Due South (1994) s04e06 Episode Script


I'm driving.
Come on! - This is not driving.
This is walking in a vehicle.
I'm going the posted limit.
- That is my point.
Nobody goes the posted limit.
Keep this up, we'll get smacked from behind.
I'll have to explain to my father why the car got wrecked while a Mountie was driving it after he dragged it from Arizona like a dozen eggs.
- You must say hello to your father for me, by the way.
- You can do that.
He's staying at this trailer park in Skokie.
Although he doesn't know if he can hack winter.
- And how's your mother? - She can hack the winter.
She comes in every day to iron my shirts.
Well, what a thoughtful gesture.
- You kidding? Crispy shirts.
Look like I work in a bank.
That's bad, I take it.
Yeah, it clashes with my, uh Persona? Aura? Style? Exactly.
And style counts, Fraser.
Like, what you're doing right now, this is anti-style.
You just asked me to be careful.
Careful, not stationary.
Stop the car.
Let me show you how to do it.
- I've ridden with you many times, Ray.
- Ridden, yes; studied, no; learned, no.
Stop the car.
- As you wish.
- OK, good driving is like a vocation.
Part brains, part magic, part guts, part ESP Watch the shoulder.
- What's that? - Clothing adjustment.
You got to be able to sense things.
Like the lights.
OK, I'm sensing three, two, one Go! Ray, you have just violated at least half-a-dozen traffic laws.
Ray, stop.
What? I just got going.
- Criminals.
- Criminals? INS officers.
Stop! INS! - Stop them.
They're trying to kill me.
- Gentlemen, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to stop.
Chicago PD.
Stop right there.
- Show me your badge.
- Show me yours.
- You first.
- You! Immigration and Naturalization.
Stop that man.
Hey! My car! They're shooting up the streets.
How can we know it's not gang related? Gangs? Aaron look ganged up? You got gangs of fat-ass, out there I don't know about? - OK, mob something.
How the hell could we know? - Maybe because I'm shoving a badge in your face.
Maybe because I'm running full out, chasing a felon and yelling INS at the top of my lungs.
Because I could have capped you.
- I could have capped you, pal.
- Gentlemen, this is not a schoolyard.
- Sir, if I may, we seem to be missing a couple of salient points here.
Yeah one, a car got stolen; B, my car.
- That's going to cost me a lot of sleep.
Considering the guy you helped escape is the guy who tried to kill me.
- Since the man who stole Ray's car also tried to kill you, we share a common goal.
And in a spirit of judicial cooperation, perhaps we should consider pooling our resources and our information.
What's wrong with him? - He's Canadian.
- Oh.
Look, I got lots of information on the guy we're looking for.
What do you got? I got the licence number.
Very little escapes his eye.
- Frannie, put out an APB, uh, licence number WE761.
Black, 1967, double-barrelled carb, GTO.
- What is it with you guys and cars? What, do you all have your brains stuck behind your zippers or something? I mean, excluding you, of course, Fraser.
Oh, thank you.
- What is that? What does that stand for? GTO great throbbing - No, Frannie, it's Grand Grand What is it again, Fraser? - Gran Turismo Omologato.
- Right, GTO.
OK, now, hit the keys please, Frannie.
Thank you.
- Look what I found in the wrecking yard.
- You got ram air four camshaft? Ha, ha, mint, too.
Let's go put it on.
What? Something happen to the car? - Are you kidding? Ha, that car is my life.
No, I just took it in for some detailing.
Detailing? - Yeah, yeah, that's where they make it, you know, look new again.
It already looks like new.
- Yeah, but these guys, they make it look newer than new.
They're good at that.
They use this little toothbrush And, I mean Let me drop this off, and I'll, uh I'll, uh, you know, I'll get you a coffee for the way home.
We'll get a coffee.
- Gerome Laferette was a friend.
Uh, at least we thought he was.
- There's been a lot of Haitian immigration to the city lately.
Most of it legal, some not so legal.
- They live in a kind of enclave, very insular, very wary of outsiders.
Laferette carries some weight in the community.
He's a priest.
Oh, like Father Malone? More like Papa Shango.
- What do you mean, voodoo? - It's vodoun, actually.
