The Unit s04e02 Episode Script

Sudden Flight

Previously on The Unit.
I need you both to send your children to relatives.
I am not sending my baby away.
These tapes were found in an assassin's suitcase.
You're being relocated.
- Oh, my God.
- We're under siege.
You're not taking my kids, and you're not gonna tell me what to do.
And come tomorrow morning, I'm gonna walk off this base.
These people killed their own children.
You think they won't kill yours? We gotta get him outta here! Redcap.
They're monitoring our communication.
I'm taking fire.
- I've received every merit badge.
- You want to join the team.
So be it.
I can use you.
These are your new identities.
- New names, passports.
- Why are we doing all of this? To keep you safe, Ms.
To keep you and your families safe.
So last year, I was number two in regional sales.
So I get this trip to the Galápagos as a bonus.
I gotta tell you right now.
I nearly lost my mind.
It was just me and a bunch of puffins.
I'm like, " Will someone please show me the ladies and the booze?" My client's passport number is 1987724.
He's on his way to the airport right now.
- Thank you.
- Homeward bound? - Nope.
Going fishing.
- What happened to the nuclear scientist? Uh, we're still on him.
He's the bait.
We're flying commercial, so give me your knife and pistol.
What happened to a quiet week back at the barn, huh? TOC's been picking up some chatter.
Indicates that a V.
's about to be snatched in Joburg.
Uh, allow me.
- Señor.
- Ah.
Muchas gracias.
- What about you, huh? What do you do? - Well- No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Let me guess.
Uh- - Banking.
- Yes.
How did you know? I can read people.
Hello? Uh, no.
I can't discuss this.
Damn cell phones and e-mails.
I gotta tell you right now.
Worst inventions ever.
I haven't gotten four hours of uninterrupted sleep since the electronic revolution began.
I can't discuss this right now.
Hello, hello.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Air Argentina Flight 14, bound forJohannesburg, South Africa.
Please direct your attention to the front of the airplane for a demonstration of our security features.
There's a problem with Flight 14.
It's been off course the last 20 minutes.
There's no distress signal and no response from the cockpit.
- How long ago did they take off? - A little less than an hour.
This is Ryan.
When was the last communication with the captain? - Call Snake Doctor's cell phone.
- It's out of range.
No signal.
- What about the seat-back phone? - It's cut off.
Can I help you? - Is there a problem? - A problem? Of what sort? - Uh, of any sort.
- No.
Of course not.
It's just that you, uh-you seem upset.
- Sir, let me reassure you that- - Ah, it's okay.
I'm a- I'm a safety inspector for the airline.
I'm just deadheading this flight, but if there's something wrong with the phone, I'd love for you to tell me.
It's not the phone.
The captain's not answering.
We've been trying to reach him for half an hour.
- And you tried knocking on the cockpit door? - No answer.
All right.
Well, let me, uh- let me see what I can do.
Okay? Oh, I'm a- I'm a safety inspector.
I need a word with the captain.
There's no sign of mechanical failure.
- What's the equipment? - It's a 767.
I need a passenger and crew manifest pronto.
Run those names through the NORAD database.
Somebody get me the specs on a Boeing 767.
No one else move.
Shut up.
Everyone stays calm, no one will be hurt.
Someone translate.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's been a change in the flight plan.
Allow me to assure you this is not a suicide mission.
We do not require your lives.
We need you alive.
But we do require your compliance.
I'm wired to a bomb that will detonate should anything happen to me.
Do not think you can resist.
For each of us you see, there's another one you do not see.
Don't make any clever plans.
We have other colleagues on board.
When we land, after our demands have been met you will all be released, unharmed.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## That's right, Molly.
You were born in Waterford, Vermont.
What kind of town is Waterford, Vermont? - None of your business.
- No.
That's good.
Someone pushes you, you push back.
That's cover too.
Now- - We're in jeopardy.
We understand.
- What I don't understand is why we've been driving from one pit stop to the next for 10 days for no good reason.
Well, you'll be glad to know we're here.
Your new home.
- You must be Donna.
- From Executive Relocation.
And this is our group from AeroDyne Alliance.
Theyjust flew in to L.
from Burlington, Kansas this morning.
Well, the company sent back the lease papers.
I have all your keys.
- Excellent.
- Missed you plenty.
Missed you too, baby.
Missed you encumbrances.
- Dad.
