The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e06 Episode Script

Home Punch Home

What in the Big Bloop
is going on out here?
Oh no. They've been
bitten by snickersnakes.
We gotta cover them in tar
before they lose their minds!
Ugga! Get the tar!
It's not snickersnakes.
The hee-hee berries are
hee-hee ripe, so we sing
the hee-hee song
while we hee-hee pick them.
Why are you talking like that?
Because I hee-hee have to.
If I don't,
it hee-hee hurts
Phil's feelings.
I hee-hee hate it.
Well, I hee-hee love it!
What is this
hammer-head horseplay?
We're picking hee-hee berries,
Mom. Wanna come?
Hit the sticks
or get hit with a stick!
Ah! Ah!
Do we have to do it
in the elevator?
The hee-hee berries are gone!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
What hee-hee happened here?
Punch monkeys!
That's what hee-hee happened.
And they can't be far away
because they just left.
We know that, Grug,
because we just saw them leave.
Also, you can tell when an
animal left by tasting the dirt?
No. Why?
there's only one way
to avenge this hee-hee heist.
We need to hee-hee hit them
where it hee-hee hurts!
Yeah! Let's bring the hee-hee
heat to the punch monkeys!
And drop the hee-hee hammer
on them!
Can we please stop
saying "hee-hee"
since the hee-hee
berries are gone?
Very well, but we're still
going to make
the punch monkeys pay
for this transgression.
And then what?
And then what, what?
Well, that's what we did
when the punch monkeys
took our
bounceberries, right?
And when they took our
chickenseal eggs.
And our pies.
You deserved better, pies
And when they
broke mirror-window!
Wait. No. That was me.
Hey, Phil, can you fix
The point is counterattacking
the punch monkeys
is what we alwaysdo.
But it hasn't solved
the problem,
so we need to
try a new approach.
Good thinking.
I'll get the tar.
No, no tar.
I've got a better idea.
Uh, I don't get it.
The punch monkeys took our food.
So now, we're bringing them
more food to punish them?
Yes, because this food
is poisoned.
Well played, Ugga.
I underestimated you.
The food isn't poisoned.
Right Plausible deniability.
No, it's not poisoned.
Incredibly spicy?
Too much salt?
They're just delicious pies
because we're bringing them
a peace offering.
Pies? Why did it
have to be pies?
Because they like pies.
So do I!
I think it's a nice gesture.
I mean, who doesn't like
getting pies?
But can pies
bridge this divide?
The pies are just a way
to start a conversation.
Ha! And what will you say,
You speak Punch Monkey
like Grug eats bananas!
Without success.
Aw, banana bad.
I don't need to speak
Punch Monkey, Phil. Guy does.
True, but that doesn't mean
they'll listen to me
any more than Thunk
is listening to us right now.
Isn't that right, Thunk?
Autumn is my favorite
time of year.
I think it's a great idea!
You do?
Sure! It's a perfect
distraction for a sneak attack.
While you're smackin' your gums,
I'll be crackin' their skulls!
That's the spirit!
That's not why
we're doing this.
Yeah! We're doing this
to mess with their heads!
No! We're doing this
to be friendly
because friends don't steal
from each other.
You make a valid point.
I mean, we're all friends, and
we don't steal from each other.
Wait! Where did my banana go?
Is that my banana?!
What banana?
Aw! Banana sad!
Well, I don't think
this will work,
but we've tried everything else,
so what do we have to lose?
Oh, I don't know. The rest of
our food, the farm, our lives
Thanks for the help, Guy.
Whoa! What is this place?
It's Punch Monkey Village.
What? Why are we here?
Thunk, were you not listening
when we discussed our plan?
Isn't that right, Thunk? Thunk?
Oh no! Someone
just said my name!
Say something, Thunk!
Something smooth so
they'll never know you
weren't listening.
Autumn is my favorite
time of year.
Ha-ha, they bought it!
Oh, no!
II definitely heard the plan,
but what do youthink
the plan was?
She bought it!
This place gives me the creeps.
Why? Is it the bad memories?
Or all the bones?
Or the fact that there's only
one way out?
Thanks, Guy-boy.
