Charmed s04e06 Episode Script

A Knight to Remember

Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince who was about to marry a beautiful maiden.
But an evil enchantress with dark powers wanted the prince for herself so she could become queen and rule the entire kingdom.
I hate her.
Really? I always kind of related to her.
Like I said, I love her.
Then what happened? Well, in order to pull off that kind of magic the evil enchantress had to wait for a sign that her powers were at their darkest.
A sign? See in the stars? See the prince? His sword? And the three stars that form his crown? Well, once the evil enchantress saw the sign she locked away the beautiful maiden and cast a spell on the unsuspecting prince.
Bring together my prince and me Let him fall on bended knee I summon- I summon- I can never remember the end of it.
Let me guess.
The prince defeats the evil enchantress.
He married the beautiful maiden and they lived happily ever after, right? Actually, the evil enchantress bore an heir killed the prince and ruled the kingdom forever.
Well, what kind of fairy tale is that? It's just one that's kind of stayed with me for as long as I can remember.
- I told you I was a weird kid.
- I need to get you out more, Paige.
It'd be easier if you were around more, Glen.
I'm around now.
What's the meaning of this? How dare you summon me.
Forgive me for inconveniencing you at this late hour, Lady Julia.
Alas, I had no other choice.
The stars have aligned.
You don't frighten me, enchantress.
The stars are on the side of good, not evil.
Tomorrow my prince and I will marry and there is nothing that you can do to stop that.
He loves me, not you.
Dark magic can change that.
Why are you doing this? Because this is my destiny, not yours.
Look at me.
I look like a drowned rat.
I need my blow dryer.
- Pretend you're camping.
- I hate camping.
Well, I hate instant coffee, but I'm drinking it, aren't I? We can't keep living with no electricity.
It's medieval.
At least we're conserving energy.
This is ridiculous.
We have to figure out when the shocker demon's gonna attack next and fast.
But we still need the power of three to vanquish him.
And unfortunately, number three lives across town.
- I am going to call her.
- Not the cordless.
- You okay? - No, I am not okay.
This is so crazy.
We have to call Paige and set up a time where she can come over, and- Phoebe, we can't schedule vanquishes, okay? Demon attacks don't usually fit into the day planners.
Okay, then what do you suggest? I suggest that maybe Paige move in with us.
What did you just say to me? Well, she's gonna have to sooner or later, isn't she? I never really thought about it.
And I can't believe you of all people are actually suggesting it.
I am just trying to be practical.
Besides, I am sick and tired of Leo watching over her day and night protecting her from various demons.
You know, I would actually like to see my husband again.
And I can understand that.
But still, that's a huge decision.
- Do you think we're ready for that? - All I know is that every demon who is out to impress The Source is attacking us.
Which means we all need to be under one roof.
Otherwise, we're too vulnerable.
I didn't mean, "Are we ready as witches?" I meant, "Are we ready as sisters?" - I mean, what if we don't get along? - We didn't always get along with Prue.
Yeah, but that's different.
We grew up with her.
Eventually, we had to get along.
I still half expect to see her walk through the door.
Maybe it's just too soon.
And there's only one way to find out.
Oh, my God, it's 9:00.
I'm so screwed.
Can't you just be a little late? I'm already a little late.
Can't you be a lot late especially seeing as how I'm leaving tomorrow? You're always leaving tomorrow, Glen.
That's what you do.
What? Nine-to-five isn't you, Paige.
You've always had too adventurous a spirit to be pinned down.
Oh, yeah.
Just drop by between K2 and the Great Barrier Reef and you know this about me, do you? Your life could be a fairy tale, and it doesn't have to end badly.
Who says it's going to? Come to Australia with me, Paige, just for the hell of it.
Why not? Because I've got too many responsibilities, that's why not.
You're 25-years-old.
You've got the rest of your life ahead of you for that kind of crap.
Just go for it.
Dump your job.
Come have fun with me.
As tempting as that sounds, I actually have things called responsibilities.
It's not just my job.
I've got sisters now, and I just got stuff we've gotta do.
What stuff? Stuff that keeps me pinned down.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not sure yet.
- Hi.
- Sorry.
- Hey, what's up? - What's up? How about a kiss for your long lost wife, huh? - Oh, right.
- Oh, how sweet.
- Hi.
- Well bye.
What do you mean "bye"? We just got here.
Well, you know, I don't wanna leave Paige unprotected.
- Is she home? - Yeah, she's home.
She's just a little indisposed at the moment.
