Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s04e05 Episode Script

Ego Death

[DIANA] Previously on Ghost
[TARIQ] Dru and Diana, they violated.
Right. Dru and Diana gotta go.
Hard to go on the run when your
mom's footin' the bill, huh?
[DIANA] Ma. No! No!
Davis motherfuckin' MacLean.
Zion. Long time.
[TARIQ] We got product.
Now we just gotta figure out
- how we gon' move it.
- [BRAYDEN] We could throw
parties all over the tristate area.
You have to keep this shit on the low.
And you can definitely not
tell anyone else in the band.
[TARIQ] Right now, I'm worried
about is making sure Noma
doesn't find out what
the fuck we have going on.
I need to solidify one of
my legitimate businesses.
You'll wanna talk to Wiley Adams.
His tentacles reach everywhere.
I just wanna finish what I started.
[CARTER] This is my task
force, Detective Tate.
And I'm gonna need you to fall in line.
You're gonna talk to
Tariq St. Patrick
You need to take that?
and I'm gonna
chat with Monet Tejada.
Is there anyplace you can think
of that Cane and Monet won't?
[SALIM] I know a safe place you can go.
You can't tell anybody where I went.
- I got you.
- Thank you, Salim.
Why, man? Fuck!
Robbin' the family stash spot?
What's making you so damn
blind to your own children?
[MONET] Cane, wait. Don't do it.
I'm not tryin' to kill
her. I'm tryin' to save her.
You can't do this to me.
- Why the fuck can't I?
- Because she's pregnant.
What the fuck that got to do with me?
Because it's yours.
Tariq St. Patrick, drinking and smoking.
[TARIQ] There's a lot going on, my boy.
[BRAYDEN] Yeah, I guess so.

