The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s04e07 Episode Script

Goodbye Crood World

Thanks to my latest invention,
the Betterman Sky Scope,
all the stars in the sky
now belong to me!
Would you like to take a look
Breathtaking, isn't it?
Okay, Philliam,
you've had your turn.
It's time for someone else
to take a look!
And that someone is me.
What is this?
A new celestial object?!
Philliam, I've made a discovery!
It could be a new moon
or a new star!
Whatever it is, Ifound it!
Which means Iget to name it.
And there's only one name
befitting an astral phenomenon
of this magnitude.
Phil Betterman.
But, wait. Phil Betterman
is soaring toward us
at great speed.
I must do some calculations.
To the drawing boulders.
The conclusion
is undeniable.
Phil Betterman is going
to collide with our world.
I-I have to do something!
But, what? What can I do?!
Thank you, Philliam.
I know what to do now.
I need
to rename that orb!
Oh, I should also warn everyone.
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
Listen up, everyone!
There's a cosmic orb hurtling
toward us at this very moment!
That's nice, dear.
No, it's not!
It's not nice at all!
It's a threat of
unprecedented magnitude!
Hey, Phil, since you're up
and not doing anything,
could you grab some
more papaynapple juice?
And a slice, or four,
of breakfast pie, please?
No! Because I am
doing something. I'm warning you
about a monumental crisis!
Anyone else hear a bird
that won't stop squawking?
Don't you understand?!
It's the end of the world!
You say that a lot, Dad.
I True.
But this time, I mean it!
we should be worried?
Yes. Be afraid!
Be very afraid!
Now, stop being afraid
because there's nothing to fear
thanks to my latest invention,
the Betterment Blast-Off.
A vessel that will carry us
from this world to our new home,
the moon!
Good one, Phil!
Like the world could ever end.
And the moon part? Hilarious!
I mean, imagine if what
you were saying was real.
You mean real like that?
Did you put that there?!
Did you paint the sky?!
Honey, you can't paint the sky.
It's too far away.
Put Phil down.
Phil is also a scientist.
So if he says this is happening,
it's happening.
And if he says
we can survive this, we can.
Thank you, Guy.
Oh, we can
survive this alright,
by going back to the one place
where we've been safe
since the very beginning.
Please don't say a cave.
A cave!
Grug, Phil just said the whole
planet is going to be gone.
Pretty sure that includes caves.
Caves can survive anything!
So, grab some supplies
and meet me at the kid cave!
Here we go!
are you sure about this?
I've never been more sure
about anything in my life.
Uh, except marrying you,
of course.
Oh, and having our
daughter Dawn,
butit's a close third.
Nice save.
do you really think
we can live on the moon?
Absolutely. The moon is exactly
like Earth, only gray.
We'll need to paint
everything. I need color!
And this is our best chance?
It's our only chance.
I don't know which is gonna be
worse. The end of the world
or talking your dad
into giving up on caves.
I don't get it.
How can thatlittle thing
cause so much trouble?
It's not little. It just looks
little because it's so far away.
But, as it gets closer,
the orb's gargantuan size
and spectacular power
will become undeniable!
Wow. Sounds like something
worth seeing.
Indeed. Except for
the very ending.
Now, while I ready the
Betterman Blast-Off for launch,
I suggest all of you
make the most of today
because it will be
your last day on Earth.
But be back here by sundown to
board the Betterman Blast-Off.
That is a lot of B's.
Here we go!
Wow, deciding what to do on
our last day here is gonna
be tough.
Not for me. I'm watching
the end of the world on window!
Here we go!
I have so many things
I wanna do,
I don't even know
where to start!
Well, you better figure it out
while you still have the chance.
I had a friend who made a list
of the things
she always wanted to do,
even if they were hard
or scary, and she put it
in a basket.
But, there was also
a raccobra in the basket,
so she never finished the list
or anything else.
That's great!
Th-the basket list idea, not
what happened to your friend.
I-I'm sure she was a warm,
wonderful, caring person.
No! She was as mean
as a raccobra!
Well, almost as mean.
Okay! So, sounds like
we're making basket lists.
Good call. Here we go!
Well, I'm going to
spend my last day
doing absolutely nothing
for a change.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Or we could go flopping
with the bullruses.
One last flop? You're on.
Come on, Gran and Sandy!
