coach.
Nowhere in the building.
Hey, friend, come on.
Come, go with me.
Buddy, I'm not in the mood.
I don't have time right now.
I've got to show you something, Eric.
Come here, please.
Do you know what you're looking at, Eric? No.
Why don't you fill me in? This is the address for Luke Cafferty, star running back, Dillon Panthers, future superstar Luke.
This is the address they have for him.
Where does he really live? East Dillon.
He's supposed to be yours.
TAMl: There she is.
I don't know what they were thinking, that we're just not going to notice that it's an empty field out there? I mean, do they think we're stupid? We wouldn't have known unless Buddy told us.
Come on, Julie.
And that's another thing, don't say anything about that because he's afraid half the town will boycott his dealership.
Well, I don't blame him.
I'm a little worried myself.
Julie, let's go.
It would be considered kind of a "Mrs.
Coach" kind of a move.
Honey, you don't have to worry about anything, you didn't do anything wrong.
Julie, let's go.
I know I didn't do anything wrong, but these people are all about doing the wrong thing.
They don't seem to care.
And I feel just terrible for poor Luke Cafferty.
I mean, that poor boy I'm going to have to tell him about this He's not going to be able to be a Panther anymore.
I feel sorry for him that he has to come over to my school and be on my team.
That's awful.
Honey, come on, now.
JULIE: Morning.
Come on, let's go.
Hi, honey.
Ready to go, Dad? Yes, I'm very ready.
Are you ready for your big first day? (EXHALES) Yeah.
Should be fun.
New teachers, new friends, new school Goodbye.
Come here.
TAYLOR: Come on, let's go.
Going to school half naked.
Be careful.
TAYLOR: Let's go.
It's a high school, Mom, not a prison yard.
Bye, I love you.
I love you, too.
Bye, honey.
(RAP MUSIC PLAYING) (BOYS EXCLAIMING) BOY 1: What's up, loser? BOY 2: What's up, man? What happened? Yeah.
You know who did this? Did what? Put them flags in my locker.
No, I didn't see nothing.
You know I'd tell you if I seen it.
Come on, man, you know me better than that.
(PROFESSOR CLEARS THROAT) I took the liberty of putting you up in an internship with a local artist out here.
His name is Richard Sherman, and he selected you.
He did? Mmm-hmm.
It's quite an honor.
The guy's a genius.
Can you go this afternoon? Uh Yeah, yeah, of course.
Why did you put me up for an internship? Because you have what every important artist needs.
What's that? Pluck.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, I Excuse me, I just need to squeeze by you here.
Oh, my God.
Are you okay? Okay, what the hell, huh? Look what you did to my bike, you fricking idiot.
I mean, honestly, you're not even wearing a helmet.
I don't see how this is a laughing matter.
Okay, come on.
Are you serious? You know what, Junior? I think I might need to explain something to you.
Okay, I'm listening.
It took me a lot of months to save up for that bike, okay? So it means a lot to me, because not everybody gets a car bought from their daddy.
So you're gonna pay me damages for my bike.
That's, that's Yeah.
Okay? What's your name? Landry Clarke.
Landry Clarke? What's your name? Jess Merriweather.
Pleasure to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
That's how you spell my last name.
Don't forget that when you make out the check.
(DOG BARKING) (SAW WHIRRING) (KNOCKING) What the hell is so important out here? Um, nothing, I'm sorry.
I was just I think I have the wrong address.
I was trying to find this artist Who? Richard Sherman.
But it's okay, I'm going to take off.
I'm sorry that I bothered you.
I am Richard Sherman, dumbass.
(STAMMERING) I'm Matt Saracen.
I'm your new intern.
Yeah, I got a bunch of crap in here.
I need you to start moving it.
Well, come on in.
There's shards on the floor, I don't want any crap about it.
You got shoes on? Yeah, I wear shoes.
Close the door.
There's Coach.
All right, I'm going to go ahead and take off.
I'll see you all later.
BOY: Bye.
Can I talk to you for a minute? Listen, I don't know what's going on with my football players, but I need your help getting Why'd you forfeit the game, Coach? I'm sorry? I said, why did you forfeit the game? I heard your question.
