7th Heaven s04e06 Episode Script
Just You Wait and See
Thank you.
How is Glenoak's newest licensed driver? Fantastic.
I love the freedom of driving down the road, with the wind in my hair.
It's very exhilarating.
You can't feel the wind when you're only going five miles an hour.
Oh, Lucy drives way too slow.
When it comes to your children, there's no such thing as driving too slow.
Thank you.
And the reason I drive so slow is because you have your big feet hanging out the window.
Hey, I gotta give my dogs some air.
From now on, you keep your dogs in the car.
Dogs? Try horses.
Excuse me, pinhead? They've been like this the whole way home.
- Where's Ruthie? - Getting the mail.
- Oh, I got it already.
- And? From the DMV? Yes! The official laminated licence, with photo.
I can't wait to see it.
- That can't be me.
- And yet it is.
Ha, ha, ha.
You have big feet.
Yeah, but I'm not required to carry a picture of them in my wallet.
I'm sorry.
I forgot getting the mail was your job.
- No problem.
- Really? You're in a good mood.
What can I say, I love school.
See you.
- Well, where are you going? - Homework.
I love homework almost as much as I love school.
- You have to stop and smell these.
- Oh.
Does this mean your check-up went well? My good cholesterol is very good.
And my bad cholesterol is very, very good.
And my blood pressure is stupendous.
After all we've been through lately, you have done so well.
Regaining your balance, getting back on track with your diet and exercise.
I'm very proud of you.
I'm proud of myself.
I'm really learning how to deal with stress.
How to take stress and use it to help me face whatever challenges life puts in front of me.
Well, I hope life takes a break putting challenges in front of you.
The past few months were a test.
You passed.
Don't answer that.
I have to.
I am calm.
I am strong.
I am capable of handling any challenge.
I am calm.
I am strong.
I am capable of handling any challenge.
- Oh.
- Hi.
I'm leaving my husband.
We tried, but it's over.
I am strong.
I am calm.
I am capable of handling any challenge.
Are you capable of carrying my suitcase? Ask her.
She's your sister.
Come on.
What happened? I'm not having a baby with that man.
I refuse.
No one can make me.
No one.
I don't understand, I thought you and Hank were happy.
The marriage was a big mistake.
Big mistake.
It's all your fault.
- Excuse me, what? - Well, you know how I am.
If someone tells me to go left, I go right.
If they tell me to jump up, I sit down.
If you hadn't disliked that man so much, I never would have married him.
Honey, go make some tea.
I'm calm, I'm strong, I'm capable of handling any challenge.
So the only reason that you married Hank is because Eric didn't like him? No, I dated him because Eric didn't like him.
But you see what dating led to.
- Is there gonna be any dinner tonight? - Of course there's gonna be dinner.
- We'll order a couple of pizzas.
- You can't eat pizza.
Well, then I'll just grab something healthy down at the hospital, after I have a little chat with my brother-in-law.
Shouldn't you ask Aunt Julie first? Maybe she doesn't want you to talk to Hank.
I'm only 13 and even I know he should ask Aunt Julie first.
I don't smell dinner.
Which means the adults are too busy with Aunt Julie.
Which means Mom and Dad might let us go out to eat.
But you're not driving.
Please, it'd be faster to put a saddle on Happy and ride her to dinner than to let you drive.
Sure, hold on.
Andrew Nayloss for you.
Hi, Andrew.
Sure, I'd love to see a movie tonight.
- Great.
Pick me up at 7? - Pick you up? Well, I don't have my licence yet, and I heard you do.
So, yeah, you'd have to pick me up.
- I'll see you at 7.
- Great, see you then.
- Andrew asked me out.
- Cool.
- He wants me to drive.
Can I do that? - Sure.
You just can't take the new car.
- Why? - Because I'm taking the new car.
- Why can't you take Dad's minivan? - No way.
Well, I'm not picking my date up in a van.
Well, Mom's new car is a van too.
Yeah, a cool new electric one.
Big difference.
- I'm not taking the minivan.
- We'll see.
Do you know that after I wash the dishes, clean the kitchen, Hank goes in and re-cleans the kitchen? He cleans a clean kitchen.
Well, he's a doctor, they're very clean.
- Well, excuse me - Andrew asked me to go to the movies.
But he doesn't have his licence, so he asked if I could drive.
- Would that be okay? - As long as you don't go too far and you have him home by curfew.
- Do you mind if I take your new car? - Sure, go ahead.
- But I need your new car.
- To go where? - I don't know yet.
- You can't just go out driving around.
- You have to have a plan.
- Yeah.
You don't wanna end up just like me, do you? Married to a doctor wouldn't be so bad.
I could take the kids out and you guys could have the house to yourselves.
That would be great.
Go grab some cash from the coffee can.
- So I can take the car? - Yeah.
Your father's minivan.
- Hm.
- Ugh! Eric was supposed to be making tea, wasn't he? That's just like a man, can't depend on them to do anything.
Would you like some tea? No.
Get ready, I'm taking you and Ruthie to dinner.
- What about Lucy? - I've got a date.
Actually, she's taking a guy out on a date.
Good for you.
Asking a guy out's tough.
I didn't ask him, he asked me.
- Oh, but you have to drive? - In Mom's new car.
But still, taking a guy out's very emancipated of you.
It is, isn't it? If Lucy's driving Mom's car, how are we gonna go out? - Dad took the minivan.
- Where'd he go? To the hospital, to talk to Hank about Aunt Julie.
- Big mistake.
- No one ever listens to the kids.
- This means that - You have to go back down there.
- What's wrong.
- Dad took the minivan.
Really? That's odd.
He just up and left without telling me? I think he went to visit someone.
Oh, no.
