The Circle (2020) s04e04 Episode Script

Nobody Is Safe

[tense music playing]
[Michelle] Our players now know
they're basically living my '90s fantasy.
They're locked in a rent-free apartment,
partying with the Spice Girls.
All they have to do now is figure out
whose profile Emma and Mel are behind.
-[Emma] That's it. They all know now.
-[Mel B] They know.
-Cat's out the bag. They know.
-Cat's out the bag. They all know.
[Emma gasps]
Oh my gosh.
[Emma] They know.
[Michelle] But what the players don't know
is that if our girl powered catfish
manages to stay hidden
behind Jared's profile,
that 100K prize will get bigger.
[horn honking]
I've been playing
with Scary Spice and Baby Spice.
And they could be any one of us.
If I could talk to the Spice Girls,
I would just tell them
how much I freaking love them.
Are they playing a girl?
Are they playing a guy?
[screen dings]
"Circle Chat is now open."
Circle, please take me to Circle Chat.
We're literally going to be chatting
with the Spice Girls in this chat,
and I will not know who the hell it is.
I don't want them to find us out.
-Good luck, players.
-Good luck, players.
Aw, I do love them all. [laughs]
Message, "You're telling me
I'm talking to the Spice Girls right now?"
All caps lock. No emojis. Just send it.
I'm in shock.
Dude, I feel you.
So we know that
we have to stay completely undetected.
We know what we're gonna say.
We wanna keep it light. We wanna
-And we have to be shocked, right?
-And we have to be shocked.
-"Can you believe they're actually in"
-"in the building?"
Message, "I was not expecting that,
but holy cow!"
"but holy cow."
"Are we talking
to the Spice Girls! Exclamation."
-Yes, you are, Carol.
-Yes, you are.
Oh God.
We were dancing to the Spice Girls,
and they were here.
I can't stop smiling.
It's starting to hurt.
Message, "I'm shook to the core.
Is this for real? Question mark." Send.
I am also shook, Jared.
I guess it is, man, and maybe you're them.
Are you for real? Are you for real, Jared?
Is it you? Are you for real?
[Emma screams]
-This is crazy.
Nathan does not know
who the Spice Girls are,
so I can't let on
that I would know anything
about who these two women actually are.
Message, "Well, damn!"
"I'm really glad I didn't say
no bad shit about the Spice Girls
since they've been chilling with us
the whole damn time. #IAmShook."
"I am shook." I'm glad you said that.
"up a bit tonight."
Message, "I don't even know what to say."
"I feel like every single word
has left my brain Dot, dot, dot."
I did. You're not alone.
I mean, everybody's shook,
but everybody is gonna play
like they shook
because we gotta figure out
who the fuck it is.
I don't feel well.
Like, everyone's so shocked. Are we
We did. We did, "Is this for real?
I'm shook to the core." We did that.
So now we need to do,
"Dang, I wish my sister was here."
Yeah, okay. Let's do it.
-Message, "Dang."
I think we should put something like,
"I'm gonna take a
a big gulp of air, blow it into a jar,
and take it back home with her,
because then, we brea"
"I breathed the same air
as a Spice Girl." Something weird.
Put it. It's brilliant.
[Alyssa] That is so funny.
That like that doesn't sound
like the girls would have written it.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is such a mind fuck.
Okay, Jared. Okay. You wanna take
something home to your sister?
We gotta get them bitches
up out of here first.
I mean, 'em ladies up out of here first.
I gotta stop calling them icons bitches.
Lord help me.
Message, "OMG."
"Mind blown, mind blown, mind blown."
"Whichever player you are,
just know I freaking love you."
"I freaking love you."
Aw, go, Rachel. That's lovely.
I am a little suspicious
of Rachel's message,
and I think the "whichever player you are,
I freaking love you"
is really trying to throw us
in a it's-not-me direction.
You come in, and you talk about
your '90s memory is you went,
and you were on the news
at a Spice Girls concert.
What are the chances?
I mean, Rachel was referencing
the Spice Girls all night.
Thank goodness they're all excited.
They could have been like
-"And?" [laughs]
Message, "The Spice Girls aren't my thing,
but I can tell how exciting this is
for all of you."
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't puzzled
and worried of the consequences."
"#WhatAreTheConsequences?" Send.
That was weird, Nathan.
It was brave for you to say.
I think Nathan, right there
-has made himself look like it's him.
Message, "Well, whoever you are,
just know I did your song proud
on the dance floor. Big smiley face. #"
"Song on repeat
with my wife and daughter." Aw.
I love you, Crissa.
Crissa wants us to know, baby,
it ain't her, and, baby, it ain't me.
Period. I know that's right, Crissa.
Let them know.
Message, all caps,
"Which player are you so I can come"
"and scrub your feet
right now immediately?"
-"the Night When Two Become One."
Yu Ling, you just smashed that.
[Emma] Message, "What are
these consequences?"
"Question mark, question mark."
"First, I'm dancing to the Spice Girls,
then I see the Spice Girls,
and now it's just hit me
I've been speaking to them all along."
I don't know. Argh.
Because that doesn't sound
like it would be them,
but maybe it does.
I don't think it's Jared.
Message, "I need to go gather myself
and change my undergarments."
[Mel B laughs]
"Simply put,
I will not be sleeping tonight."