Well, do you have an answer to that? 'Cause I don't understand.
Listen to me.
Let me tell you something.
I don't have to explain my decisions to you, Landry, do you understand me? Do you understand what I'm saying? Okay, I can explain to you that everyone gave absolutely everything that they had out there, and you just quit on us? I don't know if you really know what that feels like, but it's not a very good feeling.
So I'm done, and everyone else is done.
Hey, Lan.
COACH: Give us some D.
Give us something to work with.
Come here, son.
Hey, Principal Taylor.
Did you see that? I That was an amazing play.
That was amazing.
Thank you.
I need to talk to you for a sec.
Yes, ma'am.
I need you to tell me where you live.
Is that really where you live? Yes, ma'am.
You know that's an empty field with a mailbox in front of it, right? You live in Kilroy, don't you? And you know that Kilroy is zoned for East Dillon High.
Isn't that right? I mean I mean, I've worked so hard for the Panthers, and this team means everything to me.
I mean, there's no team over at East Dillon.
Well, there is a team, actually.
They're starting a team.
Well, I mean, is there anything that we can do? Can you write a letter to the Governor or something? I'll tell you what.
The only thing, the only thing you could do is, your parents could move.
It's the only thing.
That's not going to happen.
I'm sorry, son.
You're gonna have to go over there and you're gonna have to pack up your stuff.
Starting tomorrow, you're going to be going to school at East Dillon High.
What? That's it? That's it.
I mean I will get an A in every single class.
I know you are a good student.
Every one, I promise you that.
I will do anything.
I swear to you, I'll do anything.
(CRYING) I'm begging you.
I'm sorry, son.
I hate that it has to be this way, too.
No, I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Thank you.
You gonna be all right now? Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Thank you very much.
Go on, now.
Principal Taylor, wait.
I'm real sorry for lying to you for the whole time, and for lying to you right now to your face.
I'm real sorry, okay? I appreciate that, Luke.
I do appreciate that.
You'll be all right, son? No, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Thank you.
COACH: Luke! LUKE: Yeah, I'll be right there, Coach.
Why hasn't the part for Mrs.
Carlson's Taurus come in yet? I don't know, Billy.
The part was ordered Did you order it from Tahiti? Finish this transmission, man.
Finish it today.
You were working on it all day yesterday.
Hey, just throwing it out there, it's been well over two weeks.
Do you think I'll get paid? Well, I'm waiting on some money to come in, all right? When? Seriously, could you back off for two seconds? Do you have any clue what I got on my plate right now, Tim? Seriously, man.
I'm trying to run a garage, I got a pregnant wife, and I haven't slept for two weeks because Mindy's reading some stupid book about what's supposed to happen to you every two seconds of your pregnant life, so now every time she farts, she's thinking that her water's breaking or that she's going into contractions.
So back off.
(PHONE RINGING) Hey, Billy, would you pass me that violin, please? Would you shut up? You're hogging it.
Shut up! No, no, that wasn't directed towards you, ma'am.
Uh, yeah.
Where are you? Yeah, we'll send a truck out as soon as we can.
When you're done with it, I need the violin.
Get your ass up, okay? Get your ass up.
We got a tow.
Principal Taylor? TAMl: Hey, y'all.
What's it going to take? TAMl: I'm not sure what conversation we're having here.
What are you talking about? Oh, I think you know.
Are we talking about Luke? Yeah.
We're talking about Luke, Tami.
So, what's it going to take? New books for the library? New instruments for the orchestra? What? Are you all coming to me in the school parking lot and offering me a bribe? Is that what's happening? No, but you need to be reasonable.
You need to be reasonable about this, Tami.
I mean, it's not going to do anything but hurt this kid.
You know, we can't let that happen to him, we can't let it happen to our team, and we can't let it happen to the school.
We can't let it happen to you, Tami.
I mean, what's going to happen to you if this goes down? I think you're going to get lynched.
That is so sweet.
You are so sweet to think about me.
I appreciate that so much.
I can take care of myself, thank you.
WADE: Okay, but think of this.
That first win will have to be forfeited because of this.
