Trying (2020) s04e02 Episode Script


Will you tell Tyler I've
set up Bev's computer?
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
Oh, wow.
Bev was on a dating website. Jase?
Do you know Bev was on a dating website?
Well, good on her, eh?
- Aw.
- Oh, look.
Oh, I miss date night.
Uh, are we still excited to
spend time together, you know?
Find new things out about each other.
I'm not gonna find out anything good
about you now, am I, thirteen years in?
I mean, if it was good,
you would have led with it.
All right then. Well, let's get a
pizza tonight or something, shall we?
No, I'm talking about spending
quality time with each other.
You know, going out somewhere.
- Out?
- Yes, out.
Why? The only reason you go out
is to meet someone to stay in with.
And we've done that. We won.
This is our prize. We're the winners.
I don't wanna go out there
with the losers. No, thank you.
I tell you what, she slammed
that a lot quieter than last time.
- That's progress, Nik.
- Something's up with her.
She got angry at me yesterday
because apparently I go
"Ah" when I drink tea.
- What?
- I sip tea and go "Ah"
and apparently, it's
"unnecessary" and "performative."
Oh, yeah. Here she is.
You all right?
- Yeah.
- Yep.
Oh, no.
Aw, Jase, Jase, Jase,
Jase, Jase, come here.
- Come here. Come Come here. Come here.
- Why? What's happened now?
- Someone's messaged her. Oh, no.
- Aw, they haven't.
- She had a date set up.
- Oh, God.
But she can't go because she died.
Oh, yeah, yeah. I know that, yeah. Okay.
- Poor George.
- We we should write to him, shouldn't we?
- No, what are you doing?
- Well, we gotta let him know.
No, you can't do that. Look
how much they've been messaging.
They know each other. We can't
just reply "Hi. She's dead."
We need to let him know in person.
- What are you doing now? What's that?
- I'm just I'm confirming the date.
- You're what?
- I can't ghost him.
You're pretending to be a dead
woman, you literally are a ghost.
Oh, Jase, you don't need to come.
Ooh! Oh, he's taking us to Serafina.
The simple truth is supply
chains are so complex now.
well, it's inevitable.
I mean, food labeling.
You know, it's an it's an
exercise in liability limitation
rather than public health, which
is the opposite of the intention.
Anyway I'll forward you the article.
Oh, my goodness! Who let a
penguin loose in the house?
Someone call the penguin
po Oh, it's you.
Where have you been?
I just went for a walk in the
garden, but, uh, got a bit tired.
Oh, I know. You can't do
it all in one, can you?
You know that, don't you, Stevie?
It's not like our old house.
If you go for a walk in the garden,
you need to take water with
you in case you get lost.
You excited for Earth Day, darling?
Oh, remember, take the electric car.
And for God's sake, don't tell
them you work for an oil company.
Or that you have a
big house. Or holidays.
Or anything you might
boasted about before 2010,
do not mention now.
Roger that.
Yeah, keep going. Keep
going down the right.
Come on. One, two. One,
two like we practiced.
Carrot stick?
It's 10:30.
Yeah, I like to get
my five a day in early.
Then I can just coast
the rest of the day.
Can I ask you a question?
How often are you and Hayley
going out, like on a date night?
- Out?
- Yeah, out.
- Why would we go out? We're not single.
- Exactly.
People go out for sex.
Whatever they tell you, it's sex.
Do you think that many
people are into pottery?
Come on. People join a
pottery class for sex.
If you get a milk jug out
of it, then that's a bonus.
You see, now they're
putting sofas in pubs.
So, they're trying to make
going out look like staying in.
I mean Okay, okay. I'm
sitting inside with Hayley.
You want us to stop
talking, put on our coats,
- walk down the road, get on the bus
- Mmm.
sit on that bus for 20 minutes,
sit back down three miles
from where we started
and start talking again?
That's an absurd idea.
- Preach.
- Plus, my mortgage is so high,
I like to stay in as much as
possible. Get my money's worth.
- I feel you, mate.
- Look here.
Yes, yes, yes, yes,
go! Yes, Georgie boy!
