The Boys (2019) s04e07 Episode Script

The Insider

Oh, you got to really
get it up in there, dawg.
[FRENCHIE] Some sins
deserve eternal damnation.
I've committed murders.
Inmate refused visitation.
[DOCTOR] A panic attack.
Whatever you're doing, stop it.
[A-TRAIN] They killed
Cameron Coleman because
they thought that he was
the fucking leak. I'm done.
Cameron Coleman wasn't the leak.
So, either Sage was lying to you,
or she's as useless as tits on a mouse.
I'd do anything for you.
That's my boy.
I hate you.
[HOMELANDER] Victoria here,
she's an integral part of the plan.
[SAGE] We'll handle Singer
after the election's certified.
We need plausible deniability
when the 25th is invoked.
You're talking about a coup.
[BUTCHER] You give us a list of
what you need to extract the virus,
and make it strong enough
to top Homelander.
We're not just talking about
killing Homelander,
we're talking about
killing every Supe on Earth.
No one ever said nothing about genocide.
What the fuck's that supposed
to mean, "you're me"?
You got a big old fat
V'd-up brain tumor, you cunt,
which is why you are seeing
me in the first place.
I am you.
Well, Merry Christmas, A-Train!
Oh, Merry Christmas, Ryan.
Why the long face?
What's that?
Well, Ryan, it's a word for people
who hate superheroes and America
even more than they hate Christmas.
Well, what do they look like?
That's the problem.
They can look like anyone,
your neighbors, your teachers,
even your mom and dad.

When you see something,
say something ♪
Report that groomer
when he comes for you ♪
See something, say something ♪
'Cause he hates America
and Christmas, too ♪
It's the woke principal
and his husband Chad ♪
Or it could be your uncle
who says Supes are bad ♪
It might even be your
mom and your dad ♪
Uh, Tommy, can we cut out for a second?
[TOMMY] Uh, that's a cut on rehearsal.
- [MAN] That's a cut.
[WOMAN] Back in 20, everyone.
Hey, is everything okay?
I mean, yeah, it's just
we're telling kids to report
on their own parents.
The lyrics were approved
by your dad. Personally, so
Right. Right, yeah, yeah.
- Right.
- Yeah. It's no problem.
I just need to go 10-1.
[ASHLEY] PR made that apology
to Temple Beth El,
so that should be a done fucking deal.
Um, secondly, we've got a
I thought the meeting started at 11:00.
We moved it up.
Um, next.
Oh, marketing would like to
start selling these NFTs of you.
Apparently, you're not just buying
JPEGs, you're joining a community.
- Ashley.
- Yes, sir?
- Get out.
- Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir. Yes, absolutely.
who's the leak?
We're making inquiries.
It's a process, we're eliminating
I assume you know what that is.
- It's a bug.
- Specifically William Butcher's bug.
They probably heard every single
word we said at Tek-Knight's.
And likely killed him.
They won't go public
with the information.
- And why not?
- Because it would short-circuit
everything they really want,
which is to quietly take out
Neuman once and for all.
We should slaughter Butcher
and his whole fucking team.
Now that is a great idea, sir.
Butcher will be dead
in a few months anyway.
And this close to go-time,
I wouldn't stir up shit with the CIA.
Yes, yes, yes. Your
illustrious fucking plan.
We killed Cameron Coleman for no reason.
A speed bump but, ultimately, harmless.
Cameron golfed with Mike Lindell,
who just pulled 50 million bucks
worth of pillow commercials.
You call that harmless?
Oh, look at Daisy Duck
Dynasty doing math.
You know, Firecracker
and I have been talking.
Stimulating, I'm sure.
You have brains, Sage,
but I have wisdom.
And what happens if
those brains of yours
get blown out again, leaving you
talking like a gibbering idiot?
Firecracker and I will find the leak.
With respect, the last time
Respect? I don't hear
no fucking respect.
In fact, I am personally offended
by the way you are talking
to this great man.
focus on the shooter,
make sure he's good to go on the sixth.
He'll be ready.
You may leave.
This one's called
The World's Our Oyster.
"Shimmering forests of kelp
Like nature's car wash brushes
At the dark bottom, jellyfish glow
Like frat house lava lamps
I can swim you anywhere
The seven seas, one big wet road".