And if that happens, we might not make it back from that.
And that means, we might not make it to State this year.
Now, do you want that? Y'all, that boy was enrolled here illegally.
Yes, and ironically, he just happens to be going to a school where your husband is the football coach.
Would you do me a favor? Would you go home and ask your husband one thing? Ask him who put up that mailbox.
Because the Dillon Panthers have been using that mailbox long before I got here.
And if I want to do a little digging around, you know what? I think things could come up.
I think games could be forfeited.
I think rings could be lost.
Hey, Tim Riggins, who used to be a Panther.
Good morning.
Tell me you need a tow.
Yeah, no.
But I do need a ride to school, which would be awesome because my mom's not here.
I don't know what she's doing.
She's MIA for some reason.
And I had to find my dog this morning because the little squirt got out again, and I missed the bus, and my hair was doing this weird flip thing that I wasn't really too sure about, and it was just a really rough morning altogether.
So let's get this show on the road.
Come on.
Let's get going.
I'm going to be late.
Don't ever do this again.
MATT: I mean, all I did all day was carry big, heavy, rusty, dirty pieces of metal around a junkyard.
It sucked.
I still can't believe you were naked.
No, I wasn't naked.
He was naked.
He never even asked me about my art.
I mean, why does he think I'm there? Does he think I like doing manual labor? Well, maybe he thinks that, you know, you're not a great artist because you go to community college.
No offense, I didn't mean it like that.
It's fine.
I'm just saying that you need to get him excited.
You need to show him who you are, and your art, and just take the bull by the horns.
Well, you know, I've been told that I have pluck.
Really? Yeah.
(CHUCKLES) I don't even know what that means.
Uh, ma'am.
I'm Coach Taylor from over at the high school.
Are you Vince's mother, by chance? Yeah, why? Well, I just wanted to talk with him, is all.
I just came by to talk to him.
He hasn't been to practice for a few days.
Well, that's his business.
There ain't no laws about missing no practice.
Ma'am I'm just trying to help your son.
You got 20 bucks? Please? Lincoln and Victory, almost every night.
Hey, do you know how to get to Lubbock? You got to take 61 up to 23.
Hey, Dillon Dillon East, right? You're the coach at Dillon East.
You've lost your inner pirate.
Uh, have you ever heard "swing your sword"? You're supposed to swing your sword like this.
You're swinging yours like this.
I mean, you got to find your inner pirate.
A lot of times, things just happen for a reason.
We don't know why God wants it that way, but you can't make the best out of it until you get back your inner pirate.
You might be the luckiest man alive and not even know it.
(CAR STARTS) Hey, babe.
Smells good.
Babe? Babe? Yep? Yeah? What? Did you know that that mailbox was out there in front of that field, that empty field? Did you know that? What are you talking about? I'm talking about Joe McCoy told me today that that mailbox has been out there since you were head coach of the Panthers.
Did you know? Listen, I don't follow what the Boosters and the parents in town do.
That's not my job.
You know, there's a lot of different ways that people try to get kids on the team.
What does that mean? That means you sure were paying a lot of attention the last couple of days, when you were trying to get Luke Cafferty on your team.
And, you know, now I'm in a really bad position, because Joe McCoy is about to go out and do all kinds of research and all kinds of digging into things like State titles Don't talk to me like that.
Well, honey, I'm talking about your State title.
And not just you, but your team.
Well, you know what, honey? I may not even have a team.
Of course you have a team.
No, I might not have a team.
I'm surprised that your friend Joe didn't inform you that my team hasn't been showing up for practice since the forfeit.
Well, I didn't know that.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Well, I'm glad you're sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
Well, why didn't you tell me? Hell, I tried to get Landry to get together and bring the team out there.
You know what Landry did? In the middle of the cafeteria, Landry looks at me and basically says, "Hey, Coach, go to hell.
" Babe, I'm sorry to hear that, but I still don't think you should have lied to me.
I didn't lie to you.
Well, I wish you had told me I didn't lie to you.
Why do you say that? I didn't lie! Well, you should have told me that you knew that.
How did I lie? Knew what? I don't know who put the mailbox there! Are you saying I put the mailbox there? Does anyone else say I did? 'Cause I didn't.
