The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e05 Episode Script

Thunk Tank

Isn't lightning amazing, Thunk?
A spontaneous release
of heat and light.
And with each storm, I creep
closer to understanding it
and then harnessing its power.
I like the part when
it gets all sparky!
Phil! We're out of water.
Hope, I'm in the middle
of important research,
and there's plenty of
water thanks to
the Betterman bigger bucket
I just installed in the kitchen!
No more constant
trips to the well.
Just less frequent trips
to lug a far greater load.
You've done it again, Phil.
We'd be lost without you.
Being the farm's
chief troubleshooter
is a heavy burden,
but one I alone must bear.
For I am the only solution
to every problem.
And she is long gone.
Okay, what did I miss?
And don't leave out
a single detail.
Hope came in and said
she needed more water,
and then you--
What happened with
the lightning?!
Ah! Our view is blocked!
Well played, lightning.
Your secrets remain your own.
For now!
Wait. Where are you going?
Aren't you gonna do something
about that branch?
Perhaps when the storm clears.
Right now, it's too dangerous.
Don't worry, window.
I'll fix it.
This juice is worth the squeeze.
As soon as I fix window
I can go back in-do,
eat some mangotato skin-dos
Something else that
rhymes with window
I don't know what Phil was
talking about.
This isn't dangerous at all.
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
: Hello! Oh! Oh!
Echo! Echo. Echo
Oh no, no, no, no!
I can't believe this is
happening. Hey, a-a-are
you alright?
Uh, I think so?
W-what happened?
I hit you. I hit you, man!
Oh, this is bad! Lightning bolt
freaking out over here!
I was hit by lightning?
Nah, I-I'd remember
something like that.
Nah, I got you
real good! Like, pow! Look!
That's awesome!
Awesome? Yeah, it is awesome
Yeah. S-so, w-we're cool then?
Can I see that again?
Uh, sure.
Sure, whatever you need, bud.
Here, I got you.
Bam! Oh, man. Show it again!
Look at my face!
You know, you seem
okay. So, uh,
I'm just gonna head out. A-and
hey, if you feel weird or sick,
that's just your imagination.
You're fine! As far as you know.
Hey! Where'd you go go
Oh, hey, Douglas.
I just had a weird dream
that I got hit by lightning.
Do you smell something
Alright. Who's up first?
You got it, Sandy.
Crowverine surfing, huh?
What are you doing out here?
Did you forget
where the couch was again?
Nope. Just taking a walk.
Nothing better than
some fresh air
to clear the mind.
Mom, I'm going to paint you,
not steal your soul.
Is exactly what
a soul thief would say!
And finished.
Thunk, did youpaint that?
And those, too. It's a series.
I'm calling it
"Birth, Zenith, Decline,
A mind that created
is a mine that's elated.
You got Thunk, but you
won't get me!
Curious. Who could be intruding
on Phil's shower hour
and singing like
a melodious nightingwhale?
Sorry, Phil! Just a long
overdue shower
to rinse off the dust
and the dirt and the mud.
A clean body, clear mind.
Know what I mean?
Thunk bathing
What in the
And he was walking.
By choice. Without anything
chasing him.
Yeah. And he's
into painting now.
What's more,
he sings with the most
beautiful voice these ears
have ever heard.
Thunk can sing? Since when?
What elseis he keeping
from us? What's going on?
Relax, everyone.
Nothing's going on with Thunk.
Because nothing ever
goes on with Thunk.
Mashed burnips! Yes, please.
See? Nothin' but Thunk.
And don't worry, I made extra.
I know you'll want seconds.
And second seconds.
Oh, no, I couldn't possibly.
Besides, it's hard to think
on a full stomach.
Now, let me help you
with the dishes.
Help? Ah--
What in Nameless Chasm
is going on?!
Whoa, I was way off!
That's nothing like Thunk!
Thunk! It's me.
Blink twice if you're okay.
Oh no, I lost count!
Maybe it's not Thunk at all.
Maybe it's a camel-meleon
posing as Thunk.
