The Unit s04e04 Episode Script

The Conduit

- Professor Trotter? - Hello? I'm from the Instituto de la Ciencia Química.
Did- Didn't you get our letter? - You got our letter.
- I did.
There's just no way I can leave the university on such short notice.
I understand the notice is short - but the speaker fell ill, and we thought of you first.
- Well, I'm flattered but my commitment must be, of course, to the university.
I'm asking in the name of science.
Come down for the lecture.
A week.
Five days.
- If the fee is insufficient- - No.
The fee is lavish.
Please, then, oblige us.
Five days.
People fall ill for five days.
People remove themselves for five days to have- to have romantic assignations.
Your invitation is flattering, but- There's a flight this afternoon.
We could stop by your apartment on Sutter Street.
We could stop by your apartment and pick up your passport.
How do you know where my apartment is? Professor Trotter.
I need some water.
Why did you do this to me? We have a rather pressing need for your services.
We will compensate you generously and return you to your home with our thanks.
What do you want? Molecular stratification in pre-crystaline behavior.
You're gonna kill me, aren't you? The family for which I work has charged me to accomplish this task quickly.
Believe me, I don't want to harm you.
I want your help.
What do you want? Our scientists have told me that- Professor Trotter.
Our people tell us that the process that you describe could aid us in our business.
Our business is drugs.
These drugs, in your country, are illegal causing us an unfortunate problem in their distribution.
- This chemical process that you discovered- - No, no.
I haven't discovered any process.
I've- - I've made some theoretical observations.
- In return for your help this is yours.
Holds two million dollars.
Wh-What do you-What do you want me to do? We want you to turn cocaine into paint.
Yeah! Coffee? No.
What you want me to do, I think it's possible.
I'm a theoretical chemist.
To accomplish what you want would require some men with industrial, practical skills that I don't have.
- All right.
- But- But what you ask me to do is illegal, and I can't- I can't see a situation where, after having helped you, you let me live.
- All right, Professor.
All right.
- For if you let me live, why? Why would I not inform on you? - We need your help- - Yes.
You want me to turn your cocaine into paint.
- Of course it's possible.
I'm sure it's been done.
- It has been done.
It has been discovered.
We want to turn our cocaine into high polymer aviation paint which would withstand the friction heat and cold of flight.
We want to paint our planes with it and strip them at the destination to recover our product.
Your research indicates this might be done.
Who could actualize it? Huh? Scott and Halloran? You mention them here.
They have worked for you.
Could they actualize the process? How could I tell my government I helped you? - I- - You were drugged.
You were threatened.
You cooperate to save the lives of your friends.
- What friends? - Your colleagues.
Scott and Dr.
Please, Mr.
Finley, I mean you no harm.
Well, I guess you know my name.
Well, it's on your passport.
How would you like to make some real money? - What do you call real money? - Enough to pay your debts get you out of here, back to Australia and to get you started there.
- Who do I have to kill? - Your opponent in your next fight.
Ah, you want me to fight somebody to death? - People die in the ring all the time.
- That's pretty hard to kill a man with your bare hands, mate.
This fight will be with knives.
You carry a knife.
I'm sure you know how to use it.
Want a drink? I know how to use it.
Other fella fighting to the death- I gotta assume he knows how to use it too.
In addition to which even the winner in a knife fight's coming away cut.
That is, of course, why you would be so handsomely compensated.
Should I win.
That's right.
- No, thanks.
- You don't want to fight? I like to keep my blood inside my body.
How'd you know what name was on my passport? We stole it.
So you appreciate the position.
Where do you want me to fight? # Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## - Where's Billy? - Oh, Dr.
Trotter's in the conference room.
- And when do we address the conference? - Uh, could you- We're not staying here, right? Could you have our bags sent to the hotel? - You know, I have some papers in my bag.
- Well, get 'em out and let's have the bags sent, and can I get my jacket pressed? I'm sorry.
They said they'd release us after three months.
I don't care what they said.
Whatever they said, I'm not helping them.
Billy, are you going to help them? - What happened to your eye? - ¡Señor! All right.
All right.
Whoever you are - whatever it is you think we can do- - George- No, no, no.
There has to be some way.
We can work something out.
Now look.
Whatever it is you expect us to do, or you think we can do- You know, let's just start from the beginning.
When our families find that we haven't come home- No.
Stop! Stop.
We need your help.
After you've helped us after a while you will be released with this.
If you do not help us you will be killed.
I will help you.
Blane, Grey and Brown by helo from Jungle 1 for their target.