I don't know who put it there! Don't raise your voice.
You're being ridiculous.
I'm not raising my voice! I don't want to come into my damn house and be accused first thing I sit down.
Well, then don't lie to me next time! I didn't lie to you and I didn't put the mailbox there! Where are you going? I'm going to get some milk.
Hey, Vince.
Hey, you came to the wrong gym, homie.
Vince, let me talk to you.
Can't you see we hooping, man? TAYLOR: Yeah, I can see.
Talk to him in school, man.
I can see.
I understand.
He's not in school, is he? You're making a mistake, man.
Hey, Officer Shaw keeps calling.
I can't keep him away forever, man.
I've been watching those game tapes, man.
You're running the 40 in under five with full pads.
You got all the moves, man.
You've got a lot of talent, I'm telling you.
Don't throw it away.
You gonna talk to me? Hey, Vince, you going to throw it away? You gonna throw that away? Last chance.
I'm not going to waste my time anymore.
Your choice, big man.
And this There's some Chevy parts out there in the back.
I want you to move them up here in the front because I gotta start cutting them.
MATT: Yes, sir.
Hey, Pops.
VIRGIL: Hey! Can you get me the sausage from out back? JESS: All right, do you want the spicy kind? Yeah.
That'll do.
There you go.
Ma'am, here you go, your barbecue sauce, here you go.
(CLICKING TONGUE) Oh, here, I got it.
I got it.
I'll get that.
You wanted the spicy kind, right? Yeah.
JESS: I could Do you want me to get VIRGIL: No, no, no, I'm good.
LANDRY: Here you go.
What you doing? What's your problem? I don't have a problem, I was just, uh, you know She looked busy, and I just thought I would help her out 'cause we go to school together.
(STAMMERING) Oh, this is Landry.
Yeah, Landry.
Nice to meet you.
My dad Oh, he's Yeah.
Here, Landry.
Take that out back.
Thanks for the help.
Very nice kitchen.
Landry? Yeah, I'll get that.
What you want? Here's what we're going to do.
We're going to call a special practice for Saturday night.
STAN: Saturday? If it doesn't work out, we're going to start over.
What exactly does that mean, "start over"? I don't know, Stan.
I don't know what "start over" means.
Saturday night.
(SIGHING) (INHALES DEEPLY) Coach (LAUGHS) Tim, how you doing? I heard you were But what are you doing? How come you're not back at college? I, uh You what? I'm working full time with my brother now, making some money.
You, uh, you look different.
It's the color.
Yeah, it's a pretty red.
Yeah, well Well, I mean, I heard about the forfeit, and it's a shaky start, so, I mean, I'd love to be a part of it if I could help in any way.
You're offering your help to me? Yes, sir.
Come with me.
Come on.
Now, do we have the latest injury reports for Round Rock? Is that middle linebacker of theirs still messed up? 'Cause if he is, boy, it's going to be party time.
MAN: Mmm-hmm.
He's out? Left knee.
Left knee.
Thank you.
And then, Buddy, are we looking to talk to that Sorry, I hate to interrupt.
How are you? Good to see you, Sam.
Don't mean to interrupt, I just Can I just have a quick word with you, Joe? (LAUGHING) Go, talk amongst yourselves.
I just wanted to make sure that we didn't have any misunderstanding the other day when we had that conversation in the school parking lot, you know, with the golf cart and all that stuff.
And I just wanted to make sure I was clear that my decision has been made and is made, and that Luke Cafferty is going to East Dillon High.
Are you clear about what I told you? Oh, yeah.
I think I heard you.
You mean, about doing an investigation and retroactively taking away Panther State titles? Is that the thing you're talking about? Because I just wanted to actually make sure that you also checked with all these gentlemen here about that, because, as you said, that's going to mean rings being taken away and things like that, and I can bet you there are a lot of rings in this group, you know, and family and whatnot.
So, you do what you have to do.
I know you're going to do what you have to do, but I just want to make sure I have been very clear with you where I stand on it.
So, I'll let y'all get back to it.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Y'all enjoy.
