The Equalizer (2021) s04e03 Episode Script

Blind Justice

Previously on The Equalizer
What do you know
that you're not telling us?
What are you talking about?
ROBYN: Dante got hit
with one of those syringes.
Robyn has such a great smile.
Doesn't she have a great smile, Harry?
HARRY: Yeah, she does.
Hey, what else was in that stuff?
A very powerful truth serum.
HARRY: Breathe. Breathe.
Come on.
- Oh, God. Oh, God.
You okay?
Yeah, never better.
Hey, man, watch where you're going.
the Queens-bound E train
going to Jamaica Center.
This is the Queens-bound
E train going to Jamaica Center.
Yo. You stepped on my kicks.
- Get out of my face before you get
WOMAN: Oh, my God, what happened?
- MAN: Oh, no.
- MAN 2: Did you see anything?
Did that, did that guy just jump?
MAN 3: Hey, somebody call 911!
Y'all sending me to work
with lunch today?
- I would,
but the rest of this
is for dinner later,
and you know how Harry eats.
Especially when it
comes to your cooking.
Well, what can I say?
The man has exceptional taste.
- No,
these are for Mr. Otis.
I'm going to visit him
in the nursing home again,
and this time,
Dee is gonna go with me.
- You okay?
DELILAH: Yeah, no, it's just,
I barely remember Mr. Otis, that's all.
ROBYN: You were a little girl
- last time you saw them.
- DELILAH: Yeah.
But Mr. Otis and Miss Bella,
they were more than neighbors.
Back in the day, they were family.
VI: They surely were.
Ever since Miss Bella died,
he's been so lonely.
I know he'll appreciate a visit.
Well, I'm glad y'all are doing that.
It's important
that we not forget our elders.
You know, you're welcome
to come with us, sweetheart.
Sounds like a plan. Why not?
- BOTH: Yay.
Got it. I'll be there.
- I'm sorry.
- VI: Don't you worry about it.
Next time.
Well, please tell Mr. Otis I said hi.
VI: You know I will.
SARA: The police think that
my husband's death two days ago
was an open-and-shut case of suicide
but it wasn't.
And why do you think that?
Michael and I have been trying
to have a baby for years.
Being a father
meant everything to him, and
then our miracle happened.
We named Mary after Michael's mother,
who raised him in the Kitchen.
- Hell's Kitchen?
- Yes.
My husband was a
"pull yourself up
by the bootstraps" type.
You see, "quit" wasn't in his DNA.
So, if it wasn't an accident,
you think it was foul play?
I don't know, I just
I know it wasn't suicide.
Well, was there anything else
going on in his life?
Mary and I were Michael's first love,
but second was Beltany Realty.
Michael built Beltany
into one of the biggest
real estate development
companies in the city.
I can only imagine
that took a lot of blood,
- sweat and tears.
- It did,
but, um
Michael was always really great
at keeping his work
and private life separate, so
if anything was going on there,
I-I wouldn't know about it.
(CRYING): I lost the love of my life.
And Mary will never know her father.
Don't worry.
I'll look into it.
Thank you.
WOMAN: Bonita?
- The hell?
- Hey, girl, how you doing?
DANTE (SLURRING): Hey, girl.
How you doing?
Robyn has such a great smile.
Doesn't she have a great smile?
ROBYN (OVER PHONE): What's he saying?
Yo, Dante.
- What's up, man?
- Hey, Harry.
I just had a weird
Well, remember when I got hit
with that syringe?
(CHUCKLES): Uh, yeah.
You had me, uh, a little
freaked out there for a minute.
Right. So, I recall being in your car,
but I'm a bit hazy on the rest.
Uh, did I say anything
About Robyn, maybe?
So, you, like, don't remember that part?
No. W-What did I say about her?
You know, it was, like,
very much about your feelings.
Look, I think if you want clarity,
I think you know who to ask.
- Oh, incoming.
Call you back.
Yeah, what do you got, Harry?
What do I got? Well
Michael Conway was one of NYC's hottest
young real estate developers.
He and his partner rescued
the old Ensler Hotel, they remodeled it,
and now it's, like,
the hottest spot in town.
Real estate development
in the Big Apple,
I mean, that's not stressful at all.
Yeah, a lot to coordinate,
and more things go wrong than right.
