Paranormal Survivor (2015) s04e03 Episode Script

Taken Over By Spirits

I was scared to death.
It wasn't a person.
You are about to see real people I knew this had to be a ghost.
reliving horrifying paranormal encounters for the first time.
When evil entities possess the living.
I was very scared for my family.
This demonic spirit had taken over our son.
Deliver us from evil I buried this for nearly 30 years.
Paranormal Survivor, Story 27: Cheryl's Haunted Barn.
We started restoring automobiles, it was probably 2008.
We work on the cars in my mother-in-law's barns.
It's nice open space, plenty of room to be able to pull the vehicles in and work on 'em.
Watch your step.
Ah, okay.
Up, up, up.
Can't wait to see this.
Cheryl and her husband Keith had just acquired a classic car, one they were both itching to rejuvenate.
Oh, my God! It's amazing! [Cheryl.]
It's a great feeling.
I love working on vehicle, get my hands dirty.
Now, we have more to our collection.
They knew little about the car's history but rust and mechanical issues would soon become the least of their problems.
Probably after a couple weeks after the vehicle came into the barn is when we started experiencing the activity.
Things that would go missing would be like tools, things of that nature, my husband would be using.
And next thing you know, they were missing.
The wrench isn't here.
It is there.
Well, it's not here.
Keith was in the barn with me.
We were working on the car together and we heard growls.
Quiet, quiet! Sh-h.
It was very noticeable, almost like a dog growling.
I really didn't understand it at first.
The growls kept getting more intense.
It was a really, really heavy, mean sounding growl.
It was something that-- It sounded like it was ready to hurt us.
Whatever it was was gonna come at us and hurt us.
At first we're like, did we really hear this? Up above the workbench are shelves.
And at the very top were saw blades.
They were in a secure area that they couldn't fall.
They basically come off the shelf and drop straight down to the ground.
Those items had been sitting there for probably 15 years and never moved before.
Something had to have pushed that off the shelf.
It would probably have killed him 'cause even though they're older blades, they were still very sharp.
And it could've easily gone right through his head.
Keith was extremely scared.
Something's going on that we can't figure out.
Keith's narrow escape didn't deter them from working on the car.
The more and more we're out in those barns, the more experiences we would have, the more growls we would hear, the more things fall off the shelves.
But it seemed to escalate more when I was out in the barns.
[man's voice.]
I didn't like being in the barn by myself.
It gave me the creeps.
I would always feel that somebody was watching me.
I knew somebody was right next to me, I could feel it.
It would start from my head all the way down to my feet, my entire body would go numb.
I would get the chills.
I would hear things like, get out.
[deep voice.]
Get out! [Cheryl.]
Male, very deep, distinct voice.
The very first time it happened, I was scared.
Something was drawn to me.
Something wanted my attention.
Something wanted to scare me.
I told Keith, I said, "There's something behind me".
Something's behind me.
'Cause that was the first time something has actually touched me.
Though shaken, Cheryl tried to put the unnerving experience behind her.
But things were about to go to a new and violent level.
I had this really cold wisp of wind that came across my neck and I said, "There's something behind me".
Something is behind me.
At first, it was fingertips that I felt.
Just like this.
And it's pushing me forward.
I did stumble forward and I went into the workbench.
It's almost like the spiritual activity is attracted to her.
Spirits will often target certain people in the home.
There are times when one person is terrorised to the point of complete fear and insanity when everybody in that house is just looking at them like they don't understand.
They never ever hear or see anything.
This male spirit may have disliked women.
She may have reminded him of a spouse, of a mother, of a girlfriend.
There's something about her that struck a nerve with him.
That really scared me.
I said, "I can't be out here anymore".
"It's not safe for me".
It's just not safe.
Afraid of what might happen to her next, Cheryl called in the Heartland Hauntings Paranormal Team.
Cheryl reached out to us regarding a haunted pole barn.
She had been attacked.
She wanted our help.
They were suspicious that it may be centered around a purchase of an old vehicle.
Apparently they had got an older car, and since they brought this car into the pole barn that's when everything started up.
The atmosphere outside of the barn was normal.
Nothing to alert you to any problems.
But when you walked in the barn, there was a definite change.
The air felt heavy.
It felt like weight was actually put upon you.
You felt dread.
The atmosphere got even worse when someone else followed in behind them.
You can tell walking through the barn that it felt like there was a heavy presence.
