The Equalizer (2021) s04e02 Episode Script

Full Throttle

Previously on The Equalizer
I got you.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Briggs. Oh.
Glad you came. This is Briggs.
Best in the biz.
Learned it all from you.
So, how'd you, uh, end up
working for Bishop Security?
BRIGGS: ROTC in high school
led to a scholarship at West Point.
That sounds exciting.
You wanted to see me, here I am.
I cut a deal with the DA.
So, what do you need from me?
I want to meet your boys.
Will you give me the chance
to know my grandsons, Marcus?
I'm sorry about Ed, Michelle.
Venezuela, the whole thing.
It never should have happened.
The hell you smiling at?
- FISK: Michelle, don't!
["12 PROBLEMS" BY RAPSODY] playing
Yeah ♪
Watch it!
Y'all bogus ♪
Real goofy ♪
I ain't never lost focus ♪
Nah ♪
Y'all bogus ♪
Yeah ♪
The dark flesh Bob Mar' speak mine ♪
What you thought
dem 99 problems was? ♪
War on drugs, legality ♪
They got us on fallacies ♪
Resorted in casualties ♪
I was supposed to resort
in the Maldives, now ♪
We in the rallies, now ♪
- Boxing in IG now ♪
Look how many likes you got.
You're going viral.
Yo, that was hot, the way
we killed those flips, though.
- Come on, let's play.
- Don't worry. I got it.

Briggs, tell me you got a sitrep
on Michelle Chambers.
Negative. Her SERE skills are top-notch.
NSTR since her escaping months ago.
You can't be serious. Nothing?
Afraid so.
If I were a betting man,
I'd say she fled the country.
Well, you'd lose that bet.
Michelle's not the type to walk away.
We need to get to her
before the CIA does.
I know Michelle,
she won't go quietly into the night.
I'll let you know what I find.
If she doesn't find us first.
Oh, good morning, Auntie.
I didn't know you were up.
Oh, yeah.
Up and trying to find a place
to take Trish to lunch today.
I've canceled on her
so much lately that I
I'm really trying to make it up to her.
Why don't you just take her to Melba's?
[SIGHS] We go there all the time.
Well, something to be
said about routine.
Means you know what you want.
Mm-hmm. Or we're just lazy.
Why do you keep cancelling on her?
No particular reason. Just
- Morning, baby girl.
- Hey, morning.
Hey, Mom.
What made you choose
the Army over the Air Force?
Why do you ask?
Briggs got me thinking
about the military.
I mean, who knew there
were so many options?
Instead of going to college?
Okay, I'm thinking about ROTC
my senior year like Briggs,
but instead of West Point,
maybe enlisting with some rank
to see action faster.
You enlisted, right?
[SIGHS] Baby girl, that was different.
- I didn't have a choice, but you
- AUNT VI: Lord knows
we need our military, but
what about your plans to go
to NYU or Columbia, sweetheart?
You were so excited about those.
I mean, yeah, they're great schools,
but I think we can all agree,
with Mom doing what she does,
saving the world
and all, things have
certainly changed a bit.
Uh, okay, it's Jazzy.
I got to take this.
I'll see you guys later for movie night.
- Yeah.
- Bye, sweetheart. Bye.
- Okay, you have a good day.
- What's going on?
I'm on my way, okay?
- She's definitely going to college.
- Just give her a minute
to come around.
I am certain this is just a phase.
Better be.
Go on.
Go save the world.
- Love you, Auntie.
- Love you, too.
Say hi to Trish.
So you're saying they
just drove right off?
They didn't stop to see
if my baby girl was alive or anything.
Jordyn didn't deserve this.
You know, she never hurt
anybody, and [SOBS]
It's all right. Just take your time.
You know, she's on life support now.
They don't know if she's gonna make it.
Tell me, how can I help you
with all this?
They said the cars were drag racing.
I want you to find these kids
and stop them
before somebody else gets hurt,
and bring whoever did this to justice.
Well, what are the police saying?
We complain about this all the time.
Nobody ever does anything about it.

I work two jobs,
plus nursing school at night.
I try to do everything
I can to protect her
Hey, hey, hey, this is not your fault.
You cannot be there all of the time.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I know what you're gonna do.
You're gonna sit
by your daughter's bedside
so that when she wakes up,
you're the first person she sees.
As for the rest of this
leave it to me.
MEL: Ugh.
