Boardwalk Empire s04e06 Episode Script

The North Star

Welcome to Sally's.
That you? Sally Wheet.
So how does a not so smart, semi-dangerous man run the rackets down in Tampa? You can do pretty much anything down here.
This a pretty girl.
May I present Miss Daughter Maitland.
Pleased to meet you.
I think you'll find us to be responsible partners both here or in Florida.
In 48 hours.
- Done.
- The money doesn't show, this conversation didn't happen.
You agreed to take on a certain job but you didn't finish.
You need to call yourself to account.
Take this.
This is only money.
It doesn't mean anything.
Yes, it does.
Open up a safety deposit box.
- In whose name? - Make it yours.
Your boys, Conrad and Lucas changed their last name to escape the shame their father, the liar, brought upon them.
Tell us one thing, one little thing, and we're done for today.
Ralph Capone, that was the man I gave the money to.
- Why? - Because that is what Nucky told me to do.
Is something wrong, sir? Beg pardon? Is something wrong with the coffee? I can pour you fresh.
No, it's just-- look at that.
We're over the tracks.
Every time a train departs Never noticed before.
You go your whole life with things right under your nose.
Can I bring you anything else? I'm fine with the cinnamon roll.
Now boarding at track 29 Pennsylvania Railroad Broadway Limited with service to Chicago, with stops at Newark Penn Station, North Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baker Street Station Oh, he's right over there.
Well I'm going to sit.
Can I order you something? I don't really have time.
The IRT was hopeless.
- The what? - The subway.
Where were you coming from? Downtown.
That's where you work? Is that a cinnamon roll? Have some.
You don't like cinnamon.
No, I hate it.
The woman who was sitting over there-- well, she's gone now.
She ordered one.
For some reason, I got a craving and Why am I telling you this? I don't know.
You're not going to say where you work? In an office.
That sounds mysterious.
You're traveling to Florida.
But I'm supposed to tell you.
You already did when you called.
Really? I must be slipping.
What else did I say? That you would be in the restaurant in Pennsylvania Station and that there was something you thought I'd want to know.
Eddie Kessler's gone.
He left your service? Oh.
I brought this for Teddy.
You-- what? His birthday.
I know it's late.
What about Mr.
Kessler? - It doesn't matter.
- You came here to tell me.
I just thought you should hear it from me.
He-- I don't know why, but he-- I'm working now.
It's a good job.
The children are in school.
Emily's doing well.
I-- - Whatever happened to Mr.
-- - Look, I just figured-- - I don't mean to be callous.
- Three hours between trains-- You can't turn up and tell me things like this.
Don't you see that? The things that go on in your business as if it's a normal-- I work.
I pay my brother rent.
A picture at the Loew's Kings Friday nights if I can stay awake.
I'm trying to get on with it.
Do you understand? Will you give this to Teddy? It's not some sort of creature, is it? We haven't the room.
I wouldn't put something alive in a box.
Don't worry about it.
I'll send-- No.
Thank you.
- I-- - Have to get back to work.
I really am sorry.
No one knew how to look after you like Mr.
So either he jumped or someone pushed him.
I'm working from the assumption that he jumped.
You are? And if he talked to Thompson beforehand? Blew your cover? It could be you going out a window.
Or worse.
Those are the risks one takes.
Not if they can be avoided.
Stop spinning in circles, Jim.
Your informant is dead.
The operation is compromised.
This is months of work, hundreds, if not thousands of man-hours.
It was a noble cause, and I applaud your efforts.
At least do me the favor of not pretending you were ever on board with this.
A nationwide network of organized criminals-- It's real, Edgar.
Cyril Briggs, Marcus Garvey, Emma Goldman-- anarchists, political agitators-- that's real.
That's where the Bureau needs to be putting its resources.
Give me one more chance.
Let me poke my head up, see how the Thompsons react.
And if they blow it off your shoulders? You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you were right.
Come on.
Nothing's gonna bite you.
He lived here? If this was my room, I'd kill myself.
Oh, I didn't mean-- fuck it, he can't hear me.
What are we looking for? Safety-deposit key.
Nothing gonna be in that box.
How's that? Why else would he taken a header? Just would have left with the money.
Guilty conscience.
You know all about it.
Check the suit.
- Look in the pockets.
- Mm-mm.
Go on.
What is it? "Business dinner with R.
" He kept receipts.