There was something there.
When Cheryl came into the pole barns with us, it was worse.
I felt like I was in danger, or my group was in danger.
Whatever it was that was there, it was not really a fan of Cheryl being there.
Spirits can attach themselves to inanimate objects, like a car, because they have such an affinity to those particular objects in life.
They love them.
They're attached to them.
They become part of who they are and how they're defined.
We had heard the knocking and the growling.
This sounded something that I can't say I've ever heard before.
It was something that was definitely I wouldn't say human.
When we hear the growling like that, it is something that we get a little more cautionary to.
But it's nothing that we'd ever run away from.
The growling was soon followed by something much more alarming.
The mist just started in an instant.
It was like a fog coming in, but it was very fast.
And then I saw this face.
There! [Len.]
It was neither human nor animal.
It was somewhere in between.
It looked like something that you couldn't really describe.
Something that was other worldly.
It was just hovering right around the car.
You could just see this thing just hovering.
It was a deep growl.
It just reverberated.
Once you hear it, you never wanna hear it again.
The negative energy was definitely centered in this car that they had purchased.
And it was very angry.
The entity seemed to disappear back into the vehicle but that didn't mean it was gone.
Frank started acting very strangely.
He just looked different.
He became very angry.
Frank, he was getting very angry with her.
He would just kind of look at her with the look like he just wanted to do something to her.
Something sinister seemed to be taking Frank over.
The closer I got to him, the more tense he got.
Like something bad was gonna happen.
Something, you know, you can just get that feeling.
Frank had never behaved like that before.
Something there was definitely manipulating him, making him feel that way.
Whatever was in the barn was going through him.
And all the anger that that entity had was in him and he was wanting to kill me.
He wanted to hurt me.
I definitely knew that it was gonna try anything that it could to get at me.
[Cheryl screaming.]
It shocked me.
I told you to leave this place! Something was taking over his system.
That he was going to actually strike her in some way or another.
When Cheryl and Keith Austin bought an old car to fix up, terrifying things started to happen.
After bringing in paranormal experts, a terrifying entity appeared and then took over one of the investigators.
[Cheryl screaming.]
I told you to leave this place! It shocked me.
You stupid bitch! Something was taking over his system.
That he was actually going to strike her in some way or another.
Cheryl had escaped injury, but the entity in the barn wasn't done yet.
That's when I was coming up the walkway, and I could hear somebody charging, somebody was running.
You could hear the footsteps and it was like [Imitating footsteps.]
like that.
And I took off running, and I don't run.
It was almost as if that spirit was chasing her.
Between the pole barns, I saw this black figure again, this black entity.
And it wanted to hurt somebody.
I also knew it was gonna hurt Cheryl.
I still remember the hit.
It was powerful.
I felt it all the way down to the soles of my feet.
It felt just like a human body hitting you at top speed.
This was anger.
This was hate.
Whatever was coming at him was coming at him with such force that his shoulders were pushing back this way.
And you could hear the hits and you could hear the growls.
Both times, I saw the blackness just leap at me.
I do remember like a rushing roar of air when it hit me.
And it staggered me 'cause it hit me so hard.
He had marks on his chest from whatever was coming at him.
Get off me! [Len.]
Just touching my chest would feel pain.
You know, it was sore for a couple days afterwards.
The attack was aimed at Cheryl.
This thing hated her for some reason.
It wanted to hurt her.
And for her safety, we thought it was best don't go back in there till you get rid of the car.
Get the door.
They pretty much pinpointed that the vehicle was where the spirits, the main activity was.
If someone's having a problem with something that may be attached to an object, the best thing that we would ask is to just remove the object from that location.
Come on, come on, come on.
To restore peace, to get the negativity out, to make it a safe place again that was the best thing to do.
By getting rid of the car, you got rid of the problem.
I was very nervous, very scared to enter those barns.
But once I stepped through and I looked around, I knew that it was gone.
There was nothing there.
In some extreme cases of possession, a spirit will take over more than just one person.
And sometimes the identity of that spirit is truly terrifying.
Paranormal Survivor: When Spirits Speak Through You.
Interview with Mary Leibensperger, take one.
The property was built in the 1800s, the early 1800s.
We had bought the house July of 2011.
And what attracted us to it was that it was a large home and I thought that would be a great place for us to live.
And it was in our home town.
I'm hungry.
Do you want some lunch? No, I'm okay, honey.
