The Circle (2020) s04e05 Episode Script

Goodbye My Friends

Previously on The Circle
-Oh my God!
-[Frank screams]
a new game was starting
-[Alyssa screaming]
-[Rachel] Oh my God!
-I could get used to this. This isn't bad.
which included a spicy surprise.
-"Time to meet"
-"your new profile!"
-I love this!
Some players were real
-I am so cute!
and a couple were catfish.
I'm a guy!
-[Michelle] There was strategy
No emotion. This is a game.
-I made an alliance.
-some steamy chat
"I wouldn't want to be in a three-way
with anyone else."
"What's the number one place
you want to travel to next?"
-"What would your memoir be titled?"
What is memoirs?
-You never heard of a memoir?
-You lying sack of
spelled the end for one player.
[John] The player
we've decided to block is
[Parker] I've been blocked
from The Circle.
What if he's not Paul?
And a supersecret task.
-[alarm blares]
-Hi, guys!
-Oh my God!
You have to guess
which profile you think we are behind.
[Mel B] "If you have fooled
the majority of the players"
"50,000 will be added to the prize fund."
[music fading out]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Michelle] Welcome back to The Circle,
where we do more cliff-hanging
than '90s Sylvester Stallone.
When we left, Rachel was
about to cast her vote to decide
whether Spice Girls Emma and Mel
had completed their secret mission.
"Next up, it's Rachel."
If Rachel doesn't vote for us,
then we've added an extra $50,000
to the prize fund.
Come on, Rachel. Bring home the goods.
-Do not say Jared.
-Come on, Rach.
Oh jeez.
-"Rachel voted for"
-"Rachel voted for"
[music intensifying]
-[screaming] Yeah!
-[screaming] Yes!
[screaming unintelligibly]
-Love ya, Rachel. Love ya, Rachel.
-We did it!
-Yes, Rachel!
[Michelle] After successfully fooling
the majority of the players,
our Spice Girls
have completed their mission
to add $50,000 to that prize fund.
The other players don't know it yet,
so let's stretch out this tension
a little bit more.
"Next up, it's Yu Ling."
Show us what we're working with.
Yu Ling voted for
-[Emma] Rachel again! Rachel!
-[Mel B] Yes! "Yu Ling voted for Rachel!"
You think I am a Spice Girl?
What the
I'm sorry, Rachel.
Please be flattered, 'cause I love you.
I, like, really love you.
It's like, you know, too good to be true.
-[Emma] Poor Rachel.
-[Mel B] Bang. Poor Rachel.
-Lots of people voted for Rachel.
-Rachel got three votes.
Lot of people think I'm a catfish.
I think I have a hard time,
like, being open right out of the gate.
Okay, one vote left.
[Emma and Mel B] "Next up is Jared!"
Which is Baby Spice and Scary Spice.
Who did Jared vote for? "Jared voted for"
Let's see it, Jared. Who do you got?
I'm hoping it's not me.
[Michelle] How about we add some trademark
Spice Girls theater to this reveal?
-[Mel B] "Jared voted for"
-Here we go!
-Here we go!
Oh my God, what? Jared voted for himself?
Jared is the Spice Girls?
Jared is the Spice Girls.
-[Bru] Oh, no!
-[John] No way, dude!
-[Alyssa] I was right!
-[Frank] Knew it! I fucking knew it!
I was right! I was right!
[Michelle] Y'all comin'
with the big reactions and don't even know
the real consequences.
I'll tell you one spicy catfish
who does, though.
[Emma] Oh yes!
[both screaming]
-[Emma] We did it! We did it! We did it!
-[Mel B] It's us! It's us!
[shouting] I flirted
with Spice Girls! [exhales]
I did not see that coming!
They mother effing got me.
-We did it! Yes, we did.
-We did it. We bloody did it.
-[Mel B] I had a lovely time with you.
-[Emma] Me too. The best! Oh!
[Michelle] Aw, it's all good vibes
from the Spice Girls.
Let's keep that going with an alert
the players are actually gonna like.
[alarm blares]
-What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
"Mel B and Emma's mission
was to keep their true identity"
"a secret."
"They were told if they succeeded,
the prize fund would increase!"
Wait, what?
I almost threw up just now.
Is this good consequences?
"Their mission was a success."
Shut up!
[Crissa screaming] Yes!
Good job, Spice Girls.
They got me,
but your mission was a success.
I've never been so happy
to be fooled in my life!
Oh, thank goodness!
-"The total prize fund is now"
-"The total prize fund is now"
Oh my God!
How much is the total prize fund?
[screaming] Oh my God!
[shouting] "$150,000"?
It went up 50 grand!
That is so life-changing.
Thank you, Spice Girls!
Thank you for catfishing me!
Not only am I buying us a house,
we're getting a pool too. Yes!
My religion is the Spice Girls.
I'm so pleased we did it.
-You see?
-Thank goodness.
We're a good team!
-That's our good deed.
Aw, I would I mean, I'd cry
for that winner who walks away
with that money.
[alarm blares]
-"Alert, alert, alert!"
Oh shit.
-"Alert." What?
Oh no. Come on.
I might have a heart attack. Okay?
