The Unit s04e03 Episode Script

Sex Trade

We were supposed to recon the area two hours ago.
Meet's set for tonight.
- Yeah.
Couldn't be helped.
- A delay at customs.
- Hoo.
That's a lot of euros.
- That's what Alexander the Great said.
I'm the one who had to sign for the 32 million so don't let me catch you wearing Prada on the way home.
Middle man takes two for his cut.
Petrov doesn't show his face until the local guy checks you out.
- Let's make up for lost time.
- I think I got your sizes right.
- It'll help you fit in better.
- Fit in where? The middle man, Dragan- he operates a club.
- We'll take it from here.
- It's not a gay club.
To hop the rope, you'll need arm candy.
That'd be me.
# But you are on your way now Come alive, come alive # # Come alive, come alive # # Come alive, come alive # # Come alive, come alive # Corner of the bar- maroon shirt, gold chain.
Oh, yeah.
- Dragan? - Yes.
Sizwe? - Yes.
- Pleasure to meet you.
Good to meet you.
Let's do some business.
How long are you staying in Kosovo? Just long enough for us to conduct our business.
- You know the price.
- I am prepared to pay.
It's a lot of cash for a little African country.
It's not a lot of cash to me.
Do you want to count my money or do business? All right.
I can have Petrov, tomorrow, here with your package.
So where is the money? When I get the plutonium.
And I need to test it.
It has already been tested.
It's Pu-239.
Very reassuring.
- You worry too much.
- No.
You see the money when I see Petrov.
- He doesn't like to be fooled with.
- Neither do I.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow.
But tonight, you will stay as my guest.
- Are you hungry or thirsty? - No.
I'm fine, thank you.
Well, I would like to show you some hospitality.
- You're my new friend, right? - Of course.
Follow me.
- And this is? - A gesture of good faith.
Just like that? Anything you want.
She does it all.
Backwards, forwards, upside down.
Whatever he likes.
Okay? More than okay.
First, tell me your name.
- Dava.
- Dava.
How long have you worked here, Dava? Two months.
- But-But Dragan said- - I know what Dragan said.
But my religion prevents me as it also prevents me from refusing a gift from my host.
So please, just- just sit down.
You-You seem like nice man.
But others are not so.
I would never hurt you.
- But will you help me? - If I were able to.
My friend Nadia and I, we come to Kosovo to be models.
But when we get here - he take our passport, he beat us.
- Dragan? - He keep us here.
- There are others? Some he sell.
Some he make work here.
My friend Nadia, she's very sick.
If we don't get out of here soon, she will die in this hell.
Will you help us? Trouble.
- Who are they? - They're here for the plutonium too.
Terrorist arms brokers.
Looks like our sale just turned into an auction.
#Give me your secrets, Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Doctor.
You feelin' any better? When do I move to a real hospital? - About that- - You got my results.
It's as you thought.
Radiation specialist is on his way now.
I can save him the trip.
Filgastrim for the white blood cell count potassium iodide for the thyroid and promethazine hydrochloride for the nausea.
Unless you can find me something- herbal.
They don't dispense that medication on base.
My question is this.
Were you poisoned by the plutonium or did you just get sloppy in the lab? It's an occupational hazard.
If your occupation is terrorism.
I was paid to test their isotopes.
I'd like to believe you.
We still think that you're a valuable asset.
I'm sure you do.
But I don't wish to spend my last weeks- or days- locked up in here.
Client didn't tell you how he planned to use the plutonium? No, but I gather from what you've told me he'll sell it to someone who plans to make quite a large bomb.
You gather that, do you? When will I be moved to a regular hospital? You'll have your chance to see your Mr.
Petrov again.
You have broken our agreement! You are insulting my country.
What can I tell you, my friend? It happens.
When did this other buyer appear? There are always buyers for a product like this.
- He is willing to pay more.
- How much more? - Five million more.
- No.
I will not be your stalking horse.
The free market, my friend.
I need more time.
I'm on your side.
But Petrov, he doesn't like to wait.
I can beat their offer.
I need time.
How did you like the girl? - She served her purpose.
- Too old, huh? I have a 14-year-old if you want.
That is very thoughtful of you, but I must decline.
We got no time to dummy up a wire transfer.
- What about the agency? - Mmm.
We're barred from contact with the station.