Only one way to find out.
You got to the count of three to
show your true colors, Shifty!
And I'm skipping one and two!
It's me, Gran, and I'm fine.
I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's the fresh air
or the painting
or the getting struck
by lightning
or that refreshing shower,
but I feel amazing.
You were struck by lightning?
You tooka shower?!
Phil, do something. You're
the problem solver around here.
It's true.
If anyone can figure out
this Thunk-nundrum, it's me.
How about you figure out
how to pass me some burnips
before I figure out
how to make you cry?
Pulse, breathing, reflexes.
Everything is normal,
relatively speaking.
I'm tellin' you, Phil,
I feel like regular old Thunk!
All I wanna do is ponder
life's mysteries and invent
ways to solve them.
That's not regular old Thunk!
That's regular old me!
I've got it. The electricity
from the lightning
must have bypassed
the neural cortex
Causing latent synapses
to awaken,
my cognitive abilities!
Precisely. Wait, how do you
know those words?
I don't know. I just do.
Do you know what this
means? You're--
I'm evolved now!
I was going to say that,
but yes!
Quickly. Let's say big words!
It's like finding myself encased
in a soft Thunk shell!
At long last, I finally have
an evolutionary equal!
Should we tell the others?
Eventually. But first,
let's give our highly evolved
minds a chance to brain-bond.
Rock, leaf, sharp rock, go!
Rock, rock. Tie!
Let's go again.
Tie. Again!
Tie. Again!
Based on the sediment
and degree of fossilization,
I'd say this alli-goater skull
is more than
a thousand moons old.
What an incredible
archaeological find.
Skull score!
Tie. Again!
Tie. Again!
Tie. Again!
Tie! Again! Tie! Again!
Tie! Again! Tie! Again!
Sharp rock beats leaf!
I win! Yeah!
I lost? I've never lost before!
: I lost!
You know,
your new evolved persona
demands a more fitting name. Hm!
Instead of Thunk,
how about Think? Hm? Hm?
Feels like it might
fly over everyone's heads,
but worth a shot.
Here's another idea, Think.
Our brilliance is under attack!
Everyone, I have
an important announcement
about Thunk!
Thunk, your grandson.
You love him.
Hm, doesn't ring a bell.
I'm not confirming or denying.
No more questions!
As I was saying,
you asked me to determine
what was wrong with Thunk.
And I have. Thunk is no more.
What happened to him?
My boy is gone?! My boy!
Perhaps I should have
worded that differently.
What I meant to say is that
the Thunk you knew
no longer exists.
My boy! My beautiful boy!
Not because he's dead. No.
Because he's changed.
Everyone, allow me
to introduce Think!
Um, that's Thunk.
No. That's Think.
Looks like Thunk to me.
That's because he wasThunk.
But now, he's Think.
I'm confused.
Is he Thunk or Think?
What Phil is trying to say
is the lightning strike
caused my mind
to evolve so dramatically
that I am no longer
the Thunk you once knew.
But you're still Thunk.
Why is Phil calling you Think?
See? They're not getting it.
Maybe we just stick with Thunk.
That would reduce confusion.
Not for me.
And if your brain's so special,
what's that?
A table?
Lucky guess. What about this?
That's a stick.
Okay, okay.
Time for a hard one.
What about this, smart guy?
Still a stick?
I guess it's true.
Thunk isinvolved.
Evolved, Grug.
As in the opposite
of whatever you are.
So, what does this mean?
It means there are now two
superior brains on the farm.
I've always wished for a peer
in this sea of dullards.
No offense, Guy.
Why would I be offended?
Well, this is good news.
It means you have someone to
share your burden around here,
Yes, I suppose it does.
So, who's got a problem
that needs the brain bond?
Uh, right here.
So, what seems to be the issue?
Ever since I reset Guy's
obstacle course,
it stopped working. Guy?
See? When you jump on the vine,
a big rock is supposed
to swing in.
I already checked the vines
for tangles, so that's
not the problem.
Well, I see two problems here.
Design flaw and user error.