-Cookie, "Alert!"
-She's done with the alerts.
-She's done.
-We've giv we've earned them the money.
-[Mel B] Like, "Peace out."
-[Emma] "We're done."
Okay, let's hear it!
Tell me what you want,
what you really, really want.
"Mel B and Emma's mission is complete."
I thank you.
"They will now leave The Circle."
-Goodbye, my friend.
-Goodbye [laughs]
Goodbye, my friend ♪
-Bye, apartment. Thank you.
-Oh wow!
I wonder how close they were to me.
Wonder if they could hear me
crying at night for my mom. Just kidding.
Oh, but wait!
That means Jared's gone!
[shouting] "But first
they will meet another player"?
What? What? What?
Coming for ya!
We're coming!
Oh my God!
I need to tidy up.
This place is a mess!
Who are we gonna go to?
It's such a tough decision.
Oh my God! There are pillows everywhere.
I gotta put on some deodorant.
Oh goodness!
We'd quite like to see Alyssa.
I need to move my puzzle pieces!
Oh my God, literally fuck the puzzle.
-I've had a thing about Yu Ling.
Please, Lord, let it be me!
-I do feel sorry for Rachel, though.
If they do come to see you,
you're gonna be very cool about it
and not cry.
-Come on, then.
-Let's go. Come on, Cookie!
-Where is she?
-[Emma] Out here. She's ready and waiting.
[Mel B] Cookie, let's go. Come on, Cookie.
"They are on their way
to meet one of you now!"
Who? Literally who?
[intense music playing]
Get all these freaking knickknacks
out of here. Who am I, 12?
Oh, Lord have mercy!
Oh my God.
Do I put out Oreos?
Oh my God! I'm literally hyperventilating!
I feel like a little fangirl right now.
-Alyssa! It is Alyssa!
-[Alyssa screaming]
-[Emma] You're real!
-[Mel B] She's real! You're actually real?
-You're real!
-I can't believe it!
-Hi. Oh my God, hi!
-Darling, it's so good to see you!
Oh my God!
-I'm shocked you're real.
-You are real?
-We thought you were a catfish.
I thought 100% you were a catfish.
-Your vulva pillow and vulva, vagina talk.
-[Emma] And your vagina talk.
-[Alyssa] C'mon!
-You're very forthright, aren't you?
-I learned that from Spice Girls.
-That was the whole thing.
-How did you figure out it was us?
[Alyssa] Okay, so the smoking gun was
Nathan said
he had no memories from the '90s,
and then you said,
"I'm not that far behind you."
But you're 28.
I'm about to be 28, and I have memories.
Rachel's 29. She had memories.
Six years of memories
that Jared has mysteriously forgotten!
[Mel B] You're good.
So what's your game plan?
Are you being strategic?
My game plan is
I take notes on everything,
which is why this happened.
That's how we got caught.
But ultimately my goal
is to just be friends with everybody
so it's hard to get rid of me.
It's amazing how you're
working it all out, planning everything.
-I'm impressed. I'm very impressed.
-Thank you.
I can't believe you're real.
[Emma] I can't!
We so thought you were a catfish!
I had to push buttons.
I needed to see what would happen.
And then when you guys weren't flirting,
I was like, "Hmm"
We said we'd bring the wood.
I know. That was hysterical.
For the rest of my
-There you go.
-I'm gonna get that tattooed on my arm.
-[Mel B] Don't. That is amazing.
-[Alyssa] I will not. I would never.
-So you're a real sex
-Coach. I'm assistant to a sex coach.
-Then you wanna be a sex educator.
-Yes, I really do wanna be a sex educator.
-So teach me about tantric sex.
Teach me about how many nerve endings
I have down there.
-Eight thousand in your clitoris alone.
-That is information
-It is.
-that I wanna know.
[in a disappointed tone]
Oh. They're not coming.
Just you and me tonight, Ma.
Damn! I guess
they are not coming to see me.
No. No.
Mel B, Emma, we could have had it all.
I can't believe
that somebody is actually sitting
with the Spice Girls right now.
That is so fucking dope.
What a life-changing moment!
Right, listen, let's get on.
Who else do you think might be a catfish?
I have two pages on Carol
because she's absolutely a catfish.
-We think she's a catfish too.
-We think so.
-She's a catfish.
One hundred percent!
You guys also accused me!
We did throw you under the bus.
We went to a few people.
Because of the "small and spicy"
and the "scary movies."
-We kinda threw that out to a few people.
-That's okay.
Are you flirting with Bru?
We have, like, sort of a playful one
but with Yu Ling.
-What's playful to you?
-[Alyssa laughing]
We joked that we were in a throuple.
-See? We thought we were being bad!
-See? See? What's wrong with you?
-What's wrong with you?
-What do you guys think of the newbies?
-I didn't get invited to their chat.
-We did.
We got invited to Nathan chat
and Rachel chat.
And Rachel's.
Nathan doesn't trust Rachel.
And they came in together.
Would you ever think
about working alongside one of them?
-Or are you playing your own game plan?
-I'm playing my own game.
I think the best way to make it
to the end,
keep all of my alliances small.
If you make big alliances,
they're gonna break.