Is it glitching?
HARRY: No, darling.
This is intentional.
- So, you want to have a seizure?
- Yeah.
This is to allow me to have
a little bit more, uh, QT.
That's quality ti
Yeah, I know what it means.
What is this?
Okay, so this is an AI bot
I've been developing
to handle my more
mundane computer tasks,
so I can focus on the important stuff.
Like your online-shopping addiction?
That's very good. She's very good.
I want you to meet M.E.L
Multi-modal Efficient
Logistical Interface or
MEL, after
the smartest person I know.
Aw, that's not creepy.
Wouldn't that be "M-E-L-I?"
The "I" is silent.
Anyway, it's a work in progress.
The point is,
boom, see?
What would've taken me
hours to do on my own,
MEL can do in mere seconds.
- Oh. Well, I guess we are alike.
So you see this.
This is the social media feeds
from Jordyn, the girl who was hit
by a car,
and her friends.
And this is the car
that slammed into her.
Her mother said they were drag racing.
Yeah, well, no, I think she was right
because right after
the Maserati took off,
this car sped into view.
Man, back in the day,
the car scene was just innocent fun.
Yeah, but the Gram, and TikTok
have these racers pushing
the limits to go faster.
They're trying to impress
the world for likes.
And it's turned deadly.
HARRY: MEL did a global search
of all social media feeds
from around the same time
and found this
judging by the cars,
it looks like the pre-race.
This guy right here looks
like he's king of the hill.
Brody Conners.
Got a long history
of aggravated assault.
Runs with a lowlife named Johnny Black.
They operate a garage over on Fulton.
I'll pay Brody a visit.
See if one of his crew is responsible,
for the hit-and-run.
Dante's badge might come in handy.
Good idea.
- I'll scoop him up on the way.
- All right.
Yeah, I don't know, Pop.
You're pushing it.
You're lucky I let you have that much.
You know why.
Like I said, I'll get back to you.
Big Ben?
That about him spending
more time with your boys?
I'll admit, he's been
on his best behavior
as long as I'm there to supervise.
And now he wants unsupervised visits?
- Bingo.
- You don't trust him?
With his track record? Hell no.
I'm used to it.
But I know the second
I let my guard down,
he's gonna disappoint those boys.
I feel you on that.
Got to protect your kids.
Even from themselves.
Sometimes they think
they want something,
but have no idea
what they're getting into.
Sounds like we're both
going through it, huh?
[LAUGHS] You don't know the half.
Speaking of protecting kids,
someone put that little girl
in the hospital.
And we got to find out who.
DANTE: NYPD. Knock-knock.
BRODY: Beat it. We're closed.
You need to work on
your customer service.
Who owns this Scat Pack?
We don't talk to cops.
Yeah, I bet you don't.
I recognize a chop shop when I see one.
DANTE: So unless you want NYPD down here
checking every detail
on every single spark plug,
I suggest you tell me what
happened at that race yesterday.
JOHNNY: Want to know what happened?
The chump in the Maserati
tried to cut me off
and wound up hitting that girl.
Really? 'Cause this type of damage
usually comes from the aggressor.
So, unless he backed into your car
during the race, I'm calling cap.
Doesn't matter.
When we find him,
he'll get what's coming to him.
Planning to do
some justice of your own
Who was driving the Maserati?
BRODY: We don't know.
He's not from around here.
Just some poser who's been
hanging around the set.
Though the kid wasn't that bad.
Then why'd he take off?
You two, office.
Show me the books.
I need to see if it's worth
my time to call in a raid.

Seems like you know something
about the guy we're looking for.
Not much. Not even his name.
Just that he was nice. And funny.
- Why is that?
- He was just different.
Dry. Said exactly what he was thinking.
You could tell he loved cars, though.
Never heard someone talk
about a motor like that before.
Like it was therapeutic for him.
Anything else stand out about him?
He had an accent.
I think he mentioned he was Sudanese.
Is, uh is he in trouble
over the accident?
We just need to find him.
- Right.
- You seem like a good kid.
How'd you get mixed up with Brody?
I didn't see eye to eye with my parents.
Their way or the highway,
and Brody showed me how to survive.
By stealing car parts?
[SCOFFS] I'm not judging.
I've been there.
The paint on the bumper
of the Scat Pack
Johnny spun out
the other car, didn't he?
Yeah, I heard him
bragging about it to Brody.
