Earth: Final Conflict s04e03 Episode Script

First Breath

Previously on Gene Roddenberry Earth Final Conflict My engineers tells me that taelons scientist are reviving the human geneticaly research project We are not talking about people, but androids Laboratory creations are a vessel for human consciousness.
By I so I guess This project maybe our best hope, for synergy between taelons and humans you may seeks synergy, I seek dominion.
you know the game, President need Zo'or as an ally, and nothing else.
I'm realist.
Seems to me like you've got critical plans as of your own.
If you are need any help with your alien friends you know where to find me, Hubble.
Security breach in area 5, please submit proper identification Thank you Miss Palmer.
The security systeme is currently disarmed Miss Palmer.
Hold it! They have come to Earth with the promess of peace.
An alien race called the Taelons But there are those who resist these alien companion But the taelons true mission the secrets they hide, will forever altered our world.
Team Trad.
EFC --------on-------- Transcription : jrzac Adjustments : Bodhomme The fade of humanity now we lies on those who dare challenge the future of Earth.
FIRST BREATH Any sign of your sentry tempering with your security system No, he came in from the sundeck Three apartment's shares.
I got the same oculars scanner on that door I do on the front door.
They read a DNA from your eye? Yeah, my tear flood actually You see when the system arm the all place shift a quarter of degree into fourth dimension they can't break ant it's in there A careful system like that with blood sampler skin swab only response a living DNA and other words to you I didn't breaking to my own place and were he did use a portable taelon ID portal Let us means with the taelons offered if, our portals gettin' easy to buy.
I could be corporate uspillage, I mean I do keep company own ID a travel portal and so forth than my computer but I check the are secure.
Now I'm thinking this is a battery of resistance Maybe or Or have been doing a little backdoor diplomacy, for the President and the chief itself.
Could taelons knows about that.
The taelons embassy here keep safe, civilian log and all White House visitors Can a comment? All right, look I speak him very quiet Hubble you to ask me to lobby the fortune top 50 to support ratification of the Atlantic National Alliance - Well that's a open climb.
It's happening Liam, a global realignment they say yes of humanity last week embraces good take the planet back Are we talking about the same people who give up the planet? It's different now, this is national policy, nor the resistance *fit colum* Don't under estimate the power of the tealons, they slow the change they like things just that what they are.
city is blue vin poor honors.
Relax Hubble, still have a dossier we can prove the tealons were behind the brig Who wants would to be? You didn't really expect the synod to embrace the pro-human alliance with open arms.
No more than I expected you to be here recruting any *supporters* Really Hubble a party hosted by the UN companion about sticking your head on a tiger's meal oh we gonna see if I can only moves in and shakers For science is only here an affair I late this wipe all show a 30% state in fact *** the Companions are one of the welcome, another 30% of thinking it.
Well, you know the old thing: "fishing is nearly stink up after three years" Maybe they'll just find ours plans again Who's about to lost them? Point taken.
The President thinks should doing a steeler job, you brought Gates, Brandsome, Joshua Doors.
but it still to maker all that's Like I know Bill Loriay friend over there, Dr Raymond Steven Fuchs He showed, I though he despise the taelons.
No almost everyone else That's why I hedge your email, this chief is an angel officer for a face to face they all have a girlfriend, look at there.
Hubble, I told you, we have to falling out.
I don't want to have to do with her directly.
Her boss is a word player bio-medical, we need him.
In her hand or him, you *berry* the hatch to do the best for your country.
- Clear? - Clear, and in meantime, go the hell.
Clair Yeats I believe you know Renee Palmer.
Well, I'm sure you two have a lot of *catching up* to do I see you later.
Hi, Renee.
chief financial officer, I'm love that.
I see running things a Doors international, It's not your shaving.
Once upon a time, there two college remain in Harvard.
What happen to them? Life After graduation, he just disappeared! I emailed you for six month, no answer.
Like me a pleasant plan I've really miss you Renee Great for me! So what now a hug maybe? a hug I can do that.
This Atlantic National alliance I've not seen it in your report agent Sandoval! I'm still obtaining details security, coordinate military leaders in Washington, London, Paris and Berlin.
But only a pact coarser official.
As yet, but they due intend to modify their national constitution, and make it very official.
Under what manner? *end time* taelon.
Not overtly.
More of than earth first point of view, at the moment they are gathering support.
Including that of Dr Raymond Fuchs.
So understand Zo'or Fuchs and any other influential human they can bring to the cause.
Where you aware, that one of Fuchs's assigned people was contacted by Doors International? Yes.
Renee Palmer The White House has her working on the There's only matter time before someone made contact to *twist* Fuchs his arms - I'm watching the situation.
- As I would expect.