I didn't know that.
- What? - He had kids? Maybe they're not his.
What's this? - It's German.
- You can read it? "Dear everybody, I stole the money and jumped out the window.
I am bad.
Also, $1.
09 for stationery.
" I don't know any German.
Here you go.
New pianist? My son.
You let him sit with the help? I thought you all slept through the afternoon.
Coates and I are working on something new.
First I hear about it.
Am I supposed to clear my set with you? The people come expecting the one thing.
Isn't that what I'm giving you? Then why you looking to do something else? Maybe I'm bored.
Don't you ever feel bored? If I do, I keep it to myself.
That doesn't stop you from feeling it.
What's your pleasure, Miss D? Hmm "Malinda Brown.
" Woman, that's a Sunday stroll.
Well, we don't want to wake anyone up.
I know how it goes.
There's a little dusky lady In the land of Old Black Joe Every night she loves to go Strutting with her dusky beau Uh-huh.
Your eyes are a little jaundiced.
Show me your hands.
Palms up.
These spots, erythema.
That's from working in the yard.
Feeling tired? Right now? Generally.
Yeah, some.
Bruising easily? Itchy skin? Really itchy? All that.
How much you drinking? See, now I promised my daughter-- Oh, I promise my kids lots of things.
I try to stick to them.
But how much? Last eight months, nothing before dinner.
That's what I told her and I stuck to it.
On account of the boy.
And before that? I'm no saint.
When did you start consuming alcohol? In my life? Look, I'll stop.
I'll stop today.
Nothing after dinner.
It's not so hard.
This is from working.
All right, I'm gonna tell you the things that can be done and the thing you should be preparing yourself for.
Richard? Hold on.
Hey, Richard.
Hold on.
Come back! Richard, I need to talk to you.
Oh! Are you all right? I'm dying.
Right now? Christ.
I don't know.
If you'll give me a moment, Mr.
I'll be back straightaway.
Oh, may I offer you some coffee? No.
Thank you.
- Eli.
- John.
You want to tell me what this is all about? Eddie, my brother's man.
He passed suddenly a few days ago.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Nucky gave him some important papers.
Documents to put in the safety-depo-- I'll need a death certificate for starters.
Okay, fine.
I can get that.
As well as some legal authority permitting you access to the box.
- Like what? - A last will and testament naming you-- It was sudden, like I said.
- He didn't have a will.
- A letter, then? A court order? I've got the key right here.
- I have a fiduciary duty-- - Cut the crap, will you? We got a right to what's in the box.
I'm sorry, Eli.
Absent the proper legal authorization, there is nothing I can do.
I was sheriff for nine goddamn years, John.
I could go to jail.
We both could.
You don't want that again, do you? It may seem frivolous, but it's actually very sophisticated.
It sounds like a lot of banging to me.
You have to know what to listen for.
He's about the best there is.
- Isn't that so, Father? - He keep the rhythm going.
This man, Mother, was playing serial thirds like It's stride piano and he's Well, can't he perform at the reception, Daddy? It's up to your mama.
Something for our friends, at least? I think the setting will be unusual enough for our guests without becoming primitive.
Play some now.
We're still eating, Addy.
- We're done.
- It's your mama table.
May we be excused? Please? You may.
Hey, serial thirds.
I'm not promising nothing.
I wish you hadn't taken him 'round.
Ain't done no harm.
It puts ideas in his head.
The way he goes on about it.
Is that what you want? What it matter what I want? You gonna say anything? I couldn't face any of you.
Why not? You don't think I know what you did? You think she don't know? I killed those men, Paul.
Every one of them.
And you got Tommy out of that house.
That makes you a hero.
I've done other things.
How many? I've stopped counting.
In the Philippines, there was this girl.
She couldn't have been more than 13.
She was walking down the road, forest on either side.
You couldn't see more than 10 feet in.
She had a tarsier around her shoulder.
Sort of like a little monkey crossed with a mouse.
"Where you going, miss?" "To my village.
" "I need to see some identification.
" They had to, you understand me? Those orders came straight from the top.
She said, "I am who I am.
Who else could I be?" I am who I am.
I put a bullet through her face.
Came home met my wife, two kids.
I got fucking cirrhosis.
You know what that is? A year from now, I'll be gone.
You'll still be here.
You came home.
You know why you did that.
The rest is bullshit and I don't want to hear it.
