The Unit s04e06 Episode Script


Previously on The Unit.
My orders are to involve the women in this room in the investigation.
They want to use Molly to make contact with Susan, learn what you can about her.
Admitting you have a problem is nothing to be ashamed of.
- I don't have a problem.
- That's what I said.
I'll be sober 10 years next month.
I can help you if you want.
- I think that- - Stand down.
When the mission is over, put it down, and this mission is over.
My name is Molly, and I'm an alcoholic.
Look, I've talked to a divorce lawyer already.
You don't get divorced in the Unit.
When an officer sleeps with a shooter's wife, then he's executed.
That's the Unit code.
Did that code change, Top? All things end in judgment.
Mack? Mack? No.
Mack? What do you intend to do with that weapon, soldier? You monster! You murderer! I loved him! I loved him! Hey, Top.
Check that out.
How 'bout that? Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
We've got too many wires for too few fuses.
You're good.
Struck gold.
Multiple E.
Enough to flood the entire tunnel.
This blows during rush hour, they'll be diving for dead for a month.
Sit him down.
Wake up! Come on.
Wake up.
Come on.
Wake up! - Get out of here.
- What did you give me? - How long was I out? - Tell me about your bomb.
What group are you with? - How did you get your orders? - I'm not.
Your name is Zafar Khalid.
You study electrical engineering at M.
You came here to wage a war on my country.
Now tell me something that I don't know.
You were photographed at the site.
- What's in your bag? - My laptop.
You've got lead residue on your fingers, phosgene on your clothes.
- There were tubes- - No, that's the wrong answer! The right answer is, "Why are you holding me?" How fast is that metal charge? - What triggers it? - I don't- My men are with the device right now trying to disarm it.
When is it set to go off? I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm just a student.
- You are a foreign national.
- No, call my professor.
You are a foreign national who planted a bomb on U.
soil! You are on the battlefield.
You are a prisoner of war! - You don't get a phone call.
- I don't know anything about bombs.
You have a bomb set to explode, to flood the tunnel and drown thousands.
How do you defuse that bomb? - Don't make me raise my voice.
- I'm telling you the truth.
I will drag you down there! - Did they get out? - I don't know.
Snake Doc? Snake Doc? Betty Blue? Come in, Snake Doc.
Snake Doctor, come in! Snake Doctor, come in! - You killed my friends.
- Sergeant! You killed God knows how many others! - Stand down! Do not hurt him! - You killed them all! - What is your problem? - Stand down! Do not hurt him! Get off me.
Get off me.
to identify.
We're waiting for a signal to back down.
- Hey.
This one's dead.
Find me a fresh one and a cup of coffee.
- I'll see what I can do.
- Where do you want these, ma'am? - Khalid's boxes, on my desk.
Reports indicate flooding inside the Ted Williams Highway.
- It's a tunnel.
- Sorry.
I, uh, know this is important.
Not for a newscaster.
Just play your part.
Keep rehearsing.
- You buy me as a grieving comrade? - I did.
Didn't know you cared.
I didn't really, until I lost you both in the explosions.
- I was moved.
- How does he look? - Normal, considering.
- Anything off the bomb I can use? Uh, stuck together with foam connectors.
It was below the craft of an M.
Like our guest.
- Mm-hmm.
What about the video footage? - Uh, ready in two.
- Let's hear the sirens.
- Start 'em up.
Hundreds of civilians presumed dead.
I was here with you.
- Six American servicemen- my friends-You murdered them.
- No.
I have to tell their kids that their fathers aren't coming home tonight.
- Who helped you? - I did nothing.
No? Breaking news.
Our city has come under attack.
Look at that.
Is that nothing? Reports indicate massive flooding inside the Ted Williams Tunnel.
First responders are already on site, assessing the damage.
- Traffic cameras stayed online only a second- - This is your work.
before being submerged in water.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, are missing.