-"Never Give Up on the Good Times."
[Mel B] She knows it!
"P.S. I love you."
-Yu Ling.
-You just stepped up the plate, Yu Ling!
[John] "Circle Chat is now closed."
I mean, I can't trust anybody
as far as I could throw them,
because every conversation I've had
could have been with Mel B and Emma.
Everybody is fair game right now.
Everybody is fair game.
Like, this is actually insane.
[Michelle] And if you think that drama
was intense, wait till you see Nathan
trying to close his blinds.
[mellow music playing]
Come on now. Don't do this to me, plants.
[Michelle] So the players are ready
to sleep off the craziest '90s party
since I tried
to smuggle Mad Dog 20/20 into prom.
Don't judge.
Get here.
That was the craziest night of my life.
I could've never imagined
that I would be in breathing space
of the Spice Girls.
We're gonna throw Carol under the bus.
We're gonna kick Alyssa out the door.
We're gonna knock Bru on the head. Bang!
And we're gonna come out shining.
-Aah ♪
-Aah ♪
-Goodnight, Scary Spice and Baby Spice.
-Goodnight, Scary Spice and Baby Spice.
-Night, my darling. [blows kiss]
-Goodnight. Sleep tight.
[music fading out]
["Who Do You Think You Are"
by Spice Girls playing]
[Michelle] It's morning
after our biggest bombshell ever
Good morning, Circle.
and the players are waking up
with the knowledge
that somewhere in The Circle pond
is a pair of spicy catfish
just swimming around.
Somebody up there is the damn Spice Girls.
Jared, you're Confusing Spice to me
because I don't know what's happening.
[Alyssa] When I first looked
at his profile, it didn't feel real.
It felt suspicious.
I just can't
I can't determine what to do.
Put the kettle on.
I said who do you think you are? ♪
Do you think you are?
I said who ♪
I feel pretty ready for today.
I don't think we've been detected yet.
I think Jared could be the catfish
just 'cause, like, there were
some incontinuities
with what he was saying,
and his profile seemed very mature.
Rachel did talk about the Spice Girls
quite a bit during the '90s Party Chat.
She also was, like, talking about
the Spice Girls
before they were announced.
She got interviewed
outside the Spice Girls concert.
I mean, come on!
It's all just a little too perfect
for Rachel.
-In Alyssa's biog, she says "spicy."
-So I think
-We could push it on to her.
We could say, "Ooh, I wonder
why she wrote that on her biog."
And Yu Ling did
the "#NeverGiveUpOnTheGoodTimes."
"the Good Times." I mean, a comple
[Emma] A song that you wouldn't
expect them to know, really.
Well, she is a huge fan, she said.
-Or unless you are one of us.
We don't even get those lyrics right
-I know. At all.
-when we perform that song.
You have got to ♪
-Shake it, move it, make it ♪
-Swing it ♪
-Who do you think you are? ♪
-Make it ♪
-Use it, groove it ♪
-Trust it, use it ♪
-Show me how good you ♪
-Prove it, groove it ♪7
[Michelle] Who's gonna strike first
in this race
to unmask the catfish pop royalty?
-[screen chimes]
-[suspenseful music playing]
Crissa has invited me to a private chat.
I know that's right.
I am gonna have to stand up for this one
'cause I know this is gonna be good.
Circle, please take me
to the private chat with Crissa.
Message, "Yo. Morning, sunshine!
Exclamation, exclamation."
"Today is going to be a good day,
but a crazy one."
"#ImNotReadyForIt. How you doing, man?"
Me and Crissa have been vibing,
and we have been keeping it 100
with each other, and I love that.
Message, "I'm so glad to be hearing
from you, my #Fave."
"I have been dying to know your thoughts
on what the hell happened yesterday."
"#TheTeaIsBoiling." And send.
Message, "My thoughts are scattered."
"I've been playing over these messages
in my head like a freaking broken record,
and for some reason"
"I'm not going to lie Dot, dot, dot.
Carol, she might be the one. Shrug emoji."
"#MommaSpice. #IDontWantItToBe.
Who you got your eye on?"
Okay. So Crissa's giving me her thoughts.
I feel like that shows that I trust him
to be able to, like,
share this information.
I'm definitely gonna have
a honest conversation with her here,
because I feel like this is important.
I'm going with my gut,
and my gut is telling me
that if I had to decide right now,
I would probably go with Jared.
Message, "So I definitely have had
my doubts about #MommaCarol
after Paul's daughter, Parker, said
there was someone in The Circle
that could not be trusted."
"Also, I have second thoughts on Jared
because of how he was brought
into The Circle,
and how he immediately wanted
to chat with both of us."
"I could be overthinking,
but out of everyone, I feel like
it is definitely one of those two."
[Crissa] "#ImConfusedSis."
Not Jared.
No. That's my amigo.
Message, "No, not Jared,"
with a crying face emoji.
"He did cross my mind,
but Carol just be trying so hard
with that momma role."
"Always love talking to you,
but time for me to work on these cheeks"
"and figure out
who's the real Spice Girl."
I'm just super glad to have Crissa
on my side with all that ass, honey.
I got ass. She got ass,
and, baby, we're gonna have our ass cheeks
in those finale chairs, baby,
sitting real pretty.
[shouting] Who's the Spice Girls?