- I'm Anya.
- Nice to meet you, Anya.
[SINGER] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city
life I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
a straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists and turns ♪
Bumps and bruises I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start
in these parts without paper ♪
Homie, I grew up in hell
a block away from heaven ♪
That corner, every 15
minutes they movin' seven ♪
Pure snow bag it then watch it go ♪
Occupational options
get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap
learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man, in the meantime
go ahead and pump a pack ♪
This my regal royal
flow my James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 that's 62 on my count ♪
I'm a undercover liar,
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes and
tell her, "Baby, I love you" ♪
"You're my inspiration,
you're my motivation" ♪
"You're the reason that I'm
moving with no hesitation" ♪
[SINGER] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city
life I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
- Ohh, yeah ♪
- Yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪
[ECHOEY] I'm Anya.
[TARIQ] What you drinkin'?
We're doing shots.
Hope somebody come for me ♪
I ain't know that this was love ♪
- [ANYA] He wants another shot!
[TARIQ] This is my last shot.
I'm not takin' no more.
Oh my God. Damn.
What's up? You wanna
get outta here or what?
Put it like my daughter say ♪
Yeah, yeah, we breaked up ♪
And nah, I don't see
me tryin' to make up ♪
And nah, you gon' see
me switch my place up ♪
Please believe me, it ain't
easy tryin' to raise her ♪
Uh, fuckin' right
because I hate love ♪
- Wish it would go ♪
- Away ♪
- Go ♪
- Away ♪
- Stay away ♪
- Away ♪
- Away ♪
Yeah, you show me
all that fake love ♪
- Uh ♪
Fuckin' right and now I hate love ♪
- Wish it would go ♪
- Away ♪
What, you leavin' already?
Can I at least get your
number or somethin'?
[LAUGHS] Look, you're
cute and all, but
let's not make this thing
anything more than what it was.
[LAUGHS] I had fun though.
I mean, yeah, me too.
Throwin' another party
if you wanna bring
your girls or anything.
I'll send you the addy.
Maybe we could do this again.
A'ight. Later.
It's a little early for that, isn't it?
Save your judgment. These are my meds.
I have sickle cell.
I had no idea.
These just help reduce the
risk of going into crisis.
What's crisis?
You never heard of that?
I've never met anyone with sickle cell.
Right, you grew up
around zero Black people.
Crisis is when my body loses oxygen
so it feels like everything's
about to shut down.
My whole body feels
like it's on fire and
It-it's like imagine
teeny-tiny pieces of sharp glass
running through your veins.
It fucking hurts.
- Is that why you
- I'm not an addict, Brayden.
Sometimes I just need a
little extra pick-me-up
to manage the other symptoms.
Depression and anxiety.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. I don't need your pity.
And I sure as hell don't want
to hear another person's opinion
on what I should do
with my body ever again.
Don't tell anyone. Okay?
People start treating
me like I'm made of glass
when they know.
I'm not gonna tell anyone.
But just so you know,
you don't have to hide
anything from me, ever.
- Hey, Salim.
Um, you haven't called me back.
I was just calling to thank you.
For everything.
Call me.
I can't believe you made all this.
Well, a good meal is the one thing
that always seemed to bring
this family back together.
[CANE] That's smellin' good.
What the fuck are they doing here?
Listen, I called all y'all
here for a family meeting.
We need to talk.
I ain't got shit to say to them.
Well, then you can be quiet
and I'll do all the talking.
Everybody sit.
Come on.
I let these motherfuckers live
out of respect for you.
So anything I do moving
forward is gonna be on my terms.
- Oh, on your own terms?
- Yeah, on my own terms, nigga.
How's your face?
I'm not gon' be sittin' here
eatin' French toast with motherfuckers
who tried to kill you, Ma.
Look, a lot of shit has happened.
But we can fix it. I know we can.
We just need a reset, man.
We-we family, y'all.
And if I can forgive
them, Cane, you can too.
I could.
But I won't.
I'm hearin' congrats
are in order, Diana.
Shut up, Cane, a'ight?
I don't wanna hear it.
Yeah, but you need to, Diana.
'Cause if I don't say
it, nobody else will.
But if you have this baby, it's gonna be
the worst decision you
ever make in your life.
I hope you hear me.
Out here playin' house
with the one motherfucker
who fucked up this family!
[MONET] Well, he is
right about one thing.
It's the outsiders who broke us.
You got Tariq interferin'
in family business.
You got this Noma bitch
sayin' who's in and who's out.
We need to cut everybody off
and get back to family first.
Dru, you real quiet over there.
Yeah, I hear you, Ma.
I think I'm just gonna do my
own thing away from the family.
Look, you can't just run away.
We gon' always be family.
Maybe that's all we should be.
[MONET] So you got a
problem with the business?
Workin' together has always
kept a roof over your head
and clothes on your back.
You know, I'm not
blamin' the business, Ma.
- I'm blaming you.
- Dru, just stop.
- Me?
- No, no, no, no, no. Yes, you.
And until you're able to
admit that, I am out too.
- Ma, maybe they're right.
Tellin' us to go back to old times
after tryin' to kill each other?
That ain't gon' work.
- Then what the hell will?
- [DIANA] I don't know.
We might be too far gone for that.
And Ma, what kind of mother would I be
bringing a baby into this mess?
Look, Diana. After last night,
I told myself I was gonna let
you make your own decisions.
So I'm not gonna tell you what to do.
