The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e02 Episode Script

Ball in Cup

What about an invention
that washes dishes by itself?
No, that's impossible.
A volcanic vent?
Well, this is new.
And dangerous. Hm.
Curious. That ramp is new, too.
So's that laughter
Jump! Jump! Jump!
Oh no.
I said stop!
And why am I still
standing here?!
Dad! We're trying to jump the
fire hole,
and we almost hit you!
Yeah! You really need
to be more careful, Phil.
But, why would you
jump over a fire hole
uh, a volcanic vent?
Well, we've already played
Throw-Go-Nut, Stick Fruit.
It was this or Thunk-a-pult.
And I don't want to be
I see.
What if I invented
something equally fun,
yet less deadly for you to do?
Would you promise
not to jump this vent?
You've got until after lunch.
Good. I thrive under pressure.
We're still
jumping this, right?
Of course.
From the top, Chunky!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
You wanted fun. I delivered it!
I call it the
Betterman Ball-in-Cup!
The object? To get the ball
in the cup, like so.
Hup Ah
This took you all morning.
It may appear to be nothing more
than a ball tied to a cup
It may, indeed.
But it's also so much more.
This is a waste of time.
I'm out.
Try it again.
This is the
best thing I've ever done!
I'm in forever.
What is that noise?
A brilliant diversion, my dear.
Thanks to the
Betterman Ball-in-Cup,
the children will no longer
be jumping over the farm's
newly exposed volcanic vent.
Wait, we have a volcanic vent?
We do!
It's quite dangerous, in fact.
But not to worry.
I have solved the issue.
Oh, good.
So, you covered the vent.
Better. I made the kids
forget the vent exists
with my latest,
greatest invention.
It's a ball. Tied to a cup.
Its simplicity is its supremacy.
Not really a solution,
but okay. And since you're free,
I need you to get some
burnips for dinner.
But every time I touch them,
I burn myself.
you know how important
dinner is to me.
Good music, good conversation,
and good food.
It's what separates us
from beasts.
And tonight, I'm making my sweet
and smoky baked burnips
because everyone loves them,
and I love that they love them.
So the least you can do
is get me some burnips!
What about some nice
that don't singe skin instead?
It would be my pleasure, dear!
After all, who needs
a sense of touch?
This won't be so bad,
thanks to these
Betterman Blister Buffers!
There has to
be a trick to this.
What if we do it faster?
There has to
be a trick to this.
Maybe if I do it quickly,
I won't feel the burn.
I feel the burn!
I don't think faster
is working!
What if we tried it slower?
That works for me
when I do everything.
Okay. Faster isn't the answer.
Perhaps slower is.
Why did I think
this would work?!
What if we close our eyes?
This can't get any worse,
so sure.
If I can't see it,
it's not happening.
This isn't happening.
It's happening! It's happening!
Was that my dad?
Probably just the wind.
I just love all of us
having dinner together.
It took me all day to make it,
but it's worth it.
Kids, what did you do today?
Well, first I woke up,
but then I went back to sleep
'cause I was still tired.
And then, I started to dream--
Grug, you're not a kid.
I'm a kid at heart!
Dawn? How about you? Eep?
Guy? Or even Thunk, I guess.
Can everyone put
their games down?
The children find the Betterman
Ball-in-Cup irresistible.
And who can blame them?
Put the games down!
Much better.
Dawn, what did you do today?
I played Ball-in-Cup.
Besides that.
I talked to you before I went
back to playing Ball-in-Cup.
Hey! I love that game!
Well, at least
we still have music.
Wait, did the music stop?
What is happening?!
Well, we're sitting at a table
having dinner,
and you're angry, and--
What? She asked.
Hope, you just have
to let this game play out.
The harder you fight it,
the more they'll love it.
But if you just ignore it,
the kids'll get bored,
and they'll drop it
like a burnip.
I mean, it's a ball
tied to a cup.
Indeed. Its plainness
is its pleasure.
I know what will
grab their attention.