How do you keep your alliances small?
By having private chats with one person.
And then when you have larger group chats,
just don't accept it as an alliance.
You're good!
It's just I'm overthinking everything
so much.
Which is good!
But it's working. Because I have
Spice Girls on my couch right now.
There you go!
-She's so cute.
-How gorgeous is Cookie?
Say hi to Alyssa.
-Hi, Cookie.
-Don't let her lick you.
-She's got really bad breath.
-That's okay.
She's been absolutely amazing.
She's been our little team player.
-We wanna wish you the best of luck.
-We wanna wish you Yeah.
Thank you, guys!
You're already killing it with your notes.
You're doing it right.
-We're very impressed.
-Thank you.
Thank you guys so much! This is like
-And we put $50,000 on top!
I can't believe it,
and I promise that, when I win,
it's going to go to helping people.
-Yes. Aw, bless her.
-Educate people.
Women. Women deal with a lot
just by being women.
-Yes, they do. Yes, they do.
So I wanna help unravel
some of that for people.
-Good for you. Good for you.
-Thank you.
-Can't believe you got us.
-No. Can't believe it.
[Alyssa laughs]
-You did it.
-I did it!
-Thank you so much!
You've kept your place nice and neat!
-Yes, it's really lovely!
-Isn't it so beautiful?
-I like the colors.
-Oh, you cooked pizza!
-Take care!
-Everything is super neat.
-[Alyssa] Take a look.
-It's lovely.
-Look how neat it is.
-Yeah, isn't it beautiful?
-Oh, it's gorgeous!
-Just remember you're on camera 24/7.
-[Emma] 24/7!
I know!
Can't masturbate.
Thank you, guys!
-Good luck, my love, honestly.
[Alyssa] I have to
go back to the floor again.
The Spice Girls just sat on my couch.
They smelled so good.
["Goodbye" by Spice Girls playing]
♪na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na ♪
I was legitimately chatting
with the Spice Girls today.
Baby was exactly Baby,
and Scary honestly was a little scary.
So that checks out. [chuckles]
Thank God for the Spice Girls,
because now we got a chance at 150K.
I feel like I might have burned a bridge
with Rachel.
I hope I didn't ostracize her
and make her feel like
I was the first person she talked to,
and suddenly I'm like, "You're a catfish."
Look for the rainbow in every storm ♪
I do feel bad for Rachel.
She received the highest number of votes.
So I hope Rachel's doing okay.
I do feel bad
because I was one of those votes.
Three people think that I'm a catfish.
I have a lot, a lot of work to do.
Are we sure the Spice Girls aren't coming
to visit? Still holding out hope.
Goodnight, Circle.
Goodnight, Circle.
Goodbye, my friend
I know you're gone, you said you're gone ♪
But I can still feel you here
Goodbye ♪
[Michelle] The Spice Girls came, saw,
and conquered with their Jared profile.
So I just got one thing to say.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Let's hear it for the boy ♪
["Let's hear it for the boy"
by Deniece Williams playing]
Good morning, Circle.
[Michelle] And the players are waking up
to another departure.
Scream for me, baby.
Let's hear it for the boy
Oh, hear it for my boy ♪
Oh man, everyone thinks I'm a Spice Girl.
There are three people in there
who thought I was the Spice Girls.
I need to know why.
-[screen dings]
-[exhales] Ooh!
-[Crissa] Oh!
-[Alex] Ooh!
"The Newsfeed has been updated."
"Jared has left a message for The Circle."
I hope that whatever they say
ends up helping me.
I hope they left us a sweet little message
just like they left us
a sweet amount of coin.
Circle, please play Jared's video.
-Hi, guys!
-Hi, guys!
Okay, first of all, they look so good.
[Emma] We are so sad that our time
in The Circle has come to an end.
But we are so happy
we got to complete our mission
and spice up The Circle.
Oh yeah!
[shouting] Oh shoot!
I know we were a little bit sneaky,
but I'm sure you'll forgive us
because we have added all that money
to the prize fund.
[Mel B] You're very welcome, by the way.
We're still all about girl power,
but it was a nice change playing Jared.
-It was!
I think we did quite well
if I may say so myself.
They were in here fooling our asses.
We actually enjoyed getting our flirt on,
you know who you are.
Who did the Spice Girls flirt with?
[screams] They mentioned that
that we flirted!
And we had so much fun
getting to know you all.
However, you do need to keep an eye out
because we don't believe
we're the only catfish in The Circle.
[Emma] You've been warned.
-Good luck. Bye!
I love you. [laughs]
But who are you talking about?
They look so fucking good.
They haven't aged a bit.
Do I address that they came to see me?
I I'm gonna have to.
Circle, please take me to Circle Chat.
Message, "Well, that was insane!
Exclamation point."
"I definitely got played
by the Spice Girls,
but honestly, it was so worth it
for that extra 50K."
"I'm dying to know who they went to see."
Rachel is wasting no time and is like,
"Yo, I'm glad we got this chance
to win 150K, but who'd they see?"
Somebody has to be upfront about this.
Otherwise, I'm gonna be super skeptical
of who they are.
