Ancient Aliens s04e06 Episode Script

The Mystery of Puma Punku

Ancient megalithic stones cut with astonishing precision.
What some people suggest is is that they were using electricity and power tools.
Mysterious sculptures depicting beings from around the world and beyond.
There are all the races here.
Even the grey aliens.
And legends of otherworldly giants creating an entire civilization in a single night.
If there's one place that shows evidence of ancient aliens, it's Puma Punku.
Are the ancient ruins of Puma Punku the result of primitive man's incredible ingenuity? Or are they they product of a much higher power? Puma Punku is the only site on planet Earth that, in my opinion, was built directly by extraterrestrials.
Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, might there be evidence here on Earth of a lost alien city? Bolivia, South America.
Here, 45 miles west of La Paz, isolated high in the Andes mountains, lie the mysterious ancient ruins of Puma Punku.
Spread across a desert plateau, at an altitude over 12,000 feet, the megalithic stones found here are among the largest on the planet, measuring up to 26 feet long and weighing more than 100 tons each.
These are the mysterious ruins of Puma Punku, nearly 13,000 feet in the altiplano of Bolivia.
What you have here are massive blocks of granite scattered like some kid's toy blocks around the site.
It's like some giant cataclysm just wiped out this entire area.
Archeologists are baffled by what Puma Punku was, how it looked, and what the purpose of this enormous structure would have been.
Mainstream scientists believe the site was originally constructed about 2,000 years ago.
But in 1945, archeologist Arthur Posnansky proposed that Puma Punku was much, much older.
By examining the structures and what he believed were their Bolivian, and he worked at the site for many decades, and he concluded that the site must have been built about 17,000 years ago by studying the archeoastronomy of that particular site.
We don't know how old Puma Punku is.
We have had some circumstantial dating, but we have been unable to date the stones of Puma Punku themselves.
They could be thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years old, we don't know.
I think the fascinating thing about Puma Punku is how did these structures get built? We're talking about stone that is 25 feet high.
Stone that is hundreds of tons.
Puma Punku is so unique in the way that it was constructed and shaped and positioned, that it is the most intriguing ancient site on the planet.
Of all the places I've ever visited, Puma Punku is the one that I go back to time and again because no one can solve the mystery.
Mainstream scholars believe the andesite blocks found at Puma Punku were formed by hand with primitive stone tools.
But some researchers point to the intricate stonework as evidence of the use of advanced precision technology.
One of the amazing things here at Puma Punku is the precision of the blocks.
You can see with this block of granite, that it's really been cut at very accurate right angles.
Not only do these granite blocks have precision corners, but they also have these difficult drill holes that are going right through the rock.
But how could such primitive people, living perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, have produced such flawless stonework? Might the ancient builders of Puma Punku have fabricated the megalithic stones with advanced technology? Technology of an otherworldly origin, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? If you look at the stones carefully, and you get a magnifying glass on some of them, you can see some intricate stonework, as though they used machine tools or even lasers.
It's absolutely incredible.
I've seen nothing like it anywhere on the planet.
When an architect or an engineer looks at Puma Punku, one thing jumps out immediately, that whoever built this place had knowledge of planning, of logistics and had access to advanced technology.
You know, Brien, this is one of the most interesting and unusual stones here at Puma Punku.
It's got these perfect right angles, and each of these small drill holes are basically evenly spaced along this routered groove.
To me, it's clear that power tools have been used on this unusual block of stone here.
Well, exactly, and this surface is as smooth as a table top, like in your kitchen.
There's no wave to it or anything.
This was machined.
But who machined it? It's an astonishing piece of work, and how anyone could think that primitive human beings could have done this You know, it's just crazy.
If anything looks like ancient aliens, it's this stone.
But if otherworldly technology was used at Puma Punku, where is the proof? In Danville, Illinois, machinist and toolmaker Chris Dunn has put the Puma Punku stone to the ultimate cutting test, using both laser technology and a modern diamond saw.