Eric better not have.
Okay, we got your fried slop, your sautéed slop, and your really old orange slop.
I hear the orange slop's a little spicy.
I'll just have some Jell-O.
Take one from the back.
They make us shove the older ones to the front.
- Hey.
- What? Nice net.
So why are you risking your good health by eating hospital food? Oh, I'm waiting to talk to Hank about Julie, but he's in the middle of a delivery.
What's wrong with Aunt Julie? Well, she's over at our house, perhaps permanently.
Seems Hank isn't treating her very well.
And you just felt compelled to run to the hospital and tell him? Well, Julie's my sister, I care if she's not happy.
- So Hank's wrong and you're right? - Correct.
Nothing to do with Hank one-upping you when he saved your life? - Just give me my Jell-O.
- Right.
See? Hank is never there when I need him.
- My marriage is a sham.
- We'll page him.
It won't do you any good.
He's probably out having dinner with one of his little pregnant patient friends.
Well, do you know that one of his patients is a supermodel? Being a model wasn't good enough for her, she had to go and be a supermodel.
Take my car.
I'm not going anywhere.
Was I that bad? Sorry, gotta go.
Come on, Ruthie, we're going to dinner.
- I don't wanna go.
- Why? I wanna stay home and look after the twins.
They're all gone, it's just you and me.
Hi, I'm Lucy Camden, Andrew's date.
I'll go get Andrew.
- Where you going tonight? - The movies.
Andrew asked me out, - I'm just driving.
- And how long have you been driving? I just got my licence today.
So you better stay off of busy streets and have Andrew home by 10 sharp.
- Okay.
- I know how you girls are.
- What? - Have you ever been arrested? - Huh? - You heard me.
- Hey, Lucy.
- Hey.
- Well Have fun, you two.
- Mom.
Ten o'clock.
Not one minute later or I call the police.
Have a good time, son.
Thanks, Dad.
Come on, dear.
That's okay, I can get my own door.
Next in line.
So you got me out of a difficult labour to watch you eat Jell-O? Fantastic.
Well, this has been fun, but I gotta get back to my delivery.
Your wife left you.
- What did you say? - Julie left you.
This is about the supermodel, isn't it? You're seeing a supermodel? She's a patient.
Supermodels go through difficult pregnancies too.
Is your supermodel having a scheduled birth? You know, a caesarean? Maybe I work that day.
I don't know.
Check with my office.
- Really? - No.
So, what are you gonna do about Julie? Hey, she knew what I did for a living before she married me, okay? I'm always gonna have female patients.
Actually, since I'm an ob-gyn, I'm only gonna have female patients.
Eventually she will calm down, and I promise to call her once I get two seconds.
But right now I gotta get back to the delivery room.
Supermodel, wow.
That's it? That's the best you can do? She'll eventually calm down? You don't know what I've been going through.
Julie's been a complete basket case.
No matter how much I love her, and I do love her, she's gotta control her insanity.
I can't take it anymore.
Do you have any idea what it's like living with someone who's completely irrational and insane Yes, I do.
I've experienced it, let's see, six wonderful times.
The bigger issue here is that you've never had to live with it once.
I've spent my entire life around pregnant women.
But never the same pregnant woman, and never your pregnant wife.
Hastings to Labour and Delivery.
You don't know what you're talking about.
So you going home? I'm not going anywhere.
I just found Hank's Achilles' heel.
It's not the supermodel, is it? I'll tell you what the problem is.
The problem is that Hank and I aren't ready to be parents.
We haven't even worked out the husband-and-wife part yet.
You and Hank are going to make wonderful parents.
What made me think that I could be a mother and a wife? I must have been Okay, here's a big slice of irony for you.
I'm making bad decisions sober.
Sober, can you believe that? At least when I drank I didn't go out and do something stupid like get pregnant and married.
- My back is killing me.
- Oh.
I'll get you a hot-water bottle, that'll make you feel better.
The suspense is killing me.
- Two students, please.
- Ten dollars.
I'll get the popcorn.
So it's Friday night, how come you and Deena don't have a date? We're only allowed to go out one night a week.
- Since when? - Since her father caught us making out in her den.
I'm surprised Deena's dad reacted the way he did.
Deena and I discussed our make-out options, and we both thought that since her dad wasn't a minister, that if we got caught, he would be, shall we say, more liberal? - We were wrong.
- Who are you? Camden.
Simon Camden.
Aren't you Mary Camden, the basketball player? - Yeah.
- I've seen you play.
- Hi.
I'm Diane Hardt.
- Hi.
Please tell me this isn't your date.
No, I'm not her date, I'm her brother Simon.
Glad to hear that.
My 13-year-old brother.
Would you like to join us? Yeah, that'd be great.
So how old are you, Diane? Fifteen.
But a young 15.
- How'd the delivery go? - Twins, 6 pounds each.
Mother and babies are doing great.
So, what you're saying is No matter how many pregnant women you've been around, you still don't know how to cope with your pregnant wife? Really? Well, I think you're I think you're absolutely correct.
The last few months have been unbearable.
No matter what I do, it's wrong.
No matter what I say, it's wrong.
I'm at the end of my rope.
Get cleaned up.
I'll take you out to dinner.
We can talk.
Thank you.
- So where are we going? - Well, we're Well, you're not just gonna leave me here all by myself on a Friday night.
I Hey, I have an idea.
Why doesn't Matt join us? Why didn't I think of that? This is a kitty.
Kitties are soft, and fun, and they purr a lot.
Can you say, "Hello, kitty"? See? Hello, kitty.
I told you kitties are fun.
Ruthie? - Why is the door shut? - No reason.
- Why didn't you go out with Mary? - No reason.
- What did you have for dinner? - No reason.
