Transformers Robots In Disguise (2015) s04e02 Episode Script
King of the Hill (Part 2)
1 NARRATOR: Previously, on Robots In Disguise: BUMBLEBEE: Strongarm, are you there? Is that Stunticon turning out to be a big problem? You're trespassing.
I've claimed this valley for my chief.
STRONGARM: It has been a long time since I've seen such speed and agility.
I am so ready for today's championship game.
Apply some coolant wouldn't you? I'd like to see something even try to surprise us.
Have you seen any? STRONGARM: Uh, no? Does Stunticon have some friends? He has missiles.
BUMBLEBEE: One 'Con with some missiles shouldn't be too tough.
The nuclear waste disposal site.
One for each of us, scrap.
( dramatic theme playing ) We can't let those missiles explode on the ground in this part of the valley.
Everyone rev up and roll out, fast.
BUMBLEBEE: Pour it on, team.
Head for those mountains.
Where's Grimlock? Keep going.
I'll catch up.
Might be tomorrow but I'll catch up.
He is too slow.
He's not gonna make it.
Transformers Robots in disguise Robots in disguise ( roars) Robots in disguise Robots in disguise ( tense theme playing ) - What do we do? - I'll go back and try to push Grimlock out of the way.
I recognize that type of missile.
Amplify comm signals by three Megahertz.
Transmit at full power.
( squeak ) ( grunts ) Good thinking, Drift.
We shorted out the missiles' detonators.
I can't contact the Scrapyard.
That stunt zotzed our comms.
If he fires more rockets at us, we can't try that again.
Not that our comms were working so well, with all that background nuclear radiation interfering.
Hi, guys.
I'm alive.
I wonder what effect that radiation is having on us.
Yeah, let's deal with this Stunticon as quickly as possible.
He caught me off-guard before but now that I know what we're up against, we'll make short work of this perp.
We know he's hiding up there.
Stay behind cover as much as possible on the way.
- You too, Grimlock.
- I won't argue.
Sir, regulations specifically say Strongarm, we tackle missions like this all the time.
Yes, sir.
Then let's rev up and roll out.
Stay behind cover.
Stay behind cover.
Stay behind cover.
( action theme playing ) ( panting ) ( groans ) ( whistle blows ) ( sighs ) Rusty, get your head back in the game, pal.
It's the championship.
You missed a field goal.
It's not a big deal.
No, he's a big deal.
As long as they have that kid I'll never make another field goal.
I shouldn't have shot my mouth off before the game.
( dramatic theme playing ) With missiles in the equation, it's a good thing this valley has been evacuated.
Well, not completely evacuated.
What does that mean? We encountered some kind of hermit, sir.
But he didn't see us in Bot-Mode, so our cover is good.
We didn't want him finding out who we were, so we got out of there.
Well, his life is in danger, so go back there and get him to leave.
But Lieutenant, in this situation In this situation, you get that hermit out of here.
Will do, Bee.
Caught up to you.
Must be getting faster.
Aw, no fair.
Cover here is scarce.
It's the only way through.
What's with all these barrels? Does this Stunticon really think these will stop us? Heh, maybe he's not so bright after all.
( gasp ) ( groaning ) He filled these barrels with oil.
Each one of them is a bomb.
( vehicle approaching ) Got the message yet, Autobots? When Heatseeker claims territory for his chief, it stays claimed.
Evasive maneuvers.
( grunting ) We are fortunate to be far from the nuclear waste disposal site.
Explosions here will not damage it.
Some easy mission.
Strongarm was right: we were completely unprepared for something like this because I let us go soft.
Now is not the time for self-recrimination.
We must regain our focus.
That is what makes our team so successful.
( tire screeching ) You'll never take me, aliens.
It's you again.
Did you find any aliens, hm? Sir, you have to leave this area immediately.
There's danger of a radiation leak.
Mule muffins.
That's just another government cover story, trying to scare us.
I'm not leaving till I contact some honest-to-goodness extraterrestrials.
( buzzing ) STRONGARM: Well, now what? We've done everything just like the manual says.
Well, if he wants to see aliens, maybe we show him aliens.
What? No way.
SIDESWIPE: Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
You still here? ( suspense theme playing ) Greetings.