Everyone's favorite and the
treat I spent all day preparing.
Sweet and smoky baked burnips!
See, Phil?
Your burned skin was worth it.
I don't think that's
a burnips "woo," dear.
It's in the cup!
Sash! Sash! Sash! Sash! Sash!
It seems your meal is no match
for my mastery.
Easy, Hope!
We've all been there.
Maybe Ugga's right.
Maybe this will all
blow over in no time.
Or maybe I'm right,
and this game must be stopped.
But, maybe Phil's right.
I mean, no one's falling
into the volcanic vent.
Almost got it.
Dawn? Dawn!
Almost got it.
Do you know what just happened?
Yes! I got the ball in the cup!
I was definitely right.
This game must die.
You up for cup?
Then let's have a ball.
I'm glad you're here.
I was just testing out
my latest stroke of genius.
The Ball-in-Cup caddy,
for the player on the go.
Phil, our daughter almost
walked into that volcanic vent
because she was
playing your stupid game!
So, I want you to get rid of
that game and cover that hole!
Mm, too easy.
I've got a better idea.
What? What's the idea?!
Ugga, you were wrong. The kids
are still playing Ball-in-Cup.
So now what? So now, I gotta
get this ball in this cup.
You too?!
Ugh, there's gotta be
a trick to this thing!
It seems so simple,
but it's so hard.
Don't you see
this game is putting
everything we love in jeopardy?
Even dinner!
Yeah, yeah, but have you tried
this game? It's pretty amazing.
It's not amazing.
It almost killed Dawn!
She was so busy
playing the game,
she almost fell
into a volcanic vent!
Yeah, I've been thinking
about that problem.
You have?
That's why I'm turning
my memory cave
into a Ball-in-Cup cave.
Here's the plan.
These are the beanbag chairs,
this is the
papaynapple juice bar,
and this is the Ball-in-Cup
repair station,
where you can get new balls,
cups, or vines.
What's that?
That's supposed
to be a lava lamp,
but I don't think
it's gonna work because lava.
Now when the kids play,
they'll be in here,
so there won't be any danger.
Except for that lava lamp.
This is the exact opposite
of what we need to do.
I did it!
I got the ball in the cup!
I guess I'm on my own.
Yes! Finally!
Greatest feeling
in the world, right?
Nothing even comes close.
It's in the cup!
It's in the cup!
It's in the cup!
Gran! What happened?
Well, I was playing, uh
What's it called, Hope?
Right! Cup Ball.
And I wasn't looking
where I was going,
and I tripped and fell into a
What'd I fall into?
A bearacuda cave.
What?! You can't fall into
a cave! You mean a pit?
What's going on here?
Well, Braids here
promised me some ribs
if I pretended to get hurt
playing Bowls-and-Plates.
Whatever! The point is
don't play Bells-and-Crust or
you'll die. Now, gimme my ribs!
While I wait for my grub,
what's that fliddledinger
you got there?
Ball-in-Cup. Wanna play?
Gran's got game! How you like
me now, Brawl-and-Cuddle?
Fresh-baked straw-peary pies,
Ooh! Ooh! Me!
Great. All you have to do
is hand over your
Ball-in-Cup games.
Really? Well, I'm glad
I finally convinced all of you
that you're better off
without that game.
Honestly, it's not you.
It's the game.
Yeah, we've been playing it
all day. We're kinda over it.
Works for me.
Let's celebrate with some pie.
This pie is way better than
But is it better than
I present Ball-in-Cup Red!
Whoa! That's a game changer!
Yeah! It's like a
whole new game!
I call the red one.
They're all red.
Including mine.
Is that straw-peary
pie? Can I have some?
Got one!
chickenseal dinner!
Where are they?
Where are what, dear?
Our Ball-in-Cup games!
They're missing,
and we know you hate them.
So, did you take them?
Yes, because those games
were turning you into mindless,
aimless do-nothing sloths.
Give them back, Mom!
What are we supposed to do
if we can't play Ball-In-Cup?