I mean, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Well, I'm gonna take this hot-water bottle down to Aunt Julie, but I'll be back up to get the boys ready for bed.
I'll give them their bottles.
That's very sweet.
I still think you're up to something.
I'll be right back.
I need a little help.
- What's wrong? - I'm not feeling so good.
I have this cramping thing.
Maybe it's an upset stomach.
You have cramps and your back hurts? Uh-huh.
Yeah, my back's killing me.
Maybe it's something I ate.
- No, it's not something you ate.
- Ooh.
I think you may be in labour.
That's impossible, I'm only eight months pregnant.
Besides, I can't be in labour, because I'm not going to have a baby with that man.
I'm going to have a baby, aren't I? Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
Everything's gonna be fine.
- The pool hall? Greasy burgers and fries? - Mazzio's? - I'm allergic to tomato sauce.
Oh, allergies, of course.
If you two don't pick a restaurant, we're going back inside and it's spicy orange slop for everyone.
You're the one having the bad night, you pick.
- I don't think I like your smug tone.
- I'm not being smug.
Ticktock, ticktock.
I know a good health-food restaurant.
- Perfect.
Let's go.
- Maybe I should call Julie.
No, trust me, I've seen my sister like this before.
Let her and Annie talk for a while.
We'll call them after dinner.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Yes, I understand, but this is an emergency.
Can you continue to page them both, please? Thank you.
Where could they be? Well, Eric forgot his beeper, so I can't page him.
What about the hospital? Well, I'm having them both paged, but so far nothing.
But I did leave a message on your home machine and on Hank's service.
Are you feeling better? Uh, it depends, does the pain get better or worse? That's what I thought.
Yeah, but the good news is that if you are in labour, and you are having contractions, they're far enough apart, and irregular, that we can wait before we have to get to the hospital.
How are we gonna get you to the hospital? We don't have a car.
But not to worry, if it comes up, I'll call an ambulance.
I'm not worried about the labour.
I'm worried about going to the hospital and having everyone find out that I don't know where my husband is.
Well, a little embarrassment might be okay, you know, considering the circumstances.
Hm? Oh.
I feel fine now.
- Yeah.
- I I think it was all just a false alarm.
Hey, let's go to the movies, just the two of us.
It's been a while since we've had a girls' night out.
Ohh! I know where Hank is.
He's with his supermodel.
No, no, Hank is with Eric.
So? Supermodels have supermodel friends.
Ah! Oh, oh.
Okay, that's it.
When Mary and Simon come home, we're gonna go to the hospital.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I don't like to brag, but it was really my quick thinking that saved the day.
I'll be right back.
What are you doing? I feel like I'm chaperoning a date.
Don't be ridiculous.
Diane's 15, she's not interested in me.
Are you blind as well as boring? Do you wanna shoot a game of pool? - We should really get going.
- We have time for a quick game.
Simon, am I holding this stick-thingy right? Simon? Hi.
Deena, this is my girlfriend, Diane.
I mean Diane, this is my girlfriend, Deena.
And her father.
I didn't realise you had a girlfriend.
I'll just give my number to Mary, in case you ever wanna call.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Whenever you're ready.
Oh, great.
I forgot my wallet and my beeper.
That's fine.
I got cash.
Lately, I'm surprised I'm able to work.
I thought I'd seen it all, but Julie Heh-heh.
How'd you do it? How'd you make it through six pregnancies with Annie? How? First one is the toughest.
No matter what you think it's gonna be like, you can never be fully prepared.
So the second baby is easier because you're prepared for what's gonna happen.
No, the second baby's easier because you know you can never be prepared.
You give up the notion that you can control it or make it better, and you finally realise that with pregnancy, you're in the grip of something greater than yourself.
And the best you can do is just love your wife and buy a lot of ice cream.
You know, the first step is admitting you don't know it all.
- You're loving this, aren't you? - Well, I Just a little.
You know, I don't care how bad it gets, I can't wait until Shana and I have a baby together.
I didn't know you and Shana were that serious.
Well, I didn't say I was having a baby with Shana, I said I want to have a baby with Shana.
Hey, look at the time.
I'll see you guys later.
Thanks for dinner.
Hastings or Reverend Camden, please call the hospital operator immediately.
Hastings or Reverend Camden, please call the hospital operator immediately.
About that page.
You're not Reverend Camden or Dr.
But I'll give you $20 to stop paging them.
We need to talk.
- Yes? - I heard you yelling.
- Are you having your baby? - Maybe.
Oh, ho, ho.
I didn't know you had a kitten.
No one knows, and no one can know.
That's where you come in.
When you scream, if you yell "me-ouch" instead of "ouch" whenever my kitten meows, then everyone will think it's you.
Let's practise.
That was good, but could you put a little more cat into it? I'll try.
- Like that.
- Heh-heh-heh.
But nothing was going on.
Then why do you look so guilty? And why do you keep apologising? If being caught making out wasn't bad enough, now because of that girl, my father thinks you're some sort of middle school Romeo.
He does? I mean, he does? You know, it's like I said, these kids are way too young to be so serious.
I knew they were too young to date.
And now Deena's part of some love triangle.
She's 13.
- Do you have a boyfriend? - No.
See, good for you.
You're too young.
- I'm 17.
- And you know that 17 is too young, so you're waiting until you're mature enough to handle a serious relationship.
No, you misunderstand.
I'm only single right now because my last serious boyfriend moved away with his son to go to college out of state.
I'm sorry, did you say that your last boyfriend had a son? - Yeah.
- How old was he? - A year older than me.
- What happened to his wife? She died in childbirth.
- Your father's a minister, right? - Yeah.
- Of a church? Telephone call for Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
I'd better go get that, they're paging my father and my uncle.