But you may need do more than watch.
So, are we angry yet? No offence, I mean I'm happy to going here for diner, but when we some as time you cook to meal? Last time he got fell poisy - No! - Safe.
Look at you a relic championships, 10 meters dive yeah, I'm remember that Double-back and the full twist, the water like dark.
You never stop competing, you never let go.
No I don't Renee, the reason I've dropped-off the planet, I met someone.
Steven, I met him after graduation we're gonna run away, get married, *has family front of me*.
After that I just can't connect with anyone anymore.
Can you forgive me now? Forgive you, what's to forgive? You're here.
I'm happy be here.
The time of the reservations? Reservations are there to change, I'll be back in 10 minutes You've never got dressed in 10 minutes in your life.
Some things never changed.
I'm here.
so, so urgent you had to interrupt my hang over You had fun last night? Too much for our college flashback Augur leave any Aspirin around? Another protean scan again What's up? The IP from your the security system.
Your DNA was suspended in some kind of chemical tears in the spray on.
My living DNA, that not possible.
It's not in a way I know.
- Had any health lately? - No!.
All right, I had a biopsy done a month ago, by John Hopskins, never mind he was benign ? Did he put you under? Sure, but Liam we're talking about John medical center.
They have a DonorMed *** clear, DonorMed is specialized in adapted DNA, right? - Organs transplants, tissue biopsy.
- *What you drawing out?* Clair Yates see a fall at DonorMed, suddenly back in your life after all these years Just as the A and A gets hot.
- Coincidence Look I also get blood every down in there We're talking about living DNA.
Blood samplers don't have any life-force they can reproduce.
Faking your DNA, is very advanced.
Who does a better than Fuchs.
Fine! Dig in to DonorMed and John's Hopskins.
But let me do it with Claire My real friendship had just got back I hope up squeamish Renee.
You don't mind if I call you Renee? - And you don't mind if I call you Raymond? - I prefer Doctor.
Or at least interrogate to know each other a little better.
No Doctor, I'm not squeamish.
You recognize the computer system? Yes, yesuhDoors exel-20-20 Yes, Jonathan Doors a visionary This tragically dead Tell me, does he send Joshua share his father's manufactured trades? One thing he publicly support: The new alliance.
He's ready to start putting humanity first.
- Well, I have always put humanity first.
- Then why won't you step-up to the plate and support DNA You can see policy.
A policy void of any taelon influence.
Part of the alliance agenda left to you a trade barrier We can double our presence.
Look your work prove than human evolution is moving on just fine on its own.
We need leaders to light the way.
You are one of them.
- A good speech.
I will think about it and get back to you.
I know he is over boring and had deep nuts But job's decent travels is good and the stock options are terrific.
My meeting was Zo'or.
No your meeting was me.
We regent reporting found evasive on the number of virus evasive! what the hell you know about my work.
You're just an errand boy.
You're bloody hatched man Like wise you'd be twisted in a comfortable Huntington's Korea where not generosity of the taelons.
instead you're rich and famous.
Can we move on? Now I've 22 pairs of chromosomes each foot code hit six foots strength of uniquely generated DNA original DNA.
Here, an electron microscope I can hands will access What about the risk of mutation please? By our chemistry one on one, mutation are come to mostly harmless.
- Mostly? - Look I'm right to kick star the life process for scratch, created from rough DNA.
Now only God has managed to powered up but he had an advantage.
He did not to put up with your raid aid! Zo'or wants to proceed with caution, there's a lot riding on phase three.
Have I had disappointed him? My God, he had living proof of that active DNA potential a gram of pure of a taelon core energy all I need to make the creation of life itself a reality.
Now you tell me: what is the hold-up? The hold-up is the taelon core energy is tightly protected with the synod.
And you have yet to prove than you can applied Quantum components to common base genetic material.
Oh I can prove it unless I have some to work with, can I? I refer to your request to Zo'or, and been in touch.
Well then give him my regards and thank you once again for wasting my time.
This with you ask for.
Now give me what I ask for.
Thank you Zo'or.
Steven? Claire.
Is that you? Oh my angel.
Every time I think you'll never coming back to me.
And then-- I'll always come back to you always.
What's this? Your medical file from Johns Hopkins.
I don't recall give you permission to pry into my personal affairs.
Hold it.
When you are going on biopsy guess a paid a visit that same day to the DonorMed clinic down the hall your friend Claire.
She also shows up on Zo'or's confidential visitors lab with her boss Dr Fuchs.
You're saying "She" "Fuchs" "DonorMed" are in business with the taelons.
Maybe Fuchs has been getting assistance with his genetic work.
- You're online continuous video surveillance, right? - Yeah, I can check the system from here, and why? She came home yesterday, had drinks, wait for dinner at 7.