Or, or, or
maybe the pulley is dislodged.
Stars above, you're right!
Mechanical failure.
Rotary torque
and friction unseated
the motion transfer apparatus.
So, all we need to do
is apply
a little tension here
And realign the pulley here
Ha, ha! You fixed it!
Ow! Thanks a bunch.
Brain bond!
You're right, Sandy.
This isa problem.
No, it's not!
Now, quit eyeballing me,
so I can chew
my way out of this!
Ugh. Wish I'd brought
my chewing teeth.
If we account for
vine tautness and elasticity,
as well as the number
of knots involved,
it's clear we can untangle
this debacle by pulling
this vine!
It's not working. Impossible!
I think I see
the problem, Phil.
You forgot to carry the one,
which means we
need to pull this vine.
Ha, ha! Yes!
Brain buds!
My teeth did
all the heavy lifting!
Well, the good news is
it stillbounces.
But more sideways-ish
than up-and-down-ish.
It appears
we need to replace the pelt.
Sorry, Dawn, but this
could take a while.
Aww, bounce bust.
Or we could adjust the frame.
The frame Of course!
You have the tramp, Thunk.
Hey, Dawn, could you hop up
there and bounce a little?
Happy to.
No way! It's fixed!
Tramp triumph!
Brain bros!
Looks like we've solved
all the problems for today.
There is one more problem,
and its solution has eluded me
for as long as I can remember.
I've tried everything,
but nothing will put an end
to this infernal squeaking!
I even invented
personal sound suppressors,
but that presented
a whole newset of problems!
Phil! Phil!
It's hopeless.
Not necessarily. Do you still
have those sound suppressors?
Of course. I wear them to bed.
Hope's snoring is the hurricane
wind of nocturnal respiration.
Aw, you were so close, Phil,
but instead of locking
the sound out
We lock the sound in!
The squeak is gone.
The squeak is gone!
I've wanted this
for solong.
So long!
I understand, Phil.
I understand.
Nothing like a brisk walk
after a long day
of solving
the world's problems.
I concur.
It's been a real honor
working alongside you.
No need for all that.
We're equals now.
The boy who used to waste away
his days watching window
is but a distant memory.
Well, to be fair,
it wasn't all bad.
True, but now,
you're here with me,
on a "Phil-osophy" walk,
pondering humanity's
greatest questions.
Where does the sun go
when it sets? Why does it rain?
And the most important
question of all.
What is our purpose?
Huh. I'll have to think
about that for a while.
Don't you mean
Thunk about it?
Brain boom!
There you are!
I need your help.
Looks like humanity's purpose
will have to wait, huh, Phil?
Indeed. So, what's
the problem now, Ugga?
Sandy painted over
one of my memory cave paintings,
and I can't get it off.
Not to worry.
I'm sure Thunk and I
can solve that.
Oh. Uh, actually,
I was hoping Thunk could help.
And he will, along with me.
Actually, Phil,
this is a tricky problem for
the best brain on the farm,
and that's Thunk, not you.
Nothing personal.
I see.
Though, I'm sure
you'll reconsider when--
Thunk! I need your help.
Someone put a boar-net nest in
my hut. They're everywhere.
Thunk! I need your help
blaming someone else
for putting a boar-net nest
in Guy's hut.
Thunk! I need your help.
Get in line.
Hold on, everyone.
One at a time.
I'm sure Phil and I can--
but this boar-net
situation is a job
for the most evolved mind
on the farm.
No offense, Phil.
I don't understand.
I'mthe problem solver.
Phil, I have a problem.
And I have the solution.
Now, what kind of complex
botheration needs my attention?
Your big bucket is empty again.
Can you fill it?
Phil Betterman? Fetching water?
They think Thunk's
the most highly evolved, eh?
Well, I'll show them.
It's time to feel
the brain burn!
And hurry up
with that bucket.
I've got it! An idea!
And thanks for turning on
the lights.
Phil said he had
a new genius idea,
so where is he?
He'll be here.
He just likes
to make an entrance.
Brilliant, innovative,
That's it. I'm out.