You know, he's the real reason that
that girl's in the hospital.
Look, if it were up to me
I'd leave this all in the rearview.
It is up to you.
The sooner you realize that,
the sooner it'll change.
Yeah, I'll be okay.
But you need to find that guy
before Brody and Johnny,
'cause if they get to him first,
there's no telling what they'll do.
Well, we'll do our best.
It would help if you
gave me a description
I can do better than that.
- I'm gonna need that.
- Yeah.
Christine thinks our MIA's a good kid.
The little girl in ICU
would say different.
Hate to say it, but Brody has a point.
If he's so decent, why'd he run?
It's not his turf.
It's not even his country.
He's probably terrified.
Either way, we gotta get to him
before those two do.
I'll put out a BOLO on the Maserati.
Yeah, and I'll show Harry this photo,
see if he can get an ID.
No, wait. Stop! What are you doing?!
- Get in!
- Stop!
Go, go, go!
HARRY: Oh, attagirl,
you're doing great.
Okay, now you're talking to it?
Is this gonna be a problem?
Oh, no problem.
This is the solution.
- What is is
- Why No, no, no.
M.E.L., I didn't say Come on.
Well, maybe it should stick
to bargain hunting
for exotic sweaters.
It's a minor setback.
Anyway, I got an idea.
That car was a limited edition,
so I'm gonna hack into the
Maserati corp mainframe and
Yeah, look at that.
Only 15 were sold in the last year.
Wait a minute, McCall said
our guy was Sudanese, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, it looks like this one
was sold to the consulate of Sudan.
Sameer Bentang.
Sameer Bentang.
Yeah, he's an ambassador
to the Sudanese Republic.
There he is. There's our guy.
Okay, I'll call Rob.
- What's up, Harry?
- MEL [OVER PHONE]: We found him.
His name is Ari Bentang.
Yeah, the father works for
the Sudanese Republic.
He's a holdover from the last regime
before the violent takeover
by Prime Minister Nassir.
ROBYN: Nassir?
The one who took down
a plane full of diplomats
when they wouldn't sign over control?
Yeh, that's him. Real subtle guy.
Looks like Ari was an honor student
in a school specializing with
kids on the spectrum.
That squares with Christine
and Brody's description of him.
So, where is he?
Talking to his parents would be
a good place to start.
Hey, I got to set something up
for Aunt Vi. Can you?
Yeah. On my way.
Consulate's not far from here.
Sorry, but without an appointment,
you cannot speak with Mr. Bentang.
I understand,
but it's about his son Ari.
It's very important.
I just need a minute.
What do you want with my son?
Mrs. Bentang?
I have it on good authority
that Ari was involved in a
hit-and-run accident yesterday.
- Hit and run?
- Yes.
- Is he all right?
- I don't know,
but the little girl he hit
is in the hospital,
- fighting for her life.
- Are you sure?
Yes. Do you know where he is?
No. He never came home last night.
Ari is on the spectrum, and sometimes,
he gets so focused on a task,
he loses track of time,
but this is different.
How so?
We've just had a coup,
and things under Prime Minister
Nassir's regime are
At any moment, you can be accused
of being a traitor and killed.
It's been really hard on Ari.
Mrs. Bentang, I'm
Don't say another word, Hiba.
I'm sorry. You are?
Ari was in a drag race yesterday.
His car hit a girl.
I represent her family.
Has the car been recovered?
Your son was involved in an accident,
and you're asking about that damn car?!
I'm very sorry to hear
about this accident,
but the entire Bentang family
has diplomatic immunity,
- including Ari.
You should direct all further inquiries
- to the State Department.
- I
Kenyi? Is there a problem here?
No problem, sir. Just finishing up.
Finish, then.
We are starting a briefing,
and I don't want to be kept waiting.
Mrs. Bentang, there are some
very bad people looking for Ari.
It would be in the family's best
interest if I found him first.
If you know anything
about his whereabouts
Thank you for your concern,
but we will handle all of this
Hey. How'd it go at the consulate?
I must've kicked a hornet's nest.
Sameer couldn't leave
the consulate fast enough.
I followed him over to Midtown.
HARRY: What's he doing?
Looks like he's waiting on someone.
Yeah. What about Ari?
His mother said
he didn't come home last night.
They all claim to not know where he is,
but they might be lying to protect him.
I doubt it. I scrubbed through
video outside the consulate.