We've got a sample of the laser cut.
This is the diamond wheel cut.
And the top surface is the original cut surface from Puma Punku.
So, now we can compare the difference between all three cuts.
Looking at the stone under a microscope, Dunn compares the two modern cutting techniques with the part of the stone cut thousands of years ago.
Though age has worn the surface of the ancient example, the comparison reveals distinct differences.
You've got vitrification on the laser-cut side, and then, of course, you've got circular tool marks on the side cut with the diamond saw.
And then, whatever tool they used to cut the ancient surface must have been a different method.
Now, do you think it's possible that some type of a diamond precision tool was used on the old surface, but because it was such a long time ago, that over time, the surface became a bit more rough, and we're talking ten or even 15,000 years ago? That is a reasonable speculation.
I think we have to start examining, um, a little more sophisticated tools that no longer exist.
What did the ancients use to cut the andesite stone so precisely? Might evidence of advanced technology be found by further study of the construction of the Puma Punku stones? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and point to what they call H blocks.
It seems like every one of these H blocks is exactly the same, so it's like a prefabrication process where they needed X-hundred of these, and whatever machinery it is that they had was able, with amazing accuracy, to replicate one after another after another.
That's very sophisticated.
Yeah, it's an ingenious way of building a huge granite wall.
And again, the whole thing is just so incredibly precise.
Doing these kind of inside corners like this this just can't be done, really, with copper chisels and stone hammers.
The whole thing is-is just so incredibly high-tech, even beyond what we would do today.
But how could the ancients have managed to move the incredibly heavy andesite stones to the site? After years of research, mainstream archaeologists have said the massive stones were hewn at quarries over 60 miles away and then rolled to Puma Punku on logs.
What nobody talks about is the irrefutable fact that we are at an altitude of above the natural tree line.
No trees ever grew in that area, meaning, no trees were cut down in order to use wooden rollers.
The wooden roller theory falls by the wayside.
Could there have been another more profound method of moving these megalithic stones into place? And if so, how could such an advanced engineering feat have been accomplished without the help of modern machinery? How these massive blocks of granite were moved from their quarries and brought here to Puma Punku would have required some kind of super technology, levitation and antigravity, huge lifting vehicles, something that ancient aliens would have had.
Might the ancient city of Puma Punku really have been built by alien beings, as ancient astronaut theorists contend? Some researchers believe the ultimate proof can be found nearby, and also, carved in stone.
Southern Peru.
While searching for the capital of the Inca Empire, Spanish conquistadors, led by Pedro Cieza de León, cross into Bolivia and discover the ruins of Tiahuanaco.
Less than a quarter mile northeast of Puma Punku, mainstream scientists believe Tiahuanaco was once the center of a civilization with more than 40,000 inhabitants.
Tiahuanaco is probably the greatest Native American civilization that many people haven't heard of.
It was one of the most important antecedents of the Inca.
It was long gone by the time the Spaniards came on the scene.
Yet, its level of achievement in architecture, in political development, in agriculture, in many craft industries are on a very high level.
Most scholars agree that Tiahuanaco was mysteriously abandoned around 1100 AD.
But why? Local legends suggest that Tiahuanaco was built as a site of religious pilgrimage to celebrate the arrival of sky gods at nearby Puma Punku.
According to ancient astronaut theorists, the two sites were not only built at different times, but also by beings from different worlds.
Puma Punku, I think, is very of-the-gods.
And I think mankind did very little with that site.
And then, nearby, our ancestors built Tiahuanaco as a place where people could come to explore these places, but also, I think, as a tribute site where a god had once been physically present on planet Earth.
You have to differentiate two different styles of construction: the old style, which I call the extraterrestrial style, and then, the later style, which was made by the humans.
Tiahuanaco is nothing else but a place of pilgrimage for people to congregate and remember the time when something significant happened at Puma Punku.
