Face Off (2011) s04e07 Episode Script

Howl At The Moon

Previously onFace Off Kris's butterfly creation brought him his second win.
But Alam's incoherent design failed to impress, and she was sent home.
Now eight artists remain and tonight they'll face two of their toughest challenges ever.
We're in the zombie apocalypse.
Where's my fucking sponge?! Your spotlight challenge is to create an original werewolf.
This is awesome.
For some, the pressure will be too much.
I just need to take a breath.
Gonna fucking punch him.
Oh, he blew apart.
It really does not work.
It's terrible.
The proportions are nightmares.
He is so beautiful, it's an amazing job.
In the end, only one will win the opportunity to be a guest lecturer at Make Up For Ever's academies in New York and Paris, the all-new 2013 Fiat 500, and $100,000.
Who will be the next great name in movie magic? Welcome to Face Off.
I miss Alam.
- You guys missing Alam too? - Yeah.
Super talented.
The mood in the house is sad because everybody really liked Alam's aesthetic.
Both Meagan and I are nervous about the next challenge because it seems like the judges are really gonna be looking at us with a magnifying glass.
I liked your moth.
Looked like it had Joe Dirt in a headlock, but-- I can't continue to put work out like that moth.
I need to show that I am a strong artist and I belong here.
- Let's go, guys.
- Let's go.
Let's do it.
I have to knock it out of the park this week.
We're walking up to this country house, and we see this barn, and we're thinking that it's going to be some kind of a animal challenge.
Maybe it's some kind of an alien challenge.
I brought you out here today to talk about one of the most iconic makeups in film history.
They've been featured in everything from Dawn Of The Dead to 28 Days Later and even the massive hit The Walking Dead.
- Yes.
- That's right.
I'm talking zombies here.
- Yes! - Excellent.
Whoo! I'm from Pittsburgh, and zombies were invented pretty much in Pittsburgh.
So I'm very excited about this challenge.
I'd like to introduce you to your guest judge.
She has produced some of Hollywood's biggest hits, including the Terminator films, The Incredible Hulk, and Aliens.
She's also the executive producer of The Walking Dead.
Please welcome Gale Anne Hurd.
Everything Gale Anne Hurd has done has been classic.
There's no messing around when she's on set.
What advice do you have for these guys to make a convincing zombie? Think about how your particular zombie died.
Were they bitten in the neck, maybe the arm? And that will help you create a believable makeup.
So let's meet your models.
Aah! This is rad! Literally a stampede of people come out.
I'm hoping we're not doing all of these people because there's, like, That is gonna be rad! These models are coming out.
It's so fun and so scary.
We're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
Professionals in the industry are often tasked with not only making up the stars, but they also have to make up an army of background actors.
Working in teams of two, your foundation challenge is to transform all of these extras into a horde of flesh-eating zombies.
We have 20 zombies each team.
This is insane.
Your randomly selected teams are Eric F and Wayne Dude! Meagan and Anthony, House and Eric Z, Kris and Autumn.
And I'm sure you've noticed that we don't have any makeup stations set up for you today.
So you're actually going to be working in the farmhouse over there with just the most basic items necessary to get the job done.
You are working in teams today, but only one of you will receive immunity for winning the challenge.
So make sure that you each create at least one featured zombie that showcases your individual work.
You've got 2 1/2 hours to complete your horde.
Your time starts now.
Just another day at the office.
- I-- - You know? - Ready to be a zombie today? - Oh, yeah.
Our strategy is to get as many of their faces built up as possible, so like in the last hour we can just run through 'em painting as fast as we can.
I'm thinking that it's probably around eight minutes per zombie.
For an eight-minute zombie, I'm going with cotton and latex.
It's quick, you can form it to the face, so it looks like the skin is open.
They just need to look gross and bloody.
I've done hundreds upon hundreds of zombie makeups.
So I want to win this challenge.
I want the immunity.
I gotta speed up.
Let's have a lady up.
Here you go.
I love working on lots of people.
This is perfect.
I use a lot of airbrush and spatter, things that I know are gonna be quick.
Autumn's painting with a brush.
We don't have time to be elaborate with any of this makeup.
Should I go further with this? No, let's move on to the next one-- next! I'm basically gonna line them up and just start sponging them with different colors.