I wanna confirm that they came to my room
because I don't want, like, there to be
so much mistrust within the whole group
that no one trusts each other at all.
Message, "Y'all,
my throat is sore from screaming
because the Spice Girls," all caps
"came to visit my room!"
"They were everything
I expected to be and more."
Oh my God!
She's so lucky.
I am pretty surprised Alyssa owned up
to the fact
that the Spice Girls came to visit her.
If I was you,
I would have taken that to my grave.
Hmm. Okay, do I touch base with Rachel?
I want Rachel to, uh, at least feel like
this is a little bit of apology.
It wasn't too much like,
"Please forgive me. Like, be my friend!"
Message, "Well, good morning."
"I'll say it. That rooster had me fooled."
"Rachel, I thought
your super Spice Girls fandom
was too good to be true."
"Please take the majority of us thinking
you were the Spice Girls as a compliment."
That is very, very nice to say.
Bravo, Bru. That was a great way
to lighten that up.
Message, all caps, "Rachel, for real,
that was my #WishfulThinking."
"Not me thinking your spooky job
meant Scary Spice. Crying laughing emoji."
"Please accept this rose
as my sincere apology."
I accept your rose, Yu Ling.
Message, "Bru, thanks for saying that."
"I've definitely been called worse names
in my life, so I'll take that any day."
"Alyssa, I'm so jealous. I'm sorry
I thought you were a Spice Girl,
but take it as a compliment.
You clearly had a great bond. #GirlPower."
I do take it as a compliment.
Are you kidding?
Everybody is apologizing.
I'm just glad
I ain't gotta apologize to nobody
because I was actually correct.
Message, "Alyssa, does that mean
the Spice Girls were flirting with you?"
"Question mark, exclamation point."
Message, "They definitely had
some interesting theories,
but I think they were mostly focused
on covering their butts as Jared.
Laughing emoji."
[Rachel] "Personally, I'll be coasting
off of this for the rest of my life."
That's really funny.
The Spice Girls left it ambiguous
that whoever they went to go see
might have been a catfish.
These other players would be dumb
not to at least suspect
that Alyssa is not who she says she is.
[Rachel] "Circle Chat is now closed."
I'm feeling much better
about the situation today.
I was really, really uneasy
waking up this morning.
This chat makes me realize
that we're all in the same position.
We're all playing a game here.
I feel much more at ease.
Alyssa was flirting with Jared.
She also could be a catfish.
Okay, this is good.
Information is power.
[funky music playing]
[Michelle] The Spice Girls have gone,
but catfish Carol
is keeping their legacy going,
because she's channeling
that Circle girl power
to invite Rachel to a girls' chat.
So message,
"Hi, everyone! Exclamation point."
"I know it's been a crazy couple of days.
I just wanted to take some time and"
"properly welcome Rachel to The Circle
with a little girl talk."
Er. This emoji. Don't know what that is.
Message, "Crissa, I was flattered
that you thought I could've been
the Spice Girls! Exclamation point."
"It made me feel a little bit younger."
I don't know if this is a drag. This is,
like, a very Carol way to be like,
"Thank you, Crissa,
but like, I clocked that."
That felt defensive.
Wow. I did not expect Carol to come out
and just be like,
"Crissa, I know what you did,
but it's all good."
I didn't have to say anything.
This is absolutely amazing.
Message, "Carol, I am so glad you got
where I was going with my vote."
With a heart emoji.
"You are the most popular mom
that I've ever met. Sunglasses emoji."
I still think that means
that she might [clicks tongue] suspect her
of being a catfish.
So, okay!
That's what I kind of thought
was happening.
As I slept on it and mulled it over more,
I realized it wasn't a negative game move,
that she necessarily
thought I was a catfish.
And I like that Crissa has left a heart.
Maybe we're cool.
And I think
that we're in a really good spot together.
[Michelle] Catfish Momma Carol's all cool.
Bru, not so much,
'cause nothing says
"I think I might be losing it"
like performing an acoustic concert
to potted plants.
Guys, I'm so nervous.
As you can see, we are at capacity.
We are sold out in my Circle apartment.
Appreciate my girl Hector
or Hermione coming out,
looking great as always.
[Michelle] Thank you for bringing
some balance and sanity up in here, Frank.
[cheerful music playing]
Alyssa, I really miss ya
My spicy hot tamale ♪
And let me tell you all about
My favorite Circle mommy ♪
Carol, you're so sweet
Just like Yu Ling's personality ♪
And if I'm being Frank
That's my Circle family, Circle family ♪
Ooh ♪
[Michelle] Before he goes and does
an encore for the aloe vera,
Circle, please just do something.
[screen chimes]
[Alyssa] Ooh. A game!
"Who D'ya Think?"
Buckle up,
'cause we're about to take a ride!
All right!
[Michelle] Players will be asked a series
of thought-provoking questions.
Well, bring on the questions, Circle!
"Who d'ya think"
-"has the best"
[Michelle] All players will then select
another player anonymously
as their answer.
That definitely changes things.
Well, it's definitely
about to get messy, baby.
-[John] My vote is for Yu Ling.
-[Alyssa] Yu Ling.
[Michelle] The results will then be posted
for all to see.