Go on! That's what I'm talking about!
Mate? Sorry Mate? Excuse me, hi.
Do you think there's any
chance of our boys getting on?
'Cause otherwise we're
just two grown men
stood in a field staring at kids.
- Do you know what I mean?
- Yeah, look,
I asked them to separate
the less coordinated ones
- into a group and they won't.
- Ah.
It's-It's just we've already separated
the less-coordinated ones into a group.
We call it "children."
All right, Tyler,
Theo. Come on. On we go.
Okay, that's it. Yeah. Come on, lads.
- Lily, George.
- There we go.
Go on, Son.
Just enjoy yourselves.
Okay, lads. Come on. Bring it in!
That's full time. Well done.
- Come on in, lads.
- That's it, Tyler. Yep, stretch it out.
Can't be too careful, mate.
Well done, Son.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Is Kat Reid here?
- Do you have an appointment?
- No, actually, but I don't need one.
I'm her daughter.
She left me when I was five years
old and I deserve to know why.
Hold on. One sec.
Okay. No worries.
I'll just take these.
Have a nice day.
- Ah.
- No, it's annoying.
Well, I-I don't know how
else I'm supposed to swallow.
It's definitely annoying.
- Aw, yeah.
- Oh, that's nice.
Mmm. Hmm.
- Oh, it's quite reasonable.
- Oh, that's expensive.
Oh, go on. Get it.
- No. No, I'll never wear it again.
- Oh.
- Can I ask you something?
- Yes.
How much time do you
and Scott spend together?
- About four or five evenings a week.
- Really?
We're barely in the
same room at the minute.
Yeah. But remember we've
got a bigger house than you.
Even when you're in
different rooms in your house,
you're probably still closer than us
when we're on opposite
sides of the living room.
Right. No, we are lucky like that.
Okay. I'm gonna get it.
I'm gonna get it and keep the label
in and maybe return it on Monday.
Just have to focus on not
sweating. Would you babysit tonight?
- What?
- Oh, please.
- Do they need it?
- Oh.
Well, they are quite old.
Stevie irons her own school shirts now.
And she's started
flossing of her own accord.
Yes. You've said.
Princess is fragile at the minute,
and she thinks she needs to be
on her own when she's like this.
But, Karen, I-I know that she doesn't.
- Oh, fine.
- Yes!
So where's Jason taking
you on your date night?
Oh, no. Not Jason. George.
Yeah, I'd definitely say yummy.
Um, maybe next time try a
little Parmigiano-Reggiano.
I think it gives it a slightly
more decisive flavor, you know?
But, um, your seasoning spot on.
- Did you have a good day today?
- Yeah.
What was your favorite part?
Mmm, when we did drawings of the world.
Oh, yes. Well, um, show me.
We can, uh We can put
it on the fridge, can't we?
What's What's this?
- Please follow me.
- Okay.
Quite excited.
- Do I look terrible?
- Oh, hang on. I know this one.
- Do you like my dress?
- You Yes.
I always like you in that dress.
Hello, um, yeah, there should
be a reservation under George?
- Yes, there is. Please follow me.
- Okay, thank you.
Aw, Jase. Look at him. Oh.
Look how he's come
dressed up for our date.
Again, it's not a date for us.
Hello, George. Um,
you're here to see Bev?
Well, hello.
May I say that your picture
does not do you justice?
Oh, no. Oh, thank you. No, um, I'm
Nikki, I'm-I'm a friend of Bev's.
Uh, she can't come.
Yeah, um she can't come, um
I'm so sorry, George. Bev died.
But she emailed me this morning.
Um, I confirmed the
date 'cause we just
we wanted to tell you in person.
I'm sorry.
She died?
- Yeah.
- Couple of weeks ago, mate.
Yeah. Yeah, she's gone.
Well a fact of life,
I suppose, at our age.
Which is why I always try to
book the date in within a week.
- Your champagne, sir.
- Will you join me?
- Oh.
- Oh, that's
No, we've we've
we've got to shoot off.
Champagne is made to be
drunk by beautiful women.