- We'd do better going for my cutout account.
- For five million euros? What do we use for collateral- my old DeSoto? The black market's laying out They already got their buyers standing by- either narco-terrorists or Al-Qaeda.
- So where do we find these new players? - We know they're in town.
And that they're well guarded- sitting on all that cash.
So how did our winning ways compete with all that cash? Can't outspend 'em.
Must outthink 'em.
Outspend 'em or outshoot 'em.
Does that include Dragan? - Starting with Dragan.
The man's scum.
- Yeah, but he's our scum.
Besides plutonium, he traffics in girls- most of them younger than my daughter.
- If we stay with Dragan, he may lead us to the other buyers.
- Eventually perhaps.
Hold on.
We don't have to do the recon ourselves.
- There are others who might want to help us.
- Others? Yeah.
Those who might want a favor in return.
I came back for you.
- I need your help.
- How can I help you? There's a man at the bar with Dragan.
I need to know something about him and his friends-an address.
- You-You want me to- - I don't care how.
- But if I do this- - Then I will help you.
Your friend Nadia, is she the one stuck to Dragan's side? Then I will get you both out.
One for you, Mrs.
- Uh, another for you, Mrs.
- It's like Christmas come early.
- Is there any cash in here? - You're asking the wrong guy.
I'm just the pony express.
My own California teaching certificate.
I'm back in the classroom.
Oh, my God.
- And I start this morning.
- At least you won't have to fake it.
Vice President of Marketing, AeroDyne Alliance.
I'm still waiting to find out what this Alliance actually makes.
What we make or what we say we make? Aircraft engines.
Custom appliances.
- Our new base of operations.
- Our new clubhouse.
Don't expect me to sweep up.
Why do I feel like the girl with the glasses at the homecoming dance? - I'm sure it's not deliberate.
- Everything here is deliberate.
Taking my kids away from me was deliberate.
There's no good in complaining.
- It's unfair.
- It's unfortunate.
It's regrettable.
It's tragic.
But it's not unfair.
The army's trying to keep us safe.
Maybe they're still working out your cover.
And maybe I'm better off without one.
We're all going to make it through this.
Lissy! Lis! Hey, hey.
Hey, wait up.
- I heard you, Mom.
- Well, you didn't let me finish.
I get it.
You didn't ask for this job.
Can we talk about this later? Well, look at it this way.
We're both new here.
- At least now we can look out for each other.
- I don't need looking after.
Just to keep our stories straight.
I'm not gonna blow our cover like you almost did.
Now, come on.
Let's try and be nice to each other, huh? Look, I'll see you after school.
Oh! Man, I am so sorry.
- Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm all right.
Just get to class.
Hello? This is Jessica at the agency confirming your interview this afternoon.
I'm sorry.
You have the wrong number.
Kim Cahill? - It is.
Yes, but- - I have your employment card right here.
- Your interview's at 1:00.
- The interview.
A wonderful couple with a teenage son and an infant daughter.
And what exactly are they looking for? They need someone who can start right away full-time.
I see.
But- They just lost their nanny, and they're really in a bind.
A nanny.
Our old nanny quit, out of nowhere.
Just disappeared without an explanation.
So above all, we really need someone we feel we can trust.
Of course.
Some people just aren't cut out for children.
Your references are excellent.
Looks like most of them are from Kansas.
- That's right.
- What brings you to California? Uh, my husband's company transferred him out here.
What does he do for work? He's in the private aircraft business.
Unfortunately, he travels a lot.
Oh, thanks.
So that leaves me with plenty of free time.
My wife's always on the road for work too.
- It's not easy with a newborn.
- No, not easy for you.
Looks like you've had some experience with infants.
Uh, I come from a big family- nieces, nephews and a lot of dirty diapers.
We also have a 15-year-old.
- He's a real jock.
- Can't wait to meet him.
- How about this afternoon? - Excuse me? Can you start today? Did you get it? I told him he was so good I wanted to see him for free.
Where is he staying? First, you help.
I need doctor.
- After the doctor, if you should run- - I cannot run.
As long as Dragan has Nadia, I cannot run.
Let's go.
# Sound off, one, two # # Sound off, three, four ## It works for my little Emily too.
Are you all right? Oh.
I'm sorry.
It's just that my husband and I have been trying so hard to have one of our own and- She's beautiful.
- I understand.