Gerhardt by Zodiac to be extracted via the Kingfish.
Dot the i's and cross the t's? The Kingfish is within the 200- mile limit.
requests sight of the signed directive authorizing the incursion.
- Since when? - Just now.
Presidential findings authorized the mission.
Till they found out about it on the Hill.
And they want to know why two separate extractions.
Well, if they want to put on the coveralls, I'll put them in the assembly line.
You ask those worthless son of a bitch camera hounds if they feel competent to run my operation.
I tell you what.
I'll put them in the line of fire and I'll throw my coat over my shoulders, and I'll whore around and feel my constituents' pain, and I'll run for Congress.
You tell the committee the helo from Jungle 1 will not accommodate the team and both the targets.
To divide the targets is the most effective way to deliver what they desire.
CI NCLANT? CI NCLANT affirms Kingfish standing by for the extraction.
They are holding for a green light.
- Holding? - They need a signature from the committee.
They ain't gonna release a sub unless I got a signature? - Affirmative.
- Scheduled jump-off is when? - Approximately 32 hours.
- Is there anybody else that can sign off on this? - Other two members of the subcommittee.
- Find me one.
And how the hell did this get up to the Hill? Yes.
I need the location of the members of the subcommittee.
Whoever is available.
Congressman Vasquez is in France.
Only one in the country.
Congressman Morton.
- Where is he? - D.
- Find him, pin him down, G5 wheels up in 20 for D.
- Roger that.
Nice work.
Why would he die in a training fight? Eh? Why'd he fight? If not, they were going to shoot him.
Why'd they let us watch a training fight? To frighten you.
Why'd you want me to see it? To take the scales from your eyes.
Don't think of this as a fight for money.
He isn't fighting for money.
He's fighting to kill.
You must fight to kill.
Or he will kill you.
Congressman Morton? - Do you have an appointment? - Colonel Ryan.
I believe my staff notified you.
And this is in reference to what? Sir.
- Sir, do you have an appointment? - Please, where is the congressman? - Do you have an appointment? - What's your job description, son? Sir, my name is Jeremy Susemiehl, Congressman Morton's aide.
Well, Mr.
Susemiehl, I suggest you get your playbook out the one with the striped cover on it, callJoint Special Operations Command - give them my name, follow their instructions.
- Yes, sir.
reports a change in patrol patterns.
Kingfish advises advance incursion.
Awaiting release.
They advise international waters soonest.
Window closes 11:35 Lima.
- All right.
- Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much.
I beg your pardon.
I'm to extend to you all requested aid and every courtesy.
He's not picking up.
- Where's your boss? - Sir, he's- I believe he's absent on a personal concern.
- You know where he is.
- Sir, I do not.
Young fella, I have men in combat.
All I need's a signature, but I need it from your boss.
Now, I ain't leaving you until I got it.
Where is he? Sí, papá.
These fumes are highly flammable.
Okay? All right.
Cocaine hydrochloride soluble in water- in water.
This paint will dry sufficiently to apply another coat.
It will not completely harden like regular paint or we would not be able to reclaim it.
In order to apply it to the outside of the plane the paint would have to bond with the polymer.
We addressed that problem through the composition of the catalyst.
Show me and you will, as I have said, go free with that.
What-What is the matter with your friend? - May I have a Bible? - Show us a demonstration and believe me, you will be on your way home.
I know you have to kill us.
My friends know it too.
They know, but they can't face it.
All right? The key is the preparation of the surface.
In your case, the aluminum fuselage, which we have discussed.
At this point, we will apply heat and it will evaporate the water.
And the substance here runs off into the catchment basin.
It's pure cocaine residue.
I've asked for my Bible.
It's in my suitcase.
Is there any way at all that I could appeal to you? I've lived a long life.
I've lived a good life.
And I guess it's just the time.
Once you've accomplished your tasks- Oh, no, please.
We understand each other.
- George.
- He's a coward.
He always has been.
Base natural.
Highly toxic, highly flammable.
The reconstituted cocaine hydrochloride.
On an 80- foot fuselage the paint could yield 300 pounds.
All right.
Let's see it work.
Smoke it.
- I- - Smoke the damn thing and show me what you have done.
It's poison, isn't it? What do you think? That I am a fool? Huh? You think that I am a fool and that you can toy with me? Wait.
- Wait.
Ow! - Sí.
I want to see this process working by tonight or you're going to watch your friend die.
What do you want me to do? Ciao.
There'll be some extraordinarily large betting on your fight tonight.
I don't know how that affects me one way or the other.
