The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e03 Episode Script

Growing Paints

Whoo-hoo! Oh yeah!
Nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide,
Watch the branches! Ow!
What are you gonna do now?
Attack us because
you're vicious predators,
and there's more of you
than there are of us?
Wait, pretend I didn't say that.
Chunky! Run!
I think we lost 'em.
You can get off of me now.
I guess
that hunt was a bust.
Hm? Until right now.
Look at that!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark becomes
a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
we're stuck together
In one big family tree
What do you think of
combining breakfast and dinner
into one meal
and calling it din-fast?
You're right.
Breakfast should never
be combined with another meal.
And done.
Guess I should find out
what all the screaming is about.
What's with the screaming? Ah!
What's going on-here?!
Hey, does anyone want some--
All the bug nuggets are gone!
Oh, wait. No, there's one left.
Oh no! Now, the bug nuggets
are gone for real. Ah!
What's everyone
screaming about?
I'm gonna go with that.
The skull?
You guys know it's dead, right?
Yes. Hope and I
were about to have brinner,
a combination
of breakfast and dinner
Uh-uh. Breakfast should never
be combined with another meal.
The point is,
Hope and I were about to eat,
when we noticed that monstrosity
hanging on the wall!
I can still see it,
even when I close my eyes!
What kind of maniac
would put that there?
Hey, you guys
see my cool new skull?
Pretty sweet, huh? Yeow!
No! Horrifying! Take it down!
Are you saying you don't want
an alli-goater skull
staring at you while you eat?
Have you lost your minds?!
I can't believe those are
real questions I have to answer.
Yes! And no!
Take it down! Now!
Pfft! Whatever. Your loss.
Guess you can't handle
awesome stuff.
Huh. All of a sudden,
that wall seems empty.
Can you try putting it back?
Maybe higher?
Nope. Take it down.
Oh, Phil's right, though.
We need something there.
I could go back
for the rest of the bones.
No! How would that be better?
I think it could really
liven up the place,
in a dead way.
What about a portrait
of all of us?
And you should paint it, Mom!
What? Oh, no.
I'm not ready
for something like that.
Stop. You're a natural.
Oh, you think so?
Okay. Why not?
I'll go grab my supplies
and meet you guys at the lagoon.
And, in the meantime,
I'll just put
this bad boy back up.
Perfect. Now, don't move.
How long do
we have to stand here?
Well, if you stand still,
I'll be done before you know it.
Standing still
is my middle name.
Be right back.
Snack break.
Which also happens
to be my middle name.
Thunk, you just got here!
As long as we're
taking a break,
I was considering
adjusting my pose.
Something more noble,
more regal, more aristocratic.
Yeah, those are good.
Or you could just
stand normally?
Wait! Is standing normally
arms down or up?
Oh no! Now, I'm overthinking it!
Please, everyone.
Just stop moving.
Kinda hard when Gran keeps
poking me with her spear.
Snitches get stitches,
squeaky wheel!
Is there time for Phil
to go grab a fan?
Windswept hair is
a good look for me.
Why can't everyone
just stand still?
Like Guy!
Learned this when I was
captured by
saber-toothed snails.
They held me captive
in their lair for six moons,
waiting for me to move,
but I didn't.
It's the reason
I'm alive today.
Guy-baby, aren't
saber-toothed snails
incredibly slow?
Why didn't you just run away?
Run away
this painting is going to be
hanging in our dining room.
We are going
to look at it every day.
Don't you want it to be perfect?
Answer me!
Great. So, don't move until
I tell you to move. Got it?
Perfect. Just like that.
Sandy, don't do it
I got her!
And I got him! Ha!
Dawn and I will head them off!
With our arms up or down?
You know what?
I got what I needed.
I can finish this on my own.
I hope she
captures my grandeur.
And my radiance.
Oh, wait.
W-we're taking a break?
Hoo! About time.
Oh, no.
I've forgotten how to move.
Thunk? Eep?
La la la la!
Yes. Perfect.
No! All wrong!
Thank you all for coming.
Art can be difficult.
