Trying (2020) s04e03 Episode Script

Murder at Slaughterbridge Manor

[SMACKS LIPS] That's the one.
I have just found the
perfect place to be murdered.
Oh, are you still planning
on playing that stupid game?
I see my birthday as the perfect chance
for everyone to just come together
and have lots of fun within the
terms of the rental agreement.
So you're feeling
better about turning 50?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm feeling very positive.
Very positive indeed, actually.
- Aw, well, good.
- Hmm.
Goodness me. Look at this.
Oh, wow!
Why do you always drive?
Well, your dad's developed
terrible road rage
since becoming a taxi driver.
It's embarrassing, Jase, just
gesticulating to everyone.
Well, you know what? Maybe if you
gesticulated at a few more people,
I wouldn't have to. How about that, hey?
Oh, my Go Honestly,
that gets me every time.
- Oy, oy. Here they are.
You made it then? You all right?
Sorry we're late by my standards.
[PRINCESS] Still getting
used to my new car.
[JASON] How was she to drive?
Yeah. She's a good little runner.
I'm gonna take the engine
apart when we get home.
- Why? What's wrong with it?
- Nothing.
Please tell me you strip your
engine down for monthly checks.
Oh, yeah. Definitely.
I mean, it's slipped a bit
recently possibly, but
- Princess was taking notes.
- Oh, yeah? [LAUGHS]
- Head notes.
- [JASON] Head notes.
- Hello!
- This is nice.
- You all right? Yeah?
- Yeah.
[JASON] Oh, yeah. There they are.
I'll tell you what,
the drive's long enough.
- How rich are you?
Oh, no. No. No, listen [STAMMERS]
it's just ours for the weekend.
Billiard room's actually quite cramped.
And the peacock pictured online,
- he's rather conspicuous by his absence.
- Okay.
- Happy birthday! [CHUCKLES]
- [JASON] Happy birthday to you.
Oh, my. Why the hell have
they brought that thing?
- Are there not enough rooms for everyone?
- No, there's plenty of rooms.
They just prefer the caravan.
Do you know they've got
everything in that thing?
- Right.
- No, no, I m
Oh, no, I mean literally everything.
You can test it.
- Aw. Here she is. Hello.
- Hello. [CHUCKLES]
Yeah, so just wondering how
the speech is coming along.
For after dinner?
Yes. Yeah. Yeah, it's all good.
All good. [STAMMERS] That's all
- That's all in hand.
- Wonderful. And I [STAMMERS]
- If it doesn't hem you in
- Hmm.
I do wonder if you
might cap it at half an hour.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, definitely.
- Currently a squeak under that, but
- Right.
- So that's
- Yep, great. It's just
I only have three hours
for the parlor games.
- Ah.
- I mean,
there's barely enough time for
one round of The Minister's Cat.
- Sure.
- Let alone, uh, Are you there, Moriarty?,
Parson's Biscuits, or
indeed, Call me Seamus.
And don't worry. Yes, we will be
ending on a round of Pass the Slipper.
- Don't want a riot on our hands.
- I know a good game.
- Oh?
- It's called Does It Float?
- Yeah?
You get a bowl of water
and see what things float.
- Right.
- Hmm.
Shall I repeat the rules again?
No. No, but let's do keep
the dialogue open on that.
- Okay. Will do.
- Here, mate. Here you go.
Dad, watch this.
Uh, hi. Uh, sorry, I just wonder,
do you have a hole
punch in your caravan?
A3 or A4?
- Unpacking then?
You missing your granny?
It's hard, innit?
When people were around and
then they're not. [SIGHS]
Some people you carry with ya.
I know, but they're heavy.
Yeah, they are.
'Cause the card is quality.
Then one day, they seem lighter,
and you realize you're
not carrying them anymore.
How do you know when it's
time to stop carrying them?
I honestly don't know.
[SCOTT] It's time!
It's time!
It's time! [CHUCKLES]
God, Scott.
Oh, no, no, no. [STAMMERS] It's
the Lord of Slaughterbridge Manor.
Welcome! Welcome, everyone. Do come
in, come in, come in. Come in guys.
- The gong woke me up. [CHUCKLES]
- Well, yes.