I just wanna know who you are.
[Michelle] Now the hunt for
the Spice Girls is officially on,
Alyssa is doing what
every self-respecting TV detective does,
writing on pieces of paper
stuck to her wall.
That honestly deserves
two exclamation points if I have it.
[Michelle] Yes, Bru. Yes.
That'll crack the case wide open.
I really want to have a one-on-one chat
with Jared.
I think Jared is going
to have good information
on who the Spice Girls could possibly be.
I really don't think it's him,
so it's safe to talk with him about.
-[screen beeps]
-[Mel B] Oh my God.
-"Nathan has invited you"
-[Emma gasps, screams]
"to a private chat."
-Get over here, Bunton.
I need to remember
that I am playing this as Nathan
who has very little knowledge
of who the Spice Girls even are.
Oh my goodness! I'm very intrigued.
This is gonna be bloody interesting.
[Alex] Message,
"Jared! Exclamation point."
"What is up, my man?"
Gotta keep the lingo very young.
[Emma] "Yesterday was wild."
"Still trying to figure out
who the Spice Girls are playing
and what a Spice Girl is. LOL."
He said, "I wasn't
It's not my kind of music."
-Didn't he?
Fine, Nathan. [laughs]
-Message, "Nathan."
"What's up?"
-"Yo, this is crazy, right?"
This is where we can say,
"I don't remember them much either,
but my sister was obsessed with them."
"Have you got any thoughts of who it is?"
I mean, this is going
in the direction I wanted.
He wants to figure out
who the Spice Girls are together.
I love messaging. Don't you?
-We've so got into this game. It's unreal.
'Cause we have taken
the persona of Jared on.
-Of Jared. We have.
I think I've cut my finger.
I'm gonna have to give a little
in order to get a little,
so I may need to use Rachel
as a bit of a scapegoat here,
which is a shame,
because I do really think
we could've been a good alliance,
but she is my number one suspect.
Message, "Yes, please.
I don't know many of the players well yet,
so if I had to take a shot in the dark,
my gut is leaning towards Rachel."
"I would love to hear your thoughts,
since you've been here longer
than I have. #Detectives." Send.
I think now is when
we throw somebody under the bus.
-Definitely. So
-[Mel B] Yu Ling or Alyssa?
I think Alyssa is a bit less obvious
because how would we know
the Spice Girls lyrics from Yu Ling?
-Just say, "Did you read Alyssa's biog?"
-"Alyssa's biog." Yes.
I think she goes, "#Spicy."
Yeah. She says something and spicy.
Little and Or something.
[Mel B] Circle, can we go
to Alyssa's biog really quick?
-[Emma] Oh, there you go.
-[Mel B] "Small and spicy."
So message, "Bro, I'm with you.
I've got your back."
"I've got to point out to you,
in Alyssa's About Me,
she says, '#SmallAndSpicy,'
and she likes watching scary movies."
In brackets, "Which is one of them."
"It's the first thing I thought of
when I saw the video of them yesterday."
This is good.
"You know, Scary? She was one of them."
Sitting right here, and Baby right there.
Message, "Dude, first off,
love to hear that you have got my back."
"Loyalty is everything to me,
so I will have your back too."
"Alyssa was also someone
I was a little sus of"
"so your point about #SmallAndSpicy
is making a ton of sense, bro."
I am actually genuinely very happy
he has given me this information
about Alyssa.
Message, "Hahaha. #WeveGotThis."
"Why don't you keep
your, emoji eyes, on Rachel?"
"I'll keep my, emoji eyes, on Alyssa,
and let's do some diggin'."
I'm all about
this little spy mission here.
Message, "Hahaha. The mission is on. #"
"operation sniff out the Spice Girls."
-Yes, Nathan. Sniff out the Spice Girls.
He has no idea it's us.
-Fooled you, mate.
-We hope.
I may have gotten it wrong about Rachel,
and it could be Alyssa.
This has given me new food for thought.
[cheerful music playing]
[Michelle] The Spice Girls are doing well
in the secret mission to remain hidden,
and everyone else is on high alert
in their secret mission to detect them.
Some have even gone deep undercover.
Don't say it, Bru. Don't say it.
I'm a bruitto. [Laughs]
[Michelle] Okay, I take it back.
That was kind of cute.
With all this spice paranoia,
what a better time to add a little more
with a quiz?
Guess what it's gonna be about, honey.
-[screen beeps]
-[Yu Ling gasps] Oh shit!
"Spice Girls Quiz."
[laughs nervously] Okay.
"Your knowledge of the Spice Girls"
"is about to get put to the test."
In front of the whole world,
including the Spice Girls.
I'm sure that Rachel
is going to nail this,
but it kinda puts you in a weird spot,
because if you do really well,
then maybe some people are gonna think
that you are the Spice Girl.
Everyone's gonna be taking note
to see who gets it super right
-Super wrong.
-super wrong, who plays it safe.
This is like so much pressure.
It's unreal.
[Michelle] Each player will be asked
a Spice Girls-themed question.
Bring it.
"Who said after meeting the Spice Girls"
"'These are my heroes.
One of the greatest moments of my life'?"
Was it Prince William?
Nelson Mandela?
-The pope?
-Or Barack Obama?
-I know this.
-So do I.