Now I have more reasons.
Maybe it's all
the punch monkeys
watching us.
They've had their
beady little eyes on us
since we breached the perimeter.
You know what?
Now that we're here, I think we
should turn around and go home.
Why? Is it the dread
in the air?
The possibility that you may
never leave this place?
Orthe realization that we've
wandered into hostile territory
without an invitation
or protection?
You're right.
I'll stop doing that.
I hate to say it,
but Guy's right. We should go.
I hate to say it,
but Grug's right. We should go.
I hate to say it,
but we can't go.
He's asking who speaks for us.
Well, this was
Ugga's idea, so
I'll speak. Guy, you translate.
We know you took
the hee-hee berries,
but that's water
under the bridge.
We are here to make peace.
And as a gesture of goodwill,
we brought you these pies.
Why pies?! Why?!
My pies! My!
Bye, pie, bye.
That feels like
a "no" on peace.
Indeed, which means
we're in trouble.
It's a good thing
I like trouble.
Yeah, this is my
kind of peace talk.
As in someone ends up in pieces!
Time to finish this
once and for all.
No, no, no.
We have to stick to the plan
or this will never end.
Bah! We gave your way a chance.
Now, we're doing this myway!
So, I guess it's my way
or the pie way, huh?
Whoa. Who is that?
And where did she get
that amazing staff?
Guy, ask her.
She's their queen, and she wants
to know why we're here.
Tell her we want
our stuff back!
Starting with
the hee-hee berries!
Or maybe,
you two learn how to speak
this rich and mysterious
language and tell her yourself!
Guy, can you tell her
we're here to end our feud
and make peace?
What did she say? Is it bad?
Say something, Guy-boy!
She said if we really
want peace,
we can prove it by experiencing
how punch monkeys live.
So, she invited us to stay here
to learn the way of the punch.
Oh no, they're fighting!
Look what we did!
We're monsters!
Actually, they're just talking,
but easy mistake 'cause
punch monkeys.
Those punch monkeys are saying
they think this is a bad idea.
But the queen is saying,
"As your leader, I feel this is
the best move for all of us
as a community."
"And now that punch monkey
is saying
"that while they may not agree
with the queen,
they respect her authority."
And now I'm saying
this is a terrible idea.
Come on, guys.
This is a huge breakthrough!
Let's live like punch monkeys.
Spring is also
a lovely time of year.
Nice, me. You are killing it.
May I please borrow
your coconut?
She's good!
Coconut is not an easy word.
That wasn't so hard.
And the first step in getting
along is communicating. Dawn?
You're next.
I don't know.
I just don't feel right
about punching them.
That's how they talk, Dawn.
They wantyou to punch them.
Really? Uh, okay.
May I
please borrow
your coconut?
Why isn't he
giving me the coconut?
He can't hear you.
You have to speak up.
Okay. Gimme the coconut!
He heard that.
Hey! It worked!
: No!
Well, that was
really nice of her.
But not so nice
of the other monkeys.
Not exactly feeling
the punch-love, Mom.
Just give it time, Eep.
We're in this
for the long punch.
This is Punchicus,
the first punch monkey.
Oh! According to legend
he was cornered by
facing certain death.
Oh! But instead of
giving up-Oh!
He punched his way
to freedom.
So began the way
of the punch. Oh!
Punch monkeys
fight ramacondas, too.
Isn't that interesting, Mom?
Not even a little!
Animals fight other animals.
Welcome to the jungle, baby.
Oh! Punchicus is
revered as a hero
by all punch monkeys
who leave tribute
before this sacred statue
to honor his memory
each and every day.
Cool statue.
Uh how'd that happen?
That was weird, right?
Guy, tell them Grug is sorry.
They don't accept the apology.
Okay. Who's next?
how can we be friends with
the punch monkeys if we can't
Maybe we don't wanna be friends.
What's that, Grug? You wanna
learn to speak Punch Monkey?
What? I don't remember
saying that!
Guy, how long did it
take you to learn Punch Monkey?
Well, the longer you take,
the more you get punched.
So, not too long.
Okay, this is how you say
Banana?! Yes!
That's my kind of punch word!