All right.
Mary's excitement would prove to be short-lived.
Probably the day I moved in, I started feeling like there were other people that were inhabiting the house.
Everywhere I went, it felt like somebody was behind me walking very, very close behind me, checking out everything I did.
Then, Mary began seeing, as well as feeling, strange things.
I looked down and there was a light anomaly.
It looked like somebody was holding a flashlight there.
It was a circle of light.
So, I was trying to find where this light could be coming from.
And I couldn't really put my finger on anywhere it would be coming from.
Jamie, come look at this! What is it? There was a light on the floor.
And when he came in, the light kind of shot off to the side.
Well, if it comes back, call me again.
All right? Yeah.
That wasn't the last of Mary's unnerving experiences in the house.
I was sitting on the couch at night watching TV.
And I thought what I heard was footsteps above on the second floor.
So, I was calling out my son's name, Jamie, or my husband Glen.
And then I realised that nobody was home.
In that moment, when I heard to footsteps, I could probably say I was pretty terrified.
They sounded like they were walking down the hall and eventually down the stairs.
And then they just kind of stopped.
Soon the activity wouldn't stop at footsteps and voices.
One night, it was around six o'clock and I got this feeling that something was watching me.
Every time I moved, I felt like a person or thing was moving with me.
And I finally got the nerve to look in the doorway and that's when I saw a greyish mist.
Glen? [Mary.]
Glen! [Mary.]
The mist became more defined and took on human features.
Mary Leibensperger moved made into a new home, only to discover that strange things happen there.
Glen? Then, one evening, she saw something terrifying.
Glen! A cloudy mist, when it starts to form, can be the beginning of a spirit trying to materialise.
This mist could be white, it could be Grey, it could be black.
If it's a being of love and light, it'll be a white mist.
If it's a darker entity or a darker energy, it will be a darker colour.
Look! What? I tried to explain to Jamie and Glen the footsteps and the mist.
And they weren't quite believers at that point in time.
My husband probably thought I was crazy.
There's nothing here.
Knowing that Glen and Jamie didn't believe me made me feel uncomfortable telling them.
Because I thought maybe it was me.
Maybe I was making things up.
When I saw the mist, I was a little scared.
But it eventually solidified my feelings that something else was going on in the house.
Mary reached out to a paranormal investigator who agreed to come and check out the house.
Mary? Hi.
When the investigators were there they were walking through my house and they were talking to us telling us that sometimes spirits can speak through other people.
My son, Jamie, said Could they speak through me? And almost as soon as he said that he started laughing.
And I'm like, well, what's wrong, Jamie? And he said, "They're after you, Mom".
They're after you, Mom.
And I said, "No, they're not".
Yes, they are! And he says, "Yeah, they're after you".
Despite Jamie's strange behaviour, Mary tried to continue with the investigation.
And after a few minutes, I heard my son yelling, mom, where's my mom? [Mary.]
So, he came and he was crying.
And he doesn't cry very often.
And I said, "What's wrong, Jamie? What's wrong?" And he says, "I need a hug, I need a hug".
So, I hugged him and he said, "Where am I?" "What happened?" Jamie truly has no memory of what happened.
I was very scared for my family because I didn't know what was going to happen next.
Whatever entity was targeting Mary and Jamie was now about to turn his attention to Mary's husband Glen.
One night, my husband was sleeping and I was sleeping aside of him.
And in the middle of the night I hear him sit up.
And Glen is totally oblivious to me.
And I hear him mumbling.
And I'm like, who are you talking to? What's going on? And I hear him say "I know how it seems, but we can both live in this house in peace".
Glen had no idea what was going on.
He didn't even know I was in the room with him.
He was just focused on having that conversation with whoever was on the other side.
Glen, wake up! we can both live in this house-- Glen! What are you doing? [Mary.]
And he had no recollection of that at all.
At her breaking point, Mary called in another paranormal team led by investigator Mark Keyes.
We decided to take this case on basically because of the severity of it.
The amount of physical activity that they were reporting.
Mary was quite upset because it was affecting her family.
On this investigation, I brought in our psychic medium Virginia.
My job is to go in, identify what is going on in a home, and figure out how to help that spirit crossover.
I didn't feel one single thing.
It was very silent.
It was too silent.
The atmosphere changed dramatically when they headed into the basement.
I felt a very intense presence there.
Like somebody was standing in the corner just staring at us.
