The Circle (2020) s04e07 Episode Script

The Party Divide

[suspenseful music playing]
[Michelle] The influencers have made
the tough decision on who to block,
but it's about to get even tougher
for Yu Ling
'cause as top influencer,
she has to deliver the bad news in person.
Is this some sick joke?
Oh, my God. I feel so bad.
"An influencer is on their way
to block one of you now."
Holy shit.
That is terrifying!
I'm gonna say my little prayer.
I'm so glad that I'm immune.
I would be freaking out.
It can't be me.
Not a good omen.
These are my last two tea bags.
I'm sending all the good vibes.
[music fading out]
-[sad music playing]
Crissa! I'm Yu Ling.
I'm so sorry. You're blocked.
-Oh no.
-It's okay.
Crissa, can I give you a hug?
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
-Take a seat.
-[high-pitched] No!
And tell me why.
Oh, my God!
Tell me why.
I went there ready to go to bat for you,
and I did.
I'm just honest, all cards on the table,
I'm like, "She said that she's had my back
even without me there."
-I literally meant it.
-A hundred percent.
-And I knew that, though.
And I was like, "She said that."
And then Alyssa said,
"Okay, but she holds her cards
too close to her chest."
-"I don't know what game she's playing."
-[Crissa] Alyssa don't like me.
-[Yu Ling] Really? You think so?
-I really think so.
-[Yu Ling laughs]
-I'm being honest to God.
I think Alyssa and Bru find me
as a threat.
But you're right because right now,
her and Bru She's like, "I adore Bru."
And I was like, "Really?"
And then that roast
You mean to tell me
that "sweet boy" roasted like that?
-That's what I'm saying.
-I don't know about that.
When when you got in there,
I was like I felt safe,
um, 'cause I was like,
"I got my talk with you," all that.
I felt safe, but then, I was like,
"You never know because Alyssa
could really change her mind."
Oh, God. And it's true.
[music stops]
That was so much harder
than I thought it was gonna be.
[serene music playing]
Oh, my God.
Thank you, dear God.
Oh, my God!
That's it.
That was the scariest shit ever.
These two girls went in there.
I don't know what was said.
I don't really care what was said,
but I know one thing.
They remembered that I had their back,
and they had mine.
What are your thoughts
on Rachel and Nathan, then?
He said that you were cute.
I said, "Okay, shoot your shot."
You know what I'm saying? You know?
-But I I feel like Nathan could be loyal.
-[Crissa] He's a frat boy. Um.
-[Yu Ling] Yeah.
So he has it in him
'cause I'm sure he's loyal
to the boys, you know?
So I feel he's probably loyal,
but he's new, so he's out here
trying to search for these
Carol is one of the Probably
Like, strategic-wise,
she's good to keep around
because she's another woman.
-But she has a lot of cards.
-Right. That's what I'm saying.
-Like, she in the game.
-That's what I'm thinking.
She has the Momma card.
She has the woman's card.
Like, she has pretty much everybody.
And so she's honestly,
in that sense, the strongest player.
That's so true.
-And many people think that.
-I I say Frank all the way.
-[Yu Ling] Yes.
[Crissa] I think if you can get Nathan
in your corner, get Nathan in your corner.
[Yu Ling] Okay.
Get rid of Bru.
-[Yu Ling] Get rid of Bru.
-[Crissa] I would've got rid of Bru
-Fuck. I should've trusted my instincts.
-or Carol.
Her first thing was,
"Bru is off the table."
-It just really breaks my freaking heart.
You don't understand how much I was like
Wish you would've went with it.
Ain't gonna lie.
I wish you would've went with it.
-I know. I know, Crissa.
-But it is what it is.
Thanks for coming and saying bye.
-I literally love you with my whole heart.
-Me too. Me too.
No hard feelings.
Thank you for saying that.
-Don't let anybody tell you what to do.
-I'll play with my heart.
-All right. See ya.
-I love you, Crissa.
-Good luck. I love you too.
-Oh, my God!
[music fading out]
[calm music playing]
[Michelle] B-baller Crissa's
Circle journey has been put
on a permanent timeout,
and for the others, it's time for bed.
I'm dying to know who got blocked.
I just really, really have to, like,
keep hoping that it wasn't Frank.
I don't know who the hell went home.
I'm hoping that Yu Ling held it down,
and I can't wait to see if Crissa
has made it through this blocking.
[Michelle] But what's the fun in that?
We're gonna make you wait
until the morning, Frankie boy.
Crissa, she told me to vote with my heart
and to trust it,
and I'm never going to let anybody
come in between that again.
This is payback for Crissa.