[AMBROSIUS] Jesus, Kevin.
You really have the soul of a poet.
You're so bad.
[AMBROSIUS] And, God, your tongue
- is like an outboard motor.
- Yeah?
I came so many times.
- Really?
I, uh, I got to go, babe.
[AMBROSIUS] What? You do?
Duty calls.
[AMBROSIUS] Wait. No, no. Wait.
Come on, babe. You know you
can't be out of water for long.
[AMBROSIUS] No, you promised me
you'd move me into
the tank above the bed.
Right, no. Of course, babe.
A hunny percent.
I just got to, uh, you know, clear
out the freshwater exotics first,
and then it'll be all set.
Oh, and I got a notes call with Shia
on his new draft of Honey Boy 2.
It's really starting to sing.
Well, can I move in tomorrow?
Yeah, totally.
Just like that, I'm supposed
to pick up and leave?
Christmas in the desert. Terrific.
[ANNIE] You're safer with
Gen in Sedona, okay?
- Some things might happen soon.
- What do you mean?
What what kind of things?
It's better you don't know.
- You call me out of the blue
- I have called you
every day for weeks. This is
the first time you've picked up.
You know, they kicked me out
of the Tuesday Bible group.
- That has nothing to do with me.
- No?
Well, I heard Shelly whisper, "How
the heck did Donna raise that girl?"
Okay, just hit the road
first thing tomorrow
"That she would have an abortion?"
You're supposed to be
held to a higher standard.
That's how I raised you.
Girls all over the world look up to you.
And now they think they can be loose,
because there's no consequences
That is none of your business,
and it sure as fuck isn't Shelly's.
You're Starlight. You're a superhero.
[ANNIE] I'm a person.
Right now, none of that
Starlight shit matters.
Then why did Hughie save the suit?
I am so, so sorry.
That is so fucked.
I pulled it from the trash.
I mean, I thought you might
regret tossing it someday.
I don't even like looking at it.
Okay. All right.
Done. I am There it goes.
It is
out of here.
I just [SIGHS]
God. I just, I didn't
want to bring a baby into
a world that's ending.
Hughie. It's just
it's just all too much.
I mean, there are so many
fucking dumpster fires.
Where do we even start?
We just take it step by step.
[SAGE] You smell like
you've been drinking.
I don't know what you
want from me, all right?
- I got here as fast as I could
- I want you to do your fucking job.
[MAN] Whatever.
[HUGHIE] You really think
this could be our Lee Harvey?
That's what A-Train says.
I say we visit him, too.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Where the fuck you been?
Shittin' a kidney.
All right, listen up.
Now, don't get your
knickers in a twist, but
you remember Neuman's
dearly departed
virus bloke? Dr. Sameer Shah?
I'm serious, Butcher. Don't.
Well, funny story.
Turns out he ain't that dead.
He's been working for me,
making some more of that virus.
What the fuck?
Wait, all they found was
- Goddamn it, you asshole.
- Did you cut off his leg?
All right, all right, keep your hair on.
[MOTHER'S MILK] So, basically,
you've been amputatin' motherfuckers
while working on a secret bioweapon,
and we're the ones that
are supposed to chill?
You are pissing away our best shot.
Now, the trouble is,
we've hit a slight snag.
He can't make it deadly enough
to top Homelander
without causing a, you know,
global pandemic.
You're talking about Supe
genocide. That's
Yeah, Butcher, even for you
Which is why I'm fucking
telling you, innit?
You think I want that much
blood on me hands?
Yeah, you do. You want
to fucking swim in it.
No, I don't.
No, I do not.
So, to keep the bug from
burning through you lot like wildfire,
I thought ol' Sameer could do with
- a bit of a hand.
- From who?
A question both insightful
and germane, my son.
Ah, here he is. Speak of the devil.
[FRENCHIE] Bonjour.
the fuck did you get out?
I had Mallory pull a few strings.
[FRENCHIE] Just to be clear,
this was against my will.
I'd rather fuck a jar of fishing
lures than to be free.
Oh, cool. Cool.
[BUTCHER] All right, then.
Happy reunions. So,
Frenchie will help sort the virus.