Oh my God!
Oh wow!
That's a happy surprise.
[Michelle] Remember, they won't have
a clue who voted for who.
Come through, anonymity!
"Who d'ya think
should speak up more in The Circle?"
-[Yu Ling] Hmm.
-[Rachel] Ooh.
Maybe this is a nice one to give Nathan.
Because he's new,
and we just haven't heard that much.
I think this is an easy pick for me.
I think I have to go with Yu Ling
because I really like her personality.
I really want her to show it.
And I'm trying to push her
in the right direction.
I don't know anything about Bru.
I feel like there's more to Bru,
and I wanna get to know him more.
I'd like Crissa to speak up more.
I'm intrigued. I wanna know more
what's going on in Crissa's mind.
Circle, please select Nathan.
I'd like to not see my name at all,
but I don't think that's the case.
[inhales] Here we go, results.
-Nathan is number one!
I think it is not great
that Nathan was voted
the person who needs to speak up the most.
All right, people,
you want Nathan to speak up more?
He's never gonna shut up now.
I got two votes.
Next one!
"Who d'ya think is the most strategic?"
-[Yu Ling] All right.
-There'll be some spilled tea coming out.
Now we're getting dirty.
This is gonna point attention
to the player that we think
is the strongest and the smartest.
The person who is actually playing
the most strategic is Carol,
but after this morning,
I think Alyssa is playing
a lot more strategic than I thought.
It's between Bru and Carol.
I feel like Bru is a strategic mofo.
I don't know who's more strategic,
Bru or Carol.
Carol, why do I feel this way about you?
Frank, you're playing strategy, buddy.
I'm gonna mark this and maybe see
what everyone else feels about Frank.
Select Frank as my answer.
Circle, lock in my answer as Carol.
I'm holding the teapot
because I think some tea is about to be
[Michelle] Okay, that's a kettle, Bru,
but we get it.
[Alex] Here are the results. Oh God!
I knew it. Carol!
Sorry, Carol, that's aggressive.
Don't need to come at you
with that energy.
I'm kind of nervous. It makes me feel
like people are on to me a little bit,
but I don't know
how to get people off of me in that sense.
Child! I got two eyes
in the back of my head,
and I'm watching you bitches,
'cause I see y'all are ready to play.
Carol, being a catfish
that's been, like, openly accused,
and sort of like openly accepted
as a catfish,
that feels dangerous to me.
I think she has been great
at branding herself The Circle mama.
From this right here,
when you're not being voted,
I view it as like, people really thinking
something is genuine,
and that's good.
That's what I want.
Frank and Carol being
the very first influencers that we had,
and now people think
that they are the most strategic.
Next question!
[Frank] "Who d'ya think
is the most trustworthy?"
This has stumped me,
because, from the heart,
I don't really know.
This is one where,
if I won it, I would be so happy.
I think the person who is actually
the most trustworthy for my game
is probably Bru.
It's my gals.
It's my gals, Alyssa, Yu Ling or Carol.
I'm trying to restore, I think,
a little bit of Carol's confidence.
I'm gonna go with gut reaction here.
select Carol.
Circle, select Crissa
as the most trustworthy.
Oh, here we go. Teapot's here.
Oh! Oh.
See, this is big.
Carol was voted the most strategic
and now tied for the most trustworthy?
Just doesn't add up, people.
Clearly, I'm one
of the most trusted players in the game.
I'm sad I'm not on here, that it's been
spread across fricking everyone.
People don't think
that Alyssa is trustworthy. [laughs]
Oh brother! Okay.
Well, that's something I need to work on.
[Michelle] Don't put that pen down yet,
honey, 'cause y'all gonna wanna take notes
for this next one.
-"Who d'ya think will win?"
"will win?"
-Yo, that's a loaded question, Circle.
This is where you put a target
on someone's back.
It may be more beneficial
to put my vote on Alyssa
to help try to open people's eyes up
to the fact that Alyssa is playing hard.
Bru hasn't been top of the list,
like number one, in anything yet.
I think if I pick Bru here,
it's a safe bet.
Crissa or Frank? Crissa or Frank?
Who do I go with?
If I vote for somebody like Frank,
that will kind of, like, solidify
the target on his back.
I don't want Crissa
to have a lot of votes for this one.
I just don't want my girl
to have any targets on her back,
because whoever has the most votes
will definitely be a target.
So I'm gonna try
to play strategically here
and not be honest.
Circle, please select Crissa.
I am voting for Crissa
because I want people
to view her as a threat as much as I do.
Circle, lock in Carol.
Game-wise, she is the biggest threat.
Oh God. I'm scared.
Dude, this is crazy shit!
I'm, like, malfunctioning currently.
[laughs] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
This is not what I was expecting.
Three targets right there. I think that's
I think that's exactly what it tells us.
No, no! Erase me from right there.
Erase me!
This is, like, exactly what I wanted.
It's a tie at the top.
The girls gotta feel pretty good.
We got a lot of people up top.
Two votes for Carol
is in line with the two votes she got
for most trustworthy.
So I need to know
who these two people are.
I'm not mad
because I don't have the most votes.