And the thing that was significant about it was an extraterrestrial visit by ancient aliens in the remote past.
But if Tiahuanaco was built to honor extraterrestrial contact, as ancient astronaut theorists contend, might there be tangible evidence? In the 1960s, the Bolivian government excavated and unearthed the Subterranean Temple at Tiahuanaco.
Within the walls of the square sunken courtyard are hundreds of stone heads with a diverse range of features.
Here at the famous Sunken Temple at Tiahuanaco, we have all of the different heads that have been inserted into the walls.
It's sometimes said that there are all the races of mankind represented here, even elongated skulls, people wearing turbans, people with broad noses, people with thin noses, people with thick lips, people with thin lips, and some of the statues are particularly unusual.
They don't seem to represent the local people.
They seem to represent every type and shape of human head existing on the planet.
Two of them, which are very intriguing, are white in color, and they look very much like grey alien heads.
When we're looking at the carved heads of the Tiahuanaco complex, you really see that it's almost as if this is a UN headquarters, whereby everybody was able to come there because all cultures on planet Earth accepted that Tiahuanaco was so special because this was a place where contact with the divine had been made.
Some researchers believe a large statue at the center of the sunken temple depicts the creator god, known as Viracocha.
But why would the inhabitants of Tiahuanaco have depicted their most prominent god with features unlike their own? He has got a beard and a moustache.
And that is an unusual thing, because American Indians do not have beards and moustaches.
The fact, also, that the beard and the moustache are so pronounced.
They're not little wispy ones.
They're major, so, that indicates that this person was not a South American native, but clearly came from another land.
And an important person, too, who's somehow one of the founders, here, of Tiahuanaco.
Maybe even somebody who's come from Sumeria to South America.
Is it possible that the Sumerians a civilization established in 4,000 BC and located nearly 8,000 miles away could be connected to the early inhabitants of Tiahuanaco? If so, how? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer can be found at the Precious Metals Museum in La Paz, Bolivia.
This is perhaps one of the most important archaeological artifacts ever discovered in Tiahuanaco or Puma Punku.
This is the famous Fuente Magna Bowl discovered near Tiahuanaco.
It's a ceramic bowl, and it has written on it Sumerian cuneiform, plus Proto-Sumerian hieroglyphic script.
This script is coming from circa 3,000 BC.
It draws a direct connection between the ancient Sumerians and Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku.
Discovered near Lake Titicaca by a local farmer in the 1950s, researchers believe the vessel provides proof of extraterrestrial intervention at Puma Punku.
The idea of Sumerian writing being here at Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco would seem to relate to the late Zecharia Sitchin, and his ideas that the Sumerians were also interacting with these space beings called the Annunaki.
So, in that case, the Annunaki were there in Sumeria, but also here at Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco in South America.
Could the stone sculptures found at Tiahuanaco really be evidence of interaction with extraterrestrial beings, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? Perhaps the answer can be found by examining the legends of the creator god, Viracocha, and his mysterious origins.
The Andes Mountains, Peru.
Here, 12 miles north of Puma Punku, lie the murky waters of Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America.
According to local legends, the god Viracocha rose up from the depths of this lake to create the sun, the stars and mankind.
Legend states that Viracocha, the great creator god of the Inca and the prehistoric civilization of the area, emerged from Lake Titicaca, and he went to Tiahuanaco and brought civilization to that part of the world.
He then went to Puma Punku, and this is where he said he made men and women from stone and took them to the four corners of the Earth to spread their seed.
The Spanish conqueror asked the Inca, the people living there, including the king of the Inca, "What is this Puma Punku?" And they all said, "It's not us.
It's not our forefather who make this.
"These were made by the gods in one single night.
" Usually, a king is proud about what his people did, about the precision, and so on.
In that case, the chief and the people said, "No, it was not us.
It was the gods who made it.