Wait, wait.
You watch? - What are you, like a peeping angel? - I didn't see anything.
Well, all right, just a little.
But how else am I supposed to protect her? Sorry to interrupt.
Can't see a thing.
- Phoebe.
- What-? Piper, Leo, what the hell is going on? I know this looks bad, but it's very important, believe me.
Who are they? The soon to be ex-sisters I was telling you about.
Okay, we're sorry.
But, you know, we didn't know "witch" way to turn if you know what I mean.
Maybe I should go.
- Here.
- Thanks.
I'm sorry about this, Glen.
This is horribly embarrassing.
No worries.
You've obviously got some responsibilities.
My plane leaves tomorrow.
Plane? What plane? - Never mind.
This better be important.
- I can't use my blow dryer.
So have you been attacked by the shocker demon yet? - No, she hasn't.
- How would you know? Well, because he's been watching you for the last week or so.
- For your own protection.
- You've been watching me? - I didn't see anything.
- At least nothing very interesting.
- Right.
- That's it.
Out! But we need to talk to you about the shocker demon because- We can't vanquish them without the power of three.
- And you're not at the manor, so- - Out! I think that went fairly well.
Where is she? What have you done to my beloved? You mean, I'm not your beloved? I'm crushed.
Your dark magic doesn't scare me, enchantress.
Tell me where she is and I just might spare your life.
Very well.
Your beloved is right here, my prince right before your very eyes.
Bring together my prince and me Let him fall on bended knee I summon him to my side That he may take me to be His destined bride.
My love.
I am forever yours.
As will be your kingdom, once I conceive an heir.
All right, calm down.
At least I knocked.
- Hey, Paige.
- I'm not here to talk to either of you.
I'm just here to look at the Book of Shadows.
- Hey.
Hey, we said we were sorry.
- Yeah, right.
What do you think about moving in with us? Excuse me? Well, that's what we came to talk to you about.
We're tired of getting attacked by demons here and not being able to do anything about it.
But we could do something about it if we were together.
You know, if we lived together because that's when we're the strongest.
What do you say? Are you two out of your freaking minds? Don't people usually storm out of the house when they're angry? So you're not even gonna consider this? - Nope.
- Why not? Because if it was that easy for you to barge into my room all the way across town, imagine how easy it'd be if I actually lived here.
Okay, could you just stop looking at the book for a second? No.
It's my book too.
If you lived here, you could look at it all the time.
I understand why you guys are asking me.
I really, really do.
It's just, I don't want being a witch to take over my life.
It's just too much responsibility.
I know it is, Paige.
And believe me, I freaked out in the beginning too.
But I didn't have a choice, and neither do you.
Why not? Aren't you the one who told me I should fight like hell to keep my life separate from magic? Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way.
Well, maybe it would if I didn't live here.
If you're looking for the shocker demon spell, we already found it.
I'm not.
I'm looking for something else.
What? Look, you may not wanna share a bathroom but when it comes to that book, it concerns all of us.
Besides that, maybe we can help.
Okay, I know it sounds stupid but when I was little, I invented this horrible little fairy tale and it just always seemed really real to me.
I don't know, I just- Oh, my God.
- "The evil enchantress"? - That's it.
That's the evil witch, the one who kills the prince - After he gets her pregnant, of course.
- Of course.
Wow, I can't believe it.
Bring together my prince and me Let him fall on bended knee I summon him to my side That he may take me to be His destined bride I finally got to finish it.
No! My love.
- Why do you run from me? - Why are you chasing me? Because we are meant to be together.
That is not true.
Does this look like King Arthur's court in front of you? It doesn't matter.
We are meant to conceive an heir, my love.
- Stop saying that.
- You guys want some privacy? This is not funny.
- I'm sorry.
Did I hurt you? - You could never hurt me, my love.
- Piper, do that thing you do.
- I don't want to blow him up.
Well, risk it.
He's using his tongue.
Thank God chivalry is dead.
He is getting on my last nerve.
Okay, well, he must be under some kind of spell.
Gee, you think? It's the evil enchantress.
She cast a love spell on him.
So why is Sir Lust-A-Lot lusting after you? - How should I know? - Because it's your damn fairy tale and it's alive and frozen in our kitchen.
- Where are you going? - I can't handle this.
Paige, you can't just leave.
Yes, I can.
I don't live here.
- Paige.
- What? Look, you can't keep running away from these things.
That's what we were trying to tell you.
Being a witch is not a part-time job.
Well, if I don't leave now, I'm not gonna have a full-time job.
