Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s04e05 Episode Script


Worf to Major Kira.
This is Kira.
Major, you have an incoming transmission from a Razka Karn.
He claims to be an old friend.
Put him through.
Razka it's been awhile.
How's business? Oh, let's just say, I miss the old days on Bajor.
Smuggling might not have been the safest line of work but it was a lot more exciting than selling scrap metal.
What's on your mind, Razka? I picked up a lead on the Ravinok.
Like the last time? Last time, it was just a rumor.
This time I've got evidence-- a fragment of metal.
Looks like it's part of the forward sensor array.
Can you bring it to Deep Space 9 for analysis? Sorry, I'm afraid I can't leave the Badlands right now.
Important business.
You understand.
Tholians are after you again.
Let's just say it would be better if you came to me.
It's been six years.
Even if you have found a piece of the Ravinok it doesn't mean there are any survivors.
There's only one way for you to find out.
I'll be waiting.
And item number 17, Trelos Vren was arrested on the Promenade outside of the Klingon restaurant.
He's being held on four counts of petty theft.
Trelos Vren where have I heard that name before? We arrested him once for attempting to break into the Assay Office.
And now he's taken up pick-pocketing? Mmm without much success.
Still, I suppose you should admire him for his persistence.
That was a joke.
I'm sorry, Odo.
I may have a lead on the Ravinok.
I know what you're going to say.
It's been six years since the Ravinok disappeared.
Odds are, everyone on board is dead.
That all may be true but that is not what I was going to say.
I was going to say "good luck.
" Good luck? You had a friend aboard the Ravinok, correct? Lorit Akrem.
Which means it doesn't matter if I think there are any survivors of even if you think there are any survivors.
You're going to go looking for that ship and all I can say is "good luck.
" And I hope you find them.
Come in.
You here to see me off? I'm afraid not.
I'd like for you to postpone your trip for at least a day or two.
What's wrong? Somehow the Cardassian government got wind of your plan to search for the Ravinok.
They've asked permission to send someone with you.
And you said yes? I said I'd talk to you about it.
The Ravinok was a Cardassian ship.
Carrying Bajoran prisoners.
No, I'm not stopping anyone else from looking.
I just don't see why they have to come with me.
The request came directly from the leader of the new civilian government.
Nerys I know this isn't what you had in mind but Bajor and Cardassia must learn to work together and that means cooperating on missions like these.
All right.
Just tell them I'm not going to wait forever.
If their representative isn't here within 52 hours, I'm going alone.
I'll be sure they get the message.
So, did you and Kasidy have a nice time last night? Huh.
I just wish she wasn't leaving tomorrow.
Sounds like the two of you are getting serious.
I don't know about that.
I don't think Kasidy is looking to get serious.
Ben! Kasidy! We were just talking about you.
I don't mean to interrupt.
I wanted you to know that I won't be leaving tomorrow after all.
Ah, that's good news.
I mean, that's great.
How long are you going to be here? Well, that depends on whether I get this new job or not.
I've, uh, applied for a position with the Bajoran Ministry of Commerce to captain one of their freighters.
You're going to work for the Bajorans? If we can hammer out an agreement.
It's a terrific opportunity.
I get to use my own ship, pick my own crew and the best part is I never have to leave this sector.
Where are you going to live? On my ship, I suppose.
Well, why don't you stay here? I'm sure that Benjamin could arrange for some quarters.
That's, uh not a bad idea.
Well, l have a meeting on Bajor and the shuttle leaves in a few minutes.
I'll see you tonight? That answers that.
She's serious.
Captain the Cardassian Transport Rabol is approaching the station.
They are requesting permission to beam their representative directly to Ops.
Someone's in a big hurry.
Permission granted.
Aye, sir.
Ah! Major Kira.
I'm ready to leave whenever you are.
We'll be crossing into the Badlands in approximately six hours.
Very good, Major.
Dukat, let's get one thing straight.
This is my mission.
The only reason you're here is because I agreed to let you come along.
When I give an order, I expect you to follow it no questions asked.
Believe me, Major, I want nothing more than for this mission to be concluded as quickly and as efficiently as possible and I leave the details in your capable hands.
Then we shouldn't have any problems.
There's one thing I don't understand.