" One of the legends of Puma Punku states that it was built by a race of giants in one night after a great cataclysm and flood had destroyed the whole area.
But what's really interesting is that, who were these giants? Where did they come from? Was it Viracocha and his band of followers? Was it some other beings from some other place? One of the earliest chronicles that we have in regards to Puma Punku talks about that these giant platforms we moved through the air by the sound of a trumpet.
They basically floated into place.
So, do we have some type of sound technology here? And the answer is a potential yes.
Might the legends of giants and stones floating through the air have been inspired by some sort of mysterious events in the distant past? Or were they the result of alien beings visiting Earth in prehistoric times, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? Now, I come with the speculation.
Extraterrestrials arrive.
The spaceship stands in orbit.
Only a smaller space vehicle comes down, like a space shuttle.
So, just to protect their instruments, they make, overnight, with their technology, what we call a base camp of course, made out of stones found on Earth, because you don't transport granite or diorite from another solar system.
And then, they disappear.
But the wall of their base camp is still there.
Now the natives come.
They see these ruins.
They touch it with their fingers.
They say, "Look at this.
It's so smooth, it's so sharp.
The gods did it.
" The place becomes a holy place.
And now, the natives start to construct temples, altars in honor of the gods.
So you have two technologies.
One was an extraterrestrial technology, and the other was the humans with their altars and their temples.
In the center of the temples at Tiahuanaco lie the ruins of a stone arch called the Gateway of the Sun.
Cut and shaped from a single andesite stone weighing more than ten tons, archaeologists believe the ten-foot tall, gateway leading to Puma Punku.
The Gateway of the Sun is probably the entrance, or one of the entrances, to the Puma Punku temple.
And as such, it's very important, because this is how the people of Tiahuanaco conducted their ritual, by funneling people through increasingly smaller gateways and stairways to more and more sacred precincts.
On the upper portion of the arch, intricate carvings can be found of nearly of what is believed to be the great creator god, Viracocha.
Interpretations of the engravings suggest they refer to a calendar describing a time as far back as 27,000 BC So, here we are at the famous Gate of the Sun, with Viracocha right in the middle, holding two scepters, surrounded by bird men.
That's a common depiction in ancient societies, is a man who's able to fly.
That would have probably been an interpretation by the native people of someone coming from the sky or from the heavens.
It's part of our idea, too, that some giant airship that was a factory with power tools and power saws and routers and drills just landed here and began processing these giant blocks of stone, and then ultimately, created Puma Punku.
It seems like the whole complex was some kind of technological kind of factory.
And if my research is correct, it looks like they were using it to create energy of some sort.
So, what some people suggest is is that they were using electricity and power tools, which sounds incredible when we think about it because they were modern inventions.
But actually, if you look at the quality of the stone work, you have to admit something like that was going on there.
When you look at the complexity of Puma Punku, the huge platforms, the interlocking blocks that was made into what they thought were indestructible walls, what you could have is the kind of perfectly made granite space port that extraterrestrials would want.
Might Puma Punku be the remains of an intergalactic outpost built by otherworldly beings tens of thousands of years ago, as ancient astronaut theorists contend? Perhaps the answer can be found using modern technology to examine the purpose for which the site was built in the first place.
January, 2011.
Researchers survey and measure the monolithic stones and H-blocks scattered around the archeological site of Puma Punku, hoping to solve the mystery of what these structures were used for and why.
The evidence that something extraordinary happened at Puma Punku is in front of our very eyes.
Because at Puma Punku, we find evidence of stone cuts that we today could only replicate if we used the most sophisticated of technologies.
That is part of the great mystery of Puma Punku.
It seems as though some kind of factory was set up there to make these almost exactly the same.
It's almost like a Lego system of interconnecting blocks, and that is unique on this Earth.
Many of the blocks were prefabricated blocks.
Prefabricated blocks means planning.
You have to make a design.
Planning means writing.