But this baby can be a fresh start.
A chance for us to do
family the right way.
Listen, sweetie, I promise.
I'm gonna do everything
in my fuckin' power
to get this family on the right track.
For your baby.
For my grandbaby.
You hear me?
I do.
But, Ma, I just don't know if you have
that kind of power right now.
[BRAYDEN] Yes, sir. Comin' through.
Fuck this slow-ass car, bro.
- Bro!
What are you doing? We
should be celebrating
that we got the business up and running.
Not throwing controllers.
My brand-new, expensive-ass
controller, by the way.
- I'm just saying.
- Yeah, I'm sorry
about your brand-new,
expensive controller, B.
I just There's a lot
on my mind right now, bro.
That's it.
You wanna talk about it?
I mean, I did you see
you leave that party
with the fire-ass girl last night.
That was Anya.
- Anya? Noma's daughter, Anya?
- Yeah.
Bro, I thought she looked familiar.
What the fuck are you thinking?
Listen, that's the least of our
fuckin' problems, all right, B?
Diana is pregnant,
bro. Diana is pregnant.
And it's mine!
- What?!
- Yeah.
When were you fucking Diana?
Last semester.
All right, it was after
Effie. It was one time, bro.
I don't even fuckin'
understand how this is possible.
I don't know, bro. Like
all of this shit is
happenin' to me at once
and I have no control over anything.
I don't have control over one
thing in my life right now.
But I don't know what
my next move is, man.
Okay, well, your next move
should probably be talking to Diana.
And leave Anya the fuck alone.
We killed it last night.
We don't need Noma coming
around here, sniffin' shit out.
Who knows what the fuck will happen?
All right, so, speak to Diana,
- focus on building the business.
- Yes.
I got a second truce in
place with the Tejadas anyway,
so I guess revenge can wait.
- Right?
- Yeah, Anya can too.
Yeah. Word.
Mom! What are you doing here?
I was informed that you evaded
security again last night.
I don't think you understand
how much danger you're
putting yourself in.
Okay, can we, like, cut
the dramatics for once?
Whoever wanted to hurt Dad
is probably still in Italy.
I'm fine.
- Listen to me, Anya
Where the hell'd you get this?
Mom, you sent me to prep
school my entire life.
You really think I've never
done coke? Be for real.
The hundreds of thousands
I spend on your school
is for your education,
not so you can get high.
- This shit ruins people's lives.
- Oh my God. Relax.
It's not like I'm on the verge of rehab.
It's just for fun.
Got it at some underground
show last night at Stansfield.
I didn't even use it.
Starin' won't make it go away.
I mean, I can't I can't help it, D.
I'm still in shock.
You're not the only one.
You tried
You tried to shoot me last night.
You nearly got my mother killed.
Look, that wasn't what
I was trying to do.
You gave her WITSEC location
to a motherfucker that
was huntin' her down.
What the fuck did you
think was gonna happen?
I was blinded by everything
with Monet. A'ight?
I'm sorry. And I was selfish.
Yeah, that that sorry shit
is not gonna cut it, all right?
- That's just not enough.
- Okay, well, you don't have to forgive me
and I don't have to forgive you either.
But that won't change the f
That don't change the
fact that I am pregnant.
Let me ask you something, D.
What's making you so
certain that that's my baby?
You serious?
I mean, you been fuckin'
Salim all last semester
so I'd be crazy to
not ask that question.
I always used condoms with Salim.
- Me and you didn't.
- Yeah, because condoms
always work every fuckin' time, right?
Okay, I don't know
what you tryin' to say,
but I'm not tryin' to
pin no baby on you, Tariq.
You ain't my first choice, trust me.
So what you gonna do then? Hm?
I don't know yet.
But I already lost my
father and Zeke to the game
so if I do keep this baby,
the people in his or her
life need to be clean.
I can't have my baby anywhere
near the life we had growin' up.
I'll let you know what I decide.
It's pretty impressive that
Monet Tejada's been able
to fly underneath the
radar for this long.
No charges and zero arrests.
I think she's callin' the shots.
Don't sleep on Tariq.
I'm not sleepin' on anyone.
All these motherfuckers
guilty of somethin'.
You get anything from
your meeting with him?
[KAMAAL] Yeah. When I told
him there was a witness
who could place him at Monet's shooting,
he seemed less afraid that I knew
and more worried about what she knew.
He's afraid of her. She's the boss.
When I told Monet, she
acted like she already knew.
She was clearly covering.
She reached out to Tariq
when we were together
and he was shook.
So this is working.
Turning them against each other.
We still need one of 'em
to give up their supplier.
Which one is more likely to?
With the right pressure point
[KAMAAL] I'm not sure Tariq's ready yet
but I could take another crack at him.
[CLEARS THROAT] I'll handle it.
[KAMAAL] No disrespect to you, but
my shared history with the
St. Patricks gives me an edge.
Or maybe that's the exact
reason you can't get him to fold.
Or maybe you're not really
lookin' for them to fold at all.
- What the fuck are you implying?
- Didn't your fuckin' brother
- get you this job?
[KAMAAL] So that's what your
fuckin' problem with me is.
Okay. Calm down, everybody. Please.
Detective Tate, keep your eyes on Tariq.
I'll keep mine on Monet.
- One of them will lead us
to the plug and we'll snap
the cuffs on all of them.
We're done here.
Why would you sell my daughter drugs?
- Hm?
- Your daughter?
I wouldn't. I didn't.
Anya told me that she went
to some sort of concert
at Stansfield last night.
She came home with this.
That's your territory, isn't it?
Yeah, but this isn't mine.
I didn't have people selling at
a Stansfield concert last night.
Then whose is it?
I see.
I'll handle this