- I'll be right back.
- Don't hurry.
Phone call for Reverend Camden? Thanks.
- Hello? - Mary, is Hank or Eric there? - No.
- Well, get home right away.
- Julie's in labour.
- You should go to the hospital.
Hospital? And how do you want us to get to the hospital? There are no cars here.
Of course I could go out, I guess, into the garage and build myself a go-cart.
- I'm on my way.
- Good.
Why not? Thanks.
Aren't you gonna walk me to the door? Why not? This date couldn't get any worse.
I had a great time.
I know.
Well, good night.
Andrew? - You're late.
So are you free next Friday? No.
- Mom? Aunt Julie? - Is everything okay? Oh, it is now.
I'm gonna take Aunt Julie to the hospital.
- What can I do? - Stay here and keep an eye on things.
Lucy's still out on the date, Sam and David are asleep, - and Ruthie is up to something.
- I'm here.
- Okay, I'll call you later.
- Mom? What about Aunt Julie? Six pregnancies.
You know, I've just never been on this side before.
Oh! I got the keys, I'm gonna get you to the hospital.
- Everything's gonna be fine.
- I think it may be too late.
Oh! I can't get her down.
You need to get back.
Julie's having her baby.
- What? Baby.
She's having the baby.
- Why isn't she at the hospital? - It's too late.
She called an ambulance.
- Why didn't someone call us? She's been beeping and calling.
She left a message.
I couldn't remember the restaurant.
Come on, come on.
Let's go.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mary left the car half in the street, what's going on? - Aunt Julie is having her baby.
- Aunt Julie is having her baby? - Upstairs in Mom and Dad's room.
What? I like my milk in a bowl.
- Where's Hank? - Matt went to get him.
- I need Hank.
- Don't worry, I'm here.
But I need Hank.
I wanna hit Hank, because Hank did this to me, and Hank is a bad man.
- I'm scared.
- I know, but the ambulance is coming.
The baby's early.
What if something's wrong? A lot of first babies come early.
There's nothing to worry about.
We're here.
We're here.
Get out, get out.
Not you, him.
Get that man out of here.
Where have you been all night? Ah, we'll be right outside if you need us.
We'll be outs What? I was delivering twins, and Eric came to Ah! Oh, oh.
I don't want to do this.
I think our baby is coming, whether we're ready or not.
I'm sorry I've been so crazy.
- I've just been so scared.
- Of what? Everything.
I'm scared you don't love me.
I'm scared you'll leave.
I'm scared we'll make bad parents.
I'm scared this is gonna be the most painful experience of my life and I don't know if I can do it.
But most of all, I'm scared about how bad I must look right now.
I love you more than life itself.
And I will never leave you.
We're gonna make fabulous parents.
True, you'll be doing the pushing, but I'll be there every step of the way.
And you have never looked more beautiful.
Don't cry.
I can't help it.
It hurts.
Okay, okay, deep breath.
Cleansing breath now.
I love you.
I love you too.
Probably the paramedics.
Hi, Annie, Eric.
- Oh, hi, come on in.
- Oh, thanks.
- Something wrong? - Yeah.
Billy lost his kitten, and, well, somebody said they saw your daughter with a kitten.
Say no more.
Ruthie come downstairs, please.
Billy lost his kitten.
That's sad.
Do you know anything about it? That was Aunt Julie.
The Honeymooners? I don't know how to thank you.
Just be more careful next time.
That's my baby they're taking away.
Well, I hope this will help to ease your loss.
- It helps.
It helps.
- Oh, that's too much.
No, you don't have to give her anything.
I insist.
I would have paid anything to get Norton back for Billy.
Good night, Jill.
Bye, Norton.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Okay, okay, less than a minute apart.
I think it's a little late for that ambulance.
It's gonna be okay.
We're gonna do some pushing, then it'll all be over.
Okay, the baby's head is crowning.
Let's take a deep breath and one big push.
Yes, okay.
All I'm saying is if Julie and Hank have a boy, I hope it doesn't turn out like Andrew Nayloss.
I had to pick him up, open doors for him, pay for everything, and be grilled by his father.
Welcome to our world.
Yeah, hold on.
Okay, so who wants to drive me over to Deena's? Hello, we're having a baby here.
I almost forgot.
We haven't heard any screaming in a while.
Yes! All right! Whoo! I believe the baby has landed.
- She had it.
- Is it a boy or girl? - Boy or girl? - Boy or girl? I don't know.
I'm just glad she didn't have it in my bed.
- What do we do now? - Who wants ice cream? I'm buying.
But I'm not driving.
Because you wouldn't wanna show anyone your licence.
Yes, you're right.
Drop me off at Deena's on the way.
I think she's finally forgiven me.
What do you want me to do with Diane's number? Burn it.
It's a Empty kitchen.
I can't believe they left.
It doesn't matter, I'm excited enough for everybody.
Hey, I just realised this is the first time either one of us has been an aunt or an uncle.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm Aunt Annie.
Or Auntie Annie.
We did it.
We sure did.
I'm so proud of you.
You're amazing.
What should we name her? Julie's a beautiful name.
Julie Jr.
? Bad idea.
Unless, of course, she wants a career as a country western singer.
We could name her after Eric and Annie.
- Erica.
- Erica.
Erica Camden Hastings.
That's what you are, perfect.
- We had the wrong address.
- They're upstairs.
The father, mother and baby are doing fine.
How are you doing? Calm, strong, and capable of handling any challenge.
As long as it doesn't happen tonight.
Heh, heh.
You know what we have to do tomorrow, Uncle Eric? What's that, Aunt Annie? Buy a new bed.
I think Julie's earned the right to take that one with her.
Good point.