Go on, monkey.
Give me your best banana blow.
Oh! Okay, got it.
Ooh! I said I got it!
I got it!
Why is this guy punching me?
I guess they really want you
to learn how to say banana.
Yeah, this isn't about bananas.
It's about payback
for the statue.
Great! Now, I hate bananas!
Well, this is uncomfortable.
It's not that bad.
I mean, pillows would be nice
or softer rocks.
Sure! So we can all drift off
to Snoozy Meadows, and then
Bam! Those monkeys let
the fist flurry fly!
No, Mom. This is
a ceremonial punch performance.
It's a rare honor never before
shared with outsiders,
so let's all be quiet
and respectful, please.
They said it was a performance
because if they said
it was a trap,
it wouldn't be a trap!
Gran! We're supposed
to be quiet.
Ooh! Why are you shushing me?
She's the one
who's talking. Huh?
See? They're gonna
tie us up with those vines!
Told you it was a trap!
Not today, fur-fists!
It's graceful. It's hypnotic.
It's punch poetry.
It's confusing.
Who's the good guy and who's
the bad guy?
Guys, keep it down.
We're trying to build a bridge,
not blow it up.
Ah! Why are you shushing me?!
She's the one who's talking!
It's even better on
this bone window I found!
No! Bone window!
Oh! Thank you.
Okay, Gran. He's going
to ask you
if you'd care to dance.
He can try, but he's not
going to like the answer.
Mom, for the last time,
these aren't fight-punches.
These are talk-punches.
Talk-punches, huh? In that
case, I got a lot to say
You know what?
Maybe that's enough for today.
Looks like you got off easy,
but I'll be watching.
I'm not doing that.
Come on! It'll be fun!
It's the way of the punch!
I wish they'd learn
the way of the napkin.
If we want to build
a friendship, we need to
play ball with dinner.
Mm! See? Mm, it's good.
Ugga, in case you've forgotten,
I'm a civilized human being.
I live in a tree house. Where
are the forks and the spoons
and the plates?
Only animals eat like this!
I love
eating like this!
Bring the heat, Thunk!
Oh, how delightful.
Sorry. Still working
on my dinner aim.
Dinner time, Dawn!
Eat this, Eep!
Dawn, we don't play with
our food, so stop before
someone gets--
Oh! Sorry, Hope.
My papaynapple pitching
needs work.
Oh, it does? In that case,
let me show you how it's done!
Phil do something!
Of course, dear.
You are my everything.
I would do anything
to protect you!
You'll have to go through me
to get to her!
And I'm going to hide,
so good luck finding me!
Why is this so hard
for everyone?
If we don't find a way to
get along, this will never end.
They'll keep stealing from us,
and we'll keep attacking them.
And it'll just keep
going and going and going.
Is that what you want?
No. What I want is to go home.
As do
I. I'm afraid this attempt
to overcome
our differences
was doomed before it started.
Because we'rehumans,
and they'repunch monkeys.
I hate to agree with Phil.
You hate to agree with Phil,
No but. That's it.
Fine. We can go home.
Really? Yes!
Sure. Just as soon as
you all grow up
and find a way to make peace
with the punch monkeys.
Now, let's go get some sleep!
So, it seems punch monkeys
simply sleep
wherever they land,
without a care for comfort.
Or a bed. I need
a bed to sleep.
Until we found the farm,
we went our whole lives
without beds and slept fine.
Yeah, but I just got used
to sleeping in a bed.
This is too much
sleep change for me.
Maybe the rocks will soften up
if we're nice to them?
Nice rock.
As long as they have
a couch here, I'm good.
Pretty sure they don't
have couches.
Ah! Really need to work on
turning myself into a couch.
You gotta have dreams, T-bone.
If you think I'm going
to close my eyes
around these
punchy pirates,
you're as twisted as they are!
All I'm hearing is complaining.
None of you are trying.
So, sleep on a rock or on
the ground or on each other.
I don't care! But, I'm done!
Maybe this was a mistake.
Maybe humans and punch monkeys
can't get along.
Maybe we shouldgo home.
And maybe I should stop
talking to myself.
Oh! Wow, that was close!