HARRY: That's the kind of stress
that could really push
somebody over the edge.
Yeah, I know Sara doesn't
think her husband could do it,
but she wouldn't be the first
to believe that, either.
ROBYN: Michael's
profile speaks of a fighter.
Someone with a lot to live for.
Also, I know what it's like
to lose a father
and not have any answers.
I think we should kick
the tires on this one.
Thought you might say that, so
I pulled the CCTV footage
from the platform.
MEL: We already went over
all the witness statements.
A few said it looked
like Michael jumped.
But there's no real good
camera angle to tell.
We'll keep scrubbing through the footage
and, you know, maybe we'll get lucky.
What about his business partner?
Unlike Michael,
Hunter Roberts has no social
media presence to speak of.
He seems really private.
So, he won't talk to just anyone.
I'll need to create a cover.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Hold on. Honey, right there.
Do you see that guy?
Hap cat with the shades?
Human nature makes you
at least look back, right?
HARRY: Unless you
already know what happened.
- MEL: Mm-hmm.
- Also,
he never got on a train
or left the station.
This was the last place he was
seen, and then, he's gone.
I mean, that doesn't make any sense.
Well, maybe there's another exit
that we can't see from here,
but if we went there, we could.
I mean, it's a little thin,
- but what have we got to lose?
- Okay.
Wait, wait, where are you going?
To put on my subway shoes.
These are Cavalli.
Right. Obviously.
ROBYN: Thank you for meeting me,
Mr. Roberts.
Uh, please, call me Hunter.
Can't get up.
I hope that was worth it, Hunter.
I just flew back
from skiing in Aspen. Broke my fibula.
So, The New York Globe.
- How can I help?
- Yes, I'm doing a story
on Michael's life and tragic death,
so I was hoping to talk
to those closest to him.
What would you like to know?
Well, why would someone
with seemingly everything
throw it all away?
I wish I knew.
Michael was a great friend.
More importantly,
an amazing husband and father.
I really admired him.
Well, anything at work
that could've triggered this?
It could be off the record, if you like.
Right before I left for vacation,
we closed on this, uh, big project
that would've turned
the Vestige Apartments
into the biggest homeless living
center in the city's history.
It was a pet project for
Michael, a dream come true.
Why was it so important to Michael?
Well, he always fought for the underdog.
He was one himself,
growing up in Hell's Kitchen.
But, as is often the
case with these deals,
it's never done
until the paperwork is signed.
Investors got cold feet.
I told Michael that he should call me.
He tried to handle it himself
The whole thing fell apart.
The morning of the accident,
he sent me a text
saying that he was sorry.
Next thing I know, he's dead.
Sorry to interrupt, sir,
but the board meeting's about to start.
- Of course.
- Well,
thank you for your time.
And again, sorry for your loss.
I appreciate that. Thank you.

See this, right here?
This is why New York works.
'Cause no matter your-your background
or your neighborhood, your social class,
you got to ride the subway, right?
And it forces you
to deal with one another.
And the last time
you rode the subway was?
Remember me, your husband?
- Too many germs,
- Yeah.
but I love the idea of it.
All right, uh
this is where he disappeared.
- (EXHALES) It's Rob.
- All right.
Hey, what's up?
Hunter said that a deal
Michael championed,
the Vestige Apartments project,
went south.
Thinks that might've driven him to jump.
Oh, man. That would be tragic.
I also saw a maintenance order
that Michael requested the day he died
to hang a photo in his office.
Why would he do that if he was
thinking about suicide?
Exactly. Something's off here.
All right, I'll look
into that Vestige project
when I get back to the Sanctum.
We're just tracking down
a lead at the subway.
Got it. Circle back when you're done.
MEL: Harry. Hey.
A maintenance ladder the MTA uses
to go down into the tunnel.
Maybe he went down through that door.
Huh. You know, not a big fan of rats.
Yeah. I promise to protect you
if we get attacked by a pack of rats.
How does one do that?
Do you have, like,
a thing of cheese on you?

MEL: Maybe he came in here.
It's an old maintenance room.
HARRY: Looks like
someone's crashing here.
Harry! (YELLS)
- Harry!
Just the guy we were looking for.
MEL: What do you know about the man
who jumped on the tracks the other day?
MAN: I don't know nothing.