I saw him getting in the
Maserati and leaving yesterday.
There's no sign of him ever coming back.
Something's off.
The father and the chief of
staff were definitely evasive.
I think they know more
than they're letting on.
- Oh, hello.
Hold on. I found some more
footage from outside the consulate.
This might have something to do with it.
I'm sending it your way.
- What do you think?
Brody and Johnny Black?
MEL: I doubt it.
Kidnapping seems above their pay grade.
Yeah, not to mention their crappy van.
Brody would never be caught dead
in that thing.
I'm gonna keep eyes on Sameer.
Tell McCall to meet me.
I got a bad feeling about this.
VI: Oh. Hi, sweetheart.
BRIGGS: Hey, Delilah.
Briggs? Hey. Hi.
- BRIGGS: Hey.
- Uh, what are you doing here?
- Is everything okay?
- Oh, no, no, no, sweetie.
Everything is just fine.
I thought it might be helpful
to talk to someone who could
answer your questions
about the military.
Thanks, Aunt Vi. I appreciate that.
Well, I'll be in my studio
if you need me.
Okay. Thanks.
Hi. Wow. I'm so excited, I don't
even know where to begin.
Let's start with what branch
you're thinking of.
Right, right. Okay, well, um,
I've checked out the Air
Force and Navy, but
I'm thinking the Army.
Smart choice. They all have
something special to offer,
but the Army is top-notch.
What exactly makes them so great?
Unrivaled leadership skills.
There was this one time
in Afghanistan we were sent in
to free a village of refugees.
Now, on our way out,
we were pinned down.
No comms, taking heavy fire.
Guys being blown
right off of their feet.
You have to block that out.
So there I was, totally focused
on trying to keep my buddy alive.
I'm elbow-deep in his chest,
just pinching an artery,
trying to stop the bleeding.
My staff sergeant
comes up with a plan to flank our enemy.
He got us out of that jam.
Did he work out that plan
right there on the spot?
Never got the chance to ask him.
For his plan to work,
he had to run a distraction
in order to draw enemy fire
away from us.
He knew he wasn't gonna make it,
but he did it to save us
and the refugees.
- Hey.
How we looking?
He hasn't moved in over 30 minutes.
- Waiting for someone?
- That's my bet.
Any word on Jordyn's condition?
Her mother said
she's still touch-and-go.
Heads up.
That's Sameer's chief of
staff from the consulate.
Why are they meeting out here?
Maybe they want to talk about something
that they don't want anyone
at the consulate to hear.
Oh, who's this guy?
- No! No, no! No.
- You need to come with me!
- No!
- Get in the van!
- No, no, no!
- Stop! Sameer, run!
No! Stop!
- Go, go!
Oh, Kenyi.
- MEL: Who were those people?
- Please
You better start talking. Now!
He's not talking.
Thinks he can hide behind
his diplomatic immunity.
He's right.
This escalated real fast
from a little girl
in the hospital to murder.
Why didn't the gunmen
take out Sameer, too?
Surely, they had a shot.
This was a warning.
For what?
You think
Nassir's regime was behind this?
Cold-blooded murder fits his MO.
But why go after their own people?
Harry's running facial
rec on the shooter.
Maybe that'll give us some answers.
I hope he moves fast.
Once the State Department calls,
we'll have to cut Sameer loose.
Then forget about a statement.
- Maybe not.
- Hi. Sorry I'm late.
- You good?
I'm good. Him, not so much.
Where is my husband?
Where is he?!
Right this way, ma'am.
Sameer might not talk to us,
but I'll bet he'll talk to her.
What is she doing here?
She has nothing to do with this.
She wanted to see you.
I'm just being helpful.
They tell me Ari has been taken.
That Kenyi has been gunned
down in the street,
and you're not cooperating, Sameer?
- How about we stick to English?
- Sameer.
If you're holding back information
on where we can find Ari,
and something happens to him,
I swear to you
There is nothing more important
than Ari's life.
It's the car.
Our future is in that car.
It was meant to be our escape plan.
What are you talking about?
You're not making sense.
I knew Prime Minister Nassir
would be having
the Jewels of Sudan appraised
during our transport,
so when he was distracted,
I saw an opportunity.
You stole the jewels?
- Just one.
- Are you insane?
He will have you killed.
All of us killed.
It was never supposed to come to that.
I don't understand.
