Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s04e04 Episode Script

The Reckoning

[DIANA] Previously on Ghost
- It's either her or us.
- We use Tariq.
[DIANA] Put two through
the window and drive off.
- Ma.
- When you spoke to Tariq,
did he tell you that I gave
Kate Egan Tasha's address?
Who's Kate Egan?
- Nobody.
- What's up with this?
You doing some new marketing?
- Where'd you get that?
- I know who these belong to.
His name's Roman.
[NOMA] Take him off the board.
And discreetly.
[CARTER] So there's a drug war
poppin' off.
I think I can help you with this.
I just want to finish what I started.
This guy.
The home test was accurate.
So I'm pregnant.
Think you know who the father is?
So we're a team now?
[BRAYDEN] A lot of shit's out of
control in my life right now.
I feel like a fuck-up.
Sounds like you could use it.
- Mr. Fuck-up.
Right now, what I'm worried
about is making sure
Noma doesn't find
what the fuck we have going on.
I think you could be
a big help in that
and get paid while you at it.
[MACLEAN] You're a businesswoman
with a target on her back.
I can do other things for you as well.
- Rain check.
- How'd it go with Davis?
We got product, now
we just gotta figure out
- how we gonna move it.
- This, bro.
If we can convince enough people
that this group is up next,
we could throw parties
all over the tristate area.
- Yo, Pinky.
[PINKY] I'm sending you a clip
from the Ring camera.
Check your messages.
Diana, what the fuck did you do?
Please let me explain.
- Stupid mother
- Ma, you took our father!
- Diana! Let's go!
- Monet!
Fuck both of y'all.
These little motherfuckers
set me up.
Go, Dru! Go.
[SINGER] They say this is
A big, rich town ♪
I just come from
The poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen To come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby
I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
A straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists
And turns ♪
Bumps and bruises
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
Yellow Cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start
In these parts without paper ♪
Homie, I grew up in hell
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner, every 15 minutes
They movin' seven ♪
Pure snow
Bag it then watch it go ♪
Occupational options
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man, in the meantime
Go ahead and pump a pack ♪
This my regal royal flow
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007
That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm a undercover liar
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes and
Tell her, "Baby, I love you" ♪
"You're my inspiration
You're my motivation" ♪
"You're the reason that I'm
Moving with no hesitation" ♪
[SINGER] They say this is
A big, rich town ♪
Yeah ♪
I just come from
The poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
- Ohh, yeah ♪
- Yeah ♪
I just happen To come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby
I gotta make it ♪
Me and Joyner need
A couple hearses ♪
Double homicide
Kill the beat and the verses ♪
Everybody livin'
On the surface ♪
But we came from
The underground ♪
- Yeah, we deserve it ♪
- Diana?
Beef is when you murder
Motherfuckers on a beat ♪
Where the fuck is this bitch at?
What are you gonna do?
Kill her in front of a million
witnesses in the dorm? Riq!
Anywhere this bitch is at, she's
getting a bullet. I don't give a fuck.
She's obviously not fuckin'
here, so let's get outta here.
So you not answering my phone calls?
Where the fuck is Diana?
I'm guessing you've seen the video
of her pretending to be me.
Yeah. I have.
You thought I sent Tommy after Tasha.
That's why you thought you
needed to take them shots at me.
So did you?
I was pissed off about my mom, yes.
But you told me I ain't do it,
so I ain't sayin' shit at you.
Dru and Diana, they violated.
All right. Your own fuckin' blood
tried to take you out, Monet.
I fuckin' know that.
So you know what you need to do then.
Listen, I don't trust this
motherfucker for shit, but he right.
Dru and Diana gotta go.