Why did the Cardassian government send you? The Ravinok was under my general command.
Those were my troops and it is my duty to try to find them.
The question is, what are you doing here, Major? I knew someone aboard the Ravinok.
One of the prisoners, I assume? Lorit Akrem.
I see.
So you're on this mission for personal reasons.
Is there something wrong with that? No, not at all.
I've found that when one has a difficult job to do personal reasons can be quite an incentive.
So who was he? A family member, a compatriot a lover? Lorit recruited me into the Shakaar resistance cell.
Ah the infamous Shakaar resistance.
We never could eliminate that little group of yours.
And it was not from lack of trying, I can assure you.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Major but I've always admired you.
You are the embodiment of the new Bajor-- a Bajoran born out of the ashes of the occupation.
A Bajoran tempered with Cardassian steel.
Oh, Captain Sisko's right.
You are in love with the sound of your own voice.
I know you find this hard to accept, but I believe that, in some ways the occupation actually helped Bajor.
Which part? The massacres or the strip mining? I have no desire to debate the merits of the occupation with you.
I'm even willing to admit that perhaps we were a little harsh in our methods, but the fact is, the Bajoran people are stronger now than they have been in centuries.
When we arrived, you were a weak, contemplative race choking on your isolation and now you have a new confidence a whole new sense of purpose not to mention a key role in the future of this entire Quadrant.
All of which Bajor accomplished in spite of the Cardassians not because of them.
Think what you must but I believe the time will come when Cardassia and Bajor will grow to be not only allies but also close friends.
Bajor and Cardassia, maybe.
You and me I doubt it.
All I ask is that you have an open mind.
All right, Dukat, that's enough.
Now, if you don't mind I would like to spend the next six hours in silent meditation.
Is that a request or an order? Whatever it takes.
Well, in that case, as much as it pains me Hmm.
We both might survive this trip after all.
They didn't even wait for the interview to be over.
After 20 minutes, Minister Azin said she'd heard enough and if I wanted the job, it was mine.
So what did you tell them? What do you think I told them? I said yes.
That's it? Oh.
That's that's not what I meant.
I want to know how you feel about it.
Well I think it's great.
We'll see a lot more of each other.
You know, I was thinking about what Dax said.
Maybe I should get quarters on the station.
That's a big step.
What does that mean? Well, I just meant it's a big step.
A bad big step or a good big step? A good one.
Could you muster up a little more enthusiasm? I am enthusiastic.
I'm proud of you.
This job Forget about the job.
I'm talking about us.
I tell you I'm thinking about living on the station and all you can say is, "it's a big step"? Oh, I don't think you took it the way I meant it.
I don't think you know what you meant, but I do.
You're afraid of commitment.
Who said anything about commitment? Obviously not you.
You you know what? Forget the whole thing.
I'm not going to take the job.
If you don't want me to stay here that's fine with me.
Whew! How'd you get ahold of this, Razka? I bought it off a Ferengi scrap-metal merchant.
Hmm it appears to be composed of uridium alloy.
It's definitely Cardassian.
Can you tell if it's from the Ravinok? Why didn't you tell me you were bringing him along? Because when we talked, I didn't know I would be.
Too bad.
The Maquis would've paid handsomely to get their hands on him.
And my government would be very happy to get its hands on you.
Razka Karn, if I'm not mistaken.
Smuggler, thief, black marketeer.
There are at least for your arrest on Cardassia right now but I suggest we ignore all that and try to cooperate with one another.
The voice of the new Cardassia-- so compassionate, so understanding.
Almost makes you forget that five years ago he was working Bajorans to death in forced labor camps and shooting anybody who tried to stop him.
Almost makes you forget.
It's from the Ravinok no doubt about it.
Did the Ferengi tell you where he found it? No, but I was curious so I bribed one of his crew members.
Turns out his last trip was to the Dozaria system.
Dozaria I believe there is one Class-M planet in that system.
Barely Class-M.
He found that in orbit.
Dozaria it is, then.
Thanks, Razka.
I owe you one.
Just let me know what you find out.
Lorit was my friend, too.
I just don't understand how the Ravinok could have gotten so far off course.
Dozaria's light years away from where they should have been.
The Central Command always believed that the ship was destroyed in some sort of escape attempt by the Bajoran prisoners.