[Michelle] That's reassuring.
They'll then answer their question
in the Circle Chat for all to see.
I feel like the pope
be low-key kind of like out there.
[Michelle] The Circle
will then reveal the answer.
Ha! I really made myself look
really stupid putting the pope.
The correct answer was Nelson Mandela?
Thank you very much, Nelson.
I don't think
anybody would have got that right.
Do you think Nelson Mandela was joking,
or do you think he was sane that day?
Listen, let's not go there.
Let's just not go there.
-He meant it.
-He said it. That's all I care about.
[both laughing]
"The next question is for Frank."
Circle, please don't do me wrong.
Circle, please don't do me wrong.
"Which Spice Girl"
"patted Prince Charles' butt"
"at this event?" What?
I'd be happy if a Spice Girl gave me
a little pat on the bum.
I don't fucking know.
The options are A, Emma.
B, Mel B. C, Mel C.
I see what you did, Circle.
D, Geri.
Wow! That is a really hard question.
This is one of those questions that,
if the Spice Girls got, though,
like, they'd know the answer obviously,
but would they answer it correctly?
Geri kissed him
because she had red lipstick on.
[Emma] And then patted him on the bum.
[Frank] Mel B was standing next to him.
Maybe she held up the peace sign
and grabbed his cakes real good.
Message, "B." And send.
[gasps] He said you.
[Alyssa] Incorrect.
[Frank] Damn!
That's some bullshit.
Oh my God! It was Geri?
Child, how am I supposed to know that?
It was definitely Geri who patted his bum,
but you kissed him that day.
-Did I?
Can't have been that good.
[Michelle] I'm sure
His Highness would disagree.
[Mel B] Ooh!
-"Next question is for Nathan."
-"is for Nathan."
He has no idea
who the Spice Girls even are.
My best game plan for this is,
whether I know the correct answer or not,
I have to give the wrong answer.
"What is
the best-selling Spice Girls song"
"of all time? A, 'Wannabe.'"
"B, 'Say You'll Be There.'"
"C, 'Spice Up Your Life.'"
"D, 'Stop.'"
They danced to "Wannabe" last night.
It's obvious that is the most popular.
I feel like this is an easy question.
It would look suspicious to get it wrong.
If he gets it wrong, it's understandable.
If he gets it right,
people are gonna be like,
"Yo, how does he know that?"
I mean, for God's sake,
we were all dancing to it last night.
Message, "A." And send.
Thumbs up. Okay.
He's like, "I don't know anything
about the Spice Girls,"
and then he gets it right.
I never, in a million years,
would have suspected
Spice Girls trivia
to be a downfall in my life.
"The next question is for Yu Ling."
I don't even wanna look at it.
"What did the Spice Girls perform
on top of
during the 2012 Olympic Closing ceremony?"
Is it, "A, London buses?"
"B, Spice Girls tour bus."
"C, black taxi cabs."
"D, model of Buckingham Palace."
I don't recall there being
a model of Buckingham Palace.
Yeah, I have no clue.
Come on, Yu Ling.
Get this right. Come on.
Circle, please put,
"B, Spice Girls tour bus." Send.
"Spice Girls tour bus."
I don't think you're right, Yu Ling.
Drumroll. [making drumroll]
[screaming] No!
Is she getting confused
with the movie bus?
It was a model of the Buckingham Palace,
wasn't it?
"Black taxi cabs"?
Those don't even look
like real taxis, though.
I have never in my life
been more disappointed in myself.
-We're all really in sync.
-[gasps] Yes. We were. We practiced a lot.
-And those taxis went quite fast.
-I know.
-They actually did go really fast.
-Yeah, really fast.
[Michelle] Okay, time to see how much
of their career these pop stars
can remember. You're up, Jared.
-Oh my God.
-Oh God.
I'm gonna be watching this one closely.
Jared said he did not know a ton
about the Spice Girls himself,
but that his sister knows
a lot about the Spice Girls.
I definitely think
that the Spice Girls could be Jared.
I don't know where we go with this.
Do we get it right?
Do we get it wrong? What do we do?
-Let's just see the question.
[Mel B gasps]
'What was the name of the movie
released by the Spice Girls in 1997?"
I didn't even know
they came out with a movie.
"A, Spice Girls: The Movie,
B, Spice World: The Movie."
"C, Have a Spice Day."
That's a funny title.
"D, Spice Planet."
It's so obviously B.
It is a pinnacle of film.
I would expect him to get it wrong,
but if it's the girls,
they might get it right and just be like,
"Lucky guess. My sister loved them."
It was number one movie,
and we beat Titanic. [laughs]
And we're really bad actresses.
I think Jared is gonna get it wrong,
and he should.
Right. Okay, let's think.
I think Jared would go
for something quite obvious.
-I don't think he'd know it properly.
-I would say, "A, Spice Girls: The Movie."
But then again, his sister was obsessed.
[suspenseful music playing]
He might know the answer to this one.
Let's get it right.
Are you sure?
Now he's really thinking about this, huh?
As much as Jared has an obsessed sister
Yes, but I'm not sure he'd remember
the actual title of the film, would he?
All right now, child.
Jared might be over there
thinking a little too hard.
Come on, Jared. What do you got?
-Circle, lock in Spice Girls: The Movie.
-A, Spice Girls: The Movie.