This is the first time
this has ever happened
in the history of
MacLean and Associates.
Look, all I'm asking
is that you bear with me
while we go through this rough patch.
I love working here,
Davis, but missing payroll?
I've got a kid and too many bills.
Look, I understand that
totally. You know how
Not right now, fellas.
Not Now's not the time.
I mean, by the looks of
it, we're right on time.
Your cut, Mr. MacLean.
Fuckin' right that's my cut.
And your timin' couldn't be better.
I cried the first time I saw it.
I hope my work can make people
feel like that someday.
You're an artist?
No. Either you are or you aren't.
I've been tryin' to
figure that out lately.
[WOMAN] You definitely have a good eye
and an interesting point of view.
[DRU] Hm.
I can tell you're having a bit
of an identity crisis though.
Yeah. [LAUGHS]
You have no idea.
We showcase pieces from
emerging, undiscovered artists
twice a year.
If you're an artist with
solid, elevated pieces,
I'll consider putting your work up.

[ZION] I didn't expect you
back for a re-up so soon.
Guess Ghost's son got more of
his father in him than I thought.
Listen, I didn't know Ghost.
But I know Tariq.
You can trust that we'll
always come through.
Trust, trust, trust, trust, trust.
You know, it's funny you mention trust.
It's my number one priority
for the people I fuck with.
Ever since Davis introduced you two,
I feel like motherfuckers
have been keepin' shit from me.
I don't know what the
fuck you're talking about.
We're not hidin' shit.
See, everybody knew the
Russians lost they product.
Oh, it was everywhere.
A vacuum I expected to fill.
And yet
I ain't heard shit from 'em.
But somehow, they back in business.
Who's supplying them?
[LAUGHS] You know somethin'.
Yeah, I see it.
I see it.
Like I said before,
I don't work with people I can't trust.
And you need me to trust you
to keep your life.
Spit it out, motherfucker.
You didn't hear this shit from me.
- Can I trust that?
- Of course.
Shit go both ways.
I heard their supplier's
some British bitch, Noma.
But we're not workin' wit' her.
Okay? No shady shit, no backdoor deals.

I believe you.
See you soon, Tiny Tommy.
Uh, oh, goddamn ♪
She make it clap wit' no hands ♪
Look, shawty shakin' that shit ♪
I like that little bitch
might take her to Japan ♪
[TARIQ] Here you go.

Thought I wouldn't find
out about your little ruse?
You underestimated me,
as I overestimated you.
See, I really thought you
were a man of your word, Tariq.
Disappointing, to say the least.
It's just a party, that's it.
You violated our agreement, Tariq.
I told you. I want it to
be as if you didn't exist.
Now what part of that
didn't you understand?
I didn't do shit. It's
just a party, like I said.
Yeah, didn't do shit?
- Belongs to you, right?
- That ain't mine.
No? Ain't yours?
He's lying.
I can always tell when
this nigga's lying.
It's a shame we can't at
least have a moment of honesty
before I kill you.
Come on.

- Go on.
- Do I have to drag yo' ass out?
Mom? What the fuck are you doing here?
My love. I was looking for you.
How did you even know I would be here?
Did you put a tracker in my phone again?
Wait, Anya, this this is your mom?
[SIGHS] Yes.
Sorry, Tariq. I don't even know
how she found out about this.
Oh, no, no. I'm not trippin'.
I would love for you to
stay and party with us
but you know, I gotta put
a cap on the age thing.
Shit gets weird. You know how it goes.
But I'm sure there's some alum parties
that you can tap into around campus.
- Anya, let's go.
- No. Tell me why
I'll explain in the car. Let's go.

I'll see you soon.
Sure will.
That little shit doesn't
know when enough is enough.
I can't wait to see his body turn cold.
I'll handle it. Just say the word.
Our worlds are a little
too close right now, yeah?
Anya can't know about my business.
I have to choose my
next move very carefully.

- Hey, yo, where's Brayden?
- What?
- Where's Brayden at?
- He's backstage.
I put others before me ♪
Lovin' them niggas
I knew wasn't for me ♪
- Yo.
- B, are you fucking kidding me right now?
- Bro, I was just headed out there.
Cane and Noma just left.
- Wait, what?
- Yes, Cane and Noma was here.
They know exactly what
the fuck we got going on
and now Noma wants us dead.
All right. Well, let's go figure it out.
I'ma figure this shit
out like I always do.
I'll actually just fuckin'
talk to you later, bro.
No, don't stop for me. I
already know everything.
- Floor is yours.
- What the fuck is she talkin' about?
Bro, she figured it
out on her own, okay?
She's not gonna say shit.
Are you fuckin' losing your mind, bro?
This shit really got you buggin' out.
As soon as y'all break up,
she's gonna run her fuckin' mouth.
- You think I'm a snitch?
- I think you're a addict
and I can't fuckin' trust you. Honestly.
Bro, don't call her that.
Look what the fuck she got you doin'.
Look at this shit.
Bro, time and time again, you've proved
that you're just not
fuckin' built for this.
I'm so fuckin' sick and
tired of hearin' that.
Oh, you think I'm not sick and
fuckin' tired of telling you?
Do you think about
anybody else but yourself
for once in your fucking life?
Okay? I was outta this shit
and I doubled back to save your ass
and I lost my fuckin' family over it.
My life is falling apart.
And I can't even talk about it
because it never trumps
the latest Tariq crisis.
Everything going on in your life
is always more fucking
important than mine.
Maybe this maybe this right
here is my fucking outlet.
This is your fuckin' outlet, nigga?
Learn how to take this shit on the chin
- like I do every day!
- I can't 'cause I'm not you!
You're right.
You're not me.
I got your text. What's up?
I hear you're lookin'
for your own place.
Yeah, so?
You know you can still
stay in the house, Dru.
- That room's gonna forever be yours.
- No, I'm good.
Dru, listen, listen.
I just wanna make
things right between us.
I meant what I said.
Family first is my priority.
You are a sick
individual. You know that?
Listen, you watch what comes
outta your mouth next, boy.
- I'm still your mother.
- You have the audacity
to use Papi's words like
you didn't fuckin' kill him.
It doesn't even faze you.
"Family first" don't mean shit no more!
It's just a phrase you use
to control and manipulate us.
Family's just business to you.
Everything I've done with this
business was for this family!
What family, Monet?
You gave Tariq
and Cane the greenlight
to kill me and Diana.
You had a gun in your child's face
And it wasn't the first time.
You destroyed our family.
And your ass is still
standing here breathing
because of me.
So you might want to listen.
Yeah, a'ight.
You're right. You're
right. You're right.
You're right, Dru.
I wanna say that every choice
I made was for you kids,
but I put the business first.
And I can admit that now.
And I'm sorry.
I never heard you say
that shit before, so
Maybe most mothers
don't do things the way I do 'em.
And most of them would never
find themselves in my position.
But the one thing in this world
that means the most to me,
that means everything
to me, is you kids.
I wanna bring the family back together.
But in order to do that,
I'ma have to bring the business back.
But this time, the business
will serve the family, Dru.
Not the other way around. I promise you.