I don't know! Run, swim,
play Throw-Go-Nut, go zipvining,
sit on a rock and watch
the grass wave in the wind.
Ooh! Wavy grass! I'm in.
She's right.
We can do anything!
I guess all of us
were the balls,
and you pulled us
out of the cups. Thanks, Mom.
That's what moms do.
Hope, my Ball-in-Cup holder
is missing,
as are all of my Ball-in-Cup
games. Have you seen them?
Yes, because I took them,
and I'm going to destroy them
as soon as I'm done
with my bitter leaf juice.
What? Why?
I did it for you, Phil.
Ball-in-Cup is beneath you.
Your talents were being wasted.
Now, you're free to
apply your mind
towards an invention
worthy of your brilliance.
Hm. It's true. I am brilliant,
and now, I can refocus
the full power of my mind
on a dilemma for the ages.
What would you say
to an invention that
washes dishes by itself?
I'd say it's long overdue.
But first, why don't you focus
the full power of your mind
on helping me prepare
for tonight's dinner?
We're going to do it
right this time,
and I'm going to
need more burnips.
More like Ball-in-Cup-in-fire.
Hm. Must've dropped this one.
Still have no idea
how anyone could become
so consumed with
this ridiculous game.
All you have to do
is get the ball in the cup.
Come on, ball!
Get! In! That! Cup!
And then we went cave
exploring, and it was awesome!
I figured out a way to tell
stalactites and stalagmites
Ha! Stalactites go up and
Or is that stalagmites? Oh
I learned how to whistle.
That's a whistle, right?
And I watched window all day!
Yeah. I was shocked, too.
Guess we don't need
a Ball-in-Cup cave now.
Nope. But, we do
need a man cave.
Grug, we have a man cave.
Not a good one.
So, who's with me?
Okay! Just me
and the duckcrickets.
Where is Hope? She's never
missed dinner before,
especially since she makes it.
Sorry I'm late.
Burning all the Ball-in-Cups
took longer than I thought.
But I'm here now,
so let's do this!
Guy, how was your day?
Well, it was actually pretty--
Ah! Hold that thought.
Almost forgot the burnips.
I'll be right back!
Come on!
Where are the burnips?
What burnips?
Oh! Right. I'll be right back.
So, where were we?
You were getting the burnips.
Of course. Be right back.
I'm going to check on Hope
and those burnips.
I did not lose all feeling
in both hands for nothing.
Hope! What are you doing?
Uh, looking for the burnips.
Oh. And here they are. Always in
the last place you look.
Stars above!
Is that Ball-in-Cup?!
How did that get here?
I thought I destroyed
all of them.
I must have missed this one.
I'll go take care of it
right now.
And miss dinner?
Don't be absurd.
I'll dispose
of this work of art,
and then our lives will be
free of Ball-in-Cup forever.
Hey Get off!
Hey! I can
feel my hands again!
And they burn!
One more!
I need to get
the ball into the cup,
but all the ball and cups
are gone.
What do I do? What do I do?
Get ahold of yourself, Hope!
A cup of bitter leaf juice
will calm you down.
Wait! A cup!
Hm. The cups are gone.
Tell me about it.
And I thought drinking stuff
was hard before.
This won't do.
We must find those cups at once.
You and I are going to turn
this tree house upside down,
searching every nook and cranny
until we do.
Good idea!
I'll check the couch,
and youcheck, everywhere else.
The couch?
Oh yeah. The couch is
like quicksand
for missing stuff.
You take the couch.
Okay, couch!
What precious secrets
are you hiding today?
Guy is unstoppable! Blah!
Rarely do you see
such mastery of Throw-Go-Nut.
This is Guy's time,
Guy's moment--
Eep. Dawn?
Whatever you think you saw,
I wasn't doing it.
Did you find a throw-go-nut?
Sorry, Guy-baby.
No throw-go-nut today.
What? Why not?
All the throw-go-nut balls
are gone.
All the beach balls
are gone, too.