Fuck. This is bad.
- I know.
- No, Dru. Like real bad.
I know, Di.
No. Let's just try to talk to her.
- Come clean, make things right.
- What?!
Dru, I'm fuckin' tired
of arguin' with her!
I don't wanna fight!
Let's just tell Monet the truth.
We were fucked up over
her killin' Papi but we
You have lost your fuckin' mind!
- Dru
- In what world
do you think baring our souls to Monet
is gonna keep her from
wanting to kill us?
Or Cane.
And I know you don't think Tariq's gonna
give us a fuckin' pass on this shit.
[EFFIE] Why you so pressed
to find Diana?
Look, she and Dru nearly got
my mother killed, that's why.
- What?
- They set up Monet
to make it seem like she's
the one that fuckin' did it.
And the worst thing of it all,
they used me
to try to take out their own mother.
- That's fucked up.
- Yeah.
It's fucked up
they'd some shit like that.
Are you serious?
What? Oh, you all nonchalant
like you knew about this shit
or something.
Uh, I didn't fucking know about it
but did you genuinely think
they wouldn't do that to you?
You think you and the Tejadas
are on some homies for life type shit?
When have you ever
been able to trust them, Tariq?
I don't fuckin' know, Effie.
I don't know.
Yeah, well, with what we're doing,
you can't count on trust or loyalty.
Doesn't matter who it is.
And you should know
about that more than anyone.
Just a day livin' life ♪
You speak to Diana, don't tell
her I was lookin' for her.
- She probably already knows.
- Just another day ♪
[CANE] Listen, Donnie, I wanna
know where Dru is tonight.
Anybody sees him or loses him,
that's a fuckin' target
on their back too. You got it?
- We got you, yo.
- Good.
Okay, I need to get my hands
on some cash.
And some guns.
Fu fuck. I-I gotta get
some food first.
I'm fuckin' hungry. You hungry?
How can you be hungry right now?
I feel like I'm about
to fuckin' throw up.
Yo, there's this Chinese joint
down the block.
I'ma-I'm gon get some food,
all right? Be right back.
Wait. No, Dru,
don't leave me here.
Just order room service
and put it on the bill.
It's a motel.
They don't have room service.
What bill?
- Fuck.
Excuse me. I'm lookin' for my kids.
What room is Tejada?
You a motel guest?
- No.
- Then fuck off.
Please tell me you paid
the dude downstairs in cash.
Dru, we don't have any cash.
I just paid him with what I had. Fuck.
Fuck! F
Motherfucker, I ain't
gon' ask you again.
And I'm not telling you again.
Fuck off.
Monet's gonna know
exactly where we are now.
Fuck. I'm sorry.

Tejada. What fucking room?
Room 23. Second floor.
Down the hall to the left.
Shoulda told me
in the first fuckin' place.
Dru, we gotta get outta here
now. Let's go. Let's go.
Little hard to go on the run
when your mom's footin' the bill, huh?
Ma, please. We are sorry.
We didn't mean to do it.
The day you got shot, somebody else
Y'all was just gonna take
my life like that?
I gave you little motherfuckers life!
I raised you.
I taught you the fuckin' game.
Because of me
you have every-fucking-thing.
I'm your fuckin' mother!
Do you really think
you deserve our respect?
- Dru, shut the fuck up.
- No, fuck that.
She needs to hear this shit.
This life
that you pride yourself on givin' us,
we tried to tell you
a million fuckin' ways
that we don't fuckin' want it.
But you so focused on yourself,
you can't even hear us.
No matter how much it damages us,
you just won't let us out.
You try to tell us about
everything you wanna do for us.
All right, let's talk about it then.
Let's talk about it. Right?
No, our cousin?
No, [STAMMERS] I mean, our brother
is dead.
That's what you did for us.
Our father is dead.
That's what you did for us.
Stop talkin', Dru.
And Gordo?
You know how much that shit
fucked me up?
Not another fuckin' word, Dru.
You don't give a fuck about us!
You don't care about what we want,
or what we need. You never have.
We might actually be happy
if it wasn't for you.

You're not even close
to being a good mother.
You just a bitch.
Oh, I'm a bitch, motherfucker?
Wait, no, no, no!
Dru, let's get the fuck outta here.
Ma, you good?
Them motherfuckers is gettin' away.
- Detective, got a sec?
Oh. Have a seat.
I've been doin' some digging
on a Marcus "Zion" Washington.
Hungry, mid-level hustler.
He's been supplying product
to multiple organizations
in three different boroughs.
He's also the connect to Roman.
That dealer whose van burned down.
Okay. How you know all that?
I squeezed it outta Roman
when I questioned him
after the collar.
God damn.
I remember the days
when snitches got stitches.
It's like they don't make soldiers
like they used to, you know?
- I mean fortunately for us.
- Listen.
I was figuring that I'll go
and pay Zion a visit,
shake the proverbial tree,
see what falls loose.
Yeah. I'll have one of my guys
run that down.
Why? I've already made the connect.
It was Roman's drugs that got torched.
I get it.
My gut tells me that we should
put our focus
on the Tejadas and Tariq St. Patrick.
Now, I have a major play for you.
Respectfully, detective, my gut
is telling me that this guy
You know, when I was a kid
I had this, uh
this homeboy named Rob.
And he would come over to the house,
play video games, eat dinner.
My mother loved him.
Until one day
Rob got up, went to the
refrigerator, and got himself a soda.
Didn't ask me,
didn't ask my mother. Just
got himself a soda.
And you know what my mother did?
She told him
this is my homeboy,
to whom she was always so nice,
to get the fuck outta her house.
You see, Rob
was a guest in her home.
And he had gotten
a little too comfortable.
I just think that if we were to go
And I think
that if you become the head
of your own task force,
that you can run your investigations
however the fuck you see fit.
But this is my task force.
And I'm gonna need you
to fuckin' fall in line.