Oh, no.
I'm looking a bit tired at the minute.
There is no smoking here,
but I fear you may
set off the sprinklers.
Yeah, okay. Maybe just the one.
To Bev.
- Bev.
- Do you mind Can I have a
Jase, go and get a chair.
Stop being difficult.
- Where am I supposed to go?
- Mmm.
Right. Pizza in half an hour, kids.
- Okay.
- Uh, Tyler.
You're gonna strain your
eyes at that distance.
Oh, okay.
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome. So, what should we do?
Oh, God. I don't know. Been
a while since I've babysat.
I mean, last time we made milkshakes
and built a blanket
fort in the living room.
You really don't have
to stay. I'm not a kid.
No, it's fine.
I love my daughter,
but sometimes it's nice
to speak to someone who's not five.
Mozart wrote his first
symphony at five, so
Well, Mozart's a rod for all our backs.
Is it a difficult age then, five?
No. I just mean it's nice
to speak to a grown-up.
You okay?
- Okay, well
- My mom left when I was five. So, yeah.
You know, if you ever
need someone to talk to,
it would just stay between us.
I've got a shockingly bad
memory and very few friends.
What do they call that there?
- This?
- Yeah.
Uh, this is a sweatshirt.
Ah, yes. Comfy.
I think I wore one of those once.
I'd had a colonoscopy
and my daughter put one on
me while I was still sedated.
- Okay then, we should
- Oh, hello.
We should probably be
making a move, shouldn't we?
Well, I'd like to thank you
both for a lovely evening.
I'm just grateful I got
to do part of it at least.
Oh, George, did you have
something else planned?
Oh, you thought this was the date?
Oh, my darling, my medication
has barely kicked in.
- Okay, well, it is getting late, so
- George.
- So sorry for the squash.
- Yep.
Where are you taking me?
You really do glow in
the twilight, my dear.
- It's 5:30.
- The upside of cataracts
is that they do lend things a
shimmery, Golden-Age-of-Hollywood glow.
Should you be driving, mate?
In search of life, we
come so close to death.
What, you
You went round all the
Kat Reids in London?
No, I had a screening process.
But not a good one. I ruined
one girl's bat mitzvah.
Why now?
You know, after all this time.
I thought she'd come back when Bev died.
And when she didn't,
I knew she never would
and that I'd have to find her.
Have you told Jason and Nikki?
No, Nikki will be so upset.
Well, you know, she always is.
You just have to tune it out.
Like living next to a busy road.
No, it's all over now
anyway, I I can't find her.
Oh, Princess. Come here.
So, what can I do?
Welcome back, sir. Madam.
Uh, I'm sorry, sir. We do
require a jacket for the ball.
Well, I haven't got one.
We have a house jacket
for under-dressed patrons.
I mean, does this really look
better than what I was just wearing?
- Yes.
- Oh, yes. Much better.
Much better.
Ladies and gentlemen, please
bring your partners to the floor.
The next dance is the quickstep.
Cheers, mate.
Oh. Easy. Yep.
- The quickstep's hard work.
- Is it?
Oh, he's so sweet.
- He told an anti-German joke earlier.
- Yeah, but I think he was being ironic.
- Ah. Okay.
- I think he was winking at it.
Jase, he brought heel protectors.
He brought heel protectors for
the feet of a woman he's never met.
The hope. The commitment.
A date used to be an event. You
know, you charmed the person.
- Here's the thing about the charm, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Anyone who's ever charmed you
was actually just trying
to get you into bed.
- No.
- Yes.
True charm is about making
another person feel special.
I look forward to
- Oh.
- What? What's happened?
- It's a waltz.
- Go on then.
I've heard she's married.
- Mmm.
- Mmm.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Yes! Exactly. There's no
need to audibly exhale.
I know.
I don't know what she's playing at.
Your hand's very sweaty.
That's because you're
gripping it too tightly.
Well, if you weren't sweating so much,
- I wouldn't have to.
- Well, it seems like we've got ourselves
a chicken-and-egg situation, Sylvie.
Oh. Watch how George takes command.