I have two votes,
which means that two people believe in me.
Frank, we gotta unite and take this
because they tryin'
to put a target on our backs, boy!
I think people think
that Crissa knows more than she lets on.
That's what I think.
Glad someone voted for Alyssa.
That means they see what I see and they
wanted to put a target on her back.
I'm glad that people don't view me
as being strategic.
I think that's a good thing.
Crissa's making moves.
I think Crissa has more connections
and more power than I thought,
and I also learned that
a lot of people have their eye on Carol.
I have a lot to take in after this game.
Y'all are threatened!
Y'all are threatened by me!
I'm dancing,
but I'm really scared that y'all are,
because this is not a good thing.
[rhythmical music playing]
[Michelle] Now, the players are doing
what we all do
after judging and being judged
by strangers online,
licking their wounds
and eating comfort food.
And since being told
he needs to speak up more,
Nathan is gonna do just that.
[screen chimes]
"Nathan has invited you
to a private chat."
Nathan? Bro, what are we gonna talk about?
[Michelle] I don't know. That you've been
on that puzzle for four days
and still don't have any finished edges?
I wanna use this chat
to make Crissa feel like
Nathan is kind of like a little brother.
I'm feeling a little alone in The Circle,
and I could use someone
to look out for me.
Message, "Yo, Crissa.
Glad to have a chance to talk to you."
"Love to see another baller
in The Circle."
"My frat bros and I play pick-up games
all the time."
"Do you and your wife
play basketball together?"
Message, "Heck nah."
"I'm not trying
to get tackled in basketball."
Ah, she's funny. See, I like Crissa too.
Message, "I ain't gonna lie."
"I am surprised
you hit me up to chat to me."
"But I am glad." With the heart emoji.
"How you feeling so far?" Send.
Hmm. This is good. We are transitioning
into game talk a little.
Message, "I hit you up
because you are #FunnyAsHell
in every chat I've seen,
and I really felt
we would get along great!"
"Exclamation point." Send.
Message, "Aw, I appreciate that."
With the, you know, the shy emoji.
"Who you vibing with?
Message, "Well, I'd say me and Yu Ling
are vibing pretty hard. Eyes emoji."
[squealing] Oh! Oh!
Well, excuse me!
As I always say,
you gotta give a little info
to get some info.
Message, "Okay, Mr. Nathan,
I see you with Yu Ling."
"I've actually been wanting
to get to know Yu Ling better
because her vibes are just ridiculous."
With a fire emoji.
"So I see what caught your eye."
"Wink face emoji.
Message, "Yes. Yes.
Yu Ling is really fun and cute."
"I totally agree
on #GoodVibesAttractGoodVibes."
"That is what made me want
to chat with you." Send.
[grunts] Nathan!
I have no problem cutting Crissa,
but I want Crissa to feel like
she can't cut Nathan.
Message, "But real talk, Nathan,
I am so glad that you chose
to speak to me tonight."
"I would have never thought
I'd have a 22-year-old friend."
Uh. "Smiley face emoji.
#FriendsTillTheEnd. #UntilNextTime." Send.
Let's go!
That was the perfect ending
to this conversation.
That chat shows me
I can do what I need to do
to win this game.
[laid-back music playing]
[Michelle] So Nathan has scored
a solid connection with baller Crissa.
And guess what? He's not the only one
with game play on his mind.
I think I need to work
on being viewed as more trustworthy.
So I think it would be nice
to check in with my throuple
and have a cute little chat.
[screen chimes]
"Alyssa has invited you
to the Throuple Reunited chat."
I like Alyssa,
but after today's game,
nobody voted her as trustworthy.
I'm not sure.
Message, "Hello, my beautiful, sunshine
angel babies! Two exclamation points."
"I wanted to check in
and see how you all are doing
after all of the excitement yesterday."
"I'm feeling a major come down."
#InTheThroupleWeTrust. Black heart emoji."
Great. 100% agree.
Message, "How's my girls? Question mark."
"Still shook
you got to meet the Spice Girls."
Me frickin' too.
Message, "Hello, Alyssa and Bru."
"Alyssa, are you still reeling
from yesterday?" Yes.
"What tea did the girls give?
Question mark."
Message, "Well,
because we are in our trust bubble,
I'll tell you that the girls
were suspicious of pretty much everyone."
"Laughing face."
"But they did think it was interesting
that Nathan and Rachel
don't trust each other."
"I wasn't in their private chats,
but they both seem nice to me?"
"Question mark. Confused man emoji."
Yeah, you know, I was curious
about that too. I noticed that.
Message, "I have actually spoken
to both Nathan and Rachel
and felt like
I got great vibes from them."
"Have to say that Nathan's #GotGame,
but I wonder if that is his game."
So he's a flirt!
Bru is getting all of the tea.
Quite literally, Alyssa and I
have done so much of the leg work here.
Bru, you need to come to me
with something really good. Okay?
I don't really wanna say
Nathan's cool or anything 'cause, like,
Nathan seems like the guy who would go
for these two girls. I can't have that.
But I also want Nathan in my corner
but not in this throuple.
I don't want a quad or anything.
Message, "Laughing face,
laughing face, laughing face."