Me and Wayne, we need to speed this up.
So I just line them all up and start smacking them in the face with stuff.
I got the one hero, and I got one, two, three, four going.
We have one hour left! Eric Z's knocking 'em out.
His makeups are looking fabulous, and we're keeping up with each other per zombie.
It's really about just getting everyone done right now.
Can I get all the people that aren't done on both sides of us? We are running out of time.
So I decide to start an assembly line just to paint quicker.
- Boom.
- Scrape more They're probably outside on the table.
Okay, not a team player.
Man, we got a lot left.
We gotta hustle.
If you want me to hustle, pull one out of your kit, seriously, 'cause I have no sponges in here.
Use your hands.
I don't know if Autumn's expecting me to stop what I'm doing to get sponges, but time's ticking.
I need to get my job done.
Where's my fucking sponge? If you see any that need something, Anthony, tell me, and I'll grab 'em.
Here's another cup of blood going around.
Pass it around.
Five minutes, guys! How many more? I think just one after this.
- Last one, last one! - Great.
In the last three minutes, I'm just slapping them with blood.
- One minute! - Boom! Here it comes.
Boom! I'm just raining blood down on my zombies.
There we go.
Time is up! Put your blood down.
Can you show us one of your featured zombies? This young lady, I just thought she was a fresh victim and lots of bites.
This gentleman, he has great bone structure, so we wanted to keep more of a traditional look.
Eric did this wonderful job here on the severed arm.
Your attention to detail, I think, was terrific.
So I think overall, you did a really good job.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.
Tell me about the choice of the color palette that you went with.
I think mine are slightly different.
He airbrushed a lot, and I hand-painted mine.
So mine have more green and purple hues to them.
I went where the blood stops flowing, the veins start to blacken up and purple up a little bit more, a lot of bruising, things like that.
Can you guys turn around? - So you didn't address the back.
- We ran out of time, so-- The big issue that I have is you are going to see them from the back, the camera will be there.
Producers will be calling you to set saying, "I'm sorry, we need them now.
The time's running away.
" Right.
This one's mine, with a tooth from a fight.
I really liked her and the guy with the tattoos.
There is a uniformity.
They all look like they're in the same film or TV series even though you worked on them separately.
I built up cotton with this one.
- Nice.
- Also right here under the eye.
Hers is a complete silicone buildup.
And then I did a little nice bite wound in her cheek.
You have a total aesthetic.
All of your zombies look like they're in the same TV show or film.
Zombies, would you mind turning around, please? They have blood and gunk in the back.
- Yes.
- You did it.
- I smacked them on the back.
- Good job.
- Good luck, guys.
- Thanks.
So, Gale, that was probably the most difficult foundation challenge we've ever had on the show.
How did they do overall? I think they did great.
I was really impressed.
All right, which teams had the best zombie hordes? - I would say Eric Z and House.
- Good job, buddy.
They had fantastic work.
And Meagan and Anthony.
You guys were able to create a single aesthetic.
All right, Gale, which team came out on top? It was a difficult decision, but the top team is Coming up Where's my fucking partner? I don't know.
I'm already in a world of trouble.
This is a great concept.
It wasn't a collaboration.
It was a dictatorship.
We're getting up and getting ready My style is go big *, that means my hair too.
- * good, guys! Good morning.
- Wow! I love it! Can I touch it? The cool thing about my hair is it's a mohawk.
It's just as crazy as I am.
It's it's getting there.
It's still quite He's gonna * his war paint on, he's ready to go.
Yeah, I'm ready for this battle.
- You look like a badass.
- I like it.
I wish I could pull that off.
This is like my brand here.
All right, Gale, which team came out on top? It was a difficult decision, but the top team is Anthony and Meagan.
You paid attention to detail, to the prosthetic makeup, the clothing, even twigs and moss in the hair.
Congratulations, Anthony and Meagan.
However, we can only have one winner.
Gale? The winner is Meagan.
Meagan! I won, and I have immunity.
And it feels really good.
I saw you directing the entire operation.
You could start work on The Walking Dead tomorrow.
- Good job, Meagan.
- Oh, my God.
- Thank you.
- Awesome job.
As the winner of this challenge, you have won immunity in the next spotlight challenge and cannot be eliminated.