- You're gonna tell me everything.
- My girlfriend.
making his way now to the scene.
- My girlfriend uses that.
- She helped you do this? - My girlfriend uses that tunnel.
- I need to speak to her.
- No.
I am the only person left on your Earth.
- She could be hurt.
I beg you.
- You killed my friends.
Now give me yours, or God help me.
I'm sorry, but I didn't kill them.
Please! What? Oh, God, no.
They were- You make up your mind.
When I come back here, you are gonna tell me everything I need.
Stay together! No tells.
No slipups.
Championship Texas Hold 'Em.
- Yeah.
He's a good liar.
- Or he's innocent.
No, he's lying.
But I'm better.
Five hours before the bomb was set to go off.
Five hours before they realize we defused it.
If we're gonna I.
these accomplices before they scatter like little mice- That's how much time you got to prove your thesis.
# Give me your secrets Bring me a sign # # Give me a reason to walk the fire # # See another dawn # # Through a daughter's eyes # # You give me a reason to walk the fire ## Go! Move! - Anything? - All clear! - Tear it apart.
- You got it.
- You're Zafar Khalid's girlfriend? - Where is he? - How long have you been seeing him? - He's done nothing wrong.
- How do you know? - He's done nothing wrong.
That's not an answer to my question.
Well, here's the answer to your question.
Our totalitarian government's not content to simply wiretap law abiding citizens.
So you're rounding up the innocents so the red states see their tax dollars at work.
What's a little racial profiling as long as the hunters get their guns and the oilmen get their tax breaks? Oh, please, tell me more about my part in the racial profiling.
When I see a Muslim man, I see a man not some bug-eyed terrorist.
- What do you see? - Oh, 'cause I'm blinded by racial intolerance? - That's right.
- I tell you what.
- How long have you been seeing Zafar Khalid? - Where is he? You help me clear him, you'll see him soon.
- What gives you the right to detain him? - You living with the guy? He's at my place most of the time.
But he's not there now, because you've kidnapped him.
It's clear so far.
Her apartment has an overview of the tunnel.
- Your place have a view? - You can see the harbor.
Tunnel entrance, traffic patterns, security.
He was clocking the target from the balcony.
Your prince spend much time looking out your window? He'd sit on the balcony.
Why would he do that? He'd write poetry on the balcony.
- Ever show you his work? - No.
- Why not? - He's a perfectionist.
I imagine he is.
Well, the man is a poet, but he ain't gonna win no prizes.
What was Khalid doing today? He wanted me home a little after 5:00.
He said he had a special surprise.
- How do you get home? - I take the Ted.
He would've blown her to pieces.
Well, that's one way to break up.
Amy O'Byrne? She's your sweetheart? She's safe? She got stuck in traffic.
She never made it into the tunnel.
- Let me speak to her.
- You know what? Drop it.
Drop the act.
Okay? It's over.
- Please.
- You know what you are? You're a piece of vermin.
- You glommed on to that girl to use her and then kill her.
- I love her.
- She's beautiful.
- She's a naive, easy target.
All right? You used her for her balcony to plan your attack.
- I didn't use her.
- She said you had a big surprise for her.
To get her into that tunnel when it blew? I'm not involved in this.
As soon as she saw the carnage, she put it all together.
You don't kill a thousand people to keep your mouth shut.
You do it to send a message.
What's your message? Fine.
You'll never get your glory.
- The big surprise.
- What? The big surprise.
You asked me about the big surprise.
All right.
I wanted Amy home early because I was going to propose.
Son of a bitch.
Denial's a funny thing.
You get used to it like a ratty old purse you just can't get rid of.
Well, you get rid of the purse, you're free to buy a new one.
Does it get any easier? No.
But you get to tell the truth.
I'll see you later.
Are you kidding me? What are you doing? No, this was not my idea! What? I don't want to have to do this again.
Are you happy now? I don't want to have to do this again either.