We'll use it on Homelander and
the VP and that's it, no one else.
You fucking coward.
Okay, that works.
Kimiko, Frenchie, you
two are on Dr. Shah.
The rest of you, on the mystery man.
"Don't be a cunt".

You should go on ahead.
You what?
Without me. I gotta
talk to Monique. It's
Oh, come off it.
Don't leave me alone with this lot.
Wait, what?
- He ain't going.
- [HUGHIE] You're not going? Why?
All right, so we gonna
make this official?
Take a knee,
I'll knight you with my dick.
You're back in charge
of The Boys again, all right?
I'm better off doing research anyway.
No, you can't do this.
You don't got to do this.
Yeah, he does. This is good for us.
[ANNIE] You can't.
Things are bad already
without this fucking asshole back.
Look what I got to deal with.
Listen, it ain't a debate, you guys.
I passed out.
During a mission.
I ain't cut out to be skipper.
But he is.
So, it's him. It's you.
End of story.

Hey, come in, baby.
Okay, babe
Here, take this.
That's $10,000 cash.
The rest of my accounts,
I transferred into yours.
Here's two one-way tickets to Belize.
You and Janine's flights are tonight.
Now, it's not forever,
- just until things blow over.
- Stop.
Just stop.
Okay? Tell me what's wrong.
Something big's about to go down.
If we lose, shit's gonna get crazy.
If we win, shit's gonna
get even crazier,
so either way, y'all got to go.
And I'm sorry to make you have
to pick up and leave again,
but I got one fucking job to do,
and that's to keep you and Janine safe,
and I'll be damned if I
let any of this fucking sh
I know how hard you try, Marvin,
taking care of Janine and me.
Come with us.
I believe you.
If you did all this, I
I'm sure it's even worse
than I'm imagining.
So let's go.
The three of us, let's go be a family.
you know that you and
Janine are my heart,
- I can't.
- Look at you.
That panic attack was supposed
to be a warning, Marvin.
Meet us at the airport
and this time tomorrow,
baby, we'll be sipping rum punches
on the beach while Janine
dodges the waves.
[FIRECRACKER] For over a decade,
one man has been a voice you can trust.
And now that voice is gone.
Cameron Coleman has died
of a brain aneurism
as a direct result of the flu vaccine.
Gone from this world, but
never gone from our hearts.
- Once again, tragedy
- Hey. What happened to your assistant?
- Oh, Gregory? I fired him.
Dumb fuck could never get
my Sweetgreen order right.
What do you want?
Listen. They know
Cameron's not the leak
Shut the fuck up. I don't want
to hear that shit anymore.
You leave me the fuck out
of that. I'm done. [SOBBING]
You're shitfaced?
I am still the CEO of this company,
and if the CEO wants to get
shitfaced at 11:00 a.m., I can.
He was the best.
He was the fucking best assistant
I ever fucking had.
And I fired him to get him away
from this fucking place.
[WHISPERS] I had Cameron
killed. I had him killed.
Look, you saved my life.
I could've done that some other way.
He didn't have to die.
It's-it's so easy to become
a monster around here.
What if we left? Huh?
What if we left?
You and me?
I don't mean us fucking ew, no.
I spent my junior year
abroad in Florence,
we could just go, we could go.
- You have a passport.
- All right.
- Oh, you don't need a passport. You just run
- Hey, Ashley. Ashley.
Get your shit together.
Okay? You cannot be all wasted
running your fucking mouth,
not when you have both of
our lives in your fucking hands.
Button it up.

All right. I'll have a dekko
around the back,
you two take the front, yeah?
And then we'll pay the shooter a visit.
[KESSLER] You know,
I have been racking my brain
trying to figure out when you
got this soft spot for Supes.
Was it when you shot your load
and cream-pied Maeve?
All right, you know what?
Enough with the silent treatment,
you stubborn prick,
I am done fucking around with you.
See, I know you don't care
about Starlight or Kimiko.
Not really. And Ryan?
He's not even yours.
So, tell me
what justifies the faith in the kid?
I gave her my word.
Becca? Really?
If your love was so perfect and pure
then why'd you fuck that waitress?
I fucked up, all right.
And I quit the booze
the next day, didn't I?