MEL: Yeah, then why'd you attack us?
- Huh?
- I think I know.
Where did you get that wallet?
Ran your prints, Clay Johnson.
No priors, no address, no taxes.
And found in your possession,
the wallet of a dead man.
I got his stuff
'cause I pickpocketed him
right before he died.
So you didn't kill him?
I'm a hustler, not a killer.
- You need to do better than that.
- Better than what, the truth?
ROBYN: I dug deeper into you.
You served in Afghanistan.
Explains how you could hold
your own with my friends.
Yeah, they got lucky.
But you didn't.
You lost your eyesight
in an ammunition accident.
You know my past, but you don't know me.
ROBYN: I know you're not telling
us everything about yourself.
Or what happened on that platform.
Hey, uh, what time is it?
1:30. Why?
I pick my marks
based off of social status.
I target only the well-to-do.
I could hear the steps
from his Italian leather soles.
Much different than the cheap
rubber ones everyone else wears.
Hey, watch where you going!
After I touched him,
I kept moving.
- That's when I heard it.
A Taser charge.
Followed by screams.
Brakes from the train,
people running.
It was crazy.
I get that your senses are heightened,
but you can hear shoe soles
and electric charges?
The two associates of yours
that popped me
The guy smelled of Japanese
denim and hand sanitizer.
And the lady, well,
she fights well for a sniper.
When she flipped me,
I could feel the callus
on her trigger finger.
And you, Detective.
You box?
I've laced up the gloves a bit.
I can hear your breathing.
You really should get that
deviated septum checked out.
Look, I feel terrible
about this guy dying,
I really do, but I was just trying
to make a buck and eat, that's all.
DANTE: What do you think?
I think it's a big jump.
From stealing wallets
to killing someone?
No violent past, no previous record.
My gut tells me he didn't do it.
He was at the murder and came
in contact with the victim.
So we got enough to hold him.
Clay asked you about the time.
Seemed in a rush to go somewhere.
Cut him loose.
See where it leads.
Mel can shadow him.
Sounds like a plan.
I'll cut him loose.
Talk to me, Harry.
I checked Michael's phone records.
And he called Daily News
crime reporter Halle Dodson
30 minutes before he died.
Whatever he told her
could be the key to unlocking
this whole thing.
Okay, I'll head
to the Daily News offices
and speak with the reporter.
I'll call ahead, make sure you get in.
How's your day going, Detective?
It's going well, Captain. Yourself?
Mm. That depends.
Who was the civilian woman
in the box with you earlier?
And why was she in there
while you were questioning a suspect?
Let me tell you who it better not be.
This Equalizer friend of yours.
'Cause I've heard the rumors.
And vigilantes
don't fly here on my watch.
With all due respect, Captain
You know, I thought we had
turned a corner, Detective.
Let's keep it that way.
Yes, Captain.
No wonder he asked about the time.
He has a meeting some guy in a car.
Where is it? Where's my money?
Can you see who it is?
CLAY: Don't worry about
the drive, it's close.
No. I have to get nearer.
MAN: You're wasting my time.
- CLAY: I'm not stupid.
- Let me try something.
I give you that drive, what's
stopping you from taking off?
HARRY: Drive? Like a thumb drive?
I couldn't get the driver,
but I got a partial plate.
Sending now.
Usually, people call ahead
and don't show up unannounced.
I'm so sorry. We'll, uh
We'll know for next time.
I think Mr. Otis has
gotten over his depression.
- VI: Mr. Otis?
- What a surprise.
- Oh.
Ah. Oh.
Oh, so good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Do you remember my great niece?
- Delilah, Robyn's daughter.
- Uh-huh.
This is the one with the braces
- and pigtails?
- That is correct.
- All grown up now.
- It's good to see you.
- We-we brought you something, sir.
- Ah.
I don't know, just a little barbecue.
Ooh, good.
Some home cooking. Thank you, Viola.
You are so welcome.
Wow, would you mind
putting this in the kitchen
for me, please?
- Of course, no problem.
- Okay.
Oh, my goodness, Mr. Otis.
Look at these arms,
they're looking awfully ashy.
- Where's your lotion?
- Over there
by the desk.
VI: Mr. Otis, what are all these bills?
Oh, I'm not sure what they are.
They look like credit card statements.