Now I appreciate your
initiative, detective.
I really do.
You're gonna talk to Tariq St. Patrick
and I'm gonna chat with Monet Tejada.
Let's get them to turn against
one another
and get at least one of them to spill.
Worth a shot?
Yeah. Sure.
[DIANA] Dru?
Dru. Wake up, Dru.
- Dru, wake up!
Look, what are we gonna do?
'Cause I'm not sleeping
in this car another night.
- I gotta get to the stash spot.
- Okay, so let's go.
No, I'm gonna go alone.
I need to get you someplace safe.
You tryin' to split up?
Not for long. Just until
I can get what we need
and then I'ma come
and get you. I promise.
Di, I need to get to the stash
so I can protect us, all right?
Now, is there anyplace you can think of
that Cane and Monet won't?
Hey, yo. You seen Diana?
Nah. She never showed up
to her shift today.
She ain't even called or nothin'.
Lookin' for an extra shift?
Nah. I can't help you
right now, bro. Sorry.
All right.
Yeah, now you livin' large
With 'em ♪
What up? Anything?
I've looked and asked all over campus.
Trust me. Diana's not here.
Yeah, I gotta check
a few other spots, but
I actually might know
where she'll end up.
All right.
- What the fuck?
I don't know. This whole
Dru and Diana shit.
Yeah, what about it?
I don't know. Do you really
think revenge
is what we should be focused on
right now?
What the fuck else
should I be focused on?
I don't know. Maybe to make sure
our new business gets up
and running smoothly.
- That could be something.
- As much as I want to, I can't.
I gotta focus on this. This is
something I gotta handle, B.
Okay, so while you're out
in your John Wick bullshit,
I guess I'm the one
that has to handle it, right?
Yeah, I guess so too.
- Thank you.
- Riq.
This fuckin' kid.
So ain't nobody in these streets
heard from your stupid-ass
brother and sister yet?
Don't stress it, okay?
I'm pretty sure I know where Dru's at.
Where the fuck is that?
Just let me handle it. All right?
I promise you. Okay?
I'm not lettin' 'em get away with this.
Well, call me when you get Dru.
[JANET] Hey, hey, hey!
Get the fuck outta my way, Janet!
Uh-uh-uh. Listen to me!
You listen to me.
You need to get it together.
There is a Detective Carter
down there asking for you.
And I don't know why you think
some drug dealer's shit
gettin' torched has shit to do with me.
Well, I'll, uh, enlighten you then.
Your family's been runnin' drugs
for years.
Not the biggest players in town.
On the come-up.
Or you were.
You got caught up in that RICO case,
but let's keep it 100, we all
know that Tariq St. Patrick
was the real star of that show.
Look, get to the point
or get the fuck out.
My money's on you and your
family trying to rebuild, Monet.
Anybody that poses a threat to that,
well, they gotta get dealt with,
including Roman.
So you destroyed his shipment.
- I ain't involved in that shit.
- Hm.
How's your relationship with,
uh, St. Patrick these days?
We don't have one.
- Okay.
Okay. See, that I actually buy.
Seein' as how we got a witness
who says he saw a man
flee the scene at the time
of your shooting.
A man whose description matches
Tariq St. Patrick to a T.
Does that surprise you?
Do I look surprised?
Little bit.
Little bit.
I'ma leave you my card.
See you soon, Red.