I can't help but notice you've been
quitting the quitting lately.
You know, you keep saying that
you're doing all this to
honor Becca's memory.
You never did that when she was alive.
So, don't you think
it's time to cut the shit?
Fuck off, cunt.
[ANNIE] All clear.
Except for literal used
tampons in the toilet.
[HUGHIE] Guys Secret Service files.
- Detail assignments for January 6th.
- [ANNIE] What?
It's a map of the D.C. Fairgrounds
where Singer's having his rally.
That's where they're giving
him the old Dealey Plaza.
M was right.
- Oh, my God.
Oh, thank God you're here. [PANTING]
He killed my husband.
He held me for days.
Are you ?
Yeah. Yeah, hi.
Oh, my God. You are
burning up. Are you okay?
It's like a furnace in there.
Okay. Let's get you some help. Yeah?
Come on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Fuck! Stop!

What the fuck?
So gross. Ugh!

- Do you see anything?
- No.
Fucking Supe shapeshifters.
I hate those cunts.
Got to hand it to Sage though
perfect choice for the job.
[HUGHIE] Wait, wait, wait. So we're
saying that they could be anyone?
How the fuck are we supposed
to save the president
if the killer could be anyone?
By not shitting our panties.
Hughie, wait a minute.
Oh, my God. You need stitches.
- I'll go to urgent care, okay?
- I'll go with you.
No, no, um, go back up there,
get those plans before
whoever gets back, all right?
I'll catch up with you later.
- Okay. I love you.
- Love you.
Printed-out boarding pass?
Damn, what are you, 87?
The fuck are you doing here?
You took the words
right out of my mouth.
See, I ran by that shithole earlier.
I saw Butcher, Hughie
and Starlight going in.
But one motherfucker
was conspicuously absent.
So this is it?
You think I don't want
to just peace out to Belize,
sip a daiquiri, smash the local talent?
Get on Priceline then, motherfucker.
Hey. This shit ain't over.
It's over for me.
I've given enough.
Maybe I deserve to be fucking happy.
You know, when I carried
your ass to the ER,
there was a kid there.
His eyes were like
"Holy shit".
Looking at me
like I was a hero.
There were no screaming
fans, no cameras.
Nobody even knew.
Except for this one kid.
That felt better than anything
that I'd ever done at Vought.
Because for once
I didn't hate myself.
That's on you.
A-Train, you don't get it, do you, man?
This fight that we're in?
This never fucking ends.
It killed my father.
It killed his father.
And look at what it's doing to me.
It's tearing me the fuck apart.
Just like it did them.
You know, I look in the mirror
and I don't even see myself no more.
I got nothing left.
Except my family.
You think Homelander and Vought
and all of this shit
ain't coming to Belize?
This whole fucking world?
Where's your family gonna go then?
[FRENCHIE] After you eat,
we'll adjust your
centrifugation numbers.
I think peut-être we should
try a glycerol gradient.
This, uh
quote-unquote "lab" can't
produce what he wants.
[FRENCHIE] What we all want.
Homelander [CLICKS TONGUE]
fini, do we not?
You know, you worked in the finest
lab with the best equipment,
but moi?
I have worked in filthy basements
with equipment
from dumpsters and dollar stores.
Necessity is the MILF of invention.
You know, um, he would talk
to people who weren't here.
Your friend.
Some music, perhaps?
I noticed you enjoy truly revolting
garbage from the 1990s.
- Come, my lady, come, come, my lady ♪
Help you work.
Bon appétit.
This virus.
Sugar baby, such a sexy, sexy ♪
It's just for Homelander,
right? Not for Vicky?
You got me sprung with your
tongue ring, and I ain't gonna lie ♪
'Cause your loving gets me high,
so to keep you by my side ♪
Ryan, it's Dad.
Hey, listen, buddy, I-I'm sorry
I've been so busy lately,
but I hear you're having some issues
with the-the puppet show thing.
Um, look, I got a lot going on here,
buddy, so, uh, do me a favor,
just-just-just suck it up
and-and do it, all right? For me.
Terrific. Love you. Great. Bye.
Are you absolutely sure
that he is the leak?
The little shit broke wide open.
He confessed to everything.
- Sir.