It's flopping time!
No can do!
Sandy and I have some
unfinished business
with the crowverines.
Here we go!
Guess it's just you and me,
Here we go!
Right after I talk to Grug.
Here we go.
Oh, good. You're here. How many
eggs do you think you can carry?
'Cause we should put
all our eggs in one basket.
Yeah, about the cave
I know.
It's going to be amazing!
All of us in a cave
for the rest of our lives
with nowhere else to go.
What more could you ask for?
We're not doing the cave.
What do you mean?
We're getting on
Phil's invention,
we're going to the moon,
and we're going to live there.
Oh, no, we're not!
Oh, yes, we are.
Ugga, if-if the Bettermans
wanna go live on the moon,
and take Gran, oh,
a-and Guy, fine.
But we're cave people.
We live in caves.
We werecave people.
But now, we're just people.
People who will do whatever it
takes to survive, and that means
going to the moon.
So, maybe you should spend
your last day here enjoying
time with your family
instead of working on a cave.
I'm going to flop
with the bullruses.
Come with me.
I can't.
Because I'm getting
the cave ready. For our family!
I need you to get on board
with getting on board.
I'll see you at sundown.
You sure will!
If you're in the cave!
Because that's where I'll be!
In the cave!
So if you're in there,
you'll see me!
In the cave!
So, I'll see you in the cave?
This is how we're gonna spend
our last day here,
watching window.
We're not going to be
out there doingstuff.
We're going to be here,
I mean, we coulddo
whatever we want.
We could climb a mountain.
We could swim the ocean blue.
We could gather a sample
of every living thing
across this great
and vast land,
and carry it with us
to the moon,
so life can endure up there
on a whole new world.
Thanks to us,
generations from now,
the moon will become
the cradle of civilization.
The future that was meant
to rise here will rise there.
And though no one
will know our names,
our legacy will be eternal.
But we're not doing any of that.
We're just sitting here,
and I wouldn't have it
any other way.
I am completely
and totally at peace.
Wait! No, I'm not!
I'm not at peace at all!
Hoo! Now, I'm at peace.
Bug nugget?
Tell me I'm not gonna
be in a cave.
I'll be in a cave if I wanna be
in a cave. The thing about
caves, Chunky,
is no one wants to be in them
until they need to be.
And then, they love them!
Unless they hate the dark
or being damp
or not having fresh air
or fungus.
And we're here!
Mm, you smell that,
That's cave.
Mm, no smell like it
in the world!
Sweet, sweet cave.
What on flat Earth happened
here? You see, Chunky?
See, this is why kids
can't be trusted with caves.
They have no cave respect!
I guess you and I
have to clean this mess up.
Here we go!
Woo! Cleaning the cave!
This is on my basket list
because I've always wanted to
fly like an eelgle!
And feather gliding
is as close as it gets.
Yup! Hard to believe
the only thing
keeping us in the air
will be a few feathers.
A fewfeathers
Let's fly!
Yeah. Uh
Just as soon as
the wind dies down!
Wind? What wind?
Oh, y-you don't feel that? Wow!
Ah! It's like a-a typhoon!
Or a Guy-phoon.
Ladies, your wingmanis here.
Guy is ready to fly.
So am I!
That's why I'm so sad
we have to call it off.
Call it off? Why?
Because of the wind.
What wind?
The wind Dawn's feeling
that's so strong,
she doesn't feel it's safe
to do her basket list right now.
Don't you feel thatwind,
Oh Yeah, thatwind.
Totally feel it. Very gusty.
Not safe at all
for feather gliding.
I know, right? So, let's move
on to Eep's basket list.
Here we go!
Thanks, Guy-boy.
Hey, I'm your wingman.
Just making sure everyone's
last day here is their best day.
Yeah, and it's time
for my best day.
Right behind you! Just need
to take these feathers off.
Whoa! I-it is a little windy.
I'm doing it!
I'm flying!
Woo-hoo! Whoa!
Missed me!
So, is Grug coming to the moon?
He doesn't want to, but he is,
and he'll come around
eventually because he has to.
You know,
it wouldn't be allbad
if he stayed here.
Yes, it would!
Because I love him,
and I can't live without him.
Just like you can't live
without Phil.
Live without Phil
No, no! You're right.
I love Phil.