It may stun you.
It may even disturb you.
But as an artist,
it's my job to move you.
Are there any questions
before I reveal the portrait?
Pigators in a blanket.
Is that a question?
No, it's a request.
Could we have
pigators in a blanket?
Any other questions?
Yes. When are we going
to see the painting?
Right now.
It looks just like us.
I was right.
My pose is sublime.
And my hair looks amazing.
I mean, obviously, but still.
My eyes look cold and lifeless.
I love it!
So that's where my hands
were supposed to go.
Almost never moving again
was totally worth it.
I couldn't
love it more if I tried.
In fact, I'm just going
to stand here, admiring it.
I'm so glad you all like it.
And relieved.
I'm going to go clean up
my memory cave.
It looks like
a paint tornado hit it.
Your painting looks so real,
Mom! How did you do it?
Anger. I was annoyed
with all of you
and mad at my canvas.
You really love
that painting, huh, Grug?
Yes. If by love it,
you mean hate it
with every bone in my body.
Why do you hate it so much?
My forehead, Guy. It's huge!
Oh, you can't help that, Grug.
You were just born that way.
No, in the painting!
My real forehead's
not that big, is it?
This feels like
a trick question.
Who cares if it's big or not?
It's just a painting.
Give it some time.
Maybe it'll grow on you.
Like your forehead.
And running away.
Top of the forehead
to you, Grug!
I said, top of
the forehead to you.
Not that I could see the top
without a ladder or wings.
I mean, it just keeps
going and going.
Shut up, Painting Phil!
You'll have to speak up!
I can't hear you
over your forehead!
Are you sure you want
to eat all those ribs, Grug?
They'll go straight
to your forehead.
That's not how foreheads work!
I'm scared.
What is that thing?
Don't worry.
It's just a forehead.
It can't hurt you,
unless you look directly at it.
Painting Eep! How could you?
You're my own painting daughter!
More like seven-head. Ha!
Ah! I'll show you!
I'll show everyone!
I already regret this.
Grug, are you okay?
I'm yelling at a painting, Guy,
so I've been better.
I tried giving the painting
a chance,
but now it's making fun of me.
I'm going to go tell Ugga
she has to fix
her horrible painting.
Okay. Couple of ways
I could respond to that,
and I'm going to go with
good luck!
Hello? Anybody in there?
Hey, uh, honey?
I-I wanted to talk to you
about your painting.
Sure. But, before
you say anything,
I just wanted to thank you
for being so supportive.
I was nervous about
how the painting would go over,
but hearing how much
you liked it made me realize
I had nothing to worry about.
So, thanks. Anyway,
what did you want to talk about?
I just wanted
to tell you how much
I love the painting. Again.
In fact, thank you for heading--
I mean, f-for getting
everything so right.
Eyes, noses, necks.
Okay. Well bye.
I didn't see you
if you didn't see me.
Hey, Grug
Here to get rid
of the painting?
I thought you were
gonna talk to Ugga.
I tried, but I couldn't.
It would destroy her.
So instead,
I need to destroy her painting.
Solid logic. Still,
I think you're
making a mistake.
No, I'm not.
I'm doing this for
the good of the family.
Pretty sure
everyone else in your family
likes the painting.
Bettermans, too.
They don't know what they like.
None of this would have happened
if we had just kept
my beautiful skull up.
Yes, I'm sure
the screaming would have
stopped at some point.
Well, good night and good luck.
Wait, stop!
You're not going anywhere.
You know too much.
So if I go down,
you're going down with me.
We're in this together.
Oh, no. You're not pulling me
into this nightmare. I
Wait, together?
You mean like father and son?
Not even close. Grab a side.
You got it Dad.
Uh, Grug?
Where are we going?
Far enough away
that no one can see the flames.
I just want to reiterate
that I think this is a bad idea.
And I just want
to un-whatever-ate
that it's not a bad idea.
It's the only idea.
Hm, I feel like we skipped over
a lot of other better ideas.
Well, we're
in too deep to stop now.
Are we?
Come on!
Oh, what's that, Guy?