Or they could have had a problem with their navigational array or run into some kind of subspace anomaly.
Hopefully, we'll find the truth.
We're entering orbit.
Hmm I'm reading severe ionic interference in the planet's atmosphere.
Sensors will be limited, to say the least.
I'm picking up a faint magneton signature.
It could be residual radiation from a damaged warp nacelle.
Shall we beam down? I wouldn't advise it.
All this ionic interference will scatter our molecules halfway around the planet.
We're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.
It's going to be a difficult landing.
I'll take the controls if you like.
That'll be the day.
Going in.
Invigorating, isn't it? A bit sunny, perhaps but this heat feels wonderful.
Only a Cardassian would call this hellhole invigorating.
Oh, I forgot.
Compared to us, you Bajorans are a bit fragile physiologically speaking, of course.
Don't worry about me.
The Ravinok.
"It's a big step.
" That's all you said? That's all.
You're sure? Positive.
What do you think, Julian? It's ambiguous; definitely open to interpretation.
But it could have been worse.
He could have said, "It's a very big step.
" You didn't say that, did you? I don't think so.
Well, that's good, anyway.
So what does he do now? It's simple.
He goes to Kasidy admits that everything was his fault and pledges his undying love.
That sounds a little extreme to me.
What if he just tells her he made a mistake? That there had been a misunderstanding and that he really would like her to live on the station? Could work.
Assuming that's what you want.
Captain, I would think long and hard before answering.
I don't recall asking your opinion, Quark.
Well, maybe you should.
I mean, who knows more about women than me? Everyone.
You hu-mans all you want to do is please your women.
You want them to be your friends but we Ferengi know better.
Women are the enemy and we treat them accordingly.
The key is to never let them get the upper hand.
If she says she doesn't see you enough threaten to see her even less.
If she wants more gifts take back the ones you've already given her.
It's all about control.
What if your woman leaves you? That's what holosuites are for.
It's a wonder the Ferengi reproduce at all.
So, you never answered the question.
Do you want her to stay or not? I appreciate all the advice.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
So, just between you and me, what do you think about Kasidy moving onto the station? It's a big step.
A very big step.
Oh, she didn't just crash.
These are phaser hits.
Looks like she put up quite a fight.
And paid for it.
There were 18 crew members and 32 prisoners aboard.
So where's everybody else? First things first.
What are you doing? We need to identify these bodies.
I'll help.
No! Our funeral rites are very strict.
It would dishonor the dead for a non-Cardassian to view the remains.
There could be Bajorans buried here, too.
No doubt.
But, if my memory's correct Bajorans are much more concerned with the souls of the dead than they are with the physical remains.
How did Kai Meressa put it? "What remains after death is but a shell a sign "that the pagh has begun its final journey to the Prophets.
" Please, Major, don't make this any more difficult for me than it already is.
I have a list of the missing Bajorans.
I should be able to identify them from the family imprint on the earrings.
I'll work on the Ravinok.
I should be able to get something from the ship's computers.
You'll need the command codes.
Standard Cardassian military codes from six years ago, right? Yes.
Yeah, I got them from Bajoran lntelligence before we left.
Very good, Major.
Very good.
Dukat I was able to reactivate the Dukat.
What was her name? I recognize a Bajoran pledge bracelet when I see one.
Her name was Tora Naprem.
You see, Major you're not the only one who had a friend aboard that ship.
A friend is that all she was? I see.
Don't worry, Dukat.
You're not the only Cardassian officer who kept a Bajoran mistress.
It wasn't like that.
Naprem and l Ioved each other.
The head of the occupation in love with a Bajoran? Ironic, isn't it? Did your wife know? No and she's never going to find out.
Now, if you don't mind, Major I'd rather not talk about this right now.
Here are the earrings you wanted.
No If Lorit's dead he's not buried here.
According to the ship's computers the Ravinok was attacked by two unidentified warships.
The attackers chased the Ravinok here and must have forced her to crash land.
Then the survivors could have been captured and taken away.
Or they could still be here, somewhere on this planet.
Maybe we should go up in the runabout and scan for them from orbit.
Too much ionic interference.
The sensors would never be able to pick up their life signs.
There may be another way.