- [HOMELANDER] Webweaver.
- Ew, what the fuck?
- Ew.
- I'm sorry.
Happens when I'm nervous.
- Oh, fuck.
- Ain't got to be nervous, just
- go on, tell him what you told me. I know.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, sir.
Whatever you want to know.
How does it work?
There's a hole in the suit
so the webs can get out
No. No. How does it work
with William Butcher?
Yeah, well, uh He-he
he comes to me.
I tell him what he wants to know.
- Oh, for God sakes.
- That's just embarrassing.
- Just shut the fuck up.
Now, one of Butcher's crew
was wearing your nasty-ass
suit to Tek-Knight's.
Did you give it to them?
I'm not proud of it.
There it is.
Help me out with something here.
Few weeks back,
how did you know where
I was meeting Victoria Neuman?
Look, I-I messed up. I know, I know
I'm sorry.
Oh, God. I'm sorry.
I I don't feel very good.
You ever meet this British guy?
- He's a liar.
He fucks with your brain.
- Feeble brains, maybe.
Feeble. I'm all fucked up.
I screwed you.
I'm so, so sorry.
I'll make you proud. I swear to God.
Oh, buddy, what am I gonna do with you?
Oh, stop.
Wait, wait!
It wasn't me.
No, please. [SCREAMING]
Thank you, Firecracker.
You bet.
For Noel.
It's not much.
I've missed you.
I came every day. You wouldn't see me.
I was ashamed.
For what you did to
Colin and his family.
You told a lot to Annie.
The rest I pieced together.
Then you know why I
had to turn myself in.
You're exhausting.
You always do this. All moody.
Torturing yourself.
What else was I supposed to do?
- Ask for help. Come to me for help.
- You can't help.
You don't understand.
Do you know why I can't speak?
You watched Shining Light
kill your parents.
Your brother told me.
I never told Kenji the truth.
It was my first night at the camp.
We move like ghosts.
In silence.
So will you.
So the first girl to cry out?
She loses.
You ready?
I murdered her without making a sound.
Then when I was allowed
to speak again
I couldn't.
You did not have a choice.
Of course I did.
Better they kill me,
than what I did to that girl.
What I did to lots of girls.
I look in the mirror
and hate what I see.
So I understand,
more than you know.
You should not hate yourself.
Then neither should you.
How can we possibly forgive ourselves?
How can we move on?
When the virus is ready,
we should set him free, no?
Butcher won't be happy.
Then it must be the right thing to do.
[AMBROSIUS] Babe, that you?
[SIGHS] Yeah, babe.
[AMBROSIUS] Can you pick
me up some Sugarfish?
No. We've talked about this.
I can't take part in the
slaughter of albacore.
One of my ride-or-dies is an albacore.
[AMBROSIUS] Okay, so I don't
get to stay where I want
or eat what I want.
- What's that supposed to mean?
"Sometimes the way you get them
is the way you lose them".
Why are you quoting Lisa Vanderpump?
[AMBROSIUS] I know about Sage.
What are you talking about? Sage?
Don't patronize me, Kevin.
I've known for a while.
My suckers can smell her on you
- after your trysts.
Like the one you're coming from now.
I love you so much.
Your gentle heart,
your fearless writing.
Can you honestly say she feels the same?
Look, I don't know
what to tell you right now.
Try the truth.
It's not too late.
This is worth fighting for.
We're worth fighting for.
There's no way Sage cares
about you the way that I do.
She says that I'm a superior being,
and she has four limbs.
[AMBROSIUS] That is not fair.
Yeah, well, it is what it is.
That's a dumb, nothing phrase,
- spoken by
- Dumb people?
Dumb people? I hate it
when you get nasty.
Well, what choice do I have,
when you're rubbing my face in it?
Oh, what, that I'm happy for once?!
- I'm sorry!
- I feel sorry for you.
For me? [LAUGHING] For me? Look at you.
You won't be laughing when you
realize she doesn't respect you.
She does respect me!
Wake up, Kevin. She's using you.
- You shut the fuck up!
- You're throwing us away for a woman
who thinks you're pathetic [GASPING]
Kevin! Kevin!
Come back!
Please, Kevin, please.
Please, Kevin.
Kevin, I-I-I can't breathe.