You don't need to come at me like this.
- I don't want to have this argument with you.
- This can't be happening again.
- You know what? I am not- - Is there a problem? Um, I forgot to give Bryant and his wife an invitation so I was just hand delivering it.
It's not a problem.
It's my fault.
- My best to Ruth.
- Thanks.
I'll see you soon.
Is that what it was or what it seemed? What it was.
Thanks for caring.
What were you doing with Isaac's boss's wife? - She thinks I'm an alcoholic.
- Why would she think that? Because she's an alcoholic, and I told her I was, too so that she could be my sponsor to get close to her.
Colonel Ryan said the investigation is over.
- His investigation's over.
- Molly.
I saw something unusual when she handed it to him.
Susan said it was an invitation.
She called him Bryant, referred to his wife as Ruth.
Kim, I think I just saw a dead drop.
- We should let the colonel know.
- What are we gonna tell him? That I saw someone give someone else something? They went by fake names.
Hell, we're going by fake names! We need to get that envelope.
See how they're connected.
Tiffy Rae, Tiffy Rae.
What's the lie you'll tell today? What are you doing? Passing the time.
Chasing angels in our church.
I thought you were going in today.
I did.
Ryan showed me some mercy, let me go early.
Guess you had plans.
You look pretty, angel.
Let go of me.
Well, it appears that I should've learned to do that a long time ago, and I didn't.
You want to secure your toy? You getting careless? Our kids still live here.
I wasn't a proper husband to you.
- Nobody's keeping score anymore.
- I desecrated our marriage.
I slept with other women.
A couple overseas.
Didn't mean much.
- Though I guess now- - I don't want to hear it.
And Crystal.
Crystal Burns in her car.
Well I guess this is what the end feels like.
If it is, I just can't end it on a lie.
I gotta go out the way I came in.
And how's that? With my heart open and my sins accounted for.
All right.
What do you intend to do with the gun? You don't confess your sins without atoning for 'em.
I forgive you, Mack.
You forgive me, I don't have my hand on a firearm? Yeah.
I forgive you.
Now let that be, and let's talk.
Nothing here but dead ends.
You search his car? You search his locker? - That's right.
- His laptop? That's right.
And his receipts, his travel documents.
All his correspondence.
And everything else and so forth by the manual.
Who are they? - Friends of Khalid's.
- Get their names, where they're from? I only met them once, very briefly.
I thought you knew everything about your boyfriend.
- I know they're his friends.
- But you don't know who they are.
Khalid never let them meet me.
- And why is that? - Out of respect for their faith.
I'm a woman.
We're not married.
His friends are observant.
Khalid know you took the picture? I took it as a memento.
They are my friends from school.
- Where did you get this photograph? - From engineering school? - That's right.
- What are their names? - How is this your concern? - You're a prisoner of war.
Your fellow combatants are my only concern.
What are their names? You don't want Amy around them because they're devout.
Is that correct? They prefer the virgins in the sky to real women on American soil? They believe you must only take your wife into your bed.
You believe that too? Are you a fundamentalist? I'm not as observant as others.
Then how can you be friends with them? They don't even accept your girlfriend.
- They're- - Why do they accept you? - They give me a taste of my homeland.
- Uh-huh.
- My culture.
They're- - No, I get it.
I get it.
You like them.
But why do they like you? If they built a bomb, it was without me.
He says he knew them from school.
Nizar Yunis and Saleh Ali.
They're teacher's assistants.
Take 'em alive.
Put your weapons down, or the next one will hurt! No! Damn it! Look at this.
Handled explosives.
Nizar Yunis.
How much you wanna bet those copper disks was made on this? I wish I could ask 'em.
- What if Khalid is who he says he is? - Make the case.
His friends were suicidal.
Killed themselves for the cause.
He didn't.
That means he's a terrorist and an egoist.
Well, ifhe isn't, we're wasting our time on him while the real guys get away.
