Castlevania (2017) s04e04 Episode Script

You Must Sacrifice

Whoever lived here left in a hurry.
A little light?
Speaking of leaving in a hurry,
you really wanted to get away from Zamfir.
Sit down.
Comfy bed.
Is this why you wanted us to be alone?
I wanted to get away from everyone else
for five fucking minutes.
All we've been doing for weeks
is reacting,
being bounced from one thing to the next.
And we do best when we've got time
to think and talk things over.
I'm glad you think so.
I'm not completely stupid.
I'm glad you think so.
Ha ha. Very funny.
Listen, we need to stop reacting
and start acting.
If I'm gonna get killed,
I'd rather choose it
than get tricked into it by someone else.
All right.
Where would you like to start?
At the beginning,
before we find ourselves
backed into the end.
You sent me a letter?
Welcome to Danesti.
I presume it's seen better days.
Quieter ones.
I'm Greta, the village headwoman.
Call me Alucard.
No "The."
Did Marius
Was that your rider?
I'm afraid not.
He was attacked en route
and bled out from his wounds.
His horse carried him the rest of the way
with your message in his hand.
I'm sorry.
Well, he's not the only one we've lost.
But he was the last of his family,
which is why he risked the journey.
Still, I'd hoped
That's what hoping gets you, I suppose.
I have a lot more people to save, Alucard.
Get some rest, everybody, while you can.
How long have you been under attack?
Four days.
First it was just one of those bastards.
More every night.
We barely made it through last night.
We're lucky only a third of us are dead.
Will you help us?
I'm sure I can do something for you.
I'm not interested in magic tricks
and one fight.
These people are under my care.
Will you stay and defend them
for as long as it takes?
- I said
- You have to understand.
I don't know you.
You've been 20-odd miles away
for months.
You creep around the forest.
You've got bodies on stakes
outside your weird castle.
You're obviously half-vampire,
and you stink of wine,
and you appear to me
to be at least half-crazy.
But you were the only possible advantage
I could think of.
I don't need to be impressed
by low-key swagger.
I need you to commit
to saving these people.
Because my life isn't worth living
if I can't save theirs.
All done?
Did it work?
Then I'm all done.
Thank you.
And that was one hell of an entrance.
Yes, indeed so.
You really are
a very impressive young man.
Sickening violence isn't especially
in my skill set, you understand,
but I can recognize a fellow expert,
no matter what the field.
Oh, God. This one.
You would be Adrian Tepes, yes?
Do allow me to present myself.
I am the Count Saint Germain,
scholar in residence
to many of the great courts of Europe.
Why are you cowering
in a latrine hut in Wallachia?
Oh. Is this a latrine?
I just I just thought
someone had gotten very scared.
I'm traveling, sir.
Interesting times in Wallachia.
I felt that a man of letters
should bear witness.
And are you enjoying your tourism so far?
it has been, um
Saint Germain, Your Majesty,
occultist, scribe, and counsel
to the great courts of Europe.
Saint Germain, Your Imperial Majesty,
astrologist, intelligencer,
and and scholar.
Saint Germain, Your Royal Highness,
soothsayer, prophet,
and practitioner of the dark arts.
Saint Germain, Your Grace,
librarian, scribe, and scholar.
Saint Germain,
your humble servant in, um
whatever you may need.
Do not grope for a person like that,
you rude little clump of frog shit.
Uh, Saint Germain.
Swift violence is not my forte, but I
certainly recognize and admire an expert.
The sheer breadth
of your travels is incredible.
I'm frankly amazed you ever bothered
coming back to this shit hole,
and delighted.
I needed the money, but I also wanted
to pick through the library here.
I understood there was a volume
regarding a place
called the Infinite Corridor,
but I can't find the damned thing.
This is it.
This is the book.
And, yes, offering us
the journey of a lifetime.
If you really want to do this
then that is what we will do.
Anything for you.
Take my hand!
The Infinite Corridor
is a route to many other worlds.
It is in fact a system of doors
to other lands,
separated from our own
by space and time.
A long time ago,
I lost someone very dear to me
in the Infinite Corridor.
And I have been looking
for a way back in ever since.
Portals to the Corridor
are few and far between,
and they drift in and out of existence.
I'm closing the Corridor!
Get out now!
Thank you!
Thank you both!
I'll see you again!
No! No! No!
Where is it?!
I know it's here!
I just I have no control!
Why can't I control this?!
I made it back!
Shout so I can find you!
Ah. It's me!
Hello, you.
Your friend has recently moved on
to another sphere within the Corridor.
I am sorry.
But wh-where did she go?
I cannot be certain.
I have not looked for her
Saint Germain.
You know me?
I know much.
I'm an alchemist.
So am I.
Not really.
You fell by the wayside long ago.
Well, I've been
busy, but I still believe
in the goals of the path.
Believe in?
Not committed to?
Well, life tends to mitigate
against complete commitment, doesn't it?
Wh-where is she?
And so you find yourself here.
With no power, no control
and no way forward.
It's impossible to control the Corridor.
Where is she?
No, it's not.
You know it's not.
You've witnessed it being controlled.
