The Last Ship (2014) s04e07 Episode Script


Detail! Ten hut! Dismissed.
Never again.
You hear me, Miller? We don't let something like this happen to us again.
You okay, Master Chief? Never mind.
We've all seen better days, Doc.
No, I mean Yes, Master Chief.
Never mind.
Your hand it's shaking.
I just, um I-I was gripping the helm so tight, my hand Flight op's complete.
Helo's back in the hangar.
They didn't find anything out there.
No sign of Fletcher.
Those seeds are long gone.
We went at the refugees again, hard.
They're sticking to their story.
The so-called "Captain" boarded their trawler late, replacing the smuggler they all paid to sneak them into Europe.
Fletcher and the boat captain were seen talking in helo bay - on multiple occasions.
Oh, God.
Any thoughts where we should start looking for those seeds? Giorgio has a yacht.
Fast one.
If he was waiting for Fletcher beyond Asteris Island, they could be headed back to his place.
The house that was communicating with the lab.
Am I missing something? Just the way fate works.
When you first came aboard, you proposed using Giorgio's house to find Vellek's lab.
I thought it was a crazy plan.
And now I think it's our only hope.
Giorgio's house You know where it is? I have an idea.
CHRISTOS: Well? You see? I told you.
We did it.
Tell us, Papa.
The virus weathered two ice ages.
It didn't just jump species, it jumped kingdoms, and it unleashed the most massive twin pandemic the world has ever known.
Yet this seed, this small palm, Elaeis Virilis, survived all of it.
I'm now going to take a bit of the genius of Mother Nature, I am going to mix it with my own, and I'm going to save this planet in an act of such benevolence that people will question why they ever believed in any other God.
Buckle up, Commander.
You're about to bear witness to the recreation of the human being.
I'm here because my nation needs to eat.
And eat they will, thanks to you.
Well, I kind of helped, too.
Go have a drink, Giorgio.
Men are talking here.
You'll have to excuse my middle child, Commander.
32 Aprils ago, his mother crapped him out, and he's been fouling up things up ever since.
- Dad - But you, you did good, man.
Commander, your partner was supposed to sneak the seeds off that ship without giving away your involvement, which means Tom Chandler is on to you, and he'll be coming after us all.
I suggest we work quickly, avoid direct conflict with him.
You've seen how dangerous he can be.
Leave Chandler to me.
I have total trust in Lucia.
But right now, darling, why don't you make our Our guest comfortable? Not too comfortable, sweetheart.
Lucia's right, Dad.
We're not out of the woods yet.
Fletcher's escape wasn't exactly according to plan.
You think it was by design? I think you should keep an eye on him.
It's always good to worry, as your mother used to say.
But right now, we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work, my boy.
What do you say? Yes, Sir.
Let's do this together, son.
KARA: This is from the hard drive.
We haven't had a satellite flyover in months, so no recent images.
What I'm looking for has been around 2,000 years.
That small island near Ithaca.
That structure off Atokos, that's the watchtower I saw outside Giorgio's mansion.
Bridge, this is the Captain.
Set a course heading 0-6-5, all ahead flank.
Everyone, listen up! I want you to reach far, I want you to reach wide, and I want you to line up every fine piece of ass in the Peloponnese, 'cause today, we're gonna tear it up, boys.
Tear it up.
Don't say I didn't do my part.
I did my part.
I helped.
DANNY: Mission is a straightforward smash and grab.
Target secure map room located in the northeast wing of Giorgio's mansion, It's outside the main staircase.
Nathan James will cruise in a basket 30 miles off-shore while Vulture Team helos up the coast, fast-exits 4 klicks from Giorgio's place.
- Hostiles? - Intel from Captain Chandler suggests that we'll engage security elements.
It's nothing we haven't seen before.
Once we're inside, Vulture Team demo-breaches the map room door, which is steel-reinforced.
We'll be sure to knock.
BURK: What exactly are we looking for? Anything and everything, paper or electronic.
Bring back every last asset you can get your hands on.
If we're lucky, something inside that room will tell us where to find Vellek's lab.
Captain on deck.
Sasha - I don't need a speech.
- I'm not making one.
Look, you don't know what happened with Fletcher.
But you know who you are.
I just wanna make sure you don't doubt yourself out there.
Never do.
Only thing Fletcher taught me is that I have terrible taste in men.
Alert 60.
Get the bird on deck.
Pre-flight in 20.
WOMAN: Do we know how he intends to deliver the cure? Should our people expect treated seeds, remedied plants, or aerosol? There, I'm afraid, the Doctor's been rather vague.
We're in contact with his daughter and we'll push for answers.
When the time is right, we'll send for the cure and for you.
Fletch, we won't forget your courage.
Schoolchildren will be singing your name.
Kind of you to say, Control, but I suspect that won't be the case.