How is Glenoak's newest licensed driver? Fantastic.
I love the freedom of driving down the road, with the wind in my hair.
It's very exhilarating.
You can't feel the wind when you're only going five miles an hour.
Oh, Lucy drives way too slow.
When it comes to your children, there's no such thing as driving too slow.
Thank you.
And the reason I drive so slow is because you have your big feet hanging out the window.
Hey, I gotta give my dogs some air.
From now on, you keep your dogs in the car.
Dogs? Try horses.
Excuse me, pinhead? They've been like this the whole way home.
- Where's Ruthie? - Getting the mail.
- Oh, I got it already.
- And? From the DMV? Yes! The official laminated licence, with photo.
I can't wait to see it.
- That can't be me.
- And yet it is.
Ha, ha, ha.
You have big feet.
Yeah, but I'm not required to carry a picture of them in my wallet.
I'm sorry.
I forgot getting the mail was your job.
- No problem.
- Really? You're in a good mood.
What can I say, I love school.
See you.
- Well, where are you going? - Homework.
I love homework almost as much as I love school.
- You have to stop and smell these.
- Oh.
Does this mean your check-up went well? My good cholesterol is very good.
And my bad cholesterol is very, very good.
And my blood pressure is stupendous.
After all we've been through lately, you have done so well.
Regaining your balance, getting back on track with your diet and exercise.
I'm very proud of you.
I'm proud of myself.
I'm really learning how to deal with stress.
How to take stress and use it to help me face whatever challenges life puts in front of me.
Well, I hope life takes a break putting challenges in front of you.
The past few months were a test.
You passed.
Don't answer that.
I have to.
I am calm.
I am strong.
I am capable of handling any challenge.
I am calm.
I am strong.
I am capable of handling any challenge.
- Oh.
- Hi.
I'm leaving my husband.
We tried, but it's over.
I am strong.
I am calm.
I am capable of handling any challenge.
Are you capable of carrying my suitcase? Ask her.
She's your sister.
Come on.
What happened? I'm not having a baby with that man.
I refuse.
No one can make me.
No one.
I don't understand, I thought you and Hank were happy.
The marriage was a big mistake.
Big mistake.
It's all your fault.
- Excuse me, what? - Well, you know how I am.
If someone tells me to go left, I go right.
If they tell me to jump up, I sit down.
If you hadn't disliked that man so much, I never would have married him.
Honey, go make some tea.
I'm calm, I'm strong, I'm capable of handling any challenge.
So the only reason that you married Hank is because Eric didn't like him? No, I dated him because Eric didn't like him.
But you see what dating led to.
- Is there gonna be any dinner tonight? - Of course there's gonna be dinner.
- We'll order a couple of pizzas.
- You can't eat pizza.
Well, then I'll just grab something healthy down at the hospital, after I have a little chat with my brother-in-law.
Shouldn't you ask Aunt Julie first? Maybe she doesn't want you to talk to Hank.
I'm only 13 and even I know he should ask Aunt Julie first.
I don't smell dinner.
Which means the adults are too busy with Aunt Julie.
Which means Mom and Dad might let us go out to eat.
But you're not driving.
Please, it'd be faster to put a saddle on Happy and ride her to dinner than to let you drive.
Sure, hold on.
Andrew Nayloss for you.
Hi, Andrew.
Sure, I'd love to see a movie tonight.
- Great.
Pick me up at 7? - Pick you up? Well, I don't have my licence yet, and I heard you do.
So, yeah, you'd have to pick me up.
- I'll see you at 7.
- Great, see you then.
- Andrew asked me out.
- Cool.
- He wants me to drive.
Can I do that? - Sure.
You just can't take the new car.
- Why? - Because I'm taking the new car.
- Why can't you take Dad's minivan? - No way.
Well, I'm not picking my date up in a van.
Well, Mom's new car is a van too.
Yeah, a cool new electric one.
Big difference.
- I'm not taking the minivan.
- We'll see.
Do you know that after I wash the dishes, clean the kitchen, Hank goes in and re-cleans the kitchen? He cleans a clean kitchen.
Well, he's a doctor, they're very clean.
- Well, excuse me - Andrew asked me to go to the movies.
But he doesn't have his licence, so he asked if I could drive.
- Would that be okay? - As long as you don't go too far and you have him home by curfew.
- Do you mind if I take your new car? - Sure, go ahead.
- But I need your new car.
- To go where? - I don't know yet.
- You can't just go out driving around.
- You have to have a plan.
- Yeah.
You don't wanna end up just like me, do you? Married to a doctor wouldn't be so bad.
I could take the kids out and you guys could have the house to yourselves.
That would be great.
Go grab some cash from the coffee can.
- So I can take the car? - Yeah.
Your father's minivan.
- Hm.
- Ugh! Eric was supposed to be making tea, wasn't he? That's just like a man, can't depend on them to do anything.
Would you like some tea? No.
Get ready, I'm taking you and Ruthie to dinner.
- What about Lucy? - I've got a date.
Actually, she's taking a guy out on a date.
Good for you.
Asking a guy out's tough.
I didn't ask him, he asked me.
- Oh, but you have to drive? - In Mom's new car.
But still, taking a guy out's very emancipated of you.
It is, isn't it? If Lucy's driving Mom's car, how are we gonna go out? - Dad took the minivan.
- Where'd he go? To the hospital, to talk to Hank about Aunt Julie.
- Big mistake.
- No one ever listens to the kids.
- This means that - You have to go back down there.
- What's wrong.
- Dad took the minivan.
Really? That's odd.
He just up and left without telling me? I think he went to visit someone.
Oh, no.
Eric better not have.
Okay, we got your fried slop, your sautéed slop, and your really old orange slop.