(ALL CHATTERING) (GROANS) Hey! Hey, I cut my hand and I don't have a tetanus shot, so I'm going to have to go get one.
That was brilliant.
Thank you, that was brilliant.
I'II Thanks for everything.
I'll see you later.
What the hell is your problem? You I don't know what your deal is.
You're rude, you're nasty, and that's fine.
That's your thing, that's okay, you're an artist and I'll carry all your crap.
But the reason why I'm here and doing all this is because I want to be an artist, all right, so the least you could do is say something about it.
You want me to say something? I would like you to say something.
All right.
Here, I'll say something.
Whoa! That's That's very helpful.
Just wrinkle them up.
Are you Well, this part here doesn't make me want to puke.
Try to work from this place.
You're not my father.
I support my family.
She had no business taking that from you.
You shouldn't have gave it to her.
Sit down.
Sit down.
I'm sorry.
Don't quit on me.
Don't quit on yourself.
I'm going to ask you to do me a favor.
This team is broken all to hell.
I could use somebody to help me put those pieces back together again.
I don't know where I'm going, but I'll get another job.
This job doesn't work out for you, we both know where you're going.
Bring them to me.
Talk to them.
Bring them to me.
Talk to them for me.
Talk to them and bring them to me tomorrow night.
Special practice, 10:00, out here at the field.
Hey, just us, just the Lions.
Hey, talk to them.
(PEOPLE BOOING) We have a big game coming up with West Cambria.
ALL: (CHANTING) We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! We want Luke! Hey, Coach.
I'm Luke Cafferty.
I'm here for the special practice Coach Taylor called.
Nice to see you.
Welcome to East Dillon, son.
Thank you.
Thank you.
TAYLOR: Luke, how you doing? Good to see you.
Hey, Coach.
Stan Traub.
How are you? Great admirer.
Nice to meet you, Coach.
Oh, thanks.
(LAUGHS) Uh, where's the team? STAN: Coach How you doing, fellas? TAYLOR: Vince Coach.
How you doing, Tinker? CROWLEY: Good evening, gentlemen.
Good to see you.
Listen, last week, we got our asses beat doing our best and there is no shame in that, gentlemen.
But I'll tell you what, I've got shame.
I have got shame and I apologize to you.
I apologize for not giving you the chance to finish your fight.
I want to finish that fight with you, and I'm asking you right here, right now, to allow me to help you finish that fight.
You see this, gentlemen? This right here, this is the past.
Who wants to finish this fight? Who will finish this fight with me? I will, sir.
Glad to have you aboard, Tinker.
Let's finish it.
Let's finish it.
Let's finish it.
DALLAS: Let's do this, fellas! Let's finish it.
Let's finish it.
(CHERYL SIGHS) Hey, sailor.
You look like you haven't slept in a week.
Feels that way.
I'm kind of looking for a place, if you know anyone.
Well, that shouldn't be so hard.
Well, it is when you don't have first and last.
Well, uh, I do have this trailer in my backyard.
I'll charge you $100 a month.
You can stay there until you find a place.
That's very sweet, but Don't get me wrong.
That was unbelievable, but I'm not that into you and, more importantly, I can tell you're not that into me, so who really needs to go there, right? I'm not going to come banging on your door in the middle of the night.
You know what I mean? But I could use the cash.
(CLEARING THROAT) When? Start right now.
I'll give you the keys.
Like, tonight right now? Remember where I live? I am going to give my daughter a call.
She's not going to know you from Adam.
Don't want you to scare her.
Here you go.
Thank you.
(TV PLAYING) (DOOR OPENING) (KEYS CLANGING) TAYLOR: What are you doing? Drinking wine.
(SIGHS) (GROANS) How are you? Hmm.
How did everything go today? (SCOFFS) Hmm? I got booed at the pep rally.
What do you mean, "booed"? I mean, booed.
But I did get one little bit of satisfaction just being able to stand up to those good old boys for a little moment, Joe McCoy and his crew.
So I got that going for me, and wine.
How was your day? They showed up.
They did? It's a start.
That's great.
Hey, I'm sorry I lied.
I know.
I just got to find out a way to get us some new uniforms.

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