Or, in Haiti, it's called loa.
It's a religion that derives from African Uruban beliefs.
- He was our community connection.
- What do you mean, he was, like, your sniff? I mean, uh, your scratch.
Do you perhaps mean snitch? - Yeah, that's what I said.
- Ah, so you did.
- We're closing in on some sweatshops.
Gerome called, wanted to meet us down in the projects.
Cloak and dagger, all of a sudden.
But he's always been a square guy, so we go.
Six guys with guns waiting for us.
- You're sure it was Mr.
Laferette who betrayed you? Only one knew we'd be there.
- Pitter-patter, let's get at her.
Let's find that car.
You all right? Uh, I lied to my dad.
- About the car? - Yeah.
Look, don't tell me I should have been honest with him, Fraser, 'cause I lied to him for his own good.
- You lied to him for his own good? - Well, yeah, you don't know my parents.
I mean, they're like little kids in old bodies.
They live in this weird world.
They talk back to the television, they buy stuff from infomercials.
I just try to protect them.
I can understand that.
Oh, so you understand lying? No, no, not the lying.
But I can understand wanting to protect your father.
I've often wished that I could have protected my father.
- This is Voodooville.
We're as popular as the INS here.
- Well, these people have good reason to fear authority, Ray.
Their history is one of domination, first by the colonial powers, and then a series of brutal dictators who repressed the people with strong-arm tactics and turned their religion against them.
Good day.
- Chicago PD.
We're looking for Gerome Laferette.
- Gerome didn't come home last night.
- You must be very worried about him.
- Gerome's going to be all right.
He's close to the loa.
- To the what? - The gods, Ray.
- That's great.
Tell us where the gods are.
The gods are everywhere.
- Look, this is isn't a joke, lady.
Your husband's in a lot of trouble.
Grand theft auto, and some stupid federal charges.
- Assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder, actually.
- And the car.
- And the car.
- Look, so if I were you, I'd start telling us everything you know, because if you don't - Mr.
Policeman! There's a document called the Constitution of the United States of America.
Have you read this document? - Well, no, my eyes are kind of bad, so - See anything in this document that gives you the right to come to this lady's house and treat her like she's dirt? - No, ma'am, we don't.
- Well, then, you should both leave.
Look, lady, I am a cop - Ray, Ray.
The detective would like to apologize for his tone.
- I would? - Uh, yes you would, Ray.
He meant no disrespect.
My name is Constable Benton Fraser.
You first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of your daddy, and you stayed.
Ha, ha, ha, so did your daddy.
- Very perceptive.
You would be? Lolla.
Some call me Momma Lolla.
I work with Gerome.
- At the shipping depot? - No, in his other work.
His vodoun work.
Well, perhaps you could help us find Gerome.
- Gerome Laferette don't need to be found by you.
- Wouldn't he like to return home? When he's good and ready.
I see.
I understand.
Well, thank you.
Ray? Ray.
Thank you kindly for your time.
- OK, this is great.
So, how do we find the car? How the hell do we find this car? All in good time, Ray.
Good day, gentlemen.
- Gerome? Oh, he's a wonderful man.
He's an excellent worker.
Never late.
Never a problem.
That's why I couldn't understand why he didn't show up today.
I figured it might have something to do with his religious work or something.
- So you're aware of his involvement with vodoun? Oh, certainly, yeah.
I was born in New Orleans.
I, um, I'm very familiar with obeah, with voodoo, with loa.
I grew up with all that stuff.
It's not a bad thing.
It's actually quite fascinating.
It's uh It helps people to understand certain strange situations.
Keeps things settled down.
At least Gerome did.
Did he Is he really in trouble? I mean, real trouble.
- Big time.
- Don't know what I'll do without him.
- You have no idea where he might be? - For all I know, he could be in Haiti.
Eduardo! What are you doing here? Why you back so soon? - I feel better working.
Oh, man.
Are you sure? Yes, sir.
- There's anything I can do for you, you let me know, you understand? - Thank you, Mr.
- OK, you take care now.
His wife died six days ago.
Back to work already.
He's having a hard time, particularly with Gerome not around.
Why's that? - Well, ahem, when when one has a loss, one seeks the comfort of a priest.