00 So what's your point Liam? I went up to dress, she's fixing her make-up-- - What's that? - I think a time cut.
Maybe a hologram device, something to fool the camera.
She's really obsessed about her appearance.
She keeps touching up the same *spot* over and over-- Yeah yeah I see it.
- What's that? - Something confidential.
OK maybe I'm jumping my gun, believe me I wanna be wrong Fortunately I'm not This disk was in my desk I brought with me this morning.
Somehow Claire copies this file without even touching it.
I feel his angry.
He's had a good week but now he is tired and angry.
Steven please I don't want to think about Raymond right now.
- I'm sorry I can't help it - I know.
He just invades my thoughts, my dreams.
Sometimes it is I'm floating inside if I have a trapped in this worrying dark pool I don't know, what the feeling is it desire? - No, it's ego.
Listen to me, you not him understand.
Yes he created you but you're more than a son of his genes, you're a goodness, and light and a love of my life.
I don't understand Claire why did he create me why am I here? Am I just a part of him then they had get read of so exist to.
pleased I think Raymond considers you someone he would like to be.
but never can be.
- well he is ultimately trying to create is wrong.
He has to be stopped Claire I think I know a way to get out of here.
No Steven please don't risk if the taelons catch you if anything happens to you-- Fuchs crowd is creating another me.
How can you say that, that can't never be another you.
I'm sorry I don't know where I came from Yes I do.
Just be patient.
- I am.
- I love you.
I have a computer violation analysis my file were decoded, copied, compromised.
unless is dandy DonorMed a taelons front Claire Yates a taelon's stooge - Apparently.
- It's your friend damn it! You hadn't seen on years right? So what do you need to check around before invited her into your home.
Hey! Who's idea what it to contact her in the first place to pull her back into my life for political average And is for his background checks call That's in the White House chief staff, at the CIA, the NSA and the FBI and this disposal.
- The bottom line is we be snooker We just serve the taelons our entire alliance strategy and our contact list on a silver platter! - So what do we do now? - We don't do anything.
We now have to find a new power broker and step in and serve You do that.
spender day willing to the the backward is the taelons archives.
it's obscure but once I knew the search for Claire Yates the scored direct hit* I don't want to talk about her right now.
I want the squeeze her little neck She was abducted Renee.
They take her aboard the mothership 5 years ago, for observation, and experimentation and all there imply.
A companion we convincing her *throw* over year before the official arrival So those six month right here from after the graduation the alter.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Listen I find out the taelons are testing synthetic brains chemistry on Claire.
They using something call neural, chemical banning with a subject name Steven.
She told me about him Her lover of life.
Probably another abducted, there's at least fifty of them.
I had to be, she so passionate about him they wouldn't get married until his family gotten away She has no idea that what under us, I think she make contact with her and tell some new information about the alliance and something that should be talk And now what do I do? Confront her? Accuse her? Tier up and *dis-program* her? Hey, she still your friend right? and then reach out, be one Rodrigue.
Rodrigue are you there? I think there's a *comet* Right there.
Above the right panel.
Can you see it? I'm so sorry.
Thank you for visiting Dr Fuchs.
Get out the way! - Doctor Fuchs.
- You recognize me? Sure! What happened to you? Why you're on the street like this? I've been held captive, I have to get to DonorMed.
Look, lets get in the truck back to station you can give his description, we *** at the radio's car, the *** find it's ***.
Come on.
Claire, take a look.
For your eyes only.
Because I trust you.
What is it? It's looks official.
Your form his still excellent Claire.
Only this this day you've exercise yourself with an ID portal - You betrayed me from I get go.
- What are you talking about? You, Dr Fuchs in collusion with Zo'or.
DonorMed is a secret taelon coverture this is not? Meet Liam, good friend of mine.
Claire, we know that the taelons abduct you five years ago.
You only imagine what they put you through - No CVI? - No I don't need one.
Zo'or has control over Steven.
What choice do I have? I have to free him from the mother ship.
I'm so sorry Renee.
What's Steven fullname.
I've a list about the abducted He is not on the abducted list, he is Dr Fuchs identical twin.
What? I didn't know that when the taelons put us together.
Steven he took care of me the first feel horrible days, we fall in love and our more love then ever Zo'or knows than one day he's gonna let us live in peace - What's that got to take - They're behind everything we do at Donormed.
Everything the got Fuchs is Nobel prize.
Yeah what have you got? I don't expect you forgive me.
Sandoval launch the man hunt for human escape from the mother ship portable ID DC area.
Steven, oh God.
I beg him is not, in way to DonorMed the main facility.
He knows nothing about earth, he he get lost.