What does this have to do with Ari?
At the last minute,
Nassir wanted to hold a
briefing in the conference room,
where we were routinely searched.
As we left the motor pool,
I stashed the diamond that I took
in the Maserati glove box.
I made a deal with Kenyi,
who had a buyer for it.
You would put us all in danger?
It was to save us.
With the money,
we would all be able to get
new identities, new lives.
Escape the prime minister's
brutal regime.
But at what cost, Sameer?
DANTE: And the men who abducted Ari,
they don't care about him, do they?
They're looking for that diamond.
After the briefing,
I went back to get it,
but Ari had already taken the car.
He had no way of knowing.
Which meant Kenyi had to tell those guys
she didn't have the diamond.
She met with them last night,
told them what happened.
They didn't want to hear excuses.
They wanted what was promised to them.
They were trying to take you, why?
They found Ari but without the car.
They have to find the car
to find the diamond,
and he wouldn't tell them where it was.
And they wanted you
to convince him to spill.
When Kenyi stepped in,
they murdered her.
What's this diamond worth?
It's appraised at $7 million.
HIBA: How could you put our son
in danger like this?
I just wanted a better life for him.
For all of us, Hiba.
- Hiba.
- You want to fix this, Sameer?
I need the names of those men.
I don't know them.
I swear.
I never dealt directly with them.
Everything went through Kenyi.
That's why they grabbed Ari.
Kenyi must have told them
the stone was in the car.
Kid was smart enough not to
tell 'em where he hid it.
Knows it's the only thing
keeping him alive.
But he won't be able to hang on forever.
And once they get their hands on it
His usefulness will be over.

MAN: I'm gonna ask you again.
Where is the car?
Thanks for coming, Lieutenant.
My pleasure, ma'am.
Yeah, I can't believe
you've been through so much.
You don't even know the half of it.
Hey, you have any more questions,
please feel free to reach out.
You got a bright future
ahead of you, Delilah.
I can't wait to see what you accomplish.
- Thanks again.
- You're welcome, ma'am.
- Okay, bye.
- So long.
What a wonderful man.
I know what you're trying to do, Auntie.
And it's not cool.
Excuse me?
I'm discussing military options
this morning,
and then all of a sudden
Briggs shows up?
Well, not all of a sudden. I [SIGHS]
I thought talking to a
knowledgeable source would help.
By having him tell me some of
the most horrific war stories
Oh, I know exactly how
you thought that would help
by deterring me
from pursuing the military.
I suggest you watch your tone,
young lady.
I'm sorry if you felt manipulated.
That was not my intention.
I just thought you,
more than anyone, would get it.
You always taught me
to think for myself,
do what's best for me, but when I do,
you try to control my decision.
- Delilah.
HARRY: Hey, Rob.
Where are we with the shooter, Harry?
Well, since I had to
run the picture myself,
it took a little longer than expected.
But I got it. That's right.
I had to do it myself.
You okay over there?
Yeah, no, I'm great. Never better.
[TYPING] Okay, where was I?
Samuel Bailey, a lieutenant
in the London-based
Stanton crime syndicate.
Yeah. I know about 'em.
Soldiers who turned to the dark side.
Yeah, exactly. Role models, all of them.
Drug trafficking, extortion,
hijacking, blackmail
and their leader,
a real jack-of-all-crimes,
Grayson Kirby.
Dishonorably discharged
from Her Majesty's Armed Forces
for selling military arms
to local street gangs.
'Cause, you know, who wouldn't
want that on their résumé?
Oh. Oh, so now you want
to join the party?
Well, can I tell you something, honey?
The party has moved on.
Okay, I'm starting to worry about you.
[CHUCKLING]: No, I'm fine.
I mean, I'm fi I'm really good.
Wait a minute. Wait. I take it back.
I take it back, I take it back.
M.E.L. got a hit
- on the Maserati.
- Where?
Looks like DUMBO. I'm sending it now.
On my way.
What's up, bud? Everything okay?
Dad, look what Big Ben sent us.
A PlayStation 5.
And he got us Grand Theft Auto.
[SIGHS] Stefon.
When can we see him again, Dad?
I'm not sure, bud.
Well, can it be soon so we can
play the game together?
Look, I'll talk to him.
He's pretty busy,
so no guarantees, okay?
Yes! Thanks, Dad.
the moment that game gets
in the way of your books,
it goes away, you understand?