Bella always handled all that stuff.
But I'll get around to it eventually.
Miss Bella ran a tight ship.
Oh, she sure did.
And I miss her.
I know you do.
- I do, too.
- Mm-hmm.
Miss Bella was the first one
to give me a press and curl.
Lord, she'd burn my ear and say,
"Hush now, baby, beauty feels no pain."
Look who has company.
These are old friends of mine.
Well, hello, old friends.
Mind if I steal Mr. Otis for some bingo?
I only play one card, for Bella.
It will be quick.
- We'll be right here.
Mr. Otis?
Mind if I open up these
bills while you're gone?
Make sure there's nothing outstanding.
Oh, I don't mind. Go at it.
What is Mr. Otis buying that
could add up to this stack of bills?
HARRY: Hey, so I called
the paper and Halle told them
that she was taking a leave of absence,
which I thought was a little odd,
so I ran her credit card,
and it turns out she bought
a $4,000 ticket to Spain
leaving tonight.
That's a lot of
money for a reporter's salary.
Someone or something
must've spooked her.
I'm sending you her home address.
I followed him to a crappy lot.
How's that partial plate going?
HARRY: Yeah, it's gonna take a sec.
I'm running a numbering sequences
on a blue Oldsmobile.
There's only 3,000,016 possibilities.
Looks like he has a stash place.
He hid a thumb drive in there.
That's got to be the thumb drive he
and the wheelman were talking about.
Grab Clay and that thumb drive
and let's figure out
what's going on here.
Hey, lady, can you spare a buck?

DANTE: I checked with neighbors,
nobody saw anything.
And there are no security cameras here.
So anyone could come in and out
without being detected.
I also spoke to the
coroner about Michael.
He found two burn marks on his back,
- compliments of a taser.
- Taser?
So Michael was shocked,
then he fell on the tracks and died.
It was made to look like a suicide.
Clay was telling the truth.
This was murder.
We're looking at a double homicide now.
There is something big here,
and a conspiracy to stop it.
Yeah, and this poor woman paid the price
just for speaking to Michael.
Someone has to answer for this.
We still got eyes on Clay?
No. He's in the wind.
And we have another problem.
My new captain, Watkins
Let's just say she's not
a fan of the Equalizer.
So we might have to find
another way to operate.
I liked it better
when you didn't have a captain.
Our arrangement isn't
easy to understand.
I get that.
So moving forward,
we'll be more stealthy,
less public.
People may start to talk.
Look, um,
can we grab a drink?
There are a few things
I need to talk to you about.
- Just tell me when and where.
Yeah, Harry?
HARRY: Okay, this
is only a theory, all right?
But what if Michael downloaded
something, you know, really damning
onto that thumb drive
and was about
to give it to the reporter.
Which is why they were both killed.
And then Clay picked the
thumb drive off Michael,
found out what was on it,
and then tried to sell it
to the guy in the blue Oldsmobile.
HARRY: Whatever Michael put on it,
people are obviously
willing to kill for.
Yeah, so it must be valuable.
Michael was involved in big
real estate deals and projects.
Millions on the line.
Like that project he was trying to save.
Yeah, about that I looked into
that Vestige homeless project,
and, you know, it's a go.
They-they break ground in a few days.
So why would Hunter lie about it?
I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.
What's up? You okay?
MEL: Yeah, I just
I just feel for Clay.
The guy's a thief, honey.
He's just trying to survive.
Okay, but so are a lot of people,
and they're not all
out breaking the law.
Honey, it's not so black-and-white.
I mean, think about it
serving your country,
losing your eyesight like that,
coming home to no one.
He probably doesn't even get
enough disability to live.
Beautiful, sensitive and smarts
you're the whole package, baby.
Well, yeah, but what
are you talking about?
I-I haven't been able
to find much info on Clay.
Right? But he was blinded
in the military,
which means he must be
receiving disability checks.
But where do they go
if he's got no home?
Look at that.
To Rene Johnson.
Clay Johnson's daughter.
I'll go over there, see if Clay's there
or if Rene knows something.
- Text me the address.
- Yeah.
Who are you? Really?
Sara hired me
to look into Michael's death.
Now, why did you tell me
the Vestige project
didn't go through when it did?
I'm calling security.
Listen, these people are not
gonna stop until they are stopped.