Paige, the Charmed Ones come first.
The Charmed Ones come first? - It always worked when Prue said it.
- The home also features a spacious kitchen, complete with granite countertops and state of the art convection oven.
The walk-in pantry provides ample space for all- The VCR.
Who set it to record? - Phoebe.
- I'm okay, I think.
We've gotta convince Paige to move in with us soon before there's nobody left to move in with.
I guess we need a new TV.
- The prince.
- The prince.
He's gone? What? Did he go back to fairy-tale land? No such luck.
The back door is wide open.
So he probably went after Paige.
He left? So he's just wandering around in chain mail.
It's San Francisco.
Nobody will notice.
Well, sooner or later, someone's gonna notice.
And the medieval trail is gonna lead them right back to us.
All right, you try scrying for him, and if that doesn't work I'll have Leo orb Paige back here, and hopefully the prince will follow.
Maybe we should try a different approach.
She's not gonna come back here voluntarily.
No, I mean about getting her to move in.
Maybe it's too soon for her too.
Hey, moron! What are you doing? What problem you got, huh? All right buddy, come on.
On your way.
I don't have time for this.
Swallow, and you'll not speak again.
And what is this metallic beast? How do you harness its power? What? You will use it to take me to my beloved where I feel her heart's pull.
Questions? I have one.
If good magic rescued my prince from you - what makes you think he'll return? - I don't.
That's why I plan on following his footsteps and bringing him back after I destroy the good magic that intervened, of course.
And what makes you think that you can? Oh, I don't know.
Because I'm petty and evil and vindictive.
But most of all, I'm determined.
I am the object of his true love.
Your spell only appropriated it.
Kill me and you break the spell.
I know.
I know.
That's why I needed this for my potion to work.
You cannot do this.
One thing you need to know about me, Lady Julia.
Nobody tells me what to do.
Nobody tells me what to do, Leo.
And besides, I'm still mad at you for watching over me.
I deserve better than that, especially from you.
Well, I'm a guardian, Paige.
It's what I do especially during times like this when it's dangerous for you to be alone.
It's a fairy tale, not a horror movie.
I was talking about the shocker demon.
Well, yeah, he's not half as scary as Prince Charming coming after me though.
All the more reason why you should be staying with Phoebe and Piper.
What if I don't want to? What if I wanna climb a mountain or go dive the Great Barrier Reef, huh? - What? - Look, I've had a blast being a witch.
I like the spells, like the potions.
I'm even getting used to orbing.
But God, I've just had enough.
Well, there is no enough, Paige.
This is who you are.
You know that.
Why are you running from it? Oh, gee, I don't know.
Being hunted by The Source ducking the Furies and being shrunk by a psycho demon not to mention being chased after by my bedtime stories.
I don't know why I wouldn't want the rest of my life to be just like that.
You're not alone anymore.
You have sisters now.
Who are pressuring me to move in with them for all the wrong reasons.
What is that supposed to mean? Nothing.
Forget about it.
Look, it's just sometimes I feel like they want me to be Prue, super witch.
And I can't.
I don't know how.
Yeah, I don't think they think that.
Oh, yeah? Have you checked out her room? It's a shrine.
Doesn't seem to me like they're ready yet.
And it's a pretty tough act to follow.
Don't make me go back there, Leo.
Not just yet.
Okay? I just need some time.
I'll call you if I need you.
Darryl! Slow down, okay? Carjackings happen all the time.
Why are you calling us? A garbage truck? At swordpoint.
We'll get back to you.
Please don't tell me that the police found him.
Not yet.
How about you? Nothing.
I mean, he's not a witch, and he's not a demon, so All right.
Le- - Hi.
- Hi.
- Where's Paige? - Paige.
She didn't want to come.
She what? Did you explain the situation to her? - Yes.
- And she still refused to come? Leo, we are up to our pointy little hats in demonic problems here.
- We need her.
- She knows that.
I don't understand.
We're her sisters.
Yeah, but that's not the reason you need her.
Is there more to that or are you just gonna leave us hanging? I don't want to get in the middle of this.
This is between you guys.
But I will tell you that just wanting her to battle demons with you isn't enough of a reason to get her to move in.
It's a pressing reason.
But it's not a sisterly one.
Look, in the meantime, you need to find the prince before he exposes you.
So I suggest you check with the Book of Shadows and get up to speed on Paige's fairy tale.
And I will check with the Elders and see what they know.
Hey! Who's that? At last, I found you.