Were you surprised to receive my call?
Uh, not particularly, no.
I'll admit,
you demonstrated a rare brand of acumen
that I admire with regard
to my last hurdle.
I'm hoping you can also be of assistance
in helping me clear the next one.
I'm listening.
I need to solidify
one of my legitimate businesses
here in the States.
It's a jet parts company
that I've established in Italy.
I need government contracts
to replace those I've lost overseas.
But unfortunately, I don't have
with anyone here in the States
who has that kind of access.
You, however, are familiar
with the important
political players here.
Now, it's my understanding
that you have a friendship
with a Congressman Tate.
"Friendship" is, uh, a strong word.
I'd classify it more like
an occasional arrangement.
Mutual back scratching, so to speak.
So who in the American political arena
would I need to have an arrangement with
in order to secure these contracts?
You'll wanna talk to Wiley Adams.
Works in Senator Len Carmichael's
government liaison office.
His tentacles reach everywhere.
Well, does he play nice with others?
- For the right price.
- How do I get to him?
Just so happens there's a charity
banquet the mayor's throwing tonight.
All the political heavy hitters
will be there.
So will Wiley Adams.
And so will his aide, Kevin Grant.
He's the one
you need to get past.
- Hm. The gatekeeper.
- Yeah.
Hood kid made good.
Can't be wooed easily.
Unlike most of these political pansies.
Can smell the bullshit coming
from as far north as Albany.
Your intel is greatly appreciated.
What will it cost me?
We'll work that out
when the time is right.
In the interim,
what time am I picking you up?
While I, uh, I do appreciate the offer,
I already have an escort
in mind for the evening.
Lucky man.
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
How you talk about a life
That ain't real? ♪
That ain't real ♪
Hey, hey ♪
How you talk about a life
That ain't real? ♪
How you tryin' to talk
With me if it ain't mills ♪
Look, I make moves
I can't stay still ♪
Never fell into facades
I remained real ♪
When times get tough
I just pray through it ♪
I see the results
'Cause I stayed to it ♪
You sure about this?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
Dru, just do what you gotta do
so we can get
the fuck up outta New York.
And, Dru
please be safe.
For real.
I got you.

- Hey, stranger.
- Look, Salim,
I know I'm the last person
you expected to hear from
and thanks for not ghosting me,
but I really need to come in.
Come on.

[CANE] You lookin' for something?
You ain't gonna be needin'
none of that where you goin'.
Never shoulda told you about this spot.
Probably shoulda never tried
to kill Monet either.
You ain't got shit to say for yourself?
What the fuck you want me to say?
How 'bout "I'm sorry"?
For trying to kill the woman who
gave birth to us. Start there.
So you tight
'cause we tried to kill Monet?
Or 'cause we did it without you?
You do see why we did
what we did, right?
No, nigga, I don't.
That's our fuckin' moms.
And Lorenzo was our pops!
How the fuck does she get away
with doing what she did to us?
She keeps getting a pass.
- The game is the game, right?
- It is.
And you buggin' if you think I'ma
let you live after what you did, man.
- Fuck. Come on, Cane.
- Can't do it.
This is why we didn't tell you,
you know?
Because you've spent your whole
life trying to make Monet happy.
And for what? She still don't
give a fuck and she never will.
Do you even care that
Papi is gone because of her?
I know we had our issues.
We all had problems with Papi.
But he was our fuckin' father, man.
She took him away.
Where's all your pain and hurt
over that?
You don't know how I felt
or what I went through when he died.
I put that shit to the side
to be here for the family.
And what the fuck
do I got for that, Dru?
Can't go to no Ivy League school
like Diana.
I'm no fuckin' Picasso like
you, nigga. This is all I know.
You didn't even wanna be in this shit,
he get outta jail
and make you his number two?
Cane. Cane.
I just wanted him to respect me.
Okay, I wanted him to see me.
To see I can hold down
the family, man. I can.
And Monet robbed me of that but
I still ain't try to kill her.
So fuck you!
- Fuck you, man.
- Just
Cane, come on, man.
Just just fuckin'
Pull the fuckin' trigger.
Do it!
'Cause if you don't, I promise to God
I won't stop until I put
a fuckin' bullet in your head.
I need you at my home in one hour.
I'm in the middle of something.
It's a demand. Not a request.