He's the best! Anyway,
we're almost there, so
here we go!
Ah! Cold, dark, empty.
Now, that'sa cave.
Are you in here?
Ah, there you are.
No need to beg, Phil.
Everyone's welcome in the cave
'cause that's how caves work.
Oh, you poor, misguided cretin.
I'm not here to beg.
I'm here to borrow
the farm's beast of burden.
No. The otherbeast of burden.
I need his utilitarian bulk
to raise the Betterman Blast-Off
into launch position.
Be my guest.
And when your dumb plan fails,
I'll be here, in the cave,
waiting to tell you
I told you so.
No, you won't
because there won't be
a here here.
Uh, I don't understand.
Of course you don't because
you're an evolutionary dead-end
whose long-overdue demise will
be sealed by your own stupidity.
You think I'm stupid?
With every fiber of my being.
I'll show you stupid!
Mission accomplished.
Our flanking maneuver worked,
They've got nowhere to go!
Where'd they go?
Clever crow.
Okay, Dawn, the trick
to lava diving
is to get as close to the lava
as you can.
At least I think
that's the trick.
I've never done this before.
That's why it's
on my basket list.
And what happens
if we touch the lava?
Uh, that.
Oh! I see.
I guess it's pretty hot
down there.
Really hot.
Makes sense.
Lava is really hot.
So hot.
And, do we really wanna
spend our last day being hot?
Not thathot.
Right. So, let's do
Guy's basket list.
Great idea!
Where is Guy?
I'm sure he's around here
Woo! That was a close one!
An eelgle almost got me and--
That was a close one, too!
Missed again!
Guess they're all
flopped out.
So am I.
Oh, that was the perfect way
to spend our last day on Earth.
Couldn't agree more.
But I feel bad about
how I left things with Grug.
He really believes in caves, and
I could have been
more understanding.
And I feel bad that
I'm out here enjoying myself
while Phil's back there
building a way out of this.
So we should go back.
Right now.
Here we go!
How much longer?
Well, if I keep
punching like this,
shouldn't be more than
a few days.
What? Grug, we have to
get out of here now!
Now? That's not gonna happen!
But where's the fire?
We're in a cave!
It's the safest place on Earth.
Grug! After sundown,
there won't bean Earth!
Don't you understand?
Not at all.
Then let me explain it in a way
even yourprimitive mind
can grasp.
Thisis Earth.
No.That's a leaf.
It's Earth.
Okay, fine.
Still looks like a leaf to me.
This is the orb.
Thatis a torch.
It's the orb!
And when the orb
lands on Earth Boom!
Ah! Earth go boom?
Earth go boom.
Why didn't you say that?
My family's out there!
We gotta get out of here
so you can take us to the moon!
Finally! You understand!
Hey, w-we'll still come back
here and visit, right?
I climbed mountains,
I swam the ocean blue,
but one place I didn't go
was here.
Nameless Chasm.
A chasm so mysterious,
it doesn't even have a name.
But, it does have a name.
No, it doesn't.
Yes, it does.
Its name is Nameless Chasm.
Boom! Mind blown!
I don't think I've ever
seen such complete and total
Yeah! You can't see a thing!
I mean, anything could be
in there.
What if it's a lost village
of legendary warriors,
and to reward us
for finding them,
they'll share their ancient
warrior secrets and make us
their rulers?!
Andthey have really
soft pillows.
Think bigger, Dawn!
Really soft, big pillows?
Let's start over.
We have games
Games? I do like games.
Come play with us
Okay You guys hear that?
Hear what?
That voice.
I didn't hear a voice.
Well, I did! It said my name.
Ah, it was probably just
an echo. Let's do this.
Big soft pillows, here we come!
Oh! I just remembered
the chasm's closed.
Yep. Closed.
So, let's move on
to the next basket list.
There isn't one.
Wait, really?
We finished all
our basket lists?
No. We haven't done
any of them.
You haven't.
But I have, and there's
a reason these things
are on our basket lists.
If they were easy,
we would have done them already.
Can't believe we spent our last
day here notdoing the things
we always wanted to do.
Can't we just do them now?
Yes, if we hurry.
So, no more stalling and no more
excuses. Let's do this!
Yeah! Let's crush this chasm!
Maybe we do the chasm last.
But we're right here.
but feels like
we should build to this.