All right, guys.
You better get out of here to avoid getting eaten by your own zombies.
We're walking through this field, the moon is shining, this fog is rolling in, and it feels like we're about to go into battle.
Throughout history, the full moon has had an unsettling effect on humans and the world around us.
Its power has been associated with violence and werewolves.
Werewolves are featured in all kinds of movies, everything from An American Werewolf In London, the Underworld films, and even Michael Jackson's Thriller.
But Earth isn't the only planet in our solar system that has a moon.
Each of these planets also has at least one moon.
Working in teams of two, your spotlight challenge is to create an original werewolf that might exist on another planet in our solar system.
This is awesome and crazy.
Your randomly selected teams of two are House and Meagan, Eric Z and Autumn.
Autumn is, for the most part, very negative.
And no one wants to work with somebody they don't get along with.
Eric F and Anthony.
- Yes.
- Wayne and Kris.
- Yeah, man.
- Stand with your new teammate.
- What's up, man? - Dude! House and Meagan, which planet would you like? Mars.
- Eric Z and Autumn.
- Jupiter.
- Eric F and Anthony.
- Saturn.
- Wayne and Kris.
- Neptune.
Since the moon is the inspiration for this challenge, I'm gonna leave you guys out here all alone to start work on your designs.
I will see you all tomorrow in the lab.
All right.
Let's go.
- I'm counting on these guys-- - Doing a - A typical werewolf.
- Wolf form.
So the surface of Saturn is very dry.
It's got real jagged rock formations, so we're gonna incorporate all those elements into our design by making the skin very jagged and then utilizing the color palette of Saturn.
And the model is going to walk backwards.
That's badass.
He's a human that was on Mars and has become infected.
'Cause I have immunity, I really feel that House should take the wheel on this.
We have a pretty cool concept.
He is an astronaut that was bitten by a lycan and transformed into this crazy werewolf.
And maybe, like, um, keep the teeth, like, more metal.
I want our creature to be morphing into the werewolf.
I'm thinking, like, shapes and silhouettes and bone protrusions coming out of his back.
Pretty darn intense, dude.
Neptune's temperatures are as low as 218 degrees Celsius.
Our concept is this alien being who would stay in the dark area of Neptune.
But when he has to eat, he comes into the moonlight and changes into this massive beast.
Dude, I think we got something here.
That's time.
Let's rock this.
It's day one, and there's a lot of sculpting to do.
So we want to sculpt the face with the other clay.
Autumn and I decide to break up the responsibilities pretty evenly.
She beings to sculpt on the face, and I begin the sculpture on the chest.
Let's make it pretty.
We want to do a full bodysuit.
Wayne's focusing on the front, and I'm gonna focus on the back.
I think we're gonna end up using about 200 pounds of clay on this thing.
I'm giving, like, the bicep, tricep, bicep.
Me and Anthony have a lot of crap to get sculpted today, but we have a solid game plan.
I have Meagan blocking out arms and chest for me.
I start sculpting on the face and the head.
I will not be doing a long, dog-like snout, but I have a good feeling that it will come together.
I look over at Autumn's sculpture, and it's looking a little rough.
It's looking kind of, like, piggish.
You mind if I take that off a little bit? Yeah, that's fine.
We switch off, and Eric completely resculpts it.
Autumn gets offended very easily.
It's just not a way to work.
If at all you're uncomfortable with going on - with this particular look-- - No.
I just want it to be slightly different.
I already had it blocked out.
All he had to do was detail it.
I don't know if I can fully trust him.
- Hey, guys.
- Hello.
- Here for a walk-through.
- How are you? So tell us about your werewolf and what planet you picked.
- We picked Mars.
- Mars.
So your coloring's gonna be on the red side? Red coloring, dried skin, it's gonna be very sparse.
Except for, like, a stripe of mohawk that's running down his head.
Pre-paint the skin and texture maybe with some spotting or something.
- So you see it underneath.
- Yeah.
Tell us what planet you picked.
Because of its strong winds, we're actually incorporating wings.
With the wings, make sure your model is aware - of what they can do.
- Exactly.
The face will sit on top of his head, so his face is actually the neck of the werewolf.
What are you gonna do with hair? We're putting the hair on sparse so that you could see through it.