Yes, Dad. See you later.
Yes! Big Ben's the best!

- Kirby's already here.
- KIRBY: Come on.
And he's got Ari.
KIRBY: Dump him.
Johnny Black?

ROBYN: Harry's seeing
if he can track the car now.
I'm sending a unit over there right now.
You know what this means.
If Kirby has the car and the diamond,
it doesn't bode well for Ari.
Why was Johnny Black here
in the first place?
For the diamond, maybe?
Except how would he know about it,
if Ari didn't?
Hey. That's Mel calling.
I'll call you back.
Talk to me.
So, bad news.
Sameer just got a ransom call.
Kirby wants the diamond
in the next three hours
- or Ari's dead.
- Why is there a ransom?
He has the car.
Shouldn't he have the diamond?
You think Sameer lied about
where he hid the diamond?
Hard to believe he would
risk his son's life again.
The good news is, Ari's alive.
The bad news is, we have no idea
where the diamond is.
Johnny's garage is a chop shop, right?
You think he was there
to steal the Maserati?
Parts alone are worth more than the car.
That makes sense.
Except Kirby needed Ari to lead 'em
to where he stashed the car, so
So how did Johnny Black find it?
- Nobody ever ♪
Told me it'd be easy ♪
Nobody ever promised me no pain ♪
Nobody ever said ♪
There's always sunshine ♪
Sometimes ♪
It's gon' rain ♪
- Wow.
- It's gonna rain ♪
You look like your mother.
Oh-oh, I ♪
I know. ♪
Hey, kiddo.
Got a second?
You're right.
I overstepped,
and for that I apologize.
Thanks, Auntie.
But what I won't apologize for
is caring about you.
I just wanted you to know exactly
what you might be getting yourself into.
The idea of
you enlisting in the military
is just frightening.
Your mother served
so that you wouldn't have to.
We just want to keep you safe, sweetie.
Okay, but that's just it.
It's because Mom served.
She did what she could for this country,
and we watch her put it
on the line every single day
and make that same sacrifice,
because someone has to protect
those who can't protect themselves.
Do you know what I took away
from Briggs' story?
It's not the fact that
some of his men were brutally killed.
That they saved an entire village
of terrified refugees
from being massacred.
If not for Briggs' sacrifice,
then even more people would be dead.
Someone has to be brave enough
to stand up. Why not me?
I'm not privileged, or special.
If anything, my training and
knowledge gives me an advantage,
which when you think about
it gives me a responsibility
to pay it forward and help others.
Isn't that what you always taught me?
That's exactly
what I've always taught you.
Who knew you were listening so well?

ROBYN: How much longer?
HARRY: M.E.L.'s almost
done searching all socials.
- And
- ROBYN: Look.
Punch in on that.
It's Christine at Ari's car
the day of the race.
The way she's sticking
her head inside the car
She could be planting a tracker.
That would explain how Johnny Black
got to the Maserati before Kirby did.
That could be their M.O. Tag a car,
wait until the heat dies down,
and then steal it when it's convenient.
Yeah, and if the tracker
in that Maserati
- is still active
- Then it might be able to lead us
to wherever Kirby's crew took Ari.
What do you mean Johnny's dead?
Christine, we don't have time.
Ari's life is in danger.
I know you put a tracker
in the Maserati,
and I'm pretty sure
it's not your first time.
BRODY: Our friend is dead,
and you got the nerve
to come in here calling us thieves?
Look, I'm not here to
shut down your operation,
but right now it's about
finding the guys who have Ari.
The same guys who killed your friend.
Now, if you want to see
Johnny's killers go down,
you need to help me track that Maserati.
KIRBY: Listen, boy,
tell me where the diamond is,
and this will all be over.
Don't you want to go home
to your mummy and daddy?
We're outnumbered and outgunned.
- Ari?
- He's not good.
We have to get to him
before Kirby figures out
we don't have the diamond.
Well, we have 20 minutes
until their deadline.
I say we wait for reinforcements.
If we want to get Ari
out of there alive,
we need the element of surprise.
Um, I don't think we have a choice.
- ROBYN: Brody?
- Is he crazy?
So much for surprise.
I'm going after Ari. Cover me.
- Drop the gun now.
- Can't do that.
- I don't want to die.
- It'll be okay, Ari.
KIRBY: Back down and I'll let him live.
Drop it. Drop it.