In these conditions, tricorder readings will only be about 12 meters, but that should be enough.
Enough for what? During the occupation, Bajoran resistance fighters carried subdermal implants of tritonium isotopes.
The idea was that if they were captured they could activate the implant which would leave a trail of isotopes so they could be tracked and rescued.
I think I have something.
That way.
Let's go.
I don't know why we have to stop.
For one thing I can't see two meters in front of us and, anyway, we could both use the rest.
So stop pacing and sit down.
What is it?! Oh! Oh! I don't know.
I sat on something.
I sat on something! Let me see.
Oh! Oh, get it out.
Well, keep still and let me see what I can do.
Get it out! Oh, this is going to hurt.
It already hurts.
Just take it out.
If you say so.
Ow! Oh oh Ouch.
Run this dermal regenerator over the wound.
This isn't funny! It is from this angle.
You know what's even funnier? This doesn't work.
You have to activate it.
Oh, oh, yes.
Oh, much better.
You probably should eat one of these.
Ah I haven't had field rations in a very long time.
I'm sure they haven't improved a bit.
Actually, they've gotten a little worse.
Tell me something.
What? Who's Tora Ziyal? When I reactivated the Ravinok's computer, l downloaded the manifest.
There were two civilians on board in addition to the prisoners and crew.
One was your friend Tora Naprem and the other was Tora Ziyal a 13-year-old girl.
I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I told you she was Naprem's sister? Mm-mm.
Ziyal is a Cardassian name.
The way I see it there's only one explanation.
Ziyal was Naprem's daughter, and you I was her father.
Well now I know why you're in such a hurry to find the survivors.
You're hoping that Oh.
she's still alive and you can rescue her.
Not quite.
You see, if my daughter is still alive I'll have no choice but to kill her.
You know I'm not going to let you do it.
I mean it, Dukat.
You are not going to kill that girl.
Major, why don't you worry about the other survivors and let me worry about Ziyal.
After all, she is my daughter.
That's right-- she's your daughter.
And there is nothing more important to a Cardassian than family.
At least, that's what your people are always saying.
I have a wife and seven children.
They are my family.
They're the ones I must protect.
Well, you should have thought of that before you got involved with Naprem.
You're right.
I should have.
But I made a mistake-- a mistake I intend to correct.
You don't have to take her back to Cardassia with you.
Let me take her to Bajor.
No one has to know that you're her father.
What kind of life would that be for her? Your people have never exactly welcomed half-Cardassian children into your society.
That's why I sent her and her mother away in the first place.
I knew the occupation was coming to an end and that there'd be no place for them on Bajor or Cardassia.
So you sent them to a prison camp.
They were not on their way to a prison camp! The Ravinok was supposed to rendezvous with a freighter which would take Naprem and Ziyal to Lissepia where they could live out their lives in some sort of peace.
I don't understand.
If you cared enough to help Ziyal then how can you think about killing her now? Why not just send her away again? Because my position isn't nearly as stable as it once was.
By aligning myself with the new civilian government I've made many enemies, enemies that wouldn't hesitate to use Ziyal against me.
Listen to you! It's not your wife and your seven children you're protecting, it's you.
By protecting myself, I am protecting them.
And the only one who suffers is Ziyal.
You would kill your own daughter to save your career.
I don't understand you.
You said you loved Naprem.
I saw you crying at her grave.
I did love her.
And when I bury Ziyal, I'll weep over her grave just as I wept over her mother's but that will not stop me from doing what I have to do.
Do you understand? And when the time comes I suggest you stay out of my way.
Good morning, Jake-o.
Morning, Dad.
So what's new? Nog and I ran into Kasidy last night over at the, uh, Vulcan restaurant.
I guess she's not going to take that job after all.
She told you? Did she say why? She said you didn't want her to take it.
Look, Jake sometimes things between men and women can get a little complicated.
Yeah, maybe, but I don't think this is one of those times.
It's pretty simple, Dad.
You're scared.
What do I have to be afraid of? A lot.
Kasidy's willing to make a major change in her life just to be close to you.
If things don't work out, you're going to feel responsible and that's scary.
You figured out all this by yourself? Actually, I talked with Nog about it.
You talked to Nog about my relationship with Kasidy? And we think you have nothing to worry about.