All of the boys
They want me, so ♪
That means I heard it
All before ♪
Wait, what do you mean no one
knows where it is?
How does that work?
It's an underground location on campus.
Couple hours before the show,
we'll release it on socials
courtesy of the most popular
influencers on campus.
Then after that, word on the street is,
if you ain't at this party,
you ain't shit.
- I don't get it.
- Okay, well, it creates demand.
Hey, after a few more parties,
people'll be asking for the next one
and the next one and the next one
and the next one
and the next one after that.
And before you know it, you and the band
are winning Grammys
and signing record deals.
Okay. Maybe it's genius. We'll see.
Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa,
what do you mean "We'll see"?
You don't trust me?
[STAMMERS] If there's one thing
I know how to do
it's throw a sick fuckin' party.
Okay? People fuck wit' your boy.
Yeah, okay. They fuck with your product.
- Damn.
- [LAUGHS] I mean, what?
All those influencers are just
plugging your event for free?
And I'm betting it cost you
a shit ton of money.
Drug money.
And you'll probably recoup
by selling more drugs.
This is wild 'cause I was
thinking more of like
a "Thank you, Brayden" is in order.
And don't act like you have
a problem with drugs either
'cause you definitely don't have a
problem takin' 'em, that's for sure.
I wasn't judging you, I was just
letting you know I see you.
Can you pretend that you don't?
You have to keep this shit on the low.
You can definitely not tell
anyone else in the band.
What do I get in return?
What do you want?
How about just a teeny-tiny
bit of product? Off the top.
Free of charge, of course.
I think Tariq would have
a serious problem with that.
we don't tell him. [SNIFFS]
He wants to
Lock me down today ♪
Excuse me. Uh, by chance,
do you know a Tariq St. Patrick
or where I could find him?
- No.
- St. Patrick.
Look like you're on your way somewhere.
Brilliant observation.
Yeah, well, I'd like to talk to you
about Monet Tejada's shooting.
I don't know shit about that.
Yeah, well, I got an eyewitness
that says different.
Yeah. Places a certain individual
that matches your description
on the scene.
Any idea why that would be?
Are you feeding Monet Tejada
the same bullshit?
'Cause if you are, you're
puttin' a big-ass fuckin' target
- on my back for no reason.

You need to take that?
What exactly did you tell Monet?
I'm not at liberty to discuss
any details
of an ongoing investigation.
But if you truly feel that there's
a credible threat to your life,
I'm willing to bring you in
for a statement.
Yeah, I gotta go.
You know where to find me, Tariq.
What you in here trippin' about now?
What do you want, Janet?
Monet, you need to take your pills
and you need to get some rest.
Look, I don't need you tellin'
me what the fuck
Apparently you do, Monet.
You know, all these years,
I thought Lorenzo was to blame.
That all the light in you
had been snuffed out by him.
But bein' in this house
over the past few weeks, I see it now.
You da problem.
- Oh, you think so?
- Oh, I know so.
You asked me before
whether I thought you did
a bad job raisin' yo' kids.
Well, I'm here to tell you,
Monet [LAUGHS]
you didn't do right by them.
Look, I don't need you lecturing me
about my kids in my own damn house.
You can take your ass
back to Atlanta with that shit.
You don't even know your own damn kids.
You can't even see that
your own daughter is pregnant.
[JANET] Mm-hm.
- How the fuck you know that?
- How do you not know that?
See, the eyes in my head, they can see.
What's making you so damn blind
to your own children?

Take your medication.
Salim, I'm sorry. I-I didn't
expect to be here this long.
I thought my brother would have
picked me up by now.
You sure you can't tell me what's wrong?
It's better if you don't know
any details.
Look, Salim.
I'm really sorry.
What for?
For threatening to tell people
about your parents
and where you really come from.
I was wrong for that.
You don't owe me any apology.
I wasn't being honest wit' you.
Yeah, but I'm sure you had your reasons
for wanting to distance yourself
from them.
I mean, look at my family.
I'm the last one to be coming for yours.
[SIGHS] I never meant to judge you.
I just feel like your family
was keeping you
from being who you really are.
And who you are
is a beautiful, amazing Black woman
who is capable of having
any life she wants.
You don't have to settle for
the one your family dictates.
Tell me what's wrong.
I did something that I thought was right
but I actually fucked up.
[GASPS] And now
Salim, if I don't leave town,
something really bad is gonna happen
and I don't know what to do.
I'm fuckin' scared.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
I know a safe place you can go. Okay?
My parents got a spot in Greenwich.
They'll be vacationing in Turks
and Caicos
for the rest of the month.
So it's completely empty,
and if you need
- a spot to hide
- I can't take that from you.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
You said it yourself, right?
You can't stay in New York.
Here, take 'em. And these.
Car's in the garage.
You can take the back way out.
And once you get there and
get everything figured out,
just leave it there,
I'll go get it later.
Thank you, Salim.
Of course.
[WHISPERS] Thank you.
[SALIM] I got you.
Um Salim, listen to me.
No matter what, you can't
tell anybody I was here
or where I went. I mean it.
- Nobody.
- Come on now.
I got you.
Your affinity for Gucci
and Fendi is noted.
But certain situations
require a man to
as you say,
level up.
- Yeah, whatever.
Oh, don't keep mummy waiting.
I'm sorry. I was under the
impression you work for me now,
- not Monet.
- We just have a situation.
Hm. Unless you prefer a sense
of maternal security
to being your own man then
You called and I came, right?
- Yeah.
- Relax.