It's not that you don't deserve it.
This will be our last direct communication.
Stay safe.
Is this are we about to eat? Food borne of the seeds? I'm raid not, Demetrius.
Not yet.
I've only just begun my work.
My son and I are testing the compound now.
Your son Giorgio? Yes, Father, where is Giorgio? Giorgio? Giorgio? Hell, no, not Giorgio.
Giorgio knows as much about computational biology as a pigeon knows poker.
I refer to my younger son, Christos.
- He should be here now.
- Dad Lucia has a problem with my younger son's behavior.
No, I have a problem with your behavior when you're around him.
The compound, Dr.
- Are you sure it's going to work? - Yes, it's going to work.
Of course it's going to work, just as I promised.
We made great progress thanks to our friend Mr.
Fletcher here.
You mean thanks to me.
Is there a problem, Admiral? Your father made arrangements with the British without first consulting the Greeks, who backed him from the start.
So yes, there is a problem.
What about the product, Dr.
Vellek? How many more nations are you intending to share it with? Is Greece no longer special? Whatever your arrangement, Sir, I can assure you, Britain has no dispute with you or your people.
Our agreement is with Dr.
Vellek I am the head of the Hellenic City-State, and I didn't become this because of some apocalyptic stroke of luck.
I put men in graves.
I'm everything bad that ever happened to you, in the flesh.
And Dr.
Vellek works for me.
As long as Greece supports your research and guarantees your security, everything you do here belongs to Athens, and Athens only.
You should be happy, Demetrius.
You no longer have any rival in Europe.
- And Britain is an ally.
- I don't want allies! I want the cure! Nothing's changed.
A promise is a promise.
Yes, we've formed some new alliances, and our relationship with Greece, and with you, dear Demetrius, is our first priority.
And we still have big plans, you and I, Demetrius.
Let's not forget that.
So come on, let's celebrate.
We've cooked up your favorite Dolmathes Avgolemono.
Dolmathes Avgolemono, Demetrius.
Sit, sit.
Thank you.
Your kitchen does you proud, Dr.
It's my mother's recipe.
You might want to soak it up with some bread.
VELLEK: Eviva! Eviva.
You guys hearing that? Yeah.
Is that It's techno, Sir.
DANNY: Bikinis, booze.
Yep, it's a party.
You gotta be kidding me.
We weren't invited? Giorgio.
DANNY: Nathan James, be advised.
We have ourselves a wrinkle.
Giorgio's having a house party.
Did he just say house party? That changes things just a bit.
Yeah, well, that music alone could kill us.
We got civvies in there now.
If Giorgio's men start blasting, we're gonna have some casualties.
All right, we do this quiet.
If Giorgio's in there, he's now primary target.
The key to that room's around his neck.
Burk, Miller, Wolf, set security.
Sasha, Azima, you're with me.
Green we need to isolate Giorgio.
Ladies, thank you for coming.
He's here, all right.
He's the life of the party.
It won't be easy to get him away from the pool, Sir.
I may have a way.
Ah, well [SIGHS.]
This is not quite how I imagined this in my dreams.
I lick salt off you yet? I'm not gonna lie.
I thought I was the finest thing here.
I know.
Come on.
Let me show you my house.
I got a great house.
I've not seen such nice things since before the virus.
This is nothing compared to what I'm gonna have.
My family are visionaries, doing remarkable things.
World-changing things.
You ever do it on 2,000-count Egyptian cotton? That your best line, lover boy? [KISSING SOUND.]
This couldn't have waited till I was done? We didn't have 30 seconds.
Nathan James, this is Vulture Team.
We have Giorgio Vellek in custody.
Copy that, Vulture Team.
Can't wait to see him.
DANNY: All clear.
Honestly, fellas, the violence.
I thought I was supposed to be the bad guy.
Move it.
We're in.
Ah! Wow.
You like it rough, huh? [CHUCKLES.]
Your father where is he? And I'm just supposed to tell you? Your playboy days are over, Giorgio.
You get to decide just how uncomfortable you want it to get going forward.
I don't know what you people are looking for, - but I'd be prepared to fail.
Seems like you're always prepared to fail, Giorgio.
SASHA: I've got something.
- Wait.
You were saying? SASHA: Nathan James, prepare to receive data transfer via Link 16.
Copy, Vulture Team.
Monitoring for data.
Chief Rain, stand by to receive.
Aye, aye, Ma'am.
That's my father's work you're messing with! [BREATHES SHARPLY.]
I promise you, you will not get away with this.
Who's gonna stop me? Hmm? You gonna kill me, like you killed Moose? Like you killed Alex? Oh, right, like I'm the barbarian.
Did you tell your friends how you nearly beat a man to death with your bare hands, like an animal? [SCOFFS.]
That's right.