I had a tiny driving
sherry on the trip down.
Right. When this is all over, I think
I think we should have a little chat.
Oh, yeah, okay. That'd be nice.
- [KAREN] Scott.
- Uh, who's Scott?
Well, I will tell you who Scott is.
He's a man who won't listen
to my advice when I tell him
- that nobody wants to play
- Hello!
And welcome to Slaughterbridge Manor.
Shortly, your host, Lord Slaughterbr
That's me. I'm Lord Slaughterbridge.
Sorry, I have to
Did ask Karen to, uh, read this bit,
but she was [STAMMERS] not keen.
- [SCOTT] Um, okay.
So I am Lord Slaughterbridge,
and I am inviting
you all here to solve a murder.
- Ooh.
Yes, that's right. I am soon to be
murdered by someone in this room.
- Yeah. I can see that for you.
- [NIKKI] Princess.
But who are the suspects? Hmm.
- Take a prop.
- Oh.
Ah, Slenderwell, the venerable vicar.
- [NIKKI] Ooh.
- [SCOTT] Hmm.
Madame Rashevsky,
- the eccentric spiritualist
- Hmm.
who can commune with the dead.
[GASPS] I've always felt a
connection with the other side.
- Jason is
- [GROANS] Come on.
- Dick Malone, the hard-boiled PI.
He can distill a man
to his soul with a look.
Adept to using liquor to loosen tongues.
- M-Maybe we could pair up.
- All right, Jill, love, yeah.
- [NIKKI] Bloody hell.
- [SCOTT] Ah, the doctor.
Always trustworthy. Apart
from the ones on the news.
Oh, okay. So the men are the
detectives and the doctors.
Oh, my God. Can't we
have an afternoon off?
[SCOTT] Oh, Delilah Deville.
Hot lips! The young, cunning femme
fatale, corrupting any man she
Right. Okay, all right.
I think we got it.
Um [SMACKS LIPS] works with, uh,
respectfully, whilst earning equal pay.
- Better.
- Langley Truman, ace newshound.
- Isabella and Isadora Slaughterbridge
- [NIKKI] Mmm.
granddaughters and heirs
to the Slaughterbridge fortune.
- Interesting.
- Karen.
- And last but not least,
- Carla Santiago
- assistant to the Spanish ambassador.
[SCOTT] How about that? They
didn't have, uh, children's options.
But, um, don't worry, it's
a largely ceremonial role.
Now, once you have discovered
my body somewhere in the house,
you will follow the clues that will
lead you to the murderer among us.
And you may start your
search in one minute.
Actually, make it two, 'cause it's
all the way down the corridor
[SMACKS LIPS] or is it?
Look, we don't have to play
this if you don't want to.
I mean, we can just go
and have a drink on the
All right. Well, he's gone
already, so [STAMMERS]
- [JASON] Nik, Nik, Nik.
- [NIKKI] Yes?
Listen, we need to talk about Scott.
- What, like an intervention? [CHUCKLES]
- No,
I mean this speech that he
wants me to give after dinner.
- I haven't written it. What do I say?
- I don't know.
- Just stuff you know about him.
- I don't know anything about him.
Jase, you've known him for years.
You were best man at his wedding.
Just I don't know, just
draw on your shared memories.
- Dad.
- Nikki.
Oh, yes?
Do you just wanna sack this off
and go and eat all the canapés?
Dad. Have you got any, um,
observations about Scott,
like memories, funny stories,
anything for this bloody speech?
I try to block him
out for the most part.
He's tall. I've noticed that.
Thanks very much. Yeah,
that's that's very helpful.
Okay. Well, he's not in there,
so I'm sort of done, really.
I think I need to move on.
Well, we can try the drawing
room, but I really CBA, TBH.
No, not like that.
I, um [SIGHS] I
downloaded this dating app.
But I don't know what to do. I
mean, it's a different world now.
Well, it's not changed
that much. I mean,
how did you get together with Grandma?
We went for gimlets on Friday, and
I wrote to her father on the Monday.
Okay. [STAMMERS] Well,
yeah, it's changed a bit.
Right. We need a description
of yourself for your bio.
- Here. What about this?
This is an alphabetized
list of your medical issues.