You saved my life.
Thank you.
Oh, right. You have no idea
what I'm saying.
Why can't
we make peace?
Oh, sorry. I meant peace.
Okay, yeah, I think you're
saying, um,
punch monkeys
and humans
are just different.
From the start,
we didn't get along.
But that doesn't mean
we can't get along.
But how? We don't trust you,
and you don't trust us.
It's hopeless.
As Punchicus said,
"Nothing is hopeless.
You can overcome
"if you keep punching.
That's the way of the punch."
So tomorrow, we punch again?
By harvesting coconuts
So, cooperating to get something
we all want.
That makes sense.
Coconuts. That's what I said.
Yes! Coconuts!
Oh! Ha-ho nuts.
Still getting
the hang of punch talk.
Are those like coconuts?
Better than coconuts? And better
than hee-hee berries?
Sold! Let's do this.
Good morning, everyone.
Grug! Get off of us,
you heaping slug-opotomus!
It's like I slept on a rock.
Because I slept on a rock.
Still better than sleeping
on a bunch of bones.
We've got a big day
ahead of us.
Now, I know
none of you wanna be here, but--
No, Mom.
We talked about what you said,
and we agreed you were right.
We need to try harder.
Something's got to change,
and that something is us.
And I guess it wouldn't
be the worst thing that
ever happened
if I figured out how to make
peace with the punch monkeys.
That's the spirit!
I'm going to be so friendly,
those punch monkeys are gonna
wish they never met me!
Thanks, guys. This is
for the best. For everyone.
Now, let's go harvest
some ha-ho nuts!
Ha-ho nuts are a staple
of the punch monkey diet,
and they were nice enough
to invite us to their
ha-ho harvest.
And, apparently, they're even
better than hee-hee berries.
Ha-ho-hold on!
Better than hee-hee berries?
I am in!
Do you ha-ho-know
what this means?
It means we can sing
the hee-hee song!
But with less hee-hee
and more ha-ho!
No! We are notdoing that!
She says the ha-ho nuts
are at the top of the trees.
But you probably didn't
need me to tell you that
'cause the pointing.
No, Guy. We didn't.
Actually, I did. Thanks.
What are we waiting for?!
Let's ho-ho-go!
Sorry. Let's go!
No. We're doing this
withthe punch monkeys.
Together. Because that's
the way of the punch.
And that'show we make peace.
Now, dear, the trick to
climbing trees is don't let go.
Ah! You're stepping on my face!
I thought monkeys
knew how to climb.
Now, watch and learn.
Phil! You're stepping
on myface!
Honest mistake, dear.
I'll just move my
foot over here. Mm?
Ah, this tree's a lot shorter
than it looked from the ground.
Oh no!
I'm losing my grip!
Right behind you.
Who am I kidding?
This was over before it started.
We're doing it! We're doing it!
But they're doing that!
Three of us with one nut!
Not bad!
I've fallen out of
enough trees to
forget what I was gonna say.
Time to head home!
Please, everyone!
We just have to keep punching.
I mean climbing!
This isn't over yet!
Wait! Look! Sandy
and that kid punch monkey
are doing it!
What did she say?
She said humans are delicious
with the right sauce.
Hold on. I got that wrong.
What she really said was
she's never seen a human
climb like that.
Hey! I speak Punch Monkey!
You know, if those two kids can
come together and be friends,
I think the rest of us can--
Oh no!
Don't worry. We'll bring
your baby ho-ho-home.
Drop that punch monkey!
Yeah! Or we'll drop you!
Wrong choice, eelgle!
All wrong!
Can't drop, won't drop!
Woo! Woo-hoo!
Hugs are a good thing
in punch-talk, right?
Mm. The best.
Fine, but don't get used to it.
This is a one-time punch.
Thank you for
welcoming us into
your home
and teaching us
the way of the punch.
We have learned that
while we're different,
we don't have to
be at odds.
We just have to
keep punching.
It's the first step
toward turning enemies
into friends.
Hey! It's the hee-hee berries!
And our bounceberries!
And our chickenseal eggs!
And my pies!
And our carts!
So, wehave to push these carts
all the way back to the farm?
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