But we gonna need some product.
I know where we can get some.
- Okay, so-so you're in?
- No.
No. I am one and done.
I'ma need a cut.
Just so I can get myself set up
so I can work on my art.
I don't want shit else to
do with this business, Monet.
But if you if you really
meant what you said
about being a real family
I'm in on that.
So tell me how.
We gon' need soldiers.
Fuckin' Tariq won't answer
any of my fuckin' calls.
He'll come around. Come here.
Look, I'm sorry about what he said.
He was just pissed.
He's not usually a dick.
You don't have to apologize for him.
I thought he was a
dick way before today.
And from what it sounded like,
he really needs to take
a look in the mirror.
He has no room to judge me.
For sure.
I knew you'd agree.
What's that supposed to mean?
I gave him a little surprise.
You know that outlet
he said he didn't have?
Man, I remember the epiphany
I had when I did acid.
God. It was like I was
really seeing myself
- for the first time.
- Okay. What are you talking about?
I put a couple drops of
acid in Tariq's water bottle.
What A-are you fucking kidding me?
Tariq barely even smokes.
This could really fuck him up!
Yeah, maybe that's his problem.
I don't know a single person
- who needs a jay more than Tariq.
- When did you do this?
Earlier, at the candy store.
It-it was acid, not fentanyl.
No, it's not okay!
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Brayden!
Riq. Riq!
You okay, bro?
[DISTORTED] Bro, are you okay? [LAUGHS]
- Riq.
- Don't fuckin' touch me.
Stay calm, bro. I got you.
- What's up? How's your day?
- Good.
Did you tell her?
Been wanting to do this
for a long time.
DISTORTED] You lied! You lied!
You promised me that you'd get out!
[ECHOING] You promised me, Tariq.
[SHRILL, ECHOING] You promised me!
You promised me that you'd get out.
You promised! You promised!
You promised, Tariq! You promised me!
They say it's a big rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
- Bright lights, city life ♪
- What are you doing here, son?
[FUTURE SON] I'm in the
way of your future, right?
You do this shit, you can never go back.
I just happen to come up hard ♪
[TARIQ'S VOICE] You can't kill me.
Nothing can.
Not when you're at the top of the game.
Who the fuck are you?
I'm everything you could be
once you stop doubting yourself.
It's a big, rich town ♪
Stop pretending that people's
rules and expectations
apply to your life.
And be the man that your
father was always afraid to be.
Bright lights, city
life I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
You knew it would always come to this.
- Yo.
Yo, what the fuck?
What the fuck happened?
I don't know. I came in
here and you were losing it.
I think someone might have dosed you.
Dosed me?
What the fuck you mean, dosed me?
I don't know. It's just been
happening all over campus.
Some fucked-up prank.
Who are you going to light a candle for?
My father,
my brother, and
my friend.
- Hm.
- You?
My husband.
I come here every day.
I think he sees the light
and knows that even though
he's moved on to the next life
he's still in my heart.
Death is not the end of love, you know?
My father taught me
he taught me that the soul lives on.
It does.
I'm sorry, how do how do you kn
how do you know that? I'm not showing.
You are showing.
- [MAN] You sure about this?
- [DRU] Yeah.
As long as we hit 'em right
after the drop happens.
We got a small window
so we need to be precise.
It's still risky as shit.
Look, that's Dru's route
when he used to work for Noma.
He knows what he's talkin' about.
Now, the shipment should have
enough product for us to move,
get paid,
and then you can proposition a
new connect for a bigger supply.
And if we do this shit right,
Noma will never know it was us.
He better be right about this shit.
I ain't got no time to waste.
Look, you motherfuckers said
you wanted to be down with the Tejadas.
I'm giving you a chance
to prove yourself.
Now, you in or you out?
I ain't askin' again.