D'oh, Jared, you moron.
Jared got it wrong. What a surprise!
"The correct answer is"
Of course it is.
We know that!
Doesn't that almost seem like
too obvious of an answer?
Jared, did you get it wrong
to throw off everybody?
It's me. "Next question is for Rachel."
Oh, no, no, no, no. Please be easy.
I expect Rachel to get it right.
She talked a lot
about the Spice Girls last night.
I'm on a high alert here.
She is my number one suspect
for mystery Spice Girl catfish
in The Circle.
"Which music video features stop-motion
animation of the Spice Girls as fairies?"
"A, 'Stop.'"
"B, 'Wannabe.'"
"C, 'Too Much.'"
Or is it "D, 'Viva Forever'?"
Okay, so I think Rachel's gonna know this,
because yesterday in the chat,
she was talking a lot
about how she was a Spice Girl fan.
-Wasn't she?
I literally have no idea.
This would mean that you had to watch
all of the Spice Girls music videos,
but if you were a fan, a super fan,
you would have.
I don't remember any of the music videos.
I just remember seeing them live.
If Rachel gets this answer wrong,
I'm going to be more suspicious
that she's trying
to throw us off the trail.
I feel like I'm gonna go with A
just because it says "stop" in the title,
and that's literally the only reason.
Rachel's going with A, "Stop." Okay.
She got it wrong.
You're supposed to be a Spice fan, Rachel.
-Everyone now knows maybe you're not.
"The correct answer is 'Viva Forever,' D."
Rachel should have got this right.
Maybe that is the Spice Girls.
I'm starting
Man, I'm really feeling like it's Rachel.
I'm so sad. Like
That sucks.
[rhythmical music playing]
[Michelle] After an afternoon chatting
about catfish Scary Spice and Baby Spice,
Yu Ling is checking in
on the other Circle baby, Nathan. Aw!
I need to talk to Nathan
because I wanna reject any suspicions
that Nathan might be the Spice Girls.
Nathan is younger than me, but, like,
you know, we could definitely
flirt with Nathan. Just be like, "Hi."
"Are you into, like, sexy older girls?"
I would happily flirt with Nathan
if that means I can get him on my side.
Circle, I'd like to invite Nathan
to a private chat.
[screen chimes]
Ooh! "Yu Ling has invited you
to a private chat."
Okay. Thank you.
Circle, please open private chat.
Message, "#BabyNathan!"
Bunch of exclamation marks.
"I didn't get a chance
to formally welcome you to The Circle fam,
so I wanted to pop in and say hello.
Heart emoji."
"I was literally fighting for my life
during trivia
and punching the air
when I got my question wrong."
The fact that Yu Ling came to me
was either that
she was really feeling my profile,
or she was suspicious
that I might be the Spice Girls.
Message, "Yu Ling, I'm super happy
you popped in to say hi. Hands emoji."
"After last night, you are for sure
the funniest person here. LOL."
He thinks I'm the funniest one.
Message, "Oh my God, stop.
I'm blushing hella hard right now."
"Kissy face. You're mad cute."
"What do you like to do
to, music emoji, spice up your life?"
"Fire emoji and wacky emoji."
She is into Nathan a little bit.
Message, "Well, now
you're making me blush. Heart-eye emoji."
[shouting] Okay, sheesh. Okay, sheesh.
"I happen to think you're mad cute also."
Message, "I love keeping life spicy."
"In my free time, I'm usually
at the beach, the pool, or the bar."
"Clinking glasses. What about you?"
"How do you keep life spicy
besides eating giant corn on the cob?"
"Laughing emoji."
Oh my God. Okay.
Well, he thinks I'm mad cute.
[laughing evilly] I feel like
a little bit of an evil genius.
Message, "I've actually been learning
how to skateboard,"
and in parentheses,
"looking for a teacher. Side eye emojis."
"And you can always find me looking
for the perfect snack."
"Devil emoji, sparkly emoji." Send.
And then just sit back
and watch as the honeys come.
Oh God, she called me a snack.
Message, "Perfect snack? Question mark."
"You look more like a full meal.
Devil emoji."
And then we could say something gross,
like, "#AndImHungry."
[shouting] Oh!
You hungry? Nathan, you hungry?
Nikki, if you are watching this,
do not kill me.
It's for the money.
It's all for the money.
That was, like, genuine, I think,
like, 22, 21-year-old flirting.
Nathan is not the Spice Girls.
[Michelle] No, he is not,
but everyone is still desperate
to find out who is,
even though it's not actually
in their best interest
'cause if Emma and Mel
fool enough players,
that prize fund shoots up.
-All right, Cookie?
-Can I have a bit?
We used to share chewing gum.
I know. Now you won't even share
a bit of salad with me.
[screen chimes]
[Mel B] Mm!
"Rachel has invited you
to a private chat."
I want to chat with Jared
'cause I've been a little sus suspicious
of him being the Spice Girls. [laughs]
I wanna see if he continues to speak
in, like, a way I wouldn't anticipate
him speaking.
He is a children's book author,
so you know
Knowing so much about the Spice Girls,
I know how they talk.
I know how they put sentences together.
So I'm hoping that'll help me.
-Maybe she's trying to get us on side.
-Or do you think she's suspicious of us?