From another world.
( yelling ) Aliens! You're You're You're real A real alien.
Oh, scrud, Sideswipe.
Even though I've been saying it for all these years, I I never thought I'd actually see Ugh.
I better call someone.
The newspapers.
The army.
What? Wait, no, no, no.
We come in peace, human.
We have been among you, hiding and observing for years.
And we bring great secret knowledge to share.
Yeah, uh, uh, yes, but we will tell you when you can share this wondrous news with the rest of your planet.
You're not aliens.
No visitors from other planets would disguise themselves as flashy cars.
I I must be hallucinating.
Yeah, that's it.
The government put something in my cactus juice.
It's not going to work, you hear me.
Ho, ho! I'm on to you! Well played, Sideswipe.
Back at you.
( Heatseeker cheering ) HEATSEEKER: Come on out, Autobots.
What are you scared of? A few missiles? We're pinned here, what we need is a diversion.
- Hi guys.
I made it.
- Grimlock.
We need you to distract this Stunticon, Heatseeker, so Drift and I can get close to him and take him out.
But beware.
He has protected himself with oil-filled barrels that his missiles can explode.
No, I got this.
'Atta Dino.
Heads up, coming at you.
I got this, I got this.
( grunting ) Okay, we don't want that happening too often.
( groaning ) That ought to make him think twice.
Wait, there was two others.
How do you like that, Drift? He is smarter than he looks.
( grunting ) It doesn't take a genius to lay the smack down on you.
( dramatic theme playing ) ( groaning ) You just paid the Stunticon's toll, you broken toaster.
( grunts ) ( tire screeching ) BUMBLEBEE: I don't care what you are, Heatseeker.
You're just another 'Con to me.
Whoa! Ugh! ( groaning ) Aw, scrap.
HEATSEEKER: See you down the road, Autobot.
( engine revving ) Hey.
What are you? Ugh.
I I I can fly! Whoo-whoo! Whoa.
Wha? What are you doing, son? - The game's not over.
- It is for me.
Field goal time.
You're in.
Sorry, Hank, I can't I'm injured.
- Injured? - It was that last kick I tried I did something to my ankle.
( sigh ) Well, if we don't have our best kicker, we'll just have to go for a first down.
Feel better.
Rusty, why'd you lie? If I go out there, I'm just going to hurt the team and make myself look silly.
You'll hurt them more if you don't even try.
But I did try.
You know, I was a good student when I was your age.
Made all A's.
But then I got a D.
It floored me.
For a long time after that, I didn't think I could ever get an A again.
So you quit school and started a successful business selling vintage stuff? No.
I realized that if I quit then, I could find a reason to quit anything for the rest of my life.
And I didn't wanna do that.
So I went back, figured out what I was doing wrong and worked at it.
And I started getting A's again.
And after I graduated, then I started a successful business selling vintage stuff.
HANK: Alright, way to go, everybody.
Sounds like your team scored.
You could still pull this game out.
There's plenty of time left.
( dramatic theme playing ) This is fantastic.
Yeeee-haw! But who are you? How did you Why did you do this? Hang on sounds like we're not alone up here.
STRONGARM: Drift, are you damaged? I am fine.
Where's Bee? Oh.
Bee's been holding out on us.
He never said he could fly.
It looks like he has some kind of a modification.
A Mini-Con? Great job, Lieutenant.
( cheering ) STRONGARM: All right.
I bet he spotted that Stunticon.
Let's get over there.
( sighs ) No, you all go ahead, I'll catch up.
Come on, come on.
Gotta get out to this valley before the government shows up to lock me away, or before the alien invasion starts, whichever I was headed back to my chief to get some help with these pesky Autobots, but maybe I've got all the help I need right here.
( laughing and gasps ) It ain't a talking alien car, man, you're still seeing things, just keep working.
Roll away from the human.
Just get in the van, man.
Drive away from the hallucinations.
We're on top of a nuclear waste dump, Decepticon, don't do anything foolish.
Hi, guys, I'm Oh, business time.
Game face.
( roars ) Don't let him fire.
Smother him.
( grunting ) ( dramatic theme playing ) ( sighs ) The chief ain't gonna like this.
Huh? But the chief will like this.
Time out.
Time out.