Ari, look at me.
You're okay. You're okay. It's all over.
It's over. It's over.
It's okay. It's okay. You're all right.
You're okay.
All right. Yeah.
- I'm so sorry.
- SAMEEER: It's not your fault, son.
HIBA: It doesn't matter now.
You're safe.
Thank you so much for bringing
him back to us safely.
You're welcome.
But there's still the matter
of the Thompson girl in the hospital.
Ari has to take responsibility.
But you said yourself
it wasn't his fault.
There's still a process.
No. He has diplomatic immunity.
You need to think this through.
You stole from a brutal dictator,
and if you go back to Nassir's regime,
he'll kill your whole family.
But if you renounce them,
you'll live,
but it means giving up your immunity.
HIBA: We can beg them to forgive us.
Work to pay off the lost diamond.
Even if they agreed to that,
it would take more lifetimes
than we have.
But at least Ari
won't have to go to prison.
No, Mother.
I won't be the reason
you have to go back there.
I will pay for what I did.
You can take me in.
But there is something I must do first.
I did not intend to hurt your daughter.
Is this?
He wanted to come.
ARI: I will take responsibility.
I just needed to see if she was okay.
I see that she is not.
I'm so sorry.
She's all that I have.
And I almost lost her.
they tell me she's gonna be okay.
And I won't be pressing charges.
I do not understand.
She explained to me
that the accident
wasn't really your fault.
And I appreciate your willingness
to take responsibility,
but most of all,
I will not be responsible
for another mother
your mother losing a child.
I understand.
Thank you.
LESHAY: Thank her.
HARRY: Come on!
[GROANS] Oh, my God.
- Still not working?
- No.
And I've tried literally everything.
[SIGHS] I just really
needed this to work.
Hey. Hey, I didn't realize
this was so important to you.
What Where's this coming from?
Honestly? You.
Just listening to you guys
all day, every day,
constantly facing down danger,
I mean, you know,
I-I worry about you.
Especially after we were almost
Burned alive, yeah.
M.E.L. was supposed to help free me up
so I could, you know, be backup.
If something went south,
I could, I I could help maybe.
There's just nothing more important
in the world to me than you.
God, I love you.
I love you.
Hey. How'd it go?
Ari's lucky.
He might do a little time,
but most likely probation.
Yeah, and his parents have
a long road ahead of them,
but at least they're safe.
Did we ever find out
what happened to that diamond?
It's such a shame Sameer's
plan didn't work, you know?
He could've left that brutal
regime in the rearview and
never looked back.
ROBYN: You know,
if you offset the rear wheels,
it'll give the car
a more aggressive stance.
Good idea. Is Ari okay?
And the girl is gonna pull through.
But what I'm trying
to make sense of is
how are you planning
on moving a diamond that size?
Diamond? What are you talking about?
How'd you know?
You were inside the car.
Background is waterfront,
which is different
from the race that day.
And, plus, the way you spoke about Ari,
sounded like you spent time
together prior to that day.
The day that that was taken,
Ari spilled his drink on me.
Okay? I was just looking for a napkin
when I saw something sparkle
in the glove compartment.
Look, I've been waiting
my whole life for a lucky break,
and there it was.
A way out, and all I had to do
was take it.
So I did.
As much as I wanted to,
I knew it wasn't right.
Because you're a good person.
I was gonna put it back,
but then things spun out
of control, and it was
it was too late.
You know, Christine,
I've been where you are.
It's not a good place.
But if there's one thing I've learned,
it's that there's always another way.
And if you like,
I can help you find it.
VI: Me again.
Call me back when you can, Trish.
Again, apologies for canceling, but
I'm really looking forward
to our rain check.
Talk soon. Bye.
You had to reschedule your date?
She's not gonna be happy about it.
I just didn't know how to explain
why a handsome special forces officer
was sitting in our living room.
- Mm.
- Besides,
Dee always comes first.
I'm sorry you had to cancel
your date to protect me.
So, how'd it go with Briggs?
your daughter's a very
special young woman,
which you should be incredibly proud of.
It backfired.
[LAUGHS]: Oh, yeah.
Well, that special young woman
is going to college.
I didn't go through everything I did
just so Delilah could
put herself at risk.
Yeah, well, good luck stopping her.
You know, she's getting to the age
where this may not be
your decision anymore.
What are we watching?
Come on.
Watching you grow up too fast.
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