The poor guy was down, beaten, and your hero here showed him no mercy.
He didn't tell you? Ohh.
Got demons much? I wonder what else lurks in that black heart.
" Sending.
AZIMA: Captain.
You were using us, the fighters.
Why? What were you after? Science.
What, you didn't think I pulled you off that pathetic little island just so we could become friends, did you? You were a guinea pig, a nobody.
And now my father is gonna tear you limb from limb for what you did to me and what you did to my sister.
Captain, we've got a problem.
Oh, shit.
That's Omar.
He's alive.
How the hell is he alive? Just isn't your day, is it, Giorgio? [CLAMORING, GUNFIRE.]
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Nathan James, this is Vulture Team.
Target is burned.
Omar and his men have breached the premises.
CHANDLER: Bogies don't know we're in the house.
Won't be long till they find out.
Requesting immediate hot extract at primary LZ, over.
Roger, Vulture Team.
OMAR: What kind of party is this with no host? I know you can hear me, Giorgio! And I know you can see.
So I'm going to show your friends what kind of coward you are, how you are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect your own, because you are the sort of man who will shoot an ally in the back and leave him to die.
Show yourself! Just as I thought.
If the rest of you want to live, you will point to where Giorgio is [SHOUTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE.]
Omar's men are coming.
We need to hurry with that upload.
- Hurrying as fast as I can.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Green, how long can you hold off Omar's men? Four, maybe five mikes.
He's making his way in here, and then he's gonna cut off all of our heads! You should have paid Omar the $20 mil while you had the chance, Giorgio.
- SLATTERY: Mean anything to you? - Ciphertext, Sir.
Assuming we get the full upload, asymmetric encryption like this could take days to decipher.
Sir, I need as many LAN and ADP support PCs in Comms as possible.
Anything not tied to ship integrity.
Get her done.
Yes, Sir.
- Upload? - 70%.
Engage at the door.
Send it.
You're right, Giorgio.
You could have killed me.
But now I'm your only hope.
Give us the location of your father's lab.
Don't, and I'll feed you to Omar.
Just FYI, Omar will skin you alive.
I've seen him do it.
Hey! I am an asset.
You have to protect me.
And by law, you can't barter with a terrorist.
So ha! Hoist on your own petard.
You think I'm an idiot? You trying to play me like you played my sister? Well, guess what? You got played.
She never even liked you.
And your boy Fletcher? He was happy to bring me those seeds.
There's nothing you can do Uhh! Say his name again.
Say his name again.
You gonna let her kill me, Cappy? You need me to bust this whole thing wide open.
Sasha, we need him alive.
For now.
Yeah, Sasha.
DANNY: Vulture Team, we're pinned down, Captain! We're gonna need all the help that we can get! Don't you move.
It's not for me.
Huh? It's for you to use against Omar.
- Stay put.
Americans! I only want Giorgio and what is owed to me! I have no quarrel with you! Oh, we got quarrel with you! We got mad quarrel with you, you son [GUNFIRE RESUMES.]
Time to move.
Cobra Team, on me.
I got a surprise for Omar.
Vulture Team, there's too many of 'em.
- We're gonna need to turn and burn.
- Covering Burk and Green.
We cannot take primary to your location.
- Using alternate route.
Let's go, go! We got coverage inside! [GUNFIRE.]
Clear! Fall back! - Arm it.
- Got it.
How the hell are we getting out of here? Is that Caligula? It was a gift.
Come and get it, Omar! This here's a gift from the Burk Brothers! [PIN CLINKS.]
- Aah! Uhh! Giorgio, no! [MAN SHOUTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE.]
- Hey.
- Hey.
This the data from the house? Yeah.
I've got 15 servers burning through a million alphanumeric combinations per second, looking for a key.
Sounds nerdy.
It's not fast enough.
Mission went great, by the way.
Not a hitch.
Thanks for asking.
Shoulder's great, by the way.
- Thanks for asking.
Recce team's combed half the island looking for Giorgio.
Probably died in the blast.
Sir, ledgers you saw in the mansion, they're medical charts, basically.
A complete record of the fighters' clinical data.
Diagnostics, progress notes, problems, test results.
Vellek wasn't just recording their vitals.
He was also keeping tabs on his own metrics.
Aggression levels.
The fights weren't just about entertainment.
Vellek was using them to find the most aggressive men he could get his hands on.
There you are.
Aggression level nine.
I thought you got off the ship to relax.
That is me relaxed.
- Why's Vellek so interested in aggression? Here.
- I've got something.
65 the Roman philosopher Seneca, a stoic, wrote a letter to Luciluis regarding, no doubt, the notorious emperor Nero around the time that guy went nuts.
In this letter, Seneca called anger a short madness, much like "a falling rock that breaks itself to pieces upon the very thing it crushes.
" I disagree.