I can't believe I did that,
but that's the game plan.
I'm gonna do her justice.
-Goodnight, Circle.
-So, goodnight, Circle.
[John] Stay loose, baby.
[music fading out]
["Enjoy The Silence"
by Depeche Mode playing]
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed ♪
Is here in my arms ♪
[Michelle] Good morning.
Our influencers are waking up fresh
from blocking Crissa last night.
But the rest of the players
still have no idea who was sent home.
[all] Good morning, Circle.
Somebody went home last night,
but we still don't know who it is.
Words are very unnecessary ♪
They can only do harm ♪
-[screen beeps]
"The Newsfeed has been updated."
This is what I've been waiting for.
That's about to tell us what happened.
Oh, let me take a sip. Mm.
Time to see who got blocked.
I feel nervous. I'm curious
if anyone else is gonna guess who it is.
My gut tells me it's Bru.
I would not be surprised if it was Crissa.
Worst case, Momma Carol. I would cry.
I'll cry if a 63-year-old woman pops up
on my screen.
"The blocked player has left a message
for The Circle."
I can only hope that she is not gonna
necessarily put a target on my back.
At the same time, like,
I can't be mad if she does
'cause I was the one
who went in and blocked her.
Circle, please play
the blocked player video.
Who got blocked, Circle?
[whispers] Okay.
Oh! My sister!
Oh, no!
Hey, y'all.
Just kidding. It's me, Crissa.
-As you can see
-Oh! She's beautiful.
I am real.
I knew you were real, Crissa.
I could tell
you were a real, genuine person.
Embrace it. Yes, embrace it.
Damn! She's so cute!
I came into this game
to be my genuine self.
That's the lifestyle that I live,
is living by honesty.
I'm used to playing fair and honest
in a game,
and that's exactly what I did
in The Circle,
but clearly, people find that as a threat.
Some of y'all don't really have
those genuine vibes.
Y'all know who y'all are.
Who is she talking about?
Who I wish these weren't so cryptic.
I am sad to go.
-So much love to some of y'all
that I have built the relationships with.
You know who you are.
I love you so much.
Take it all the way to the end.
I believe in you,
and I'm here cheering for you.
[blows raspberry] That sucks.
Wow, they left Carol in the game,
even though everyone thinks
Carol is a catfish.
I just can't wait to let people know
where exactly we were coming from
and to round up the genuine folks
and let them know
what the hell's going on.
But right now,
this is gonna be diplomatic.
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Message, "Good morning, Circle fam."
"I know that some of you may be shocked
about the decision Alyssa
and I had to make last night."
"At this point in the game, we have built
so many amazing connections
and found it extremely difficult
and heartbreaking to let anyone go."
Well fucking said, Yu Ling.
That makes sense.
I do think that there was probably
more at play that they're not saying.
Message, "I know it's cliché,
but last night really was harder
than I thought it would be."
"Like Yu Ling said,
she and I did our best to make a decision
based on the connections
that we made in the Circle so far."
That's such a lame reason, though.
Come on, guys.
There are bigger threats here.
"We were so sad to have to let Crissa go,
and she will be sincerely missed
in all of our group chats."
"Heartbroken emoji. #CircleFam."
Alyssa, I don't know.
That is a bit suspicious to me.
Message, "Yu Ling and Alyssa,
I'm sure last night was very difficult."
"It's never easy to tell someone
that they've been blocked,
but I'm sure it was even harder
in person."
"I'm grateful to be here another day.
Thank you both so much. Red heart."
Yeah, Carol. You should be very thankful.
They should have gotten rid of you.
Everyone's being strategic right now,
trying to butter up Yu Ling.
Carol has basically let us know
that she don't give a damn about Crissa.
She didn't say that Crissa will be missed.
I think she knows
that Crissa had it out for her, maybe.
[exhales] Message,
"I had the devastating responsibility
of letting Crissa know in person."
"But honestly,
I'd rather break the news in person,
and I was so lucky to connect with her."
"It really blows to see a real one go."
She will be sorely missed." Send.
Well, you're not gonna miss her that much.
You had no problem blocking her.
Somehow I'm reading that as she's upset
that we let somebody go who was real
and kept somebody here that was fake,
i.e. Carol.
[huffs] That's a way to start the day.
This conversation and everything
that's happened from last night to today
just reminds you
that everybody's just playing a game.
Gonna miss Crissa a lot,
but I have to do what I have to do
to make sure that I stay in this game,
which means I have to think about now
what the hell am I gonna do?
The Circle keeps going
round and round, child.