Gerome's a good man.
You sure he did something bad? - Thank you kindly for your time.
- All right, no problem, gentlemen.
Some help.
I mean, how in hell is that going to help me find my car? Fra You sure this is it? - Well, Eduardo would have no reason to lie.
And Momma Lolla was practising for the nine-night ritual for his wife.
If Mr.
Laferette is as important as everyone says he is, it'll be his duty to attend.
- Still, it doesn't look like a church.
- Well, a church isn't simply a building, Ray.
It's a state of mind.
Excuse me, folks.
Chicago PD.
Gerome Laferette, you are under arrest.
Leave him! And leave this church.
- I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, Mr.
Tell me where my car is.
I don't remember.
- Not good enough.
- I was frightened.
I got off at Lakeshore, somewhere near the projects.
I think maybe I left it on Latimer or Western.
- Latimer? You left my car on Latimer, unguarded? They eat cars up on Latimer.
Stick him in the lockup till the feds get here.
A wolf.
A half-wolf, actually.
The interesting half.
The wild half that speaks to me.
- He does seem to respond to you.
- An understanding of wild things is important in my work.
- I assume you're not speaking of your shipping-depot work.
My real work.
Very interesting use of the flash powder at the ceremony today perhaps a bit obvious.
- There's showmanship in any religion.
True enough.
What the hell is that noise? What is she doing? - She's placing a curse on your station.
In here, who would notice? Go with Constable Fraser.
Put this man in a holding cell.
I'll tell the feds we've got their man.
Hey, you guys? Do you think this curse thing really affects me? I mean, I'm just a civilian aid and all.
- She cursed everyone who works here, and you work here, so Listen, I've heard of people just giving up and dying after they've been cursed.
- That's a mind-over-matter thing.
There's nothing real to that.
Hey, you're killed by a gun, you're killed by your mind, you're still dead.
Is that true? - No.
Your mind kills you, it's just psychosomatic.
OK, so you're not really dead.
Right, you just think you are.
I think.
No, not my car.
Come on.
Come on.
Thank you.
I'm good.
- It's not very comfortable, I'm afraid.
- I have been in far less comfortable places, Constable, as have you.
As have I.
May I ask you a question? Did vodoun have anything to do with the attempt on the lives of agents Goodfellow and Aaron Gobrah? - I have been a houngan since I was 25.
It is very early to become a priest in my country.
From my earliest days, I have been taught to revere all life and to do no harm.
Does that answer your question? - Then you didn't try to kill them? - Does it matter? - Gerome, you have a wife and a daughter.
Don't you want to return to them? You saw my daughter? No I saw her photograph in your apartment.
- There's nothing more I can say.
- You got a lot more you can say.
Like where's my car, and how come I'm being followed by, uh, skeletons? - I don't know what you're talking about.
- You can sit there till you figure it out.
How's that? It's fine.
I won't be in here long.
- I'm getting a coffee, Jack.
You want one? Mm, black, no cream.
Man Aahh! Ah! Jeez! Frase, it's working.
What's working? The curse! Look.
- Well, Francesca, there have been lunchroom incidents before.
I don't think a curse is Fraser, I can feel it.
Right here.
Can you feel it? Uh, I feel something.
- It's like a dark hole burning its way through my heart.
- Francesca, best not to get worked up.
You see, our minds have the capacity - No, it's a curse.
We have to do something.
- Like lock you up in one of them rooms with rubber furniture.
Vecchio, Constable Fraser.
Where is he? Oh, my God, it's a werewolf.
- Uh, no, it's not a werewolf, it's Diefenbaker.
My companion is half-wolf.
- What's his problem? - I'm not sure.
Although he ate some lard at the Consulate kitchen.
Usually, that just leads to flatulence.
Flatulence? Farting, Ray.
Oh, dear.
- All right, what can you tell me? - Well, he's dead.
- I know he's dead.
What about an autopsy? - Mort does the autopsies.
He's out of town for a couple days.
What about a cause of death? - Looks to me like his heart stopped beating.
- Why did his heart stop beating? - Maybe he was sick or something.
- Maybe he was sick or something? - Maybe.
Mort could probably tell you more.
- Look, Mort's not here.
You're here.