- Tax deductions.
Dad, stop it.
- Why the long face, grumpy? - She had a tough time leaving her friends.
I understand.
But I think she'll make plenty of new friends here.
Hmm? Good morning.
On behalf of Palm Canyon Court, welcome to your new home.
If you'll follow me.
Absolutely not.
I have three of my men and a certain scientist on that plane.
You tell your boss the State Department needs to step back.
There's 103 passengers on board.
Six crew members, 21 Americans, including Alpha team.
We're still analyzing nonobvious relationships, and nothing positive yet on NORA.
Any gaps in the terrorist watch list, or the Argentinean one? No.
- Is that good or bad? - That's the question.
Well, here's the engineering blueprint.
The passenger manifest shows Dr.
Rocha sitting at the red " X" Snake Doctor here, Cool Breeze here, Betty Blue here.
Spread out to cover all activities and threats.
Problem is they can't communicate.
Contact National Command Authority.
Have them reposition the Indian Ocean satellite.
You think Alpha team can talk on their secure cell phones? Wish is the father to the thought.
You all right? - Pill.
- You have medicine? Pill.
He needs his pill.
He's dying.
- How do you know? - I'm a doctor.
- Thought you were a banker.
- Thought you were a salesman.
Why would you lie about your profession? You tell a stranger on a plane you're a doctor you spend the trip listening to his complaints.
- Get up, both of you.
- He can't.
All right.
Then help him.
Rocha, get up.
This trip is in your honor.
We need him talking when we land.
Come on.
It's all right.
Come on.
All the way back.
Look at the wall.
Open it.
Keep him alive.
- How many? - Two.
There you go.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
- Who are those men? - I don't know.
Well, they know you.
I've done some work which has brought me to their attention.
All right.
Try to relax.
It's- It's a back-to-back lock.
It's a safety measure.
My nephew designs them.
- Really? - They keep uncooperative passengers here until landing.
So, Mrs.
Cahill there's a problem with the air-conditioning in this unit but the repairman should be here soon.
- How you holding up? - I don't understand why Tiffy can have her kids but I can't.
Lissy and Jen are old enough to keep our secret.
Your kids aren't.
Then why can't I have my baby, who doesn't speak yet? Your new life will be stressful enough without having to care for a newborn.
How come only our last names have been changed? So that if you're called by your name, you'll respond.
I didn't draw up the plan, Kim.
But I'll tell you what.
I'll try and get you some answers.
In the meantime, I'm gonna need that photo of your children back.
I'll give it to you.
But may I call my children? - Kim- - I need to talk to them! In World War II, English children were packed up and bused to the Scottish countryside because there were bombings while their mothers worked in factories building planes and ships.
Those mothers didn't see their children for the length of the war.
But in the end, they won the war.
- How long are we gonna be here? - As long as necessary and as short as possible.
- What does that mean? - It means they haven't told me.
- Where's Lissy and Jen? - Uh, checking out the pool.
- So be it.
- Come on, Mack.
Let's christen this place.
- Come on.
- Hey.
I've talked to a divorce lawyer already.
There are papers ready to be filed when all this is done.
So right now we've got two lives- the one out there and the real one in here, which we both know is over.
- You're divorcing me? - Don't look so surprised.
I'm on a mission five months, this is what you hit me with? Look.
We both made mistakes.
- What mistakes did you make? - The point is, if we could just stay civil- No, no, no.
What mistakes have you made, Tiffy? I am not getting in a fight with you.
- Is there somebody else? - No.
I swear on our kids, there is no one else.
You don't get divorced in the Unit.
You might get divorced after, but not during.
Look around, Mack.
I don't know what this place is, but it's not the Unit.
Is it? Is it? There's $5,000 in your account.
We'll make an automatic deposit of 8,000 a month.
Keep your credit card use to a minimum.
Are we all being treated so well? You need a salary commensurate with your position at AeroDyne Alliance.
Familiarize yourself with these company reports.
I know it's a lot, but it's important.
Keep this somewhere safe.
This is Donna.
Thank you.
Your cars have arrived.
Yours is the Mercedes.
Cahill, your cars have arrived.
I'm just going to sign for them.
Yours is the Sebring in the parking lot.
- I need some money.
- Oh, I'm sorry, Kim.
We're still setting up your bank account.
In the meantime- Um- Here's $50.
Do you know how much groceries cost these days? We won't let you starve.