I hear the orange slop's a little spicy.
I'll just have some Jell-O.
Take one from the back.
They make us shove the older ones to the front.
- Hey.
- What? Nice net.
So why are you risking your good health by eating hospital food? Oh, I'm waiting to talk to Hank about Julie, but he's in the middle of a delivery.
What's wrong with Aunt Julie? Well, she's over at our house, perhaps permanently.
Seems Hank isn't treating her very well.
And you just felt compelled to run to the hospital and tell him? Well, Julie's my sister, I care if she's not happy.
- So Hank's wrong and you're right? - Correct.
Nothing to do with Hank one-upping you when he saved your life? - Just give me my Jell-O.
- Right.
See? Hank is never there when I need him.
- My marriage is a sham.
- We'll page him.
It won't do you any good.
He's probably out having dinner with one of his little pregnant patient friends.
Well, do you know that one of his patients is a supermodel? Being a model wasn't good enough for her, she had to go and be a supermodel.
Take my car.
I'm not going anywhere.
Was I that bad? Sorry, gotta go.
Come on, Ruthie, we're going to dinner.
- I don't wanna go.
- Why? I wanna stay home and look after the twins.
They're all gone, it's just you and me.
Hi, I'm Lucy Camden, Andrew's date.
I'll go get Andrew.
- Where you going tonight? - The movies.
Andrew asked me out, - I'm just driving.
- And how long have you been driving? I just got my licence today.
So you better stay off of busy streets and have Andrew home by 10 sharp.
- Okay.
- I know how you girls are.
- What? - Have you ever been arrested? - Huh? - You heard me.
- Hey, Lucy.
- Hey.
- Well Have fun, you two.
- Mom.
Ten o'clock.
Not one minute later or I call the police.
Have a good time, son.
Thanks, Dad.
Come on, dear.
That's okay, I can get my own door.
Next in line.
So you got me out of a difficult labour to watch you eat Jell-O? Fantastic.
Well, this has been fun, but I gotta get back to my delivery.
Your wife left you.
- What did you say? - Julie left you.
This is about the supermodel, isn't it? You're seeing a supermodel? She's a patient.
Supermodels go through difficult pregnancies too.
Is your supermodel having a scheduled birth? You know, a caesarean? Maybe I work that day.
I don't know.
Check with my office.
- Really? - No.
So, what are you gonna do about Julie? Hey, she knew what I did for a living before she married me, okay? I'm always gonna have female patients.
Actually, since I'm an ob-gyn, I'm only gonna have female patients.
Eventually she will calm down, and I promise to call her once I get two seconds.
But right now I gotta get back to the delivery room.
Supermodel, wow.
That's it? That's the best you can do? She'll eventually calm down? You don't know what I've been going through.
Julie's been a complete basket case.
No matter how much I love her, and I do love her, she's gotta control her insanity.
I can't take it anymore.
Do you have any idea what it's like living with someone who's completely irrational and insane Yes, I do.
I've experienced it, let's see, six wonderful times.
The bigger issue here is that you've never had to live with it once.
I've spent my entire life around pregnant women.
But never the same pregnant woman, and never your pregnant wife.
Hastings to Labour and Delivery.
You don't know what you're talking about.
So you going home? I'm not going anywhere.
I just found Hank's Achilles' heel.
It's not the supermodel, is it? I'll tell you what the problem is.
The problem is that Hank and I aren't ready to be parents.
We haven't even worked out the husband-and-wife part yet.
You and Hank are going to make wonderful parents.
What made me think that I could be a mother and a wife? I must have been Okay, here's a big slice of irony for you.
I'm making bad decisions sober.
Sober, can you believe that? At least when I drank I didn't go out and do something stupid like get pregnant and married.
- My back is killing me.
- Oh.
I'll get you a hot-water bottle, that'll make you feel better.
The suspense is killing me.
- Two students, please.
- Ten dollars.
I'll get the popcorn.
So it's Friday night, how come you and Deena don't have a date? We're only allowed to go out one night a week.
- Since when? - Since her father caught us making out in her den.
I'm surprised Deena's dad reacted the way he did.
Deena and I discussed our make-out options, and we both thought that since her dad wasn't a minister, that if we got caught, he would be, shall we say, more liberal? - We were wrong.
- Who are you? Camden.
Simon Camden.
Aren't you Mary Camden, the basketball player? - Yeah.
- I've seen you play.
- Hi.
I'm Diane Hardt.
- Hi.
Please tell me this isn't your date.
No, I'm not her date, I'm her brother Simon.
Glad to hear that.
My 13-year-old brother.
Would you like to join us? Yeah, that'd be great.
So how old are you, Diane? Fifteen.
But a young 15.
- How'd the delivery go? - Twins, 6 pounds each.
Mother and babies are doing great.
So, what you're saying is No matter how many pregnant women you've been around, you still don't know how to cope with your pregnant wife? Really? Well, I think you're I think you're absolutely correct.
The last few months have been unbearable.
No matter what I do, it's wrong.
No matter what I say, it's wrong.
I'm at the end of my rope.
Get cleaned up.
I'll take you out to dinner.
We can talk.
Thank you.
- So where are we going? - Well, we're Well, you're not just gonna leave me here all by myself on a Friday night.
I Hey, I have an idea.
Why doesn't Matt join us? Why didn't I think of that? This is a kitty.
Kitties are soft, and fun, and they purr a lot.
Can you say, "Hello, kitty"? See? Hello, kitty.
I told you kitties are fun.
Ruthie? - Why is the door shut? - No reason.
- Why didn't you go out with Mary? - No reason.
- What did you have for dinner? - No reason.
I mean, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Well, I'm gonna take this hot-water bottle down to Aunt Julie, but I'll be back up to get the boys ready for bed.