[positive music playing]
[Michelle] With his number one
from day one blocked,
Frank is looking for a new bestie,
and he's starting with the person
who blocked his old bestie.
[screen chimes]
"Frank has invited you to a private chat."
Frank is either gonna say,
"I hate you forever,"
or he's gonna say,
"Girl, what the hell went down?"
Message, "Hey, Yu Ling.
Smiley face emoji."
"I wanted to come over and check on you
because I know having to send Crissa home
was hard on you.
I'm really finding it hard to decipher
who I can and cannot trust in this game.
I feel in my gut that I can trust you,
but I want to know if there is anyone else
that you can trust."
"I'm still #TeamYuLing! Red heart!" Frank!
I love him.
He is right now gonna be
the biggest alliance in my game,
and I need to tell him
what I know.
Message, "I trust you with my whole heart.
"So I need you to sit down,
as what I'm about to deliver
is going to be scalding hot."
Oh my. I wonder what she's about to say.
"I found out last night
that Carol told both Alyssa and I
that she was the one
that saved us in the first blocking,
but I'm beginning to wonder
if that's true." Send.
Carol, you are playing a dirty game,
Miss Girl.
Carol's trying to use
what we talked about in the Hangout
to get me out of this game
to make an alliance
with Yu Ling and Alyssa.
Any type of friendship or alliance
that she thought we were gonna have,
baby, it's done. It's over.
Message, "Wow, I am floored right now."
"It seems Carol wanted
to make you both feel
like I wanted y'all out of this game,
which is the furthest thing
from the truth."
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Carol, you have been lying!
Message, "Because you and Paul
were the last two in the ratings,
we both decided mutually
that we wanted you in this game
instead of Paul."
"She is definitely playing the game.
But what is done in the dark"
"will always come to light."
Message, "Honey," in all caps,
"I 100 emoji percent believe you."
"Just know that Crissa said
you are the one I should put my trust in,
and honestly, you have always had it
from the very start."
"#TeamFrankAllTheWayBaby. #IGotYou." Send.
Love that.
Message, "Since we're on the same page
when it comes to trust,
I wanted to get your thoughts on Rachel.
I had a private chat with her,
and she seems
like she is a genuine person,
and I believe I can trust her."
"I would love to add her to this chat.
What do you think?"
Message, "Rachel was bold enough
to call Carol out in that roast."
"I'd be more than happy
to add her to this chat."
I know that's right. Definitely feel like
she, out of all people,
feels like Carol is a snake.
Circle, please add Rachel to this chat.
[playing sad accordion song]
[screen beeps]
[shouting] "Frank has invited you
to a pr a group chat!"
Circle, take me to the group chat.
Wow. Okay, Yu Ling, me, and Frank.
Okay, I like the vibes.
Message, "Hey, Rachel.
I wanted to add you to this chat
because you are
one of the other players I can trust
along with Yu Ling in this game."
[Rachel] I feel so good about this.
I really am happy
that he knows that I got him.
to the #InnerTrustCircle, Rachel."
"I feel like we have definitely vibed
since you've joined the fam,
and Frank is the realest
and most trustworthy homie in here."
That's nice as hell, dude.
And also "Inner Trust Circle." Yes!
Message, "Frank, I trust you completely,
and I'm so glad to see
Yu Ling is the homie too."
"#InnerTrustCircle. Family emoji." Send.
I definitely wanna let Rachel know
that I caught her shade
toward Momma Carol,
and I'm all the way here for it.
Message, "Yes! I'm loving
this #InnerTrustCircle."
"Rachel, I love that you were able
to keep it 100 in your roast."
"Someone probably needs to go
and check on Carol after that
because you ate her up, and I was living.
[whispering] Fire emoji."
Message, "The way you called Carol out
with your whole chest had me dying."
"That was some major food for thought
and has me rethinking some things." Send.
Message, "I did bring some
of that #TexasHeat."
"I had to keep it 100 emoji."
"That #MommaCarol thing
feels like branding to me."
[shouting] Oh! "Listen, she seems nice.
I just had to say what was on my mind."
"I'm glad I can be honest with y'all."
"And I've said it to Frank,
so I'll say it to you, Yu Ling."
"#IGotYou. Red heart!"
That's exactly what I love to see.
Rachel is not afraid of keeping it 100.
Message, "Rachel, you have
a solid ghost and BS detector."
"There is nothing but love
for you, and, Frank"
"#IGotYouTooBoo. #InnerTrustCircle."
That's really, really nice.
Baby, I definitely think
that we have a solid alliance
in the #InnerTrustCircle,
and I could not be happier
with how this went today.
I have found two people
that I know I can trust
because I trust Frank,
and if he trusts Rachel,
then that secures it for me.