Buy me another round.
You're awake.
So are you.
You keep flopping around.
I'll sleep downstairs.
Take a blanket.
What? Maybe I should drive up there, hmm? Drive where? Philadelphia.
Check in on Will.
This business with his roommate It's the middle of the night.
I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Why not? He'll think you're prying.
He's my son.
Who said he wasn't? He'll talk when he wants to talk.
You know anybody who speaks German? Anyway, I'm sorry about Eli.
Just an awful thing to hear.
Not your brother? Eddie.
He works for me.
Oh, right.
The little-- I never really knew him.
But tough break.
Look, before your partners show up not a big deal and I don't want you to worry Bill McCoy.
You keeping yourself scarce.
Something we can help you with, friend? What's the news with Augie Tucker? Cal, nobody's more concerned than me.
Is there a problem? - I was just explaining-- - Oh, yeah? I want to hear it.
He took off.
A few weeks ago.
I don't know why.
I thought we had a deal and-- And he ain't been seen since.
But you still around, ain't you? Now, you wanna think about that.
There's a lot more of us.
I could make it two less.
Well? What the hell? I was trying to tell you.
Tucker lammed it.
Something dirty.
Who knows? You see how these people are.
I wouldn't even be here if you-- This is a blessing in disguise.
- We're short an investor.
- I've got a fella.
- Christ, Bill.
- I do.
Gold plated.
Name's Pierce.
Cash in hand and plenty of it.
- I come 1,000 miles-- - Hear me out.
This man, he's from up north.
Very discreet.
Connections in Havana.
He has a vision for what this could all be in a year, 10 years.
Why didn't you go to him first? You have to wait for him to come to you.
And he did.
Forget Tucker.
I don't want anything except for us to be square.
I'll meet him.
- I promise, you won't-- - I'll meet him, Bill.
That's all I'm agreeing to.
I do apologize for the disturbance.
That's as good as a box of chocolates.
I'll send you one if you like.
They'll just melt.
What'd we miss? I'll do the explaining.
What's he doing here? Said he was looking for you.
I was wondering if something was wrong.
Why's that? Awfully quiet today.
What's it to you? Hurt your leg? I'm gonna use it to club rats.
Having trouble with those? They're all over the roof.
If there is a problem, I just want to make sure I don't get in the way, poke around where I don't belong.
It wouldn't be smart.
You Prohees.
Hand's always out.
That wasn't what I was asking.
Not even a week.
Nobody wants to get caught.
I'm involved in this, too.
That's all I'm saying.
And it's a month.
Not a month.
It is.
I keep track.
I thought I saw something scurry.
Thank you.
Closed for inventory? Death in the family.
Was it sudden? Just the last few feet.
Well, if there's anything I can do It'll all be taken care of.
Hold on a sec.
Give me your badge.
Come on.
There is something you can do.
Calhoun, my name is Agent Warren Knox.
I'm here on government business.
It's come to my attention this bank is storing the personal effects of one Edward Kessler, deceased.
- Yes.
- Mr.
Kessler was a Prussian national whom we have reason to believe had ties to a group of local anarchists.
- Anarchists? - Remember the Palmer Raids? - I do.
- The threat of foreign agitation hasn't gone away.
- You're saying this man-- - There are documents, Mr.
Calhoun, secured in that box which may be germane to our investigation.
But without some legal auth-- Are you attempting to obstruct a federal investigation into anti-American activities? - Of course not.
- Whose side are you on? Right this way.
You lie on your back and close your eyes and count to 100.
Close to 100.
Then you can see in the dark.
You go up, up, up like this.
And there it is.
And even though it's shaped like a ladle for soup, it's actually called the Bear.
Big Bear.
Follow straight up and there's the North Star.
That means you can never get lost.
So if you're ever on a boat or in the desert He was in "Wisconstin.
" Look at that mouth.
Nasty sons of bitches.
They are by the time they get here.
What do you mean? Well, they starve them, jack 'em up good with a hypo.
A little taste of blood, just enough to get the juices flowing.
Throw 'em in there together and get the hell out of the way.
You like this, don't you? I'm just getting warmed up.
Nuck! Here's the man you want to know.
Welcome to the land of possibilities.
Which do you like? with the leg in his mouth.
Those boys hunt some of the meanest gators the Glades have to offer.
Pretty mean themselves.
You have to get to know them.
These are my partners, Messrs.