- You do? Marian and I did fertility treatments for six years.
It was rough.
- Harder than I thought.
- Are you on a protocol? - Hmm? - Fertility treatments.
I had to give Marian shots twice a day.
Oh, yeah.
We're trying everything.
- How many c.
's are you on? - Gosh.
There's so many.
I get 'em all confused.
It's the one in the oil solution.
I became a real expert.
To tell you the truth, I let my husband be the expert.
He says " Bottoms up," and I don't even look.
- It'll work out.
- You're very kind.
Hey, you know what they say.
Your children will find you.
I hope so.
Need any help? No, thanks.
I'm just waiting for my daughter.
- Oh.
Most everyone's gone home already.
- Yeah, looks that way.
- You want me to go look for her? - No.
It's okay.
- No.
I'd be glad to.
- It's not necessary, um- Josh.
I didn't hurt you, I hope? - A little whiplash is all.
- Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
- I'm kidding.
- No, no.
I had that kind of injury last season.
- Right here.
- I said it's not necessary.
- Make you feel better.
- I beg your pardon? You never know.
I think you'll be better off focusing your attention on girls your own age.
Eh, the girls here are immature.
- I prefer women.
- Nothing like ambition.
For example, you.
I'm a teacher, and you're a minor.
- I'm 18.
- You're not hearing me, Josh.
It's against school policy, and it's against the law.
And it's against my wishes, which I have made plain.
So move on.
Well, you don't have to be a bitch about it.
Good-bye, Josh.
Ten years from now, when that face is all cracked you're gonna be thinking about what you could've had.
Get out of my sight.
- Someone was very rough on that girl.
- Mm-hmm.
She says you're her boyfriend.
Just tell me you can help her.
I can, but it's involved.
I see.
So let us make it simple.
I'll do what's possible.
I'm sure you will.
- Let go of her.
- She's a thief! Look! Show him.
I will pay! I will.
- Morphine? - Drug addict! It's not for me.
I swear.
It's for Nadia.
She has Al DS.
She always has pain.
Let us go.
- Who's there? - Dragan sent me.
For his best clients.
Dragan saved the best for last.
Maybe you had to prove yourselves.
How do you prove yourself? Me? I am a specialist.
Because I got something special for you.
First, get me a drink, will you? You have a lovely view.
We're out of ice.
I like it warm.
Where's your accent from? You want small talk, get a girlfriend.
I don't have time for it.
- Feel good? - Mmm.
- Now it's my turn.
- Sure is.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- By the couch.
- I got it.
They make money the old-fashioned way.
They steal it.
I guess the bidding's closed.
Lucky for you, huh? Maybe they found another deal elsewhere.
They didn't drop out from the bidding.
They dropped dead.
Look, these things happen, my friend, in a free market economy.
But I don't think that Petrov is gonna sell you this plutonium on the cheap.
Where I come from, 32 million is not cheap.
Thirty-seven million.
That was the price.
Thirty-seven million.
When you had two bidders.
Now you have only the one.
One who will pay 37 million.
And they want your assurance that no one else in this transaction drops out.
I believe we have a deal.
Hey, I'm still not getting the uplink.
Will you check your L.
connection? Try doubling back the wire before you hit the solder.
I got it.
Up and ready for business here.
While you're at it, you can put chrome rims on.
Then we'll really get noticed.
Redcap, don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.
Now we'rejust another wandering band of gypsies.
Smile, Bridge, for your home page.
Slavic lethargy.
What do you think? Eh.
How about something a little more viral? What do you want me to do, blow 'em a kiss.
- Yeah.
They'll love that in the TOC.
- Nah.
Colonel Ryan's not much of a romantic, huh? What? Let's throw this thing together.
We got a half an hour to get in place.
Yes? Oh.
I just got a call from the office.
I have to go in today.
- You want me to stay with Ella? - If you don't mind.
I'm sorry.
I thought I was gonna be able to work from home today.
I can stay as long as you want.
- I- - I'll watch her as if she were my own.
Let me give you my cell number just in case you need anything.
I can't tell you how grateful I am.
Don't worry.
I need to get used to the developmental approach out here.
If you ever have a problem with the curriculum, feel free to stop by my office.
Would you excuse me? I see a student of mine I need to speak with.
- What are you doing? - Going to class.
I thought you said the girls out here were too immature for you.