Nathan is also suspicious of Rachel,
isn't he?
Message, "Hey, Jared."
"Just wanted to check in
to see how you're feeling after the quiz."
"Got to be honest,
I'm more than a little embarrassed
being such a fan myself."
If you're a fan, you should've known
that question. Rachel, #Fail.
Big time. [laughs]
If he is the Spice Girls,
I want them to know
that this is awful for me.
Um, so, hopefully this is
a two birds, one stone thing.
Either I am connecting with a new pal,
or I am communicating with the Spice Girls
and letting them know I'm so sorry.
I [spluttering] would say,
"Yeah, that's a toughie."
-Well, a little bit embarrassing.
-All right. Okay.
Message, "Hey, Rach.
Thanks for the invite."
"I'm not gonna lie, that quiz was tough."
"But saying that,
I don't really know the Spice Girls,
so I'm not embarrassed
to say I didn't get any right."
"Don't get yourself down about it.
It wasn't only you that got it wrong."
We need to make sure
that we get the money for everyone.
Because if they detect us,
I would be devastated.
Message, "Aw, thanks."
"You're very right.
A bunch of us kind of fumbled that one."
"Now we've got
to put on our detective hats
and figure out which profile
they're hiding in. Detective emoji."
-Ooh. Make it up.
-What do we know?
Message, "Don't worry, Rach.
I've got your back."
"Have you got any idea
who they might be? Question mark."
"Who are you thinking? Question mark.
Do you wanna know what I know?"
"Question mark. #CanYouKeepASecret?"
-"Pinky swear."
Come on, Jared.
I did it. I made an alliance.
I still think
that he is holding something back,
but if he has some good information,
then I need to know it, you know?
This is where Jared comes into his own.
He is king stirrer of the pot.
Message, "Between me and you,
Nathan is convinced
you're the Spice Girls."
"I'm not gonna lie, he got me thinking,
but then my brain switched on,
and I thought"
"Hell, no. Get it together, Jared.
Rachel's on my vibe."
"So I told him my concerns about Alyssa."
Wow, okay,
he's convinced I'm the Spice Girls.
I've never been more flattered
in my whole life.
We're not throwing out
any not home truths, not really.
-[laughs] We are. We're going for it.
-No. Nathan thought it was Rachel.
-We think it's Alyssa only based on facts.
-[Emma] Yes, it's very true.
If anyone thinks we're lying,
all they have to do is go to her About Me.
Yeah, absolutely.
[Emma] So message,
"Check out Alyssa's About me."
"Thinking emoji."
I Uh
I'm so lost. I don't know what to think.
[in complaining tone] Circle, take me
to Alyssa's profile, please.
"Italian New Yorker,
who loves to cuddle up with my dogs,
a scary movie"
Oh man!
Circle, take me back
to Jared's message, please.
Oh! Come on, Rach. Read it.
[Emma] "First of all, thank you so much
for having my back."
"I absolutely have yours."
"I just dug into Alyssa's profile,
and I'm actually shook. #SmallAndSpicy."
-[Mel B] Boom. She's on side.
-[Emma] She's on side.
All we've said to her is,
"Nathan's thrown you under the bus."
"We've got your back and saved you."
-"Look at Alyssa's About Me."
-Yes. Yes.
Shots fired in Alyssa's direction.
"Alyssa has invited you
to a private chat."
No, she didn't.
-Quickly write this.
-Yes, that's what I'm saying. Quick.
"Now we're on the same page about Alyssa,
we need to start eliminating people now
and make sure
we figure this out together."
-"I'm off to do some digging."
Let's get out of this chat.
Let's get on Alyssa.
[Rachel] Oh. "Jared left the chat." Okay.
Never mind, I guess. [laughs]
It's about to go down.
[Alyssa] Jared is number one suspect.
Message, "It seems like
our first date plan has to change,
because how could you
Spice World?"
"#IllSpiceUpYourLife. Laughing emoji."
And send.
Boom. Straight for the flirt.
She's got her flirt game strong.
I hope I am talking to the Spice Girls
so that they know
that I would have known Spice World.
I loved that movie. I still do.
So we can say, "Please forgive me."
-Yes! Message, "Please forgive me."
-Message, "Please forgive me."
[Alyssa] "What can I do
to make it up to you?"
"How could I have gotten it so wrong
when my sister is obsessed?"
"Props to you for getting
your question right. Winky face."
If it is the Spice Girls,
them saying, "Props to you
for getting your question right,"
makes me feel really good.
Message, "You can make it up to me
by helping me out
in this crazy #SpiceFishHunt."
"Do you have any hunches yet? Or are you
taking shots in the dark like me?"
-This is where we can
-This is where we could
We could twist it up a little bit.
Message, "Can I be honest with you?"
"I read your About Me,
and your #SmallAndSpicy
and your liking scary movies
had me questioning everything about you."
"But now I've spoken to you again,
I know in my heart
you're being real with me."
Oh shit.
This is my forte now, stirring the pot.
Come on.
Bloody hell.
Let her process. It's a lot to process.
What are the chances? [screams]
That is
I can't believe
I accidentally repeatedly hinted
that I was a Spice Girl,
and now I'm sure
that other people think the same thing.
Okay, message
"OMG, Jared. I am dying laughing
because I didn't even put that together
until you said it."