- Please [WHEEZING]
- What?
- Oh, my God.
- [AMBROSIUS] Kevin!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
- Open the door!
- Fuck.
I love you.
- Okay.

Deep? Deep?
- Did you get all that?
- Yes, sir.
I finally have clarity now.
I will kill whoever you want me to kill,
whenever you want me to kill them.
I'll kill every goddamn fish
in the ocean if you say so.
Attaboy. Um
Well, get to it.
- Madam Vice President-elect?
- Yeah?
There's someone here to see you.
Fuck, I'm gonna miss New York bodegas.
[HUGHIE] Listen, we need to talk.
You can still stop all this,
all right? Just stop.
You must be pretty desperate
if you're throwing a Hail
Mary like this. Jesus
Five minutes, all right?
Just five minutes
where we cut the bullshit and
we talk, just you and me,
about how fucked all this is.
What it is, is politics.
You know how it goes,
strange bedfellows.
Yeah, but it's not like you're
palling around with Mitt Romney.
You're working with Homelander.
He's gonna kill the president.
That sounds fucking insane
coming out of my mouth.
And when Homelander
chucks all the Starlighters
into internment camps, you're just,
you're cool with that, too?
You didn't know about the camps.
Why do you think that
you were at Tek-Knight's?
- That's what his prisons are for.
- I got to get back to it.
I still have all the dirt on you.
What you said at Tek-Knight's.
Is that a threat?
Because when we drop it,
then you'll kill us all.
Like you said, mutually
assured destruction.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
And if you're even, like, one percent
of the person that I knew,
then I don't think you
really want to do this.
You can still step back.
Vic, it's not too late.
Thanks for coming by.
I'm sorry
to hear about your dad.
Hughie's still not answering.
I'm worried about him.
Sup, cum burgers?
The fuck you doing here?
[DEEP] Homelander is
sick of your shit, bro.
Said to put you out of your misery.
[BUTCHER] And he sent you?
Sure you ain't too busy
tongue lashing your octo-pussy?
What? No. I never
He didn't just send me.
Do you know what?
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but it's Christmas.
You two twats leg it right now,
and we'll forget you was ever here.
[LAUGHS] What, dude?
I can barely understand you,
- your accent's insane.
- What the fuck do you want, Deep?
Justice, you fucking bitch.
God, I'm gonna enjoy this so much.
First, you tried to cancel me,
victimize an innocent
man because I guess
that's just cool to do to
white guys nowadays.
But joke's on you. #MeToo's over,
sweetheart, it didn't work.
I do not respect your truth.
I do not honor and cherish your story.
And I do not fucking apologize.
Cunt's narcoleptic.
whatever you did to Ezekiel,
do it again.
What are you doing?
Wait, are you You're the leak?
Did he just talk?
Bro, it was you, bro?
Deep, just FYI, I have always,
always fucking hated your ass.
Fuck, he can fly?
Eat a flying dick, motherfuck
Noir will be back up here
in no time, so let's go.
He's right fucking there. Let's do him.
You know how, Butcher? 'Cause I don't,
but Noir sure as hell's gonna
know how to fucking kill us.
Now, come the fuck on.
Alexa, play "Dave Matthews Chill Mix".
- [ALEXA] Playing Dave Matthews
- Alexa, please fucking don't.
What the fuck, A-Train?
[A-TRAIN] Listen, we got to go, now.
Deep and Noir know that I'm the leak.
- Wait, what?
- Homelander's about to find out any second.
Did you say anything about me,
you fucking asshole?
No, of course not. I
didn't say anything.
- A-Train, what the fuck? What the fuck?
- Ashley.
This is our chance. This is our chance.
Florence, anywhere,
but let's go.
I can't.
- Suit yourself.
- Wait, wait.
Your chip.
Don't forget to cut it out.
Well, it's Christmastime ♪
And the family's near ♪
Hi, sorry, you're Starlight, right?
- Can I just get a selfie?
Oh. [CHUCKLES] Uh, okay.
- Oh, that's a good one.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Thanks.
So what's it gonna be, M?
You gonna help us stop an assassination,
a violent insurrection?
Or you off to have a wank?
Merry Christmas, baby ♪
Looks like a wank then.