Do you really want
to look over your shoulder
for the rest of your life?
Michael killed the Vestige
housing project.
He found out who won the bid.
He knew they'd ruin it.
Most construction companies are legit.
Some still have mob ties,
and they win the job,
even though they put in
the highest bids.
So the fix is in?
But with all the different agencies,
it's almost impossible
to tell who's on the take.
And these construction companies?
They milk projects dry.
causing union problems, supply issues.
So Michael was gonna expose this,
and it got him killed.
Begged him not to do it.
I told him it was just the price
of doing business in the city.
That's why he sent me
the "I'm sorry" text.
And your leg?
They broke it
to make sure that I played ball.
I feared for my life.
Had to convince them
that I didn't know anything,
that Sara didn't know anything.
Is that all?
I can't help you if I don't have
all the information.
They said they were gonna
break my other leg.
I gave 'em the reporter.
(SIGHS) And now she's dead.
Who are these guys?
Temple Bar Construction.
Run by the Westies
and their leader, Mo Brown.
I'll handle this.

ROBYN: Sara.
How are you?
As good as I can be.
So has there been any
progress with the investigation?
Your suspicions were correct.
This was not a suicide.
Who would hurt Michael? (SOBS)
(WHISPERS): Oh. It's okay.
I don't know yet.
whoever did this,
I promise,
they will pay.
Can I help you?
Yeah. You're the super, right?
- Yeah.
- I'm looking for Rene Johnson.
Not here. She left with some guy.
Really? Was it
this guy?
Nah. But she looked upset.
Like they were fighting or something.
Did you see where they went?
They took off in a blue Oldsmobile.
Let me guess
with a broken back window.
Yeah. How did you know?
Thank you. (SIGHS)
Why is Mr. Otis buying ski equipment?
The man can barely walk.
Okay, Auntie,
this looks like
textbook credit card fraud.
I saw this on a post, and,
unfortunately, seniors get targeted
because of their lack
of Internet knowledge.
(SIGHS) You work hard your whole life
just to have some con artist come along
and swindle you out of it.
This makes me so angry.
Okay, the orders are being sent
to the retirement home.
But, I mean, I don't see
any packages in his room.
So, maybe they're gifts?
Girl, Mr. Otis is so tight with money,
he wanted to get coffee,
he'd go down to the bank
to get it for free.
- Trust and believe,
these are not gifts.
Which means that
honey, whoever's doing this
is doing this from here.
- An inside job.
- Mm-hmm.
So if we can locate the computers
and who has access to them,
then we can come up
with a list of suspects.
- Well, that seems daunting.
- No, look,
the facility's not that large.
Let's start with the orderlies.
They know everything that's going on.
Don't worry.
We got this.
Let's go catch a thief.
HARRY: Mo Brown's reputation
precedes him.
In addition to running notorious
Irish gang the Westies,
having a rap sheet a mile long,
that construction company of his
is just one of many businesses.
The guy's a real entrepreneur.
So, Mo's construction company's
criminal activities
were most likely
what was on the thumb drive.
MEL: And Mo hoped that Clay would bring
the thumb drive to the meeting,
but Clay played it safe.
Now Mo found Clay's daughter,
and he holds all the cards.
So where are they keeping her?
Hey, hey.
Partial plate on the blue Olds paid off.
And the registered owner
is guess who?
Mo Brown.
Time to pay him a visit.
Can I help you?
I'm here to talk about Michael Conway.
What about him?

You got some real moxie coming in here.
Michael Conway.
And don't tell me you don't know
what I'm talking about.
Oh, I know who you're talking about.
But Michael forgot where he came from
and waltzed in here, pointing fingers
like he was better than us.
I'm sorry to read in the
papers that he couldn't hack it.
May he rest in peace.
So you don't know
what I'm talking about?
Me? Oh, I'm just an innocent barkeep.
Well, if you're so innocent,
why are you pointing a shotgun
at me under the table?
You ask a lot of questions.
Makes me nervous.
Why don't you take your hands out
of your pockets, where I can see 'em.
I keep losing that damn pin.
So now what?
So now you confess.
Confess what?
That you had Michael
and that reporter killed
because they were gonna
expose you and your enterprise.
Good luck proving that.
You got a better chance
of hitting the lotto.