- How? - I followed your heart, my love.
You can't be here.
You need to leave right now before security comes.
I will not leave until you are with child.
Okay, A, I always use protection, and B, you're a fairy tale.
I won't harm you.
Just keep that sword of yours sheathed, pal.
Fear not, I've slain the beast, my love.
You most certainly have.
Hey, Paige.
Paige, you all right in there? I will stay forever by your side.
Every moment of every day you would know you are protected, desired, loved.
That's so sweet.
Paige! Paige, what the hell is going on? Who is this guy? Renaissance Fair.
Yeah, we're trying to score tickets for the orphanage.
See you.
I don't see what the big deal is.
You'd think she'd wanna move in here - Considering the dump she lives in.
- Piper.
Just wait till the shocker demon attacks her.
Then she might not be so resistant to the idea.
Defiant, clever and independent.
That kind of describes Paige, don't you think? Yeah, along with stubborn, stubborn, and more stubborn.
All right, listen to this.
"A powerful witch who came to the craft late but learned to use it quickly.
" - I'm telling you, this is Paige.
- What are you getting at? Well, don't you think it's a huge coincidence that Paige's fairy tale just happens to be in the Book of Shadows? And that this prince just happens to show up in the 21 st century - Head over heels in love with her? - Connect the dots, will you? Okay, what if it's not a fairy tale? What if it's a memory? Paige's memory from a past life.
- Now you're reaching.
- No, I don't think so.
I mean, my past life came back to bite me on the butt.
Why can't Paige's? Think about it.
What if Paige was the evil enchantress once upon a time? But the enchantress' power was to conjure up the elements.
Paige can't do that.
This doesn't look good.
- Paige? - Where is the prince? - Still think I'm reaching? - I don't believe this.
I got it! Living room's clear.
So is the kitchen.
Why do you think she left so suddenly? What? Did trashing our house become too boring for her? She probably realized we don't have the prince.
It's not like we're having enough problems with Paige.
We have to deal with her past life too? Okay, I found out about the prince.
- What the hell happened here? - Paige's past life almost killed us.
- That's what happened here.
- What? Yeah.
Paige, the evil enchantress.
Same soul, different lifetimes.
She came through some magical portal looking for Prince Carjack.
Okay, well you have to stop her.
You can't let her find him.
According to the Elders, if she conceives his heir dark magic will rule his kingdom forever.
History will be rewritten.
Your future- Will be screwed.
The world will plunge into darkness.
Okay, that's not helping.
So if we vanquish past Paige don't we risk vanquishing our Paige too? - Possibly.
- Well, then fine.
We won't vanquish her.
We'll bind her powers and send her back in time, hopefully a virgin.
Okay, let's get some candles.
We have a potion to concoct.
What lures you to this time, my prince? Who beckons thee? Paige? What are you still doing here so late? I thought you left already.
What name did you call me? Don't tell me you're in the fair too.
Don't forget to lock up.
See you in the morning.
On time would be nice for once.
Looking forward to meeting you Paige.
I still can't believe that you exist, that you're actually real.
I always wanted to save you from the evil enchantress - So you could live happily ever after.
- Be with me and I shall.
Come with me.
Live in my castle as my princess.
What is it with everyone wanting me to move in with them? I can give you all the riches you desire.
I can take you away from all this.
As tempting as that is, I know it's just the spell talking.
But isn't that what true love is? Falling under someone's spell.
Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you, I swear.
Can you make me as good as Prue was? Never mind.
You wouldn't understand.
Try me.
What is going on with this barging in thing.
This is getting ridiculous.
Sorry, thought he was attacking you.
He was kissing me.
It's called kissing.
And what are you doing here anyway? - I told you I'd call if I needed to.
- Well, something's come up something you're not gonna like.
- Something worse than this? - The evil enchantress is here.
In our world.
She nearly killed us trying to get to him.
- Oh, my God.
- Actually, that's not the worst part.
Remember how we were wondering how she cast a spell on him - But he fell for you? - Yeah.
Well, that's because you're her.
- Well, I mean, she's you.
- Her.
- Yeah, help.
- Look, what she means is that you were the evil enchantress in one of your past lives.
So when you read the spell in the Book of Shadows, he came.
And that's also why you remember the fairy tale so well.
It's because you've actually lived it once before.
Okay, I can deal with this.
No wonder I related to her the most.
- Does this mean I'm evil? - Yeah.
- No.
- No.
No, not you, just your past self.
You've grown and evolved.
Believe me, we all have.