Message, "Honestly,
my only lead is Carol right now
because I was expecting more from her cake
since she said she's an avid baker."
Send message.
-You've wanted that.
-Can we say hallelujah?
If he says
he also thought it was Carol, maybe
maybe it's the girls
trying to throw me off their trail.
Message, "Exactly."
"You are on point."
"I've had my doubts about Carol
right from the start."
Whether this is the Spice Girls
or whether this is Jared, this is amazing.
I'm so glad that he sees it.
Do you know what?
I feel like we've done all we can.
-Look, we have now, Rachel on side.
-[Mel B] Nathan on side.
-[Emma] Yes.
-[Mel B] Alyssa on side.
-[Emma] Yes.
-Three of them.
-Three of them in our pocket.
And we've told the truth
with a little bit of a sprinkle.
Exactly, bit of sprinkle, bit of spice.
Every time I talk to him, I'm like,
"No, it's not him, it's not him,"
in the conversation, and then afterwards,
[Michelle] Fishing for Spice Girls
is tough, right, Alyssa?
Meanwhile, Bru and Carol are discussing
the USA's future
as a world leader in geopolitics.
LOL. Not really. They're obviously
talking about the Spice Girls.
Message, "From momma to son, comma,
I would love to hear your thoughts
on the #SpiceGirlCatfish,
because I'm lost."
And then the emoji.
And send.
If Carol drops Rachel's name, oh,
like, I'll feel much better,
because something's just telling me
that Rachel's the the Spice Girl catfish,
but I don't really have much
to back it up.
Message, "Rachel did seem to know
a lot about the Spice Girls yesterday."
"My gut also thinks it could be Nathan
or Jared. Period." Send.
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh man. Message, "From the bits and pieces
I've gathered in Circle Chats,
Nathan is an interesting suspect."
"I can't tell
if he's really just like a frat bro
or the Spice Girls playing this
really well? Question mark." Send.
Message, "That's exactly
what I was thinking about Nathan!"
"Exclamation point."
"He seemed to be really distant
from the '90s."
"It made me feel like it could be an act.
Period. Detective emoji, heart emoji."
"#MommaBearCarolAndBabyBearBru." Send.
Message, "Let's stay in touch,
my sweet Momma Carol. Period."
"Cheers from your #BabyBearBru." Send.
I came into this chat
thinking it was Rachel.
I came out more convinced
that it was Rachel,
but you just never know.
[Michelle] Yeah, that's kind of
the theme today, Bru,
'cause while everyone's trying to find out
whose profile those pesky pop stars
are hiding behind,
the Spice Girls are banking
on staying undetected as Jared,
and if they succeed,
they'll up that 100K prize for the winner.
Hope you're practicing
your poker face, ladies.
-Who goes first?
-You 'cause I dealt.
The player goes first, no?
-If you dealt it If you smelt it
-If you smelt it, you dealt it.
[Michelle] Circle, deal them in.
[alarm blares]
-[shouting] "Alert! Alert! Alert!"
-[shouting] Whoo!
[screen beeps]
"Jared, the players are about to vote
for the profile they think you"
-"are playing."
-"are playing."
This is it. This tells us everything.
If we played the game well,
this will tell.
[tense music playing]
"If you have fooled
the majority of the players"
"$50,000 will be added
to the prize fund."
Fifty thousand?
We just need five votes
that are not Jared, and we've done it.
-We've done it.
-$50,000 is a lot of money.
-A lot of money.
-On top of what they're already gonna win.
I really hope we've done it,
but the thing is
we are so in our own little world here.
We don't know what's going on
in the other apartments.
[music fading out]
[Michelle] Time for the players to vote.
Remember, to secure the money,
all the Spice Girls have to do
is fool five of them.
[alarm blares]
What is it? I knew it was too quiet.
I got a feeling it's gonna be spicy
if you know what I mean.
[Michelle] Ooh, we haven't
heard that one before.
"Players, it's now time to guess"
"which profile Mel B and"
"Emma are playing."
I've been trying to prepare myself all day
for this moment.
I do not feel ready to make this decision.
Nobody's gonna be trusted before this.
Nobody's gonna be trusted after this.
This is the biggest monkey wrench
the game could have thrown us.
[suspenseful music playing]
"Every vote counts."
Oh shit. What does that mean?
"There will be consequences."
[shouting] What are the consequences?
"Please lock in your vote."
I don't even What? Oh my God.
Do you either vote
your heart on who you think it is,
or you vote in a strategic way?
Momma Carol is on my potential list.
For me, it's 100% not Alyssa.
I trust her too much.
I was already a little suspicious
that Alyssa could be a catfish.
I don't think that it's Nathan
because he's in love with me.
I need Jared to be at least Jared.
Jared, he got added by Frank.
That's too specific and too up to chance
for them to just happen
to be the Spice Girls.
I'm ready to guess,
and I hope it doesn't backfire on me.
Okay, Circle, I have made my decision.
Circle, please lock in my answer.
[music fading out]
[Michelle] The votes are locked now,
so they cannot be changed,
or to use the technical term,
no takesies backsies.
[screen chimes]
"Players, it's time to find out
which profile you think
Mel B and Emma are playing."
This could break alliances.
This could change the game forever
until we get to the end.
I feel like
it's about to get a little messy.