How are you gonna put the hair on? - Telesis.
- If you work together on it one paints, and the other lays the hair.
Jupiter has a lot of gravity, so he's gonna have internal structure of rock.
Show me the face, Eric, 'cause that-- it seems like you haven't really gotten into that yet.
No, I had it roughed out.
And then Eric completely resculpted it.
Why did you resculpt it? It was looking a bit cartoony.
You've got a long way to go on this.
- Yeah, definitely.
- Mm-hmm.
The worst part is, if I make a big deal out of it now, it's going to slow down the process even more so.
If we're going to show up with something, our only hope is for me to keep my mouth shut.
- Okay, guys.
Looking good.
- Bye, thank you.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Sculpting in circles over there.
Fuck it.
I just have to step outside and take a breath.
Where's my fucking partner? Gonna fucking punch him.
I don't know where he is, and I'm getting pissed that he's given up completely.
- Oh, man.
- He's given up on me.
I'm choosing to bite my lip.
If I don't, we're not gonna have anything on that stage.
She told McKenzie and Mr.
Westmore that I totally resculpted her face.
And I was like, "that's not what happened at all.
" What? This isn't what a collaboration should be.
You know she's gonna say that onstage.
Yeah, I know.
That's what scares me.
Right there.
That's time, everybody! I'm hoping that day two is going to be better, but I'm dreading it.
We have ten hours, and we still need to finish sculpting the body, the head, some teeth, and some claws.
- We're about to make a mess.
- I think so.
Fox is going to block out the false arms, and then we can start molding it.
So there's still so much to do, but we do have a game plan.
- It's gonna be a rush.
- It always is, man.
It always is.
We know that we have to start getting things done.
I'm gonna get these pieces out that I know that I at least have some control over.
I'm not looking forward to working with Autumn, but today I've decided that I'm going to just work.
I thought I was going into it simple, and I'm already in a world of trouble.
Chest, arms, and hands need to be sculpted and molded.
The back needs to be constructed.
Hollow it out, so it hugs her back.
I'm doing seven different projects all at one time.
Meagan's doing the hair on the back.
The hair work is taking a long time.
- We gotta move.
- House is very meticulous.
A little heavy on the purple, but we'll fix that.
- He's very stern.
- Running out of time.
He might just think that I'm, like, silly.
Meagan is moving too slow.
How's your turkey cutting? - I cut my finger.
- Of course.
We have our foam piece, and it's beautiful.
It's massive.
You just start laughing because it's a full suit.
Oh, it's gonna be perfect.
Look at the muscle you got in the neck.
That's gonna blend in perfectly.
I think we're intimidating everybody just because of the mass size of everything that we're doing.
That looks fucking awesome.
It smells like cookies.
Three minutes! There's a lot of tension with House today because I think he's concerned he could go home.
Meagan has immunity.
If something goes wrong, it's gonna be my butt on the line.
That's time! I feel I'm in trouble.
Day three, I have a lot to do.
Whee! So it's application day.
We have four hours in the lab and one hour at last looks.
I run in right away, I grab the head, and I'm ready to fill it with polyfoam.
Kris is pulling a leg, getting ready to cast the other one, and slush latexing the hands.
So we have a lot to do.
Basically you're gonna be walking backwards.
You know, you're gonna be a werewolf from Jupiter.
Should we start brushing that shit? We have so many pieces that we have to run today.
It's never a good idea to have to run pieces on application day.
That's great.
Fox is gonna finish running everything else.
I'm gonna start cutting the seams of the legs and the arms.
He brings me the chest piece.
Keep 'em coming.
I start cutting the seams off of that.
We're both kind of panicking.
It just feels like that, you know, in a way, we've bitten more than we can chew.
As long as we can get everything painted and assembled, we can apply it at last looks.
I don't care if we got to duct-tape this shit on.
- It's gonna look good.
- We'll do it.
Makeup! Yeah, your butt's gonna be covered.
We get to the lab, I just start painting and pre-painting everything.
We got to get this model covered.
- Almost like his color.
- Mm-hmm.
And then we'll do the dead wash on it.
And if you want to start painting.
Let's do that.
I hop on painting the pieces with her.
They're not my favorite colors, but I'm going with it.