- That's what we do.
- Right.
So the plan is to bind the enchantress' powers with this little potion.
- I'll do it.
- All right, then we'll- No.
I mean, by myself.
I put you guys in danger.
I'll get you out of it.
It's my story.
I have to end it once and for all.
You don't know how to find the enchantress.
Well, she's after the prince, right? I'll just backtrack and surprise her.
There's no reason for you to do this alone.
It's not just your story anymore.
You've got sisters now.
But if you want to do it by yourself - Then go for it.
- I do.
Yeah, if that's what you want, we'll be here with the prince.
Why did you let her go? Because it's time we realized we can't make her do something she doesn't wanna do.
Don't tell me I've become good in the future.
Damn good.
And here I was so looking forward to meeting myself.
What is it? Something's wrong.
Paige is in trouble.
Well, go, go, go! Remember me? What happened? The evil enchantress.
Oh, no.
Come to me, my prince.
We can't just let them get away! What are we supposed to do? Go back to the Middle Ages the Dark Ages, or whatever hell ages those are? If we don't, good magic will be gone forever.
What have I done? This is all my fault.
Piper and Phoebe were crazy to trust me.
Why didn't I listen to them? Now is not the time to lose it, Paige.
We need to get them back.
Get them back? What do we do? Hop on a bus to medieval times? Paige, concentrate.
You're a powerful witch, whether you like it or not.
Yeah, well I wasn't powerful enough to take out the enchantress, was I? One thing your past life should tell you is that you've always been powerful.
You still have that power inside of you.
Don't be afraid to tap into it now.
- Okay, this is my fairy tale, right? - Yes.
This started with a spell that brought the prince here so maybe if I rearranged it a little? What if instead of bringing the prince to me, I bring myself to him? Creating your own portal? It's worth a shot.
Bring together my prince and me Kingdom now I wish to see Crossing history to his side From myself I will not hide Oh, my God, I did it.
It worked.
Come on, I'm not doing this by myself.
So are you still glad you told Paige to go for it? Hey, you were the one that wanted us to be more sisterly towards her.
Yes, but not at the expense of being trapped in the Dark Ages where our powers are useless.
You know, I still don't understand who you are.
What land did you come from? - Disneyland.
Future world.
- Phoebe.
We're witches.
And we have the potion that will stop the enchantress.
Yeah, let's go get her.
We can't because we're chained to a wall.
Okay, find Phoebe and Piper.
I'll try to hold her off until they get here.
How? Your powers don't work in the past.
Yeah, but if we really are one and the same I should be able to tap into hers.
Hurry, go get my sisters.
- Piper, Phoebe.
- Leo.
- Easy, easy.
- Behind you! Hi, I hate to interrupt myself at a time like this.
How did you get here? - I'm charmed.
- Not for long.
Nice! Leo? - I thought you were a pacifist.
- I didn't kill him, did I? I have to tell you, I find this side of you very sexy.
- Really? - Yeah.
You've been holding out on us.
What's that sound? Paige.
Potion, potion, potion.
Don't hurt her.
Throw the potion.
- What have you done to me? - We bound your powers, enchantress.
- No more "kingdom come" for you.
- Not for you.
How could you do this to me? To us? I didn't do it.
We did it.
I'm well, my love.
My love? Looks like it takes the kiss of true love to break the spell.
It's in every fairy tale.
All right, super witch, get us out of here.
Okay, so I won't be getting my security deposit back.
Too bad you don't have any other place to stay.
It's no pressure.
It's totally up to you.
- Whenever you're ready.
- Yeah, who needs electricity anyway? I wouldn't have to stay in the basement, would I? No, of course not.
I think we have a room for you.
- What do you think? - Wow.
It's definitely different.
It's definitely you.
- Is that a good thing? - Of course it's a good thing.
Good, because I was actually thinking the living room could use a little spicing up.
Don't push it.
Oh, I hope that's not another one of your past lives.
No, it's just Glen.
I asked him to drop by.
Oh, the cute guy from the apartment? He's yummy.
Yeah, he is, but he's gonna have to be yummy in Australia.
He's leaving.
He asked me to go with, but I decided to pass.
Oh, you're disappointed? A little, but it's not like I'll be lacking in adventures here.
Speaking of which.
- Shall we? - Hit it.
Vanquish, we three witches cry One final shock and then you die Okay.
Piece of cake.
Gotta go.
And don't forget, if you need me, please knock.
And they lived happily ever after.
- Yeah, right.
- Right.

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