Two hours, 20.
Khalid and his friends were trained to shoot, to talk smooth and to create a cover.
If there's someone else, it's a coach.
Not a coach, cell leader.
Let's shake the trees, see what falls out.
- You recognize anything? - Should I? You didn't want to tell me about your friends, and now they're dead.
You satisfied? - You killed them? - No, the police found them.
They'd been executed.
- Who would want to do that? - When? How? The top of the bomb was made on a welder exactly like the ones that your friends- exactly like the one you rented out.
Many students rented that machine.
It's part of our education.
But it was your friends who made a bomb with it.
I- I took it out for them as a favor.
They were late on an assignment.
They asked a favor.
- If they're clean, why did someone kill them? - They were my friends.
- Someone they were working with? - They were good people.
A handler.
We have proof that they were involved.
I did not conspire with them in this awful attack.
And if I did something to help, it was without my consent or my knowledge.
That doesn't absolve you.
It makes you dumb.
But you're not dumb, are you? I love America.
I love an American girl.
I'm not a religious zealot, which is why I would never kill anyone.
Who killed your friends? An innocent man would want to help me find them.
Get me the list of people who used that machine.
I can help you find them.
It's locked.
Just found that out.
- Famous Kim Cahill, right? - Mrs.
Who else would be rifling through your drawers middle of the day? I'm so glad to finally meet you.
Welcome back.
Well, I saw the decorations in the other room.
I know it wasn't Isaac who thought of that.
Thank you.
A pleasure.
Ella is such a beautiful child.
I think so.
So, uh, what is it you need in the cabinet? Ella has a pediatrician appointment tomorrow.
Height and weight check.
When-When I called to confirm they said that I need a permission slip from one of the parents.
When I first started, Mr.
Reed gave me an emergency slip.
I misplaced it, so I thought maybe he locked it up.
- Mmm, no telling where Isaac keeps anything.
- Yes.
I've learned that firsthand.
Well, so since Ella is napping, I thought I'd go grab a quick shower.
I watched you last night as you slept.
Why? I had a nightmare.
- Maybe you should talk to somebody, Mack.
- No.
- It wasn't a flashback.
- What was it? The truth.
Now, I've said mine.
- You say yours.
- About what? It's time to confess your sins so we can wipe this marriage clean.
- Not this again.
- The truth makes you clean.
Mack, I am not sleeping with anyone.
I swear on our girls- No, don't! Don't do it! Don't swear on our children, Tiffany.
In ancient Persia if a soldier had doubts about his wife's fidelity he'd shove her hand into a viper's nest.
And if she lived her loyalty was proven.
They say snakes never lie.
Neither do bullets.
Does my wife love me? Mack, no! Look at that.
I can't even trust my throwaway gun.
Reed? Marian? Mrs.
Reed? Isaac sent your information, but- You don't have to explain that to me.
If I had children, I'd do the same thing.
I'm glad you understand.
I left the shower running, so I should go.
Isaac says that you're to be trusted.
And what I read in the file, it says the same thing.
You can be trusted, can't you, Kim? Yes.
I can be trusted.
I'll take care of that for you.
No problem.
- Snake Doc.
- How did they know where we were? How did these men locate us? One of your men can't keep a secret.
- Sergeant Major.
- Gave at the office.
- I'm Robert Wilpon, State Department.
- Mm-hmm.
You guys have someone we want.
Oh, I'm sorry.
This is Mr.
Amin Al-Nura.
He is the special envoy to the Saudi ambassador in D.
Um, could you excuse us, please? - Excuse me.
They authorized? - Yes.
They go where I go.
The man you have in custody is a Saudi national here on a scholarship visa.
We're asking you revert his custody to Mr.
Oh, perhaps this will ring a bell.
Afraid I can't assist you.
What do we know? Our guest is Amin Al-Nura, ex intelligence minister.