Humble, dependable,
heavy. The bucket.
Bucket? I'm back in.
Phil! What is going on here?
After you turned
your backs on me,
I realized I needed
to do something big,
something bold--
Get to the bucket!
Fine. Brace yourselves
for the solution
to the farm's biggest problem!
I give you
indoor water!
Water water water
Why aren't you clapping?
Please clap.
That's it? For indoor water?!
Sorry, honey. It's just Thunk
already solved that problem.
But, hey,
Phil's solution's great, too.
Let's give it up for Phil!
What do you mean,
"already solved the problem"?
I don't believe it!
Here, I'll show you.
So, what, are there
tiny buckets in that pipe?
Using bamboo
to deliver water?
Why didn't I think of that?
Aw, I-I'm sure you would have.
Uh-uh! No!
Because Thunk's the number one
thinky guy around here now.
Yeah, he's a real chip off
the old block.
How did you do this?!
It was pretty easy.
I just took some old pipes
and connected them to the well,
then I built a siphon system
to create pressure, and voilà.
The only tricky bit was figuring
out how to add hot water.
There's hotwater?!
you're amazing!
And you even smell nice now.
Yes. Amazing. Truly amazing.
Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!
Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!
Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!
Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!
Hey, Phil?
Just want to talk to you about
the whole indoor water thing.
Y-you seemed a little upset.
Huh? Phil?
Are-are you in here?
Oh no. What have you done, Phil?
What have you done?!
Phil! What are you doing?
What does it look
like I'm doing?!
It looks like you've built
a device to channel lightning
into your neural pathways
to increase your cognition.
Ha! Not even close!
Ugh! Fine.
That's exactly what I'm doing.
Lightning transformed
your primitive mind
into a superior,
evolved intellect.
Imagine what it will do
to my already formidable brain!
Melt it?
Under normal circumstances,
but the Betterman Lightning Lid
reduces the risk!
But there's still a risk!
Your intellectual evolution
has made me obsolete.
But, if my mind
once again surpasses yours,
I'll be needed again.
So, yes, Thunk.
Getting intentionally
struck by lightning is risky,
but if it means
I'll get my old life back,
the juice is worth the squeeze.
I understand.
You do. Ah, what am I saying?
Of course, you understand!
You understand everythingnow.
I've treasured our meeting
of the minds, Phil.
I won't stand in your way.
Thank you. Thunk.
You're a good friend.
Wait. Why did you
give up so easily?
You're up to something.
What are you up to?
Shrewd as always, Phil.
I amup to something!
I checked your calculations.
You forgot to carry the one.
Ah! I keep doing that!
The lightning's not
going to strike there.
It's going to strike here.
But that means
I'mgoing to be struck by
lightning and become old Thunk.
I've done the math,
and it can't fail.
And it's the only way for life
to go back to the way it was.
But you're going to get hurt!
Maybe, but if it means
you'll be happy again,
it's worth it.
You'd do that for me?
You may be
the best friend I've ever had.
Which is why
I can't let you do this!
: Oh, design note
Lightning Lid too heavy!
Get out of there!
Why, Phil?
Why did you stop me?
Your evolved mind
is a gift, Thunk.
I can't let you
sacrifice it for me.
Your friendship is too rare.
I suppose being the second
most evolved person
isn't sobad.
Thanks, Phil.
By the way, I figured out
what our purpose is.
You did? What is it?!
What is our purpose?!
Our purpose is
Oh, come on!
Oh, hey!
You hit me again!
What? N-no, I didn't!
Wasn't me, man! Could've been
any of these bolts! I mean,
we're in the Lightning Desert
I gotta go.
Thunk! Thunk! Are you alright?
H-hey, Phil.
Ha! You're okay!
Thank the stars.
Now, what were you saying?
About what?
Our purpose! You said you knew
what our purpose was.
Uh three?
Oh Welcome back, Thunk.
Welcome back?
Did I go somewhere?
Thank goodness you're here.
Can you fix this?
Me? Uh, sure.
You're welcome.
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