"Stop it."
With a bunch of letters all over.
"I'm dying to know what he said?
Question mark."
"He seems so young to me. I can't imagine
that he's actually got game."
Huh. Okay, so Nathan's hitting on my gal.
I gotta I gotta squash that. I got to.
Message, "Nathan does seem like
he's playing the frat boy role, comma,
almost 'too' much into that. Period."
"I was sure he was gonna reach out
to at least one of you. LOL."
Okay. Okay. Thank you, Bru.
Now we're getting
Okay. Let's get into it! Okay.
"We were mad flirty, and he was giving me
the exact same energy I was giving him."
"Almost too suave."
"Do boys that age
have such high emotional intelligence?"
"Bru, honey, please help."
Message, "If only you two knew how nervous
I was in a group chat with both of you."
"Sweating emoji."
[laughing] Oh!
"Props to Nathan for being that smooth,
but is he in a #Throuple?"
We are the throuple.
So, like, yeah, it's cool.
Nathan can flirt and stuff like that.
But a-member we are all in this together.
I was there first.
Message, "Bru, don't worry."
"By the end of this, me, you and Alyssa"
"will be kissing each other
on the mouths. LMAO."
I am done with her!
She is so funny!
God, man.
Picture me in front of females in
in person. It's a nightmare.
Message, "Guys,
you are my absolute faves."
"We always have the #TrustBubble
to come back to."
"I'm hopping in a bath. Talk soon.
Bubble bath emoji."
"Tongue out emoji." Send that mother.
Message, "LOL."
"Crying laughing, heart." [laughs]
"Say hi to your rubber ducky, Bru.
Kiss face."
[Michelle] Is that what
sex coaches are calling it now?
I was really careful
with the whole Nathan thing
and how I floated out a a little bit
of something, not a not shade.
I didn't wanna do that
because first of all,
I do think I have a bond
with Nathan a little bit,
but I do not want him swooping in
and and taking the time of Alyssa
or Yu Ling over mine. Keep him close,
but not too close, like the trust bubble.
[Michelle] My bro Bru, master tactician.
[calm music playing]
And after receiving two votes earlier
for being most strategic,
Frank is also planning
the next Machiavellian move
in his master plan.
I definitely have seen,
after the earlier game today,
that people are definitely starting
to make some connections.
Crissa's still my girl, but I would love
to get a chance to chat with Rachel.
[screen chimes]
Oh! [shouting] Oh yay! Oh my God, yay!
"Frank has invited you to a private chat."
Circle, open private chat
with Frank, please.
[squeals] I'm so excited!
Message, "Hey, Rachel,
I haven't gotten around
to chatting with you yet,
and I wanted to make sure
I got to reach out to you personally."
"I understand
The Circle being kind of tough."
"I definitely wanted to check on you
after a lot of people thought
you were being played by the Spice Girls."
"I hope that did not get you do
too down."
"Hugging emoji."
[exhales] He read my mind. [laughs]
[Rachel] Message, "Gotta be honest,
that vote hurt just a little,
but I'm the new girl.
I can't say I didn't sort of expect it."
"How are you feeling
after the game today?"
"Question mark." Send.
I love that she's being honest and saying
that that vote hurt a little bit,
but she definitely played it off
in the chat like it didn't,
as a trooper should.
That's my kind of girl.
Never let another bitch
see you sweat, Rachel.
Message, "I kind of felt indifferent
after the game."
"To know that some people
potentially think I'm being strategic
was a bit of a letdown.
I don't want to come off that way"
"when I'm really just genuinely trying
to get to know people in The Circle."
"How did you feel?"
Message, "I can see why
that strategic vote
would be a little unsettling,
but at the risk of showing my ass,
I've always really dug you"
"and I got you." With a big smile emoji.
Aw, I like Rachel.
I really am loving
how this conversation is going.
Message, "Now, girl,
you have got to tell me a little tea
about your occupation."
With a investigation emoji.
"How did you get into something
so interestingly exciting?"
Message, "Believe it or not,
I kind of fell into it."
"I grew up in a bit of a haunted house,
and I didn't wanna go through life
being afraid."
"So I dug deeper."
"Are you interested
by the paranormal at all?"
With a ghost emoji.
Child, I definitely believe in ghosts.
Message, "Wow!
That's actually dope as hell."
"I definitely believe
in all things paranormal
but was always too scared
to dig a little deeper."
"I remember seeing my mom
after she passed away."
"So I know that the spirit world
is for sure real." And send.
Okay, that's really special.
That was really vulnerable of him
to share that with me.
It makes me feel safe.
I don't always bring up
the passing of my mom,
but Rachel has really given me a space
to feel comfortable
in sharing that with her.
[Rachel] Message, "That's really special."
"Y'all must have had
such a deep connection."
"I love hearing stories like that."
"Maybe one day I can take you
on a little ghost hunt."
Okay. Well, I would love to go
on a little ghost hunt, honey,
as long as you hold my hand, Rachel,
'cause I'm a little,
scared bitch sometimes.
Message, "Thanks, Rachel,
so much for this amazing chat
and allowing me the space
to open up to you."
"And I hope that you're around
for a long-ass time in this game."