A large bettor would like to meet you.
Does he want me to throw the fight? No.
He's my backer.
He's bet on you.
He would like to look you in the eyes.
Mate, I want my money and my passport.
- Of course.
- Now.
You understand? Or I'm not stepping in the ring.
- I have to go get them.
- Oh, no.
- You got 'em on you now.
- Why would I bother bringing them with me? Because you freaking know I've gotta ask.
What do you think, I'm stupid? I win this one, you say, "Just one more.
" This is my only fight.
And you gotta have me go into that ring, or it's your ass on the line.
You want me to fight, my money and my passport now.
All right.
Now get out of here.
Let me think.
- There are my men in the hall.
- I understand.
And there is someone who wants to meet you.
Leave me alone.
Miss, I swear there will be no repercussions.
This is a matter of national security.
I need to speak with the congressman.
No one will know that he or you were here.
- The congressman? - You work for Congressman Morton.
He keeps this room.
That's fine.
I'm sure you two use it for legislative business, but I need him right now.
- The congressman is not in that room.
- Sir.
- Where's the congressman? - I- This is the congressman's bungalow, eh? Where is he? He was too tired to stay.
- Uh, is my daughter all right? - Ms.
Dahl we have some questions.
- All right.
- Do you have any guns in your home? Guns in our home? Of course not.
- Does your husband? - My husband is opposed to guns.
Has someone- Is-Is someone saying- Mom, I told them I read something about guns in a book.
Your daughter was associating with a boy who brought a gun to school.
I said- I said the teacher said, "The rifles that Napoléon used"- - And I said they weren't rifles.
- How do you know that? - They were muskets.
- Are you so interested in guns? - I read it in a book! - What was the name of the book? I don't remember.
Dahl, your daughter's been behaving very oddly since she came to the school.
She seems to have no friends.
Miss Grimes reports that she has shunned overtures of friendship from her classmates.
She reports that you are reclusive, secretive and, I beg your pardon- and I assure you that I intend no disrespect- I only speak in your best interest- furtive.
I'm not.
I'm not.
I'm telling the truth.
- Well, why are you so interested in guns? - Let me- Let me- - Uh, just let me explain.
- I'm not.
I hate them.
And I hate you too.
I don't understand why you're torturing me.
- I wish everybody in this school would just- - Would just what? You wish everybody in the school would what? - It was about a book report.
- I understand.
Well, I didn't do anything wrong.
- I'm sure you didn't.
- I know you didn't.
Now, just excuse us, okay? It's all right.
Just wait in the other room.
- Everything all right? - Lissy was called out in school today.
- She was suspended.
- What happened? They dragged some comment out of her about guns.
- Said she knew too much about a rifle.
- Call our friend find out what he has on the principal.
Tell him the crash code.
The comment was just a trigger.
- What did the trigger release? - Their suspicions.
Since she came to the school, she's been acting strangely.
Consciously they made allowances- new student and so on.
- Uh-huh.
Yes, I have.
- But deep down inside, they knew she was wrong.
Last week, she knew a boy who had a gun.
Now she likes guns and she gets up and says, "I hate you all.
I wish you would die.
" - They think she might be homicidal.
- Well from their perspective, it brings things into focus.
Janet Green, principal.
We're not gonna play the cards.
We're gonna play the players.
School principal, Janet Green, Divorced twice.
No children.
Two years working for the church in Nicaragua.
Good woman.
Woman of conscience.
- She only wants to protect her students.
- There it is.
There it is.
We can only see what we can imagine.
Her sister is serving life for narcotics and murder.
So, she never again wants to say, "I knew it all the time.
" The last thing in the world she wants is the first thing in the world she sees.
- She sees what she fears.
- What does she fear? Loss of control.
I'm afraid they're gonna call in their psychiatrist.
How do we stop 'em? We'll bring our psychiatrist.
- And who would that be? - That'll be you.
Just- All right.
Let's see you smoke it.
It's okay.
Smoke it.
More, please.
We set up the factory tomorrow.
So you're the big bettor.
I wanted to look you in the eyes.
Before you bet on me.
That's right.
They're calling your fight.
I need to talk to you.
I need to talk to you, mate.
What is cover? - Cover is what's true.
- What's true? It is true that my name is Kate Logan, that I am a psychologist.
- Where did you get your degree? - George Washington Univ- - Did they clear that with- - They can call the alumni office.
It'll hold.
Because I'm concerned that- that they'll ask- Cover is what's true.
Cover is what's true.
What is true? Lissy was referred to me by Dr.