So where we goin'?
A gala.
Attended by the city's
most prominent politicians.
That sounds fun.
I have a very important
business deal to close
and the man who could help me
will be there.
[NOMA] The man I need to impress
is Wiley Adams.
Adams is a criminal broker
for New York Senator
Len Carmichael.
He's very well-connected
and has pull
with the department in charge of
granting government contracts.
Contracts I need.
I'll need you to keep his aide
His name is Kevin Grant.
He's a real ball-buster
and doesn't let anyone
unauthorized near Adams.
Born and raised in the Bronx.
He's a little
rough around the edges.
Do you mean like me?
I think you'll find
you and Mr. Grant have
certain elements in common.
Make it work for you.
[NOMA] I'm confident
you'll prove yourself capable
of doing what needs to be done.
Like Obi did
so many times before you.
- [BARTENDER] Sir, for you?
- [CANE] Uh, scotch, straight.
- Appreciate it.
- Anything for you, sir?
Listen, man, they ain't got
no Hennessy. Don't even ask.
Yeah, this didn't really strike
me as a Henny crowd.
- Let me get a scotch too.
- [KEVIN] Thank you.
- Cheers, gentlemen.

Not bad.
But it ain't no Henny though.
- Lawrence.
- Uh, Kevin.
Ah, okay.
So what kinda business you into?
I know you're not a politician.
Hell no. No, I'm in, uh
- exports.
- Ah. Okay.
- You?
- Political aide.
Get the fuck outta here.
Man, you're like 6'3".
Bro, you're supposed to be
on the court somewhere.
- Hey, once upon a time. Yeah.
- Right, right. Okay.
- Ah. You gunnin' for the seat.
- Hm.
- Fuck no.
- I like to fall back.
- Okay.
Control things in the cut.
See, that's a whole different
type of hustle.
And it's all about the hustle
where I'm from.
Yeah, no doubt. Listen,
I know all about that, trust me.
I had to claw my way up to the top.
As my alma mater motto goes,
"I'll find a way or make one."
Whoa. Clark Atlanta?
Class of 2016.
Get the fuck outta here.
I went to Clark. Class of 2011.
- Word?
- Yeah!
- You're my guy.
- Yo. That's
You-you know, it's crazy
runnin' into you here.
See, I'm tryin' to put together
this seminar for at-risk kids, right?
Have successful dudes like
yourself come and talk to them
about a way out.
Hm. Hey, listen, I love that.
- I'd love to hear more.
- Say that.
See, my whole thing is this.
We gotta start right now.
And I'm sure you would make
a formidable partner.
But that contract already has
potential vendors.
- But it's still up for grabs?
- Technically, yes.
But I think it's likely they'll
close the deal within a few weeks.
If at all possible, I'd still
like to make a bid.
It'll cost you a substantial access fee.
You are aware of that?
When does it not?
And I assume that the paperwork for
your American citizenship is in order?
I assumed I'd throw a little
money at that problem as well.
Well, if by "a little" you mean a lot
then I'm confident
we can work something out.
'Cause what I'm really saying,
the problem is being underestimated.
See, these kids are capable
of way more than people
- give them credit for.
All right? The problem is,
they just need the opportunity.
And that's where you
[ADAMS] Quite surprised that our
paths hadn't crossed prior to this.
Your name is not unknown
to me and my office.
What I'm thinking is if
you and I both
Hey, man, I'm sorry. Work emergency.
But tell the little homies
I said good luck.
Wait, where you
Yo, Tariq. What the hell?
I need you to tell me where she's at.
- Where who is?
- Cut the shit, Salim.
I know Diana was here.
I have people with eyes on her.
- Where the fuck is she?
- Yo, your people are lying.
- Diana
- Where the fuck is she?
Yo! Okay. A'ight.
She was here earlier,
but she left a while ago.
- Where did she go?
- Honestly, I don't know.
And if she wanted you to know,
she probably woulda told you herself.
What are you Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey.
I know you don't wanna catch a bullet
for playing Captain Save-a-Hoe
right now, Salim, be smart, bro.
- Be smart.
- Okay. All right.
All right, she's at my parents'
house in Greenwich, Connecticut.
You see how easy that was?
For you to bitch up.
- Fuck you.
Why the fuck did you have to do that?
Why, man? Fuck!
[DIANA] Dru, where the fuck
have you been?
I know. I'm so sorry, Di.
Shit got all the way fucked up
and didn't go as planned.
- You still at Salim's?
- Kinda.
He let me post up at his
parents' spot in Greenwich.
- What?
- Look, just meet me here, okay?
We'll be safe until we figure shit out.
Fuck. A'ight.
Just I gotta make a quick stop first.
What? No, Dru!
You said we wouldn't be
separated for that long
and you've been gone all fucking day.
Look, I know, I know.
I know, but we need cash.
I know where we can get some
but I gotta lay low until I can get it.
Once I got it, I will drive
straight to you, I promise.
Okay. Just get here, Dru.
Don't get caught up
In them street lights ♪
Don't get caught up
In them street lights ♪
Jumped off the porch
As a youth ♪
Lookin' for the truth
Trouble's what I found ♪
I was runnin' wild
Street lights on ♪
The corner Was callin' me ♪
Boy, fix your face.
I was supposed to stay after
school for the art show.
My teacher made my stuff
the centerpiece and everything.
She's expecting me to be there.
I wanna be there.
Look, Dru, I have something
very important
I need you to do today.
So that other shit can wait.
But I told you about it two weeks ago.
- You said I could go
- What the fuck I just say?
Look, I don't wanna hear you
whine about this shit again.
Now get your damn priorities straight.
Family first.
Now, in order to move up from packaging,
you gotta learn the next level
of the game.
Business transactions.
That's where all
the real money's made, okay?
So you Lorenzo's bitch.
Nigga, I ain't nobody's bitch.
Yeah, a'ight.
Want a drink?
- Nah, I'm good.
- You sure?
'Cause you
lookin' mad uptight right now.
Maybe relax you a little bit.
Look, man, you want this
fuckin' product or what?
Yeah, I want the fuckin' product.
Well, hurry the fuck up.
I got shit to do.
Shorty, why's your mom
trippin' like this?
Don't fuckin' talk to my son.
I ain't playin' wit' you.
And I don't take no orders from no
bitch. Now get yo' ass the fuck out.
I ain't goin' nowhere
without my fuckin' money.
Get the fuck off my mom!
Dru, baby, give me the gun.

Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
Dru! What the hell are you cryin' for?
You did the right thing.
Lex came for us and you took him out.
Anybody that comes for us,
you take 'em the fuck out.
That's the name of the game.
Life or death, okay?
Now let's go.
Come on.
Let's go!
[JANET] Well, I'm all packed
ready to take my ass back to the A-T-L.
You okay?
J, I taught my own kids
to hate me.
I told 'em to put
the game before everything.
And that's exactly what they did.
I don't even blame them
for the shit we in.
I brought it all on myself.
I know you and your family.
Y'all stay in some shit.
And I've never asked you questions
that I didn't wanna know the answer to.
I don't know what's goin' on between you
and Dru, Diana
or Cane.
But what I do know
is that, Monet, you are their mother
and those are your babies.
And as long as the four of you
have breath in your lungs,
it's not too late.
And whatever's going on with you guys,
with y'all, I know that love
will bring y'all back from it.
Robbin' the family stash spot?
- Oh, f
Ain't nothin' sacred to you, huh?
Almost forgot you had a key
to this motherfucker.
All this shit ends now.
Ma. Guess who's standing
right in front of me
at the bodega stash spot.
Cane, wait.
Don't do it.
- Don't kill your brother.
- What?
- Listen. Put Dru on the phone.
- Ma, the nigga's
standing in front of me
right now. I can do it.
Look, he is still my son
and he is still your brother.
Ma, I can do it!
What, are you fucking deaf?
Now, boy!
- What?
- Dru, where's Diana?
I'm not tryin' to kill her.
I'm tryin' to save her.
But if we don't get to her
before Tariq does, he will.
I'll text you an address.
You like a fuckin' cyborg
when it come to her, huh?
Give me my phone
and get the fuck outta here.
For the last 24 hours,
it has been your sole mission
to take me out.
And now you're not gon' do it
'cause Mommy says so?
It's fuckin' pathetic. You
always gonna be a mama's boy.
[CANE] You're done at the penthouse.
Get your shit and get the fuck out.
As far as Noma,
you and Diana out the game.
I may not be able to kill you
but you fuckin' dead to me.
You look real relaxed for
a bitch that got a target
on the back of her head right now.
Where the fuck you goin'?
Tariq, listen to me, please.
I know how fucked up
this whole thing was.
If I could undo all of it,
I would. I swear, Riq.
I never wanted to involve you.
But we couldn't risk Monet's
death comin' back on us.
Oh, but you could risk my mother's life.
We didn't think it would come to that.
You knew exactly what the fuck
it would come down to, Diana.
Tariq, I'm sorry.
Please. You can't do this to me.
- Why the fuck can't I?
- Because she's pregnant.
What the fuck that got to do with me?
Hm? Why should I care?
Because it's yours.
Put your gun down, Tariq.
I know you, Dru, and Diana
tried to kill me.
And I know it was you
who pulled the trigger.
And I know you was on the scene.
Look, we got a lot of reasons
to want to take each other out
but I got a better idea.
You give my kids a pass, I give you one.
You don't go after Dru and
Diana, I won't come after you
- and neither will Cane.
- Why the fuck would you do that?
Because right now, the only
thing I give a damn about
is my fuckin' family being safe.
Including my grandbaby.
So lower your gun, Tariq.
Lower your fuckin' gun!
If I was gonna shoot you,
I'da did it already.