Yeah, by a monster
who had dozens of people killed
to use their souls as fuel.
So don't say it's impossible to control.
I am not a mass murderer.
Where is she, damn it?
Saint Germain
what is the true goal of alchemy?
Do you remember?
Or have you left the path entirely?
The magnum opus, the great work,
reconciling the chaos of the world.
And what is the result of the great work?
The Rebus,
the putrefied and purified fusion
of matter and spirit in a body
both male and female.
Is this a test?
Two bodies into one, Saint Germain.
Two souls.
You're not serious.
Do I not look serious?
You're claiming that the final victory
of the alchemical process
is using a Rebus
to control the Infinite Corridor.
Here I am.
Show me your damned Rebus, then.
My Rebus cannot be looked upon.
It is a creature of order and chaos,
of natural humanity
and supernatural horror,
purified by fire and sent to rot in Hell.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
I hope not.
You understand.
You understand what your alchemy
must summon, don't you?
You mean "who," don't you?
Who I must summon, bind,
and fuse into one?
Only then will you be able
to travel the Corridor with power.
I will show you this.
This is charged with many deaths.
It will open the Corridor
wherever you choose.
If I take this, then I leave you
stranded in the Corridor.
I travel the Corridor
with complete control.
I dance through a hundred
different universes
every year like a goddess.
Why would I ever want to leave?
Thank you.
You are welcome.
This is useless to you unless you
commit to the work of alchemy
and do what needs to be done.
Couldn't you just help me find her?
I've helped you as much as I can.
What remains is your task, not mine.
I will.
I am committed.
I'm here, aren't I?
You must sacrifice.
I have.
You have lost something.
That is not the same.
Bloody feels like it.
You must sacrifice, give willingly.
Give what? What's left?
Sacrifice your ethics, your morals.
Sacrifice your soul to the task.
You must give everything to it,
and you must cause pain
in the doing of it.
Do you love her enough to do that
Saint Germain?
I'll do anything
anything to be able
to actually tell her
that I love her.
Just give it to me!
Oh, God!
Oh, God.
Wh-wh-why didn't you just
wh-why couldn't you just help me?!
Oh, God, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to. I
Why couldn't you help me?!
Why won't anyone just fucking help me?!
And now look at you.
Uh, now
look at me.
That was indeed the most suave tale
about sexual congress with livestock
that I've ever heard in these parts,
but before you lift your stinking jar
to your stinking jaws,
you will now tell me, what was
the final location of Dracula's castle?
Would you be the famous Saint Germain?
I have that pleasure.
And you would be
Varney of London, sir.
Friends of friends tell me
we have a project in common.
And what might that be,
Varney of Lundenwic,
vampire beggar and tramp?
You've heard of me.
Generations of the learned
have written of detecting you
from a thousand paces by your stench.
I say again
what project?
Returning Dracula to this world.
And that's everything.
Strict adherence to the plan is crucial.
But what if
and hear me out, Saint Germain
what if I just killed you here,
drank all your blood,
and did your plan myself?
Oh, Dragan, feared Dragan,
storied Dragan of a hundred ambushes
and a thousand dead
yeah, you could
absolutely kill me right here,
but you cannot enact my plan,
because you don't have
the skills or the wit.
Shut up.
You sound like a cow farting.
Do you want
your precious Dracula back or not?
Then get back in your fucking pram.
You can't do this without me.
Obey my instructions.
I will kill you.
Do as you're fucking told!
Drive them all towards Danesti.
I'll do the rest.
You can kill me afterwards.
Ah, yes. Remember the drill, old boy.
"Charming place. Weary traveler.
Many coins.
Just a simple place to sleep."
It'll all be over soon enough.
What a damn shame.
All these little lives.
Straighten up, man.
They all have lives.
You have nothing.
Is that fair?
Can you hear that?
I hear nothing.
Me, neither.
Something's coming.
Someone brought
your stupid bloody horse back.
That's a good horse.
She's very good, isn't she?
It's a shame.
What is?
Well, such a talent
with the common people,
but it's wasted out here,
don't you think?
I think she's probably
right where she's supposed to be.
They're from Lasa,
a village about ten miles away.
They've been walking for hours.
They were attacked, too?
Their village was put to the torch.
They say they're not the only ones.
This group includes refugees
from five other villages in the region.
I see.
They escaped.
They survived.
They lost many people to vampire
and night creature feeding attacks.
Interesting. Why would they
be burning the villages, though?
If vampires are involved,
this isn't the blind destruction
we're all used to with night creatures.
They're conducting feeding
to sustain them through continued battle.
They're removing shelter
and the possibility of aid and witnesses.
This is troubling in its complexity.
I am of course not a military man,
although I have certainly advised
generals and kings,
but might I suggest that this village
is inherently indefensible?
It hasn't worked out well,
so far, has it?
You may have a point, Saint Germain.
Perhaps, just until we all
find out what's going on,
perhaps the remaining persons
in your charge
might be moved to a more
secure location, like, um
y-your castle
And God shits in my dinner once again.
Oh, no.
I really am turning into Belmont.
Is life even worth living now?
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