Contracts with us, the Brits, has an office in the Saudi Embassy.
Cousin to the prince.
Jonas, you hear that? All right.
So we let it leak that we got Khalid, and this is the guy who claims him? Well, maybe this will help jog your memory.
Unless it's on State letterhead, I can't even read it.
Khalid is a student.
His only crime was being photographed by a city camera.
You have no right to him.
I can question anyone suspected of trying to attack this country.
Unless there is a Declaration of Congress against my country that I am not aware of you must release him.
- Him, or everyone I have? - I'm sorry? How do you know I have only one of your citizens? - Mr.
Wilpon? - Okay, just- Can I talk to you for a second? - I'm sorry about this.
- Mmm.
But my superiors are bending over backwards for this guy.
- My hands are tied.
- It's a matter of national security.
I'm not saying I disagree.
But I will tell you that this guy has more pull than a tractor.
Sooner or later, he's gonna get what he wants.
You can't have Khalid.
Come back with real paperwork- on proper letterhead.
We will return shortly.
- What if Al-Nura's just doing his job? - Yeah.
Ifhis job's pulling one ofhis soldiers out of custody before he talks.
His jet's on the tarmac, fueled and ready for liftoff.
He was gonna fly out before the bomb went off.
Who's on the manifest? No manifest filed.
And guess who signs visas at the embassy.
Twenty in the last three years, including Khalid and his friends.
You were right.
Khalid's protecting a handler.
Al-Nura's got the money, the power and the connections.
He's the head of the snake.
Yeah, we're both right.
Al-Nura wouldn't be fighting so hard if Khalid wasn't involved.
Al-Nura could have dozens of sleepers like him already in the country.
If he gets out, he could do this again and again and again.
No, no.
We ain't gonna let him get on that plane.
- He's a royal diplomat protected by the State.
- We got the rat.
That means the snake will be back.
You destroyed my engagement.
My friends are dead.
- I have nothing left.
- You have your life.
Which means you were too scared to strap on a vest and kill yourself with your victims.
You will not abuse me.
I will not invent answers for you.
Oh, that's too fast.
It's a court order for Khalid's release.
- This doesn't cover it.
- How so? Justice needs to sign off on this, not some local judge.
Khalid's in the custody of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- They have the authority.
- Police authority maybe.
But we're the army.
You don't have the right credentials.
You said there wouldn't be trouble.
No, no.
I assure you, I can fix this.
Doesn't matter what kind of papers you get.
If he gives up a name, we get to keep him.
You will release him and in the same condition you found him.
Are you as good with a needle and thread as you are with a Smith & Wesson? About equal.
Both relax me.
State Department fella's a stand-up guy.
Bought us some more time.
We have one more round in the chamber.
I think it's time we test this man's religious convictions.
I'm sorry we've been so difficult with you.
We've suffered a major attack, and emotions are running high.
- I'm not involved.
- I believe you.
Thank you.
Your friends asked you for a favor, right? That's right, isn't it? - Yes.
- Many terrorist cells have a designated fall guy.
Someone who's easy to find, vulnerable, a decoy.
- That's you.
You're an unwitting decoy.
- This was not my intent.
I know.
This is Amin Al-Nura.
He ordered the attack that killed our friends and murdered your brothers.
And now he wants you.
I don't know this man.
He had your name and your passport and your visa application.
Do you know this man? No.
He does Al-Nura's wet work.
He murdered your two friends this afternoon.
We have a witness.
We can protect you.
It is your people that have harmed me, not my countrymen.
If you leave here, this man will kill you.
I can't let him do that.
Talk to me.
I can save your life.
I do not wish to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life.
If you weren't involved with this if you were the real patsy you would've accepted my offer.
You would want to be saved.
Or is it me you're uncomfortable with? Like your friends were with Amy? It must have been tough to pretend.
- State's releasing him.
- But we're getting somewhere.
Can't hold it anymore.