It is not a short madness.
Aggression cannot be conquered.
Aggression cannot be beaten neither by compassion, reason, or love.
Nero did not get better.
He did not get nice.
In fact, in his fury, he ordered Seneca to kill himself.
Once you go over the cliff, man, it is a straight shot down.
The rock of anger only breaks once it breaks you.
This is Ares, God of War.
Aggression levels off the charts, man, as you can see.
And here is Ares today.
On your feet, fighter man.
Look at Ares now.
The picture of perfect inner peace.
Propensity of violence [SNAPS FINGERS.]
snuffed out of him, you might say.
Okay, boys, come on in.
You see, I've injected Ares and his palooka pals with a concentrate of an ingredient from Dinostos Phosphate.
In its purified form, this chemical short-circuits the stress/aggression positive feedback loop, thus cutting off the hypothalamic attack response.
Even the most pissed-off individual is left with a sort of pleasant pacifism.
I remember that pleasant pacifism.
It was awful.
Sir, what you drank was diluted Nostos.
It's why you were able to recover.
In all other areas, these fighters are functioning men, but their will to fight, their need to fight, their compulsion to fight has been overridden by a kind of docility the world could use more of right now.
Since Homo Sapien walked out of a cave, the only reason for man's existence is to perceive a suffering world onive a goodness the only reason that will mend it.
This goddamn hippie.
"The kind of docility the world can use more of right now"? I mean, It's like Vellek wants to turn people into livestock.
That's the word he used.
He's gonna be the shepherd.
What's all this gotta do with the seeds? Control.
The seeds give Vellek control over the world's food supply.
The drug is the weapon he'll use to protect himself against any adversary who tries to take him on man.
They'll give up without a fight, do whatever he says in order to get fed.
"Hence we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks.
" That was Winston Churchill, man.
I wonder what that old bulldog would think of you right now, Demetrius, You see, Churchill hated war.
I think he'd be proud to see the fight in you retreating.
Something's wrong with me.
I can feel it.
Can you now? Well, I've switched off a single primal compulsion in you, Demetrius.
An ugly one.
I've freed you, man.
I must go home to my people, Doctor.
They need me.
No, no, no, no, no, no, Admiral.
You're staying with me now.
You, Sir, are proof of concept.
The inaugural man Homo Pacificus.
And judging by the result, I'd say we're onto something.
Stand up.
Stand up.
Take off your medals.
You're no longer in charge.
Take 'em off.
Take 'em off.
Stavros will be taking your rank, your title, and your nation.
It all belongs to him now and to me.
As Dante, an Italian, said about Aristotle, a Greek, I am "Il maestro dicolor che sanno.
" "The master of all who know.
" What do you think about that, Demetrius? I I Down, Demetrius.
Sit down.
Finish your food.
You've been at this for hours.
You should eat while there's still food to eat.
You can give my portion away.
There's no way Fletcher knew what Vellek was up to, or he wouldn't have done what he did.
What difference does it make? He betrayed all of us.
We all trusted him.
He betrayed me.
And then I lost control and nearly blew Giorgio's head off.
- But you didn't.
- Yeah, and what if I had? What if I had killed him? Then what? Should I walk off the ship like you did? Until some other shitty thing happens that drags me back? Please, share some of your hard-won wisdom.
I deserved that.
You didn't.
I just I don't know what to believe in anymore.
This? This is all that I have to hang on to.
But if we can find Vellek's lab, we can get the rest of his research, and I and I'm sure of it we can still make the crops we need before Before I left, you told me whatever's broken, we can fix it.
And you were right.
You were right then, and you're right now.
Ma'am? We got a key.
This is Vellek's entire operation.
Click on "Lab.
Open most recent.
- Oh, my God.
- Save that.
You let Tom Chandler get his hands on information that would lead him directly to me! - To me! - Dad, please - Shut up! - I almost died.
Here I am, in the midst of testing and perfecting the perfect recipe of recipes, the cure of cures, only to be brought once again to a screeching halt by Giorgio Vellek, the single problem that with all the gifts endowed me I cannot seem to solve.
What am I to do? [SYRINGE SLAMS.]
What am I to do? Dad, just leave him alone.
- [SIGHS.]
- We need to focus.
The Americans are on their way here right now.
All the data they stole is encrypted.
Chandler will break the code.
I need Christos.
- Dad - I want my boy! Where is my son?! I'll go get him Dad.
I need some air.
We were able to decrypt the data from Giorgio's house.
The numbers from the mansion, they show the location of the lab.
They're lat and longs, Sirs.
But there's something else.
The numbers, they're all different, so we assumed Vellek's people changed the code each time.
But it wasn't the code that changed.
SLATTERY: If the code didn't change, that means the location of the lab did.
Coordinates aren't on land.
Vellek's lab it's a ship.

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