Let me see what I can do about getting the cash flow flowing.
And, ladies, remember.
Your husbands travel a lot for the company and when they're here, they're busy working on planes.
This place is swankier than mine.
All part of our cover, I guess.
When were you and Jonas in Paris? We weren't.
All cell phones, cameras- anything electronic.
They can't shoot.
If they hit the plane, it will depressurize the cabin.
- No, they won't.
It's a myth.
- How do you know? - What are you saying? - She was worried that, uh, your bullets would hit the plane and- and depressurize the cabin.
- I told her it was a myth.
- How do you know? I'm a- I'm a safety inspector for the airline.
- What are you doing on this flight? - Just deadheading.
- You're American.
- I'm half American.
My father is- is Argentinean.
- I'll help you guys.
I just- I don't want anyone to get hurt.
- Take her.
- She gets five minutes.
- Okay.
The air-conditioning man's here.
He's in the bedroom.
- I came to see if I could borrow some milk.
- Well, I don't have any.
- What were you doing just now? - Nothing.
What's in your hand? - You stole those? - It's just some stupid cigarettes.
Take 'em.
- When did you start smoking? - I'm not.
I met someone at the pool who asked for some cigarettes, okay? It's not a big deal.
Serena? Hi.
It's Mommy.
How are y- Okay.
Put him on.
Dad, it's me.
What's wrong? - You shoot pool? - A bit.
Where'd you learn? Same as anybody.
Hanging out with my brothers.
Your brothers? What do they do? Are they in? - One of them's in.
- He in the sandbox? - No.
The navy.
- Special ops? Surface.
- I bet their proud of you, your brothers.
- Oh, I'm proud of them.
- Your dad? - Oh, he's still workin' hard.
- You miss him? - How you doin', soldier? Hmm.
How are the women doin'? - I believe they're doing well.
- It's a tough transition for 'em.
- Yes, I know.
- You taking care of'em? Best way I know how.
- Two ball dead in the corner.
- Mmm, I don't see it.
I saw a flight attendant go into the cockpit just after takeoff.
- You see anybody else before that? - Two maybe three people before you came on board.
I can't recall.
You all right? - You need another pill? - No.
It's not my heart.
You said I was going to die.
It's true.
My doctors don't know what's wrong.
They took some tissue out two weeks ago, but now the wound won't heal.
They told me not to travel, but there's a specialist in Johannesburg.
You have to help me get my notebook back.
- What's in it? - It's something which if in the wrong hands could be used to create massive destruction.
It's been five minutes.
She must still be- I said five minutes.
Back in your seats.
Shut up! - I said shut up! - Oh! Oh! Get up.
Stop it.
You want to die? Huh? - I sick.
- You want to die? They will kill you.
- I need water.
Please get me water.
- Shut up.
Shut up.
- I need water.
- Mister, you can't be in here.
Hey! - You can't be back here.
- Oh! What's he doing back there? - You gotta get out ofhere.
- Get him back to his seat.
- Mister, you gotta get back to your seat.
- Oh! - Oh, I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
- All right.
Move it.
Sit down.
Put your head between your knees and shut up if you want to live.
I can't breathe.
That goes for everyone else.
He's fine.
So I've got the bedroom already.
You've got the couch.
Well, that beats a rock in the rain.
I guess you won't have any trouble bouncing back from our divorce.
Just do me a favor.
Screw around on your missions, not here.
I don't want our girls seeing what I just saw.
You don't want 'em to see a healthy relationship based on friendship and respect.
Who knew you could think of a woman in such lofty terms? Go for Gerhardt.
What do you wa- Oh.
Uh, I'm sorry.
Can I- Can I help you? I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm Dorothy Baker.
I- I live next door.
Well, hello.
It's so nice to meet you.
I'm Tiffy Dahl.
You all right, honey? Yes.
Of course.
Why wouldn't I be? - I heard everything.
Walls are pretty thin here.
- Oh, no.
It's nothing like that.
It was just a little- Look.
Um, I'm sorry we disturbed you.
If you ever need anything, anything at all, you know where to find me.
Now this is worth somethin'.
That's a pretty expensive piece for someone so young.
Is it stolen? No.
Of course not.
- It's my husband's.
- Mmm.
- Are you getting a divorce? - No.
Reason I ask- I've been burned a couple times by divorcing couples.