Now the archaeologists say that Puma Punku are the ruins of temples made by the Aymara.
Aymara are the highland Indians up there.
But the Aymara were Stone Age people.
They had not even writing.
So not planning, it's absolutely impossible.
Prefabricated blocks in Stone Age doesn't fit with Stone Age.
And the precision of the blocks is absolutely baffling.
In Danville, Illinois, toolmaker Chris Dunn uses measurements taken at Puma Punku to create a one-eighth-scale model of an H-block to better understand how they may have originally fit together.
So you actually went to Puma Punku to measure the H-blocks.
What was your conclusion? What did you find? For me, it was important to find out what the measurements were.
What I found was that the internal cavities were not parallel to each other.
And by internal cavities, you're referring to these two parts right here, right? Exactly.
These two surfaces right here, both top and bottom, uh, they are smaller at the front than they are at the back.
Essentially suggesting a dovetail.
Creating a dovetail.
Why do you think a dovetail shape was carved or used? Really, if we look at the way we have used dovetails, we use them for mechanical purposes to hold things together.
So, essentially, what I'm saying is that they were using these H-blocks for a mechanical purpose.
Probably to hold, uh, hinges for a door.
To test his theory, Dunn created a door hinge that would connect to a small-scale model H-block.
So if we put this together, we put the one in the bottom.
Like so.
One in the top part.
Like so.
And then this piece fits in there.
Put a hinge pin in it.
And now you have your hinge.
Yeah, it's absolutely spectacular.
And of course, the most fascinating question is, what tools were used 5,000 years ago? Because something very sophistited was used and not chicken bones.
Not chicken bones, not copper chisels, not stone chisels.
The tools that were used to create these blocks at Puma Punku do not exist in the archaeological record.
According to Dunn, the H-blocks may have been used to mount hinges for a massive door, perhaps for one of the largest temple complexes in the ancient world.
It's a spectacular discovery that Chris Dunn made.
This lends a whole new meaning to the H-blocks at Puma Punku because, possibly, they held something in place.
What? But Dunn's theory on the purpose of the H-blocks is only one of several recent hypotheses concerning the complex engineering found at Puma Punku.
These had a purpose.
Model maker Paul Francis from Dandridge, Tennessee, offers another theory.
So you've recreated these H-blocks that we can find at Puma Punku, and you came up with a very interesting idea where you put these blocks together, creating what looks like to be some type of a track.
So tell me more about what went on in your mind.
When I saw these laid out on the table, I thought it basically looks like some of the World War II launch ramps that the Germans used in testing rocket-propelled airplanes.
When I saw this, the lightbulb went off in my head and I said, yeah, with some wooden skids, this would make a perfect launching platform for an ancient spacecraft.
So the skid would travel down the H-blocks, and eventually at the end this would fall off, and of course the airplane would continue to go on.
And this is what I envision an airplane looking like.
And this plane it has an intake.
It has your control panels, your control surfaces, and basically, I mean, this thing is ready to go into outer space.
I mean, this justlooks bad-ass.
I mean, it looks really unbelievable 'cause you've basically taken an object that was created by an ancient artisan and turned it into something from a modern-day perspective as it relates to space travel, or at least aviation.
The concept for the ancient spacecraft is based on gold jewelry found in tombs near Bogotà, Colombia.
After careful analysis and modern testing of reproductions of the gold object, ancient astronaut theorists suggest such artifacts nearly 1,500 years old are proof of modern old aerodynamic capabilities in the ancient past.
You know, when these original sculptures were produced, they're doing a literal interpretation of what they saw.
I have to take that interpretation and I have to make it into something that would actually work as a machine, so, in doing so, we've added a cockpit, which the original model does not have.
Also therere two small bumps on the back of the original sculpture, which to me indicate rocket thrusters.
You have this cone-shaped piece, which could have been an intake that this person saw.
And we know that these objects truly fly.
