The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e04 Episode Script

Cave New World

Bullrus tusks?
This is gonna be fun!
Why? What's so fun about those?
Guess you've never played
Bullrus Blast.
I have so many questions.
First question, how do you play?
Easy! Like this!
Bullrus Blast!
I don't know why I like this,
but I do.
It is on!
Huh. Disappearing logs.
Ooh, cake!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
I have to get away
from that noise
or I'm gonna lose it.
W-what if we move
into a volcano?
Lava living! Who's with me, huh?
Nobody. Because lava.
You can hear those things
There has to be somewhere
we can hide.
There is a place.
A hidden place,
free from the distractions
and perturbances of daily life.
I can take you there,
but you must do exactly
as I say.
Where are they going?
It worked, Phil.
I can't hear a thing.
Eh, it's no volcano.
I can hear steam.
And heavy breathing.
Oh, wait, that's me.
So, you're finally
sharing the Man Cave with us.
How generous.
Desperate times,
desperate measures.
Besides, who would I be
if I withheld sanctuary
from fellow parents in need?
Uh, you'd be Phil Betterman.
You know who you are,
right, Phil?
I understand why you didn't
share this place, Phil.
You work much harder
around here than I do.
Well, I wouldn't say that.
And Grug does so much
more than you do, right, Ugga?
Oh, my plate is pretty full.
I'm just so glad you two
had a place to unwind
while we were Wait, um,
what were we doing, Hope?
Oh, that's right.
Is this a trap?
Uh, what matters is
we're all here now,
ears free of the tusk cacophony
generated by our offspring.
In fact, brainstorm!
I say we rename this
the Parent Cave.
What do you say?
It's a start.
Yes! We won!
W-we're still in the trap,
aren't we?
You know, I haven't seen
our parents in a while.
It's like
they're hiding from us.
Our parents love us!
They can't get enough of us.
And if we can't find 'em,
who's gonna make us lunch?!
Maybe if we blow even louder,
they'll come to us!
Everyone loves loud noises.
Do they? Oh!
You're not a wounded moomoth!
Just a bunch of kids
making noise!
You're welcome.
Have you seen the adults, Gran?
Not that you're not an adult
because you are.
A wise, experienced old
And by old, I mean seasoned,
mature, ripened.
Just like a banana.
That's starting to turn.
So, have you seen them?
They're in the Man Cave!
Probably hiding from
all that noise you're making!
Must be nice to have
a cave of your own.
Now, pipe down, so I can find
a real wounded animal!
They're all in the Man Cave?
We should go in there.
Yeah! If they can be in there,
so can we.
Actually, I've been in there,
and you're not missing
To the Man Cave!
I didn't know there were
so many ways to say
It needs decorations
and furniture and fans
and food and scrubbing.
Lots of scrubbing.
Other than that,
it's perfect.
I'm just glad I had someone to
talk to in there besides Phil.
Enjoying the Man Cave?
It's the Parent Cave now.
And, yes, we were enjoying it.
Great. We'll take
some of that action.
I bet our tusks
will sound amazing in there!
What's the couch situation?
Know what?
I'll just see for myself.
but I'm afraid this cave
is not for you.
Why not?
Because you're children,
and thisis the Parent Cave.
I thought it was the Man Cave.
Parent Cave. Not Man Cave.
Definitely not Man Cave.
You see, we parents need
the occasional refuge
from the rigors of child-rearing
to enjoy a moment's peace.
And we need a cave
without kids.
That's what I just said.
Not even close.
But you're not in there now.
Can't we go in
when you're not using it?
Oh, no. You kids are too wild
and noisy. You'd ruin the place.
How do you ruin a cave?
Unless it's not just a cave,
and they're hiding
something from us.
As the only kid who's been
in the cave,
I can tell you they're not.
Guy's right.
Admittedly a rarity.
Besides, why would you need
to go into our cave?
You already have
the entire run of the farm.
But we want a cave.
Don't you like us anymore?
We loveyou. And sometimes,
we express that love
by taking a break from you.
We should let 'em in. If we
don't, they'll just sneak in.
Not if we're still in there.
Oh, good idea, Phil.
I could use
some more chill time.
So, we seriously can't come in?
Not even for a peek?
Sure, you can.
As soon as you grow up
and become parents!
I've never wanted to be
in a cave so badly!
I thought you hated caves.
My relationship with caves
is complicated.
I feel the same way, Sandy.
I didn't wanna go in,
but then they said
I couldn't go in.
So now, I have to go in.