That was so good.
[drum loop playing]
[Michelle] Okay.
A solid connection has been made
between a ghost hunter,
an influencer, and a Frank.
And alliance strengthening
is the theme today,
'cause it's time to check in
with our sweetest,
weirdest mother-son duo.
Message, "Momma Carol"
"I breathed a sigh of relief
seeing your face
on my screen this morning."
"How are you feeling?"
I love that. I love Bru. Like,
I love where I'm at with Bru in the game.
This is an alliance member.
So, I'm showing her I care,
I'm thinking about her.
The mom and the son dynamic continues
because she was my my number one.
Message, "Bru, I couldn't agree more!
Exclamation point."
"It was a great feeling"
"that my baby bear is still here.
Smiley face."
That's the kind
of mother-son relationship you want.
A little bit of loyalty, you know?
The basics.
I just want Bru to know,
like, I always got his back
as long as he's got mine, like
Message, "There's nothing stronger
than the bond between mom and son, comma,
so as long as we're together"
"I think we can do
some pretty great things."
"No matter what,
we have each other's back."
Message, "As long as you're here,
I truly feel safe."
"I couldn't agree more
about a bond between mother and son."
Oh, I need a second.
"Welcome to the family, Bru, uh.
Christmases are wild,
and, uh, I'll have to show you
some Rod Stewart."
Would love that. I'd love to go
to a Rod Stewart concert.
Is he still touring?
Momma Carol, it's you and me.
We're kind of each other's, you know,
core backbone in here.
I do got this guy's back.
Like, this solidifies
that he's got mine. I got his.
And we live to fight another day,
and him and I have a very strong bond.
[calm music playing]
[Michelle] While Bru got nice and cuddly
with catfish Momma Carol,
Alyssa hits up Nathan
to have a chat with a catfish of her own.
-[screen beeps]
This is unexpected.
I know so little about Nathan.
Rachel seems to not trust him off the bat.
He flirted with Yu Ling,
which feels kind of bold
for a 22-year-old.
I need more information
so that I can feel like I know
what to do with him moving forward.
This could be a good opportunity
to try and get Alyssa on my side,
because she's a lot more popular
than I thought she was.
Message, "Hi, my friend!"
With two exclamation points.
"I just wanted to check in with you"
"because we haven't had the time
to chat yet,
but you have just experienced
your first blocking."
"How are you feeling?"
Um. God. I could mention
that I'm surprised Crissa left,
but I don't want her to think
that I am suspicious of her at all.
Message, "Glad to chat"
"Bru has only told me great things
about you."
"The first blocking was pretty intense,
so I can only imagine
how crazy it was for you and Yu Ling,
but after hearing your reasons,
I think you guys made the right call."
How amazing is it
that one of the first things he said to me
is, "Bru told me great things about you."
What a guy.
Message, "Thank you! Exclamation point."
[Alex] "That's so sweet of Bru.
I absolutely adore him."
"Thank you so much."
"I wasn't expecting to feel so sad
making the decision,
but I do think it was for the best."
"Have you made any friends
in The Circle yet?"
All right. She wants
to talk a little bit of game.
I want me, her, Bru, and Yu Ling
to be a foursome.
"Bru is my boy. He reminds me
of all my friends back home."
"Also, Yu Ling
has slid into my DMs pretty hard."
"We seem to really vibe."
[Alex] "But other than that,
still just getting to know everyone."
"What about you?"
"Who are you friends with?
Question mark, question mark." Send.
Message, "Bru and Yu Ling
are my Circle besties! Exclamation point."
"If you end up taking Yu Ling on a date
after this,
I will give you some tips. Laughing face."
Oh yes! Yes!
This could be a nice way
to connect with him
in that sort of like big sister,
little brother type of thing.
Message, "As far as Yu Ling goes,
she seems like the type of girl
who would want an adventurous first date,
so think outside of the box."
"So, of course my recommendation
is the Museum of Sex."
"Winky face. Flame emoji."
[laughs] We got to address
the Museum of Sex.
I did not know that was a real thing.
Message, "Museum of Sex?"
"Question mark, exclamation point.
Question mark, exclamation point."
"I had no idea
there was anything like that."
"Honestly sounds like
such a fun first date, though."
"Flame emoji."
"Maybe you and Bru"
"could join us for a #DoubleDate.
Think of how fun that would be."
That would be so fun. [laughs]
Okay. We're bonding.
This is exactly what I needed to hear
in hopes to start a new alliance.
I don't really get a catfish vibe
from him.
He kind of reminds me
of, like, just a normal kid.
Look at this right here. Boom!