I'm down too.
A'ight, tomorrow night.
Don't be late.
Everything has a cost, Mr. Adams.
- Everything.
- Yes. Yeah. [LAUGHS]
But this is the United States
government we're talking about.
My former statement still stands.
Look, at this level,
where the Is and Ts have to,
you know, appear to be crossed,
it's just a risk that most people
are not gonna be willing to take,
especially with someone whose
whose citizenship is in limbo.
It puts a magnifying glass on your bid.
Well, like I said, you
know, it's in progress, so.
- Hi.
- Um, ma'am?
A mistake has been made.
This table's already
reserved for the evening.
Your hostess sat us here
and I'm in the middle
of a business dinner, so.
I see that, and
I can't apologize enough
for the inconvenience.
I have an amazing
table over by the window
that I think you'll love.
We're not going anywhere.
There are other available tables.
The guest has an
affinity for this table.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
I keep a standing reservation
at this table.
It's like I own it.
So basically you're
squattin' on my property.
The mistake is the
restaurant's, not ours. Okay?
It's just a table, luv.
There's a beautiful view
of the city by the window.
It's just that I can close
my eyes and picture
- every inch of this city.
Every block.
Every bodega.
This is my home.
So when people like yourself,
you know, they come in
and they try to colonize
territory that don't belong to them,
sayin' it's just a table,
I feel the need to remind
'em of who was here first.
And unfortunately for you, Noma,
I done peed on every tree in Manhattan.
Anyone with a knob can do that.
I'm sorry, do you
do you know each other?
No. No, we don't.
I'm Zion.
Why don't you go enjoy
the view of my city
while you can.
Should be able to see the
Queensboro Bridge from over there.
[CANE] I got your text. You good?
Who the fuck is Zion?
Mid-level dealer from around the way.
Why? What's up?
Who have you been
talking to about me? Huh?
I've done a damn good
job of insulating myself.
No bottom of the
barrel, drug-dealing scum
should be speaking my name in public.
Well, I ain't say shit.
- What's going on?
- Zion.
Do you know him?
I do.
He's a client. Why?
- Ah, there it is.
- Fuck outta here.
Well, he humiliated
me in front of Wiley.
Yeah. He put my business at stake.
He's trying to run me out of New York.
Well, he can't do that. I'll handle it.
No, no, no. Let me
handle this one, Cane.
All right? I have a way with
words and I know both players.
Well, that sounds nice or whatever,
but don't underestimate my family name
in these streets, all right?
Especially to somebody like Zion.
Duly noted.
But Zion's unpredictable and dangerous.
Well, so am I.
Look, just trust me.
No Davis, no security.
Just me and you.
- Fine.
- Really?
You heard her.
Brilliant. [SIGHS]
I'll handle Wiley Adams.
Make sure we're good on the legit front.
This is where Zion used to
fight when he was comin' up.
- Now he runs it.
- Yeah?
Are you sure it's safe
for just the two of us?
Yeah, this is agreed
upon neutral territory.
It's safer approaching
here than anywhere else.
Big Zo.
You ain't here to start no shit, right?
Of course not.
I know you ain't strapped.
Nigga, I know the fuckin' rules.