Thunk's right. We gotta find
out what they're hiding from us.
You mean nothing? Because
they're not hiding anything.
I'll bet it's something cool.
Something they wanna
keep all to themselves.
Like a killer battle
training cage.
Or an indoor rollerlog park!
Or human bowling!
But with the papaynapples
for pins. Pa-pin-apples!
Ah, pa-pin-apples.
Good one, me.
We're missing out
on something amazing.
We gotta get into that cave.
For the last time,
you're not missing anything.
It's just a bunch of rocks
and steam and other rocks!
But, what's behind
those other rocks?
Maybe you only saw
what they let you see.
Yeah. Don't you want to know
the wholecave truth, G-man?
Well, it was
pretty steamy in there.
Maybe I didn't see everything.
You're right.
We got to get into that cave!
They've gotta come out
at some point.
Yeah. How much steam
can they take?
Even I have limits
when it comes to steam.
Or is that snake bites?
Apparently, they have limits,
too. There they go.
Cave on.
Just a reminder.
The Parent Cave is for parents.
No kids allowed.
That's why I installed
a kid-proof security system.
Uh, Phil?
Are you gonna let us
We're going to tunnel under it.
Eep and Dawn,
you'll start digging here.
Thunk and Sandy, you'll plant
coco-booms here and here.
Aren't those dangerous?
Incredibly. Now, in phase two--
I have a better idea.
But, I'm not done.
I know, Guy-baby, but what if
instead of breaking
into the Parent Cave,
we just make our own cave?
Out of cheese?
No! I mean we find a cave
and turn it into a Kid Cave.
Kid Cave? Now, that's a plan.
Let's do it!
Kid Cave!
Kid Cave! Kid Cave! Kid Cave!
So, nobody wants
to hear the rest of my plan?
I do, G-man. Wait.
Do you think the Kid Cave
will have snacks?
Sure. It can have
whatever we want it to have.
Because it's our cave.
I can't believe I'm saying
this, but it's too quiet.
Yeah. I actually miss
all the screaming
and crashing and banging
and screeching and yelling.
I even miss those awful tusks.
Me, too!
So, what are we doing in here?
What's wrong? Did the kids
try to beat your
security system again?
No, they didn't try.
It's not like the kids
to give up so easily.
So, they must be
up to something.
Let's go find out what it is.
And leave the cave unattended?
As soon as we leave,
the kids will storm the cave
and sully it beyond salvage!
I thought your
security system was kid-proof.
It is, but it--Ugh!
Well played, Ugga.
You employed the only weapon
against which I am helpless.
Oh! Oh! Steady! Looking good.
Alright, l-let's see
some more effort there, Guy.
Hey. Hey. Hey. Watch the bounce.
Thunk, it's a trampoline.
That's what it does.
It's not just
a trampoline, Guy. Now, it's
a cavetrampoline.
A cave trampoline?
Oh, why didn't
we think of that?
Because it's a terrible idea.
Not if you like
bumping your head.
Or cracking it wide open.
What the howl is going on here?
Are you kids trying
to get hurt?
No, Mom. We made our own cave.
A Kid Cave.
Full of fun stuff we like!
I like fun stuff!
Hold on. Are you a kid, Dad?
No, I'm a dad, kid.
Well, this is a Kid Cave.
That means kids only.
No parents allowed!
Sorry, Grug. Kid Cave rules.
Don't listen to them!
You can come in.
Oh, really?
As soon as you grow up
and become kids.
Ha! Another good one, me!
Tell you what.
We'll let you into the Kid Cave
if you let us
into the Parent Cave.
Cave conditions? We don't
negotiate with children!
Okay. Fine by us.
Then, to each their own cave.
I guess that settles that.
No, it doesn't!
Now, I really want
to go in their cave.
What if it's better
than our cave?
What if that cave isn't safe?
It could be a death trap.
You just want to see
what's in their cave, too.
I do. I really, really do. Ah!
And you shall, my dear.
You shall.
Because I've got a plan.
We'll infiltrate the cave
in the dead of night,
while the children slumber.
Or we could just share our cave
because we started this.
And we're going to finish it!
Oh, yeah. This should end well.
Wait, why are we laughing?
Grug, what are you eating?
Sneak snack.
It's not very sneaky.
Your infernal crunching
is going to wake up the kids.
I know, but once I start
crunching, I can't stop.
Can we just
get this over with?
But now my stomach
isn't sneaky.
Must not be much of a cave.
Their security system
was non-existent.
Ow! Grug! You just
stepped on my foot!