Listen, will help you find him OK? - Just no more lies, no more games.
- Yes alright, can we go now? Good evening.
Would you please verify your identity.
The lab Downstairs as executor office is in the Hall Renee I can invest this floor.
You *collect* the other level Steven.
Steven hold on.
- Take your hands off of me or I call security.
- oh no need.
I'm right here.
I'm looking for your better half Dr Fuchs.
Well Claire safe and register under alias at the Watergate hotel, any new on Steven.
He showing a remarkable stealth manage to dock full volunteer dragnet.
What about Fuchs, he cooperated at all? Tight look about the taelons more word about *Annihilate* the press and he didn't seem thrill about Steven finally escaping from the mother ship What the prefer him incarcerate with the taelons like about civilian rivalry Oh we're not talking about civilians here seems not is twins by birth, he genetically perfect clone He sounds more like a real human than any clone I have heard about.
I went back into the mother ship archives guess where I found Fuchs.
At John Hopkins's medical center 5 years back not as Dr then, but as patient.
He had a Huntington's Corea and about 3 month to live.
That's right at on the time the genome project finish.
Fuchs bent his Corea finding defective genes but he couldn't save himself his condition had progress too far.
- So the taelons offered him a deal.
He must have because he had 3 month time frame, He made a total recovery and an amazing discovery.
- Adaptive DNA.
Which launched him and DonorMed but any took at once the further, in secret he cloning himself, he created Steven.
Still a major leave and we knows that taelons can create clones, but fully functionally human! - Why did he do it insurance, source for spare parts - Maybe Hard to believe than anybody could do that being Narcissistic we all on a life for ever don't we but Steven his more in hike That's depends.
Remember The Taelons when they testing something brain chemistry.
Would if he as like some neural chemical addiction to Steven Synthetic love put in our head no finger a human being there, the clinical charts If this is valid I'll be back with the palets of core energy fine I prepare the implants - have you found Steven - No we hoping he will trying to find you The public search will only draw attention to the program I don't see have keep my work secret serve anyone I am creating life here.
I'm entry in history but I have a profiter visionary event concive and I won't be kept them with the taelon We have a problem with the doctor runaway ego.
as always the reason as set there is also a liability Be prepare to eliminate the latter good night do you trust promess me I don't understand you justify taelons record he is working and *me turn* whatever it is What's behind this door? I'm telling the truth Fuchs gave the taelons electronic I'm hopping I knew nothing Are they alive? Living maybe They never talk or think This place is a maze The organ farm right Claire? take what you need Fuchs well I guess Ok You'd to be straight with us No they are not Fuchs is a driven ego maniac My Steven And They live side by side Your love for Steven we need to consider the possibility the could be a psychological manipulation on something chemically induce the taelons abducted you They force me Now Fuchs is about He use the taelons core energy So we talking about meat to order human being - Yeah the taelons are designing the man you.
- Steven knew it was wrong.
We both did He wanted dream and to stop, That's why he escape Liam look He is here according to this seems different But it's not like he had never live before still first breath can you No his DNA Claire? Claire what the hell I'm shooting you down I don't have to you're already cloning host for your organ harvest Taelons are using you some pact you made with the Devil doc The devil Believe me, when you dying and you find out you child as you week to leave you will beg to make a deal with the devil but you won't have to Now do you it's gonna save You true please go ahead because I create life here.
And that the taelon have there way humanity were never find out you have to stop Raymond - What you gonna do, kill me? - Steven no.
You got a conscience, now quiet put this scalpel down for injure yourself take a look around Steven You've forgetting a place here a organ You are evil who do you the cast owns No, I'm a men what could a been before you sold your soul NO! Steven No.
you will be fine, we can save you've we know how Steven The shooter I lost him never got a gook look I guess congratulation Zo'or an order taelon's Time report a ratification the A.
A treated at two minutes past midnight -Yeah, have we called me.
But you'll still have do wait it see No I'm gonna keeping my cover hate in the bet, just like you How as Claire hold enough She shown a lot of guts stick an around than be a whistle-blower Her DonorMed stock is in the toilets but she live - I think I'll like to talk her alone - No, tell her I says Hi.
- sure - See you later -Hi, time for some coffee -Sure but the earring is about conscience attempt, is the last day Plans afternoon? Contact the other abducted I've got right to be *matter is all on gone get his true up* to do something about it Good You not been true luck Claire is gonna get easy us it clear I'm in slack.
I'm sorry Why? have no right, I abandon you, liar to you, stolen from you And do you had a reason anyone she understand I guess true friendship should be stronger that our witnesses.
That's we hope we have and can keep I would like to try.
So what now What had did you said once a hug maybe a hug, fine, I can do that Come here
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