If Kasidy wants to change jobs, that's her decision, not yours.
Same thing if she wants to live on the station.
If things don't work out, they don't work out.
Have you told any of this to Kasidy? Nog and I thought about it, but, uh we thought it would be better if you told her yourself.
I see.
So, uh, what's new with you? Take a look.
Breen? What are they doing here? My tricorder's picking up a large concentration of dilithium in the area.
They must be using the survivors of the Ravinok to mine the ore.
It makes perfect sense.
The Breen homeworld is a frozen wasteland.
This place is about 50 degrees too hot for them.
You approve of what they're doing? No! Not at all.
I do admire their ingenuity.
What is it? It's her.
My daughter.
All right, we're going to need some help.
I'm going to stay here and keep an eye on things while you go back to DS9 for reinforcements.
I have a better idea.
You go back to the station.
I'll stay here.
I'm sending you back, Dukat.
That's an order.
And I hate to refuse it, but I'm afraid I must.
You're welcome to file an official protest with the Cardassian military when we get back.
There's no way I'm leaving you here alone.
Well then I suggest we devise a plan to rescue these prisoners together.
You need me, Major.
Maybe I do.
But if you hurt that girl I promise I'll kill you.
Don't make any noise.
We're here to help.
You're Bajoran! Gather up as many prisoners as you can.
Tell them to meet us here.
How many Breen guards are there? I'm not sure.
There are always at least eight in the mines.
How many prisoners? There are only 31 of us left.
What about Lorit Akrem? Did he make it? He died in a cave-in two years ago.
You knew him? He was a friend.
My condolences, Major, but we don't have time for this.
Tell me where I can find Tora Ziyal? Don't tell him anything.
He's a Cardassian.
I don't understand.
There's a peace treaty.
You mean the occupation is over? I need to find the girl! Where is she? Dukat! Go get the rest of the prisoners.
Meet me at the entrance to the mine.
Where is Tora Ziyal? Ziyal.
Father? Oh, it's really you.
Mother said you'd Father, what's wrong? Dukat, no! I'm warning you, Dukat.
Don't do it.
I have no choice.
There's always a choice.
You don't want to do this.
If you did, you never would have told me about Ziyal.
Now put the rifle down.
The Cardassian prisoners they told me this would happen.
That you'd never let me go home but l-l-l didn't, didn't believe them.
Ziyal, run! I used to dream about you coming to save me.
That's what kept me alive.
Ziyal If I can't be with you then I'd rather die.
Let's go home.
Kasidy Yates.
Hello, Ben.
Hold this a second.
About that job with the Bajoran Commerce Ministry You know someone who's qualified for it? I know someone who would be perfect for it-- you.
I think you should take the job.
I want you to take the job.
You've been talking to Jake.
How'd you know? Oh, he's a smart boy.
Must take after his mother.
I owe you an apology.
You came to tell me all this wonderful news and all I could say was, "It's a big step.
" I don't know what I was thinking.
Take a guess.
I wanted to tell you how happy I was for you f-for us but it didn't come out that way.
I I was uncomfortable and a little nervous.
A little nervous? All right.
A lot nervous.
I haven't been in a serious relationship for a long time, and I didn't expect to be in one any time soon until I met you.
This life I lead this job I do that's what got Jennifer killed.
If anything ever happened to you Why not let me worry about that? That's what Jake said.
You see? Smart boy.
Look, I could stay here and listen to you apologize all day but I've got to get to Bajor.
Bajor? I thought Oh, I know what you thought but I took the job.
Do you think I'd give up a great opportunity just because you got cold feet? You're a good man, Benjamin Sisko but you've got a lot to learn about women-- especially this one.
I'll see you when I get back.
You can help me pick out quarters.
I'll be here.
What was it like-- all that time alone with Dukat? I've had better weeks but I'll never forget the look on his face when he sat on that sand spine.
I wish I'd been there.
Where's Ziyal? Waiting for me aboard my ship.
We'll be leaving for Cardassia shortly.
I think I'll leave the two of you alone.
I just wanted to say thank you, Major for a most interesting journey.
You're taking Ziyal back to Cardassia with you.
After six years, she deserves a home and a father.
Won't that make things difficult for you? I'll let you know.

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