Uh, I hand over the cash, find out the husband - didn't give the wife permission to sell the stuff- - Are you a lawyer? Oh, no, ma'am.
I'm a businessman.
- Can I speak to robbery detail? - Oh, please.
- Turns out this watch is stolen, it's my recourse.
- I swear.
It's not stolen.
Well, then this is just a formality.
Thank you.
I've changed my mind.
- Molly, where's Kim? - I have no idea.
- Would you tell me if you did? - Why? - She's gone.
- She's probably at the grocery store.
No, she's not.
I need your help.
They're taking Emily into surgery tomorrow for enterocolitis.
That's why she hasn't been eating.
I have to be there, Molly.
- And you're gonna drive all the way to Texas by yourself? - I thought about flying but they'd track me.
The people that are after us, that we're hiding from- Bridget Sullivan, the Unit- they wouldn't even let me call my kids.
And I don't have the money for a plane ticket.
How did you even find me? Bridget asked me where you were.
And I was going to look for you at the grocery store.
Then I saw you at the gas station.
I'm not going to let you go through this alone.
They could use this to track us.
Damn right.
- Sir, Dirt Diver's airborne.
- Dirt Diver.
Flight 14's on a direct heading to Mexico City.
- Roger that.
- By our calculations - the hijackers are gonna need to refuel there.
- Any communication yet? No.
- How do we know this isn't a crash and burn? - Well, we don't.
But that's a situation with only one solution.
So let's assume we have more options.
I need you to intercept the plane, take a parallel course.
If they try to refuel, I want you to land first and use local resources to lead a ground assault.
Roger that.
I understand.
We gotta land this plane.
This man needs a hospital.
- What is that? - It's dehiscence of a surgical wound.
Due to stress.
And he's bleeding.
- Take care of it.
- I don't have the tools to take care of it.
- You have to land this plane.
- Keep him alive.
Hello? Yes? Who is this? - Who was it? - I don't know.
I don't recognize the number.
Snake Doctor's cell phone.
Play 343.
There's no bypass code.
You have reached customer service at the Franklin Mint.
Due to heavy- Attention.
This is your captain speaking.
We are experiencing an emergency.
You have to land this plane.
You are required to comply with these instructions in full and immediately.
Assume the crash position.
Place your head between your knees and grasp your hands at the back of your head.
Stay down.
- Sit down, or I'll shoot.
- Please do not be alarmed.
Follow the instructions.
Sit down now.
- Sit in your seat, or I'll- - You see anything? Yeah, smoked another two out.
That makes five total, plus whoever's in the cockpit.
the lights, sir.
Why do I keep hearing announcements? Why don't you know anything? General Perez, I understand you want to take immediate action but there are people on board that neither of us can afford to lose.
And let me assure you that if that plane descends to 8,000 feet with no contact my government will blow it out of the sky ourselves.
Sir, they'vejust made contact.
The control tower in Mexico City just received a request to refuel.
- I think I'm sunburned.
Can you check? - Lissy.
Oh, hi, Tiffy.
- Guys, this is my mom, Tiffy.
- I need to talk to you.
- Later, Mom.
- Lissy, get up now or I'll tell all your new friends what happened at camp last summer.
So, on the first day of camp, Lissy met this boy she liked.
- His name was Devon- - Okay.
I'll see you guys later.
- Thanks for embarrassing me in front of my friends.
- Where'd you get the bikini? Stacy loaned it to me.
What's your problem? We haven't been here 10 hours, I come out to find you stripping for some strange boy.
- I'm just making new friends.
- " A," we are not on a first name basis.
And " B," you tell me before you leave the house for anything other than school.
Get over yourself.
You're on a need to know basis.
Excuse me? When we get back to Fort Griffith, you better believe you are gonna be on base confinement until you're of age to get out of the house.
Maybe we could tell Bridget.
Explain Emily's condition.
I think she'd understand.
Whatever happens to Emily, I'm not going back.
I'll take the kids and go if I have to.
- You think you could live like that? - I don't know yet but I can't live like this.
Oh, God.
family, south of Pico, in the middle of the street.
Hello, Officer.
What seems to be the problem? You were going 15 miles over the speed limit.
License and registration, please.
You know what I did to the last man that told me I was speeding? I married him.
Have a nice day, ma'am.
And, please, slow down.
The plane's gonna land on Runway 9, farthest from the terminal.