- Mmm, Lissy's cool.
- She's 16.
And she is not for you.
Okay, she's too young for me.
You're too old for me.
Let's try this.
You date who you want, Lissy dates who she wants.
All right.
You're a predator.
And you're looking for a victim.
I understand.
I am not a victim.
You think I'm an easy mark? I will correct you.
Stay away from my daughter and me.
Well, if you weren't making it so hard, I wouldn't have to go that way.
Let's get this straight.
If I find you anywhere near Lissy, I will make you regret it.
I could report you to the principal for using threatening language.
I mean, it is against school policy and against the law.
- Do you want me to take this to the office? - What are you gonna say- that I hit on you yesterday and you didn't report it immediately as required? And then I'd tell the principal that the reason you kept your mouth shut was because you hit on me, threatened me if I told anyone.
Oh, and now I have an eyewitness.
Maybe I should just go tell her myself.
Or we could work something out.
- Dirt Diver, we're in place.
- We're in position.
No one moves on Petrov until we've got a positive I.
Snake Doc's got company.
I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of ordering some espresso.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I have 37 million reasons why we should conclude our business today.
I will have to see those 37 million reasons.
Cool Breeze, this is Dogpatch 0- 6.
We got a clear transmission, but we can't get a positive I.
Roger that, Dogpatch.
Comin' your way most rikki-tik.
Redcap, we're rollin'.
I need a look my way, please.
There is location.
We need a little bit of time.
How much time? Eh.
Got it.
Great! Run it! Print it! Dirt Diver, stand by.
We're gonna get your confirmation.
Is that him? - No.
I don't recognize him.
- That's not Petrov? I've never seen this man before.
Dirt Diver, we got a situation.
That man with Snake Doctor is not Petrov.
I repeat.
That is not our target.
- We have deal, yes? - Yes, as soon as we can see- No, thank you.
- You want.
You want.
- No! Here.
Go! Okay.
We have come to the terms.
Let's get the package.
How do I know that he is who he says? - Who do you think I am? - I was told to deal only with Petrov.
He's got what you need.
That's who he is.
You lied to me! Who is this man? How do you know that this is not Petrov? Because you have asked the question.
- He is not actually Petrov.
- I work for Petrov.
You said Petrov himself.
Where is Petrov? He is- It's just, Petrov, he doesn't like, you know, to expose himself.
For 37 million, he can dance naked in the square! Until then, no deal.
Taxi! No, no, no! No, wait, wait! If he's delivering a kilo of plutonium he'll have it divided up into 15 to 20 individual pigs.
Your man has 90 seconds exposure before he risks radiation poisoning.
- But he has to test it? - More than one pig.
Sometimes they'll offer up one good sample from a lot of 30 losers.
What's the threshold? Ninety-five percent purity.
But it's good enough to make a bomb.
- Perhaps.
- Perhaps.
- If that kid files a complaint with the principal- - A bogus complaint.
Any complaint.
The school is required to open an investigation.
They'll dig into my background, and they'll crack my cover.
- And that opens the door on all of us.
- You need to slam that door.
Has the boy gone to the principal? No.
But he's got me in a corner, and he knows it.
Tiffy, the first thing you learn in combat is to assess the enemy's strength.
- What's he got? - You mean- - I mean the threat.
- An accusation.
The weight ofhis words.
In martial arts, we use the enemy's own weight against him- make him extend himself until he's off balance.
So you want me to what, throw him? Use what he's using against himself.
- The accusations? - And anything else you can bring to bear.
- Anything you can to raise him out.
- To get down on his level? No.
Break his will to fight.
I wasn't even doing anything wrong.
I don't care, Lissy.
Stay away from him.
- Why? - Because he's trouble.
Because why, he's 18? It's more than that.
He was the only one who even talked to me at school today, Mom.
Remember on the bus ride here when we were talking about shared sacrifice about making compromises for the greater good? Well, this is one of those sacrifices I'm asking you to make.
And I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
It's important.
Here they are now.
Dragan, Petrov sent us.
And where is he? He said he was coming.
Petrov, my brother.
I am here, as requested.
Let's make this quick.
NATO uniforms.
It makes the border crossing less stressful.
Go ahead.
As promised.
Now it is your turn.
Thirty-seven million is the price.
That was the price before you fixed the bidding.