I'll give them their bottles.
That's very sweet.
I still think you're up to something.
I'll be right back.
I need a little help.
- What's wrong? - I'm not feeling so good.
I have this cramping thing.
Maybe it's an upset stomach.
You have cramps and your back hurts? Uh-huh.
Yeah, my back's killing me.
Maybe it's something I ate.
- No, it's not something you ate.
- Ooh.
I think you may be in labour.
That's impossible, I'm only eight months pregnant.
Besides, I can't be in labour, because I'm not going to have a baby with that man.
I'm going to have a baby, aren't I? Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
Everything's gonna be fine.
- The pool hall? Greasy burgers and fries? - Mazzio's? - I'm allergic to tomato sauce.
Oh, allergies, of course.
If you two don't pick a restaurant, we're going back inside and it's spicy orange slop for everyone.
You're the one having the bad night, you pick.
- I don't think I like your smug tone.
- I'm not being smug.
Ticktock, ticktock.
I know a good health-food restaurant.
- Perfect.
Let's go.
- Maybe I should call Julie.
No, trust me, I've seen my sister like this before.
Let her and Annie talk for a while.
We'll call them after dinner.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Yes, I understand, but this is an emergency.
Can you continue to page them both, please? Thank you.
Where could they be? Well, Eric forgot his beeper, so I can't page him.
What about the hospital? Well, I'm having them both paged, but so far nothing.
But I did leave a message on your home machine and on Hank's service.
Are you feeling better? Uh, it depends, does the pain get better or worse? That's what I thought.
Yeah, but the good news is that if you are in labour, and you are having contractions, they're far enough apart, and irregular, that we can wait before we have to get to the hospital.
How are we gonna get you to the hospital? We don't have a car.
But not to worry, if it comes up, I'll call an ambulance.
I'm not worried about the labour.
I'm worried about going to the hospital and having everyone find out that I don't know where my husband is.
Well, a little embarrassment might be okay, you know, considering the circumstances.
Hm? Oh.
I feel fine now.
- Yeah.
- I I think it was all just a false alarm.
Hey, let's go to the movies, just the two of us.
It's been a while since we've had a girls' night out.
Ohh! I know where Hank is.
He's with his supermodel.
No, no, Hank is with Eric.
So? Supermodels have supermodel friends.
Ah! Oh, oh.
Okay, that's it.
When Mary and Simon come home, we're gonna go to the hospital.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I don't like to brag, but it was really my quick thinking that saved the day.
I'll be right back.
What are you doing? I feel like I'm chaperoning a date.
Don't be ridiculous.
Diane's 15, she's not interested in me.
Are you blind as well as boring? Do you wanna shoot a game of pool? - We should really get going.
- We have time for a quick game.
Simon, am I holding this stick-thingy right? Simon? Hi.
Deena, this is my girlfriend, Diane.
I mean Diane, this is my girlfriend, Deena.
And her father.
I didn't realise you had a girlfriend.
I'll just give my number to Mary, in case you ever wanna call.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Paging Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
Please call the hospital operator.
Whenever you're ready.
Oh, great.
I forgot my wallet and my beeper.
That's fine.
I got cash.
Lately, I'm surprised I'm able to work.
I thought I'd seen it all, but Julie Heh-heh.
How'd you do it? How'd you make it through six pregnancies with Annie? How? First one is the toughest.
No matter what you think it's gonna be like, you can never be fully prepared.
So the second baby is easier because you're prepared for what's gonna happen.
No, the second baby's easier because you know you can never be prepared.
You give up the notion that you can control it or make it better, and you finally realise that with pregnancy, you're in the grip of something greater than yourself.
And the best you can do is just love your wife and buy a lot of ice cream.
You know, the first step is admitting you don't know it all.
- You're loving this, aren't you? - Well, I Just a little.
You know, I don't care how bad it gets, I can't wait until Shana and I have a baby together.
I didn't know you and Shana were that serious.
Well, I didn't say I was having a baby with Shana, I said I want to have a baby with Shana.
Hey, look at the time.
I'll see you guys later.
Thanks for dinner.
Hastings or Reverend Camden, please call the hospital operator immediately.
Hastings or Reverend Camden, please call the hospital operator immediately.
About that page.
You're not Reverend Camden or Dr.
But I'll give you $20 to stop paging them.
We need to talk.
- Yes? - I heard you yelling.
- Are you having your baby? - Maybe.
Oh, ho, ho.
I didn't know you had a kitten.
No one knows, and no one can know.
That's where you come in.
When you scream, if you yell "me-ouch" instead of "ouch" whenever my kitten meows, then everyone will think it's you.
Let's practise.
That was good, but could you put a little more cat into it? I'll try.
- Like that.
- Heh-heh-heh.
But nothing was going on.
Then why do you look so guilty? And why do you keep apologising? If being caught making out wasn't bad enough, now because of that girl, my father thinks you're some sort of middle school Romeo.
He does? I mean, he does? You know, it's like I said, these kids are way too young to be so serious.
I knew they were too young to date.
And now Deena's part of some love triangle.
She's 13.
- Do you have a boyfriend? - No.
See, good for you.
You're too young.
- I'm 17.
- And you know that 17 is too young, so you're waiting until you're mature enough to handle a serious relationship.
No, you misunderstand.
I'm only single right now because my last serious boyfriend moved away with his son to go to college out of state.
I'm sorry, did you say that your last boyfriend had a son? - Yeah.
- How old was he? - A year older than me.
- What happened to his wife? She died in childbirth.
- Your father's a minister, right? - Yeah.
- Of a church? Telephone call for Dr.
Hastings or Reverend Camden.