Lansky and Luciano.
And who is who? I'm Lansky, Meyer.
This is Charlie Luciano.
Ah, Sicilianu? New York.
I'm thinking of someone else.
And you, Mr.
Pierce? Well, you try getting those men to pronounce Petrucelli.
Besides, why do we come here? To start ourselves over, no? If you two gents want to talk in private I'll leave that to the guest.
You know what we're looking for.
the freedom to ship our product as we please now and in the future.
What'd I tell you, Nuck? August Tucker was loud.
I prefer to be quiet.
I have concerns from Ybor City to Cuba.
All over.
As long as your concerns don't become my concerns, Mr.
If the terms are the same as with Tucker, you now have twice the partner you were hoping for.
We'll need to give it some thought.
I stand by my reputation.
Ask around.
But for now, let's do as the Romans.
Please, please.
Miss Daughter Maitland.
What's the weather, Miss D? Coming down hard.
No Sunday strolling? You woke up, wash your face put on your clothes, went about your business, shaking hands, passing smiles, counting coin.
Got a secret.
Can't tell nobody.
Carry it close, dawn to dusk.
Pick up tomorrow all over again.
Life ain't nothing at all.
Feelin' tomorrow Like I feel today Feelin' tomorrow Like I feel today I'm gonna pack my trunk Make my getaway St.
Louis woman With her diamond rings Pulls that man around By her, her apron strings T'weren't for the powder And for her store-bought hair That man I love Wouldn't gone nowhere Nowhere I got the St.
Louis blues Just as blue as I can be Mmm, that man got a heart Like a rock cast in the sea Or else he would not Have gone so far from me Mmm, that man got a heart Like a rock cast in the sea Or else he would not Have gone so far from me Yeah? No one's been looking after them.
What do they know what's going on? - That it? - Yes, sir.
Any problems? Not after I threatened to charge him with obstruction.
You got some hidden corners.
I was sweating the whole time.
- Hmm.
- What's wrong? It's all here as far as I can tell.
You thought he stole it? I figured why else, right? Why else what? Why else kill yourself? Is that what he did? There are other accounts.
All in his name.
That's how Nucky wanted it.
So we'll keep doing this, all right? I really appreciate your trust.
We're all just trying to make a living.
You speak any German? I took a year in high school.
What's this say? Oh, boy.
What? I "My dearest son, this afternoon I got the happy message that I am a grandfather.
I cannot express the joy.
" Go on.
That's all there is.
Which one you think? The taller one, I guess.
You have kids? No, not yet.
My oldest is off at college.
Seven more behind him.
You worry, you know? You're always worried.
And the thought now that I could-- that I could just leave them You're overreacting.
Probably went straight on the horn to Joe in New York.
Why would he do that? They're cousins, Meyer.
from each other.
You don't understand.
I understand Petrucelli is not gonna walk away from an opportunity.
- We cut Masseria in.
- It's too fucking late.
I already went behind his back.
What does he care? He'll go for the money.
Oh, you're the expert on Joe? I saw him take a Gladstone full of cash from Nucky Thompson a couple of months ago.
And all the way back to the city he's talking about the day he's gonna blow the top of Nucky's head off.
He never forgets.
He'll wait forever.
That's how he is.
Then let him chase you down here.
I'm not living in fucking Florida.
This pans out, we live wherever we want.
I already live where I want-- in a hotel suite in Manhattan.
I'll just take care of it, huh? What does that mean? Petrucelli.
And it ends there.
How simple is that? We're in business with him.
So we find someone else.
- This is now.
This is happening now.
- You're not listening.
This is bad for me.
We back out of the deal.
All right, that's it.
We'll get something else going closer to home.
- Leave it to me.
- I said that's it.
What are you talking about? You do what you want, but I'm in.
I'm staying.
We're partners, Meyer.
Not on this.
Not anymore.
You don't got the green.
You don't know what I have.
You sly little sheeny.
That's right, Charlie.
Let's hear what you really think.
Dig your own fucking grave.
- You don't touch Petrucelli.
- Fuck you.
You squeeze this out of an alligator? I'm not saying no.
I'm tight enough already.
Thought you were a gentleman.
All at once.
Does it hurt less that way? Not really.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
What is this? Potcheen.
This isn't potcheen.
This is battery acid.
Well, you're awful finicky.
- No.
- Yes.
All right.