I trust you.
Kind of.
Keep it organized, Eric.
Okay, you're gonna help me lead the way.
Grab the edge of the mask.
I want my model to have her wolf head on.
I don't want it glued down completely though.
I want to save that for last looks.
- My chin is right here.
- Okay, let me pull it back.
But I made a bad mistake.
The head doesn't fit.
And the face is not snug like it should be.
The face is odd, the mouth is I'm gonna go in there and loosen that up a little bit, so I can pull it tighter.
That's time! I tack her down, and then it's time's up.
I need to fix this makeup.
If I don't, this one's all on me.
Coming up - Hot-glue it up top.
- It doesn't look very good.
It's an amazing job.
There's some beautiful work going on in there.
It's a travesty.
- May I interject? - Sure.
There are some things that I need to explain.
We're at last looks.
We have one hour to finish it off.
And we're really trying to budget our time the best we can.
Have a seat, my man.
We have to finish the paint job, let it dry, and then get all this hair laid on.
It's very stressful.
If you can just adjust this a little lower.
I have to get the face glued onto her.
It's not going to look as good as I would like it to.
But I'm going to take the heat on it.
Positive and negative, bring it on.
The spray glue's right there.
Fox is playing with the wings.
And I've got to get something on the guy's head so that it covers his face.
Hot-glue it up top.
I'm gonna have to cover that *.
I don't care.
The last thing I want to do is cover half of the sculpture with this big red wig.
It doesn't look very good.
Just drape it over.
Time! I'm very proud of our werewolf.
I never thought it was possible to get that much amount of work done in such a short amount of time.
I'm just glad we got everything on our character.
The makeup came together in one sense.
It is a piece.
A piece of what, I don't know.
Welcome to theFace Offreveal stage.
Tonight, one of you will be eliminated.
Say hello to your judges.
Owner of Optic Nerve Makeup Effects Studio, - Glenn Hetrick.
- Good evening.
- Hey, Glenn.
- Glenn.
Three-time Oscar-winning makeup artist, - Ve Neill.
- Hi, guys.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Creature and concept designer Neville Page.
- Hello.
- Hi.
This week your spotlight challenge was to create an original werewolf that might exist on another planet in our solar system.
So let's see what you've come up with.
The makeup application isn't perfect, but the face sculpture's looking okay.
There's something beautiful about her to me.
It just looks so big and so massive up there that Eric and I are just really hoping that the judges see where we're coming from.
It looks a chihuahua that's just been shaved by a child.
It obviously is a piece that Autumn did and not me.
Wayne and I are excited.
I mean, we really love what we did.
It was a lot of fun working with Wayne, and we're both just ecstatic.
Judges, why don't you take a closer look? There's no reason why we shouldn't.
Hmm, hmm, hmm.
One thing I'm kind of digging about this is I feel like I see a story.
See what I'm saying? I also like the direction of some of this.
Wonder what's happening here.
Is this where it was scratched, maybe, and that's how it got infected? I thought that's what it looked like too.
Right? That's a lot of scratch marks if that's the case.
As a whole, what an interesting sculpture going out.
Dude, it's, like, hot-glued and-- - let's take a look at this.
- Oh, he blew apart.
They don't get much bigger than that.
- It's almost full body.
- Turn around.
They went this far and then made stubby, little feet.
Yeah, they look more like the heels than this foot does.
Man, that's a lot of work.
It is absolutely a ton of work for the time that they had.
The question is, is that the right decision? I don't think it is.
This hair work is pretty crappy, guys.
What's with cousin itt wig? The overall shape of this head sadly is looking terrier-esque.
It's not like a wolf head.
Can you open your mouth? Articulate that at all? Oh, man.
Is there a fantastic four theme here? It sort of has, like, a thing-esque rock texture going.
And turn your head to the right.
It's-- Damn.
I don't like muzzle werewolf.
I never have, and I never will.
It doesn't work.
That shape on a human head does not and will never work because the rest of the shape of our skull - doesn't flow into that.
- Mm-hmm.
The piece is bad.
They're not judging my work.
They're judging this piece that I helped on.
It wasn't a collaboration.
It was a dictatorship.
The piece is bad.
I might as well go up there * guillotine.