Violence draws too much attention.
Authorities must be paid off.
So it is going to cost you.
Me? I brought you this money.
You also brought this danger.
- Take it from his cut.
- No.
He has no more cut.
He owes me, or no deal for anyone.
- What do you want? - Whatever is his.
Drugs, girls.
I am just a small businessman.
Oh, but you, of course, have something that you've saved for a rainy day.
No? Fine.
You want us to find out for ourselves? Petrov, you don't want to do this.
What is this? A cost of doing business.
Cool Breeze, something's going down.
They got guns on Snake Doc.
- What's with the soldiers in the club? - I don't know.
What now? We just-We hang back.
We want that plutonium.
You were holding out on us, Dragan.
I will take all of the girls as payment.
That's too far.
These girls are mine.
If you want to drop out of this deal over them, do it! - That's enough! - Oh, really? Because you say so? Let us conclude our business here.
Forget this business.
Forget your money.
I can find other buyers.
- Thirty-seven million, and you still need the girls? - Well, it's my commission.
You can't have my girls without paying.
- I want to close this deal.
- And I'd like to go home! - If he won't give them, shoot them.
- Wait! - Sell me the girls.
- What? Done.
Now they're mine.
And now yours.
Give me the keys.
We swap.
Fine transaction.
I hope your country appreciates your patriotism.
I hope so too.
Tell Dirt Diver- pick up the Saab.
I want Petrov.
I don't care how.
What about the money? We go after the truck? No, we can't.
We gotta secure the plutonium first.
Then we get the girls back.
- Push it.
- They could've crossed over by now.
Push it.
- The border's only six klicks out.
- We can make it.
- Cool Breeze.
- Go.
Tell Snake Doc it's over.
- Petrov? - Didn't leave me a choice.
What about the truck? What about the girl? Negative.
No girls here, Top.
We got Petrov.
- Did he say anything? - About you? What do you want, Colonel? I want to know who hired you and why.
Petrov sells nuclear materials to the highest bidder.
He doesn't care who wants 'em and why.
Nor does he hire academics like you to vet his isotopes when any out-of-work Russian lab rat can do it on the cheap.
Now he was paid to get you bomb-grade plutonium.
And I'm asking you one more time- for whom? Why don't you ask Petrov? Petrov's dead.
Well, so am I.
Not yet you're not.
Save what's left of your life.
It's not my life that matters now.
I made a mistake not coming to you first.
But being new here, I just didn't want to be hard on the boy.
But you were clear with him about the sexual harassment? In no uncertain terms.
That's why he came after me and threatened me with physical violence when I said no.
Frankly, I'm still a little scared.
These days, you have to take every potential threat seriously.
You're needed right away at the east entrance.
There's a serious situation.
Excuse me.
- What happened? - Mrs.
Green, it's not mine.
- What? - The metal detector went off.
- We found a handgun on him.
- It's not mine.
I swear.
- I don't know how it got there! - In the office.
- Get the police down here.
- No! Wait! "F'"you, young man.
You stay right there.
Thank you.
For the greater good.
Who else got these brochures? They're only for the showroom.
We received a hundred for display.
Then why does my new employer have one? One of those? Are you sure? Saw it right on his desk.
The number was circled.
A voice on the phone tells me to interview with him and he's got this in his house.
- Who is he? - His name's Isaac Reed.
He's in the import-export business.
Why would he have a brochure from us when we don't technically exist yet? You know anything more about him? Just that his wife's in the same company.
She travels a lot.
- You haven't met the wife? - No.
Do you think you can get back into his office? I don't see why not.
He's already left me alone once in the house.
- He trusts you.
- More than that.
For a man whose wife's out of town he's a little too friendly, if you know what I mean.
- I think you should call the colonel.
- Don't.
It's probably just another test.
Maybe I wasn't supposed to notice the brochure.
But the better guess- our landing in this town with these jobs is no accident.
- I don't understand.
- Neither do I.
But I'm going to.
- No one.
- Gone.
Over here.
Tire treads.
They switched vehicles.
Maybe a van.
Put the girls in there, drove off.
Ah, they could be anywhere by now.
- You made the only choice you could.
- Is that right? You had to get the plutonium.
Think of the lives you've saved.
You had to buy the girls, hand them over, or else- You know what.
Why don't you stop talking.
It doesn't help.

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