Now get the hell out of my pub.
I'll see you real soon, Mo.
- Can't wait.

- Any luck?
- Slipped through the back alleyway.
Rene wasn't anywhere to be found.
So where are they holding her?
- Why haven't they met yet?
- Well, Mo
will pick some place he controls.
And it's getting dark,
so less eyes on him.
Now, we have to get ahead
of this and find Clay.
If he gives Mo that thumb drive,
Michael died in vain.
Uh, Clay's been in the wind
ever since he shook me on the street.
Yeah, I know.
So what do you do
when you hit a dead end?
You go back to the beginning.
You look at the evidence and see
if there's anything you missed.
Okay. I'll go back
to the maintenance room,
see if there's anything
we didn't see the first time.
Okay, I'll hit up Rene's apartment.
So, this facility has two computers.
One in the office needs a password
and is pretty closely monitored.
But that one has
full access, and
Gladys, you're gonna break it.
clearly, anyone
- can use it.
- LINDSAY: Hey, everyone!
It's time for chair yoga!
- Oh, come on.
The doctor recommends 30 minutes
of activity a day, huh?
(SINGSONGY): Shake it, don't break it.
That means you, too, ladies.
Of course.
Hey, let me see the bills real quick?
- Hmm.
- What?
Chair yoga is on Monday afternoons.
Here. Come on.
These three charges were
made on the first,
eighth and 15th.
It's all Mondays.
VI: They sure are.
All Chair Yoga Day.
Come along.
Hey, I checked Clay's spot.
Nothing there.
You can come out now, Clay!
We know about your daughter, Rene.
We know that she's in trouble.
We just want to help you.
I depend on nobody but myself.
Everybody needs somebody.
Even you, Clay.
You couldn't begin to understand.
But I do know what it's like
to try to survive a war
and then just try to act normal.
What is normal?
And your poor family, they can't relate.
They just think you're broken.
And guess what
you are broken.
We can get you help for that.
No. Been there.
I was put on all kinds of meds
just made me numb,
so I stopped taking 'em
and grew even more bitter.
That's what ended my marriage
and my relationship with my daughter.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, me, too.
I let Rene and her mom down.
So I thought when I found this drive,
finally a chance to make some real money
and maybe help Rene out.
But I should have known better
than to dance with the devil,
who kills people in cold blood.
What do you mean?
Mo wears a rare cologne
you can only buy in Ireland.
I smelled it three times in my life.
Once on a train to boot camp,
then in the car the first time
I met Mo for the exchange.
And days earlier in the station
right before Michael died.
Mo went right by me
on the way to Michael.
Then I heard the taser charge.
Michael was dead.
I don't think that's Mr. Otis's size.
WILL: What are you doing, Lindsay?
Uh ordering some gifts
for my favorite seniors.
Do you always do that with
Mr. Otis's credit card number?
This is all a simple misunderstanding.
Don't you even try it.
These people trusted you. Shame on you.
Let's go, Lindsay.
Police are on their way.
Bingo. One card.
Oh, thank you so much
for coming to visit me.
And don't worry about me, I'm just fine.
I can see that you are.
I'll come again soon.
Please do.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Ladies. That it? Ha-ha!
He is living his best life. (CHUCKLES)
Oh, yes, he is.
And if you ever put me
in one of these places,
I will kill you.
Message received.
Mo killed Michael himself.
Once we learned that Mo was involved,
I checked the footage outside the subway
at the time of Michael's death,
and right there was
Mo's eyesore of a car.
ROBYN; So we have the how of the case,
we just need the thumb drive
to prove the rest.
And we need to figure out
where Clay and Mo are meeting
so we can save Rene in time.
Wait a minute.
Mo's car is an eyesore
because Mo must have been
in an accident.
Okay. Where are you going with this?
I'm gonna throw a Hail Mary here
and run accident insurance reports
in the tri-state area
in the last 30 days.
Cross-reference it
with Mo's license plate, and
Well, look at that.
Jolian Blevins reported an accident
in a parking lot at Pier 88
nine days ago.
That's right next to
one of Mo's construction sites.
And, oh, yeah, Clay just showed up.
Okay, we're on our way.
You guys, it's across town.
We're never gonna make it.
You got the thumb drive?
You got my daughter?
(footsteps scuffled0
- Go. Come on.