And I need an expert opinion.
- If you're looking for a bunch of words like myocardial whatsadosis or whatever, you're asking the wrong person.
- Don't play games with me.
- Oh, she's not.
Mert's an expert in her field, though that field has nothing to do with medicine.
We remain very proud of her as a member of our cleaning staff.
You'll get a full investigation.
- Who was the last to see him? - It was I.
- So that pretty much rules out foul play.
- Unless someone came after the constable.
- No, Diefenbaker was there all the time.
You think the wolf did it? - Diefenbaker would not have allowed anyone to harm Mr.
I can assure you of that.
- Great.
Guy dies, but don't worry, 'cause the last person to see him has a red suit, and we got a dog for a witness.
He's a wolf, actually.
- We'll send somebody to get the body.
We've got medical techs who work all night.
Mmm! Dief.
Have it your own way.
Oh, wonderful.
- It is quite beautiful, isn't it? You know, Lieutenant, I think it might be a good idea to have someone assigned to watch the body.
- Watch the body? You think it's going to turn into a zombie? Possibly.
- Let's see if I got this straight.
Somewhere during the course of the night, Gerome Laferette, who for all intents and purposes was dead, got up off a gurney, then wandered the halls unnoticed by half-a-dozen or so police officers, and walked out of the building? That about the size of it? That's very good.
Pretty good.
- You guys are something else.
You screwed up our arrest, killed our prisoner, and now you've lost the body.
Not lost.
- It'll turn up.
Bodies have a habit of doing that.
- Yeah, unless, of course, they've been zombified, in which case, they walk the earth with this strange demeanour.
- I wish I shared your confidence.
But Agent Gobrah and I will handle it from here.
- I can't let you do that.
- Oh, you can't? Mm-hmm, and it's personal.
- Personal? Very personal for all of us.
- I have to think of the reputation of this station.
- And I must locate the whereabouts of my lifelong companion.
I got to find my car.
It's a classic.
It's in here somewhere.
OK, OK, here it is.
OK, so you take the cow's blood and you mix it with the graveyard dirt.
- Graveyard dirt? From the graveyard at midnight.
- I got blood at Tony's Cold Meats, so it's nice and fresh.
You guys are out of your minds.
Voodoo is a religion.
You can't learn it from a book.
What about the Bible? - That's different.
- We're not hurting anybody, OK? It's a precaution.
So now we need the powder.
Miss Vecchio.
- Yes, sir? - What's all this paraphernalia? - OK, this is anti-curse paraphernalia, OK? You got your graveyard dirt, some special powder, and some cow's blood, which I'm not absolutely sure about 'cause it seems to indicate here that we should drink it - I want this out of my station immediately.
- Yeah, but what about the curse? - If it's not out of here in two seconds, you'll face the curse of unemployment.
Ohhh! Sorry, sir, sorry.
See? It's getting worse.
- Come on, throw the blood on the skull.
- But, uh - Do it! - Shouldn't I let it breathe a little? - Just pour it! Raymond.
I didn't think you were here.
I didn't see the car in the lot.
I know.
You see the car got - Got what? - Boring.
You know, driving in every day.
So I'm trying to get some exercise.
Exercise? - A couple of mornings a week, I run in.
It gets the cardio going.
It's You run in your work clothes? - Yeah, well, it's cold and it warms 'em up.
Well, I'll, uh, pick up the camshaft, swing by your place No! 'cause that's way too much trouble.
Why don't you wait for a day when I have the car here? What about tomorrow? You can't have it here tomorrow? Sure, Dad.
OK, tomorrow it is, then.
See you.
- Well, it kicks the hell out of your ego, people treating you like you got a bad smell.
- Perhaps we should go in alone.
- Good idea.
- Maybe we should take a shower.
The guy's dead, Fraser.
I don't really think he's going to be coming home for a visit.
- Well, if he was dead, that would be true.
- You don't really give in to this zombie stuff, do you? 'Cause, personally, I don't.
But you, that would be unmountie-like and unlogical.
- It depends on what you mean by "zombie," Ray.
- Uh, dead guy walking.
- That would be highly unlikely.
There are, however, certain drugs for example, the gland secretions of the bouga toad, they're a hundred times more powerful than digitalis, or puffer fish, which contains a tetrodotoxin.