[NOMA] Fuckin' hell.
You brought me in here
without protection?
[CANE] No weapons. Even
Zion ain't strapped.
[ZION] Yo. Long time, no see.
What up, boy?
My condolences about Lorenzo.
Heard what happened down at the funeral.
That's not the sendoff
an OG deserves at all.
I appreciate that. I
know you respected him.
Him, Monet, your whole family.
You sure about that?
I hear you been violatin'.
Oh, you heard that from
your new little friend?
- Well, nigga, I ain't know
- Well, now you know.
All right? So questioning her
credentials is questioning mine.
She belongs wherever I do.
- Have a good one.
- Hey.
I ain't know you got a new bitch.
Watch your tongue
or I'll cut it out for you.
See, I don't need a man to speak for me.
You one of them feminist bitches, huh?
Like I told you before,
you in my city, sweetheart.
Show some motherfuckin' respect.
Cane. You know, I heard
the Tejadas was movin'
real desperate after Lorenzo,
but damn, nigga, this shit's
just sad. Come on now, bro.
Don't fuckin' touch me.
What you think you doin', little nigga?
How 'bout we take this in the ring?
- You got the balls for that?
- Yeah, big ones.
- [LAUGHS] Yeah.
A'ight, a'ight.
Hey, this shit gon' be fun, nigga.
Thought you said he
was a trained fighter.
And what you think I am?
I'm a fuckin' natural.
Oh, shit!
Zion's blessin' us in the ring
for the first time in years!
It's about to get realer than real
in this motherfucker tonight!
Cane. You about to go up
against a Fourth Circle OG.
You might wanna do a
push-up or something.
I don't need no warm-up.
You hear that? Fuck a warm-up!
He say fuck a jumping jack.
Queens, we in here!
Let's make it happen.
We came to boom, we came to buss ♪
We came to boom, we came to buss ♪
Better make room for the bum-rush ♪
Better make room ♪
Gettin' tired already, OG?
It's a graveyard of niggas
I knocked out in this ring.
You ready to join?
Better make room for the bum-rush ♪
I'ma hit 'em with
everything that I got ♪
I'ma blow the spot ♪
THOR's made for holy
wars I spray the block ♪
Scrap metal and iron
I just keep on firin' ♪
I get the job done
and I ain't retirin' ♪
I ups the casualties
fount my body count ♪
Victims are way too many ♪
Mannie, get this nigga a stretcher.
Some, I broke they
neck some got shot down ♪
Some evaporated ♪
Some got fathered in
and assassinated ♪
Yo, yo, yo, yo. Yo. Brass knuckles?
Yo, we don't do that shit in here.
Flag on the fucking play, man.
- For real.
- Fuck you.
Yo, the winner. My brother, Cane Tejada!
Better make room for the bum-rush ♪
- That was so carnal.
I'm impressed.
Don't act so surprised.
Yeah, well, we may
have won tonight, but
we hurt his pride.
He isn't gonna let that go.
Gonna have to be prepared
for his retaliation.
Nah, I hear you.
But now he knows you can't
be fucked with. All right?
Zion talks a lot of shit
but at the end of the
day, this is my city.
So you good when you wit' me.
Like I told you, you
don't need no security.
All you need is me.
We gotta find a new way to move product
- since Noma blew up our shit.
- Fuck that shit, bro.
We're gonna keep throwing
parties like we been doing.
- What you mean?
- Bro, did you not just hear me?
- Noma?
- Fuck Noma, nigga.
I had to tell Zion about her.
- You did what?
- He was gonna fuckin' kill me.
- I had no choice.
- Come the fuck on, B.
- He's not gonna say shit.
- Whatever, bro.
Listen, B, I can't
be a fuckin' pawn anymore.
From that Noma shit to whatever
the fuck happened earlier,
I need to get back in the driver's seat.
Bro, I'm 'bout to be a father.
If I'm gonna be a father,
I gotta do this shit right.
I gotta control every fucking piece.
That's the only way I can
protect me and my family.
You know, my dad did a lot of dumb shit
that I never agreed with but
I got a lot of him in me.
Never heard you say that shit before.
Never wanted to fuckin' admit it.
But you know, I realized
to get what the fuck I want
I got to use all of me.
The good parts of him,
the bad parts of him.
And the good parts and
the bad parts of me.
I gotta put it all to
use to get what I want.
What do you want?
That and a lot more.
I wanted blood, B.
I wanted fuckin' blood.
But in order to get that,
I need to insulate myself,
my family, and my kid
from all the consequences.
I gotta become the apex predator.
I like the sound of
that. But how do we do it?
We start by getting leverage.
- Denise.
Where'd I put that lip balm?
Found it.

So I, uh
shouldn't be home too late tonight.
You'll wait up for me, yeah?
Sorry I'm late.
Everything okay? You good?
I've had some time to think.
Some people told me this
baby could be a fresh start
and some straight up
told me to get rid of it.
But honestly, the only
thing that made sense
was to listen to how I feel.
To think about my life and
how much this decision could change it.
I'm keepin' it.
Look, it's my decision to make, Tariq.
So if you don't wanna be
involved, I get it, it's okay
That's not the case at all.
You know, I actually
had some time to think
about this myself too.
I'm ready.
I'm ready to do this, D.
Well, I have my first
ultrasound tomorrow.
You wanna come?
To what do I owe the pleasure?
Um I came to update you.
I smoothed everything
over with Wiley Adams.
But he couldn't be
talked out of thinking
you and Zion were connected.
The good news
Your bid for the jet parts
contract isn't in jeopardy.
Yeah. He's just dirty enough.
Which is perfect for us.
Thank you.
I'm too close for any setbacks.
I'm here to prevent that.
You know, Davis
you just might be as
good as they say you are.
Trust me, I'm better.
Would you like to join me for a glass?
Love to.
Present tense ♪
Ain't no love and you hella bent ♪
Many men ♪
Many, many, many ♪
Here's to
Foreseen and unforeseen.
But I know you're here for a reason ♪
Here to collect your royalties ♪
Regrets, full of regrets ♪
Full of regrets full of grief ♪
Upsets, hella upsets
I was obsessively ♪
Givin' you all of my energy ♪

NYPD! Surrender your weapons!
You heard her! Put the
fuckin' weapons down!
- Put 'em down now!
Down! Put your fuckin' weapons
on the motherfuckin' ground!
- Let's go!
- Hands on the truck.
- Put your hands on the truck!
- Hands on the van!
- [MONET] Easy, mother
- On the fuckin' van, let's go!
- Hands on the fuckin' van.
- [DRU] Get the fuck off me!
[CARTER] We got phones?
Turn around.