You think this is a great idea
and you're completely on board?
Glad you had
a change of heart, buddy.
You're burning my painting?
How could you?
I thought you loved it!
You're not real!
you and Chunky
and Painting Ugga are right.
I can't do this.
I'm not a monster.
Oh, right. I tied you up
for trying to do good things.
I'm proud of you, Grug!
The way a son
would be proud of a father.
Even if that father wasn't
that son's actual father,
but was just acting like it
for the son's sake.
Okay. Okay. I'll let it go.
Hoo! That was a close one!
Can you imagine what Ugga
would have done to me
if I had destroyed her painting?
But I don't want
to be Grug soup!
Yep! It's a good thing
this painting is safe and--
It's okay! Just because
it fell in a puddle,
doesn't mean it's completely
Oh no.
Well, the good news is
your forehead
is completely untouched.
Don't worry.
I think I know how to fix it.
Okay, Guy. Work your magic.
'Cause if you don't,
Ugga's gonna
kill us both.
No pressure.
What are you doing?
Why aren't you painting?
I guess I didn't really
think about
the consequences before now.
Just because you can launch me
into the shock swamp,
doesn't mean
you have to, right? Ugga?
Anyway, uh, here we go.
One saved painting, comin' up.
Why is this taking so long?
Stop pressuring me!
Ah! Guy!
We've been here all night!
Just do it already!
Don't you understand?
One wrong brush stroke
on that painting,
and we're finished.
What did you do?!
I didn't mean to do that!
You know I didn't
mean to do that!
What did you do?!
Looks like he just
dug his own grave.
Yours, too, Morehead.
But I can help dig you out.
I'll make that
painting disappear.
Just say the word.
You don't need to know how!
All you need to know
is that painting will go away
and never be found!
And no one gets hurt,
unless they ask questions.
Any questions?
So many, but let's put
a pin in that idea.
I think I know
someone else who can help.
And when that fails,
you'll be back.
I don't think I can help.
Yeah. What happened?
It was Guy's fault.
No, it wasn't! I thought
we were in this together!
The point is
the painting is ruined,
Guy did it,
and we need you to fix it.
We'll do everything we can.
Think happy thoughts!
What's taking them so long?
That painting
was pretty messed up, Grug.
We just have to be patient
and hope for the best.
All done!
So? Is it fixed?
Fixed ish.
It's so much worse!
Where is Sandy's head?
Funny story.
I used too much paint
on her face,
so I had to cut it out.
How is that funny?
Oh, uh You're right.
It seemed funny at the time,
but not now.
Dad, I'm sorry.
We tried really hard,
but I guess it just
got away from us.
Ugga's going to kill Guy.
Oh! What do we do?
What do we do?
I think I know
someone else who can help.
Yes! Anyone! Please!
Wait. No. No. No!
Yes. Yes. Yes!
Grug needs my help!
But, I'm sorry. I can't help.
Really. But science can!
By using a solution
of plant extracts
and mineral compounds,
I will simply dissolve
the unwanted paint sectors,
enabling restoration of this
painting to its former glory.
And you think this will work?
Science doesn't think.
Science knows.
We'll start in the middle
and work our way to the edges.
What's that smell?
Could be the extracts
and compounds.
Or, more likely, Grug.
It's more like
a burning smell
The painting!
Phil! You killed the painting!
Technically, science did.
And now Ugga's gonna kill me!
There, there, poor, simple,
hysterical Grug.
I know it looks bad,
because it is, but don't worry.
I think I know someone
who can help.
I thought you said you knew
someone who could help.
The only person I know who'd be
in the middle of the woods is--
Told you you'd be back. Ah!
Now, where's the body.
The body you want me
to get rid of.
Not a body, Gran. We want you
to get rid of this painting.
Oh, right. The painting.
Ah! Oh, it's awful!
What is that?!
It's Ugga's painting.
You mean the one of everyone
next to your huge forehead?
My forehead isn't that big.
If you're not looking at it.
But, don't worry
your pretty big forehead.
I'll take care of everything.
This never happened.