Either of these would allow an individual to create a very convincing impression of death.
- Good enough to fool you? - Virtually undetectable.
- So you think he's faking it? - It would account for his leaving and for Diefenbaker's disappearance.
Why is your wolf hanging with the dead guy? Mr.
Laferette has a very powerful presence.
Diefenbaker's responding to that.
You are not needed here.
- We thought we could help.
- Can you find Gerome? - Mr.
Gutman, we are trying, yes.
- I just stopped by to see if I could be of any help to Lisa.
- That's very thoughtful.
- Mr.
Gutman has been very good to both Gerome and to myself.
- You only have the one other room? - If you're looking for Gerome, you won't find him here.
Mind if I look around? - May I ask why, Detective? - No.
Are you satisfied? They're never satisfied.
- I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am.
We are just trying to help.
- We don't need your help.
We're doing fine as we are.
I'm sure you are.
In the meantime, I'd like to thank you for feeding Diefenbaker.
I hope that this will cover it.
Heh, heh.
Oh, by the way, Mrs.
Laferette, Is your daughter home? - She's at school.
And a good thing, too.
In the words of Plato, a soul takes nothing with it to the other world save its education and its culture.
Thank you kindly.
- Fraser, what was that "feeding Diefenbaker" stuff? - I detected his scent the moment we entered the apartment.
- That means Laferette was in there too.
- Almost certainly.
- Well, let's go back there and bust them for harbouring a fugitive.
We have no proof.
- We got proof, Fraser.
You smelled the dog.
Smelled the dog.
Fraser, I think I've been working with you too long.
- Yeah, sure, Fraser, I'll check it out.
- You know what? I think we need more blood.
All right, more blood? - Yeah.
We just might.
It says right here.
What's that smell? Miss Vecchio, I seem to recall issuing an order regarding mumbo jumbo, as there will be no mumbo jumbo.
Does that ring a bell? - Yes, sir.
- All right.
Get rid of this stuff now.
And, you two, get back to work.
- I don't care what happened to their bus.
Get them out of here.
Forward, left, right, left, right, left Ow! Stop that guy.
Ahhh! Oh, my God.
Fire! - What's going on? - It's in the book.
Look! It says right here.
The book, uh? All right.
It's garbage, uh.
See? - Ahhh, ahhh.
- It's the curse.
Gutman's a weirdo.
- I detected an amount of tension in the apartment.
- He's clean, as far as we can tell.
- As far as you can tell? Why, you investigating him? We investigate everybody.
His name's come up a couple of times.
Nothing concrete.
Although a legitimate operation like Gutman's could be a good cover for a sweatshop.
Give you a way to distribute the product.
And the voodoo might be useful.
- The voodoo? - Yeah, he's kind of hyped on it.
- Hyped on voodoo.
- He did seem very knowledgeable.
- He's what those in voodoo circles would refer to as a "hangan.
" A houngan? That's what I said.
- Ah, right.
- Not a lot of white guys ever get that far into it.
- Is that why he employed Gerome? - Yeah, I guess.
Laferette never talked that much about him.
Never talked about him at all.
Yeah, it's me.
Where's Frase? Here.
- Hey, Frase, that Laferette girl, she didn't go to school today.
She hasn't been there all week.
- Thank you kindly, Francesca.
I think we should have another conversation with Mrs.
Ha, fireworks.
Gun! - Hold it right there, Laferette.
Dief! Dief's deaf.
Good point, Ray.
You all right? Yeah.
You sure you're OK? Yeah, I'm fine.
- I ask because you're on fire.
- Oh.
Another gimmick? - Well, the fire was real enough.
- What are you saying? It was magic? - Lighter fluid.
This may not sound particularly logical, Ray, but judging from the intense and immediate bond that he and Diefenbaker have formed, I believe Gerome is trying to do the right thing.
- So that includes stealing cars and taking pot shots at cops? You got a lot to learn about civics, Fraser.
- As usual, no one saw anything, including the fire.
- Hey, you know, you blink, you miss a big wall of fire.
Look, he planned the whole deal escape route, everything.
- Where did you find this? - Uh, Fraser found it over th there.