Didn't communicate.
When I started to realise something was standing in the corner, I tried to focus as hard as I could.
I just saw a very staticky energy moving, moving, strobing, strobing.
Something is troubling and weighing very hard on that person.
Virginia looked into the psychic world for answers.
I realised this person took their life.
And they were hiding and upset and angry that we might find out what they did.
Virginia picked up on something else, a second spirit.
One spirit, that was behind the one that was the strongest that I noticed first, came running in front of this one.
I didn't realise there were two.
I thought there was just one.
And the one that didn't want me to identify him tried to grab this other spirit.
Get out of my house! This is my house! I'll kill you! And he kept saying to that other spirit, "Don't open your mouth! Don't open your mouth!" "You're under my control!" "You can't go anywhere!" Spirits, on an average, can be controlled by a more malevolent spirit.
It's kind of the schoolyard bully.
If an individual is bullying someone in life, they're definitely capable of taking it to the other side with them.
If you're a kinder, gentler spirit, you can definitely be bullied by a more aggressive spirit.
Virginia was struck by a shocking vision.
These spirits were involved in a criminal act, actually, murder.
[woman screaming.]
One of them was the mastermind and committed a murder.
He was the one that was messing around and playing games.
The other one was dormant 'cause he was in a sorrowful space.
He decided he was going to habitate this property and stayed there.
He was a very negative person.
He had a lot of anger issues while he was alive.
And in death, he still maintained these emotions and his same behavioural habits.
And he was taking out his frustration on the family.
When I heard that there was a murderer in my house, that was a little scary.
The spirit that spoke through Jamie was dominant.
He was the one who committed the crime.
He was very forceful and pushy.
I found him to be very threatening to me because he knew I could see him and feel him.
I started to feel closed in.
I even had a problem breathing.
It was ridiculous.
The energy was just overpowering.
Get out of my house! Homeowner Mary Leibensperger and her family were being tormented in their home by murderous spirits.
Even psychic medium Virginia Centrillo was shocked at the spirit's power.
This is my house! We knew we were gonna have a bit of a battle trying to release these two spirits that were causing issues for the family.
So, we would sit down and collectively get as much positive energy into the room as possible through prayers and visualisation work.
And Virginia will then try to communicate with the spirits that are there.
So, what we do is, as a team, we convince the spirit that is trapped there that it is no longer their home.
We talk to them about what happened to them, why they're there.
And then it makes it easy to begin to help them get that heaviness off, that Earth grievance, and to move into the light more gentle.
The man who had committed several murders in the area was a little bit more difficult to cross.
He did not want to go.
He was definitely in fear of being judged for what he did.
He ended up killing himself too.
So, his faith told him that if you kill yourself, you may go to hell rather than heaven.
The one that didn't commit the crime, the one that was more of a passive energy, he wanted to move into the light.
The other one kept pulling him back.
The more dominant spirit kept pulling him back.
There was a tug of war that went on.
It was like fishing for a giant shark.
Like, I kept reeling them in and they kept breaking the line.
It was very difficult to separate them.
So, this took a considerable amount of work on Virginia's part.
She asked for a little divine guidance, called for her spirit guides and angels to come in.
Virginia worked with him at calming him down and what would happen to him if he should go into the light.
And she got him to walk into the light.
And I took the passive one, and he went into the light.
I felt the house shift and energy shift.
It became brighter.
It was a much lighter feeling in there.
The air actually felt thinner and a little more positive.
The level of activity dropped off when Virginia cleansed the house.
When I was in my house before the spirits crossed over, I was always in that flight or fight mode.
My senses were always on guard.
After Virginia had the spirits crossover, I could relax.
I didn't have to be on guard all the time.
I didn't feel like somebody was watching me.
It's not just spirits of the dead that can take over the living.
Sometimes the possessing entity comes from a different realm entirely.
Paranormal Survivor, interview with Brenda Henry, take one.
The home was built in 1814.
It was a large old farm house that sat back off the road.
I just fell in love with the looks of the home.
I loved the home.
I thought it was beautiful, loved the way it was laid out, loved the location.
After buying the property, Brenda and Tim learned the house had another more unusual feature.
The previous owner was an elderly lady that lived here with her mother.
And she told me that there was a few things that I needed to know, and that the house had spirits.
Most of 'em were good spirits.
The previous owner told her that there were spirits in the house.
And I didn't really believe that there was.