( whistle blows ) How's it looking out there? Time's running out.
We can maybe run one more play and hope for a miracle.
RUSSELL: Or, we could try a field goal.
- But your ankle - It feels a lot better.
What about the tall kid? I've been working the problem.
To get the ball over that kid, it's gonna have to fly higher, earlier.
If I change the angle of my leg And if I tilt the ball a little more when I hold it for you Let's give it a try.
( whistle blows ) Yes.
What a kick.
( groaning ) What What happened? Is everyone okay? Ugh.
I feel weird.
Like I transformed but in a different way, maybe.
I feel like I had a bunch of stuff on my head.
I remember only darkness.
Whatever it was seems to be over.
Probably, we were just knocked silly by the explosion.
We have been most fortunate.
It appears the blast did not damage the ground, or anything beneath it.
No sign of Heatseeker, or the Mini-Con that helped me fly.
Judging by these tracks, it doesn't look like they were destroyed.
I'll tell you something else there's no sign of, my Decepticon Hunter.
I'm on it.
Maybe it was destroyed? Could have been, I suppose.
I scouted to a quarter-klick out.
No sign of your DH, boss.
There's nothing more to be done here, let's head home for now.
We need to re-focus on preparation.
I don't want us taken by surprise again.
Sir, even sticking too tightly to the rules can get you in trouble.
That's a good point, Cadet.
But the least we can do is stay on top of our training and be flexible in case of anything we're not expecting.
We can't take anything for granted.
The stakes we play for are too high.
Let's rev up and roll out.
( dramatic theme playing ) MOTORMASTER: Heatseeker.
Why aren't you holding your territory? Ran into some Autobots.
I could have taken them, but I found this and thought I should bring it back to you, pronto, chief.
MOTORMASTER: What is it? Looks Cybertronian.
Yeah, I found it in a crater with a bunch of destroyed Cybertronian stuff but this still works.
It gets like this whenever it's around anything from back home.
So? Big deal.
Chief, it finds Cybertronian tech and there's tons of it on this mudball.
MOTORMASTER: Ah, stuff we can use to help us take over Earth's roads.
( laughing ) ( dramatic theme playing ) SOUNDWAVE: You have done well.
Bring Bumblebee's Decepticon Hunter to me.
I've claimed this valley for my chief.
STRONGARM: It has been a long time since I've seen such speed and agility.
I am so ready for today's championship game.
Apply some coolant wouldn't you? I'd like to see something even try to surprise us.
Have you seen any? STRONGARM: Uh, no? Does Stunticon have some friends? He has missiles.
BUMBLEBEE: One 'Con with some missiles shouldn't be too tough.
The nuclear waste disposal site.
One for each of us, scrap.
( dramatic theme playing ) We can't let those missiles explode on the ground in this part of the valley.
Everyone rev up and roll out, fast.
BUMBLEBEE: Pour it on, team.
Head for those mountains.
Where's Grimlock? Keep going.
I'll catch up.
Might be tomorrow but I'll catch up.
He is too slow.
He's not gonna make it.
Transformers Robots in disguise Robots in disguise ( roars) Robots in disguise Robots in disguise ( tense theme playing ) - What do we do? - I'll go back and try to push Grimlock out of the way.
I recognize that type of missile.
Amplify comm signals by three Megahertz.
Transmit at full power.
( squeak ) ( grunts ) Good thinking, Drift.
We shorted out the missiles' detonators.
I can't contact the Scrapyard.
That stunt zotzed our comms.
If he fires more rockets at us, we can't try that again.
Not that our comms were working so well, with all that background nuclear radiation interfering.
Hi, guys.
I'm alive.
I wonder what effect that radiation is having on us.
Yeah, let's deal with this Stunticon as quickly as possible.
He caught me off-guard before but now that I know what we're up against, we'll make short work of this perp.
We know he's hiding up there.
Stay behind cover as much as possible on the way.
- You too, Grimlock.
- I won't argue.
Sir, regulations specifically say Strongarm, we tackle missions like this all the time.
Yes, sir.
Then let's rev up and roll out.
Stay behind cover.
Stay behind cover.
Stay behind cover.
( action theme playing ) ( panting ) ( groans ) ( whistle blows ) ( sighs ) Rusty, get your head back in the game, pal.