So Hmm? What do you know about Vincenzo Petrucelli? You are one hell of a sweet-talker.
Don't say you don't know him.
You already made up your mind, didn't you? Well, have you? I don't know.
I'm not feeling very certain of things lately.
Oh, yeah? I'm trying to build something here.
I don't know why.
And I wonder if I did nothing, nothing at all, if I wouldn't be happier.
But I can't stop.
I tried.
But I just-- I-- I get wound up.
14,000 acres.
What am I doing? I lost someone.
A friend.
He lived for me.
And all I think is, what don't I know about him? What he was up to? Do I need to be worried? What kind of person does that make me? That I would want this to be my life? First time I came down here, it was for money.
Just money.
But there was something.
I don't know, something in the air.
And I thought-- - I felt-- - Hey.
What? What the hell was that? Get up.
Are you out of your mind? It's all right.
Come on.
- You can't just-- - Yeah.
I don't know what that was about.
Come on now, really.
Lay off that turpentine.
I might be a little pasted.
I'll say.
You know what, though? I just hate a goddamn whiner.
I'm not gonna hit a woman.
Then I'm gonna knock your ass into a hat.
I'm sorry, but I told you-- - Why you-- - Hey! Stop it! Stop.
Well? Well, what? Let's go, Sparky.
I'll give you something to cry about.
When did he get so interested in the stars? I don't remember exactly.
Couple of months.
He's gotten very concerned about navigating his way back from places.
Not so easy, is it? You've seen Gillian? In court.
She came to his school a few days ago.
That was peculiar.
How's she living? I don't know.
I don't want to know.
She's selling that house.
Trying to.
There's a hearing next month.
And then the judge decides.
It's difficult because-- because we can't really talk about what happened.
Why not? To protect you.
You don't need to worry about that.
You killed those men.
And you ran away.
Would you have wanted me to stay? I didn't say I did.
What happened to your hand? Something I deserved.
You bring him to us.
You vanish.
We can't let him go back.
You turned my life upside down.
I'll give you money for him.
I'm not talking about money.
Then what? I don't want to do all this by myself.
But how can I trust you? Hey, Hercules is right over our house.
Then let's follow him home.
Are you coming? He's coming.
Hell happened to you? - Rogue possum.
- What? Keep an eye out.
They can pounce at any time.
- Where's your friend? - Mr.
Thompson, I have-- Seeing as we're partners, how about we start using first names? Meyer.
Charlie's out.
Why? When it came down to it, he couldn't see the angle.
The money? I'm covering it Nucky.
Then it's me, Meyer, and Petrucelli.
Finder's fee to Bill.
Miss Wheet has my instructions to complete the transaction.
Regarding the new business, she'll watch over my part of it down here.
Sure, Nuck.
Good call.
Delighted to have you on board.
A snort for the road.
- My condolences.
- For what? For your man Eddie.
That all happened somewhere else.
It open.
You wanted to see me? Wanted you last night.
I didn't get the message.
You run out the back like you robbing a pawnshop.
Is something missing? You think you Ma Rainey.
What? I want her.
I hire her.
But you, you come on after the tap boys and before the fan number.
- That's all you do.
- I wasn't in the mood.
I don't care what mood you in.
Standing there telling folk life ain't worth living.
It made them listen, didn't it? I don't care if they listening.
I care they drinking and spending money.
They didn't come out for no funeral.
10 of 'em up and left 'cause you wasn't in the mood.
- Where you going? - To my room.
Then back to New York.
- You under contract here.
- You don't like what I do.
Then you gonna do what I like.
Narcisse has other singers.
Drag you in here like he doing me a favor.
Libyan brotherhood.
He ain't nothing but a nigger with a dictionary.
Take that up with him.
You think I won't? I think I'd like to leave.
You too fine for this.
You don't know anything about me.
I know ain't no princess come out of no barrel house.
I saw you watching me.
Last night.
I saw you.
And I know what you are.
I'm a little blackbird Looking for a bluebird, too You know little blackbirds Get a little lonesome, too And blue I've been all over From east to west In search of someone to feather my nest Why don't I find one the same as you do? The answer must be that I am a hoodoo I'm a little jazzboat looking for a rainbow, too Building fairy castles Same as all the white folks do That's true For love I'm dying My heart is crying A wise old owl said keep on trying I'm a little blackbird Looking for a bluebird, too.

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