Well, we tried
to save the painting,
but it was impossible.
This is the only way
out of this.
Well, it's not
the only way out.
Yeah. You've tried every way
except the right way.
Blaming the punch monkeys?
No. Telling the truth.
Doesn't Ugga deserve the truth?
You're right.
I'll do it. Come on, Guy.
Why do I have to go?!
Ugga! Something terrible
has happened!
Oh, no. Is it the kids?!
It's worse.
It's your beautiful painting.
It's been stolen!
Stolen? How?
Okay, you know how much
I love your painting, right?
Uh, yes. You've mentioned it
a couple of times.
So, anyway, I was
admiring your beautiful painting
when I realized that
it didn't--
it didn't have the right frame.
I wanted it to have
the best frame there is.
So, I took it into the woods
to find a goldenwood tree.
But when I found one,
I realized it was in
an alli-goater's front yard.
And I was surrounded!
I tried to reason with them.
I said, "Take me!
Not this beautiful painting!"
But they were alli-goaters,
so they didn't listen.
I managed to see it myself,
but not the painting.
I'm really sorry, honey!
I love that painting,
and now,
I'll never see it again!
Yes, you will because
we're going to get it back.
From the alli-goaters?
Oh, uh
Areare you sure
that's a good idea?
I mean, there's so many of 'em,
and they're mean!
But I'm meaner.
Besides, I know how much
you love that painting, Grug.
So true. Love it.
Then, it's time for
some painting payback.
Right. Payback.
For the painting.
So, what do we do now, Guy?
Could we go back in time
and tell her the truth?
stole your painting?
Worst lie ever!
I'd like to see you do better.
Gee, Grug, your forehead looks
so much smaller today.
It does? Thank you.
Wait a minute
Guys, guys.
There they are.
So, if the alli-goaters
are here,
the painting must be here, too.
Yes, definitely here, too,
'cause that's
where I said it was.
Okay, then let's
You guys are wrong.
That was gold.
: Follow me.
Grug, you have
to tell her the truth
before this gets ugly.
But she's going
to be mad if I do.
We'll be dead if you don't!
Well, you will because you'll
take the heat while I slip away.
No, I won't!
Fine. Ugga, wait!
Smooth, honey. Very smooth.
And by wait, I mean run!
Ugga! I have
to tell you something!
Now?! What?!
The alli-goaters didn't
take your painting!
Guy did!
Fine! I did it!
I took your painting because
I wanted to get rid of it!
You did? Why?
I thought you loved
that painting!
I tried to love it,
but why did you make
my forehead so big?!
My forehead!
You gave me a big forehead!
Because you have
a big forehead!
Yeah, but not that big! I mean,
it was like the side of a cliff!
Can we talk foreheads later?
You should've just told me!
I would've fixed it!
I didn't want
to hurt your feelings!
So you stole my painting,
lied to me,
and then almost let me
fight a pack of ferocious
to spare my feelings?
Yeah! Did it work?
Well, I'm glad that's over,
so we can forget about it
like it never happened, right?
Where is the painting now,
when I make things go away,
they stay away.
So if you don't
like what you see,
it's your fault, not mine.
Are you going to say something?
Oh, no, you're crying.
This is bad.
Really bad! You never cry!
What have I done?
Wait. You're laughing?
Oh, that's great.
Ha! I'm so glad
we can laugh about this.
Ha! Isn't that great, Guy?
Yes. Great.
We should run.
I'm not laughing
at the painting!
I'm laughing at what
I'm going to do to you!
Oh no, Guy.
We're in real trouble.
Now, every day,
you'll look at this
and remember to never do
what you did again.
Do I have to?
Yes, Grug.
It's the only way an animal
like you will learn your lesson.
: Not sorry.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry.
I would be against this,
but I still look amazing,
and it's definitely better
than that alli-goater skull.
I couldn't agree more, dear.
Are you smiling?
Why are you smiling?
Oh, no. What did you do?
You mean what did we do?
What about combining
breakfast and lunch?
We'll call it lunch-fast!
No, that would never work. Hm?
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