Ah, sorry,
I can't see anything.
Of course, you can't
see anything. It's a cave.
Let me shed some light
on the subject.
Stars above!
This cave is glorious!
I've never seen such a sight.
The detail, the craftsmanship.
Such a tragedy
to waste it on the young.
No way! A bounceberry pit!
It's like sitting on a cloud
made of beans
Battle cage?!
Now, thisis awesome!
Hm? So, Guy has invented
a meat-cooking device
that harnesses the power
of spin? Ingenious!
Uh, I suppose it has merit.
For the work of a novice. Ah!
Meat spikes!
Yes! I love this cave!
Is it morning alr--
Oh no! We have to clean this up
before the kids find out!
Kid Cave!
Kid Cave! Kid Cave
They're coming!
Ah! They cannot know
we destroyed their cave!
Why? Because we told them
they'd wreck ours,
only to prove we're less
responsible than they are?
Yes! Precisely!
Save as many
meat spikes as you can!
Yah! Hot meat!
Kid Cave! Kid Cave!
What are you guys doing here?
We were just discussing how
impressed we are
that you made your own Kid Cave.
That we definitely
did notgo into.
And we've reconsidered.
We're going to grant you access
to the Parent Cave.
Yes. Really?
We've got our
own cool cave now,
so we don't need yours.
But, it couldn't possibly
be as amazing
as what we have
in the Parent Cave.
Ha! Sure it could. Wait.
So, the Parent Cave does have
amazing stuff hidden in it?
Uh yes?
Many wonderful things,
hidden, as you say.
Like what?
Like what.
Well, there's, uh,
the indoor water slide!
A who what now?
An indoor water slide
with hairpin turns,
spray jets,
and a heated catch pool!
And when you've had enough
chills, thrills, and spills,
why not try your luck
at the Bucking Bullrus?
And after all that
sliding and riding,
you'll work up a mean thirst,
so take a drink from
a naturally occurring
Straw-Peary Punch Fountain!
It's fruity! It's fizzy!
It's fantastic.
Uh, but I suppose none
of that would interest you.
Oh well. Enjoy your Kid Cave.
Cave-vana. I knew it was real.
We changed our minds!
We wanna go to the Parent Cave!
I gotta ride that water slide.
I'm gonna take down
that Bucking Bullrus!
I'm gonna take down
a punch bath!
Parent Cave! Parent Cave!
C-can we go to
the Parent Cave, too?
I want to ride the Bullrus!
Grug, none of that stuff
is real.
Phil lied to them.
More importantly,
he bought us time.
Let's hurry up and clean
this cave before they come back.
Wouldn't it have been easier
to tell the truth?
This is no time to find
a conscience, Ugga!
Fetch the brooms!
Why do I smell smoke?
Probably 'cause there's smoke.
We searched the whole cave
twice, and I still haven't found
the water slide.
Did you find anything, Eep?
Not yet.
But, there must be
some button or lever
that opens the door to
all the good stuff.
Oh, y-you're right, Sandy.
All this looking is making
me thirsty for punch, too.
These cave walls
just feel like
cave walls. Ah!
Guy, you were right.
There's nothing here
but a bunch of rocks
and steam
and other rocks.
Why didn't we listen to you?
Ah, it's okay.
Being right is its own reward.
Which means there's
no water slide!
Or a Bucking Bullrus!
But I think I found
the Straw-Peary Punch Fountain!
Ah! That's not
Straw-Peary Punch.
That just tastes like hot.
They lied to us.
But parents don't lie
to their kids. Do they?
Well, someone owes us an
explanation. Back to our cave!
Kid Cave! Kid Cave!
It's not coming off!
I believe I found the source
of our conflagration.
Hey! You found my
meat spike!
Mm Ashy.
Kid Cave! Kid Cave!
Kid Cave!
Back so soon?
I thought you were, uh,
going to the Parent Cave.
We did!
And I've never been
so disappointed in all my years!
Yeah. It was a little light
on indoor water slides
because there wasn't one.
Ora Bucking Bullrus.
Or a Straw-Peary
Punch Fountain.
Clearly, you weren't
looking hard enough.
Did you open the secret door?
It's behind the rocks and the
steam and the other rocks.
We searched
every part of that cave.
There's no secret door.
I think it's time
we told them the truth.
We made all that stuff up to
keep you out of
the Kid Cave because--
Becausewe were planning
a big surprise for you in there!
A surprise?! What is it?!
Please let it be
a Straw-Peary Punch Fountain.