We know that 'cause these experiments have been done before, and they were experiments that were repeatable, meaning they satisfy the scientific method, and so your idea of using the H-blocks as a type of a launching ramp, to me, is ingenious.
I've never heard it before, and it's always great to explore new ideas in this field.
Might the H-blocks at Puma Punku really have been used as launch ramps for alien spacecraft? If so, what happened to these massive, seemingly indestructible structures? Puma Punku.
For centuries, researchers have been unable to explain what may have caused the total destruction of this ancient site.
Some believe a massive earthquake in prehistoric times may have scattered its megaton stones like toy blocks.
Puma Punku looks like some type of a junkyard.
It's as if the whole place, at some point, got destroyed and ripped apart in some type of an upheaval.
Puma Punku seems to have become a victim of a massive flood of some kind, several thousand years ago.
There is evidence that a meteor or a comet struck south of Lake Titicaca, creating a wall of mud at least six or ten feet tall that covered the entire area, and we can see evidence of that today.
At recent excavations of Puma Punku, researchers have discovered that bits of andesite stone from the structural blocks are thoroughly mixed in with the soil.
Might such findings of this unusual soil composition be the result of a large-scale explosion in the remote past, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? One possibility is that Puma Punku was destroyed in some artificial blast that literally blew these buildings apart, and then later, some cataclysmic tidal wave also just covered it with mud and muck.
Some of these stones are so smashed to pieces, you can find them anywhere in the area.
You'll find pieces of diorite with the angles on it, so that was part of Puma Punku.
So much of it is not simply broken.
It's shattered to the point where you can find little tiny pieces of diorite anywhere you look, and that looks to me like an explosion happened.
When you look at the construction techniques, it would seem indestructible and yet it was destroyed.
But if the structures at Puma Punku were constructed with such precision and with the heaviest, most durable materials available, how did it end up in ruins? Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, that Puma Punku may have been struck by a devastating meteor? Or could there be an even more incredible explanation for its demise? There could have been an alien battle out there where they were using technology, perhaps nuclear that blew up everything in the region.
That's very possible.
Something could have happened with our Earth's shield where the sun's rays came through at a certain time and just burned everything and obliterated it.
The only thing we know for sure is, those people at Puma Punku are gone.
We just don't know how or where they went.
I think that Puma Punku was deliberately destroyed by its builders extraterrestrials right before they decided to leave planet Earth and go on to their next mission.
It's hard to imagine the devastating destruction that occurred here.
It would seem like extraterrestrials had some cosmic battle on planet Earth before they left.
There are various sites across the planet where it is said that there was contact with nonhuman intelligences.
But when it comes to Puma Punku, what you have is also the archaeological remains, which tells you something out of the ordinary was happening here, and when you lay upon the layer of mythology, which says that the gods were here, I think it is an absolutely convincing case right now, to conclude that Puma Punku stands out as one of the preeminent sites where ET will have been in residence on this planet.
And so the question then is, Puma Punku being a base camp for an ET civilization here on planet Earth, if they left, does that potentially mean that, when they left, that somehow they destroyed Puma Punku as well? If they made this to be a factory or something, at the end of its use they may have simply blown it up because they didn't want anyone to use the technology that they had left behind.
The ancient Indian epics the Ramayana, theMahabharata, they're talking about these horrific wars that happened in the past with airships, these vimanas, spacecraft, huge destructive weapons like atomic weapons, so maybe Puma Punku was destroyed in this ancient planetary war.
Since it is unique to the area, it may have been an outstation or something for another civilization, possibly from India, possibly from Atlantis, possibly from Outer space.
Precision stonework unparalleled engineering and incomprehensible destruction.
Was Puma Punku really built by extraterrestrial travelers? And if so, what was its purpose? Was is it an outpost? A battle ground? Or could have it been a final destination? Perhaps one day we will solve the riddle and find out once and for all, just who we are and why are we here.

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