Bru to Alyssa, Alyssa to Yu Ling,
Yu Ling to me, and me to Bru.
This has the making
of something powerful right here.
[Michelle] There's two kinds of players
in The Circle.
Those who pay attention, take notes,
and strategize at every opportunity,
and then there's Frank.
But see, I ain't
My titties are a little too big for this.
[Michelle] As much as I hate
to look away from this,
we got something very exciting for y'all.
[cool rock music playing]
My God. This is Oh!
Yeah, boy, it's The Circle, baby!
Yes, baby! The Circle!
I'm on this! I'm on The Circle!
I'm on The Circle. You see it.
I'm on The Circle, baby. You see it. Okay.
["Soda Pop" by Stony Pony
feat. Hot Air Balloon playing]
Had to go around 'cause it's
it's a circle.
What's up, y'all? My name is Eversen.
I'm 35 years old from Atlanta, Georgia.
I'm a cruise director,
and I've lived at sea for ten years.
All the way to the dome
All the way to the ♪
I am the voice of entertainment.
Literally, I am in charge
of all of the fun.
And in the morning, I wake them up
with my good morning song.
Boom, boom, boom
Well, a very good morning ♪
I get energy
from making other people feel good,
making them smile, making them laugh
when they don't expect it,
makin' them laugh till they fart.
I love that. That's my favorite part.
I'll be going into The Circle as myself.
Why? 35 years I've been practicing
to be Eversen. What else could I be?
Being a cruise director,
I'm a master communicator.
I work with over 62 nationalities
where English is probably
their third or fourth language,
so I know how to keep people happy.
Am I gonna to use that in The Circle?
One hundred percent yes.
Boom, boom, boom
I'm gonna win The Circle ♪
Circle, open up, uh
Open up Reverend Dr. E.
Circle, open up the Prince photo.
Yes! Now
Now what does this image tell you?
Okay, you can't see my eyes,
but if you see this as a profile pic,
you know this dude is fun.
Make this my second profile pic, Circle.
Thank you.
Mm! Perfect!
All right, "relationship status."
"Single and ready to flamingle."
You see, I have my
'Cause flamingos would be on one leg.
So I put my You know, single.
[Michelle] I love
when The Circle sends new players in.
But y'all know what's better
than one new player?
by John Bradshaw & Tim Hiscox playing]
Just hold up. I think I know that face.
Where have I seen him before?
[laughs] Oh snap!
I'm on The Circle! I made it.
Hey, guys, I'm Trevor. I'm 35.
I'm a strength and conditioning coach,
and I'm from Brooklyn, New York.
BK all day!
I know you guys are trying to figure out
where you recognize this face from,
but it really is me, guys,
the real Trevor.
My wife DeLeesa used my photos
back in season two.
They're gonna love Trevor.
And it worked out for her
because she turned out to be the winner.
["Brand New Day"
by LaVance Colley playing]
I'mma get paid, whoo
You know I'm right ♪
So DeLeesa and I have a bet
that I could win this
regardless of who I go on the show
and play.
So, welcome to The Circle, Imani.
It's a brand new day ♪
I may be using
DeLeesa's friend's pictures in The Circle,
but I'll be creating a whole personality
and backstory.
I was raised in a house with four women.
If there's anything I know, it's women.
I've been doing makeup,
put on, like, women's jeans.
I've got a wig that I've been braiding.
You really gotta get into the mind
of a woman when you're gonna play a woman.
One hundred percent,
that money is coming home with me.
DeLeesa may be the queen of The Circle,
but y'all have finally met its king.
"Relationship status."
She's gonna be single!
I don't care who I gotta flirt with.
I'm a flirt.
That's gonna be a really,
really, really big part of my game.
So hopefully, that can help me solidify
some alliances moving forward.
I like this. I like this.
I like where we're going, Circle.
We This is gonna be We
This gonna be a good relationship.
I can tell. I can feel it.
[Michelle] I can feel it too.
And I can't wait either, honey.
Now, I wanna tell
our other newbie Eversen two things.
One, that's a vase.
That ain't a cup, honey.
And two, get used to these things.
[alarm blares]
As soon as I take my toes out,
you're gonna tell me it's an alert.
My first alert! Let's go!
Oh. Oh!
"Eversen and Imani, as new players,
tonight you will each be hosting
your own party."
Yo, somebody else came in the game too?
Oh my gosh, so there's two of us.
What's the [spluttering] Who's Imani?
I'm assuming
The only Imanis that I know are girls.
[Michelle] Not anymore.
"Your fellow players will choose
which party they wanna attend"?
Oh, come on, Circle!