He's gotta go.
Here's yourjacket.
Follow me.
What is this place? What time is it? Yes, friend.
It's the right time.
Your precious bomb didn't explode.
You said my friends were killed.
You said my life was in danger.
You go to hell.
- No.
You missed your chance at that.
- You're a pawn.
It's Al-Nura we want.
And my friends- Wh-Where do you have them? No, no.
Your friends are really dead.
Killed by the same hand that'll kill you to protect Al-Nura.
You staged this great fiction.
Thank you.
And to what effect? We defused your bomb.
Where there is one, there are many.
And what is that? A bumper sticker? No.
It is the Koran.
Shut this place down! Shut it down and get out! Ah.
Mack, put it away.
Just put it away.
You want our two daughters to come in here and find you like this? Or, God forbid, you do something stupid.
Just- What about Lissy and Jen? The two daughters whose lives you swore on that you never cheated? - Those daughters? - Put it down.
Here's the real question.
How long is my wife gonna keep lying to me? - I'm not.
- Why are you lying to me? - I'm not! - We can't wash this out while there's still lies, baby.
- We can't do it! - But I'm not lying to you! Why are you lying to me? Why are you lying to me? Okay, stop, stop! I did! I did cheat.
Oh! I did cheat.
I cheated and I lied.
And I never stopped lying.
I know.
Are you still with him? No.
I swear, not for a- a year.
Who ended it? First him, and then me.
I'm so sorry, Mack.
I am.
Why him? I was lonely.
No, I was angry.
I was so angry at you for always leaving.
Oh, my God.
I punished you.
Oh, my God, Mack.
Oh, my God.
What am I? What am I? Oh, yeah.
I was over there.
You know, I took a good look at it, and I want it.
It's a really good price.
He's approaching the rendezvous.
- Cool Breeze.
- Roger.
Audio files there.
So they'll be boxing it up.
Redcap? - Eyes and ears in place.
- I guess your needlework paid off.
- I'm heading to the airport.
- Copy that.
- Company.
- Roger that.
- Hey! - Get out of the car! Throw your weapons out! Get out of the car, or you will be shot! Turn around.
Put your hands behind your back.
Not bad shooting for a bookworm.
Hey, Kim? Were you and Marian hanging out in my office today? A bit.
Getting to know one another.
There was a blue envelope I needed for work.
Did you see it anywhere? Not that I recall.
I could've sworn I left it in there.
Marian took some files out of there earlier.
I Could check with her if she found an envelope.
No no no, I'll do it.
- If I find it, I'll let you know.
- Okay.
We were looking in the right house.
Just had the wrong person.
- Where did you get this? - Isaac's office.
You took something he'd know was missing, didn't think that'djeopardize yourjob? I put the original back in the envelope, properly sealed.
- You're holding a copy.
- This ain't a game, damn it! You're not equipped to do this.
What part of"Sit quiet and stay out of this" did you not understand? What part of"I want my children back" don't you understand? We don't know what it means.
It's a list of numbers.
- He's an accountant.
- He's an accountant.
So he does a dead drop with his boss's wife then hides it in his office.
Susan lied to me.
Said it was personal.
What do the numbers mean? We'll check this out.
This ain't a game, ladies.
And if it was a game, you ain't the pros.
You've been instructed to stand down, so stand down! Uncuff the detainee.
Real enough for you now? Al-Nura didn't kill my friends.
You did.
You trying to hurt my feelings? Did you know he would kill Al-Nura? Sometimes all you can do is put an idea into a man's head and hope for the best.
You were right.
Maybe we needed the truth to wash it all away.
And the truth is, Mack, I always loved you.
Even when I was with him, I loved you and I still love you.
And we can find a way to make it right.
Maybe a different right, but we can find it.
What if we find out it's over? Well, hell.
It's already over.
Can you forgive me? Yes.
Can you forgive Tom Ryan? Never in this life.

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