I want to explain to the judges this is not what I wanted to make.
This is not my work.
He's pretty.
I like the blue wolf.
It's an interesting concept.
All right, let's see the back then.
This is interesting stuff.
There are these strokes where they're just going in and, like, subdividing up muscle and making it look interesting.
Also the flow through the neck.
- Mm-hmm.
- See, I like this thing.
They're doing a whole suit in 19 hours.
Like, there's definitely latitudes that I'm willing to grant them.
The judges would like to speak with each of you to learn more about your work.
House and Meagan, you're up first.
Begin by explaining the concept and how you divided up the duties here.
The concept is an American astronaut on Mars that's bitten by one of the native lycanthrope species and is in mid-transformation.
I sculpted the head, the chest, the hands, painting, and constructed the latex suit.
I did the hair and the back.
I think this is a great concept.
When it walks out, there's a very conspicuous backstory fulfilling that aspect of our challenge.
- I'm pretty happy with this.
- Thank you.
I do like the fact that she can actually use her mouth, which is something some of our others can't do.
And that's really good.
Massing out the shoulders, keeping the head small, those are all things that feel very classic wolf-like, so that's where the success is for me on this.
Meagan and House, please step back.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Eric F and Anthony.
Tell me what your concept is.
Our werewolf is from Saturn.
And there's 62 moons, so we figured we'd be pretty wolfed out.
I think you really did a lot of work this week, and I have to give you a hand at how much you accomplished.
However, the head looks like a big, rubber Halloween mask, guys.
I'm not really happy with this.
And it could have been so bitchin'.
Having your character in reverse is a neat concept, but it really does not work.
There's no way this guy could perform.
Somewhere along the line, you had to have stopped and looked at the proportions that are nightmares, especially on a wolf creature.
You need mass and bulk up here, and then the head is way too big even for that construct.
Anthony, Eric, please step back.
Thanks for everything.
Wayne and Kris.
Start off by telling us the concept.
Basically our werewolf is from Neptune.
Neptune is so it's very, very cold.
So we wanted to keep those blue tones to where he's camouflaged into this environment.
Turn to the back, if you don't mind, real quick.
What's really cool is the detailing that you're doing along the spine and up into the neck, extending that into the skull.
You're messing with the forms appropriately.
There's some beautiful work going on in there.
When you were sculpting, did one person focus more on the front and another on the back? Wayne pretty much handled the front, and I did the back.
I really appreciate all of those flourishes, and it is amazing amount of work.
For me, he is a very cohesive makeup.
And you did a whole suit.
It's an amazing job.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Wayne and Kris, please step back.
- Thank you.
- Good job.
Good job, man.
Autumn and Eric Z.
Please explain the concept behind this creation.
Being the Jupiter werewolf, he has a stone structure inside to help him withstand Jupiter's gravitational pull.
This is a nightmare.
Tell me what the breakdown of responsibility was.
Eric had blocked out the chest, and the spine and I had blocked out the head, and then he resculpted it, - and then I resculpted it again.
- Well - Can I-- may I interject? - Yeah.
I had not resculpted the face.
I did do sculpting on the face.
- Yeah.
- But I did not resculpt it.
I felt that I needed to fix it or make it better.
The overall execution-- the giant, gaping holes on his arms that are covered with dental dam, the shoes-- there's no attempt at all to make those blend onto the legs.
It's a travesty.
Could you turn him around for me? So you blocked out the whole sculpture - The spine.
- I did, I blocked out-- - And then Autumn finished it off? - Exactly.
Once again, this is not exactly what I had sculpted.
It is very much the same idea, but it turned out completely different.
It seems like the relationship was dysfunctional, and Autumn-- It seemed great until we got right here actually.
Until this moment? - Yeah.
- Okay.
We asked you at the beginning, both of you, who did what, and you finished that dissertation.
But you're a team.
So I don't know what's going on.
But I know what the end result is, and it's not good.
It's a match made in hell.
You're walking all over him, and he's sitting back and not talking up enough, and that combination is what led to this travesty of makeup.
I didn't feel at the time that I was walking all over him at all.
And he didn't let me on to feel that way.
- That I was-- - I find that hard to believe.
You were too busy being bossy probably to hear it.
Enough said.
Eric and Autumn, please step back.