I need snipers in place at the north end.
When the plane hits the ground, light the bonfire which should draw the hijackers into the cockpit to see what's going on.
Snipers should take out as many as possible while we assault from the rear.
Yes, sir.
- Uh, it looks like Mexico City.
Is that where we're landing? - I haven't decided yet.
Are you gonna release the passengers? Thank you for your interest.
Get that body out of the way.
I'll help her.
I need something.
You stoleJuan's I.
Who are you? I'm an air marshal.
I need the code to the crew quarters.
I'll do it myself.
Ready? One, two, three.
There you go.
- Okay.
- I'll get something for the floor.
Sir, do you hear that? That hissing sound.
I'm worried about the structural integrity of this plane.
I think one of your bullets hit an oxygen tube.
We should set it down.
That's for my conference.
Not anymore.
Plane's 10 seconds from touchdown.
Somebody tipped 'em off.
Who was it? Somebody tipped 'em off! It's heading east.
Now northeast.
No response to our communications.
They'll be over the Gulf of Mexico in 20 minutes, at our border in 90.
Secretary of state's on line one.
General Perez on two.
Scramble the fighter jets.
Sir? When the plane reaches 200 klicks offshore, we're taking Flight 14 out.
- We're climbing again.
- Yes, we are.
Get up.
Put your weapons down.
Shoot him.
Do it now! Well- Everybody listen up.
We're here to help.
Put your hands on your heads.
Everything's under control.
How much fuel is left? Enough to reach Cuba.
Don't shoot.
- Thank God you killed him.
Are there any left? - No.
He forced me.
He told me he'd blow up the plane.
Killed my first officer.
- When? - When the plane was boarding, he- he handed me a note.
- Let me show you.
- Where's the final destination? I don't know.
He, uh- He never said.
He was in here alone.
The transponder's not set to hijacking.
Well, who here's flown a 767? Who here wants to fly a 767? I spoke to the hospital.
- They know I'm on my way, but they can't delay the surgery.
- Kim driving all the way to Texas is crazy especially if you can't make it to surgery.
Let's go back to the apartments before anyone realizes you're gone.
If I can get on a plane, I can still make it.
Can you give me enough cash to buy a ticket? Hello, Kim.
You sold me out.
She begged me to get you a flight to Texas.
- You lied to me? - I am trying to save your life.
And I am so sorry.
You are in no state to be traveling alone.
- My child is going in for surgery.
- You called home.
- Were you going to tell me about my baby? - I recommended you be told.
I understand that we're in danger.
I understand we must be sequestered.
But my child is ill.
You can't go to Texas, Kim.
We are in contact with the hospital and you will have an update on your baby just as soon as I have one.
An airline maintenance worker just confessed to smuggling the weapons on board before takeoff.
- Did he give up the hijackers? - Said they were just bus drivers.
The deal was 20 mil to deliver the plane and Dr.
Rocha to a specific destination.
- Where? - Only the salesman knew.
- How's Dr.
Rocha doing now? - He's on a transport to Walter Reed.
Said there's something seriously wrong with him, but it's got 'em stumped.
So we have no connection to a live terrorist.
Press the maintenance worker harder.
He's lyin'.
- How do you know? - Everybody's lying.
Do you have a minute? - Uh, sure.
What's up? - I have reason to tell you something you don't know.
What are you talking about? Did my daughter say something to you? Would you come with me, please? No, I don't- - Do you think this is a game? - Who are you? - Please calm yourself.
- Who are you? - We work with the Unit.
- Here to assess your ability to maintain the cover.
If we'd been the real bad guys, you'd be dead by now.
Your daughters too.
- I'm sorry.
I just- - No.
You need to be perfect.
If you can't, we'll have to take corrective measures.
- Like what? - We'll have to separate you from your children.
No, please, don't take my kids.
- Then you must keep them under control.
- Okay.
I will.
I promise.
As for you and Mack, he is supposed to be your loving husband.
Do you understand? I understand.
Hey, Kim? - Hey.
- Did you hear about Emily? - I heard.
- She went into surgery three hours ago.
They said they'd give us an update, but no one's- I just got off the phone with Emily's doctor.
She came through the surgery perfectly.
They expect she'll be discharged to your parents at the end of the week.
And, Kim, I thought you might want this back.
I'm not strong enough.
What do you do when you're not strong enough? You act as if you are.

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