I had heard stories about this house was haunted.
The children in the neighbourhood that played with my children had told them that they'd seen images in the window several times.
At first, the family were untroubled by the ghostly rumours but that soon changed.
So, about a month after we moved into the home [Door creaking.]
things started to happen.
What was that? [Brenda.]
All of us hear footsteps in the house all the time.
If we're down in the first level, we can hear footsteps on the second level.
I'm gonna go check it out.
I don't know what the heck that was.
Every time we heard the footsteps, we would go upstairs to check to see if anyone was up there or what was going on.
A lamp would come on, go off by itself.
At first, I thought maybe it was electrical with the lights.
Until it wasn't just one light.
It was several lights in the house.
Soon, other bizarre things started to happen.
There would be times at the home where the water would come on all by itself at the sink.
And one of us would get up and shut the water off.
We'd go back and sit down, it'd come back on.
I just usually would these things off as a coincidence.
It had to be something else.
It couldn't be footsteps.
It couldn't be, you know, somebody turning lights on and off.
You know, it had to be some explanation of what was going on.
One of the things that I started finding around the home was the old-time handkerchiefs, like grandmother would carry.
Started finding several of them throughout the house.
And I thought that was odd 'cause we didn't have any handkerchiefs.
I picked it up, put it in the garbage can.
The next day, another handkerchief would appear elsewhere in the house.
I had no explanation for it.
Couldn't figure out why it was happening.
So, this went on for a couple weeks.
I'd find a handkerchief, throw it away.
I'd find one on the server, I'd throw it away.
I'd find one in the bathroom, I'd throw it away.
And this went on and on.
Almost like a daily activity.
Event the skeptics in the family had trouble explaining away the next time a handkerchief appeared.
We were all sitting around the table having dinner, and all of a sudden, one came floating out of the air, landed in the middle of the table.
After Brenda Henry amd her family moved into a new home, they heard rumours it was haunted.
At first, they were untroubled but then bizarre things started to happen.
I have no idea where it came from.
It just seemed to appear out of thin air.
Everybody was shocked when the handkerchief fell.
There was a lot of big eyes sitting around the table wondering what exactly is going on.
So, at that moment, I think we all pretty much accepted that we're living with spirits in the house.
I was starting to believe that there was possibly something going on.
Intent on making contact with whatever was causing the activity in the house, Joey secretly began using a spirit board.
A spirit board is a really bad thing to mess around with, if you're not properly trained to do so.
Because it's a divination device.
And it's a method through which entities, spirits, sometimes rogue spirits, is what I like to call them, can come in and talk to you.
Rogue spirits are spirits that kind of wander around waiting for an in into their environment.
Joey's attempt to contact the spirits only succeeded in bringing something new into the home.
Something truly demonic.
And almost immediately, the activity in the house took a darker, more aggressive turn.
No one will talk to us at school! We're the weird kids! The children were talking about how their friends didn't wanna come over to the house because they heard that the house was haunted.
The whole town's talking about us.
See! Our son, Joseph, made the statement that, if I saw a ghost or a spirit, I'd punch it right in the mouth.
They think we're crazy.
So, after he said that, a large basket that I keep on top of the refrigerator came flying off the top of the refrigerator.
The basket flew about eight feet.
We were all in shock that this had happened.
It was very frightful.
I think the spirits were sending a message that they weren't happy about what he was saying.
Troubled by the violent change in the activity, Brenda reached out to husband/wife paranormal investigators Rick and Nancy Cosner.
Any time a spirit manifests energy enough to throw something or to move something, it can be very dangerous in a home to anybody around.
And you need to have that taken care of.
When Rick first came he brought some equipment to collect evidence.
It didn't take long for Rick to pick up the activity in the house.
And he said, I have this recording I want you to hear.
So, he played it.
[child's voice.]
Stop kicking me, stop kicking me, stop kicking me.
[child laughing.]
And it was a little girl that was saying, stop kicking me, stop kicking me over and over, then she would laugh.
An EVP is an electronic voice phenomenon.
This is where a spirit can be heard on a recording device, but it could not be heard in the room by the physical ears.
[child's voice.]
Stop kicking me, stop kicking me, stop kicking me, stop kicking me.
[child laughing.]
To hear that voice was eerie.
I've never heard anything like that before.
Rick had even more surprising news.
There was more than just one spirit in the house.
There was a young female girl that was in our closet and her name is Annie.