Don't do me like that.
Yo, if there's not a long line
to come to my party, I'm gonna be mad.
"They can only attend one"?
[spluttering] Circle, come on, man!
[Trevor] "You will only be able to chat
with players who attend your party."
I'm like, nervous now.
Legit, like, what if nobody comes?
"Eversen, you will be hosting
an under the sea party."
Yeah, that's that's all me.
Merman all day. Piscean in here.
"Imani, you'll be hosting a toga party."
Yo! That's what I'm talking about.
Who doesn't want to go to a toga party?
Imani's toga party
is a classic style party.
But under the sea,
you breathing underwater,
you get to see the beautiful colors.
I'm gonna be swimming through.
You see it. I got the side tail.
I can't wait to see my outfit. Ooh.
I'm gonna look like a Greek God, yo.
Ooh, I've been working out.
I didn't work out today,
but it's all right.
[both] "You both need
to create an invitation for your party."
-Let's go.
-She won't throw a better party than me.
"You're invited to an under the sea party.
Party tagline."
Sea you when I sea you.
"You are invited to a toga party.
Party tagline." Gods and goddesses.
I like that.
Or we could put, "Even if you can't swim,
you can still get in." No.
"Come to this party
if you want to party atop the world."
"Come to this party if you enjoy
the motion of the ocean." Mm.
I don't know what Eversen is planning,
but gods and goddesses? What?
Like, come on now. Like, what's
What's higher level than that?
[Michelle] Speaking of higher-level,
anyone wanna see Bru trying
to bounce ping-pong balls into stuff?
Go. Go, go! Oh, my God!
[gasps] Whoo!
Oh man.
That's my message to the kids.
Don't give up. Keep trying. Yeah.
[Michelle] Or this?
Check this out.
[Michelle] Oh. We are, honey. We are.
While catfish Carol continues
to set the bar
for entertainment in The Circle,
Rachel is immersed in the most ancient
and strategic board game in human history,
which is dope
because Nathan wants to chat with her,
and he's all about strategy.
We should have each other's backs.
We moved in at the same time,
and if we can get
a sort of new-player alliance going,
we could be a powerful duo.
[screen chimes]
Oh! Oh.
Oh. "Nathan has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, I bet I got in his head
with the roast.
Message, "Rachel, my #MoveInBuddy."
"Every day we're in here,
I feel like I know less and less
about the group."
"Coming in late like we did,
I think we really need
to have each other's backs."
Okay. I'm obsessed with this.
I love this so much,
and I'm down. I am down.
Honestly, whoever wants
to have my back, have it.
There's enough of me
to go around. [giggles]
I think we need to stick together.
I think we'd be dumb not to.
And I don't think Rachel's dumb.
Message, "My dude!
Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I truly appreciate you reaching out."
"I'm so happy that we're getting a moment
to connect after the roast as well."
"I hope you didn't take
what I said to heart too much."
"Let's put whatever happened before
behind us."
"Us newbies gotta stick together, right?"
Oh! [laughing]
This is exactly what I wanted to hear.
Rachel, it's like you're reading my notes.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Message, "LOL. Not at all."
"I actually thought
your roast was hilarious,
and I 100% agree
with everything you said about Carol."
"I'm so glad someone called it out."
[Rachel] Oh!
Yes! Nathan!
See, this is what I'm talking about,
my dude. Yes.
Message, "I like where your head's at,
and I definitely want to be here for you."
Please don't just be playing me right now.
Be sincere about this,
and I think we could be
a deadly twosome in this game.
The prize money has been upped.
I need to be on top of my game,
and I think Rachel
and any sort of new player that comes in
could be crucial for Nathan's game.
[upbeat music playing]
[Michelle] As evening settles
in The Circle,
our new players are doing the same
as they unpack their essentials,
clothes, toiletries,
and a bunch of tropical fruits.
And before the obligatory
Circle light boxes are fired up,
I think it's time
they sent out those party invites.
[alarm blares]
-[Alex] An alert!
Oh shit, girl. Here you go.
What is it, Circle?
What you got for me today?
"Two new players have joined The Circle"?
Oh wow.
Two new players?
"Tonight they will each host a party!"
I know, that's right!
I love a good partay! Hey!
"However, you can only attend one."
There's two parties,
and you're already making
a bad relationship
with whoever's you don't attend,
it seems like.
"Both invitations are now
on the Newsfeed."
I wonder if they're theme parties.
Circle, please take me to the Newsfeed.
[upbeat music playing]
Wow! This is fancy. Okay.
"You are invited to a toga party!"
"All my sexy gods and goddesses."
"This party will be a complete lituation!"