Such gentle dominance.
- You know, he makes love like he dances.
- Okay. Okay.
- Well, if you've got something to say
- Let's just get home, shall we?
Uh, George?
George? George? Uh, we've stopped.
Oh, so we have. Are we home?
No. No, I think we've broken down.
Yes, this happens.
Is he
Did I tell you my theory
about the Japanese?
Hey. Why are you not sleeping?
You okay? You wanna put the light
on? So it's a bit more friendly dark?
What's climate emergency?
Um where did you hear that?
If you put the light on,
it's bad for the animals.
No, I think it I think it's okay.
Well, listen.
You don't have to worry
about any of that stuff.
And there's lots of people out
there working very, very hard
- to make sure everything's okay.
- Are you?
Um we're all gonna make more effort.
When the floods come,
will the animals drown?
Shall we read a story?
Yeah? Let's see. What have we got?
Who Took My Tree. Okay. Uh.
The Squirrel Who
Um Should I go get Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle?
Yeah? Shall we have something
a little pre-war? Yeah? Okay.
I can't push it on my own.
He's 76.
Uh, I was thinking you maybe.
No, I'm not doing it. I'll get grubby.
All right then.
Fine. Well, we'll just sit
here all night, shall we?
You might actually have to spend
some time with me. Sorry about that.
George? George, could you turn
your hearing aid down a sec?
- We just We need to have words.
- Yeah, by all means.
You're all alone now, my dear.
I hardly saw you all night.
Hey, well I might have
got a bit carried away,
but it was actually nice
to spend time with someone
who actually made an effort.
People do tell me that I'm handsome,
and, uh, charming, you know?
Yeah, but that's because you're
tall and women get confused.
And I make an effort.
Turning your head to the left
when we're on the sofa, Jase,
is not making an effort.
I thought you liked
staying in and getting cozy?
- What do you mean?
- Yeah, I I do.
Of course I do, but
that house, it just
used to be the two of us.
We're other things in that house now.
We need to go out where
we can be a two again.
Somewhere where we're actual
people that we remember to see.
I'm not just background music, Jase.
- I need you to see me.
- These phrases, Nikki, honestly.
George? George, you can put your, um
I fear I may have come
between you. Maybe I can help?
No, I don't think so,
mate, but thank you.
I was married to my Linda for 43
years. Perhaps I know a thing or two.
What happened to Linda, George?
I lost her. She passed.
George, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, mate.
Tell me how you met.
We met 13 years ago.
the first time we kissed,
I thought, "That's it."
"That's the last man I'm
ever going to see naked."
Well, I was going out with
someone else at the time,
so it wasn't quite the
same experience for me.
Right. Okay, Jase, fine.
- If you're not gonna
- I was obsessed with her, George.
Absolutely obsessed.
I mean, I wanted to know
everything about her.
I wanted to know what
her blood type was.
I wanted to know if paprika tasted
the same to her as it did to me.
I wanted to know the layout of
her primary school classroom.
And I'm still obsessed with her.
All of her.
I mean, I even fancy
her bloody handwriting.
Okay. Better.
It's a blessing to have
someone to be kind to.
It is.
But I don't always remember to see you.
you're a feeling now.
What kind of feeling?
Like warm light.
Now, will you please help
me push this bloody car?
No, I can't. I'll ruin my dress.
Kept the label in. I
was gonna return it.
What? Why?
Well, 'cause I I'm never
gonna wear it again, am I?
Let's have a look.
Wait, no, what did you Jase?
What did you do that for?
We'll make sure you get the wear. Okay?
Well, come on then.
- Ready?
- Okay.
- Ready? One, two, three, go.
- Yes. Two, three
Go on. There we go.
- Turn it!
- Okay.
Ready? Off we go!
We're in! Go, go, go, go.
Are you f joking?
Right, Serafina for dinner then on
to the Rivoli Ballroom for dancing!
Oh, no.
Bloody hell, Bev.
I can't believe Karen
built them a blanket fort.
She's got no idea what's
going on with teenagers.
Mm-mmm. Not a clue.
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