And that's who we hear walking around upstairs.
And that there were five spirits here, five elderly ladies.
hallowed by Thy name The demonic entity Joey had summoned did not reveal itself to Rick and Nancy.
Nevertheless, they decided to perform a cleanse.
We go from room to room, every room has to be smoked.
We use frankincense and myrrh.
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
After the cleansing, we felt everything would be calm and everything would work out for the best.
So, after Rick's visit, the activity was pretty quiet for a couple days, I think.
With Joey still secretly using the spirit board, the demon was able to escape the cleanse and escalated its attacks.
So, Joseph has always been a good child.
Never had any behaviour problems with him.
All of a sudden, it's just like I'm dealing with somebody different.
He started being very disobedient, very verbally abusive to myself and his mom and his brother and sister.
Go ---- yourself.
What'd you say? At first, I thought that, you know, he's just going through teenage years.
I said, go ---- yourself! I ---- hate you! I felt very hurt that he was acting this way, and I didn't understand why.
You look into Joey's eyes and it was like he was a different kid.
It was like Joey wasn't in there.
I contacted Rick and his wife again and told them what was going on with Joseph.
They have to be invited.
They don't just show up in your house.
Rick recommended that we call a priest to come in and have an exorcism to get the demonic spirit out of him.
Hi, Joey.
An exorcism is a cleansing, basically, to drive out the spirit, to make it leave the person's body.
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name It was important to get it done soon before he got into the really bad stages of possession.
So, the priest came in and he said he could definitely feel the demonic in Joseph.
Our Father, Who art in Heaven He just didn't wanna do it.
Joey was having difficulty repeating phrases that the priest was giving him, the scripture.
Thy Kingdom come, hallowed by Thy name-- ----- you! It was like he wasn't paying attention.
He wasn't interested.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil-- ---- you! I think Joey was having trouble doing these things because of it was a demonic spirit that was taken over.
It wasn't Joseph.
I mean, I could tell that by looking into his eyes, it wasn't him.
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy Kingdom come-- [Screaming.]
Most likely the demon was confusing him, what he's hearing.
Telling him that these people are lying to him, things of that nature.
Watching our son go through this was just it was horrible.
It was horrible that, you know, this demonic spirit had taken over our son.
Brenda Henry's son Joey had been possessed by a demonic entity.
The only way to save him was an exorcism.
hallowed be Thy name It was hard to watch.
I felt that the demonic spirit was fighting and trying to stay with Joey.
And trying to keep Joey from doing the things that he needed to do to get it out of him.
I just bowed by head and I prayed, and my husband prayed.
Deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory-- And I opened up my eyes and looked at Joseph and tears was coming down his cheek, I knew that something's working.
You could see a change in him.
You could see a change in his eyes that the spirit was leaving.
Joseph said that he knew something wasn't right, and he could hear voices talking to him.
And he said, I knew I was doing wrong, but I couldn't stop myself.
It felt good to have Joey back.
It felt good to have that happy-go-lucky boy back.
I thought for sure that negative activity in the home would end after the exorcism knowing that the black spirits, the bad spirits were gone would help us all to live peacefully together again.
The demon may have been exorcised from Joey, but he wasn't finished terrorising the family yet.
Brenda had called and told me she had seen a dark shadowy figure, like, 6-7 feet tall.
And this set flags off that let me know that this demon was still there.
Terrified, Brenda called Rick and Nancy back to the home.
At that point, we needed to do an exorcism of the house.
I think the demon probably just backed off and hid for awhile, while the priest was gone, while we were gone, and then decided to continue his work.
Well, when I come into a home to do an exorcism, I usually come in with Holy water.
And I will walk around and spritz the water around to see if I get any kind of reaction to find out if maybe the demon is near.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
We read the rites of exorcism and that's it.
We never talk to the demons.
Christ have mercy.
You never wanna talk to a demon.
They spread lies, keep you off balance all the time.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy! [Screaming.]
Christ have mercy.
The cleansing was successful.
The demon vanquished.
I felt that it was the place felt a little lighter.
I felt very good after the last time Rick had came back and blessed the house.
This whole experience has definitely changed my belief in the paranormal.
Before, I wouldn't have believed any of it.
But going through it and living through it and actually seeing it for myself, I'm a believer.
I think the white spirits are still there, and the dark spirits, I don't think there has been any for quite a while.
And we wanna keep it that way.

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