Who's Kessler?
- Kessler?
- In the Flatiron.
You shouted a name, "Kessler",
and something that
had to do with Ezekiel.
What was that?
- No idea what you're on about there, luv.
- Hmm.
[MONIQUE] You're really not coming.
Those rum punches are
gonna have to wait, babe.
Janine needs you.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Monique, the one thing
I've wanted more than anything,
my one prayer every night,
has been to be with you
and Janine again.
To be a family.
But if I'm gonna protect you
two the way I have to,
I can't.
I just
I can't.
Maybe one day.
"Maybe"? What the hell's that supposed
to mean, Marvin? Maybe?
- I got to go, babe.
- Marvin, wait

[MUFFLED VOICE] Homelander?
Are you all right?
- I'm so
- How could he do this to me?
I'm so sorry.
You know, some folks are just
well, they're born uppity.
Where is he?
He cut out his tracking chip.
And his family's gone, too.
[SMACKS LIPS] Of course.
[SAGE] You sent Deep
and Noir after Butcher?
We talked about this.
Smartest person in the world,
and you didn't know
A-Train was the leak?
I knew.
[SMACKS LIPS] You knew.
And you let us kill
Webweaver for nothing?
Oh, shit.
You killed Webweaver?
Did you think he was the leak?
He was a junkie who'd confess
to nailing Christ on the cross
if it got him home for his next fix.
[SIGHS] I was very clear.
No more secrets.
But A-Train only leaked
exactly the information I wanted
Butcher and his team to know.
He was the perfect
misinformation delivery system.
Until now.
This was all part of the plan.
Get the fuck out of here. You're done.
Go back to your little
litter box in Detroit
and die alone.
[STAMMERS] You promised.
You promised me you would listen to me.
You're lucky I'm not sending
you home in a bucket.
Fine, surround yourself
with people like her.
Then you can systematically eliminate
anyone who gets in your way,
but there's one person
you will never, ever defeat.
Good luck without me.
We don't need her. [CHUCKLES]
Just-just get out.
- Are you sure there's
nothing I can
do for you?
- Oh, just get the fuck out.
- Okay. Mm-hmm.
- Bro?
- Bro.
Hey, you.
Hey, so we've had a day.
Wait, what's the rush?
[SAGE] Homelander. He fired me.
Wait, but you can't leave. I love you.
- We have something special, don't we?
- Wait.
Is she lobotomizing herself
to fuck you, too?
What do you mean,
"lobotomizing herself"?
- I was lying on the grass of Sunday morning ♪
You were right. It's ready.
The glycerol gradient.
Uh, it worked.
Even in a shitty lab. [CHUCKLES]
After we do an FFA test,
see that the virus is working,
we have some good news for you, mon ami.
- No!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Making sure I'm not in too deep ♪
If you steal my sunshine ♪
It's okay.
Mon coeur, look at me.
Take this. Focus on this.
[GRUNTS] I'm sorry!
In the park across the street ♪
L-A-T-E-R that week ♪
My sticky paws were into making
straws out of big fat slurpy treats ♪
An incredible eight-food heap ♪
But I invite who I want to come ♪
So I missed a million miles of fun ♪
It's okay.
You're okay.
Yeah. You're okay.
If you steal my sunshine ♪
You didn't twig to what
Sameer was up to?
Well, with bindings so thick, he
must have worked them for days.
- Maybe weeks. No?
- [BUTCHER] All right. All right.
What matters is if Sameer can
get the bug out of a sheep's head,
Frenchie can get it out of Kimiko's gam.
[HUGHIE] All right, so,
we know the virus works,
- but is it strong enough?
- [FRENCHIE] To kill Homelander?
No. But to kill Neuman at least?
C'est possible.
We've been on this for weeks,
and all we have is a maybe?
Why all the grim faces?
We've done more with less.
Ain't nobody gonna murk the president,
not on our fuckin' watch.
Frenchie, that virus
it ain't gonna cook itself, brother.
All right, let's go.
Chop, chop, motherfuckers.
[HOMELANDER] Ryan, it's Dad.
Hey, listen, buddy, I-I'm sorry
I've been so busy lately,
but I hear you're having some issues
with the-the puppet show thing.