"First up, it's Bru."
Oh my God. We're going one by one.
You ain't got no shame in your game.
Why do I gotta go first?
[tense music playing]
Come on, Bru. Come on, Bru.
[Rachel] It's me.
Oh my God.
I'm not a Spice Girl.
-[screaming] My God!
-Bru voted for Rachel.
-Get in!
I just didn't know, okay?
I just didn't know.
I just didn't know who it was.
I didn't know anything about her.
One down.
[Michelle] So that's first blood
for Jared.
If four more votes are cast
for other players,
Emma and Mel have completed
their secret mission.
Who's next? Next up is me. [screams] Okay.
Come on, Alyssa.
Play into our hands.
"Alyssa voted for"
[tense music playing]
[music stops]
Are you kidding me?
She voted for us?
[Alyssa] There were
some inconsistencies, buddy.
That's funny because Jared really thinks
that it's Alyssa.
Alyssa, it is not Jared.
Unless it's Jared.
I can't believe she's voted for us.
That is a shocker.
-She was flirting with us and everything.
-I know.
[Michelle] That's one vote for Jared
and one vote for not Jared,
with five votes left to be cast.
Who would Carol have voted for?
Sucks that people are gonna see where
what I'm thinking,
but I think it's a good choice.
I don't think it does anything
for any of the relationships
that I've built so far.
All right. "Carol voted for"
[tense music playing]
-Oh, thank goodness. Thank goodness.
-Carol voted for Nathan. Whoo!
-Okay. Well done, Carol.
No! Argh. I didn't wanna see that.
Gotta go with a new member,
and you definitely didn't sell me
that you were who you said you were.
-We've got two votes in our favor.
-I know.
[intense music playing]
And the next up, it's Nathan.
We had Nathan in the bag, so I thought.
So I thought.
Let's see who Nathan thinks it is.
[music intensifying]
And it's me.
-Yes! Nathan voted for Rachel.
-We sealed that deal.
-My goodness! Thank God.
Nathan picked Rachel.
Newbie against newbie.
That's a big one.
He's throwing his, like,
welcome mate under the bus.
I would think that they would have
some sort of alliance,
or he would be trying
to get on her good side.
If I get voted out
because people think I'm a Spice Girl,
honestly, there are worse ways to go.
[Michelle] The votes for the other players
are out in front,
with only Alyssa thinking
Jared is a Spice Girl catfish.
Emma and Mel only need
to fool two more players
to complete their mission
and add that 50K to the prize pot.
Wait. [spluttering]
Wait, I'm not ready. Hold on. Hold on. Oh.
Don't choose us. You could win money.
-More money.
-More money.
[tense music playing]
No way, Crissa.
-Yes. Yes.
Dude, what a Are you fucking serious?
That's so upsetting.
Carol. I feel like she fits,
like, the older profile
for, like, you know, maybe that older vibe
for, um, Mel and Emma.
That means you're saying
you think she's a catfish.
Crissa, you're burning bridges.
That's good, I think.
'Cause that means
people will stop trusting her,
and it'll knock her out of her place.
I'm actually devastated right now.
I thought that Crissa and I had
a good bond. I thought she had my back.
Whatever, Crissa.
-Four down. Boom! In the bag.
-Oh my goodness, one more.
One more, and we've done it.
"Next up, it's Frank." Ah shit!
-Come on, Frank. [laughs]
-Come on, Frank.
We've had faith in you
right from the beginning.
All right, Frank, what you got?
"Frank voted for"
[tense music playing]
[Emma gasps]
[shouting] No! He voted for Jared?
I'm in shock.
Jared? Frank, you brought him in.
I went with my gut, and I feel like,
when I have something in my gut,
you gotta follow your gut always.
Frank. You see it.
Frank. Disappointment!
But he's smart.
[Michelle] That's two votes for Jared.
With two votes to go,
the Spice Girls still need
just one vote for anyone but Jared
to see that money jump.
[Bru] "Next up, it's Rachel."
Come on, Rachel. Bring home the goods.
Do not say Jared.
Oh jeez.
I don't feel good about this.
-"Rachel voted for"
-"Rachel voted for"
[tense music playing]
[music intensifying]
[music fading out]
Coming up on The Circle.
We're coming.
[Michelle] Someone's in
for a spicy surprise.
Oh my God.
I gotta put on some deodorant.
I feel like a little fan girl right now.
Things get personal.
I can really fuck with these ratings.
[Frank] "An influencer is on their way
to block one of you now."
[Yu Ling] Is this some sick joke?
[Michelle] As The Circle
turns up the heat.
"Circle Roast?"
-Hi, guys. It's me, comedian Nikki Glaser.
-[Alyssa screams]
The queen of roasting herself?
Your challenge is
to write devastating roast jokes
about your fellow Circle players.
Let's do battle.
It's going down.
I need to come up
with something that stings.
[dramatic music playing]
-[Michelle] There are new arrivals
-"Two new players"?
The Circle.
including a familiar face.
Your goddess has arrived.
And The Circle is compromised.
[Rachel] "Cyberattack detected."
[Frank] Is this for real?
"There has been a data breach!"
Oh no.
"Any player left
without the antivirus software will be"
"blocked from The Circle tonight."
[Bru in computerized voice] Oh no!
[theme song playing]
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