You think it should go serious to mild?
I'll put "health-conscious."
Okay. What about a profile photo?
Hmm. Oh, here.
- Yeah.
Aw, Granddad. [CHUCKLES]
I think we may need some new ones.
- Shouldn't we be looking for Uncle Scott?
- Well, we are, mate, in a way.
Look, if I don't find
something to put in this speech,
then he's not going to be
the only one dying. Trust me.
And anyway, there's
loads of people looking.
Someone else will find him.
I mean, the man's invisible.
I put in "Scott Filbert" and it
said, "Did you mean 'soft filters?'"
Then it takes me through to
this cameras accessory website.
How're you getting on? You found
anything? Let's have a look he
Yeah, I don't know if I can
weave 30 minutes of material
out of an air fryer review
and an out-of-date
listing on Companies House.
It may be time for some old-fashioned
detective work, my friend.
Follow me.
Shouldn't we be looking for Scott?
It's fine. There's loads of
them. Someone else will find him.
Okay. Push your lips forward like
you're gonna give someone a kiss.
Slims the face. Now
stand at a slight angle.
Okay, and lift your arms away
from your body to create a gap.
It makes you look thinner.
Okay, forget that one. Just smile.
Think of something that makes you happy?
Right. Remember before we left,
when we proved that mechanic wrong
by replacing the
distributor cap ourselves
by first locating the cap,
removing it from its housing,
being mindful of the spark plug wires
and then carefully attaching the
spark plug itself to the new cap?
Head notes.
There he is.
Okay. Good, but we're
gonna need some more.
All right, Princess?
Hello. I just wondered, have
you got champagne flutes,
a straw hat and some reading glasses?
Ooh, and some golf clubs.
Should we be going through his stuff?
Look, if you wanna know a
man, then check his pockets.
- Come on, Scott. Give me something.
- Library card.
Uh, when does it expire? [SIGHS]
[SIGHS] Quite soon.
Is that good speech
material? Lost my bearings.
Yeah. I'll get a couple
of minutes out of that.
All right. Good. Good. Keep looking.
Sip from the glass.
Uh, maybe I'm too past it for this.
You look great,
but there are things we can
do to make you look younger.
We're down to mid-sixties already.
Do up the top button of your shirt.
Hey, don't make me look too young.
I don't want to attract younger women.
I can't deal with that in-your-face,
quick-talking sass of woman
in their early sixties.
Got it.
I found someone, and I swiped right.
You're supposed to
swipe on lots of people.
That's disgusting.
- [JILLY] Nikki.
- Yeah?
- I'm worried.
- Oh?
Ever since I put this hat on,
I feel that I've awakened
something within me.
I-I think I saw a figure
in the window upstairs.
Something not of this world.
Right. We're definitely
gonna have that chat.
- Here you go.
- Uh
- Spirit level?
- Yes.
- Glue stick?
Some chalk for a pool cue?
Be no point in bringing
the pool cues without it.
Junior badminton set?
Y Um, no. I don't think we do.
- Get in! [CHUCKLES]
Hang on. Ho Hold on. Where's Scott?
Have you been
there the whole day?
Well, we couldn't find
you anywhere, could we?
- I mean, we've been
- we've been worried sick.
- [JASON] We were.
- [JASON] Yeah.
- Jason.
- Hmm?
Will you do your speech now?
'Cause he said after pudding.
- Hello, everyone.
Yeah. Thank you. Speech time
Right. So, we are gathered here today
to celebrate 50 great
years of Scott Filbert.
I mean, what can you
say about Scott Filbert?
He's a man.
A tall man.
A married man.
A tall, employed, married man
with a house and a wife and a daughter.
He's a library member.
But not for long. [LAUGHS]
- I'm really sorry.
He is a man with very high standards.
Not for him,
an air fryer with long frying times
as opposed to the more conventional,
uh, deep fat deep fat ones.
Oh, Stevie's here, ladies and gentlemen.
- [JASON] Give it up for Stevie. Yep.
- [JASON] Um, big wallet fan.
- [MOUTHING] You okay?
[JASON] Loves his wallets.
Other famous Scotts include
Uh, yeah. [STAMMERS] I think
the reason he's, uh, struggling
to say anything meaningful is, um
there's really
nothing meaningful to say.