Leave this alone.
You don't know what you're messing with.
I know that you're frightened, and that Mrs.
Laferette is frightened.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I'm talking about Gerome's daughter.
- Nobody's doing nothing to Marie.
Then perhaps I could see her.
I can't let Gerome kill someone or be killed himself.
I don't think you could do that either.
I've been working on him.
I've been working on him hard.
Gutman? Ha.
He's a bokor.
Broker, like a stockbroker? - No, it's bokor, Ray.
A practitioner of black magic.
- Gutman uses voodoo to control the folks working in his sweatshops.
The dark side of vodoun.
- Oh, and this is the light side? - See, you fight the dark with the dark.
I don't like it, but that's the only way it works.
But Gutman's too strong for me.
I can't control him.
And Gerome won't.
Because Gutman has his daughter, and in exchange for her safety, Gerome was ordered to kill two federal agents.
He's afraid.
- So we got to put a hurting on him.
What do you want, Lolla? To bring you this.
You're doing this to me? Gerome's doing it.
- He's bluffing.
It would cost him too much.
Maybe, maybe not.
I'm just delivering the message.
He got the message.
- Good.
- Good? - Mr.
Gutman now believes that Mr.
Laferette is no longer afraid of him.
- So? - Well, he'll wonder why.
That should lead us to Marie.
- You know, she's a sweet little girl.
You know, and I'm going to work it.
You find his govi.
We will.
Govi, what's a govi? - It's a vessel in which he keeps his pwin or his spirits.
It's symbolic of his power.
Let's go.
- What's she doing, what's she doing laying down like that? Get her up.
Get her back to work.
What is that? What is that look? What is that? What, you resent me? Is that it? Is that it, you all resent me? Don't you have any gratitude? What do you people want? You want to go back home? You want to go back home? I'll send you back, back to the Tontons Macoutes with the long knives and the knock on the door in the middle of the night when they come and take your babies! Bayoba, is that what you want? Get back to work.
Papa! Papa Shango! What's the matter with them? They're afraid.
Fraser, what are you doing? His govi.
Tell me where my daughter is.
Tell me now.
Or I will kill you.
Laferette, put the gun down.
He is an evil man.
You won't shoot me, Gerome.
I've got your daughter.
Listen to the bokor, Gerome.
Gerome, put the gun down.
We can work this thing out.
What are you looking for? A trigger mechanism.
Yeah, here we go.
Daddy? Marie! Here you go.
Here's your poppa.
- He's on his own recognizance.
He'll be able to cut a deal.
He shouldn't do any jail time.
It's been a real slice.
Of what? He's Canadian.
Catch you later.
Raymond, pitter-patter, let's get at her.
Daylight's burning.
- Dad, I got, um something to tell you.
What is it, son? The car.
It's not here I lent it to a guy for the weekend so he could take photos of it for this magazine called Black Old Classic Cars.
So - Look me in the eye and tell me that again.
Police called your apartment while your mother was ironing shirts.
You parked it beside a hydrant.
I got it out of the pound.
It's outside.
It's OK, I'll Anyway, there's no need to lie to us, you know.
Your mother and I are fully functioning adults.
We can we can handle the truth.
- Remember that antique lamp that I said the cat broke? It was me.
Ah, I know, son.
- And that time after school where I had the black eye.
That did not happen at gym.
That, uh I got in a fight.
I know, son.
- Remember when I was 14, the station wagon went missing? Yeah.
That was me.
You stupid son of a bitch.
OK, so the curse is lifted? Well, what about the grass? That's not normal.
- Oh, I just threw around some seeds, and somebody starts watering them.
So there was never a curse? - If it was that easy, everybody would be doing it.
There was no curse.
- I have to thank you, Constable.
- There's no need.
It's not necessary.
Just make sure you keep your gros bon ange healthy.
And you.
Well, it's your decision.
I mean, you are familiar with the concept of free will.
It's up to you.
Thank you kindly.
Hungry? Get it yourself.
High winds northern sky Will carry you away You know you have to leave here You wish that you could stay There's four directions on this map But you're only going one way Due South That's the way I'm going Due South Saddle up my travelling shoes I'm bound to walk away these blues Due South
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