It's the championship.
You missed a field goal.
It's not a big deal.
No, he's a big deal.
As long as they have that kid I'll never make another field goal.
I shouldn't have shot my mouth off before the game.
( dramatic theme playing ) With missiles in the equation, it's a good thing this valley has been evacuated.
Well, not completely evacuated.
What does that mean? We encountered some kind of hermit, sir.
But he didn't see us in Bot-Mode, so our cover is good.
We didn't want him finding out who we were, so we got out of there.
Well, his life is in danger, so go back there and get him to leave.
But Lieutenant, in this situation In this situation, you get that hermit out of here.
Will do, Bee.
Caught up to you.
Must be getting faster.
Aw, no fair.
Cover here is scarce.
It's the only way through.
What's with all these barrels? Does this Stunticon really think these will stop us? Heh, maybe he's not so bright after all.
( gasp ) ( groaning ) He filled these barrels with oil.
Each one of them is a bomb.
( vehicle approaching ) Got the message yet, Autobots? When Heatseeker claims territory for his chief, it stays claimed.
Evasive maneuvers.
( grunting ) We are fortunate to be far from the nuclear waste disposal site.
Explosions here will not damage it.
Some easy mission.
Strongarm was right: we were completely unprepared for something like this because I let us go soft.
Now is not the time for self-recrimination.
We must regain our focus.
That is what makes our team so successful.
( tire screeching ) You'll never take me, aliens.
It's you again.
Did you find any aliens, hm? Sir, you have to leave this area immediately.
There's danger of a radiation leak.
Mule muffins.
That's just another government cover story, trying to scare us.
I'm not leaving till I contact some honest-to-goodness extraterrestrials.
( buzzing ) STRONGARM: Well, now what? We've done everything just like the manual says.
Well, if he wants to see aliens, maybe we show him aliens.
What? No way.
SIDESWIPE: Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
You still here? ( suspense theme playing ) Greetings.
From another world.
( yelling ) Aliens! You're You're You're real A real alien.
Oh, scrud, Sideswipe.
Even though I've been saying it for all these years, I I never thought I'd actually see Ugh.
I better call someone.
The newspapers.
The army.
What? Wait, no, no, no.
We come in peace, human.
We have been among you, hiding and observing for years.
And we bring great secret knowledge to share.
Yeah, uh, uh, yes, but we will tell you when you can share this wondrous news with the rest of your planet.
You're not aliens.
No visitors from other planets would disguise themselves as flashy cars.
I I must be hallucinating.
Yeah, that's it.
The government put something in my cactus juice.
It's not going to work, you hear me.
Ho, ho! I'm on to you! Well played, Sideswipe.
Back at you.
( Heatseeker cheering ) HEATSEEKER: Come on out, Autobots.
What are you scared of? A few missiles? We're pinned here, what we need is a diversion.
- Hi guys.
I made it.
- Grimlock.
We need you to distract this Stunticon, Heatseeker, so Drift and I can get close to him and take him out.
But beware.
He has protected himself with oil-filled barrels that his missiles can explode.
No, I got this.
'Atta Dino.
Heads up, coming at you.
I got this, I got this.
( grunting ) Okay, we don't want that happening too often.
( groaning ) That ought to make him think twice.
Wait, there was two others.
How do you like that, Drift? He is smarter than he looks.
( grunting ) It doesn't take a genius to lay the smack down on you.
( dramatic theme playing ) ( groaning ) You just paid the Stunticon's toll, you broken toaster.
( grunts ) ( tire screeching ) BUMBLEBEE: I don't care what you are, Heatseeker.
You're just another 'Con to me.
Whoa! Ugh! ( groaning ) Aw, scrap.
HEATSEEKER: See you down the road, Autobot.
( engine revving ) Hey.
What are you? Ugh.
I I I can fly! Whoo-whoo! Whoa.
Wha? What are you doing, son? - The game's not over.
- It is for me.
Field goal time.
You're in.
Sorry, Hank, I can't I'm injured.
- Injured? - It was that last kick I tried I did something to my ankle.
( sigh ) Well, if we don't have our best kicker, we'll just have to go for a first down.
Feel better.