That's really nice. That's really nice.
That's really nice!
Oh, my heart is full, honey.
I really love that.
I feel like we both were being honest
with each other.
I think this went amazing. Ten out of ten.
I would highly recommend, honey.
I'm really grateful
that he was willing to be open,
and I just feel like I made,
not just like an ally here but a friend.
[chill music playing]
[Michelle] It's evening in The Circle,
and Crissa's demonstrating a skill
that has taken years of dedication,
commitment, and patience to master.
Damn, America's got talent!
And Yu Ling is testing out
the spaghetti theory.
I don't think I tossed it hard enough.
[Michelle] All right,
play time's over, everyone.
[alarm blares]
-[Crissa] Oh shoot!
-Let's go!
Oh child! It's been a day, honey.
I knew it was too quiet.
"Players, you must now"
"rate each other." Oh.
This is exactly what I wanted. Yes!
No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This ratings is gonna be really telling
to see how people feel about each other.
"As new players, Rachel and Nathan"
"can rate but cannot be rated."
My dude! I'm staying here
at least another day. [laughs]
I don't know who's been talking to who
or what the hell has been going on,
but this is about to be insane!
Things have shifted.
People have moved around.
Nathan and I haven't really gotten along,
and I just hate
that he's gonna have the opportunity
to rate me without me rating him.
Now that I'm safe,
I can really fuck with these ratings.
-[Bru, John] Circle, open my ratings page.
-[Frank] Circle, take me to my ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
First place!
This is where my game play
comes into play.
Carol is out the window.
It's just John making this decision.
First spot, I gotta go with Yu Ling.
She's had my back the whole way.
We talk in the girl gang very well.
I think if put up for it,
Yu Ling will be gung ho, go Carol.
So Yu Ling's gotta be my first spot.
Please put Alyssa in first position.
I know that Alyssa is extremely strategic.
I think that she needs me right now
for her game,
so I feel like
she would definitely save me.
I think I have to go with Yu Ling
because we bonded so much
in the girl chats.
So, Circle, please place Yu Ling
as my first place rating.
I'm definitely gonna put
my girl Crissa in first.
She's my #DayOne since day one.
I hope that she's gonna be
one of the influencers,
and if I'm not there with her,
then I hope she can keep me around
for another day in The Circle.
Since day one, I saw Frank's profile,
and I was like, "Oh, hey, honey!"
Whenever I wanted
to find out about something,
he wanted to find out about it
at the same time.
It's all genuine vibes with him.
And for those reasons,
lock in Frank in my first position.
Circle. I'd like to put Carol
in my first position.
Momma Carol, look at her.
There's suspicion,
and apparently it's all around The Circle.
Do I care right now? No.
If I'm number one to her,
and she's number one to me,
baby, you could be a trout,
a bass, catfish, doesn't matter to me.
Let's keep this thing rolling.
For my second position
This is all strategy.
If they were a back-to-back influencer,
I like to think, come the next ratings,
people are going
to tank her rating overall.
So I would like to put Carol
in my second spot.
It feels wrong
because I am against Carol in this game.
But sometimes you gotta lose the battle
to win the war.
You know what? I'm gonna put Crissa third.
Circle, please place Bru
in fourth position.
Fifth position.
I wanna throw off the ratings
because I don't want this person
to be an influencer,
because they are potentially a threat
in the game.
And for this reason, I would like
to lock in Carol as my fifth position.
It really hurts me to do this to her,
but it's gonna be Crissa.
I don't know where she stands,
and I don't think she's gonna protect me.
there she is.
And realistically she's not gonna be fifth
in, like, the actual final ratings.
There's no way.
In fifth is someone
I feel I have a good connection with,
but I want him to feel like
Nathan is one
of his only options moving forward.
So if he is lower in the ratings,
he might turn to me for help.
For those reasons,
I want to rate Bru in fifth place.
-[Crissa, John] Circle, submit my ratings.
-[Yu Ling] Circle, please submit.
I am so looking forward
to seeing how this goes.
This is all game play at this point.
There's no friends,
and it's all because
the pot is even bigger.
It's important
to keep your head on straight.
This could be the biggest rating reveal
we've ever had.
[alarm blares]
What? What the hell, man?
"Alert! Alert! Alert!"
The heart rate's back up. Oh boy!
This is coming off the back of a rating.
It's gotta have something to do with it.
"One player will be blocked
from The Circle"
Oh, Lord, have mercy, Jesus.
We'll start fresh in the morning, Circle.
Ain't nobody sleepin'.
Twenty-four hours, somebody's going home.
I don't care who it is,
just as long as it's not me.
I'm staying safe.
Worst case scenario
would be Crissa or Yu Ling,
but I'm hoping that Alyssa is the one
that gets outta here.
I would love to be an influencer.
But the person I would want to block
would actually really make me sad.
It just is the smart thing to do
for my game play.
Whoever is an influencer
is gonna make a decision,
and it's based off of
whether they wanna be strategic,
or whether they're going
based off of relationships.
I need to go say a prayer
because I am #Stressed, honey.
There's nothing anybody can do now
except wait.
[music fading out]
[theme music playing]
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