Who cares what it is?
It's a surprise! Let's go!
the surprise isn't quite ready.
So, if you can just
give us until
tomorrow morning,
it'll be perfect.
No worries. I know surprises,
and rule number one
is you can't rush 'em.
You guys are
the best parents ever.
See you tomorrow!
Also, there's a bearacuda
in there!
We were working on
your surprise when a
entered the cave.
That's why the surprise
isn't ready yet.
Well, we gotta get that
bearacuda out of there.
Yeah! Before it drinks
our surprise.
Bearacuda beatdown!
I'm afraid it's too dangerous.
Bearacudas are nocturnal,
so they're most aggressive
at this time of day.
So, why don't we all head
back to the treehouse,
and we'll come back in
the morning, when it's sleeping?
Good call, Hope.
Guess we're not the only ones
who'll be getting a surprise.
Oh, wait. Is the bearacuda
getting a fountain, too?
Well, thanks to Grug,
the kids now think
there's a bearacuda in the cave.
You're welcome.
now all we need is
a vicious bearacuda.
What? Why don't you
just tell them the truth?
And admit we were wrong?
They'll never listen
to us again!
No, we're past the point
of no return, Ugga.
Phil's right.
So, who's getting the barracuda?
Well, you did it, Grug.
You took the dumbest plan ever
and somehow made it dumber.
What do you mean?
Lying about the surprise
was bad enough.
Throwing in the bearacuda
after the kids bought it
was even worse.
But then, you topped it off
with that helmet.
Oh! You mean my meat helmet?
Yeah, when a barracuda
gets a whiff of this baby,
it'll come running.
Right for your head.
Oh no. You're right!
I got to take this thing off!
It's stuck!
It must be the heat!
It made my head swell!
Hurry, Grug. We've got company.
Yes, it worked! Oh no.
It worked.
Grug! Run!
Ugh! Where are Grug and Ugga
with that bearacuda?!
Dropping the ball as usual.
But, not to worry.
I've got a backup plan.
Chunky, you'll be playing
the role of bearacuda today.
So, get into character.
Close enough.
Bearacuda beatdown!
Bearacuda moving day.
Did we time it right?
Is it asleep?
But, Phil is already in there,
taking care of it.
I saidPhil
is taking care of it!
Begone, fowl creature!
Vacate the premises!
Chunky! Growl like a bearacuda!
Growl, I say!
Fine! I'll do it myself.
That bearacuda
does sound sleepy.
But his friends don't!
Come on!
Our parents need our help!
Don't worry, honey, I got this!
Chunky! Attack!
Chunky! Bad death cat! Oh!
Hey! You got
my meat helmet off! Thanks!
Sorry. Meat helmet?
That's it! Time for us
to take over.
Let's Kid Cave these 'cudas!
I got the helmet!
And a strike!
Got all of that,
whatever that is.
It's a meat helmet.
Meat rebound! Meat-bound!
The cave! It's trashed!
Hey, I don't see
a surprise in here!
That's part of the surprise.
It's, um, somewhere else.
Enough. There's no surprise.
We snuck into your Kid Cave
and accidentally trashed it.
Then we lied, so we'd have time
to clean it up. Didn't we?
Mom? Dad? Did you lie to me?
I have no idea
who these people are.
Fine! It's true! We did this!
We were seduced by the forbidden
fruit of your No Parents sign.
And the forbidden meat
of the meat spikes!
I can't believe
you guys did this.
You ruined our cave!
Then, you lied about it.
And then you lied
about your lie!
Indeed. There's no defending
our behavior.
Especially Grug's.
We never should've
invaded your space,
especially after
we wouldn't share ours.
So, where do we hang out now?
Well, there's
a lovely beach nearby.
Shouldn't take you more than two
or three days to get there--
Fine! The Parent Cave is yours
till we fix your Kid Cave.
How does that
solve the problem?
Your cave is just rocks
and steam and other rocks.
Eh, don't worry, Guy-boy.
We're about to give
the Parent Cave
a Kid Cave makeover.
You think there's room
for a rollerlog ramp in there?
Sure. Next to the battle cage.
Guy, can you invent us
a Straw-Peary Punch Fountain?
Now that it's in my head,
it's all I ever wanted.
Don't forget
the meat spike thing!
I guess we should get to work.
The sooner we clean up
this cave, the sooner we
get ourcave back.
No one's cleaning up this cave
because it's the Gran Cave now.
It's a burnt-out husk,
just like me. So, get out!
I said go!
Let's do this.
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