Thanks, man.
The judges have heard what you have to say.
If you'd please, head back to the makeup room while they make their decisions.
All right, guys.
Let's start with some of the looks you liked the most.
Why don't we begin with House and Meagan? I felt they had some really good ideas that told a story.
Right off the bat, you knew that it was like some sort of astronaut went to a foreign planet, got attacked-- A lot of brilliant decisions in the terms of sculpture and the paint job.
Huge amount of work in a small amount of time.
I did like the head sculpture.
In comparison to the other head sculptures, - it felt the most plausible.
- Mm-hmm.
All right, let's move on to Wayne and Kris.
Beautiful sculpting all around.
The back was a cooler featured element.
When it turned around, it looked so amazing.
I mean, it was just all there.
I see a color pattern here.
It's starting to head in the direction of professional paint job.
It's not just blue, and it's not just highlight and shadow.
It's also some really nice patterns on top of it breaking it up.
And it looks good from far away and close up.
- Truly impressive.
- Yeah.
All right, let's move on to the looks you liked the least this week.
Why don't we start with Eric F and Anthony? I think they needed to think it through and realize that actually turning somebody around is a neat idea, but it made the performer unable to perform.
At all.
Except for to wave his wings around.
I think Eric's got some really cool ideas, but he's going to continue to do what he's doing, as long as he keeps getting by.
He's gonna swing for the fences with these gigantic concepts going, "ah, yeah, I know it's not as good as I can do, but I'll get through this week.
" And eventually, it's gonna be the wrong week.
Let's move on to Autumn and Eric Z.
Oh, my God.
The core concept of this was so asinine.
I find it almost insulting, this completely ludicrous concept.
I concur completely, and I've just about had it.
I think that her teamwork, her attempt at getting through this challenge is loathsome.
She's ready to throw him under the bus for something that she did.
I also think what's unacceptable is the fact that Eric is not defending himself.
He needs to address it, not just for the competition, but just to set the tone for himself professionally.
If you put it into a studio environment, the way that they explained it, I'd probably fire both of them.
- Yeah.
- It just doesn't matter.
- No.
- All right, judges.
Have you made your decisions? - Yes, we have.
- We have.
Let's bring 'em back out.
Glenn, tell us about the top teams.
Wayne and Kris.
There were some unique sculptural moments, and it was a very comprehensive makeup, the whole thing accentuated by a really well done paint job.
House and Meagan.
We really liked the shape and proportions of your makeup, and your backstory was very conspicuous.
We saw what it was right away.
Which team came out on top? The top team tonight is-- - Okay, which team came out on top? The top team tonight is Wayne and Kris.
- Yeah.
- Good job, man.
You found a really nice balance between werewolf and alien.
And it was a very complete character.
- Well done.
- Thank you.
Kris and Wayne, great job, guys.
But we can only have one winner.
The winner tonight is - Kris.
- Wow.
Thank you.
It came down to figuring out what our favorite part of it was.
And that was the sculptural detail on the back.
Thank you so much.
I am really happy to hear the judges call my name.
I don't know what to say other than I feel great.
Kris, congratulations.
You and Wayne can head back to the makeup room.
Good job.
House and Meagan, you are also safe this week.
Please head back to the makeup room.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Unfortunately, that means the rest of you are on the bottom this week, and one of you will be eliminated.
Please step forward.
Glenn, tell us about the bottom looks.
Eric F and Anthony.
Once again, you tried to do so much that it was a detriment to your work.
The head, some of the proportions really killed the whole thing for us.
Autumn and Eric Z.
This was a horrific collaboration, start to finish, which resulted in a truly disjointed final product.
So who is going home tonight? The person leaving tonight is Autumn.
This was your concept and a lot of your work, which you took credit for, but then you didn't take ownership of the end result.
That means the rest of you are safe this week and can head back to the makeup room.
- Thank you.
- Keep in touch, guys.
Thank you.
Autumn, it's been great having you here with us.
Please head back to the makeup room and pack up your kit.
Thank you, guys.
- Good luck, Autumn.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Good luck.
I'm out.
I feel let down by Eric Z.
And to say I didn't listen to or I didn't take input is absurd.
I'm not ready to leave the competition.
To go out like this is a little harsh.

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