And the meatballs.
The meatballs!
Wait, you wanted to play catch
with a meatball?
Uh, yeah.
Catch with my mouth.
Well, they've gotta be
around here somewhere.
Balls don't just disappear!
So, let's spread out
and find them.
I mean, how far
could they have gone?
Well, they do roll, so
Ball hunt!
No balls here.
Or here.
Or here.
Yep! Definitely no balls here.
But there's plenty
of lobstingrays. Ah!
Ugh. No cups here.
Just a bunch of Grug's
half-eaten straw-pearries.
So sticky
No balls,
but I found plenty of rocks.
I found some teeth!
Those are mine!
And I found
another lobstingray. Ah!
Not a cup in sight!
Just a collection of Guy's
doomed invention ideas!
A person reclining
while sitting?
A person breathing underwater?
Absurd Ugh.
A person flying.
It'll never happen!
Still sticky Ugh!
No balls here.
Or here.
Or here.
Or here.
And no lobstingrays either.
Ah! How?!
Ah, no cups
in Eep's room either!
But now, I have a pillow hand.
Yes! I found a cup!
Paws off, Log-bump!
Find your own place
to hide your teeth!
Well, I've
returned empty-handed,
in a manner of speaking, which
means the cup is half-empty.
Or it would be
if we had any cups.
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but, Thunk,
all our cup hopes
now rest with you.
Sorry, Phil. No cups in here.
Just a bunch of teeth
and some old banana chips.
Oh! No. Those are teeth, too.
Hey, Phil?
You seen any rubber balls
around here?
Or throw-go-nut balls?
Or beach balls?
Or meatballs?
Tell me you know
where the meatballs are!
Why are you
looking for balls?
Because they're all gone.
The cups andthe balls
are gone?
Do you know what this means?
Yeah. The cups and balls
are gone.
Yes, but that's
no coincidence.
Because the balls
are connected to the cups.
Just like Ball-in-Cup!
And who hates Ball-in-Cup
more than anyone?
Ball? No wait. Cup.
Definitely cup.
No! Hope!
Hope! What are you doing?
I'm trying
to get the ball
into the cup!
You're playing Ball-in-Cup?
I don't understand.
I thought you hated it.
I did! But then,
I made the mistake of trying it,
and now, I can't stop!
And when you destroyed
the last Ball-in-Cup,
I had to improvise!
But I'm going to
get a ball into a cup
if it's the last thing I do!
Uh-oh. Dad?
Mom's lost it.
You're right.
If we don't snap her out of it,
she'll descend into a dark
Ball-in-Cup abyss.
Not now, Phil!
Perhaps if you step away
and clear your head,
you'll see things differently.
You might even
be able to get thatball
into the cup.
Yeah, good idea.
Maybe a Ball-in-Cup breather
is just what I need.
Good. So, give me the cup.
Or the ball.
Either one. Or both.
I can't! I have to get
the ball into the cup,
and no one can stop me!
After her!
Ball chase!
You can't run away
from Ball-in-Cup,
and not just because
you're carrying
all those balls and cups.
Why is she carrying
all those balls and cups?
Ow That's why.
Ha! You're no match
for Ball-in-Cup!
And now, I'm free to devote
my life to getting
a ball into a cup!
Oh no. What have I become?
Mm, those burnips
really hit the spot.
And then burned
the spot to ashes.
It sure is nice to have
you back, dear.
And it's nice to have our
cups back, too.
And the kids love
having all the balls back.
Woo! Do the sports!
I'm just glad it's over,
and even though I
never experienced the thrill
of getting the ball in the cup,
those dark days are behind me.
I'm open!
I'm open!
Phil! You didn't
cover the vent?
Dawn! Behind you!
Honey! Are you okay?
Yeah. Thanks, Mom.
Hope! That was amazing!
How did you do that?!
I don't know.
I saw Dawn in danger,
and I just reacted.
Of course, you did,
because that's what moms do.
You know what else moms do?
They get the ball in the cup!
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