Plus, there are games in there.
Big soft pillows andgames?
You want it?
You got it.
How do you know there
are games in the chasm?
I just know.
I don't see what
the big deal is.
This is nice!
It should be called Nice Chasm.
Wait for it.
There it is.
It's been quite a ride,
We've had more scuffles
than I can count,
but the time has come
for us to settle this
once and for all.
These games are a blast!
I don't wanna talk about it.
And these pillows are so soft!
I said, I don't wanna
talk about it.
Guy-baby, it wasn't thatbad.
We are never gonna
talk about it. Ever. Okay?
Yeah, sure. Whatever you want.
Do you want
to try my game, Guy?
Actually, yes. I-I have no idea
what to do with this hoop.
Whoa. Phil wasn't lying.
That thing got a lot bigger
anda lot brighter.
I've gotto see how this ends,
so I'm not going anywhere.
Oh! We're out of banana chips.
Be right back.
Well, this isn't good
or surprising. Grug? Honey?
Are you in there?
Hey! How's it going?
Okay. Are you,
uh, trapped in the cave?
W-what makes you say that?
Um, the rocks blocking
the entrance?
No! Those are, uh, door rocks!
It's a door, but with rocks.
Stand aside, you imbecile!
Ugga! Is that you?
It's me! Phil Betterman!
We're trapped inside this cave!
Yes, Phil. I know.
Have you seen Phil?
I just checked his lab,
but he's not there.
Of course. Phil, get out
of that cave right now!
I'd love to, dear!
But, as you can see,
we have a bit
of a rock problem!
It's not a rock problem.
It's a rock door.
No, it's not! Doors open!
Do they, Phil?
I don't care what it is.
You get out of there right now,
and get us off this world
before it's too late!
Working on it, dear!
Work on it, Grug.
They need a hand.
Of course, they do.
They're helpless without us.
Yes! I did it.
Great. Now, do it a bunch
more times and a lot faster.
Boulder tossing?
It wasn't on any of our
basket lists, but I'm in!
No. Your brilliant fathers
are stuck in this cave.
We need to get them out
before that orb arrives.
We can do that!
We don't even need a reason!
But we have a reason,
so even better!
You know,
this is just like when we were
in the chasm and--
We don't talk about the chasm!
The Betterman Blast-Off
is ready to blast off,
and the orb approaches.
There's no time to lose.
We need to board and launch now!
So, grab a seat! Wait.
Is everyone here?
Gah! Who are you?
That's Malachi. He's coming
to the moon with us.
No, he's not! There's no room!
Sorry, Malachi. Tough break.
So much for that truce.
So, who's missing?
Make sure
your seat vines are secure,
and if you didn't use
the outhouse, it's too late.
You'll just have to hold it
until we reach the moon.
Phil! We're right here!
You don't need that shell!
Don't leave, don't leave,
don't leave! Hoo! We made it.
Congratulations on doing
the bare minimum.
Now, get on board!
The moon awaits.
I call front seat.
No! That's where
Hope and I are sitting.
Ooh, that's gonna be
a deal-breaker.
If I'm not in front,
I get rocket-sick.
How would you know that?
I just invented this!
Ah! Fine.
You can have Hope's seat.
Actually, I'm gonna need
both of them.
One for me. One for
my emotional support Doug.
Fine. Hope and I
will sit in the second row.
Ooh, Dawn and I already
called second row.
Yeah. We want a good view
of the moon.
Third row it is.
Sorry, Phil.
Grug and I are sitting there.
No, we're not!
Fine! I'll sit in the back!
Honestly, I don't care
where I sit,
as long as it's in the back,
and not next to Guy or you.
No offense, Phil.
I just don't like you. Or Guy.
Ooh! What's that?
That is the Betterman
And thanks to you,
it's blasting off without us!
Take cover!
do you understand
what you've done?
Not at all.
You've stranded us all!
Or he saved us all.
For now.
But that thing's almost here!
What do we do?
It pains me to no end
to say this,
but I'm afraid Grug was right.
Yes! It's cave time, baby!
We're almost there!
We're gonna make it!
That's the thing we were
worried about?
Huh. I thought it was bigger.
Guess I forgot to carry the one.
You forgot to
carry the one, Phil?!
Whoa. What is that?
I think you mean whois that?
So when are we going
to the moon?
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