That's a trigger word for me, baby.
I'm already interested in this.
"Come to this party
if you want to party atop the world."
Guaranteed Nathan finds himself
at that party.
Nathan does love a toga party.
The next invite's gonna have to bring it.
Circle, please open
the under the sea party invite.
Ah! [laughing]
"You are invited
to an under the sea party."
"Sea you when I sea you."
"This party will be wetter and better."
"Come to this party
if you enjoy the motion of the ocean."
Do I get goggles?
"You must now decide
which party you would like to attend."
I don't know which way I'm gonna go.
This decision could impact me
for the rest of the game.
I definitely hope
that I'm at a party with my people,
but it wouldn't be
the worst thing in the world
to get to know the people
I haven't gotten to know yet.
I think I know.
[Michelle] Now that they've gotten over
that minor issue
of which party they're going to,
it's time for the most important decision,
what's everyone gonna wear?
-Oh! "Your party supplies are"
-"at your door and ready for collection!"
Party time! Let's go!
[Yu Ling gasps]
[Frank] Yeah.
We got another Circle box.
Oh, my God.
[Bru] Partay!
[Alyssa] Let's see.
-[Alex laughing]
-[Alyssa] Ooh!
[Michelle] We'll see who picked
which party soon,
but in the meantime in-between time,
let's check on
our glamorous Circle party hosts.
Ladies and gentlemen,
your goddess has arrived.
I'm just waiting for my guests to arrive.
"Players, it's time to party!"
All right, baby!
"Under the Sea Party Chat." Okay.
It looks like I'm the only one here.
All right, okay.
All right. Don't don't panic.
Bru! Or Bruh! What up, Bruh?
Is it
Is it just me and Eversen? [laughs]
Oh, Rachel.
Rachel has entered
the Under the Sea Party Chat.
Okay, we got Rachel. Okay, thank God.
I was like I was about to say, guys.
It's cool.
People like to be fashionably late.
It's just me and Bru. [laughing]
We party nonetheless.
I'm not worried at all about that.
Two is good.
But, you know, four would be better.
So that means literally everybody else
is at the other party?
[Michelle] Funny you should ask.
I was just about to go check that out.
[Trevor] "Toga Party Chat."
Where is everybody?
Oh! Carol!
Circle, I am so ready for a party.
I don't know if you could tell,
but let's have a good time.
We got Nathan.
Yu Ling has joined the party too.
Imani? That's a hot name.
Oh yes! Frank has joined Toga Party Chat!
Welcome to the Circle family, baby.
I hope you're ready to party.
Let's see. So the other party
is just new player, Bru and Rachel?
Circle, take me to Imani's profile.
"Born and raised in Brooklyn,"
with a apple emoji.
"I'm an Aries." Okay, Aries!
"Love helping people
and drinking tequila at Sunday brunch."
I like you, brother.
This gonna be the start
of a really good relationship.
"Italian food lover." Huge.
"Wine aficionado." Yes, please.
Oh, my God! Imani, she's gorgeous.
"I'm a whopping five feet tall
and an assistant to a sex coach."
I'm getting catfish vibes.
Maybe that's just, like,
my own guilty conscience,
but I'm definitely getting
some catfish vibes from from Alyssa.
Circle, take me back
to the Toga Party Chat.
You're Imani. You're not Trevor anymore.
You got Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
Oh, okay. Imani's typing.
Let's see what she has to say for herself.
Imani, "Hey, loves,
I can't tell you how excited I am
to have you guys come to my party."
"You guys definitely made
the right decision."
I love it. Let's get a message
off in there. I am excited, baby.
Oh! Frank,
"Yes, toga tequila turn up." Oh.
Yes! Yes! See, I was hoping
that would hit with him.
"So excited to have you here, Imani,
and thank you so much
for throwing this amazing party
upon your entry."
Everybody is feeling the vibes,
and, baby, it's a party, honey.
[Michelle] But it ain't a party
till you full-on spied
on the new players though, right?
Rachel, why don't you get us started?
Circle, take me to Eversen's profile.
Yes, Eversen!
Why is he looking at me like that?
Eversen's 35. He is a cruise director.
"I heart dad jokes!"
Dude, I'm the dad joke king.
[Eversen] All right,
"25 years old, radio host."
He can talk. I can talk.
This going to be good.
"Hail from the planet of love.
#ADHDIsMySuperpower." I'm with you there.
Oh, she got the cheeks out!
Any girl that pulls her booty cheeks out
in cold weather is down to party, okay?
Relationship status, single,
and she got a dancing emoji.
Okay, nice. I'm digging that.