Harriet Voight.
Lissy is suffering from a mild- mild depression and free-floating anxiety.
Now put it out of your mind.
Don't obsess on it.
You think on it, you'll bring it to pass.
Acute but transient anxiety, worsened by the move- - Um, the- - The incident.
- The incident.
- Right.
You tell them something private, sexual or shameful, and they'll look away.
That's right.
Well, off you go.
Green, I understand that your responsibility is to the school.
One moment.
Now, I've scheduled a meeting with Lissy and our district school psychologist.
I hope you don't- I sincerely hope you will not take offense or- No.
On the contrary.
Lissy has her own psychologist I'd like you to meet.
Green, this is Dr.
Kate Logan.
Kate Logan.
I hope you didn't have to rearrange your day.
Not at all.
Green Lissy has been under my care since their arrival here.
Uh, you-you've been treating Lissy for- Depression.
And acute anxiety.
- What- Is she dangerous? - No.
She is not.
Are you sure? Because I have to tell you, uh, Dr.
- - Logan.
- Dr.
- Uh, you said " acute.
" - That's right.
Well, do you know what occasioned it? Is it necessary? Uh, it's all right.
It's all right.
Um about a year ago my daughter was the victim of a sexual- Hello? Yes? George Watson University? George Washington University is unsafe.
It wasn't safe.
Why? What? Wh-What-What do you mean unsafe? You cleared it.
I understand.
And I will, of course, guard your confidence.
Excuse me.
It's a classical situation.
Patient confidentiality versus the institutional need to know.
- Oh, what school did you go to? - George Washington University.
Oh, my first husband went there.
Yeah, when were you there? Come on, Kim! - When were you at G.
W? - I- - When was your husband there? - Well, he taught there.
Uh, '81 to '95.
Bill Nelson.
I- I beg your pardon, Ms.
A patient.
Thank you, Dr.
Logan, for your time and coming in.
Well, you-you must have had him.
Bill Nelson.
Kind of small, retiring fellow, twinkle in his eye.
Bill Nelson.
Uh, lonely, retiring fellow.
Yeah, but he's 6'4".
He's an ex-marine.
And I'm calling the police.
Put the phone down.
Please put the phone down, Ms.
Who are you? My name is Tamara Tillings.
I'm a federal agent.
All right.
Please show me your identification.
- I don't carry it.
- Hello? I don't carry it, Ms.
Green, because I can't.
What you have discovered, Ms.
Green is a cell of the Federal Witness Protection Agency.
These people are all under my protection.
- So you're with the F.
I? - That's right.
You can call the local office.
They won't have my name.
You can call Washington.
They'll deny my existence to you.
- Why to me? - Ms.
Green theoretically I shouldn't even be speaking to you.
- Why? - Take her out.
Your sister, confined in a federal penitentiary.
For you, in contact with a federal prisoner to have any knowledge of our operations here is a grave breach in security which my superior would say greatly endangers Ms.
Dahl and her daughter.
Now you tell me.
What am I supposed to do? It's the boy's father.
Let's go.
- Take the shot.
Get that filth out of your system.
- You got it, Top.
Guillermo, Fernando- Night-night.
You hit, Top? It's just a little nick.
I'm fine.
- Looks like he caught one.
- He's dead? And that will be that.
Thank you for your patriotism.
- You can be assured of it.
- One other thing.
If anyone- anyone is over-inquisitive about Ms.
Dahl and her daughters - call me.
- I will call you.
Thank you.
Dahl, I beg your pardon.
It's all right.
Thank you.
How did you put one over on her? I told her the secret.
Reminded her she already knew it.
The secret? Nothing is what it seems.
- Mrs.
- Yes? - Where is the congressman? - Uh, he's- he's lying down.
He's resting.
- He's just not feeling- - Congressman Morton.
Congressman Morton.
- Yes? - Thank God, sir.
I need you to sign this.
What is it? Sir, this is the authorization for extraction of two narco terrorists from foreign waters.
Mission named Conduit.
You were briefed in committee.
- It's of the utmost urgency, sir.
- Conduit.
- Yes, of course.
- Thank God.
- Hello.
I'm in possession.
- Yes.
They weren't able to hold, Colonel.
Navy relates they have, quote, "Missed the window.
" They ran up against patrol boat schedules, and they have withdrawn the sub.
The extraction's scrubbed.
Dirt Diver will have to self-extract without the package.
I hope this gives you everything that you require.
I'm deeply sorry for the disruption.
Anything for our boys.
Thanks for your help, ma'am.

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