I'm so sorry.
- It's okay. I'm sorry.
- For everything.
[SOFTLY] I'm sorry.

[NOMA] Did you get the family
business sorted?
I did.
And I thought about
what you said earlier too.
I ain't no mama's boy.
I ain't your boy either.
I'm my own fuckin' man.
[MAN] Hey, man!
James! Wait up, dude!
Whoa ♪
Yeah, sittin' at the top
You so dramatic ♪
Tell me if you
Really want the static ♪
Headed to the top
I gotta grab it ♪
One pace, always automatic ♪
I could leave ya dreams
In a dream ♪
I just need a king
For a queen ♪
Move back, gimme six feet ♪
Big dawg Never lose sleep ♪
Countin' money
While you count sheep ♪
Thousand-dollar Loubs
On my feet ♪
Gang with me
Call the whole fleet ♪
Type of thang to make
You take a seat ♪
I been all alone
At the throne ♪
Leave me lone Leave me lone ♪
Way I'm workin' Need a clone ♪
Bitch, you better watch
Your tone ♪
Winning, winning
Winning, winning ♪
Winning, love to see you ♪
Winning, love to see you ♪
Winning, love to see you ♪
Winning, winning, winning ♪
Winning, winning
Love to see you ♪
Winning, love to see you ♪
Winning, love to see you ♪
Tommy comin' for the win ♪
Move fast, drive faster ♪
Hide the money By the plaster ♪
Rappers fakin' like actors ♪
And you never been a factor ♪
I can see you
Havin' mood swings ♪
Two rings and I'm big now ♪
Every day is like a movie ♪
See the drip in my sweater ♪
Do good, I do better ♪
Lose now, I think never ♪
Puttin' two and two Together ♪
Hot boy in any weather ♪
Win, win like Khaled ♪
What do you think?
I think you did the damn thing, my boy.
Bro, this shit could not run smoother.
Come here. Check this out.
So we run the product through the merch,
covert style.
All No Lie tees and water bottles
come with a little
something extra.
You know what I'm sayin'?
See you win See you win ♪
[BRAYDEN] The coke goes through
the t-shirt orders.
The shirt size determines
the gram amount
which goes inside the tags.
See you win See you win ♪
[BRAYDEN] Pills go inside
the water bottles,
hidden in a secret compartment
at the bottom.
This is some exclusive shit.
I'm talkin'
party of the century epicness.
Yeah, I'm there.
[BRAYDEN] We reveal the party
locations by word of mouth
so everything stays underground
and off Noma's radar.
All the merch orders go
through our secure app.
It's a failsafe business model.
We can keep adding
new products to the shop
and with all that
online business,
we'll be making money
in our sleep.
Our people deliver,
or customers can pick it up
at our weekly party.
There you go.
Before you know it,
they're buzzing about it.
We keep this up, we'll be
back in business in no time
and without
getting ourselves killed.
- Proud of you, my boy.
How'd it go with the Tejadas?
I might need a drink before
I get into that shit,
I'm not gon' lie.
Might need to hit that too.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Tariq St. Patrick, drinking and smoking.
There's a lot goin' on, my boy.
Yeah, I guess so.
Prada, Louis, Gucci ♪
Fendi bags and pearls ♪
Diamonds of all colors ♪
Trips around the world ♪
Dolce & Gabbana ♪
Balenciaga shoes ♪
Hermes and Versace ♪
Yeah, that's my attitude ♪
Prada, Louis, Gucci ♪
Fendi bags and pearls ♪
Diamonds of all colors ♪
- Trips around the world ♪
- I'll be right back.
Dolce & Gabbana ♪
Balenciaga shoes ♪
Whatever she's drinkin', I got it.
What's up? I'm Tariq.
Yeah. And I can pay for my own drinks.
I mean, yeah, I can see that.
But why should you?
I'm Anya.
Nice to meet you, Anya.
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