Um, look, I got a lot going on here,
buddy, so, uh, do me a favor.
Just-just suck it up and-and do it.
All right? For me. Terrific.
Love you. Great. Bye.
When you see something,
say something ♪
Call 1-800-1-Vought ♪

Could be a moocher
from the welfare state ♪
Or your teacher who
tries to indoctrinate ♪
A socialist who says the stars
and stripes aren't great ♪
Keep your ears open
and your eyes stay peeled ♪
But whatever you do, make
sure your lips aren't sealed ♪
When you see something,
say something ♪
Pick up the phone and make the call ♪
When you see something,
say something ♪
Supes make the world
a safe place for us all ♪
There he is.
Where the fuck were you
when I needed you?
Silent treatment goes both ways.
Could be the scientist
who makes vaccines ♪
The guy with a beard
who's a beauty queen ♪
The immigrant who keeps your ♪
- Stop. Stop. Just stop.
This song isn't cool.
Honestly, none of this is cool.
Go to fucking commercial!
No. Don't go to commercial.
Keep rolling, please.
- [MAN] Let's just go.
Your family isn't your enemy.
Your family is all you've got.
I've been thinking about
my mom a lot lately.
She died.
But she loved Christmas.
And s'mores with Reese's.
And Terms of Endearment.
And she loved her husband Billy.
But she wouldn't love this.
She wouldn't want me doing it.
My mom always told
me to tell the truth
which is why
I'm sorry.
[BUTCHER] And that
is why I got faith in the kid,
you little fucking beauty.
- [HOMELANDER] I'll always protect you.
[WOMAN] Call 911!
Hey, Annie?
[ANNIE] Mm-hmm.
I, uh I didn't actually
go to urgent care today.
[ANNIE] Yeah, I could tell.
Yeah. Well, I I went to go see Vicky.
- Hughie!
- Yeah, look, I know it
I'm okay. It's just
I don't know. I thought maybe
I could talk her out of it, or
[ANNIE] And ?
Whoa. Uh
what made you
I-I just thought
I would try it on.
Okay. How-How's it feel?
Feels annoying
that you were right.
We'll take it step by step,
one dumpster fire at a time.
So, you're saying, I give genius advice.
[LAUGHS] Don't push it.
admit it.
You have fantasized
about keeping this suit on for this.
- I haven't
not fantasized about it.
Oh, shit.



When you see something,
say something ♪
Report that groomer
when he comes for you ♪
See something, say something ♪
'Cause he hates America
and Christmas, too ♪
It's the woke principal
and his husband Chad ♪
Or could be your uncle
who says Supes are bad ♪
It might even be
your mom and your dad ♪
But listen to the golden rule ♪
If you see something, say something ♪
Call 1-800-1-Vought ♪
Could be a moocher
from the welfare state ♪
Or your teacher who
tries to indoctrinate ♪
A socialist who says the stars
and stripes aren't great ♪
Keep your ears open
and your eyes stay peeled ♪
But whatever you do, make
sure your lips aren't sealed ♪
When you see something,
say something ♪
Pick up the phone and make the call ♪
When you see something,
say something ♪
Supes make the world
a safe place for us all ♪
It might be the people
who don't trust the cops ♪
Or when Sean Penn says
that Supes should stop ♪
It might even be your
mom and your pops ♪
But don't forget the golden rule ♪
If you see something, say something ♪
Call 1-800-1-Vought ♪
Could be the scientist
who makes vaccines ♪
The guy with the beard
who's a beauty queen ♪
The immigrant who keeps
your apartment clean ♪
Keep your ears open
and your eyes stay peeled ♪
But whatever you do, make
sure your lips aren't sealed ♪
Put them on the naughty list ♪
We can't let those commies win ♪
So when you see someone
who's looking suss ♪
Just turn those losers in ♪
When you see something,
say something ♪
Report that groomer
when he comes for you ♪
See something, say something ♪
'Cause he hates America
and Christmas, too ♪
It's probably those who
don't believe in God ♪
And anyone who thinks
that Supes are a fraud ♪
So tell them all the golden rule ♪
If you see something, say something ♪
Call 1-800-1-Vought ♪
And you'll be a hero, too ♪
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