Dad, what's happening?
It's gonna be okay, baby girl.
It's all there.
- Kill them.
- Dad!
Don't! Don't, don't!
HARRY: I tapped into a security cam.
It's grainy and the light's low,
HARRY: Oh, man, this is not good.
When you're done, dump the bodies
in the furnace over here.
CLAY: Mo, you don't
think I made another copy
just in case I didn't make it back?
I don't think you'd play
with your daughter's life.
But if you did, we'll find that person,
and we'll kill them, too.
Guys, we're-we're not gonna make it.
Clay and Rene are about to die.
ROBYN: Harry,
you said there was some low light.
Cut the power.
Cut the pow Why? Cut the
Right. Cut the power.
WESTIE 2: Where'd it go?
WESTIE 3: I can't see anything.
What's going on?
MO: Everyone relax.
WESTIE 2: What's going on?
Doesn't matter, we gotta find them!
You see anything?
I told you I'd see you again
real soon, didn't I?
No tricks to save you this time.
I wouldn't bet on that.
Get down. Get your
hands up right now, right now!
OFFICER 2: Put your gun down now!
OFFICER: Everybody's under arrest.
He's trying to destroy the thumb drive
in the furnace. Don't do it!
What the hell? Where is it?
CLAY: Looking for this?
OFFICER: Face down!
Come on. Let's go.
DANTE: Give me the other hand.
Well, with that thumb drive
and Clay's testimony,
you're going to jail for a long time.
And if you ask me,
you're getting off easy.
What do you care about any of this?
Because a little girl lost her father.
But at least one day
she'll know he's a hero
for stopping a dirtbag like you.
Let's go.
- Get away from me.
- CLAY: I'm so sorry.
- I really am.
- Sorry?
I was just kidnapped because of you.
I know.
But believe it or not,
I did all of this to help you.
Help me?
I understand you're upset, baby girl,
but I want to fix this.
Yeah? Well, you're ten years
too late for that.
Just leave me alone.
She'll forgive you one day.
Or not.
You know, that was pretty smart,
turning the lights out, though.
I was trying to give you
a chance to get away.
Swiping that thumb drive back from Mo,
that was pretty smooth.
All right, you guys be good.
Hey, Clay.
Listen, let us help you.
Let us help you get a job,
- give you the community that you deserve.
- I don't know.
Think I'll take my chances out there.
'Cause out there I answer
to no one but myself.
Nobody to let down
or be let down by.
It's safer that way.
Truth is I wouldn't come back
if I could ♪
I feel like we failed Clay.
Sometimes we can't save everyone,
but we can still make a difference.
DANTE: Rene's still alive because of us.
Hunter doesn't have to
look over his shoulder,
Sara gets closure.
I get that. It's why I love what we do.
It's just, I have
a special place in my heart
for those like me
who served and came back
and felt all alone.
I mean, I came back to family
and it was still hard.
But I-I can't imagine
coming home and having no one.
Hey, you all right?
Actually, no.
I just got news
that an old friend of mine
who I served with, Zoe,
she was struggling, and, um
she took her own life.
HARRY: Oh, Mel, I'm so sorry.
I-I didn't I-I didn't know.
I didn't want to talk about it.
I didn't feel ready
to talk about it till now.
There's just, there's too many
Zoes and Clays out there.
So I'm gonna start
a veterans support group,
and I am going to try
to help those who feel alone.
And I'm gonna give them
what we have here:
a family.
That's what I'm talking about.
- I love that, babe.
- Great idea.
Anything you need, let us know.
Appreciate it.
I came here to tell you that
I spoke with the D.A.'s office.
They are looking into
the corruption from Mo Brown
all the way to City Hall.
Heads are gonna roll because
of the info that Michael provided.
That's great to hear.
And Hunter and I will
keep Michael's dream alive
and finish the Vestige
homeless living facility
with new contractors,
and the city behind it.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
You've given Mary and I
some closure.
Is this Mary?
Would you like to hold her?
Oh, sure. (CHUCKLES)
- Oh, come here, come here.
Oh, I know,
- I know, huh?
I've heard so much about you.
I hear your daddy was
a very special guy.
So was mine.
You know, we are the lucky ones.
Yes. Hi, beautiful.
Wherever love is,
that's where I'll be. ♪
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