- No.
- [SCOTT] No, no, no Well, I mean,
I was I was, uh, dead for
three hours. Nobody noticed.
Well, I think I died
AS I LIVED: Unnoticed.
A man of no consequence,
admired only for his looks.
But I've been given a
second chance at life today,
a second chance to lead a
life worthy of being missed.
And the man I am today need not be
the man I am tomorrow, after all.
So I've made a decision.
And to raise awareness
of rising sea levels
something that's been
on Stevie's mind
I have decided to single-handedly
row the Atlantic Ocean.
Yeah, I'm just gonna
Um, is everything okay?
- Very much so, yes.
- Well, I only ask
'cause you've just announced
you're gonna row across an ocean.
That's right. I am.
[LAUGHS] Okay, okay. Well,
what's brought this on?
I've done very little with the
time I've been given, Karen.
And it turns out, the little
I have done has been, um
Two years ago, I wrote a report
advocating the expansion of
drilling rights in the Arctic.
And now they drill for
shale gas in East Greenland,
which just happens to be
the main breeding ground
of the Weddell seal.
There he is.
Yeah. Yeah, it's a seal with
an annoying face. So what?
Well, since drilling began, the
population has decreased by 40%.
I have all but killed
off the Weddell seal,
- one of the main sorts of seal.
- Oh.
I didn't even know there
were different sorts of seals.
I just thought there was one. Seal.
Well, there probably
is now, thanks to me.
Do you know what, Scott?
Maybe they need to be less
fussy about where they have sex.
I mean, I've seen seals. They're
lucky they're getting laid at all.
You know I've pretty much failed
at everything I've done in life.
Except Stevie.
I am not gonna fail her.
I am not gonna actively
destroy her future.
Oh, come on, Scott, you're 50 years old.
I mean, you don't even go to the gym.
Stevie loves you the way you are.
Listen, my dad died
when he was 51 years old.
That makes you think, doesn't it?
I mean, how much more time do I have?
Well, he fell off the roof
trying to fix a TV aerial.
- I mean, that's hardly hereditary, Scott.
- It makes you think.
It's time for me to make my mark.
Come on.
That's why I was asking you
about stories for it. [SHUSHES]
- Oh, shall I ca No?
- No, not now.
Okay. Well, if we're gonna
play Parson's Biscuits,
we best get started or
we'll be here till midnight.
So, everyone take off their left shoe,
think of their favorite foreign
secretary and don't tell anyone.
- No, we don't wanna do that, Scott.
- All righty then.
- I know a game.
- Oh, no. Not now, love.
It is fun.
Oh, okay. What's it called?
- It's called
- [ALL CHANTING] Does it float? Does it float?
Does it float? Does it float?
- Sink. Sink. Sink.
- Float. Float, Float.
[JASON] Sink. Sink, sink, sink.
- He said float, yeah.
float? Does it float?
Does it float? Does it float? Whoo!
[ALL] Sink, sink, sink, sink!
Sink, sink, sink, sink, sink!
- Oh, you're all wrong. You're all wrong.
float? Whoo! Does it float?
Does it float? Does it float?
Um, listen, sorry
again about the speech.
When a man wants a window,
a friend offers him a mirror.
Well, yeah. I mean, that's
that's what that's what I thought.
- [STAMMERS] Yeah.
- Come here.
Hey. Okay.
[STRAINING] Here we go.
- Okay. In you get.
- [JILLY] Oh!
All right, Mum? Seen
a ghost in the window?
I'm so embarrassed.
It's been a real wake-up call for me.
I won't be drinking again
until we get home. [SIGHS]
- [NIKKI] Love you.
- You too. Bye.
- See ya, Jill, love. Hang on. One more.
- [JILLY] Bye-bye.
- There you go.
- Okay. Okey dokey.
Please can I drive? Please.
All right, but Jase,
one hint of road rage,
- and we swap back. Really? Yeah?
- Not gonna be. Yeah.
- All right. You got everything?
- Yeah.
I've got everything I need. [CHUCKLES]
[NIKKI] Come on.
- Bye!
- Bye!
[VIC] All right.
Let's get out of here.
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