I'd better go get that, they're paging my father and my uncle.
- I'll be right back.
- Don't hurry.
Phone call for Reverend Camden? Thanks.
- Hello? - Mary, is Hank or Eric there? - No.
- Well, get home right away.
- Julie's in labour.
- You should go to the hospital.
Hospital? And how do you want us to get to the hospital? There are no cars here.
Of course I could go out, I guess, into the garage and build myself a go-cart.
- I'm on my way.
- Good.
Why not? Thanks.
Aren't you gonna walk me to the door? Why not? This date couldn't get any worse.
I had a great time.
I know.
Well, good night.
Andrew? - You're late.
So are you free next Friday? No.
- Mom? Aunt Julie? - Is everything okay? Oh, it is now.
I'm gonna take Aunt Julie to the hospital.
- What can I do? - Stay here and keep an eye on things.
Lucy's still out on the date, Sam and David are asleep, - and Ruthie is up to something.
- I'm here.
- Okay, I'll call you later.
- Mom? What about Aunt Julie? Six pregnancies.
You know, I've just never been on this side before.
Oh! I got the keys, I'm gonna get you to the hospital.
- Everything's gonna be fine.
- I think it may be too late.
Oh! I can't get her down.
You need to get back.
Julie's having her baby.
- What? Baby.
She's having the baby.
- Why isn't she at the hospital? - It's too late.
She called an ambulance.
- Why didn't someone call us? She's been beeping and calling.
She left a message.
I couldn't remember the restaurant.
Come on, come on.
Let's go.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mary left the car half in the street, what's going on? - Aunt Julie is having her baby.
- Aunt Julie is having her baby? - Upstairs in Mom and Dad's room.
What? I like my milk in a bowl.
- Where's Hank? - Matt went to get him.
- I need Hank.
- Don't worry, I'm here.
But I need Hank.
I wanna hit Hank, because Hank did this to me, and Hank is a bad man.
- I'm scared.
- I know, but the ambulance is coming.
The baby's early.
What if something's wrong? A lot of first babies come early.
There's nothing to worry about.
We're here.
We're here.
Get out, get out.
Not you, him.
Get that man out of here.
Where have you been all night? Ah, we'll be right outside if you need us.
We'll be outs What? I was delivering twins, and Eric came to Ah! Oh, oh.
I don't want to do this.
I think our baby is coming, whether we're ready or not.
I'm sorry I've been so crazy.
- I've just been so scared.
- Of what? Everything.
I'm scared you don't love me.
I'm scared you'll leave.
I'm scared we'll make bad parents.
I'm scared this is gonna be the most painful experience of my life and I don't know if I can do it.
But most of all, I'm scared about how bad I must look right now.
I love you more than life itself.
And I will never leave you.
We're gonna make fabulous parents.
True, you'll be doing the pushing, but I'll be there every step of the way.
And you have never looked more beautiful.
Don't cry.
I can't help it.
It hurts.
Okay, okay, deep breath.
Cleansing breath now.
I love you.
I love you too.
Probably the paramedics.
Hi, Annie, Eric.
- Oh, hi, come on in.
- Oh, thanks.
- Something wrong? - Yeah.
Billy lost his kitten, and, well, somebody said they saw your daughter with a kitten.
Say no more.
Ruthie come downstairs, please.
Billy lost his kitten.
That's sad.
Do you know anything about it? That was Aunt Julie.
The Honeymooners? I don't know how to thank you.
Just be more careful next time.
That's my baby they're taking away.
Well, I hope this will help to ease your loss.
- It helps.
It helps.
- Oh, that's too much.
No, you don't have to give her anything.
I insist.
I would have paid anything to get Norton back for Billy.
Good night, Jill.
Bye, Norton.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Okay, okay, less than a minute apart.
I think it's a little late for that ambulance.
It's gonna be okay.
We're gonna do some pushing, then it'll all be over.
Okay, the baby's head is crowning.
Let's take a deep breath and one big push.
Yes, okay.
All I'm saying is if Julie and Hank have a boy, I hope it doesn't turn out like Andrew Nayloss.
I had to pick him up, open doors for him, pay for everything, and be grilled by his father.
Welcome to our world.
Yeah, hold on.
Okay, so who wants to drive me over to Deena's? Hello, we're having a baby here.
I almost forgot.
We haven't heard any screaming in a while.
Yes! All right! Whoo! I believe the baby has landed.
- She had it.
- Is it a boy or girl? - Boy or girl? - Boy or girl? I don't know.
I'm just glad she didn't have it in my bed.
- What do we do now? - Who wants ice cream? I'm buying.
But I'm not driving.
Because you wouldn't wanna show anyone your licence.
Yes, you're right.
Drop me off at Deena's on the way.
I think she's finally forgiven me.
What do you want me to do with Diane's number? Burn it.
It's a Empty kitchen.
I can't believe they left.
It doesn't matter, I'm excited enough for everybody.
Hey, I just realised this is the first time either one of us has been an aunt or an uncle.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm Aunt Annie.
Or Auntie Annie.
We did it.
We sure did.
I'm so proud of you.
You're amazing.
What should we name her? Julie's a beautiful name.
Julie Jr.
? Bad idea.
Unless, of course, she wants a career as a country western singer.
We could name her after Eric and Annie.
- Erica.
- Erica.
Erica Camden Hastings.
That's what you are, perfect.
- We had the wrong address.
- They're upstairs.
The father, mother and baby are doing fine.
How are you doing? Calm, strong, and capable of handling any challenge.
As long as it doesn't happen tonight.
Heh, heh.
You know what we have to do tomorrow, Uncle Eric? What's that, Aunt Annie? Buy a new bed.
I think Julie's earned the right to take that one with her.
Good point.