How the fuck are you?
[DRU] You know him?
Well, we more in that getting
to know each other stage.
- Right, Red?
- Fuck all these mind games, nigga.
You gonna take us to jail or not?
No, I'm not gonna take you to jail.
'Cause the moment you get
out, you just gonna go back
to doing what it is you fuckin' do.
So what the fuck do you want then?
I'm giving you the
opportunity to remain free.
If you follow my rules.
So what, you want us
to stop sellin' drugs?
But this ain't a fuckin'
ideal world. You feel me?
Drug dealers are like
fuckin' cockroaches.
Impossible to eradicate.
Believe me, I've tried.
Then I realized there's
always gonna be a demand,
so there's always gonna be supply.
That's just simple economics.
[CARTER] Exactly.
So I got some simple rules.
Listen carefully.
Civilians should never
be hurt in the process.
You can kill all the criminals you want.
But you spill one drop
of innocent blood
and we kill you.
You tryin' to control all
the drug dealers in the city.
Nah, son. I'm winnin'.
My task force decides who
gets to operate in this city.
You stay in line, keep
innocents out of harm's way
you can continue.
But you go rogue, you will go to prison
or we kill you.
[MAN] Why you lookin' at me, man?
You take her, man. She's the boss.
You motherfucker. I
knew you was a bitch.
Oh. We got a real hero.
[WHISPERS] Is that that
motherfucker that killed Darien?
I put it together.
I recognize you.
You killed Darien James two years ago.
He was 18 years old.
That wasn't me.
- That's definitely him.
- Please, man.
Please, let me go back to my family.
Shot that kid on the subway.
He was days away from
going to Binghamton.
His father broke down on
that platform in my arms.
We looked for you for months.
- Months!
I never forget a fuckin' face.
It was you.
Well, he didn't get to go
home to his family, so
why should you?
- [DRU] What the fuck?
- All right, all right.
Come on. Get over here.
- Don't touch my kid.
- I meant what I fuckin' said.
You harm an innocent
and you're fuckin' done.
So what the fuck, we work for you now?
Look at it this way.
I'm giving you the
opportunity to work with me.
You can keep the product
you stole tonight.
From what I know about you,
you're quick, well-connected.
So I'll be expecting my cut soon.
Your cut? The fuck you mean?
This is New York City.
I gotta pay my people.
It's a reasonable 35 percent.
Think of it as giving
back to the community.
And what's keepin'
us from reportin' you?
Oh, shit.
We got a real smart one, boss.
You're looking at New
York City's favorite,
most decorated officer.
People tend to believe
him over scum like you.
Oh, shut up, bitch.
So now that we have an understanding,
you're free to go.
As far as NYPD is concerned,
you was never here.
Take your shit and clear the fuck out.
- Monet, you feel that? Huh?
- Feel what?
It's the start of something, uh
special, hm?
Get the fuck outta here.

[TECHNICIAN] It's still very early.
You see that little bean right there?
That's your baby. [CHUCKLES]
I can snap a still of it
and print it out for you two.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
And I will just go get it
and give you two a moment.
It's still so small.
I know.
Crazy 'cause one day,
he'll be as big as you.
So you really think it's a boy, huh?
Yeah, I do.
I think I wanna name him Lorenzo.
Look, Tariq.
I've been trying to get
in contact with Salim
and I haven't heard back from him.
Have you?
Don't lie.
Okay? 'Cause I know
something happened to him.
You found me at his
house a couple days ago
then all of a sudden he goes
missing? That don't make sense.
All right, look, D.
I pulled up on the nigga,
I asked him where you
were and he folded.
Next thing you know, he's gone.
I mean, anything could have
fuckin' happened to the nigga.
Ain't got nothin' to do with me though.
Well, I'm not gonna be like Monet.
So that means I can't have
this baby around the life,
even if that means I'm
raising it by myself.
Listen, D.
My dad tried his hardest to
keep me away from this shit,
now look how I turned out.
I understand that he
was trying to protect us
by gettin' outta the game
but he wasn't really
outta the game, D.
He had one foot in, one foot out.
His past, his enemies.
Everything was chasing right
behind him his whole life.
Okay? That was his way.
But I ain't doin' it like that.
I don't need to be outta
this shit to protect y'all.
I need to be on top.
That's how I protect you two.
That don't work for me.
Bye, Tariq.
I gotta make it ♪
Oh, I hope I make it ♪
Mm ♪
Let me grow ♪
Let me ♪
Let me grow ♪
Let me ♪
Let me grow ♪
Let me ♪
Forget you ♪
Forget you ♪
Don't let me down ♪
Don't turn around ♪
No ♪
Don't let me down ♪
Easy ♪
Yeah ♪
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