I'm digging the vibes.
All right, Circle, take me back
to the Under the Sea Chat.
Uh, Circle, message
[Bru] All righty! Message from Eversen!
The party has started.
"What's up, y'all?
I'm so happy to see you."
"Thanks for coming
to the Under the Sea Party."
"Smiley face emoji. #Merman."
"This is my first night in The Circle,
and I'm so happy
to be hosting this party."
Let me get five, uh, party hat emojis,
two Patrick Swayze,
or Blatrick Swayze dancing emojis.
[Rachel] And I like how positive he is.
He's not upset
that there's not that many people here.
He's just like, "Happy to be here, y'all."
Message, "Eversen! Welcome to the family."
"I gotta say I love an #IntimateAffair."
"It's so much easier
to get to know you this way."
"These decorations are everything!" Yes!
Message, "What's up, Eversen?
So nice to meet you."
"I hear you like Dad jokes,
comma, I got one."
"How does a clam party?"
"It shellebrates!"
"It shellebrates!"
That's really funny.
I mean, it's not funny at all.
Love that. I love that Dad joke.
[Michelle] Y'all know what's better
than Dad jokes at a party?
Dad dancing, honey.
A little bit of Monica in my life ♪
A little bit of Erica by my side ♪
A little bit of Rita's all I need ♪
A little bit of Tina's what I see ♪
A little bit of Sandra in the sun ♪
A little bit of Mary all night long ♪
You see the lights happening?
You see the lights going on?
your man
Ah! ♪
Ah! ♪
[music stops]
[Michelle] It's getting wild
under the sea,
but at the toga party,
it's cranking up another notch
as conversation turns
to ancient Greek sculpture.
Message, "Okay, I've got one for y'all."
"If you were a god or goddess,
what would your sexy statue pose be?"
I like that. That's a good question.
What would my sexy statue pose be?
Imani's pose is like
You gotta standing out there.
You know, like Beyoncé come out,
and she's just looking at the whole crowd.
She just be looking intense.
-This is probably the sexiest pose I know.
-[Frank] I think this will be mine.
Alyssa would probably be like
Be like a tree. I think this is a tree.
Message, "Oh, girl. I'm going with
the Beyoncé hands on hips power pose."
Message, "My sexy statue pose
is very inappropriate, but iconic."
"Crying laughing emoji."
"That pose would be Lil' Kim
and her infamous squat
with her legs wide open."
It's this. Like, it's literally squat,
legs wide open. It's like
There's a lot of crotch.
Yo, Frank is a legend.
Message, "My sexy statue pose
would be The Thinker,
mostly because he's tall, chiseled,
and probably has some good ideas
on how to get a job
from all that thinking."
That's this one.
That's this one, right? He's there.
I think that message
will play right on brand for Nathan.
We're focused on the job,
focused on the muscles.
I mean, I It's a good pose,
but, like, the reasoning
is just so douchey.
Does he have any other personality traits,
or is that it?
I know me at 22.
Mine would have been like The Drinker.
Message, "Nathan, I think you wrote"
"'on my knees
feeding Yu Ling grapes' wrong."
That's funny.
I can't believe she said that!
You are in luck.
I have grapes to be feeding you.
As you wish.
Message, "LOL," with three Ls.
"Yu Ling! Three exclamation points."
"Imani, welcome to the #CircleFam."
"We are clearly insane
and so happy to have you."
Well, I'm happy to be here too.
I really appreciate all the love.
"Toga Party Chat is now closed."
I got a wedgie from here to China, honey.
So, it's about time I take this toga off.
That was fun.
[upbeat music playing]
[Michelle] Two new players, gods,
goddesses, mermen,
and Bru in snorkel gear.
It's fair to say the players
have had a lot of excitement today.
My tongue.
[Michelle] But The Circle's got one more
present to bring to this party.
[alarm blares]
"Alert"? What?
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What we got?
Talk about an after-party.
I was getting ready for bed.
Ah shit, girl.
I should've knew something was coming,
honey, after that party.
Circle, why are you like this?
We were having a great night.
"The Circle is now complete."
We have made it to that point, honey!
That's a good sign.
That means no more new players.
That's everybody. Oh, snap, crackle
and pop, that is that is nuts.
[screams] "The winner is among you!"
[laughs] Come on, baby!
The winner is right here, Circle.
It's standing in front of you.
Not only is the finish line in sight,
but the prize fund is now $150,000.
The game is on. Eversen to win.
I'm the one, and I'm not gonna stop
until I make it happen.
I am taking home that money,
whatever it takes.
I don't give a damn
about any of these other players.
[music stops]
[theme music playing]
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