Rusty, why'd you lie? If I go out there, I'm just going to hurt the team and make myself look silly.
You'll hurt them more if you don't even try.
But I did try.
You know, I was a good student when I was your age.
Made all A's.
But then I got a D.
It floored me.
For a long time after that, I didn't think I could ever get an A again.
So you quit school and started a successful business selling vintage stuff? No.
I realized that if I quit then, I could find a reason to quit anything for the rest of my life.
And I didn't wanna do that.
So I went back, figured out what I was doing wrong and worked at it.
And I started getting A's again.
And after I graduated, then I started a successful business selling vintage stuff.
HANK: Alright, way to go, everybody.
Sounds like your team scored.
You could still pull this game out.
There's plenty of time left.
( dramatic theme playing ) This is fantastic.
Yeeee-haw! But who are you? How did you Why did you do this? Hang on sounds like we're not alone up here.
STRONGARM: Drift, are you damaged? I am fine.
Where's Bee? Oh.
Bee's been holding out on us.
He never said he could fly.
It looks like he has some kind of a modification.
A Mini-Con? Great job, Lieutenant.
( cheering ) STRONGARM: All right.
I bet he spotted that Stunticon.
Let's get over there.
( sighs ) No, you all go ahead, I'll catch up.
Come on, come on.
Gotta get out to this valley before the government shows up to lock me away, or before the alien invasion starts, whichever I was headed back to my chief to get some help with these pesky Autobots, but maybe I've got all the help I need right here.
( laughing and gasps ) It ain't a talking alien car, man, you're still seeing things, just keep working.
Roll away from the human.
Just get in the van, man.
Drive away from the hallucinations.
We're on top of a nuclear waste dump, Decepticon, don't do anything foolish.
Hi, guys, I'm Oh, business time.
Game face.
( roars ) Don't let him fire.
Smother him.
( grunting ) ( dramatic theme playing ) ( sighs ) The chief ain't gonna like this.
Huh? But the chief will like this.
Time out.
Time out.
( whistle blows ) How's it looking out there? Time's running out.
We can maybe run one more play and hope for a miracle.
RUSSELL: Or, we could try a field goal.
- But your ankle - It feels a lot better.
What about the tall kid? I've been working the problem.
To get the ball over that kid, it's gonna have to fly higher, earlier.
If I change the angle of my leg And if I tilt the ball a little more when I hold it for you Let's give it a try.
( whistle blows ) Yes.
What a kick.
( groaning ) What What happened? Is everyone okay? Ugh.
I feel weird.
Like I transformed but in a different way, maybe.
I feel like I had a bunch of stuff on my head.
I remember only darkness.
Whatever it was seems to be over.
Probably, we were just knocked silly by the explosion.
We have been most fortunate.
It appears the blast did not damage the ground, or anything beneath it.
No sign of Heatseeker, or the Mini-Con that helped me fly.
Judging by these tracks, it doesn't look like they were destroyed.
I'll tell you something else there's no sign of, my Decepticon Hunter.
I'm on it.
Maybe it was destroyed? Could have been, I suppose.
I scouted to a quarter-klick out.
No sign of your DH, boss.
There's nothing more to be done here, let's head home for now.
We need to re-focus on preparation.
I don't want us taken by surprise again.
Sir, even sticking too tightly to the rules can get you in trouble.
That's a good point, Cadet.
But the least we can do is stay on top of our training and be flexible in case of anything we're not expecting.
We can't take anything for granted.
The stakes we play for are too high.
Let's rev up and roll out.
( dramatic theme playing ) MOTORMASTER: Heatseeker.
Why aren't you holding your territory? Ran into some Autobots.
I could have taken them, but I found this and thought I should bring it back to you, pronto, chief.
MOTORMASTER: What is it? Looks Cybertronian.
Yeah, I found it in a crater with a bunch of destroyed Cybertronian stuff but this still works.
It gets like this whenever it's around anything from back home.
So? Big deal.
Chief, it finds Cybertronian tech and there's tons of it on this mudball.
MOTORMASTER: Ah, stuff we can use to help us take over Earth's roads.
( laughing ) ( dramatic theme playing ) SOUNDWAVE: You have done well.
Bring Bumblebee's Decepticon Hunter to me.